jabm tmm ssssnia 16wyy j e ntop fin ite 3 ife- z mitmr fisifc l pit x if- ami how imr w to where t lewd alosr without relet aad raaael a raetaem when lie beard that mesa then raised bar cletar eyes and met em own 4 sever a weed ebc add telltuhstdalidtuuwticoaiorlel i j- tt bedlifiawjuiroarmat a she wfiiheadewe tt mv r bet cool mitt m i tejwuix tecs and aisremrlivitont rt rrh took uditmat tod qqloua4 iuct takfumtuoc flu 1 hie ml ami hit tw d- ir savewi v pm tear untwmit taenury tw soar of aedleet victory v and talon late t aaduulataoedtolbsvotclhdte imuomnuikittklbai4 swtr t rose end r 1sf5jf tfv la ir in i hobhltw rmi irnoo qnas j fiotlheucqfebt 10 io x all tke virioca hobbios inwkloh men of markev jftfjottel trwaselrtep uo oorw joommonta grtiefti ikrtajusftlrwn pfpotetiaajo theipre aehtsultan of turkey or tke kia of bava ria teem to kive found greater pleasure is cdlivetiag fruits ind flows than in the cx otajifciilii1r bvtrf iohoolboy hkit heexd ofbxmtaaiiit eefefaigta the light of which dioelctiw firmly believed would rkoaotle lit old ooheegurt u klilosj of empire ud mace reideri ot european hitter will rmbetfy be daly fnirraieed with the tact thit while the itaisianc wtr thundering alracet it the rrf gitot of om- uctioopk tie fitiwcc lt fiithful nt jsiga k tmum6j is otmgftr ippe atd to it j ko li pcoassr of aa rtr- dttt tkia of kit poemluii a ttsulir priiie ix uidto poussi ttsmoitpopuurof tjina liotio pratekon tsd liktarort thp ipptr- tiy-pow- tniidu portioo of the iaoome dmrtdifom ki ontoncil tx frti in mitfag good tk once entailed bj- r fciimiiorriauigoicutaing if mjjmsm scotckdnk tyukirijft thit o osre tis noklun of oolocrai o p- uiir to oar odmn udiei is utmes ic kiria utc macktie am iatorcst in tie iitrodiotioa ud uctuiutiatioa of or- sa toe mdtluubt thit dr commjoi ftjttjt biiiop of lodooffiipiijticjb rmpochkoaoctiocfciocttcioaepiiittiad fcwt tlefitkerof erotio wuitiag ia eauod to the title whai lis aiiopv kcib ns fjia duqi of oooiemn eti cad tie vut collections itcar xiittke lesdid ikors of tie eorticultiirti octet- mij- be nsjixded m tic wat tmolt lof tin vtodtible ciireknmt ftide tjhca nioih5ii ucbetefkrdesialk in omttimm beta cutied oa ui i tmlj- regil fukioa gjtui it tii toimj pkated tu jlut liinor tad be ktd t pendid eitate more ptxticnlirijondarhilontnipctitioo kewr vken mjr ketltk pemitii tote tie prioor da t din ntfltkto itbeartd tro ootirt in my gihch itot fer men t1 tin iired a xiiu tor gtrdtmng ktra k9bom to entmound of cketr kobby tilt they euasd tkeoteltet t be boned it i tie ipotavhera tiey ipeat o niflj- plea- tuttnotirt1 sir wniiini temple tkoogk ijtfdpitinttiithilbo4jrnuld6aajlkt- iagplioe fat tfeshaimter abbey orfetei kit keut to be eniotedr is t 3rer cisirt isd baxied ia kit gizdes ff mr fi kr miyminlmj irhyyit saip samttc tt mainjase to s world hite ccluvxted soma loraf re- emttrre utte kiitoa tad litker pnetittd luetic in ike mferviilt of tkeir tarboleat pebtic irret cktclet y in hit miccoc tt vcrtiored notkug better tkxatopead ta tftecsooa titkrtka meebtdicxl iareotiaas airorriiii of gattttuvtat it moid titt t better ubotmr setes etrcekjiteel tad uoktmned ntker prided kimteu on kit dexterity ia mendiaf kutmihoet tad kit own jaabdooaj chtriet ix gwlintliiirttfiiny food-o- utectstitba occapttioa tad wtt tometkia of poet too- dooutitatte tpedtl ttttetum to th mtt- tert perftfcinj tafie ta opon rtiatjie eltoatteljr tto s tolnme codiliaiiaev ykote tntin fnacfinn ffflifffngr be tappomd bobbiet to rfmiririhle indeed tilt it mif be doabtf al tketker ia t nieicer mia iix ramtilitj- roald not ktve been eanitdereil tttttdfaxooauiatkiasseceu lm iky is of hlc sanj- lines besides bemg in tntjior be an t ptiaier of-rerj- rtpectsbfe abiirtj rst lent tktgktt mtn t critics tffittn- cd a exceutat vrhiurt t perforar tod eempoeierof stored ataiev tad bestdos m1 tkit trit tlijitulmettnariirttad fintrtte liiptoidtr loiisxiu tts taotker tgrelirfjer of iojbbiesjtkoajsi kiivkobbie eoald kirdlfbe nidtto bsr oa tieat the ttsarp of royilty iadeed ku eptttak itself decitns uut ileatottnidenje elljssnaedekiicn it is trde tktt be ptisted a clttej sad wis stid to be ao iadioerent cotspotarvbai then he fonipecoliirrritifictfac3nmeinuliuoj hi ova epoki iod iirfeaert be coild fotoemeapetstad itrlaintf of metitltk snjof them tod no donk ids krarfaci took etn to bortow tie proper ipplue oaenck glotivai tciictements suatsltted tp sttq farther eaferprue loail next turned kit it- tentioa to tie btrberstcrrr sad oeie dtjr took it into hit heed id shce ill the officers tiost hini tblt w dtl lesriiig only i taitflait of hsiroaetek nuns dun whether the catkiimnlui tttk ispbrltti corn titer t tax good tain tadiflcnat to t aeodi ohtw it fl5tjjita rno inotcrfcarf to latilt brf wjditiiiit thtjr lsjt it his bsodsit for s25i- voc lk i dont mind jit yaangtn but i iters vroat mind frvvbexosoct deluded is to the tients iik t by io 1 oonr k ta i etr redi the only one who a be nder i thi bid mtn mtiit try to kud it oft rejhioot mita who irould saldol ttkci k pecttlisx doligkt ia ln lonhlprei usa idol hlat- self ir is t roir of doptr hcskt lint gts iti tdndairs trokta sad np heiir tmpt butts tnd unpt kiadi ire in to ctie to grief its only t ring bpecin mij ulslmed uutn ut boy tt he cjthvbtted kit torn twacrt iter t ltp ovtr t biokot u f i ifirjutd pspeu report list leo xiii a duoed don csrf during hit lste risit to tie yttista tarcoot tkeiupiiin to tfci ciovn rfspia i- slratxatr u ii to ba tie aiiitiag pne ol shtkspette m a dicootcrcd tt mjdney id to ftuiiad iiiiared f f trhaisekni hnibsnd yin tt horns to mild tin to iniad wkea the ybuagv i ptodijwlejorl koar in prictiiig bat if oortct snl ptiiertbf tiioianc srapuut ce u going oa inside ire laibor of tke rasas ps- pgtspk eicoutil y mid i ifluibind well raj- li 1 i theres t littte too aiaoa rcpoiflsbou j this oifutli fcr it to be citnrild -i- ilskv heopls c a usit of being pltia lit hunt in r retsiiirr r r r recorded so ftrtswe kaor of terlsaje fore yoa oke np moatrcki perhsryirimlisjiirsshe tarifetiodtit c ir banf jot risinppor lotiorbbttionerr bandtjsoval gstioa of 2sj sad s soothejotil sw fng7s a tomo gail s most reaiirtsie ipecirncf rhevss io raeredsiwerinintisnbieotbat liilble vriter oa milittit hertldrr -o- horticaltnre ootnores iag mortis fldootrrjisidfiskkg puking hss been the hobby of miaj- s hotsbhrmin filey naakt enthnstssticilry fond of tin psibme that be fefisedttrhttenii poxiait psiated n say chirsotbot tkst cf tks ushemua the gentle george herbertmii taotker eager fiihermm sod so wen wot- urasnddiyaea ltrjhnbrighti puet- tcritl tchjotemcufe hste become si fsmiliar to the pablic sijmr gladstones treefalling hobby or ilr lowes bieyolerifag ipki noose ofldvttaiafaby the orjnckyfbv- jecforsod bailder of the eidyrfoneligktr basse j thlskooiej mirt xxt bn i cksnning plsee for a nertona- tadtta- initistrfgnswrtoitsy infirf inight toa prseeiyenrfoot k a slipperiayotrr bedreom sad a ghost started op apoa ike ketrtknig yo ait dorrit ia tit easy ctairaapt wtrmide prisoner in its arms you soogkt tki tklde of in arbour tad were set afloat oa a csntl haay iagenioas lndm3aals hiy ladalrdji tagsriesoffkirtort t6eitfaerof tkete- rnomifiqdgeirorti was one- of tkwi taoagnmost of it mechsaicsjcpatrirsapes seem to navo hid r more semsiblrpcrrpoee thaa wiastsaleys they were plsaascl mtnly for the porpoie of making the or dinary acts nf hi t enbeerre other and on meaopenimaafi for rnbtanoe r rnhtioamacnlneiy tor viadia np clocks or raising weights ia dif ferent psru of the hoasa ifsny men been pronder of their hobbies taaa cf taeir realararoeatioaiia life is we hire seen that pope wtt jttrasse aadonbfc witk thecaseof wtnstiweywhowsasilkbiet ohsnt bnindsria fciffr wkat sortofia i tnsinetiuanciiderecvknuelf wedir notknow bat list he had tbnadsat fsitk in bis mechanical gemas the ttoryof kit dgktkoaifi abaa4iniyfprbret wkiiatt i ras oertamlt a barrellonsdispky cf lags intiw ouaok55 ametcontkrinpei i jbroolbgtniagilsfoorimportiacetfwm t fnfrrnafrfemrriwslul alllkit a iigktkoase ihonld not be presenting inaam- sawfcbaagleasffldjrreetfamf that might i kave been designe for ostchiag tkefall i kweab5 sari brttttmgthe natokemitttottkej biflowf vt 1u anaitect baa rmtonnded oapfidenee in its stability and hoped that he raiglt be ia it when tie -fiercest- of storms beat aboat it oatiaaikobby cost him ill lift 4w4oatflirot tbe district in ohlnat dlteaa tun it su hirst to tllo ifhojd aid want lie icroly cosne tnd boorish seek petioat o coaitnuy inilicling wooads wsioh tijhloienortntdidne csa vrerkesl j tffrjj s two jjusrs sf men imoajf oar soqexiatafibos wh n e nerer mat tin tint eooaisu of tit m wbow mt 4 c know eaoagk tboat ud the teial of those wkoat wvtaaw too aid aboat ax old vermin ir offered a widor to marry kirn and it loceptodjparaaoe ingkcr daagkter sa recanted tod offered kiqoo for toe yon ljw womio promise suit is thi rwnlt f stocc than 43 kud jenstk of ekff at oaarille our hi tc fell into tie ics witk three reports like tinnderclicc tki tide ism st tte tinii sad the nutcrisi wit carried twiy by it srhca it retired a lovr retained las test oa the btok of a kkiiaghorviitt nicnriker a apite of all cdorts to tk 1st him bat tell as dead afterthe wait hi become oniet the ex- ciferaent kid broo it oa heart direuc join ifotsr i priioasr in a dearer ciol mioried w is tie aemlcrt of the vaong uest cc istisa asiocisooa whea ther heldterrieei ia tho pritoo nag as ool s use teij6i sad irajked odrtitk tho tj j j -t- eoeeet ecu elujcl iriti a dearer widow sal his ira wife sided kirn in tho explsit- th object of tte ffelds wis toetthwidofltl000 ud liter doinr tkatheld dcferta i the widow sad retained home i dtttkansim jpitraa of t kew tbrfc reettttrxat rt leae ssttssgei sr hardjy ttfttb thiinsrfcj waftart sat snr- prieed at that rir we kare hst nor liiag bat rateja scotk terriers raideop of late j motffcrrtuw holding tho screamtag baby dear ifrtl i dtriirt how it looks lie its pspa nair ipt wonders why it is that hie wifes nto er slrsye compsxei the baby tohimwkeo t is cryiaf snd not st otkertirces a lotrcar bit en aatiorirel by the french jniisterioi ie pbee of rsistaj ares kandred tkonstad rtact wkereiitk to complete tfce big itatae of f liberty whiik- it ta be presented to iheunft15istj a urrrjr giri w c punished by her mo ihr for lomit tniu ijrwanflcr wlrt tii ir- ractioa hid been finished she looked op pietdicgiy tnd ui shlg lo me mamms whitsisu i ijng hiag there is rprtfor the weiry tax sight of i yocag man with agaa tows his ihooldei joompetiiogf weukaown phrroiati to marcl before kim drew t crowd inxew aihsay nd the phylidsa hid insnl s yxug romaa im war oa his wiy under campa i iod to spoloire abrosljcifsj ylf attacked tpedomcter ioitc bukard trkexv aoir tapper ke itsrted to go c ira to the office and balance the books j on kis return fifteen miles of walking rat reiorded he- ksd ocerrsteppfagroaa 1 a billiard tthle ttt the ereaihg antclist londoa board- tlo to lima week jrigber eiasr ire rery i these estabbshraaii onid be driven to fhenr agt aad take their ittiarrooin the brctkfistuble kit id t mart kid shot hsr rwa tusiw tori lonj i a oais of irproskii walfpreitotad it- nlf la one of our wpltalyaad ku ittbot td conildertbla ittswiilrom tk aedlmtl proisatlon on toooatl a ikihtjt of t dlatah l till pottioa o tks urorlil iks gaeitica ol lit cosltlglolutioii tad thi ooi- tequentlisbllitjto spratdamoog ourpooplf tttamea tkrefort a mrtaln toportaaoe it i it hire a oowugloui anaxwotar ckinam iramijiatioa touia united statei might be ittendtd filk t phjiioal diager ora more gran tkta ila alfeged raoril or politiosj itus j i china may justly o piioritj intliii ri- markabti diaeaia it wai kaowa acdds- crtbod by her bhyilount locg prerlmii to its mention in tki hebrew sacred writing or ia greek medical i ttntnre jt l trj- domic lu soutjitrn chirti whence corns mou o our monojiin poiiitjoo it ii an iffoctton however sot entirely conflned to warm latitidea u bai pipyailod froth tine fmmimorialta soahdlnivia ancj ha tkecas boea traasportod to tke somewhat timilsr region of oanadaiby korwegitn tettleri aad rcjnainj tmtmf- em gradually fiillag rtmindoeoce- of their therlind titijl if mtj be regarded u re illy oocxiitsot witk the hteua ml- uraiuc innsrncm wklok lafiit loot looall- tie i jt ifeaia to ia h that ague chjaae at laaat it la naoofi- ugiout or ialeotioai dnesaf lot a poreqr ponoaal cioaic drsordtr jiflirctir bom ptrliculitlyuie bcrroui lyaiemaad ootini- oui catorjillaiobii a iiatnnmbae of oatet iareitigitort and reported during tie patt tea years by ike rcodical gentleiaea tt- uokodto jerlgurk oojtoroi tlluc treaty porit a cuiaa nooo appear to hive pre- teeiedaay atideace at the transmiiiibillfy of irprosy by contagion from parson u pe kj tksweuatbms ifaijaof exasd afanf thoossads of miier of the- chinese coast they are ihiioled at crkin nidoknaat ti- eauinchaftwjffaakow kiakisng cqnki ing skiamai maspo foochow amoy tamaiy takow swatowj oaala i snd vvtampoa sorae twenty cirofttlly selected wrgeoat hafe oiargoot tkom and ikei alreachof pnart kre oet wojnld to th eoiikirtsiienl ut are tirgely e ufidri tairaii thirattiejtpuiliav the resoltt of thttroerrstioox are embodied lit very interesting aesiaanual reports to tki inipcctorgeneral of oattoms which ka been of a tpeoisl value ia aaotdiag tolaatiap nformitioa nlafirt to tke diseases prerfc lent in chics aiaong which bpresr matt pcrksps be assigned tke most impottiat raakr tai ckargct ia ing house are frat bngbak people of jirely to bfoad siaglwlsduw wlia here lire then in raeilt la their own attwdaytsgo xsottex aiid lie dr in tie arm and ox k she woke up ifistei tfitmearlliiiton a wftibotmjiggrarity unfiltieitory wiajdoae and then he aiid iniswpkjteottkarojil th aia4 av foq dflat keeptw ttanateiyr fcfcry kartot weepmg tondhiirenang that rota be- larch has a mfssiott ia americs which is ia it ias5tibrnbert 320 cuiidreaut tke ere ix ia eaglisvceogrt ipiaitk congregation of taandsy sttedaanoe be- being preneiil rery ham in oonipaay jtc king erea sfttr to hid aolemnly inured tl m that ke could not rieemd testily- tki t they were wanting to makeabnttof kfas aj ke my hear or tie yoaager who w ut to et a suts out aaid george present we only of yon j rorfced in the otkef evening fri isdwhiee wif was away pfo longed vltifc bi found kmx f moadbg ileepe lateiy at a cigar near a foot long vkrltgaskeitkk- iy where en ea tk did yoa get rock a prepoeteroos cigar j is that ckirleyl wsiitho re tpoare x6i eu continued the smoker exfclinstorily i bromired ray trtfe before skewenttwtyles i wouldnt smoke moe thsn rir cigars a day pramiseatira wifiare acred you know tnd i mean to keep mine if i kave tdget ci- jgsrt as iong laof ppst whcrnipoieoii iit kepteonrt at tki iweries paris haol foor lyne theatres in theleae- ie jelletii r dwelt the aoidemie imperiare de itneii ae until the baildraf icoredbytkebofflbioforsial jveattkeway foreasisetwayraslfeihosmaffl c lpfii fa fiimet ffilvtsrer floarianed tie ifahi nu caased by the act 5 which davolope tke crack g of silk is owing to t inability fa carry u u i asediadyin in i m lmibne floariaaed tie itali aoperilid gaiaeda firm footiag ia the haatre to which it gave its name wnila fhs lyriqae floariihed and gave promise of pet nsneace lt season tke grand opera was at sixes sad sevens the ita crura ha l ao longer a house sad taeoeertoamique if all four alone was un- tsected by cjiiagoi u t aeksft exaaneitioa of freack black silks in sew york showed that fkey were heavily adnltersfell the jpeigtofdye jb amencao silks iaah iatsereateeaper eenfr bat tke french silk towed a wtightof front thirtythree to fifty lerceatv toe principal article used la weig iting is irbi itfken recarea a mae tial urora prutsitte of pot ash followed by mv inl bsiks ia gsmbfer aodatreatmentwiliaoetateoffron it i tken mads brigkt hjjlogwoed aad leap to maketke nlksofes little otliadaoda an added while to rat u it stiff tad rustling anaeidis osed kywearmgikay of the soap and alkali t der fiictibn a sort of gnat load of material ys oamondamiktitoond jjurnal oi th ah mkoldtn a thll ooibmnj wa gu at thit mnnaiiri offloaj j foatawaia alrathodasm of bonutat- iiptntloni dtiria tki preild it v b cktikolm eiq wko poonpled thi onair called apoa tke tiara tarr uri h theo ortuford to read th anaaal ripor i wklok wai ai followi stand amk i rtfttttf lu biitiarifihl ciowm gtptat yoni dtraaterl bare dleiuxi ia lubmlt- log for yat approval the annexed tta- maot o tke pompeny i butlosu for the jrsar which ended pa the at ultimo acoompaoitd by a luumeitoi iu asiitiaadutbilltlt on tke tatoa ott i irnrng thi year 2tw polioei wera is- lucd iniuripg property to the imooit of x61jwi irom wklo the ojoipaoy d rived a reran u of wtml in increase of 805 volioici aad of 957il3 premmo in come over tt previous year whlck ritk 811783 r lvd foe inttreat oaiareat- month 3m reoeived for lotiei riln nred in otler oompaaies andllmm on capital aocoa it make i tie total ncoajo of tki oompanr or he sear from all aooroet fcli57ji at the cleat ouh year we kadi 1933 policies in force oot eringiaiataiiea to the ameant offttw- 4715s i- 03 rwemi inincotn would hart been muck larger kid we tocepted all th buaineai bred it ai deemed tdviuble kowifer in the beat loiereat of tbe company to da- elite tppuoat ooj or iuarance amounting to ii ww0 33 and npoo which tke premlaoi would hive reached 4h830 we bare ii joe bean adhtoavof toteei w other oompa- altt on mtny of tietf vary properties amounting to more than tie premiums ws would hare rteiited had we accepted them willi aaaay if these sppueetlocs wera- d- oliaed oa aocpont of thi oadstirability of tke nikilnemtelvea tke larger portion wtrw nftael beoi tie of ta ntaiqd taer of tbt rit4rf i j v yoar direitort ktve expertanoed gnat dimmlty in jraaiatafniag equitable ives nwlal to the rtokless competition of other 6oawttfrbcitliy blslvxatioes bat fefi wtinllpolwy ooonniatmiiinai beatrolaai it lilttwll itii accepting irom f ia at exhi- fbrtkepaat r n wtatttiiccid anauafjipartwaisvaiiai m juip0tta had beisn more thin ally xaalaoi tilt after paying thaloalsi by art during tke yiu they bid left over 140000 tor axptfliia reaarro or radusurance roadand protltlwat a oanse for congratola- iionvi li true that thoexpemei were large bat tilt ii expeoted in ill icw rri- iterant anotbtt aaih jvu is tbe past bu enable tka pomsam to nuterlally n- dace kt fxpsnisa and at the iame time peroeptiblylnoreiielfi bhaiaas ai a can- tdian hi would like to aaiist in deraoo- iwhingtnat hortemttpkuae ban not oaly kou their own tut imbf r dead tj itojkkoldatl itdi no easy task to be ablito compete witk thi foreigo wealiy companies doing baslneti in thkt provjaoe tnd it om only beionoiy the itioteit boo- iwmy and a figllaat tact prtaentorer tight policy of pro p trmtrnoine b of avery dermrtdmbt i it ihoald lie ike policy of oinidiini to support and build up tbetr home bompaniea a vot atooant w money is token oat of thii oouatry tothklstiia foreign laiuraace oia- paniei that ought to b left here to derelope the reacoroei oijear owi country ia no bnaob ofibuiieeat oaa a eaiianal piby ue men luceeulully deroonatraled than in the ianport of komt oompinles itftke futon m in the put be trotted tiat it would bethi pjjey of tkelitaadard le pay all et loaaee equitably and toreaist tu iriadaleevt oaae when thrre nit hope of doing so aorxamafnlly i only by till tttethod can t stop be put to tke many fraudulent olalaii that too fre quently arise in oor day he wu glad that witk tke dawn of retarolag prosgerity then wai a deereaae in the namber of flrea while tbe report embraced a period up to the first at apiu last it gave him plenare to be able to ittte u a matter of fact that wkile tke baaiaesa of the oompiay wai indian trvpprsaclson bay aboituie flrtt of kotoiba- whea tki animals hive fattkeir winter coats and fur is iateator tie indian trtporr taya cut his ripping wslk tori the inter sloog which ke places a line of traps from tea ttt itoa nulcs in length dace or twice it week he nukes tie round of this walk snet ptiert tuck furs tt mty be ctagh t ueit of tho finer fun art taken by meant of lit woodeet deadcall tod tfeet traps of vxriooi sixct the larger torbearing animals being ertkerakot eaaghtiaaosret or killed witk the poieoded but towards tie latter end cf hatch the in- diin trappers leave their buutraz grounds aid mike a journey to tie forts with he produce cf their wtntec t toil hero tkei uraevruriag tare oxk tke breat itnotlej- throc the braves march id froot too proud aad uxy to carry earthing bat tkeif goal tad hot elwsyj doing even tist after hem come tketqaswsv bending under iosdsj driving dogs or kealinst kaadeledi ltden with cneat fart fanned deerikinr snd itt- fsnt the puppy dog sad tnevitxbls baby neter- fait in indian lodnor prooesiieci the cheerful spectacle of tie two picked to gether apoa tke back cf a worn in is not ol intqaeat occurreoas day after day the mongrel party joaraeys oa until tie fort it resked then comes tke trade the tra der sepsrahm tke furs iato lots placing tke itxadard vilutioa apoa each than hi adds tke amounts togetker aid tafcrrat tbt trspper thit he hsi sixty or sivoaty skios1 at tie same time he haads kit custoreer lixty or sevutylittli bits oc wool ia that th utter may knew ly returning these ia paymeat for the goodt for whick he really tiirtershis furs jott how fut hit funds de- crease the- firtc act of the indian it td caucel is debt contracted for advance at the beginning of the season then he looks- round upon the bales of cloth blanketa etc and after a ioog while ccncltdei to have a imsll white capote oriii toljlinf boy the price is told kiray snd ka haads back- ten of bis little pieoea of wood tken looks about hint for aoumtking else everything ia caret ully exanuned aad with each par- chase there ir a coolest over the apparent rnetjuality between tke aroooxt received aad thatiies- la tke indians option one kin liould psy for one article of mfrchan- dke no matter whit the value of tke latter may be and hs insists too upon stlect- ingtheekid the etetlf ard and weighing balances are- hit special object of dialike eds does not know what that medietas is tkat kis tea aad tagar akoatd be hiltnred agsiust a bit of iron omveyt ho idea of tke relative value ci peltries ui mercisndiie to llm ee iniisu apoa rhakdagthe bil- anee tjriag err bet ween the traders gooda aid hlrown tars irrtrlii new kgkt is thrown upon tkequestioa of steelyardi and caiei by tke acceptiace of kis proporitioa then when he ends hit fine furtbilanced sgainttheevy blankets bfi conclades to iude by thetju awtkejd of letting the white trader decide the weight in tit own way for it is clear that the ateelyard ii avery great mediain wbich no brave eaa uader- ataad j i i whea the trapper has tput all kis little pfeeevkifvood and askltor farther ad- viflcct ke it allowed to draw any reasona ble smoant t for oaalriry to the rale ii civ- iliied life a debt li seldom lost ssve by the death of the indian eerrolyckaage kit place of ibodf huhdreds of hiilee but be it ukiapaly a companys post st which to trtda xbe cojnptay hit slwtya been a grqd friend td him and hitlfld he ipays whsahe can tie kaowa thtt when ke usuf- datee kis old debt hi- can mtrsot a new oneiuttasbig sin attempt wu ever mide to cheat him and there never will be when he is ill he goes tn the nearest fort sad is bared for and attended until he re covers when ke iloerhf idaty well he gets anraent iedcvarporfanns toy labour without reeeivhig lair oompehsition sach hnmaae frettoieat ttreagly biads the indian tad halfbreed to the company et it eoiissojc ia ftarpert utraiwfor june v i m wi u biytawmexit after mcaxta death haydn wis asked by broderipi in kiimaiie akop whether be had left any mp cwponlions- hehind kmt thatr wirer worth archainfgiiis kit widow bs4 offered kit nnedifed papert it iktgk prjeetfletrriflcinal pablishera of maale throughout europe haydn eagerir iaid- potrtajetqere fay at means he wis truly t great mueictia rhtve been bftea flattered byrny ftiendt wrthharing bcme fmratvbut mheh reperior houghtiiirle4intior hit men modesty than troth ritryetifthe genial eflifo- art wkg died artke early age bf thirtyar tad been granted ai rniiy rears id expand m thit pfhaydn ike istertldn might pt- hapaihiiverwaied- toithomasatwodd who had the honour ajboingpbpil temoaartw maaart wi to dn deelaredin a judidlal rrtoceectsng epeotingthe opera houae is which he wu a witaeu that he regarded uoaarti ran sic u the best in the world and jh oih mtinf ai theflnsrtf kit compdeitjona t axenqnirf into irih endowed icbdoli hit ejicftidfliefaet tkaiinuiea school at eatjivilljr oirtowwo etidswelwith 112000 nadet the will of bealsmia iviiraeli thm kartodabatv- 4 55i3d ieorympauya tewejawdirihgtheyrar aawoat- ed t wvs x of which 368 50 wart torlosjes of tie pwriscs yeirtbe cera- panyi liability on losses rtporfed bat nk adfafted indttdlu vted bat not due we et- timtteatkwo- of tke above 335819 wen reinsured n otker eocepaaies makini tke net loaiil for the year i133is38 eguost a premlaoi icome of 47 31657 the entire expenss of msnagemeat kis been reduced during tke ynr to about 30 per cent of the weetwrtkstandingtheei tending of tki conpaays operatiaoa by she ettabliaaingof a edatideraole namber of heir ejreootesv and weaatldpaiea atill farther redaction ia lextijiioaocoant daring the oarreni year aaabe buuteu offered to the conrpuy dariar the yeirhaa been largely of thi men deoraole ciaai- and in haesmueh larger than year dnectcra deemed it advisable to airx- adhering to the policy laid down el ti cutset it peoessitated the payment of a very large smooat for reinsurance which ia future yeiia u the oempeuy grows ia stredgth we shall be ablito retain by ta ring these larger lines ourselves ojasidiriag the pnvsleacy of incendiary and other fire the year and com- piring our erperieaoe with that of other ocsnpauier w tkiak the years record ft highly satiilaitory and exhibits great cau tion asi dose altentioa to ike companyi iatereate oa ike put of kt catceri tad agents allot whn have perfdrmed their aev- era dlties t j the entire eatiifadlioa cf jour direetoit- j daring tke year we have widened oar field of operttixu by ncreaadnf the namber of oar agencies bat in doing to ere ktve been c ireful to appoint noce bat influential and reliable men believing tke icompenys soo- eeu depends largely upon the nrpectabiu- ty enirgyiad intejiity of its repreteata- u vet in the fltld end yoar director take pleaadre ia the fect that the companys agtatt are aija rule gentlemen prominent ia social and bullae circle who hare identified taetuerres witk iii prosperity snd ire cordially oooperating with ua ia cirry- lag theslaadard 10 a proadpotitioa ia the front rinxi of lbs icisnnde inititotioaa of tkiicoaatry from present peospectt we feel warranted ia an ticipatiora largely infleiaed premiam nreaue for 1st while the daam ofat better feeling in coaunenial mattari leads as to be- lievs tt tiij percentage o lots will in all probability fall within oar erperieaoe of the past year after peering ill the expeciet of the year aad providing for iceiet uaacmuted and ad jotted but not due aad anjanble reserve or re- insurance fond tiera is left a profit oa tke year i operitiooaof 3740 pat of which yoar ixrectcrsjrecotdraend the payment of the usual diridtnd of 10 percent the following it a snrnmary of the com- panyt finandarpoaitiaa oa the lit ultimo t total aaseusria capital 8took173 6s liasiiities includiag lcsiea ad- lasted bat not due reported but not adjusted aad amoant required to iainre all out- standing risks so per cent cf tie gross premiums on ill policies id fotoj 6000 do aster jemeai7d hew ctiriag the bofth lmmedtttly yreoedlng thtt in which hi wu ipeikiag not a aingle in had 00- earred m lose been aide by the oompiay it wai gratifying to himitlf u he wu tore h wuttld be to all ike rtookkoldert to know thai the oonipaay wu in a peai- tiost to dedbuti the aioaj dividend of tea per cent- i 1 j he coold not allow the present dpportani- ty to peai without glviagerprewion to the tttufaotieo he felt in providing over a com pany for the j peat two yeaia where every- omcial appeared to be well up in oil work aad took a personal interest ia the welfare of tkeodcopany the ompany had entered npoo ht third year under tbe most favourable aospiees and he had every confidence thit thi coming year would even abor a more soaeeeifnl re- cord thaa the past the sdoption of the report wit teoohded by john baird8eq of st taoma and carried j j j the election of pireotars thtntook pltoe tnd it a jsnbeequent meeting of the bosrd d b cbitholme q wu reelected prei- deot-r- r living a intpsns pcuoy hoidew of u regards i51m68 b cshsoijc pretijent h tiio oiiwronn i 8eorttary lastw cask oajiaad in bank bills receivable loans on ktl estate fmt mortgages ageata interest accrue orncafurnifa dai by- cthert companies- ior loeiti reinilrsd and otter items j i j capitalstockfbtlaacs not called bf 11 v xovejadjai adjutmentj i rjotis 5218 32 25322 00 si2 os 1 200 00 1093 68 1993 65 132350 00 jl773m 89 tubruxns tad ia course of reserve or nsjlaiurajce fand 500 00 50 per cedf liabilities and ill other 210000 i esooa 00 surplus at regifds poucy kold- tiers u lsm 69 to oi pmidiii hoi dinetori tfiu souuhri jutumut qonpcny 1 gcrriejrbrul beg lo report that i have- rarefauyeiamiaed tke books saoaatssnd voaoberi of yom company alabthe siafe- menf of reoeirjte tnct expenditure for the year ending slthof march- 1879 alio i thi ui teteandliabiliitlev aid have much pleaenn in certifying ii tjtetr correetaees the ejrhn oaeralioae of the gmpany have been condneted ieitk mudb bosioeas akihry i i kave to jthink yoar 8eorettry and aodofoudfonfteirerymurfebua atten- tion and for the aatiitadce rendered by them to mo doiifg the andftaad ialao have to expresi my jp eavon wethtbe teryineit and aoourttg manner in which the books tre kept 1 tarngenaoninyrobsdleatiervant uoditorv harifltdrs miy 3rd 187- t lie beit bfotn soap is the muiui- seld erattwaun oa every bat miiiuiaoturd oujy by i- the hmaftibdjk sole agents fdr jl aortswli q riiiit f 77 are yea 1 despdodent sufferer from sick tteadtib habrftol cottiveoeet paljiu uoo of tee heart t have ywi dluwu of the heal li your herrdui kystem de- preteedt doee yoar blood eirealate badly 1 have you scoogb low spirftil coming op ofthefwd after eating to 4a- allot theee and ranch mere an the direct results of dyspepsia liver odrapsfnt and indiges tion otnsi arotwr riownt ii now ac- knawiedged by alldraggiahi to be a positive cure 400000 bottles wen given away in the c klthrough dtnairti to the people ai a hal twojdceee mub utisfy sny person of its wuoderfal qaality in curing all foinu of ladigwtiio sample bottei 10 eta regular aixe 76 cts cwld poaitivey by all finiiaas dvarg4ti in the united 8tttei jbaftaaai itests iitili lisittrca ttu tftd it whee tier tul aid dacwvel aheiey pou o ou peorjie ao rest sitae eoaplata a me nroarfai ei by dar isfibiieu or mi mertteer otvws wbo win halt willi fof the rnas ntoai tpared oprmmtf leaaesstijir eatai vieroau bvori xod cvacasl ileaa fasineomaaodad wtih eoandioee- foe uk by afldeafcia i tojw waj draped your linen mast be fanltlesa and to iaaare it get your shirta aad fandahiaji aticooperi jtoogc st to- ronto l i viraeaubfrinsciwraiuuab lu idluadce lata evay p ike lis toaaa r esumtlar tnan tie fi eieeeti actlea aad n- twriatvrul wrars iwll a aealuiy ye aid vaflscetba ertbt mond amtaf o circulars of prices and terras toidrispiiebti- i f arlitn revolvers bw otteb laioniae eoraftmneotbt cm afiel rivolveri r ani hrra hooia la sew tork wta la ttrartiooatoaeflatooitp tea a reatly tm aoood heal hlca8rorar withtxirefcartridi eoly li do regular price k v tu la a ixmsjuk us add no ta i our rvputallaa vould oot ihow soch smdrorlaustntedrl catrlo 1 trvwooxk in yoore su tnrooo opt 15 maoejn one oayi agents wanted jsverywhere suiiv rdubtc mtestd irtfde 8elf rxpdl wiu ujj pn awoki boitn- ihu rtxroiri a i mul 6eod tw tcmt tump w ta c sxox flu tvnw ool tor dftaia ud tntnclioaj writ it ooct tod mean iruxl ittpiy uut fujx haliburton ffifimlavus tofflhb fnosobia i ruuuwa7harwaa4iiawajctsar a j7botystrs3sitaod and emkaaae oe teat c igharatda wjiuwdo ir v- letttaf eatoai ai mterailuifloiud part it la ux aas aarnot raaiad taewa aad the cnaiat bnto aad uoedd fa las world for tela by all de ncowwvjtui bailr rea lratv uv mpmt rtek of rur- rdwrs now bear ittewai ty lia cmawa oadlnm on la ataed at aroikac ft catarsd itx latest iriet m parlfor nu mas aiy donan upward ara nrr prauy bsdwad cotp ha walaat bedveoca arte laf aan axtrt bimlai laeealntiikr pnees an ddehndaoed tr wawtwea la tvj laiifuaysr- raandfaad tm lariwauaan ailed wthamrr ttednl ranaanl oahawa oamutt co jt tooxe tttwooio 1 tcuew ouitml aaas ia 6uni1ar threufhool ths entire do and utwt are law laouhm who have noidmadkai eaa data arenceawaa asset of aaareviatlmdoaaekou i tt taa raosl popokr aad bast llotaaet la talieoootrr sod ae 004 wh haa cmaseeuwnewttbonll atr fred hills e tororw ttatwust ctrusntuaar rival aatuudted taa inrjexederuaoaae tototbiitafaoiyl ikt jfatrix jfjurn fmuey i adfioft qcmiivaj tvala jtin ace 1 tnoeksdas theeiptf arlreevaadauieiuiat thu htva gtn sufleradaanatwaalnl lalhlks laat eaustd frobtwtnlnsun he- i asra used ill loads aeota u well as ovodlou auaatasor hot oa the last olllal two mnwatorn havaiiaad hsef iis talow 00 tea ntoltlituraamaclaiarniviaii ivtasd tt larlar aplorarakrujiayia nsoaj 10 the miliar dlatppeendta tin dart i ban nose twanll r- eonmhnd tail talkaw oil haka what ioe y has sf tela and hau itoaaus uaiaktf toon truly j r- hi htm rush torl asm llrrtfia osonto maanfiicturer saereewnti rtwte fvrontd j a attor hrumtvers t boasta hoaae falg6it4a rtb frtyi pry wei isfwatar saceaaaoa tobiadmabaadechena powar sea canadian liunmoiili sn4 or drcu- ur hnnhctoryl8kirr himlton- pkcially j1nk improved tarn in ore tiaytm baroidale hrhly eulii- rau i rood bufldloci aed oreaarja t tmaedlaia wa- awnnt w thoubon i ott barrla s n khrcesbs6forbc 1 ioi bj miutiss ed ouraraikctkcwrmrriv aaflstete mmtukwa bbo tstonse rredtoroeta aut8 ank qkhtumtiren morxto i ban telarnpny at the doalnioa ttwraph in- j kjnenet bait- toroota jor tinni tddr aj uah l cxxi twtiuont blfhy ontario ctwiegoip atswantfidlpds wtaifoesst8tanipatelfakiiw is 8100011 steel atamps etc be un giraatilasa r it r7 aft ghwaw i on teranta artjf1cialu phakatn mhrm aua at su3jiraslhisarr tkeprteideiita bdvihj iadptloa ollsjsu jjpplleiuou ieueea fov bw oaaftdlaia aitom lfewhiflfc is jov utii lhnn pjhaiter lyoa alexaader 111 ihy slrem trt4 leading house in the dominion for pitkgrllii ifj of ewery- deerip- hon sola areata for the d tflnurer uni lif bni a h world iww luturd lintici iiaticiaperoiiclihr from prafidwradveriji iamtttuoj tb it xlrblela coednetdrs ue not a riotect00frqra urbinler for the interest ottnith indtbe anlnfoinied we offer to pajoxstbocuudoiuss liadyperaos who can abow that any tandlnf upewhlcv tsyetti cf cur paienttubularcipper ckbte lfgfetalnjr ooocuetort bad beta pieced aad ntaiotauwl baa ever been- de- itreyed orairjunt been ket or persoiedppenwlxh- totocihumlnrlronilbeeflvrtaollijktaioj m ontwo cop a ushtos iqoca r i ge harriet 81 aaaniia fau iiawrractursas montreau- coajoowm of co sfli itul tier por- dcxinioa u diuj to qm oqynrws patent andnkilioiicnlvtuitd bralfromthiiyorwirf unuwifon be aetated aad each ear entfrhy tna froffl dcst 8c1le sllvefia sod k idlesi naila uierettarbjrlolbaculhjjia atleut tut pouxw uob d prrtectniaitotba kef uiaatlicwnudbetalbtrainoadv br lbs outysuan sickxifli uw pracpaaiby ill other kaq m to qm doirdatabaiidnila lasal by afflericaa mannfanartfa wlio bare aww tna abao- latailaeaairyarialiitttaorotenlricker w n- tb the reputation of lbtlr 5aua and ow oaa that davlea only every eer l tuaa vltltlln ahola pro- duedai si the soil mietaoe and avtnvw to ocb kefl to i rnabdi of uuat sealeslrnn aad smd- laasautr rtmnactbaa ha alaw to bgasamai that they ire madeto pay for just that quantity of vnrtb- laaaseraplabaa v ptaaaavimabsaeaectad by ooyrtere aatoxoatie picker then las dear uttnjerl trtra tlf- enavpar ktj wttotuo il to last tia raeuh iertbabaalvai by plou enir axas cfouaniaaa and that cf any ouarcaw 8err kas cdkalli raada ba ua wtbiaara omfs qfi bsb label ud m ordar cto aaoore the advantasva tmamtbuvt82jbilatansd jthettj i cijht paint aiiialkfxkef dfwerr sat fct contt jfaalak fmat ftaca higii tariii low pri6es i tmivlvvbxal in thabeanuilonmtreiiitdrai by hi50s8 haoukn lartle or itarblalxed sim rirttk to till ooitataatly on band eeod lor ianitrit and prtea iitt rarb chance foeauve man to make money theuhdvrtigned hiving other rrtainers on hind deairta to retro from manuridtaring and ofltrt f jr tale m- favurable terms the mill known aabiex centre lnmberaadpahnisg uilla titasted in the cnterprisdj vfllsge of esiex centre iatheoormtydf esse- noeawm 5a tbe otihde better 1 at id f 0 makiog money 1 oomprtmeuwmll sx70 twc storeys dttijwtnert nileaijjdiereiei wor x j5 twtrioyi ffame with all mi msh i and soot mathinerj pearly new t it iw tkbhesf tarniu felte we wferrfolrsfth mm ptofacilme j ticjtronhui boynton 0riyace8 wmis cameled wabb vf f ir s it itoacrctiiicrtha- toprovfld bototon lirnaces rweoelotirbaoaeo dcscrl 1 tleaa v i 84 86 8a aoatoaaagyatibarqu 73s20 morfe i siipt si3wiujigliiiie8 than in any previotis year ln 1870 we sold wjiia seirtng machines t laroi i 1860439 our aauic bars ioeraaatil eaonaoaalr awry year taroaj the wh ai pariod ot htrd um y i h sawing ite ehiniaduiuiwoa for the a of the public nlii um sebordla ua moea 1 1 1 tjaltad ttata and oaiajni aad avobo oduealn taaotd svcajd and sjqui uaarica vvvv8tcn6mofieyl 7 arid 6ui tuilaooi ihoiuaud price ldji v a street