fj r j biffr irtuik6 jw i free pffest buutjllnfir kert it methodist fchuicb mill street 7- lirts rt rtitom4jurjr ranee if ti pud before thre aontha wndotlataimf a ktlf will be cbamdioc two dollar if not paid till the end q the ycsr single copies threiii rwisw bvrittaiiu 0c conmi pcrjrssfc g tnaathp jl uiti eiiui r ye r i- g ukuiiit i v s xiuuuicej iitiiiiiti s0j0 ock o0o 12 oq 2000 lliod 8 00 debt etil lirrlikc for erst insertion isfcjrtidvcrvsaiectict ifiht gomtad wi der ljruirainttioay puiins cdi ief ctrhtlinei and under st pec annum all sdtertisanetrta iidsum t inrsijc of solid noaparulj 1 advertisement vitfoot racial iiatrue- liors invrtel liil fobiduid etirged ac cordingly it to promote th pfecjuary benefit o any iudivdual or company to be considered an alvertiscdtciit i trmfcicct advtririctucuu to te piid for whin oderej au tdvtriuir accounts knitted monthly oiic o sir at manages and bth- icsectod frc y it t moose publisher k istsmped 3ia ka- iwsfls- iw3 t wirt pitf iwr tris xijttcler i ioc tar i re uffer ti liicta ukiicsi jl llsiaetan i i r- beet dc- jihit jtu loes- jgft gtrtiyy y x mcsarvdr if d it c 1 s gidatt icoiit college eesi- cc3jt cotnor of- xcittd w4rict ibwts cotsiatioa diilr from s to 10 iru iod fnxss to6nm- bake cowegtionery xijgivi iv k v klcklisoum i nwte ihit they htvo opcucd rirulhicic tj new bake shop cofierotmlilaiid ma1k sts ac-rott- ajid tint th will ity be f ugplicd kith a i brttd lud eaoi cikii itstry ie tt it i aunocstockor rucrto qp nfe o tip iery iu be found on html vrhieli ill new mi it- oatmeal corsmeafcrr- b3kwha hiqp oraokia wheat fcc tlrivt in ttoct ini will beoandlo ha tl the bt goods wilt be kept price b b tt7 e lowev itb xicps gra- v potc o ttinity college member i couee of pfcvsicians and gnrgeons 05a tni rffidenci frederick st acton in die hooc 1t occarmd bj- r xittfe ru5ttji mclark baeristek quebec st oueiiph sfiincet ctffcrin sir srthrr buildings iuustactoa w m-hem5tkeet- licensed auctioneer koe tb caaatiet of yteuingtoa td hilton orders left t the funj puss oseo acton or it ny rcskle in eocfcrood irill he prvsf i aucnefed to- tctes reisonxifc patents fok 1kt2cti0s expe- uctkcsir mrf proferiy eeeoted at cin- t te ttnlteistatest ind enrctpe pi- leu grirxnteedoj no chirge send for crintrd iifraeticas ageecy operation v itexetcrist 1 ottewi cnliiii micrinscai engraecrjsoliuttcf patents and dracghtszutir r x itathesox attoexey-at- doiukioxsotetxctok e0beex aipew proprutor lie nee hotel it ntted ui in ertelistityle with new furni- ttre coxerciatrifiea will find good a03inclxrion and cocaniniiac sample has sc attentron paid to the waste of the trtvtlesg public bruplicdwrth the best l and cigars i good stibliag mdluetire hostfcrj r oralexchakge hotil hne cirt proprietor one of the moet eczc4i- hcteji in the cortcty kwd coincerci i lxm the btrii lyi ap plied with be ehoicettbnncuof ucjoott ihdcinri ftratebit tuior iad atten- urehestfcr leonmtitoited iatu wui- li nartof the villige etclar propriefor rlsk fol skks i f- la prqatd jrty the highest cki pri fnr aircfisset- o- nd bheep stirjt delirerti i ciy- tannery lux leather cmnahflr oa hand tllr jaites ixooee a in the iscror fint3sitlowttei the bert local pper ot haltm coi bieth3 damages and deatha inserted free in the acids fjx beat locnl paper cf hatero co x riaeds bfiibadai gicalm eferery j desajibttoiixiactos fnix pkej5 ofllw the beit local paper of kaitoaco t co loo louicukicatioks on local jneauoruoi j interest will -17- be received by the acrroxtmx peis thebertioeal pperof ilxttoii co- i esvkijope ptirt4 1rtheeeiti- and at the iowei pricei at the acros ftnr pnelic beat icfcalj e ton co r tf vck lure atoir firm toek for le 1 rerwettainftetokirepfass the bert localpaper of haltoacj 1 feehsi5 vad firmerwik5 ajonm m advertifaiodrappiheactosireq vzns th bet pager ofbatnn co hteaved or stolen adverffaemeou of s fffistnatifie miehect ryasriii criir t t lf of kaltonco peattrs guide to elegflff wwtisfi v er tpucawheri at the lowest nicklik act oh 3hingle mill edward more wishes to- annoane to hose wbo intend budding or repmiriuf that he about to commesce the manu facture of all eztssfit of pihe and 0dae sja ingles which veil be- sold elm aiid oak staves and basswoad heading o the beft titiiitv also mtnpfactnrcd and hcirered f o r the gj t r e here at the lowest posdhie price r xxstcla43 lith alvats- oe hake custom- lg5 cut to order oi tte shoctest notice and at reasonable rates siiifftidit fttlttuluti ortlrt solicilci edwakd mooiie acton april 2nd 1s79 harness i harness icy perwa iu wintn i gool sett of a harness either snfcle oe dgtjble sfcoald ctll it j cfeeblis saddlery actol wheie they can jet better iralne for their mcneytlaa any pace in the connty a grod aasortmefit of teuhk8 affd valibes on hand all of which will i bo sold chtp for cash j s3 repairing promptly attended to pi cpeeck acton feb k 1s79 j buslliesscojjlelle sfc bfiaattao c rie dergn of the above itutitution and i the work it if metticccsfuljyacoam- plnhisg u lhownia tba great raooeaa o ju grxdtuteathroaghoat the country it to pro- pan boyt twi yoonj ittmiiitj mea iortoobbmpail ihinoitlibrlgifingthema xhoeouoh and peactlcax educufcn in bookeingn ill ttctbtnu penman- ahibahulimfe cbrraponovflce grimrnar andfteejlijtt thiingmethodi how to if 1 1 wradmnfto bflu of eichange checks caciall itiirfliwwpftpp-v-i- i jnc idelcdltge who have four montha eourse ind taken thei dipomu ire etch weet rfepping ialo raid voagcbz in which owfog to the com- putaa o tieir knowtedje they epeedfly attam ptombtfert i- among onr atudecu are tficte who hafe beea tfaongh uu grammar jjchotjla and up- venetiea uwell m htcwhoipednoation in early life hi been negeoted flhe former come to reeejtb a practical tdacttion uch ai u heeded m ery day life the latter to remedy pajtrnegecvandall to iecare that knowwge which willmp theoa to aocccas in-theotld- ot the college journal contaiiuag loll prffcmlr fnd specimens of pehiunahip i sg reattvtco j v- bshevilleon r a coalirrrsfijcrstefcloe ix ptirx asd oexahestai ben5ianssip iiuutjjtaju waning to acjniepjd fity jnavbetotfwthtwiliiafknon teacher trill find tfce lffn fttct n- strurtor hundredi rebomfng bewttnl writers tbwgfctiav dcmuapn m the 1jiited sitevbe nalngifc j- -tftoicfito- rfe earf coavenit ru for pretiing jmf2 ufn copttfjbignwniff with tits firet prfonl- plet aid gradaalljrprpgn amz fothe most eegantpuin and wnamoilal wntug j n okkuicsta sunt onntiimig gmn text old bnih n onuuwwl ut- ing oihaiidfonrit of p 4 boor or fnrr paow with u awlywasd instructioti and a beinttfiillr engraved case to contain fh who priportpa r sept 11873- s0w- lostv how bestobed rhave recentl pabuatiik a newedifaon of dr otverwelj celebrated egggy ba tuejupiw pp- ccse without mediahejoietvon 0- bility jfcfltal tni physikl incapicity impedfmemj tu iuiiut lib itsnteng cents or two postage stamps li4 oeiebrxd aathflr esbst dearly demonstrates- from thirty years laccwnl prtioe tmrt alirnrfflgcpn- the dangerous u of inurnal me4icm the applicitipoof- the knfei 50 otwfj ota efleetnal by means ofwhidt every snfltrer natter whrthii condafte iv ff cwbimicucbeanr privawyand radjcal- ttojetare should be jahind everywuth uitfaffw ftwlts port office bor 4586 tnf pytd pot iojlbyieioyjr rloi tlis fitttusprytjatilvtj 0iufloir or itrt uflfuluvtaumchiuuiltfa ttfowcrrri eu km uir aont olex4ftc r stjush mil be moult utnwluc1c6klfrtiliitiajtnlfur ur soiil ruuu llif ujf beforr it il r j to llie cieuikim m t ill tlita hj- rtfttct aiulltl al um brit hit rtotlj- u than mrwta gut the- iinj nmealr wf l cimo on nf fcr vk tor- 1 r 1 1 1 fltlll uut lio hltn 114 flfitii f r urirltf it nt rrkflnf lnu tt hiiv aail kj- tuat i tutud ihat upoa aj- rri 1 0 tt ttiouu hiooa tad wc tiy uut uhi laltuklcst 00 bfmvt tliertrfcfvouul tuatnr upc ewtwuil add vill iacr da bos lata cuiht srk rcu cells lauorea wh a stitoh ik hmfe oilietxej- kot many 5 ears gi there wii at there bat lately teen igtin 1 gcod deal ot dis trust in commeresl circles chit fly triing from kims very hsary failures tic firm had fallen and brocght down in us tumble the sjann felt at this spread and the rumours which always attend and often causa a panic spread als6 so that scarcely any undertake injt however well established and solvent entirely escaped doubt sad suspicion we da obi propose to eafefupon thej history of any eamideraial panic or even to sketch cms hut every reader can remember and what is worse wixt sgsiii the deliberate and or- gimiedeffcru- to wreck really solvent douses for the benetit cf seihh and un- scrupafous speculators and how not only embatrusad and weak houses not down in the craahj but houses which had tuns and fair play beiigiviu thew wtre in fair working pouditiou r after this prefshortas it has bn the reacterwiu quite- understand how men who had reieted ii o lui oft ailecad danger anythiegrlika a ooe teace ftdc very uneasy as 11161 inrtst cents no matuir how pood they had hither to proved and mr cshbburtoru ho had settled comfortaibfy down la loavioipity of london liter many years labour in a dis tant colony feltit uneasy as the reit he kas a tolerably rich man and was consider- ahly post hia prime j yet having married late in lifefcefatfcycuig family grpwinj up around him which became more eireu sive every day a smslt portion of hit for tune was in teste 1 in england but the bulk was and had bsea for some years invested en deposit at pretty high intaat in the cfulfof carpeutiria and xurthcrn austra- lia bank which was in high repute among all the colonists from that part at the contt- uent and which did more business- at its lcujoo office than almost any c the colo nial hanks he had been induced tj leave lis meney in the colony from the factof his aocaintanctship with most off the direc tors while the manager at the chief estab lishment onthagoi ot carpentaria frsst kocfcmsaby ttattie had been an aid k eh am when 2t ccrtonwxi i digger and wss be- fnnfcriljf tho thcr mokonei mi a loot thst jir liurton rive wchftowardi hli i mrxurioa- prrf vtoid v it li iyon tilil jbciaiulniho liojivcd his anger jiittf batruoteoflhcotlrcfii u lie spote ljtrt tine word atthlfugl f titft rnewrrd he winfed to ray le teemed to hsff atdeardfllikiflyjigiv1 mfatctloitj assatlesij jtobpli voioo fa a whispet far more my ilcnoui than any j4wjid iti meet me beraiiijpogh6e hi id flam in hold of imfewand laroedjawsj vrbtmn imbcfc impreiilvejiska as tienswnmjtaraibi u helirppmtdrrrsln- thotwaihl rufhraody ind water and decided padi liiiioehiin and htsippcinlmtnc fnjm jj mini lij went about fpr snothct boar nesting ntorj cf hismfutinlaiice ciutirm ions esticj something more gloomy to iy than the last aaaha really set mt c be prowrag worse and even thcae who hai been nopefuj befoto seemed to bavelost hart no- so it wu ia a thooghtful mood n wt 0 go to the lerrainnsrflflc railway an i on his wy hglaboed jinnff hecarrjr p liiagfrhi4b led to ibo uvers where ho tiat tanctftd in hour before the recplleetioi pf he queer fuzuner of the- captain came s ronily upon tint at le pissid rod in his tt stod tuu it cahia lisct with aweigb e sudfc rbevhtcn ket croldtiot fielp wing strongly wrnleysfliii thoujhtjt to dift rithjevety hetook ihalhdience gt iw stronger hived to be and truly 10 one if the most honourable and straightfortrarddf men so lr rctton felt it secure ta a tnak conld feel it first- bat whiles poor mm may sleep coundiy amid the crash of banks dncdunt ontots and gre mercantile turns it is nigh upon impossible tcr a rich man to do so and the nay soon csaiswhta the- toppling over c first que greitlidttsej and then mother whoso names lud hitherto stood as types c soundness ilarinedj evert hint and he could not refrain frnn ptying almost daily visits to london and hiuctin certain loetlities well known wall interiled in niocitlttaniicticnsand whireaafd a thoutsndise reports it must k admitted rths first whisper ot camingdisiiter sranld be sire tfl cireulste ltfce a good husband he had tried to coh- csal his uneasiness from hrs barton t but on her psrt bis s good wife she was not to be so deceived and when once his preoc cupied manner and occasionally wandering replies had attracted attention tae revela tion oihis anxiety soca followed f and ah grew mere anxioas than himself with a mothers adiietyi ate trembled jfcrfhafate of iffcter caleb ind miss ameliaf with three or f ourother young ladies and gentle men whese cots she wit wont to ttut and whose foreheads sbtrwmtfrtnt to kiss every nfelltof herlife so her alarm reacted upon her jjusbsna annudelihiijncomparj ably more sensitive thin before all thisifcawesr toot hut stfew days in its growtht lofttothmgia sa swttt at the changes and feirsof a commercial panic j and ten days hid hardly pac sd ffcee the fali o the aforesaid great home before ifr barion commehoedhis visits to london he wit infheiabft o faking hii lurichat a parfienurtiwrawherc foreign and colo nial merchants greatlycoogregate and where he saw many persona who were known to hiatm the dsystthcnleiiredi the- with tliosejie often rpoke jomctioiijcf the old times but more frequently of the new one dayi man entered theebfleeroom jnd looked round as though in search oifisonu one ilr burton had occasionally seen and spoken mhis man in his visits fo the tav ern he wis hot very infimafi with him for fill recollection r thtminwisnotalto- gether favourable j ho had been engaged in some vary doubtful transaction in tho col ony ind had moreover borrowed moneyof burton under somespecious pretense which turned out to wwholly false and not one penny of this had he repafd mr burton was teitiittitigldptifn to lunch when he caeguttheeye of this jndrvi4uai was somewhat shinier not to say greasier ui nts bafevid tioththaikfaiafqrii fjw an air that movectby an impulse lor which he could fflrolkg0iiijr ontd him to el talls and inwisd hint to join him at lifitete i i5ii 8y for itthe moment ha bad spoken but the captain- he twai ballad the 7 caplain rom haying onototrted maitinf veewliifave ihinvoo chance tofchanfi juaimhd eihoiacoepted keenest rtr toimikathimself agreeablo bysmmtinfili tth iioaadawith which the atmosjberawss tiswdi aa inwhlehherareued ihis hejforused and ekedut myitotibor winks and nods that half cf what he saidj wu unintel- iig ghirbaroef rj g he r c q t tu meal rtf fiplshfdj and ton km tp until srithx ftbsjf75ifcmptthit weatness he poaiuvcly lurni d ulclc and resolved to keep the appoin tmeut even though he wu confident the captain mutt hare forgotten all about it in rtndeed- was now probahly afetphig off h aunusilally hearty meal in the parlour of a ime lets pre tentious tavern- he felt this yet he could not help returning fcecallse 11 erei agfloi something at the bottom of he tsptam mystery and he might really ceep bis-ap- potnlment so as just said he tumsd back di satisfied hough he was with him self and inclined it every step to faoe i tnft hurry to the ratlkay statioo hitiweter he reached- the utttra and en tered the cooecrocm which wis now near ly deserted a couple- of asycleskfwlia were probajlyvr ort isi overtime- weradini ing in one corner ind acoupp of waiters were gosaipinrf ia anctber- but for these the place was empty taking- up rnrsisrspajir- jlrrbrtou whiledaway the tirce at bmtue might he had made np his mind to wait ten minutes beyond tho compieson of ihett bhoorand no more and at tha handof th i coffeeroom clock tlowly approached the point he felt glad to think how little chanccj there wu of the shabby pjforeirinje ff nc mjj entered the asttive minutes mr button laid down his paper with a iihc rtpef but as hie did so ltd door ireafced the greasy hat followedby4h so newhat sod- den visage of the pbncs thrust in 5 a glanca round fheoom thjw ed that mr burton wsa here j acdeimttio thadoocba- hind him as- carefully ad anlioiisly as though he were guy fawkei or bjinevr- dramatic bandit he approadiei the ex-colo- nisi metchaatampatan tiptoe it wsnot diiscttlt to te tuxacthe cap tain had been drinking a littl more pes- aiblya gooddeal more- for heas wolf liooned in that respect j for itrwj i hli sat biptsin draimog tfl fift droy fom w merifpold biahdy and wbjohi u5 ordre4li the taictl1 ww invitrd ihookhis enf ertainer by the band ia the laiter rote ndrtnjilgaoi im fitst tmitoltltitwbh deolarod he wu the besthearted and most forgiving isnonhssomebaoejronld bleared ey6s po told t much eis butky voice would havsbmo tafiicicnt exceedingly impreasire waij 1 r was meant to be bis hoarse whisper is h 1 said alt ilebx ifrftff fnr sgofigto clear v old sebttnow f for t ant a ni ji who never forgets a benefit or loses right of j friend come out for a moment if wrung mr bartcnt hind as he spokawiikatarmth whicnthe litter could weil litvn exonsed and then led the way from the room be had but just so carefully entered theeourt in which the tavern was tita- aiedhid one or two blind noo uia it lead ing nowhere and ihi csptainjdrawing mr butlonmto one of these glhnaad wanlj roundand thendroppingtiirvofcetrasti hoarier ind still mrmimpressrve whisper quite audible however far hii breath came hot on the ddt of hi hearer 1 tac siid 1 you are in with tha gni 0 carpcutatia and korth australia bank a e yon not j faic rtvniedbiron who ahnddajsi a theqnebtiid in snitsj of hi ooptetdpo thespeaker then get put ifyou q fhoarsely continued the other rt6y ire blown 06 they will bs up a trm in ti o flayt trom this dontufc me abymori jut it i tjwed you any trifle of money ih so paid you now observe i tkef ate blown he pronounced theie list 4rdi xi we have given them as if each word were a- seuemahilh a3corapaiie hnijijrft three distinct taps ot his fonfi igea uptn his reddened- note and with hjstrhe hurried off leaving mr burton if bree astonished andaurmccui ha psdorrfojd anough of the ciptains habitaokkowthat his asao iafea e oi a very crafty and dangerous class that like other hhi df xrey thoy ud the keeu eit bti jnaiokiiej and that if there really wereii ytiiiisjjwroog with the adit ai the bank s it tamiliarly termed or any whliiibh metf would b the first to know of howsuoh men know li u great a myst iry to us u it wu tomrburldn butai mehowthey contriveto mabn jnonyout othwtel ind ruin in vuu tie tried to boohpoo thsb half intelligf bl ntteraaoe 1 of the cap tain and he alowlr ratraoec his steps to the terminus tried 10 pmiadehimseu tilt ha had been listening bu to the ssnsst less mannderipg of a threeoarts drunken man nd-yetrthe- eaptatu vie itensat less burtonfelt that intoj jeaed or part ly so he might be and it was rare fnac h waaaees entirely sober fr has there was a meaning in his husky voice andawarning evmia thennateady glaoctof his which effectuallyprefeufeilriburtoni tfota daapiting hia mysterious jhlnts on his arrival athis house aervsry sen- tffilyytoid nil wife all hit bad txxjurredt andaha whoterywell remembered tbj disreputable butcrifty pldapiain in by gone yearv tvu tdryas mnthjannc4a herhusband but what waiio bo dogaf it t rery wellaj iadmit teat fiera fits danger ahead but now werii theytp averf it judgingfrobs whatf theyhad already teenthe papers cf themat dwrnight con tain the caws of fljjwjotatofftf trusted bant flit totirefthvtrtn tja boftoa own4 in tb bf in an tnsnt swept awsy h iajeatmnt4t maatba rsmembered wfrfwawsti ia the anitralian continent and ia could not wfthdriwittnxoridbn ticetftmg jkf a delay which of oonrse would be utterly batburton ni aiaanof dto jion and en ergy otberwiutiistuie o ta beelj written idafr ajtiwbed and wqflllliivi bourialap rantral lla mind was stotiobixiaeiip ftfitruatbafthflijs was exoasafvly short ft h4f wropohell wife bf- h6 ftletided departure so had psrtly pttpatedae h tefdreloayuig hh te6nhuxriedtokl londoni bank and 5h x fif w wwxffti udwhiladoingthis neheard some muttotcd converattion among uvtamgsrs wilting nt the munterrwhletljimvmlbatotheri be- sidet himself laipected thesoundneaitif thegaltbaak fn i few ialnhtes trarth had pat fcfhl paetage by fhcarlieras id wapleued to host the clerkwhortook hit money say although ho knew well enough it wu a mere witter b course hit lvef-waa- 1 rimarkably ii splendh teaboivnna ureto beatth irnail mattie vt1ealheclrk al emphai yb on thiabofntat mrf ry loni frtotw wefctoteutjayii ra old ooltelltlalf an bburbsaaontfitierswat quitoenoaghto supply him with ajusstqninsd and whin shortly- before noon le stopped pou to- gaogtrayleidingtp u10 cetbonjt oar woald haw innposed that threr fnfj hbors before he qad not dr tjuned of t -es- istencepf such a vessel itha eaptsi ob oerlotwh riendid ieaboat had her steam up ind hr declupretft nearly deired oiidleti ty tie lime mri bnrtotr arrived wai either shr prlsed at thii tmoxpected aocessfbn tr tttv iist paikngers whtch hy the way ws but a scanty taw the immediito haing of tie msilboit tfieoteally chectrag anythi 1 ika a plethorc that was semstoma ia the look aod mauntr of the oew-coimrhow- over which unpraaaedtiso ikipper and hi inwardly decided that be abotudibevety frienujcwit tint latest siiital j juomtg othis conclosiju ie was a traef prophft uaitheitiffliimpojteil i the mail jersl conllnot tjre ieeij more punctual initartlngtlian was tbccor- feerui the noonday luttwaishfhlni gtil- liintly oh a beasttfully palm ind truwail day iu spring whtritlie cast- loose front her moorings 1 her jftesl enjines fcegadtouelkt and throb land to stemiirotesmore hktr few taasetts wcot garinb ivet tar atortt at the receding qhiy wmch- they had jtfsi left not tbfeothowhttu stood tlkrt i war g caps sod baatluratitab were indiatfnet and blurred all thm sdiy and all thatjught sje made steady way the next moraoa rurpedtiriiliantfy the good ship was well into the english chait- tiel and eoahadi- foukpwihg i the refst auantie wouldbe fairltbeothfher kesl- air burfpn telt as he sal atjbrtahast his voyage lbepin aajpiaosjslyj bu bext iostanccame uedsmpinglhooght tl aj st gnrlrr f able inapices amhemembeqadtoo that let- her anspjtesdetavouralieor notuo wis riiohhd jundera penalty tj tnjketao sge in a fitted number of days thewas ciently vtnod in nautical matharsiapti especially steam nautical mattets to know that auhpcct they were making very tijr ptpgrcsi they were by no moshs doing their utmost nor indeed was it likely that iheywqulj press on with sny cxtraotd naryenergy as there was ho need for the vessel tbairive by any given day at we gulf i althpngh this mightlire be en sail oc the ship and her passengers general vi it byjipjeani applied to slrlktoii7ho 1 l- cptali ijiu li luiullll uxu ulllllil h vrofe llna5ioniuerwriti iaparfioorrsiandpqt lo mleecd from tho iristoenil c salons of parli ghe waijmftatatro beursetftisii hcrifc i j n jrtttif r linn thn conn- toiwdoparis antjl hot nosebccame feo navifti rfef4iw hers seven yenw ago 1 thought t ncrer saw a jrmniffr plead i jnppoaa soc was related ten times over at least tok the houie of iorrilrieiiapiburd through the 3jaiib and i jjirin prnirhnni tlulii amounta ia- wisubm nswipaseiilb lander lithe and noflran figure of that ffltomstotiijxbif ttrouootieiaa torn wnpwtl and the p- transparent coraploxiod whiclr had only one bdfprifnemiit wr too cerberus 5l the oeit ttto i ufed- of oulbofc j luotilynningtmstriputlnallestana waltftf his tiut any who lived imtehl smonf negroes az booth ties islanders must hare aoticed how is this attitude with men womenaadcol drop stray idv mohenf kor must weifbrgetohe peculiar in vhkh hndnhmothmtnsst imxsaarily have oar- tied their infants from a very early perioim the deveiopement of our race during th firsteighwimctf w tk-haaai- fc hcr ishole mind seemed occupied fant must always be held or laidunnrear g of th icmpinjrluf f oa the first tfme hp aswjha jitter renter his little sanctum onthe deck boldly oqosreti hiioi the captam turned with a somthat purprised air and said stri though mr burton had spoken andclcarly- intended to ask what nextr i burton quietly closed the door after him ind could cot help smiling uhe did so for ho felt that this proceeding must itrikelhe kkipper much is the cautious cfosiagpf vii lavetn doarby the otlrer captxinhadstrnck mi however he said cin yon spare ra three minutes captain bowman oerlaialy sir gam at yomsemee eplied the oommautlet- but asinappkaa slight elpud came over his bronzed aceand altered its hearty expression for he thoojtht eren when ha made pis civii reply jto whats up i ate you s rnieprociooj forger ot kwindler whois going to confide in me i or arey w tii thw iomeihc on bcwmrwhysq yon irpit wa v it cs 1 j don t jenk that ere ia any great the othcfsa6ouhtntx varyou to do iw v lavodrt very xriit voulf-cap- uis -j- j bet beaf rith hiiadiys nrt belt tte sue c9iue perbapa retarded the ea- mxu withau empnatti whisinnnlieidtast she ruiki vsrylikelytotry i aureuyputsneov burton lhat to fkfrliptfws aviwifl wdtt and perhaps mouf some extra ex pente for fuel and the kk- f it would said the eaplaia briefly 1 it would agaia anrwered the skipper f the eugfoeerddgttdnbl itiotji ssi little for we bfvv hot eapaghslakers tor a lyage at fullspeed i rareyou iufiifcient coil s itked ulf ton oj z i i whyycs perhaps wi hava wu- the reply but there wu an increairogldryiev n captain bowmans tone which seemed fo- imply that hs badhsd alawstenooghof tiie mmeftatioa lr v burton tawuiiimdwentitrifelil to the point capuia bowman he laid t hive tie most preasfag of reasopa for wish my pnly chadctwaswcmijbvjot hvci now tsk you to get exery knot 4pt o mf cerbitus that unvl andsteam cinbom pass and toherpomtbwk yon let i moiayit ihillbe it my expense iwill pav befoireliaiiu hr ybii bhtoma tpetatiit lswereidotilsttkiallytffi biirnj b your- eopwyisn shall nbt lose iihll jwithyour permisrion ajrvyotft engineers onbia wagevtorgevfet jit- j ff iacceptit i shall be glad to nana you tfjii banknote for one hundred pound witf dramatic eject hqirlrjwjbha insta from his waistooit ppekit m ho bpoke and offered it wthpicaptaln ii i too sailor bitottaggexed back in hja torpruelinclgjwied oa whyrwiitr hatisthripti i0zij jir nftliraiaisa interrupted burton vjt ltinwskhami thfrebjelglto first waatootainailhlp founttthat tha mill 1 ihbftobi auilhdatiat ctenjng i that a brlrata itetmat lsatinv sentrciornlagitliin thru iimplfthaht ss4rellworth niy whfla hv xng crest financial intejajrstlititake j jb spend throor four hundred pounds in bssv sngthe milt r ofc f aojlarmjo ilisa yuy wweanall b tidcr whethir yoa wtt tha race or npvihtaobljlalr u the tfow captain i ad tellow lyou a great benefit on me and mine by ooltging me tolls me you will help melt wellvauutfiiaapkraftwaisao- auu 1 uu usvc lotion vetyi to iifcfby ai rnitfy fionri aswe started before sier 1 u vi i- mr barton ihanwdilfio eaptilo and tipg uppnhradfice sought the first ofii- r ind ho engineer ifhthem behad ii dllfionltr hire ttrotpecf of donhw pay orhewhsbot lhirauolb suffiaont oioduqethem to undertake aay amount of fvprk the tjrkjng euninoars wereaually foadyj sndwithntwilhoursbf his conter- fatfawltfc skfpperthe cerwerusvai inakiagi caapla of kiatr additional pal- botathiei was equal asmr bnrtan kept repeabng jo himsl to serarathuadred milespe r weak i howearhestly lie wished thaillhe prsiiai toaft of the mail wbumbreak- screw rovout otorder orinme caaulty- bat fatal but retarding woqd heppeauiear disidv ed pursuer that if ribe wore lill tho pursuer and bad not ilrwly tot aheid- of litem itimend hosiiue lisllliis tptfcolationi ihatuuylsmh aebidsnta loaild ppaffo boam run isn unchecked and rocnockcred voyage l m eu j 1 till 1 iluil js indioihlcadltha to u coktctieb eirleimina ftrohl of hnmt jetaiattffl frrfef llietprftilttrtlfcrrtw i itue gorilla has only vetv safrcd the ireet pisidorf and probably aits ututtliiaibe sititndea common to taan but if a dfyloping aajtbropoii apt trcro to grow more apdmora prighife thiscarriage and to moraine mora opcaf fair back and sidee we might suunmnyeapact thittno hair upon ihosa portiosa oihia body would grow thinner and thinner and that tbeus uslcharacieristicslof the 1 dorsal and sterna pjloaity wodldcom- platelf rotsned thia iijtfet whit fiu probably happened id the caoa of man in proportion as he rewmonr eroot jhq must have lain less and leai iipon hu ttora aeiia niore andttore hpodwi bacfcdr othfe wifhthetoeption of prince ferdt sides ew ftdlv der eloped- man wiv thet banai csedstthe ago of 13 it thdbiafi- naonlatf ait of fiia neok face and iimba it k almost imiposihuto rest njiptf hfa aoh ou t oth hand ill savag races lie far morniknfterrtscla than even europeaniikttacotraacua onatei and easychairs for the natural position of sav age man daring bis js hputvjsjtg stretch himself on the groundlm the stuc with his eyes doted and with his back propped where possible by a slight mounl or the less upon ita bok agd thu irobahjjfondjjo pk thedflj tiir upon we dofsal andudi next let us ask what is the actual tion or smtsapott stselboy ot mian ornish ting those porttorrtwbetethoortpbental usa of hsiria speedily- prea mosttiairyregion is gonetilly observations go the fore t l v shin aihtasly this is tegioij very little likely to come in contact with external oi jecta on the other haoxljanjost ahey- luiery eafrlesw places are the patms ptthq hands and the soles of the feet after which- ooma tho elfcowv and it alo1iflmtvai ure knees ind knuckles the back is rery hair- less jtjd so art to are mora hairy thin the body coth tn front and behind though lest hairy on the calf tfcabthesfa wutwobrioas that both by day snd night we rest mri apottour baosfauunpfies jiupn kgv the latter being free when we sat down pna hairor bench doubled in front ofui when we squat tsterotiowwimtt- itionof savgeaantt thrown about laoiert wheniwefhepowno jespemlljnigcjt conclude that this would oe the oaiqjwitb early jieesunembarraaed by the tt betlmoflies ak lwmvv able that they still retain the ordbiar naoimeksi bli in intiainft fe back than on the frost and this also is quite in aoxirdancc with our present tion becsusd the slt fcufloteutiatftii have dot- worked arpoti jsafjcm a nlk upon the beck and lcgsirr tcjtfe morvtrequentry ththc bodyorc tbur asmer thaafroocbheir ontarssi hgtws mpat atocwurrittej is normally least friction and tfu 1 aiay bo noted however thafrwhil first joint ot thpflngirsu hin77tieomd jolaaj a callqiity l tteio rillaseaerallybare ij ij 1 i g j iitivfri tll s ftaeecitoriesjuc louprilie idvenfot ik the rasbionsmerkei htfignprani of itipnmarition was ilsmtabla aadsfioi ladies ifrcau lonsebyion tha huf faihionltwaipnjp45l tftakajaa horfctirtboilevl serfpodndi snd sarved it s a vegetable tanotner qnatly stirfdjattnfcrsk hw usqitlfa aa drstfl 4mi iiad tha teapaniai m the seventeenth century the leaves frofe4rmfmthiitei draw r kaiaw ond to 4i esrtet asia gnat dsucahyintet bnsaatnd babber to entertainment and to stamp yourself in pnierbirbirian in thq reajnuof vyrnoti vy1onipj itwarjirfganeiil eusfomtotiaiiyla blglaacvljfares ones own cup orjaa ckah jtle iwif enp ousyesaelby the way from ejgnt totoiti mmei and ancwtrepgitriisb the phrase dish f taa- thiaghim of earxyini onea owji teacup to tea fights haa t didvtheeaogostaidssposi tffc jheirioild ehina the chronicle is u rnnjtaaa fiah cwahcsne sitnar oarflm ina tttostarstaiesp doaw r doototh orbpeieaiathtbair befiri tu itia itaropjitreahiag uaeeiiahrtheiimuifwhtiua- hfotjnmna i ftif rlvi tqim thef riniosjai chriatio at the miniatrj- forforigniffaiiaanaat cbantaly when lmherwhcnhorbo8tywai most per- wfffi ita aiirec given some yean back- by m and mmb waddjhgtoii at the brum- tryef jmbuc msftuilian she wmwilkiag in crowd tawinjafher innar room where pkces were rtierved for disttngushcd guests ahftw of admrratirii greeted jier ha passed hng ithe burnished hair hi tfiect ofs nimhnsin taellght it dralitiimrieantcfaeri style ind fbjpifrct watrtooabodioa of pink sflk with la nockerohief and frill of ohihfccwtatfjfcmhre t htnstrrrel otcji thpnglii 4s ihopassfd on to iatch a glimpse ot yourself in the felaas lattarfy tnuettpf thitteanty of trhieb that nigty fiad so yirjdly impressed jjm j-disap- peared the princess wu said to hive loots hbr heart on jntmgbngliomiii of jnioriqrrankths delipatablnahptapii her cheek fadedj the lilies withered the kh- nldfcrtfetitteai a tho aye ranin rtbe note bccabwlibmlqtinmeli thn phaw aho only lookeo well on horseback of riding aba and h listen werpaaaionalv fond lfprivik the mfantaalwaysdreatcd fa black tccordidg to the 8panish custom ijlbopa of tbo saaaisb rnarriages pojioy cuea wtb tbes infanta christina who was resarvbd after thr death of her- eedosfcr alfansq j the mttriosoinalallisdco ihioh her fatbfr jiad negofiitqd for bar with the duke of xoiticjamidens of italy taiabaadofteetj lmt tfabinrary the dku decazesaniule comieand cpmteasa de paris went to madrid tooreak down iw 4ppition initio ipilaaiobealtoa match letween the iing snd the prfocess-chris- gnjultiswortus of bote that kr t3 aen- 4mdfffamyrhertcaaedtosetimatogivr medical advice warned the- pke and vuchess do moqtpensier no to suiror their daagbter to take rf ootf drink ar meaieiie whichiad notbanprsparedby the hands oisttatmeorairflaitnfulbertints- thirbe- tragncda nspiclotltlxtst tpcritoii had -aggn- vated hhe majjsdy typhoi4 foyer from wmcihhd tuntnerhigsrliett xlr gueneaii dejfesyawleri t four children ipf the duke and xpucbem rihvatliedsf ifolfontpthtrferl they were each ieafaid awayinihelju op of orieaas jiioool at si tjnettoui in- tjieireolicjtodo for the beanjt of their boos sbftasughtri the duke adduches ciiaed thad tdb rencinitbsd every six tars perhapa this jmiy scwunt for the peadly clutch which typhoid fever laid upon them the blood cannot vithinrpaiiitym batura- fedpetiodvcallyhamorbpciple 1 ll pans paper i gives the followmf detailt i the princess dbith h pnncesa dbath ith imictis qhristina of isgfin a tisipn of bcaary wjtlt vcloudof sujpthiny hair abuther wai neyifftrtgeiasacia andthe deatti of herojuggsisbsr f3ecb mercedes hadi ferrime enectnpbu her nervesir she said mswftiniesv ttlcmghett uafediediiatew ofenjcjietlsdfromthe jhppr ofor arstersdesh until she herself was seined witbtheilliositwhiehuts aestined to a wffl wtiin4himqj cbrisbna 5j then after a nanae iitjr atitss bh mi tometd die at- indjmerooscj thai iu wallsteai deaid gcn ah 1 th merces v oclock 5iefellleop batwotnat 3 r-mwrnt- and said gently ah j therof merces 1 1 tional contact with the body or elothflg ehjjflgptninmjlwbaranitarat ust i hflrtt wthe fffrfctr ttu- v miji out on the second day as her tateiiwtiriynig byliirbedjv a tmtm omsakotbeb oauchtby ie uonntois da paris the duke demont- hsferfi cplewowrwhbmed tint he- ishbd tsetvhn bonstsntly ttrejains tbf duchess on the other hand ia the very nidcm of holy ii saintryraignitlon y i- l v- jt u ravthhlvaaktnottofhia world dieaeis iwmsrjfjfkhm yma tjvvt the life otqueen mercedes ought to have thmpment bpemscnltafo4her 125 ue othg- rapidly- chriltfna kept on the bed ppctet-hand-ker- chief wtudi the lata poeea if spain had cirnsdust before her fatal illness be jhg v tgiththe elder sater up to the very last dziftodcatif life to meet arrothor vfiu clinging to few trinslonteiurjof tm lotewhchoqhd thbm loffethor thelmnwictindteat shom inhe jnotqina sher had et foiall tft pp- ins o her household and had bidden lent in ianeofionafe- farewell thanldnj timdneaan4 detptipd at it 0 clock she said to bar inoitter 1 feel 1 aitgonii 4seriinebe atf mfeescbrf- anpfu4atfngtfos ma- gjret me au my jewellery and my rings she thea gifliimbng herpfaeiits p qtiet things thed was s sinendjd csskat which had been bwghfiby ftelemofiipehsier on bet 4wwdaf qjwenmwofides and sent by nim to that unfortunate prmeass iuh- he te qk tina u a souvenir on monday referring tsubecaret b ba5dtgite itbaek fo m 1 wsocftery in mj2u- i aferttidaysbissi oonqbymibsamid henegan was lucky enough to come across mxicillodlemga island icoaasihle m fpptat iow iwater ihe man and his chtm eoseeting aeiwewu to some of the grives they saw some com ifcttliersea4ih biingmadcslan old box vfeayjolinrtd pfvriouftaiwmflonnj to a threepenoypieoe the inscription s hgftjaiojisomew thbmiidditasof the llui- 441 i swifcr m patt hhhbcewl iimbt alyliah min jnengwid pi hi tjma vl heflutpu bis tinlmetindfirotittlstej and a pair of laminated steel boots and up wkaw warned tho first ofilcer mr kaeder heiaa poor iaaniwltha lamfamtlt ao u woshobbetf and hi iw oredijh and on tbitwfy ffflowkirl v maiigihhvrreitil think we ihah gat in wrong tnsmy i rv a irioi appear xhe words itornm can be void aniome j pctasem andthemeujirthlf headjwuiojig j hair and crown isifrtijj o- 1 v- 1 iri6oycte hngteasrortr 1 an jp to ut spictaoje was rjtoessed m lisgow on the occasion of the first meet of tbfesoawi ofttfebicymst ofiglasgaw and tho district p foer than j5 momben oiubo and unattachedrdloyclisti assembled itbtttt rebsamsi ik bly tharootlibqua 1 insetrirerajwjtkairtracreilistock hgl n and offihaljipf clnbs- imdormpnssenbthwtsritilgold- wmnudgi bogle smiidedaaertly lifer fenrtpolpaav and thb mrrfpjxioei5i6n4tirt- id phstnaarifile akliiha choera of m wgclaasemlled rwibiefi thir de- jarturi du thair prqgraas thai bicyclists attracted oonaidarable attrmrlon r i 1 1 ift vimpfhoentotchrspthemjlir tary tallpri wid onflstr -v-