fjr t if ijtk ivm-si- j i r -i- itrf r vv w r ii 0 xt2 wm- k i i t t i uelctovt ret pre 1 iltltctdewy itftriuur itottiiuk ju-pac- aaminv in adynoe jciau fee if teas t albert moore kortob tiri if uorxijto jcke 19 tsifc the prospects hanlan again wins the english champun elliott the grwlcquitioitt wov lim uf watched with great interest came fton monday list the raeo bvtwwm a iwoymroid toaof jarucisailor iwwsalhsulan of xw sadwto tsminiu brrwlfesndfraier7 looking at present indications for atrfnidre protprcw can discover iwtiinj ta justify the gloom that bat lo ao eral an txlwit settled or hhs eontaicrci4 portion of the aoautrji the promise if art arerage har t i f mteiiwijr good in the esat lii fity crop ii reported haivr latiiis lion it cnns qie of lk early etrosdi tbe hey till i rather under an ater age tbe wheat on low ground ha uea catisidcrkblv diuiagcd by lbs 1st ftoms but tint dtuitc it not geuertl st u and ea i wheat crop throughout ibe country promisee lo b t kir rvcnp it eoid hardly h ex pected la be it abtmitat s latt year xte hiring crept arc more protnittnj in uitny rwprclt lhaa lasi jeer end will prutwbtr rutke np7tr great measure futha tuaugs dad ii soaae tedious ly lie froat thefruit crop promia to b ban- cknt and judging frota the ilttnlion giiren kltorlr lo ibit bnneli of hn r w ptotcisut deptrtasent tbe flkiifcetforotttfruih iriu tatpiarr wiilr the ajualiuee nd icltly consideriu dimend bjt bujiti ctsted itself in ibeealcrn mktktu far or lest kecpirg fruits ia bs ow cottntrieawe see tbe great wtieil prcdacinj part of europe iatach t tdruwil of nnjtulcmeat umj tery utile itlentioa bat been ld ur fgri- cultare ae rettr to eiuiia ud ibe ruiieirfcticcli tbit formerly ap- iu1 ttft eurpctt itrlntt wl xer our grextect compelitort ia ibis aerial tbe supply froia tbia aquroe being- cat eff lit demand for oat prod adi mut n ormjiy b iaetkuad nd- witk tbe dcghtid tbe price olht abouldonr emps be aomewbit inferior la uittcri tbt pro pfcts ire thtt ibe price will more lhaconieril tbe qetioa mty be utod wbt baa ilia to jo witb conuuercel tbeimwer enrj ibinf tliii ii urgely in igrt- cultanl eoantry md oar conuaerati iniirvte apeded oa lis property of tbefixmin caumaaity enelin oonse- elltott of blylh kglnd for ui elm mjicoiv of kngwd orer hn tytie chinilonliii oaura dlaunoe ot lwefaiuijak bjxniuc-x- great dtal of beuiqjr ha uen indulged in ibe general rit being ten lo four on llmtiaa great orotfda wore congee gated along ibacourae wldletbe rirer w fuli of aiipi andsmm of nvery doscriplian jrom tie hcsiily uden aumcr down lo be raft otr wbicb the imall boy with uueoaiptnionj con tented ibeaiacltea tbe txcilenieni ta ituiucnjej md wbed tbe icullra made tbeir appearance aboat twelve oclock wuj thtiost niiconlrohabl elliott won the ton and took up bii kwitioa ou hie nortiiaide wbieli gi liitti die double adrancage of ahortar diatanea iinl anitowjer water at 1212 oclock tbe eonlesunla aurted koib towing aerpfut bat ilanuo- ttlmott ituakxliately fuigioft ahead wliiob be coatiouedlo do until the finiah at tbe end of tbe firit half tnilu be wax a length ahead and rawing a waiting race along put ibo aleadowt wbicb lie in the middla of tte rirrt and half way from atarliog point to gaol elliott nude a gigantic effurt to relricro hu aaningfjrtuncf butlhe toronto scul narpetivlkalfuakbs and prices at fabulously uiw bates f tiier sijlei abootf28 000 wonh of parpetloitband iiamvnae quantlllea ohircy cotlonl irom 4 cenli to i2j for the beat 40 incn gooda an enormoaa quanllty ofwhii cotlom from 3u o i9o be sure end ezamlnt lb kiaing sun hvhite shining hit lull yatda wide ihlck and good jit la kepi la two dualillef no 2 la only 9o aad no i hestler and beller at loo tne canadian tneedora unrlmlled good talut kxauiine he oil wool tweed nwde with double and iwiaud yarn al onfy 40 centa it ii not long ilnca the mm quality wu tie ler ciluily watched ibe apart and anticipate a rery great ini- without puttiuip 5ftu fncreaied exe will be riiuiftst ia tbic liana nuiataiaed bii nd allieuteu winning aoaie aajr try eight lrnith cooie ten and ollitn eten in il oiiu i sw tbe liulest tioie 6a record it it expected that haalan wilt re turn hone kt an early diy at ha haa conquetrd all who dare ror against biot in eogliod and ubwbe if the proud possmiac ofitree ebampiooaiiipa riz cinaik araria england and we uaretia doubt bat that it he bua cbanee be witt row a match with trickitr tiie poaaetaoriof tbef ijvorldi cbampiombip and ahould they tneaaarc oart canada jwill be proeqj ler know tbitie man who baa wrested eftry cbampioaship and rawi the bettia the wot id wat bora aa her roil aad ttill ia a w hole- iiesi ltd canadian ictaat tule coauwo court of rarlsloa tbe yihwjje couoeit met honjy evening aa a icourtof rotision and for other village boatneas ifembert all present tba re riatoti court wat immediately opened aben tha following appeals were considered and all recoramend- ed w goggroav changed to e pt k qneiici of tbe lox prices eiperienced tseat main dating tbe put eeaacn the commercial jutereat bare felt very much depreaaed ftud ibe vlijbt damage la tbe wheat crop this fpring hid atanijency to itih futtbf r depress that interest where the wrchiat did not look beyond the gtaiufidd in iiia own locality wditb bat uca too mncti their caw vnz woald it leasable to a certain degree in the sgticul lariat whose dlline doet not aemand that be should keep so tbohsaghly postal in the markets of the world as tbe merchant and tbere- forf next- to the presa tbe merchant tx ibe meant within bit react of m- fbying the glad tidingi to tbe agrieal- tatist alio baj tabes lest paint to pott uiiflsrlf kow we hold that oar pros ppctt never were brighter that at prea- etitfgr the futut legislation baa nothing to do- wub it only to let us enjnytully what natare bat pat nala passesiiootjf a good prodacttt soil aad a freei market for wbat we prodnoe and all the happiness iaonrs- that ws wiltallaw oatreltesto efijoy tittttikisttis wenaye rteirea copyct ihentty uter hj ltwi reporft and aeeanntar of tte ifoweipal council p the coanty of hilton iween solid tfng ini3ei for thisylv weyac well ateaeb of tbe other rintin oificet ja the cpaniy were nojedet tbe job at to be printol andittjuestod that w woald tender ia jbit nqtificatioa i t was dla tinctly stataltbatliui boot vat to be printedja solid bourgioii bat ia ook- in at tbe book re tee that it piinted in long primer- urgsr sii type and tbe ltnea are placed at fir ajiart aa poraible thai nrnkinj the book almost twice the size itabouldbe and is lie coubcil pay for tbe book by lbs pfgrt it increases tbt prices to almoat iwice whit it abdald cost e jbiofc it is about titaa the cotfnly ccmncil and th eople uf tbe coanty sbonld b appril ed of how tbeir money u being- galled pat oftfiem iqr underhand work of course thai proprietor of the oafcyille sbjiidupi tshrik th ijrff wia printed dii frare tbe lowest fender that is irhra eoanted by the jae bat by t king the whole bbk as it is printed it coals mnefli betiraea ho jrni 50mpretbfaittqald ft tiink that the printig committee of tbe gkunty council tbontd look info the matter and take into coasiueralipn llat fbe epecincations were not proper iy followed before tha job is paid tor bonald ilinn cbaaged to lot 13 slain a nd eansda street and add lot 5blfcjs itobert wallace cbaage lo iota 9 sad 10 ybaoga surrey ingot worfaa taaoge to e pt m west mam afreet duncan eobinsoff chaogt lo blk i lotl wa leitb change to blk 11 hi a wm katalst jr strike off lot 3 blkl i charlesr gierfcie ehangs to bik 11 lotio dagaid affartour cfasnga to blk 21 lotli bobt andarsoo ebaage to blk 16 iot mcaitiarfcbanibi to bit 15 oarmzvvaeat sew fall wheat barley ju feat balfertfmrik lard e- potato per bag apple per bat bay per ton clcrar seed timothy sae lot fiv b w if note pot cc roll s e ft 27 eon 2 8 zimmerman cbanga o blk 9 lot u45 i g hyudtebauge to blk u pt jot j j i- 8 carter- to bfs1rack offro jtt campbdi eitapga to lot u ilill and majn i elistciark ta bestraci off roll bobt kiesoid cbanged to toj 2 1 liifcii mitt arranging lbs abor caaaiajr aabmijfed tbs court adjourned coan- cilimamed j mbyeibr d teendetsoiif seeoaded by cs smith that the atoeaament kail at rsrisei he finally passed and osrtifiedby thoclerkai paiied by the court list meetajttminutaa were read and confirmtd titstkt4iid sidawilfc- committee tirpotlibr tbatsv j- brownjforieinbellosrsi j- htepban 50m kenney 800 j ken nedy 8612 fbvlayinst ndtwalkt and w watsonjj j200 for grarel wercortect marei by 0 ssqiith seconded try e adams that the street arid si4tsifc compritteeyreport boadoptedj j the finance committee recommeod ed that lbs accounts certified by ds street and sidewalk committea be faid i jtofeiby cbcendersob teconded by e nicfclini that cha fioatiea uom- jniitees report be sdopted cooqoii then adjqdrned bwdid the dundaa standard calli upob he oppooontt of tiw scott act to buokle on tbeicannqur i aiiule lira jeajdsajbtor of hrdy mbrdeb residing ia xicton was drproed m moaday afternoon oyvfaik inglnto the bijase cisftrnl of the geiiflemen nor oomposing the iitnswiare nofcirir tbaaihtrti fiyasrefnew members -ric- ijeatrs bagjerow baikerrilla bbiardcald- wll carpentr csacaden cqudi daw- ton dry ienfteld freeman french gibson hsmiltonj hawley kerr 8tormootaidbiw pai living stone mack hckioi mclaughlin mekaater melcalfr morgan folk murray- sairn near sbeloo peck ercbatdsons leeds bobert eietealictleiruwere poivmed ia son hitori boberliori w hait- jtilinijnpolitvmrati y ef in u quia- 1 bbiba uritafel j robinson tityofcjatorbetni tlrifttitredlcl wkoat anjd young thomas fiitpattlcauwu drowned at tbe village tjktfftswke 8th pohbnalikiliodior the chief fsferotffioownofoal itssiof 4000 buaduced meuml ttylonisvsandcnon woclta miimaeiutwidfcoitvlpb to ronbvo ibeir ftetct tjxtsvlwuon kingl wis diovned on the dili ia it well bated near hiafatbsra house lit- rr immen3 jhcrea8e of cash sales at the richt h0u8e tknhofwufads oktubiiiadlbs of- tuih xtly and wh uri ruiit puoawto uuy almost any1h16 iftd ivfswis wusbl56natryftpntuwtfg to tboaakntcbeaon ari tfjly ooptinced xyuire in teil fabtioa and millurry mantles dolmsna ulaisnt hatli llbilr a tfntetla jm to ibo iaakntcbeaon ari tfjly opptinced ilrpurchoaes at the kiani almsf jgot a ij iiiatilftvasat llamljion hwnwltbe enormoiu incrtme id wtkaw sales juil tlftnk pfllsiwtu worth ijfjoejd being sold last year mjdwiojttubnhal yearirkftrtwiitaatvanetiotllmw aen i kualnsis f tar had aii inoroaa ininjes of 1221747 orerthecorrespotidiog month n 878 ivdlrvtrmtmbcr iheiefsolaaud notloe the immsnse crowds of ouatomers who throng ttoenormoui halls ol thlsboaae from morning till night nnd aro ally mttvlflcaiieyltmimujeinelylowjicei wejtciyybu be ipglyjowricea lotioffaitjsaioreilprinls rtom tisecenu see fhl i tullf puoawfo uuy will fabtloa and millurry mantles doljaaiisuisiaftfvji sidsdlelireesof tbe vsur lartat fswcn fisuiona udimwsisr dataonljtl wim tbl vi 2160ab4adjprieott tela thfyarabeautllul new stylet of french and american rasaldsi the matwleij fad laalles dresses are got up va ibo premises bj wo ol u in hamilton snd aieinre loplaasbboth in price styles and materials dred and thirty piste making u402yaijspf bwtilulfr colon longing to a banront stock bought ltlr ferj fllfaf thd durtti i-l- source say that tbeenglish cabinet haa decided pt to aaaction the dissmissar qflisutebsatoonrnvr lcttllier a barton farmer named g reery baa ben fliied 2 sndtptu for tying acslf tco tialrjy aodviolenilr siwbifff it into bis avagtin cruelty to noimals ought crarur to go unpuiiiahed n6bi8k tkimat blttlrk oil worth- ten kuia it vkijiu k gbm do you hmc anyfrifiy afutl not it ii 1 tunc you did tain cannot jtay where it it used it it he cbeapotl medicine eter made one dose cure common sons twost one bottle haa iured uaoxoams fifty cents worth bat cured an its rtsxmxa cocosl one or two boiliee cures bad eases- of- film axs kmxtv taocatss sir to eight appfcslins cure sny case of exoooittd stmbts oil xftaxio batim one bottle hss outtd um bscc of eight yesis ttaading daniel ilank or uroukbeld tiogri covnty pa says i wehtlhlrtyinilis far a bottle or your oil which faceted a wonnitrct caaa oricaopitaijm bysirapplicaons another who jushaistuxt tor years ssjs ibarebalfof a 50 cent bolfle uft sod i w woald not buy it if i could sttno more rufas kobiasou of unda k y writes one small bot lie of yonr iouftam on rettoted ihe tcica where ihepenorr boa not spoken abote a whisper in fire years rer i mattery f wyoming k y writes your edeclrf oil cured me cf bron chilis in aad wtelc ufa eompweo of frxor raa bar tiu tir ass kkori is as good for internal- as exttnul use and it beliered o be immeasurably superior lb snrlhing erer made will sare youraich tufring and many dol lar 3t expente fa0 b morrow aetonand all medicine desiert price l4cla50hthrtjp k lymak toronto oot rropritort for lie dominion mot otsuooiei aad eiee- ncfied j i naaitii fa acloa at trie residecee of lh brides bmlher on tbe isth inst by tin ktr e hobbs mr thomas rcrrjmtn jr of esqiimtnie ta kss ftnnie ii e uoctter at mn matadalclirfstie of acua xo ctrdt floor- j old fall wheat sonne wieat 1ctws sustkets 2tosm 0 90wo 95 s7stoo m 0 siltq 90 0 5t0 k omtoo m j0hn8peqht undertakier a fnt clans ittaiw will attend fuotrats wmnrwuliad cufflm cose haidlw plates fiailal kntxiiiat uanit 4 tilarts huppteiat naaooabla ra w a g g 0 jf 8 sleighs ac ic vad lo order and an xaala or r a e pa i rijn pnouptlr attemdeo to stcaodoati ifd etoaabait puai 1- nnat ia4 ia sutdt tejordas faotdry and shops v footofvftllow st abtok johssfekjht aonrebip i txemrve griklintov acton jclraucnctiv narss ranrrtat the sibtenltar with an esperuncs of orer thirty- voart it prnard to attend to orders of urairno j decora uof psparhsng iae kslsomioiof and whiwwuhioj on tha shortest notice alt ordarc towu or eoaalrr pr6aiiur atfsndsd to 42sm federal bank cuelph i branch a gcnsai bixxisn bf ancus doitt dsatts nidlblus ofexciusge blttfil and sold depositors rate of arenllowed fnteret at tbe ftre ij percent per snaunt in ihe sar- 0 65lo0 60 bank derlraent and six gf per 0 10 t0 12 o per annum wilt be allcwed jon dt- pofil kectiptk prorided tbe money re- mafnt in tbe banknat leu than isir montlit and three 3 mouths nutioe be gitnorifsilfkdrtwal tsoifjji jr cfatefx mmatjnr 0t0 toff 12 0 og too 10 0 m to t 00 0 istol 00 8 00 te to w 25 ta 9 m 1 7 to 2 00 flour per 100 h jj jsta 2 00 white wheat per bush 0 9s to i 00 trtadwefi spring wheat eedchaff oau barley peat esy per forr straw ewrperdoc butter peftb potatoes per bag hogs per ewt wood wool pttt ciotscseed tiaofhy 0 sftto 0 k 0 s5to0 93 0 80 to 0 55 0 40 to 0 41 0 43 too 53 0 5j to 0 708 to 8 50 3 ooto too oostoo w u 09 lo 0 10 0 so to 0 8c 0 ootoo 0 tsii 50 0 istooso 0 75 too 9s 4 ott to 0 00 200 too 00 a crat offer for 91050 we win send van ttoand in rail tbeep an makrtdfkl r7orcestrs dictioaait fortnightly review rnr oda rear f bttafi rtue wasrektrs otclarj sabacrfpllam frlee peraaaasa rartalktir ajjsw or we win tlr n annbriutrt bnari in lhp wrokceslekit nictklnarvfnrflve i5jnrtrlr subscribers to uie foblnitiirlly neview orforfoarlijerly nbribers mthe rorrrflaqttr atvrcw we wtu sltea com omtialfiimocii wort in i vols r supebnatural beligion agexts wasted to wbora vi if par a toolcoramlulan ta raatsn it lr ire festival a strawberry ifle osaux irzsitra riui4 fln in ibe tctoa j- wednesday 25fch june under ti aoiplwi of lie ccistttiuonai i clioreti oaeoflbe feature toft be rrogramine i wlllfwa j lecture byrjv uy iouon t acton lrass bilib wlubyinaltendinee j beaotifnliapplictotlitniwixrrlea and res cream lou o room for a promenade cokeosz ojsrxxtx adoussioa 25 ctt doors open at 7 oclock psabmstboncj j id- ircal- for partfenura ordr hooka spieiialn comeste adrraue fubtlxhera j beuyuzcrakkkftci mvarc8c turonlfl wj e on latest iadrlcef h wiwaljijce icai a d j xtoxice- j jfptici it hereby girsn that any person or pertoot found trtspassinj fithini cr shoot- ingou my premises will be prosecuted sc- eoriiagto law i 44r db b uoerow f 0 mores ud wjri chueklka 111 eterj- dorj baa pad its daj- everr person tbtt blu ehnrnlnc- to do sboukl bay titocforstfi ivoiselrssbce power wheels thai wltrnn either ibe- dash or ersnai tbacbearest eisrwtvnd boitrnnulnt wlieef nvtis miade call aadoitatwotfcou boaerstreel baciotbennettv hotel made anil told oci br a fobbeev acton opt v pcrhib bctl the subseriber tsa purchased ihe thor- ougbbted shorthorn bull 3rd duke i of ksat dani imp 8olunat7thhredby fw stone eq gnelpb whiehwiu be kept for serrice 40 lot 27 con sadjafntnf i ihe g t b station i tarutfii60 for trade cowf sfoq tor thoronabredt rxwm iil j a s8mtthj u hat bonnets cleaaed ded and altered to the prtseat i aiaqbtti mr8wiith0i1p30m bowerstreer acrbk hpwmqbkl aodat mlci twi jctun as vsytcrrcae hatnjowss- do roaiirrn win jilsrdt lar and lfliiidor of ererr muotrxacrfpt the ear siorlng- at soitawabriftsvanrf beta t inform the luplei ofthewlnt fltlfoo that lieia pre- psrvd lo fti an latuet eoni wnf i a a t hcronpu smiai rjplasui rbtliuityleiiichatikooij lo jw protv swkcbea frltses freat plalu carts lta faffs ere made to orjer and ajl work ruafantdiladle will please leave their orden at mrskortalrvmiiliatrr store sad ibcr will faa promptly atuadedlc i leaving- orders please writs naraedlittncllr i aqoralsky aeton hay sm is7e i rfomblsed reaper jtow- cv esrobsaie nearly new mower hefer batinxbeen used ia excellent condition tw will nay it to applyal the post office wflp bbown i store tctor jtatb ch5ap a wnarttsyeartoltltlrout ififteea faaaila bixji ff and harness el lars apply td offioe ririnj beas vwithibaoty for assn for pirtieu- mctx moemx or at this f or sale a nrstdusdernocralwsgon on which is aset of arnutronks springs for sale cheap new last fah for partioalars apply it tha fsiapmssome acton r tsit acton may nth wi pumps pomp8 pumps 111 wje kdng usnuacturerofrnperlot well and cis em ramps which will be put in on short tou4e henairifct iromptir jone cnaiea moderate qits blnx aeaililshop on predartekatreel opposlto lr lowrya residence r i weaoamg tditi1 eojr 8ertice tht andersltned hss tor service en hit premlies lot so con eiqaesibg ifiorongbbredidarnam bull terms oah 75ewibokved intil jantit1880- si00 sqaeaingmy207e alex xasby 47110 trbeslg ihe undersigned baapnrehasaa tb erly carried on in the undersigned wnaldiiniimata that ha unpurchased the harberma business torm- arly tod that hewill eonunne auuie old stand miu street actomtoaiettau the rtqure jj madeni spjtliil harulroa i1arvli1 wffiw wniiftriatletalleltatiiil menia ofhis eosiomen style anaattha same rateas forncrlj a jibei narrooruo u mquaattrl v r l l actoa by qeo b jlyens -thb- f cuiwiaxplp -madeat- ctwiiapwotcjnsipii ifbadnf all mpetllon lor tfneral pur l nail ullariaedxlast- joskxickoit fottrfcll kinds t i i6iip aso leavens pljblishenoiaoekt for the new devotional and rcoctical pictobial family bible containinfr tbt old and new testa- mentt apocrypha concordance panlmsh hetrvj etc ec j alto acarefully abridged edilioi of br hm smiths complete dictionary of lha bible a cbmprejieastva had critical illt oryfal tpe popkaqf ibo bible 1 a history of all the religious deaominatioa of the world both ancient and modern chronological and obsrjrnluable tablet designed to promote na facilitstt be iludyof the fcacred scriptures etc etc u alio con uidi s beauliful kainily record end- fbotogtsplt album or 10 porlrafu j we hare determined to furnish our magnincent bibles 10 saliscribetattn raiareat tbe following pest reduction in pricea riacorr boanotin amerlenn ifotooeo panelled tides marbled edges v at 8700 bound in american morocco faaelleti fides oul edges j at 800 elefsntlr bouai ta frtnch morocco london antique liaised fsnek pun sides tiill ejges at 10 oo hagnlficently bound in turkey morocco raited panels full gilt sides and edges at 1200 alto a chesp edition without the die lionary and illustrated matterbound fa arabasquetisalher at 50 m it r- pictorial history of the wqbm j embracian fall and authentic aobonnta of every notion of aar oien t cnd modern timea andlncludinya qistorjrjof the rise and fall 0 the greek and liorain empires ihe growth of ibe teutons ol hod em europe ihc middle ajtes the crnavle5 ibe feadal sjitem tbe fuformsaon the ditcorefy and heltlenient of the new world etc eto tbe work will bi lur- bished to subscribers in nest and eolf- alanlitl finding a the followlnpprioer which sr rery lo ir for such a large aad magnificent boot i i rxi corv ufint clod xt shle and bact foi in ttll xitrp ilarbltd bdf ew iltrwy itftr jvcrc udck mud corner giuiilrct j cjil powlws orsat work oni maxoood wohanood nnd ihir mutual interrelation love its laws power etc 1 selection or mutoal adapts tiou re production and f rogeoel ndawment f texaal ailments ucttored aa fotuiint nothing indecent ot indelicate i by pr0fes8or ojsi fowler practical phrenologist and leclarer author f selfculture malrimoxy loire and parentage amatireness eic 1 cxkdltiorau is printed from clear new lpe oa fine calendared paper compruotl in obe large ottaro tolumeof 1065 pages ilfurtnled with hsmeroai ecgrarings and furniihei fe subscribers at tbe following tireat lie dseiioo raprioes i oirrtae clolk w7j slfk fiftkwfcb39n oinfikerdaerr jsvsk bedvttdio s3 so abate fs a shcrt description of each of each of the books for which i am sgenl i will be nappy to reefcita jour order geo leavens aeat lor publishers atooiiarit 1879 j 47lm m st8t rc3psned t t hrti ifckair takes pleasure ia inform ing the ladies of acton and ricin- jty that she baa reooehed a new and olipice lot of millmery goods in the atore formerty occupied by mr leitb which will be eold as cheap as the oheapest t presamakin mantle making anl ladies straw halt rbtnodeled in the latest styles j ladies intending io purchase- near miljliiervwin 6nd ittobeif adtanlage to ajl and examine my ftock betor purchasing elsewhere 1 mr8mokair acton may 7 1879 i strawberries strawberpi x8trawberrie8 first as usual since opening up holi ness it haa been our custom 0 be j jalwityafiratdti pelting the choice fnuu ofth heaipa as they- ripen and tre-hsdtbi- first 8traberrie this season that were ii l fa lowa siravbtxriu joy htbailoijiitk oranges lemons e to wpare cdnatjaoily rejjeving fresh joods in thesejines 004 consequently they are appreoiated by pur cuslolert ice cbiambythedishpt quart clabk amatthew8 p t s too k 10 f firse see tllft bartlu tweeds at 55 7 87j anitfedto 1 the noilitks are beautiful a new jeajute fa ike business is theounutaelim twltami and keew all prtceraud qdattllei irrm i cents i o if 00 ihilosliri tcdffih s au utuff ilores rbey are cheaper lhan sterthls teason t so and 84 king street east baoiltes 2ist witiks e wbaker v com on e and ah in acton 1 j t ieja begs to snnouace toihi residents of acton and tictnlty tnal h hat commenced bail nest as taker fa iiat j- wbllknown stakd ox iilld 3tliet u crdx almost oppoaile it utt q rocery store where b jiejissl 3d nv otthc tjett itmrft7r totelbsr won frosli baas cakes p can always be had at the lowest cash prices bread will bo kepi althos easlons resilence near the plow fac tory for ihe accomodation bf cilisens llringm the western part oflhe village a atoctof- btscnlt confecaoiteitrv t6 iiss been purchased and all be tildchrurp a oadtjr ovnoirs win tickapl aa bnd for sale freti and cheap a iloefc at clialee taailtr flaor wfll bw ketit on band and delfvi er auaypkra lthe tnwn at ibo current jrlcs r eaih on- teanseetlagk sdclala balrres aci icaiu- edforortiueshorlest uclke j trl3a6ton artoirlslhfefr v ri w and see the eflect of lbs national poliot i kewnysoin boot j shoe stoke mah t kto boots t shoes cheaper tbsn erer sad- ir- iitmi and boat ifd reaiiiir6 county nandeoarpriln all lines rron irskixastbupraaiolho coasstst fcoor sadall well marruisctsreav fioorsasatosa lor rht slerebsnt bcots arnots rortheiueh bots4 8pja for ore jnillon- 1 boots a snots j fbrtbr farmer boorsasbom i forlhe vecbsnfc bojts 4 hants 1 lor ihe poor boots tenon rot hen women 4 chtldkn a4 alt ckeaw r tiaak at boot it shoe score ordeilec work this depanbent with ns is a sorelshx ls eraplojncne butlke woal competent work- meav aad use aolblr abat a 1 msurtal- orueri m led on ibe aboitot nrlice and aii rsetfoa tnaranieed kopartot prompuj st- tetaled to l- i notice- parties fndethett fq hehsye firm will please rail n once and settle tfieir aceonnu otherwise they will be hanflei orer for collection a stoves tafii i gcelptt clqttl uaiu our sloci- u hour coinplde iji ah stpart moltx ordrnt far ckihtmy tar re- tpectfituft- tullektd siri uustqx- uerduiai tailorr cheaper thanthe clieapt j cl indl an panacea for female compiants yrweat ps lira moons indian conra tiumrtooa for erery disorder of tbe lungs and breath rmce is enu mrs moons ratnrrahcutean active pnetratlnr and cleanslbs resud dja losing all morbid aacumnltilona inthehead isbannleislouiemosl cellrate cotsikolhaprreefccibls alra atocoa herb and soot plllss turelyveteublo ooapcaisd and an aeuw wrouriio vlibou caaatst irtplngurcramps safe in all eases 1 woeroapurtallve tneololneln a- ed itloabetntsi- ursilnons heartbnrn wafers these wafers are an immediate rettf to heartbain imcescbnla rociamnea bittera pricestoo indian etlitor ut cedar taribe belt known lenaedy for cotbjba cojus or eroap lo chllnreur frieexl 00 mrs 11000 concentrated balaam for keraala woakness trice b cents jjrt moons roae tiucllon rricessceals mrj mccus corn and uudtonalte 3dnacisnllitciotrpp2 3cnls it ri i lopifs iiidiande i lofti aflenis m ymnwfcomtm jnv fectnis urtjttwirrt tpsrirbtaxwhtre test ripaluxuier lathe world tttis- u r wetstebss kbraabutas worm sugar an lnfallahle i wormdettrmjet- price 25 conta sowbyoe mottov aclon v ti 1 aclontipillistrj t 111 olo or andrews female these plltt are s sale and sureremedt mt obstructed ratsfal or deflelent mn- atruatlnnt amenorroea xhannnort- hoearanuair female irregalarlllet i arising from onv ran re wtislever are- anrolj r lid b th use o thrre pills tbejr are nota new remedy hautjeen used by r ardrewsfor tbe lal b vean 1 n hit private practice fulldlremtena anm theyahonjd and when they kboulavj isot be takftn- aecomuany j boar price one libllar per bos anu lest b mall to any iwrt oi the countrr by at dressing ki andiews box 769 tmn latetstinvaktocti has on hand a 6rsv plait stock oft- coal and wobd -vv- cooking and i parlour stolbsv of every description rnd at the lowest ralee a will selected stock of always on band art i ny peraonrcouir ing good articl in iliisjine cxa i be suitd ierr- eavbtqutshlirc aud orofrid work v are rpovialtiesand vjll bo txeculed in ll btanebis on iber shortest nolice kothitjr but a lrnntrrial ued- j alrckeaprorritah- rdentallclleal samtatliaa giteaw v joiiiixw may 6 10 mill8t actcdv aoatksis joils atassrswo miirtap school books fcc v mail to any iwrt oi thaenuntrt by au- ri andiews box 788 tnroi- iai sod by an reapeeuble thnioabnui canada tt b aasfcrwroldltraaaiewt ramlefiii eejlhatierttuetaali whtrybciiii at the- jajs matthews accnjfilitsta 1 t cbavs preanc siedicu t tmtstwataaaar- 1 ater taav nunfalllna curetorsesuoa weakresa8per matorrbea isa- potency snd all diseases- thals ajae prmfmory uotrjmliawtudeftlntotts ttiesr nniiietotvlritwpreelumpm fe nan raauyljtbcj 18 teases that ediomianw i bold sssksess li upd ctf tt dttl sutth 97 i t 0 i tt it annmauyle oronasumruoiiepd a preajatnre grave lafuupenlaratii onr which w- dessretoaeliel free hy mall t jtz- iev attne r ln wedlolne la o y an drmibtaal paatewaupajees- fer otnrwli mentrreema oi the money bjradrsftrf v u tawate oat casu