1 a boo fiaoo iiooo reataii lpuiflat uttle fty co to inl a ile lion r 4 ur ibm ifufc im e jrheactox fbee pbebs r mu8tt jflly thulsdtmqrlinro mtu rwepres8 building ktrt to lhsmthodis church mill stmt ac ton tlbmjohil djler i euslnajy fa sd nice it not pud before j th- mootkt dollar add t hilt will tiro dollars it not paid wl rear s ingle oopim threer- rates oratvrei oao call nia per yr gaioalbi 3 itik coltrun pcryer c month- s j coin w00 jo 00 sow 30 00 2000 12 00 lpcrvear l 20 00 uraauii tv 12 00 v 8 00 egkl cent per hu for iril intertion short adreriiementi of ujh uwi tod tra der i for three insertion busiaesa cards of ctgh line tad under st pi tnnnra all advedisementa meusredl in a scale of solid xoapariel advertisements without ipodal lion inserted till forbid end 61 cordingly is to promote thepccaniarybeeiu ot any individual or company to be considered an advertjemt tnuient advertiemeata to be pud or then ordered all advertising account- readertd monthly jiofebsi of births mintages tact desua inserted ire hp moore publisher g5s cs5 jjv t mcgarylx m d m c p s- jt gmiaiic it victoria college resi dence comer of mill and frederick streets cocsoiatjou daily from to 10 s mv sad froitts to gp m w k lowry mb mcps gra- dcate of trinity collect member of college of physicians and saxr-eon- office and residence frederics st acton- in the house lately occupied by r little qfc lister xl clark barrister quebecst auelph bsachoffiob in mr uatthews bvuldtncs 1cei1 st actoa gr oma orrs rvmv feniix t r heltsteeet voloiiblv noi 62taom no 209 a0ton oxt june 26 1879 i i lioo peb alfhpmiin advan6e bakery f confectionery llcsrs 13 k e kickl1k toitd inu n ste that they hive opened op their new bake shop ox nrc corner of mill and main sts acton and jul they trill alrsj s be sapijied vcith a 1 bread besides bon cikes pastry tc kiie a l1kge stock or choice confectionery a bolny sunday thrsla la herf eusts betta dovo the gnu the ntuan bloswas droop to ui brona itnh the gtrfib oonllp abtrei tiki oantbhed brsts oesuauiiroot th tllltop with lis flnh ot ttasa i xk lllnlmd ruthnaku ba sua mills which slatl soil rat a hare shaken or tha plsias baruod tb isrea ane vtad plundered drills ttiemct osiotthcuucbaia tielsow kn tuneless uirctli sad rohlit tmth sre mute tbe vtads sa endless mlsirere tlh o arrlar la the lad mosle or thf lutel tht tool ot tsatah6d autumn pssfeth brt dear to tha dead tha 8abbalh hfino ve ifuf ainbjht upoothsw vthue nil the mdtrl ddhes tha rain la vh with ulr sad trembling lips tha rords ra lln tbe psla that aclilox aoarts do el hath brhnluod tliout tsdttpptniriactantilot from close afiklct oad rlajs the hell tftsa th cllhadrs torer lata the abrat the echoes slin sad cease so be tha mum an o the iats dscfc h quncd ta fie stleace ot asnimsd peace i reettoanctoniriba 11 u to ulfl i 8tif qs ht time chapter il buckwheat ixoue 0ba0ked wheatc alsnys in ifeet hii vrill be- fonnd to be the ptace where the beat good will b kept at tie lowest pricei ctcsia cisn b e kickuk licensed auctioneer fu- the coantiei ot wellington end hsjton orders left at the feu phtss office acton or tt my residence in roctwcod will be pcjnpt sttended to terras reasonable f tests for dcyextioxs exfe- dmorilr and properly tecvri ux can- ad the cnited states and europe pa- tent guaranteed or no charge send for printed tnitrcctions agency in operation tei resrs eekrr grist ottawa canada mechanical engineer soilatr of patents tad tjraaghtsrrin j r d illthesox attorxer-at- j txw soliatoc in chsscery fcc oece nert door to wallaces hotel milton d011txiox hotel actok eobeet arnew propnetor the new hotel is fitted np in ficfrclass s yle with new fnmt- tere coxeercal trtttlleri will find good accossmoditioa a commdioss sample eoonu specsl attention paid to the wants of the trstfllma pnbbc bar suprled with the best lcjcrrs and cirsrs goodstxhling and attentive hostlers rotal etchaxge hotel ur e curfc prietor one of the most cadnoditc hotels m the couc good cocnnetcui room the baris s sup plied with tie ehoicert hritiffs of laqnort and cigiri firsieit sfabluijr and atten- tire hostler hocaer ntasfed in the dna- nest part of the village e claek propretor rtish for skks i am prepaed fo pay the highest cash price for ail classes of lamb and sheep hiins delitered at my tannery lace rfw conssniiy on hand ity jaifes moore acton shingle mills edwabd moore wtibes to tzmotxnc9 to those who intend building or npiriil uut lie u tboct to commence ln numu- txctore ofill custes of pike and 0edab shingles which will be sold ottttat for oftfltt elm and oak stares and basswood heading of the best qoaty also mannfactnred and detrered f o r the g t r cars herej at the lowest possible prices etksiclkas lath alwatb or eastj customj logs cut to order oa the shortest notice slid at rtssocave rttes ssiitfaclia ftaratftcd orrt sauetiei edward moore acton april 2nd 1s79 harness harness i ej perqa ux wxct ol t gool celt of n hxrness either single oe double i shonld call it oreeclis saddlery acton where they can get better value for their coney than any place in the county a good assortment of tetxhks ahd valises on hand al of which will be told cheap lor cash 13 repairing promptly attended to r creech acton feb 2fi 1c9 ai night upon th vear dar doth tcm or wind the paa bite impetuout lurfis umires and tears drop ilovltuthanln accti0k sale advertisements inserted in toe actos ttxr peissritlowrafer the best local pwperof halton co births marriages and deaths inserted free- in the acrox feze pzzss the best local paper of hal tan co aards ttflhit and isrcnlars ofevery j description eiecnied neatly at the acros eede pus office the best local paper of fe clommuklcatioks on local questions of interest wittauy be received by the acros fare feiss the beat local paper of haoiico r envelopes priaw in the neatest style sndtt the lowest jacar at the acros feee peiss the beat local paper of hal- ton co yonsave farma or turn stock for sale sdvertise them in the aero feec pees the beti focal paper of halton co ireechalits afd fanners alike shotdd m advertileandnpprt fete pe88 the beat local paper of halton co fttbayed or sfnleriadtexiuements of n this nstnre inserted very cheap in the acroxeee pees the beat iocil paper of haltanccf f qeattysgaide to elegmu jriiiiig j isrplete stxrrsirrercroe is plaet ajtd pemmanship yoonz peopleiriahiigto acquire 1 rapid earytaad bewtifnl iundsniting witnout teacher wmstid the genu a perfect a- atrnctor haodreds becoming beatntifnl writer throughout tb ijomimon m the united statea by using if ficonilsu of aerie of core sura of cosrenient ta far pnetising whicn ean- uin- copies beginning with the first pnnci- plmandgrioyprtigwsaog to the mart eegant plain ina oniejsebmi fj oexuttstsl 8hbct emttaiang gernaa text old english ua orwjnetitol letter ing offhand nouruhitw of bidi wi bstor tun pago with full njji od iarfroxtioa and a bewtifnlly ttgrt4 caw to contain qu whole price l00pottrid addresi 8abbattycou ontario bnsinms college beuetille ont sept 1 1878- m ontario btfswessjrouege sabeattyc 32leevill oitadmo j mfle deaigaof the above instftnton and j the work jit is most snecessf oily sccom- pushino as shown m the great succeasof its gradnatff tliroaghont the country is to prp- pire boys and young and middle aged men lor 3oinmercial pursuits by giving them a thorough and practical education hi booknteeping in all ill forma penman ship aritft correspondence grammar andspeding r banking methods how to deal with notes drafts cullr of exchange checks andall kinds of business paper graduates of the college who have four months course snd taken their diplomas are each week stepping info good positions in which owing to the com pleteness of their knowledge they speedily attain promotion among our students sre those who have been through the grammir schools and uni- versetiea as well as those whose education in early life has been negeoted the former come to receive a practical education such as is needed en every day life the latter t o remedy past neglect and all to secure that knowledgtwwhictt witt help them to success ia the world sarthe college journal containing flu particulars and specimens of penmanship are bent on apl-cation- address 8 g beatty fc co bilkrille ont sept 1st is78 manhood sow lost how eest0eed rhavo recently published new edition of dr oolverwellg 0elsdratd essay on the eaeicil akd peesusist cue without medicine of nervous de- klftf tientaranl physical incapacity jnrpesunmnti to marriage etc i resultisg from excesses 3 price in a sealed envelope only sir cents or two postage stamps the celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from thirty tan- sucwuljractice that alarmingcou- aeqnences miy be radically cured without ts tungeroni use of internal medicine br the ppuctioo of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at ouoe simple certain d tflectaal by means of whicn every snuerer itittte what his condition i may be my cure himself cheaply privately and radicil- ly lecture should be io he hands of every youth and every man in the land address the culvomee kewtorfc port office bor 4588 hid mr burtons money boett in jeopardy but a very few years later than the real date the electric telegraph would have laughed to com all his efforts i but he was juit bftc that marvel in its eommanicitiou with au tralia at any rate and he was glad to thick he had yet a chance sarilt sstmsy lie the progress of a clipper liesmerjyet even by the swiftest the voysge to australia is a long and monotonous paatage iai to a tnsu with such anxiety in his mini u was the lot of mr bart to it seems endless their passage was as prosperous and un eventful ss a paasaee could be yet even thent cue or two tuning incidentx occurred to disturb him and ta fill him with the gloomiest forebodings of faqurej one even ing they were far on their way then and the greater part of the waite otlwater wh eh they had to traverse lay behinjl them mr burton was lounging on a bench at the stern of the vessel watching the setting sun which wis spreading a sheet of bold over the calm sea and thoughtfully smakiag a cigsr when he heard a seaman who ras engaged ia some duty near him renjrk to liis comrade i say bh da you ice that line right under the suu there b ill nodded his sssent well contiuuod the other thstmust be the smoke of a steamer i shouldnt woader if its the mi in an instant burton was on his feet the cigar was hung into the ses sni he was gsriofj with hts hand shadtag his eyes in the direction of the setting suil he could seo nothing- the prsctised ej i x of the sea men were probably able to trac e the line of which they spoke but the piiseoger could see nothing he did not cire sbout speik- tug to the meu ou the sabject kst he should show too much snxiety but he paced the deck until the last of the passengers had retired to his cabin snd the moon wss full in the sky yet nothing had he been able fa discover nor did the fresh watch who came upon deck refer to any following vessel so he hoped that at any ne the strange ship if one there really had been was not gaining an them j it is certainly not necestaryj ti dwell on the l with which fr haxtaafolldw- ed their progress ou tha charty or the con stancy with which he was present at the beanogof qie log all this gos without tellicg as the french say but another resuu of lie intense anxiety ti reach aus tralia was tint he became very nervous mi the leait tiumr auch as the llighteat aur pise uttered n his hearing was enough to startle hint snd on momiu7 could not touch his breakfast because ae heard the officer who had charge of the watch during the night say to the officer who relieved himr i thoogit i taw the smoke ot a steamer about two bells she was to the corsrd and going faster thsn qurtelts at east to i thought at tint but i could make nothing out for certain and there waa no sail in sight at sunrise yet the lieutenant they sre all lieutenants and captains to ixndsmen might have bees jright in his first conjecture there might have been a steamer to the norard tang caster than themselves and this might have boes the dreaded mail these examples will give a fair idea ot the tension ot mr burtons nerves snd as they drew nearer their port as a matter of course hia anxiety fnirumf- ba4j nvhea they steamed gallantly into the noble bay on which the town or rather its port stands and came nearer snd nearer the quay and aaw no long black hull with etonbe funnel lying there a great weight seemed taken from bartons breast and hejfelt that his long and exciting struggle hid at list won for him a reward- i it was late la the afternoost when the screw ot the cerberus at lutotaaed to churn and froth the water and her great engines were fairly slopped ltou will spend the night with us tii 1 the skipper you will be too late for any business a pelhsm tonight pelham u the reader will probably have divined without any explanation was the chief town of the pnovince the town where the head office of the gulf bank was located they said located u there add use 1 indeed a good many yankee phrase a baogbang ra the name a native name of the port at whjon the cerberus wju dow anchored and was connected with the provincial capital by a short line of railway mr burton returned his best thanks to the captain for his invitation j but his nerve and energy had now returned and he resolved not to lose one minute in his eater- prize so he declined the invitation and leaving directions for his luggage fo be sent to a certain hotel he knew pelham well enough having lived there once he quitted the ship after the heartiest powble farewell from captain officers engineers and crew went straight to the railway depot and took hit ticket but just u he asktd for it the stationmaster entered and said to the clerk j the mail is in j she is signalled the packet then was inside the heads 1 she was not three hours behind them i it was now half past five oclock all business was over for tha day the letters would be eat on at once the pelham branch of the greit gulf bank would not take down its shutters in the morning and he was a ruined mas yet there was just ode chance one bare possibility and slight ian it was he determined to try it if they dont telrgrsphhe thought u the train slscken- ed speed at the end of its briee run and i dont see why they should i may yet get my money out of the fire it is worth a tnal snd win or lose ill try it he ot course knew that he was some hours ahead of even the earnest intelligence which could be sent from the mail boat and his scheme would susceed or fail ia tkst time without a moments hesitation he went straight to the bank which had idngbeoa closed for the day by the time he arrived but his old acquaintance mr fred bmsnj the manager lived on the jpramiies and th delighted to lee him x thought you had letueddown in riglsnovihe exolaimed i bad no idea you were the colony i dare say not returned burton who wss on thorns daring the greeting jnd enquiries natural to such meetug i have come to see you as sood 1 could which wis strictly tius indlwsat you to do me a favour i wait yon to tare me a great deal ot time and trouble indeed and wis is it bartout wis the very natural response i i want uy monay out tonghv said mr barton bluntly what i all sideline i the manager yes slvretorned tha olhsr oh i its impossible quite out of the question said the baiker bmnen la entirely orer f jr the day u you mast very well know i do know it nil mr barioi i know that si ord nary business is over but i know very well that you have often paid depositors later than this and that you can give it to me it yoiillke admit fred you can if rou please well aali the manager hestif ingly icaa if i choose i own but we doat care about doinj fhingt out of the suual course i suppose it wai in the usual curie then retorted barton thatyour dtraotos ssked me m a persooal favour not fo remowe my money when i had a good offer you know fred that it was voluntarilv promis ed st that time that i shoud hare my deposit on the intf ant whenever i oaosi to utforit yes thaes very true ui 1 ihe manager i well remember the understanding and if its of importance to you it is of the utmost impcriauce i asture joa interrupted barton i dont want to bcre you with partkulars but i wish to change my investment snd if i dont get the mouoy ra gold if possible tooiiht the chance will be lost will you or will you not do it that is all i suppose i must let you hare it as your money is only on deposit aaid the manager alowly but it is really very uauiual however say no more you ehall have it we will drink bottle of wine in honour of old times and then excuse my abruptness said barton who was half way toward a brain fever with nervous excitement and who was evtzy moment hearing galloping horsef and harried steps where all was silence let eoe have the money tint and i will stand as many bottles of wine as you choose to drink while lam in the colony bat i must be back at my hotel la half in hour from this time or it is all ot no use your people are confoundedly sharp dealers then grtunbe 1 the manager u he rose deliberately from his chsir they ought to know you are a selveut party and that your word is a i good for the money ay aa our osro 1 well never mini that fred slid burton let me have the money a id i can get my business done in an hour and then ah its of no use making an appoint ment later oa ia tha eveainr interrupted the manager i have an engagement for tonight so we caut hare a chat after your busmets u competed we will leave it till tomorrow with this he quitted the room summoned the watchmsn who was already en duty sni after an interval which might really hare been ten minutes but which seemed to the merchant as thoagh it would never end tha alow atep of mr rock- man who was corpulent and heavy iu build was heard returning he bore a small leathern cue whose distended iiiei showed it was crammed with annsthiog and a eaeex et its cotttnft tads jir barton v heart leap little divining the condition o i his visitor the manager quetly ait down drew toward him a sloping desk ou which were writiag materials snd after adj usting hia spectacles with more cue and accuracy than it appear ed to burton any mans spectacles could possibly require proceedei to write out a- receipt for the money burton execrated the slow tai formal style in which his friend haibeen taught to write as he watched the carefully finished upanidowu strokes ot every letter the manager hai got about half way in his task when struck by a sudden thought he smiled lati down his pen and thai shaking his head as a man does when he halfngretfully recalls the memory of some past enjoyment said i lor bless msl you were running in my mind nearly all day on saturday last what doyouthmfc why i met poor old davy lobbius oh confound did you thought ex claimed burton well let us get this business out of hand and we will have a talk about the old fellow poor old chap i mused mr kockman i aeons vary shiool- brofcea qute a different man from what now really kockmia 1 exclaimed barton you forget how precious my tune is do go oa theres a good fellow thus adjured the manager reiumed his writing as slowly a before but it was dne at last stru that my boy taid he pnshing the document toward his visitor yol will find that correct i think burton signed it instantly without reading a hoe and tossed it back you always were a cool hand said the manager halfreprovingiy and half-admir- ingly but i think should look at what i signed when it concerned a respectable number of thousands burton smiled feebly the litoitio was too painfully interesting for him to do more the manager carefully placed thsreceipt in a drawer of the table opened the case and taking out a huge bundle of notes commenc ed to count them you dont mild jacobs and levys draft on rothschild for three thousand do you 1 be said if you wont take that i cant do it until oh never jnindl interrupted burton thing will do cat away theres a fellow our gold and our own notes are locked up in the inner safe bat here is colonial bank paper which may perhaps serve u well unless quite satsfaetory interrupted the relieved merchant as he eyed the welcome notes quite good enough fred prsy prooeedf mr kockman stared impressively at him for a few seconds through his gold spectacles as though such haste over so solemn a matter was unseemly if not worse however he went on without remark five five two threes one two three four when at the instant a hack anjha a csb dashed np to the door and a thundering doubleknock followed hollo i whats up now exclaimed the manager pausing in his counting do on i go on never mind the door cried burton haurisinz from his seat why dont you go ou 1 r dont be ridiculous barton said the manager any one would think you had been drinking come in these last words were in answer to a tap at the door and the watchman presented himself well what is it i said the manager turning to him quite unconscious that his visitor nad gathered himself np for a dash at the notes the moment the man spoke who wis there it waa a misuke sir replied the watchman tuehackdriverwajartranger and drove here instead of to the royal colonial all risht laid the maniger you may go dennis jfow then mr burton we wul prcoceed xet me see where mi i firefitetwo threes one one te and so on he went until his bundle of notes waa exhausted the draft on rothschild was duly iodotsod the whole were rastorea to the case and the cue was ban led to mr barton ator he had given up hit deroat botl i qooarie added the manuer tberei thi balaoct of interest due to you which to morrow we shall make out when yon cell and thati al right said burton but now itnuat bo going f vobiroqaiti sorer sail the manaser u bis castomer rose well goodnight take care of the allet as yoar hotel is so short s distance from hire you may bo asfe but if you had to leave the lamps for a fnitaut i should sit- take a hick goodnight toey shook hands sod parted bartoav nnt tot wu to inclose his precious caw in a ioalllockod satchel which he then handed toihe landlord sod aaerit aeoorely deposit ed in the groat iron life whiou all i sueh places keep then he drank off at a single gulf such s draught of brandy and water u ere ted the audible admiration of two or tbreo itien who were lomjtia jt the saloon bar had it not been for thispotent draught he must have tainted and u it was lie wai fain to lie down being thoroughly worn out and otbaasted by the events of the dsy in spite ot his excitement he 11014 soandlj- so soundly and so loug that the clinging of the breakfast bell roused him from sleep and hastily dressing himself he went down ti the tnoon at the very first glance he oouldj tee that something of interest tras aoder discussion for instead of si ttinf apart at separate tables the guests were all gathered in earnest groups talking and geatictllatiag like to amy frenchmen at he made his way to a vacant table a gentle- man who like himself had just entered the room said pretty state of affairs this sir what do you think ot the nowjs v i really have not heard any news this morning returned burton iadeed i have but tost left my room having over slept myself i wky my dear sir exclaimed the other cndentlygratified at noding some one t whom he could be the first to impart the tidings why have you not heard the great gulf of carpentaria and northern austnlia bank the best bank in the froviaee has gone 1 gone sir i the mail came in last night with peremptory orders to close so our oank wont open this mora- inz and it is said the depositors wont get halfacrown in the pound whypursued his new friend with a sudden change of tone you are not a loser i hope r r ii 0 deifjuc certainly not by no means incoherently replied burton who found great difficulty in collectn himself rufficieatly to say anything i i wu afraid you wtre hit said the other you turned so pile so as i was telhogyoa n 1 mr barton had crrilityenoagh to pay an outward show of attention to what followed but the first grett announcement had utoctually discounted the interest of the narrative directly his breakfast was over he set oat for the colonial bank where he exchang ed his notes for a draft payable to himself on his london bankers he then repaired to the ahippiur office to learn when the next packet sailed for england as he now reaoy to return ay even at ao abort a notice as that on which ha had started he had not gone fifty yards from the bxuk be he cams face to toot with- mr rock- msn ha felt it must be owned a httle sheepish at this renccntre but no such senhment appeared to innoenco the manager hallo i old fellow he exclaimed is heartily as he could ander the depressing circatnstaacse ill be shot if you were not in luck list night bat im gui you got your money as i well know you only left it i in to oblige the directors and per haps myself as an old friend if you had left it in one day longer you could not have touched a penny you dont say so exclaimed barton but i da though returned his friend and i think old fellow as you have been so lucky i may justifiably say i will drink that bottle of wine tonight at your expense i think friend caleb you may stand riot my dear fellow exclamed burton un- msieely relieved to find how philosophically the manager was treating what had been almost life or death to him if there is a rood bottle of port in pelham you shall hive it or fifty such if you will drink them t thats handsome returned the manager gocdtemperedly bat what ia your hurry now where are you running tof i i am off fo the shipping office said bartod to see when the next packet sails for england i the next packet can mike no differ cue to you sail mr kockman you wont finish your business in time for her i every one coud hsve told you that the here ale- sails tomorrow tomorrow v echoed birtott good 1 i will send round the port wine tonight fred but at present you must excuse me the tale need be no longer drawn out as nothing of interest reouins to be told the herculea did sail the next day mr barton being a passenger his friend the manager wurateiiselysstonishedtohvthis at first but having received a hint that mr barton had only arrived by the coberus his astonishment was changed to a feeling of the deepest admirition and harassed though ha was coaseqoent on the change in the fortunes ot the bank he saw his friend off snd over snd over again expressed his admiration which as just said was of the deepest at his fact and energy i the voyage of the hercules wu a speedy snd prosperous one so that when mr bar ton reappeared in his accustomed haunts after what seemed to his acquaintanoes a very brief abience few suspected that in iht short interval he had travelled thirty thousand miles and saved a fortune the shabby captain never knew what mr bur ton had done but he bid reason for saying as he often did over his glass of grog at bis favourite tavern that oabel bnrtou wu one of he most liberal fellows he had ever met and bore no grudge against a man for owing him a trifle it only remains to add that the hero of this perfectly true tale is abve ind well and belongs to a race of shrewdheaded scotch m3lrcjotti9ttl jiltnwl oaxdldal viymvl kltohen and market quito the hoe rake or other weeding imple ment must be frequently ran along toe rowi of growing vegtrtabta the weeds must be killed we hope that the time will come when every farmer will know the comfort that a wellplanted and wellkepf kitchen garden may bring him tod many are yet content with salt pork snd old beans when tbey might bars ah abtmdanoe ot spinach gnentpeu radishes lettuce onions tomatoes etc as the eiriy crops come off they ihoald be replaced by others to that the garden may show no fallow or unocenpied ground provide for succe won crops of peai radjhea iwoetoorn eto asraruais moat be allowed time to grow its foliag and prepare the nounahment for next years crop from not nuderstaqding this many erhanst their beds by cutting too late the old rule to stop when reen peas oome is a good ooe when eultmg ceases let the topi grow their shade will keep down the amall weeds snd the few large ones that may appear are to be pnllcd by hand bxtti those who would enjoy beets in their perfection should keep up a succession of the egyptian to use while they are still young thnmragj- of these and of the late crop make an excelleatsnbstitufc for spinach beajs if not already dona put in the lunas if a cold rain has injured the first lot replant these and other povbeaas need a little attention at first to make them take to the pole fat in the buah sorts for sueccssioa the uefagea is regarded u the but tali variety and the best for pickling cabbage- the early crop should be kept sowing by frequent hoeing plants of the to sorts m seed-bed- should not be too crowded and the csbbige worm kept off picking will answer here caeeora for the ate crop may still be sown using plenty of seed u the young plants are weak and can not break through the soil unless sown thickly wxi at early ai the rows can be leen cttxar weed the seedbed and if the plants get large before the time for letting oat out off their topi this will make them stocky coev plant at intervals of a week all throagh the month hoe often and if ned be giveatopdressiagofgusooorother quick acting ferbur ccctjkbees dast the young plants freely with a mixture of ashes and plaster or air slaked lime to keepoff insects unless seed is to be saved cut away al that are urge enough to use whether wanted or not to prolong the bearing la sowing for pickles the but of this month or the nnt of next it is as well to sow m wellmanured rows or in bills patting in 12 to 20 seeds to tha foot to allow enough for the bogs when well established thin out the vines to a foot apart i let them spread on eich side of the row ecm plutt set out in very rich ground the potatobugs will find them in the same day and must do fought from tho start at first handpieking miy answer but when the plants get large the only safety is ia the spplicajoa of fane green i melosh need the same care a encumber they may still ba sown with the chance ot ripening before frost the same may be said of watermelons use plenty of seed es pecially with the latter oxioxs those from seed will need weed ing early a topdressing of woedshes helps the growth wonderfully a dressing ofsalt is thought to prevent a rust that sometimes sppesn keep those from sets clesn whero onions are marketed they usually bring a better prioe when sent to rairket ia bunches half grown than when ripe peas rarely do well after hot weather comes on but some of the dwarf sorts may be used to fill vacant pittas ta take their chances pfmas set out iu a warm weinman- uredspot srnrxcs of a common kind will soon run to soed if sown now bat the new zealand spinach a very different plant makes an ex cellent substitute use an abundance- ot seed u it uslowiuooming it spreads wide y transplant to fill vacancies squashes are subject to several enemies at least three insects devour the leaves a borer attacks the stems and a caterpillar eats the young fruit hind picking will do maeh bat u the spotted galeruca appears we shall try pans green u we know no other remedy for the borer it is advised to slightly bury the first few joints of the viae tomatoes in vprirate garden should al ways have a treuis or support of some kind and should be tied to it before the punta fall over if the plants once get oat of shape it is difficult to manage them the simp lei t frame of poles that will keep them from the ground wil answer sweet potatoes set as directod last month inmost northern localities this is quite early enough odds axd esdsfill vacant spote witi sweet herbs from seedbed use the hoe j cut off flower stalks as often u they appoar upon rhubirbuse the rake take care of the hot- bed and other sasheeuse both hoe and rake nasturtium okra and martynia for pickles may rtflvbe sown use ill the weeding implements often his bswly llf and hts cfiavertljo- his brother pianolasomd ctf hie ot- trinom l i l -uf-i- st aatoilin- if i remember tightly rpesk of those wh are ia tha not the body of the church st newman before hia formal ree wu born with catholic thought lie upiratiotii his earliest rseor instancy is of baring drawn oia book and among the earliest o ideu wu thi very unprdt ju destined to aerve god l indeed petal severity of t as marked a fatnie as any in t of john henry kenmsn i conscience wheijsver it may lead ycuie has uld but he is carefal to add that ne means a concieaoe jraribed by pnyer and fisting he won id speak of the conscienoes of mottmin very been u lord wiaibuiy spoke of what the noblcord wu tileised to csll his mind r j conscientious to a dezree that might bare been thought noeaire by sir thomas more dr newman ia also lorfcal to a fialk- in fact hehu endeatly tried to make life u nn- oomfortable to himself u he possibly could in this reirpeot-kjniewliatre-e-nblinihilleafc- edandexcellentbrotber john snd tsancis are both painfully good and lojictlof blameles life and inability to wallow the athsnaaian eroed in a comfortable and prouic way u good britons should iblntbelivethis slid frank gloomily of toedamnatory clauses i should have to believe in the popoae well if ieud i finite ajrwwhh rou quoth john henry nd mean to be- ieve m both even in their scsarationi however the brothers iave contrived fo mainta n a cunoos family likeness laueng liih philistine woddnj they had botbghe mad oa religious mbjoets indisisselit wax the one is a papist he other deist who xerimsly believes in creed hehas chutrnct- ed for hlrosei reads a bible he has oomposed himself a mart remarkable work bj the way and holds it emfol to eat solid food- except perhapsfiah because fish have no affections at the same tune he ia pnspased to pay dae attention to any protest that may be nrged on behalf of indignant salmon or lispetscd corgors i there is a ladicious story which t remem ber to have heard from the late baton bnn- sen cj how a certairi dnfch clertryman calvinist wu on a visit to enlind anl how being at oiorjherrsolved tpoonsiilt the famous newman then fellow pf oriel w to certain religions doabts with irbieh lie wu troubled newman wu very cnril an english wise ask him to breakfast by way of comfort round tbs festive oaaxd tiemht5er fonad a formidable collection pi some fifteen or twenty high churchmen most of them yoong lio devilled chops and railed chicken disoaod of the dutch ministers case of conscience wu solemnly probounded and it wu tery quickly decided that he wu bound to goto the biahop of the qiocese in which he dfrelt and submit himself to his anthonty but said the dutchman when be at length understood whit it was that these enjbsh protestantst sfare con- selling him you advise me to become a roman catholic and they affirmed that jt wu even so tie jhttchman speechlea with anger and amirem eat looked u if on the eve of aa apoplectic fit fusty not the canon but his consm and hetad of the house on hearing- the story heighec and said tt nslikesdvisingamauwhorifd the toothape to cut off his head by way of earing it ir if einnan would liavs bceui no loss for a smart rejoinder to mrj puaey but i rather give the story u an instance of the formers aownngfatnesa of nnrptkse jle hu all the courage of bis opinions and in deed for many years led a orl-mieiiec- tualhope j the beginun of the tnctarian morement he places in 1827 the year which fitnetaed the publication of las ckrutim ytqr the tracts however begin to be issued in 1833 and it u not too much to say that from 1833 to 1845 newman its about the most on- popular personagem england amoog other frienda from wh toe may trust bat temporarily wrejlbhie and posey whomoxi shades now delight to honour years they never met but at length a meet ing wu arranged snd they once more found themselves round eebles fable at hunley vicarage i am afraid it wu skimefhing of disifpointrneni to all present iorjths gulf wu still a fact and looking acrotuictinm not bridge tt the talk wu chiefly concerning the emits of inspirstion be ney having started that themeu one which they eotdd discuss on comdion ground in a letter to dr newman some days later kebla irist fully when shiu te three meet ajiia when the hiuittiartwdonc j when the tattles lotrt and to with all his exactitude of thought the nan hu in htm a fund of the truest poetry wit ness his belief in the reality o n1 sounds if one may dare to put it ek boldly this is no mere adherence to the wve theory of sountl but appears to be a fancy that each beautiful note u an actual living entity immortal because all th is fair must be so he alludes to this iqe in his last sermon at st marjs perhaps the most famous event in the history of oxford during the present century dr newman indulges in one carfial pl-a- sure which is to take a cup of cqffee after dinner and talk of matters anblujary with his brother oratonans bat this is the utmost bcense he permits himself in spekking of tom moores poetry many years ago he said that the ornament ooa- tinnauy outstripped the sense the best and most concise criticism of the bard of enn i have ever heard but what do the movers in the centenary uy to it some of theirnnmber ought to nab intaj printed controversy with the great man as booh u he returns t 1 a thoughtful tramp a tramp applied for food at the honse of a suburban agriculturist recently and while he wu eating the rations that nad been tar nished at his solicitation he wu askad why do you not o to work f i hive looked long for a plaoe that would suit mo he reued but i have never found it is tnere not plenty of work at firming uked the interrogator oh yes said the tramp plenty of it but yon tee ur i want to find a vineyard where the man who goes fn at the eleventh hour is the first f o come ont and draw a full days wages la the olden time they dealt fairly by a man that is the new testament treat ment and that is what i am looking for at the clou of his meal he started again in pursuit of that ooreted agricultural oppor tunity quito a natural enquiry on tha part of little itommy who sees a regiment march by with a band at its baadi say mam ma what is the uu of the soldiers who dont make my mnsio p flower girde and lawn to have a fino velvety turf the mower mast be used frequently usually u often as once i week use the sickle incomers near trees andihrabi and other placesnot reached by the mower it is not well to hare a greater surfscs in turf than can be pro perly cared for a httle well kept is better than the same labour expended on twice the extent j tex pat should be kept free from weeds well rolled and the edgings ont and in good trim the appearance of the grounds de pends much upon nicely kept margins to the paths beddc- plats should be ont now if ornamental beds or ribbon designs are at tempted they will need attention from the first in order to keep the lints distinct ud the designs well marked axbtrila most be either transplanted or the seeds sown at once nunrss everything about the prem ises should show good keeping which com prise attention to a vast somber of minute details a well kept gnu plot and a few shrubs are vastly more messing than beds of the most showy flowers keptinaslorenly mau ner or not kept at all biaaqula stopping placee the following ia a list of the prisons forts fortresses eto l in which blanqui his passed half a century of his existence sponld he have to be incarcerated gam it will per baps bo difficult to gratify aim wtthl change of air depot de la prefecture ii force now destroyed sainte peiajge ntw destroyed la conciergerie muu peni tentiary of versailles ordinary prison of versailles cenfrsl house o foiiel mont 8t michel penitentiary ttf tours prison of blois fortress of donfleha bebe isle citadel of corte pnson of mlyij fort of lamalgue prison of ajaocip prison of figeie prison of carton fort of tv roan and centra hoaseof clairraax whence the venerable agitator hu just beep released greenhouse and window plants we usually have settladi weather at this time and those plants that are to jjo oat to de corate the lawn or veranda jor to be set in the boider mremoted thejreea house can be made attractite by the better arrangement of tieremainingplanta- shad- imhtmtba provided inserts jratohedand kept in ehookj and waterihg will demand more than usual attention iu the days set i warmer delicacy ofunt scales the fine goldweighing scale juajtain ladelpiua for the new orleans placed in position lately are mechanical inventum and aooarata woi ship the larger of the two hu a capaekty of 10000 tmnoes troy or 68s pounds avoir- dupoia aad when loaded to ita foil weight wihinaicate variation of theoaef part of an onnoe or the one mill of ita weighing capacity another i scale is the one intended for weighing only it bubearings composed of the i agates which hare been ground with derfol puion so delicate iajtbis ma chine that itwill give tho precise weight of a human hair and issusoeptibje to the slightest atmospheric changes millions ddollarworthof precirinjjfiiai will b weighed annually upon these scalei aclivelakdiady who iu lately a few weeks in saris always refits kitohen girl as her fille de ot son will insist oa refeixiiijr to domestic jia our potraatur mothers honor but he haanv fit of a fortnight in paree quack so you prefer jay mi those of dr pdiibniy p mrs 1 och indade docttwr dear tt tetter than he bthet eld h-rmbr- statisntf lateiy iinahrw stffenteen million people cant they can play a handorgan i i i i 1 tv jfifrftfrfijffriv fc si