Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1879, p. 4

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r the tiao tad u picnic- viaessffis h fcjjb i31 vi inn thi ttodw tht sbtlltart blotorr im tat plonk au be staidt antselvmsjavsnusibt wu brstleta fttur hb r and tht tod tail tuob dwi tromwrt i ittt uutnaatrnnlwmf bit hair it luabw u eel it lorn hltf i m m lit tharramd kbcnyuid m bmji himl iwttttd tontl u wrathful tears jnonmlmkttrtsbili al mrijaooi all drtsm it wiy utsoathtthtpfcpitfc lilt tmnicku bit itt t uhu i- imioodecacbsstwavk betlwljtiotborbribt bllisadar bat toqa m iteock bt mt with gat h tsafd aloft and all lbfts 3s ms ife jl55 m sfe 2 and suds ii earn tor f andihrabrathswoodi andwwlhtastfct aid the it tittle brl huwudswdrtrtaadae her head tto lore light is btrey hrwot ah tot wonit he sxr deed eflttawseripts am now her lend hint t p uwtree am u3ti ssisfexot lib ttiititomwiirr tvretaaot hearth eorit heerled dtd wch t dot pjmi w f r aoi wt bflwth so diwn tatfbdttwh j a bot it riate tuni ui bo xu exapad by im nuj- w it ksovt bt cmaact tctialik dnro 0r pit tad piftfulnjoo ucdcuktc mare ud mart pljulf pbtm ft tv -c- 1l ilijg ggi3 gjhhtar tad stdunr ui riiliof amm injnuhkdc and he vws that lo thy aoce picnics he sever wol jo be fcnaw i sottrdmliivxatl mtlwittoil brtnrtuamlitiulsirtdtmetc he uiiata tftef til he hd lolt ot ha and bopdullr jittj- of tratkl r- aad w to ptenki oiat v 00- iae txmailiittoikxvteytfcr ttifl homaialar ht- f if rfcoi x u3trtretomuumcutlillifalrjitdf1lar eicftwtta nreet fijvcnud frit tod loftf lt and pmr rtfci tbr pltuut ttuim hettowfaf aadqoucr oadcatabiiatettatfarcttlboshd sis diimcmd fedepctatraatia pupu hcict jaf pre ta ut uf stuuvvbobk- preescr vcs ampctatuix giprftact ifaithj ctaot iad biac all utafi aetbavmt lit ooctro c ce u anas uk haae cabomhit iiaetibti when ey at on ta iuetuac icuacc nuf atjet 1 ew la froltfeo ofjiit hwrfr utetioc gauimtfiaatfqilhmtit- gt apoa smo tjl uodly fil lulk utiibed sre utki dh jjta far u ifcc bwt wait cfclcem itctlti ud made x cn hiut t- rufced rrthcretariinniijmiadeqiiadwcrrr 3e code it in shady ctfef rr he fair it not tt htj- btwriitir kr crta wdt tune uoosd hih tiolnx he liitwacx to ui clldren taof tom 5 ll aflwu fee trine oruw5si bs bte b tfcrfalift lartmrtr lr met cad fad rtpaas iloae in hxib 1 ftrmaa bonircts pirtf tokw vitfll on tfie vj tiw ulud of iiagen it the baftte ojipo- ct stntnitwt a a itroog babiiml pcintma isnftiait 4lctapie4 ifwjtliaiedx or and tame mmpamaa ot apftn ud maoeatav and one ottfae amtrjwti ta tegfn bciant jooaf laldttr paated one night aitenirf on a little emiaaocaasar tfae4utdoat 1 it iioaidugiitxhqlthe ootponl c gtuzdleftihint end he ejected id ben- liered at tao odoek which voold kace enn thrte hocm oleep betare nibriine the mfntrtf foifiy q- ktttiidtta iwo hoaziv afioacdin to the aeat ealnlasanv tima ibotexpiwd vlieaaaddealy ie heazu a toand at of approaching ygooii eonei thertlief t nid tirgimbmianlbhrmtflf then cried aloud whegoertheev- there wuno repiy aid yet rhearf tunrthhs angered the toidier and i cm tatt my oaii the tvo houn tie up almort immediately tiotafter there a ishcai9ei43ae boahec ihen a haiay thi ailttaiiathat th nfintri ltdmnd allkt to tomt thw bart ot tht autid thwirlnj hu gtsont hit thool- atr hi nt offawontha iauad and pttmat- ynat to a ptuaftt who tu nloughing la t mjrwd man itli tb toldltr uttat ban os 1 r which tj ot french jttoopi by water aniwtttl tht patuot nr- drlad at mting the toiitarjr toldltr i 1 doit know what thty hat gost bat it twooelookthit moralig- thty ulltd with tht gmtnt haitt mi in tho oompleteit tl- qoovf aldth tenlcyi tni they hara thudotnd ma i t thau be let down at t dtmrter htnjr that oorpocal he not only left moo watoh tu hoart bat ha hail that thay war olni tad li dill tool that i waa oould not oaientaaa us pood gitiomo oaasoin ctpai tangthaooti and the tenunelbttrttintataaitoc regret and detpair p- cvraemyonaaathpiaaint kibdrf i mioat gitt wayao wont mend mtltert s ttyhere yoa cant do any thing alte if tht french return and taie ywilwtfletptfnirythlng j j batw io aotsndantaiid whit martial law itril they return thart will be ho pity ahownmev j i tuwntli that it tbaurd voncanoft be phauhtd 6r enrhe yohmtor commit- ted iruybodyittabthuoeditnt yoiir laptnort who forgot ererythiag about yoaf tirmin bocard made no antwer bottwent with a deapairinjly hopefijl eyt tie dittaal horine aha there wu not thi i white fleok of a ttafit tail to be teeo and again he gate way ta hit grief take ay adrice aid the old nun and bear np with a good heart von tea are from rural part snlen ilk mirtakeo and can find it ma t true frie if yen art only willing to tet me bofiiend jtott- r i cr i boijoathow nothirg atoatmi-whe- ihertaam i am an old man and loag accaitomed to read the face of my ellowt laid the peaaafit 1011111 betoriyoii took up the muket yoa had held the plough i need t laboorer rigorotu and intelligent like mr- tell come with me and i will feed lodge and clothe yon and tee that yon have tome- thkria yont pocket tor a sdmajt frolic i accept your offer- thankfilrr aaid finnin bonard and yon hall tee that a prenchnohitc it not leu faithful to the plough by which he gaint a livelihood than he wu to the flag of fiii dialta t coin- try ax the farm of peter bans the peasant with when finnin 3onard had fallen li wax one of tbabrie i the jalaad lie tof- dier retained to hit oldcalhnr did not lack for opoortsaitiec to ahow hit abn and iadnt- try and ipeedily eoariaced ilii rich peaaaat ofhtttilsa j c lay tdaeaidta firmia one day urve y at c woald my own aoav j if it were not replied finnin that my old father in france waita and hopaj ataiooalr fir oyreura lahoeld nerer car tolettkao yoa will tee him once more teid the farmer t and when yos gsta franceto tee him whyahoold yon not orisg him back to j bngea with yoa 1 that however we can talk- of at tome fntore time tolay i wjah to apeak to yoa ooncerning my daaih- ter j a hath corered the young frenchman t face u the peatuta keen en iir if i am not wwog be ccntinnea thf and yoa araterywendljr i v j firmialtamaered aometiuhv aninteuiril uf- i 3 in faetiohi iran went on j the ngghbonrk uy vwt a tn foei with her what whoeaytto irwtartdyoa air that i hare nerer tdlreaaedto yoor oaaghter one word which woold mikt her the uaet oesitdiuohd rlllat on oomic raadajt fwcitted of ihjnoit part by the benedlctt ol tht reglmenli in oovared atanovvw lu orowd 4fmdieitler littening to the military baodt u a bloomii gronof fgrtdtl4hta ujon do mini a certain publicity yoa may brtiu- lotewhiipert in the bowen of uichaliandt myrtle hearrjbtlterioiukt rthefamoot naktihueia ereeitely and that if why the ha de nred me ta atk yea voerihxh marry her i have already promited her that it woold in nli l t in f nmjfii nf an boor by the etecfc thai i really thoaght he woold ttrahria me j firms hogged hinv too and a fortnight later became the hatband of the old maat only child the rich pretty and amiable led the poidlc cipaanthe dog of the rtgi- afii a neni perional friend of the f teasry boabewd ap to him meat onhating the dojtirk the teahtnal at ent fknoed tint aomething wat wroof and cocking hit mntket he oaatt learching gisooc isw the 4tmcssa nnsaxf fan v i ti j talateo- bdt there wat neither totmd nor tht of a foe and capcon htm brring np the rocki came booodiag to bonardt feet oh thaftyon old fcoow it it f taid the toldier syaa foondit doll did yon well ctpucuv riiliwt particularly htely here ifc a pityyotdidflt think to inriie the corporal to acocointywtattantglit o it deddedlyooolandifcre an eipceitioa of deep come upon me the cononit watch it thrayt alor and trill be fill he takex if to tlm haekrmith for repairt iaremjtnetotheae worda to which he had patiently htteaed ckpncfn began to bark tad run fnriootly rejund hit friend oh yoa think that if t am chilled and aleepr i had better warm ory blood wake mytelf np wtthadaseeien batoapaotn yoa hare ntmotkft to carry or yott wottldnt ftwir i i stilt capociaconuinied tobarksd ia ros now to the rights now to the left ta if poatetted fill fiauly faring tg pati he came up to the toldier aeized rim by the i orercoat and togged to heartily at it that ie fore away a fragment of the coat bomtrd wat n i the beet of hemoarori- sstihj now hit anger wat increttedand pretent cipucin and he tainted the animal witbklttttykicfc the dog wat riaiily grieved to be to mal treated tod mitiuideritood and retired to tome 3ittfcdittnceibea alowly retnried leokedrsctoachtnlfy tlthejoldiervjioil then licked hit htndf p 2s foot yeart patted away fooi yeart r toil and fore firman bonard thought often of france bat came to forget hit technical deaertiotf thsprtttlingof hie two children the embrace o ins wife vers a present that antwered for the future cnall wonder that he forget the peat 8o marten went on until one moroinr the tignal wat made that several reatelt wjerria right then at they drew nearer the- word went ronad the ialand i it it the french they are going to land s it it the french they are going to uadl the wordt caineto finhlnr bonardt cart like alarm gunt and he felt thathe wat a c loatbaa- a toddan thought came to him however andreaeaared him tomewhat dathing to hit dwesngt he pat on w aid unifbnn and thako and ran to the tpot iiet e s i i fire tcszc lk4uic ber lima been ao atrangely abandoned soon oarget filled with aoldiera were teen to put cct from he thipa that had rounded to and dropped anchor in the bow of oie wat a big white poodle that barked furiout ly on teeing the oiidgandoace more i firnjia bonard ttwthe dog and fancied j that herecognitei in him old cipuciej and hit eyei filled with tean i btih the bargrt approaciel cipncin it wat capaeih mdeed evidently recoguirwl thitlami looked round eagerly etpiid the teatry then ittmung on hit hindiegt gave one rapturoua howl and plnngingiam the tea twam with all hit nught ahornrardj an instant later and- the boatt were with in hailing distance wbm thabr thonted fipniais card in a voice b thunder j who goet here yoarielfrntered one of daroattrttaff fronvthe leiiingboat who are yoa anyhow i firman bonard prirate of the 63th of th una tmghard r on goard t how bog hare yoa been fan geirdrv v ic fbiax 12 oclock on the night of kay 13 1807 whtn the frtooh tgaln withdrew from thi ultod capuejn retlgnad hit ooeumlailon mthtottnnoelaa4ht4t1wbjh o glory ad thtoawt ilial ttamdwi anthtpplawthnt li 61dlt4 atut ttrti wi tnori to itliuill htam4ouii tund wit dog i that ufa en thi arm might b quit u paaaanlu lid in thi oamp anehhtt then wrrt inrlnlttly tiwirj dangin in it so capitols remalnad it thi arm itai i t ariftnatw from the htnriaj etrtewo nothing can well be mow enchanting thaol hay raint whloh la their dttotnt imon leading thi newly formed watarfallt li roggtdofterssjact ikvolothtt tht thinnest ttripi of toil with the moil laruriant ttrdare i thi rwt of cottag ranaing up thi rock it impotaibl anglaa j peace in carnival time merry matqniradei and the idea of a up by the pit tarotqucneat of the motley group among which yoa r mo ving pn the pface before the cluohooae hotel whryookdiy think younelf lucky u yoa have found aooommo- datioh if ajjrncjrtma of phyiiogomiat fhv guret and eotwrntt ftonf tfl thi landt of thi vvett and eatl contpionout an her ma- jettys aentri tebre tteiafnin guard and group in tnattidse icahev uniform tn ctrolling everywhere ihowing patchet of anrasooaborfllhuii ojktr ik the glare of the glowing sou ihern ttfn there afe ifoort f romjlarhary wi arabt from algeria in their string bmiatind tsowy tary bant then an jen in their blank gar ment and red fetzet and yellow morooso tlippen down tt the heel there are swarthy spaniardt enrsiopod ejatbajher legginga and the heary faldt at wfcrisai ing cep aotwithrtatidnurthe more than genial warmth ktalunroogh the crowd with aaairttlmtbfwpimti u that of the orientijtirmn th ether aid of the straitt while among fairhaired gennaa tatfohannitsad ohtecoloored italiaht iwann tht nalirtbred soorpiont of the bock should you har merely gone athore for a few boon while your steamer it coaling yoa are loth indeed to bet torn from th scene which yoo haftljfcly had time to realie you eel imtidsa- itt yoa are u mitt the nwlufmt orehsid in ih world ttrtmli5ohar bylnrrobtrtmi ocliaad to thtoktbl ornd4 srfhudiosny hib liifmt la tht twld ii tkfjti ur- gei wtthooldbihtppy to half ot it ith orohird it fltnlw ot i th laid ud tetnhu iiort tcnalwwl 800 plnmi fir top w nau and 800 chutnuk th ririitlt fwwnfc1 shod itjtwev hpflnt soo feen d too i dttohi ot oicuiievwwithjonlaw hlbsrd vandtrtttrt ptarmalnt othttslnlettnumblr t rbpwriar btruttt b aanjoi hl- ownduwtohkn oicntt rimthm tn twtntvslght varltu the boiinoed by a otatfaaou rewopappii treot t tea f part tofinr mile and lhalf thi tpple crop of jt yotr wu 90000 bar nit twentyfour nun and fourteen horse art amplnfed hauling oct the- crop or li sjisss ftf i iiu of uili orchard hat not been liytd nor it it maintained without the clotett tuperrision and inott induttriont wort tht oldttt tree are abbot twenty yean old the u it dry rolling gnprel with tomt llmeatom i the tret i puitetl twenty feat apart and do not by any mett teem to be crowd the groood it plooghed eereral time in th year and kept fallow i eicept when thought advaobl it il seeded to eloter flncktrt sad tproutt an remortd it toon at teen i the borert tre watched and followed with rigour wire are need to reach theto in their barrcwt end the damaged bark la restored with ohisehv a burmism stiw a recent nriew of ijorraet troop it thm aeetibed by an yewitost th nunber of men drawn up on thoparadt ground wft fir thootand infantry andcaralry in addition to which there wen eightyart elephant the infantry looked 1im to many monktyi for tit tad toldkrly bearing tbry are eiterly conumptiwe the cavalry were mounted upon thin tnd paiy ppnlet the gunt of the elephant bakery wen of no greater bore than the nornnvm btglhm ehee gun thearmee were fm- eienielynioiisd ant their warlike ditplr j hot it woaul be difficult id unagiimany thinjfi mow ridilusni than roch t tight to any one with the tllghtett aequlntanm with the armief o burope um oftotwhta piooooeudwt of tin twentythird anna qenemltteetinyof the stocktinmi held tt th tunlrlng hoom of th itftatson in toronto on wed 18th faqelbrta the annual general meeting of th bank of toronto being thawentythird tine toe loomhuncement of taaiatht wu held ui anct of the terwjt of the charter at th kft uutlstbt delicioot freebne of the ereniag for the vessel hat been timed to tail at sundown when the gates of thi fortreu lock np tor i the night but if yoahar come out with 8rafi to join yohafcnvat ibft piaiaiw mio5kw an y itul yojl uki ware that yon are an ixmlnglt- banking i fortontte fellow it il all ao unlike ahythinx 18th 187 yon htre had experience of tt home and ft jjon motioc of at pulton k the teemt irnnoatible that ran ti n4jnpriit j n xc v- itenu imjotsible that yoa can ever ecu to be alive to ah ooreliy of ifc sior7m ffdiiacto ply ko one can blame her for being mad and the rat mad ton f the little vagahond cune into the hall on tertttttret andhrantad toau tome imasev shdidvwtaa7 itatetmi rbat he drew her attention by taking if her hut- bandt nam wu john sit chit ntjntvrjohn- tad what o ihaft w qaeat i htdnt orter tell taid the match peddler eliding toward the door j0f jtffrjm had what hr it my boy dtak right bit replied woetan trug- fiag withe bat i m fraidhell lick m taid the little wretch 0 no hewnnt m take care of yoa etloatywu jut beginning ta warm bpj no hell pot lick yoa wouldnt yoa like a piece of cake my boy and the brought him oat a hufchonk now what it it what didheaor r q not mech he wu only a walkitt wfthheratfirrt that r atfirat rttird the matter the srss blszinswithiealoasr wettweftwtotcimoiitxi 0 that villain f come yoong man then what did he dot do yoa know who the wu coaie ipeaknpf r the boy optied the door and ttood in the opening he began to whimper a little knovc yed can vta i knovd who the wat hat ie see here yoa young tillaih yoall neterttep out r thtf hout till yoa do tell rm bat the boy dodgedher and wit on the tteai so the coaled hinv 0 come back my little meat i wu only foatinr jett wanted to tea if youd be tctred come cccn back in and itl give yon itsnstriiog nice- the boy reluctantly stepped into the donr- wayagain honte of the 187 atution jtne oepreaidcilt jamet afworta eiq wu jjctjled to the chlir j the cuhier at hit ttaaett then read the jaiowinj wont- the pirecton of he bank of toronto henwihv loimlt for the oontidentioa of th thinhcldets th teqawing statement exhibiting the result of the put yeart basinet which thry regret hu not been of t more tatiaftctory natare tbe net prats of utaresr sflcrdaaneuar cost ol liiliiatsillltllllitiilsftdiis denoa ciftehatt oa cur- net cute rii aodsssktar fell prorls loo or stand doobuat dcota daits- the year taveatt balaaos- brouetit fanrant woiiur- irhtss j deducr- 1 i dlrjdend ka as tarts ud otmaalf per eeet rocw 09 dividend ko it tent lad ooebatf per tent t90o9 09 fjgjsll t i oepotlu ulendaia4 li cfmtaamtay toctobsrbtaallnoaadi t dt t olbtr btata la rnlwd king asaiiftiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii total llabiulla totbt ptibue to tap ul i tomt to tocrtlntttt fond to rsbalt of ibtatttt on imrrtnt potet fflsoounttd lit tosautilail to dlvldsbd ka m pertblt tnd feet to balanet f arost tnd lestcarrll torwtrd to uxlyiu kuroot tbon dtpmilt llurs u i ml6ti 00 oeytlir m lirfetj oi ifii itdn hmo m 5tknrjtwsrtti i koouubw csatrllr mortd by li id wortt ea levondtd by wmlchmttrvn ibd batkii that tht report now rttd be tdonad aid prnledfor distribution unoigit ttwaw j moved by peitr paterson raq aeomded bysijiordirntesqnd j suvini tbt the iiakt of the thtre- holdtn an dui tad an hereby tendered to tti pritt toprvdto and dlri orjwrsirrioettothtlnteretttofthe bank ffjithntttyvr i jfored by jamij campbell e q teoond- e4 by 0 stotrt etc and asthwd that w fct xet eaaaod hen ry pallatt 5q b topoind torn tineeri for the election pf 1inton for the eniulog year ueved by ay 8 tet jq aeoonded by heary qoiderham eq and ass that ih polling donow com- tntnoe tnd to renula open nntl four oclock hot should ten mlflufet eltpte without t rote heiog tendered ititvaxt be dosed at mm by th sorutiotert nod the remit re ported to tht caahior th chiiroan juwing ractted hit teat ud win oawthra etq reqaetted to itk thtttme itwumored by o j boyd tq teeded by at fnltoe jiq and ssaaiiw that the chalrmao jimei 0 wortt esq be preiehted withtht thankt of the meeting f xrrobt or rax acecrit rknu wfc thi onartigned tcratiaer appoint- d it tht ananilmrttngof thi ahinooldtri of the bank of toronto ihit day dedtr th gedtleaeo eadermmitionsd qnanimoaaly elected director fori the ensuing year j w oooduouk i jaitn a wottis w cawthia l alxt evitov j gio ooodnuuk bzxtr ciwthu hotbt cottrr ht5t plllatt signed walitji a lu scratineeri 14000 00 1 go i be off with yoa uid bonard steeling hit heart and threateninghim with the bnttend of jiit piece capnnaeegthathecoaidnc4pretailwithj him at last retired of tea looking back and jrkingsiritibgiy i bqitlm twitry jtood resolutely it hit pott and capacinjmt reached the beach in time to embark with thecorpnal in the iatt boat for hapoteon had formed a new strate gic combination and wait retiring inland tad had tent davonit ordert to join him lswtstlji tticnafcuig eugtn on to hotoi aotise in in jmitie the corporal erery one bat ctpuanhad forgotten about boa j5 il firmin bonaro pacthjr hit beat trithhit natkrf under bit arm heard three oclock r tuwlrjr of the old church at eugen ten fonr thnvfite xh twal iowt began to twitter tod th ton cam op losing tltpt4ience tnd in desperate defi- nc of avflitirf law which enjoined him to remain on port till hewu dnly relieved he dflsndfd from the hmahfrn a at- atthix reply everyone bunt out iiajh iog tbe errt boaf t prow had not quite cached the ttrtad when gtpaoin htdtcram- bled np the tteep rock and with atreojten- door borrndcait himself barking fariooaly into the amti of hit oui friend barkt eambouing tomeraaulfa hekinz of handt lace feet all imaginable derooujtraione of canine joy go on bid feuow sobbed the soldier with tear rolling down hit cheekt ftear my coat tnd muddy it umach at yon like itwity tad i wont uy anything ire- member when i struck yoa for tbowipg me tujroiraoctjonaiidintelligeaoe j when he- had somewhat reooveredtromi hit emotion firman bonard followed by tbe faithful dog went down to tbe beach to greet hit comradet and tell hit itory i lwai7thecorpdral aa officer on pj vourf t ttaff there jand could cor1 tobotaie it tlte reginimt aeuted him royally and heia jetura iuyited erery one to the farm when he and hit wife did the honoori nobly i it wat not long ere the newt reached jfar- ahaldtonttf eart heitaghed h at firmia bldardt ttritagem and haying satisfied himtelf that thi toldieei iafece- dentt were irreproachable ordered hit dis charge to btmade out indue form far be- it from me uid the mtrttiil after ae hat been on watch for five yeart without being nliered to tend tbit gatiau fellow before a conrtmanrhal 1 r firmin bonard remained on the farm he vittted france that year and brongbqa father back to the island of eogen hit children aodgranoschildrento4ay hold the most important position than tad their family it known u the faniily of the french tentryv flidcntwenttoleuye hetnttlied t- know hed give mi fire doqari not ta uy twotd abootitfand he tlld toward i therdoor again f hold on serf what cu pfrtiyoi t i haircat got much ntooty here here a dol lar will yoa tell me all aboot it nowt comethata a goodboy jnow whtfdid he dbowuthei the boy took the bwuy ioaked ft over to tee ifft u good ttafljed it in hit pocket looked irp at the woman and replied in whhrper he kfs4edhtr tnann right here onj these steps crthat tillmiicsu deceiver fibfteried rrtngbtg herhiadv bat iaijaoj hir with the wu cremated when i get hold oft her 1 0 john john howfeoold yoa i here i boy take this fifty centt and now tell me who th wtt by thit time the boy wu down on the tjept bathe looked hack railed oompai- uonitely tnd taid it wtt yoa turm when he went away to hit work and he went down the rtreetj at a high rate of speed il o i a zola reniaa uccarthy the recently captured chief of the umzuzi tribe a tributary o the great owaii people wat a draper clerk in luner of the teniaa riling busaee bat irusterrod nitr mo000 00 kppropeuuti toe ud uk doolrtsalifbs fmjtc c7 plieed st crsdlt of coatia cart rood soaj oo sane or balsnceloltew iocount i u4 90 the year hu been diitinguiahed by con tinued deprettioa and curtailment ia the general baaiattiof tb country accompanied by a urge inereue in the number of ail- area and for- amoanil much in ezotat of m br baisaeei dot trom other liuiss in p ffiiaes y r r 7 i ul ssiumcsiea jot alter jsalj h fordsueounttiei thpttare terera y nlsn in todty who mv aytaritsruwftake up 1 bewtpaperxud learrrthat thiyitare jumped fromt few hnndredt to rntoy thouaandi a year by t zului tpear going through tn elder brother then must be a dimoult conflict of emotion in tome mch oatei brspeds brdcsnlaoo oolet b notes of lai ehsqaes aa other j taostr 9a54s 85 brbsjlfifies dns ffoo ojir lu i rick m tea year of the fenian riling he had relative a couttable of pclioe who warned wrif that hit name wu on the cattle books tod that ii he wanted to prenrre hit libertytie had better lette the cointry iirotjthyfljd to tb8tr fleldt where he prorpered pttwiinrfittjnenti in loea flielto con- field to the londanr7be somehow other fie piekedttp with thi native tod be ing of a bold adrentaroai dispotibon tnd tlrwyrnoed ffiijftrvjjejrite by hit ocotpti0nhs ended by jctnjbg tin umiuri when the ohlef oithutribodm hfocarthy wu elroted to thertiin which si tecored r by killing in tiagje ooeab fuilf ajdoitn withhimtomttiai4rtbwyiatn would be glad t reoerve hit sonihlajr 6ut hon of feutsnandufntoin htrdri enlitt thtfrioudly idmintiotofhitctptorj ica klemrvtysen f jdsxri flrtttj8ztvat thetrerag the att profit tr providing for the loete tuttaiaed during the year have ex ceeded th dividendi paid nt in view of thi thrlnrtg ia th tabu ot certain tateta carried forward from pmioai yean the tkrecton after a careful acrnbay of th estfn basinets and invtstigatioa of the variout acoooatt of the bank nave consid ered it arottttry to takethe ram of tsoo 000 from the hieta hereby enibling erery atcertaiaed bad debt to be written off be aide tiaklng a liberal provision for ac count presenting element of doubt or un certainty i the l5uf4neioefegly regret tha on account of the tame through which the trade ot tht country hat patted and it t till wi theyihoujd have been compelled to adopt this coarse fa order to place the taaett of the bank on a toand and tatadte- tory basii y ioor directors while refraining from t tcrecttt for the coming year beg to ttai to th thareholderi that they- may rest tatiafled that the bank remain in the meat favourable poutfco t tike advantage of any improvjment that may arise in the siasoett af tn eooatry j i lb wrtaton have to nter to lher v w b carshot mortl by otath duriagthe year of on of jsj their coueagaet jamet appelbe emv a rv iwi v auiteileeiyrerticm of coodolenoe hubunl vm1 forwalded to the widow and family of tit jooiisrd but la the lnterljn not any stept wen taken to fill the vacancy r i all ofj which it retpectfnlry tshniitted wtioopkeiuji r 4 0ekebai statsjttnt op luwlitilstqiil assets abokstat isrj 18tjl the new board met the unit afternoon trhca waiianvoooderham etq wu unani mously elected president and jamet g woru fvioepretioent i by order of the board j i ijtt ooolsoy j caahier toronto 18h june 1873 enjoy idfe whata truly beahtifnl world we hri in i katar give nt grandeur of mountain riemand ocean and thoataadtof means for enjoyment we can detdre no better when in perfect health bat how often do th majority of people feel like giring it up disheartened d and warned pot with diteaie when tre it no occaaioa for tiii feelaig u erery annerer can easily ob- taia tatiafactory proof that greent angott flower will max them u free from diteaae u when born dytpeptia tnd liver com plaint it the direet carta of srventyfiva per cent of mch mslsdiea ubitlioasiiesx indi- gettion sick rtetdtrrhi cottivenets tfer- root prostration kronen of the head palpitation of th heart and other dbtrets- ing symptoms three dote of aogott flowtl will prove it wonderful effect sample bottle 10 cent try it king- cholera jdeclaret war 1 thsr ut barlar firr uaus in the tasters oofcg- brbatoarclieaist a his arrnr ot sasfstsau are fust at urelr fa our laboratory ranxisr the runt tor th crest attt aralnst czmsts cbotera vorboa cbolara innidtiua and til sumnur oomptsinia dr foekrl irtnet of wild slravberry is just u sun toroatsay bwaaacr oasaptsttst t the amy ot orest arlula it is wmx bar enemies ttitjedi- ddellposttlrdrthsarssub eetnsdj la the world for tif ktodi of suanwr cornpoubtt th order ot the dtt thsniara it jltrty sear asutf sad bs all rsaft far th cm tatsar jost choters fnut sr pr it within tht retch of injud bar b had of shdrarctessnd dsslenlamedltsnes sbxaru baxnar k psataor frapdeton to- roato i the lift u coal cm stove jt6 brunswig vis tift flffifa to- iih public as i ct strktaia frj t he b6st is the cheapest 9j yonge sl torpiilo il i 1 bsrlrisaoiusul cusdt fhlst qslraeited tnd iv i sheets cufl chlui xslls bope steosint olsst oirden sod eijltif toou chihtl ftrd- oulltf suy brut 9oriiicti j sltmital shelf hardvvare cutler a specialty f front east i- jjt- if you value your health am- cmfothes use the bests see that the writtei88titttetjn t oh the offe side tas bst brotii for ordinaxy nss is ml o rse s oh jl m dovttjse ast- otber 0- om the royal clothes r u ootiftructtjj with k flcoac ne filtnlii liva truoe thfl pjtt lterprradwi thotjpriiijii ut roq tn ppwdt tlttu lacnuia lb ptaai aceordinr ta the rinj at ihu trnde as veil u iroid- lac uabillf of braklae ipeiiir ilia ptctaan of coornvtrt iheiini a terr hvdioine itock osoarfi tim colun silk hudker okudyj glora k juit lu thing tot the hemky emon addrwt 109 yocge st tow- i barristers 8s attorneys thi rouct sttretistttsl wbtai doc in ac if uietiib htitmvicaeaiiijiatdiiasin3ji kmt this vdazir comblaet more poo i ctnliues tin my other tnd eui do eqal set u betrw pacu kddnu l1 ordoii to the hamilton industrial works 86 merrick street hamilton ont i the canadian air gas ffkuliine j thti nlirhlne js foe njmin urirstsdvaiba2s nulls fsctoriea chhrchet pabik nansrswaj aic c11 snd examhm tht auehiae tb opersdon at jossfa huixiw islenuimlittunjr husber tad mitterjis york street- send lor slreanvr tea prka btt haliburton terminu8 of the vtotbsia l bahwatii snd vidanlottfor aoe t bloxflcd itlbsaw cisiflui land sad aea oa h oiea ton or rw jsfi swaei agents wanted toavax weather indicator i nj7ravera to etc bcssbln houb9 jatset flota soaaaa jfert fto j tbblalt afltowipurslclsnsadactodchear iaflpmaysy ot jroaui udleadeslrlai an rrferlsons physician of thairown teican has sosobubodation tteored oa anphcatton bolet stsn snd address mchmch buret tttronln m surtstbsassiudaaalhioak- wtamatmtr rtuiwtfv4scsibasstjv- w b cgbtous propetotofr pabox 7 it sil detect and indkatt eometlr tay chsagu in the weather twelve to tortyettht boun iaadvsnee it will tsit what ktad of t ttont it tap roas ng and erom vhssqnarter it eoaea srsvrt bn plaa- their work scotdlnj to lit predictions it till tsvs eutyurmlubmuauirltamdn- fumnle by msil llm postpaid send for dc- tjriptlve liit and price to tcesas atojrewilftnnfiifttodbjt co i as chorch street toroalo byntonuba0e q bakiiig fotprtet mnsin i nw bask staeaps ptispaocktt tewaotl co sttwabt t oo tvjonlo latnlaasttaphy at stisuuwttierfaph in- bilirrtrett tul toronto ruflltaasoiv bill 19 month book ssnt inrtt j dress bqremoo bsnl 80m7 a mssss fittl attttj litmerlltftl trtliahlt m7s0 h bvicnnaenldtlwitursi t ls48sj m frlsatlocfaitoaovsrsenlj 15 a dueotinn eradtsast oa a far hfek ht bonds or dtbea- lurtt u liurjclpuorouiareorpors- uonr crpomlrjb prwacullrl tith ornrtarapiblit tanulutt trt hauisfaastsrsltscurltise rtw shares o tht etnsbifstoev of fffl by inott tnd eeawntt- b jtrti orothtrdeed of real estate or by del jssf ttoek orby other ajonwcmrealmtiuioldby br bank itsiaitet- ntstom 00 nmt to m617 a u0mco u60 00 jijuywr w ittpkmtvtttanatto timstitt etuia tchool rtjhtttj 9 orflcmtniesvr 15 made in ohit day eiywltlpt ud frtlelt stoi bbdtmjjtalsftna oat tor csrapar and rjwwffiw at iitsttracuikut hurrah formanitoba i a tpecitltfiun of comfortable cart sil itart lr manitoba r tuesday 15th of july uujt pal i jjniltt train will sutt tncry urn dyi fjierwudi for prticuliti iddren with te tutija r mudtou uodj0ffi s5 coltonitt turootx laidlaw bowes co suausactraaatoraa improved ltewntoo jariiicas tor coal or wood and eosmsfcdxire ol ia detcrlp- j tlotatit r 84 86 8a nod 90 maryst hamilton hemwesoifri oahajbia pesmahent tljawui taee 6a684a sorploa aataac7jj80 aavtspa bisk beasch dtposlri reettvtd jaad utentt paid nail part of tandtot the taratsd trttouatal ler tacobrlot ncosy ttr i bars u taavtaoa csrtnlart net ooapcsteatioa to oompiajyoboytoroafa inr kl ra8mrrh400 woatjitajjrjnost 1 aufljetl elbi inst atw6vst6lfia7aenrvmtc41muul oomr fldctat bsmpiwrlaiatii jthlt latutaaoa vhtrtiy tavsudsnujrsxtivionssamawststriid pa- uoatajeojoisimpltsjttojog hrvakjiutto lirntau ensetl jtaart of ar- lf0 i m- hotalb5fciste tmm ttteinerimoisnd jait- v bdtmmmttdsiaost airtipptraic ji 8wwojabvmtrmt sta or roacigootab mbhifthwiti 62rltt w b ontario 1 v t ntbaiennr1 tboot ep mcp iv ot- js ajttxta jtf 0j r

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