Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 10, 1879, p. 2

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twvspi ps fsjf 1 j 3 i 7 lv ft ii ft i tisratcrrvk ftjin t j mw wia r rmanaj5j of portuorsliip kouctmshck6retvnjtlktf nnrlncrsltln hereto fdre pibslsl tnr btidci the uidcjrbljihi as nook n job prtutcw and pub- uslirw or the acton free puksk is this 4ar dlsjiolf 6 mttnl consent i i v- kl1 tfcc business irill in ho fntrc be faftlt bn by m p o4ri rao wlif dlscharur all dtbu fcntl collect all accounts contracted t the late firm ofinae isft witmss mp h surra tllll toronto ikuvstjual we are glid lo that it bvinjj nudfurrtvwdin tltt cortiompklcd duali- ejttkioti that is lo uko placb in toronto in sep tember next wo have no doubt from lii nnd lllierul phitform on which- lli inuiiifftotri jlifeoj ihal it iil be eminently successful tho various illtorbstrttditrwaitoiosohlt tigeraeov will largely tn tuia desired cud besides the albert c yxauiian svxu tlltih i a itiim tlruitlcnu duel sabar himself j b hia bond out gt lhowscr uud li wus drairsed j iie ixtoa cbbe press ruiiarfimrjtbuur mmwor si fee annual in avaaqe kcftofwo mm tcusiy itjk jult10i is7 datcnnt aclop onthosouldaj ositiott of toronto boing so way of towwbotlir rail ojbi i vhi eomtnahd- a much forger attendance than could possibly ta tocarwl in any other city in tho dominion this lr most deaimble jclion lhousand f dock to that city for thaapecial pur pose o6calrig lord fioaand hia- royal wiioi tort also iiiu ihii tho sudid buildings which veto erected far tin ernviacmlbibuicu are such with soo few desirable changes that will bo nods os o fiord th public plenty bc rooin 14 itnesi tu exhibition widi mora than ordinary comfort xhiivillwat once appar ent when we consider that the exhibi tion will bq kopt opco soffijaiuyloug to cnibtf all io witness it as thtir cir- tatustancci sndengwttnjfpla asy pec- mit we wish ths bderukmg the i 1- i largest tnesur of uc4 w toronto tadoddedjr uioguoo foe 4uchicii- pt- i to oa pateoss vvj wish to cull tin bpceulllentinn of ear patrons to tha cstt ihil tlio foirti jrr of the pttwioitioa oftho fkze peek hu expired tnd u tha bubscripuipit paid fa onoi dollar per snnauj pivxble in idvsnoe our sub scribers are kindly- rcqusl4 to pay their subscription at orico and tare the exlm amount thirged on snbe captions not paid- then tier com due wo i alrtys render our aeoonnu for adverk tisia j and job work t the end of each quirter and are busily engtgodraaldnj out ttceounte hoa indebied to ax will pteata be prepared to aotlli uieta fsteen presected i thoso iuiving accounts lgnickt ns will oiilije by handxg lbin in airsoon at cooreaisnt i who blolu ha pcluter dilferetit sot wont hnwo bath tub to forgot to uka tho govcrnmant have appolafod fifteen practical fulmars at 730 ayoft to go to thq not thwtal and instruot 4fllxfanuwi toeroxamalulto oneo1jlith6l the prlcoof every pnttther ouy prrojtwwli insltwrimr figuras hoatiio curwna vterii imported last spring and 12j por cent will bo tt 3 vi about four hundred pairs ouadyw 11 prices liundroda of lnulea fana day andinstat tvdwpth6 1185 foot in tha icvwph iweh ia being vuq thera tbo drtit has paaiitrated the solid oalt rock seveujfeet and thoto is evary ndlcation iv great depth of aahrock the prospects of a cessation of tbd fadtalifomhibiaiaidtian imprbrinj th lfiugcrppalook lightly better- the aroaof autuain sowing exoeed i theirapertatioiiipfgriiui li prooeedug bitiifuetorily an indian haa been arrrtted at fort sifkitchewan near eiiuontoa manitotu for murdiring arid onting hia wife and four children 1 ihe mounted polios found- llib bjnes and ekulls wlnch hid bo6diwllo the flesh tttkca olt aiid ui ikuilaiuiavcd and tha hraina ttlraeted s immense sale ilks at the right 11 ilxupmelblflt tllatwivatklna uah a i ileauiii jifctllajllack5ibi nowest ibodes of c it ollcrinftxaliyuflcai ifisrflutf iiolr actual yaluotwi rtj iairttff litmiifal io oiirtain 1 in nlljjsofulpricos which ho j is closing out at n discount of 12 j por conu tbcsocurwlns woro rory cupar ooforo being bouiln icarlhemout lio will giro hii customed iiy fes coiidlsts an selling ofal a ireal ileduclion mi stalk menh amu uwkblflob oliovl ttienlyper ten utothan hu former pricu u t just see his 76o whlto 9bteu allodia 87i aidrta nlh fino llnon fronjaand wriata shlrta of all kinds made to order uhfca beat manner at shott nbffco there has benggtfhijjggn toomlpnett sure to sea ho feathers and flowers the uitrteb flaroej are deiutrfnl trnrt tpritefhatoennhnwaa4f utebrliih oerionand ftene haa icrjr and glovoi they are to very cheap there hot teen bouvtvhfj tkeuf ytrfajpfwhlwcotvjnt sold tiaoo tho ol mareh tboy are such extra good vame that tidies are aaonlsbedat tha sterling good qualities they grt foraasj liwa knitted veals ir 1awljilb2 lo the also t tn the wuhlng th carpet are ml txll aportta edhhlrtstrom avmanyaze 75w0twjwar uwom will ats fall dow lalk- v vafi imajk lji7wivjwf rnijor irktr anrfs lilmvk cttc umor cosets6et cjp cirpedjret td uuetotfia frora 82oentt up k jj v i- j- uj jc jr i in k hv r kb dmlff0izt 30 sftiwk ea3i hamuton one door wetbthttgbnwii mmmwumm vs3 tommmmz do s- ky pure liverok we t ec hypopho8phite8 of lime t5ipwiiiotcom1iitrsisatwo vest ktni buiiywidiu waittmv vriiialtinurticulttitq etotjucli bu in aiiildoo irjtnrtinriekutk od uftfittni- propctuct olhf hj cofitijtw i ytnmi and fcfcfc 80da inonmittib ajihoifftjwjfi facorjor- cfcn3w1cdtft ihe rid jr d clvitfcftiirlrttewtwy ilhmbtadpiuttlilo ll m9otk mvoiihldefarspuii hflhtvdcrtrtktixmm djwa tat ruitit o m wjtcr ttonp ricks tffijpv i fts vife ont wk horribly inanglod a mrw pbr6wn of vioo mowing inachiuaon friday jnbruine- iin ftoni allovertho doniirabn eorie repotta- of excellent prospaota for a bounliful hitvosvohd cropstrno so far adranced that the moat exiraor- iinarr combihition of advem rirchm- stance will bo neojessary to croato auy- thuig liko failure hqtc tostttn destrlctiay 01 oekvhest al sliaut trees aguin tre tro railed ripon tochron- iclo the destruction of trees niod to biutifr and make aunctara our vil- ugo this being hwsccorijoij third cime diitiug the pit jw waeks cro feel it oar duty to invite the tttenrion of our villige authorities to the fact that those wkohivc a desiretc unlce butifulcor etresdesenapo eieu in thw matter whatuerthe trees ttefetetu rtafi tne work bf scclft prqarl ing gxyi forrnothing scouhdrtt or ly uis ejwi illowcd ia bykw ko 12 to run l htfjo froia thb srst of april to the srst of sorember itlii difficult to j j i ay however in uia first place we fcelthat our tillage shouldbe ptofect ed fromthevigritttsffiic re constant ly barring iround tlieiitretsduhng tha day and comtnittiog the editor of tha ixirdbn truth after olscrvingihatprobitbljr not one in twenfy of the pcrsotiswho indojja iaboalingoa a holidarcaii swimj pro ceeds to tell his rcadors haw ta acquire tliis adxinrpjishtoenc kolhing- h says is raqco cisy when the ait it hot of- a tody its ownersinxaj when- the ix in tho body its owner fioatav letaiiy ode slowly draw in hia breath as hi draws bactuif legs and pushes forward his arms retain it whilo lie is teparing for the stroke which is tp propel liitij itcd shwly allows it to ga tlrounli lu lips as luttrtns sro paacd lett from kford hi heid to his sides wunt of v ln and his leg erarttrctched otit expiring shortly afterwards akhough the young wn was at work in i field about two lailaafrom uiorailwaf track hii horses wera frightenixl by the screech of a looomotivaaad bante ua manageable with the fatal result staled i i a quebec despatch says the pre- bpccufira bbifntifu hsirnt- jatlris district wert never mora promising than alpraeeit ikotwilhttanding the troaeral backwardness of thesaasbn the growing crops of ajl fcindsla5csplch- did and should th4wcallier jirpvp favorslde foe hjirrcsiiaurgflvield will be- cathered ia the hay croji will vaths heaviest everjirdt here fifty raea wera killed by a colliery otplosionin high- uuntyro pit near gltrgowptt six oclock thuisdsy tnprn- ing 3rd insc i lakr leiegratn ftbm clsigaie- hyt ir government shculd ktionoflhettrokcsbmihnotheqmtc vod cxaadiias to return tlicro were only thirtyone persons in llio high llntyre colliery ritat iim of the explosion maiit oftbe victims wera bnmed alive tvventy- ano corpses buvo ben rocorcrcd desrijution- ik makitoeh mr w wuli editor of tbo l cifr telegraphs from liiairssu junftoba giring 11 diicouregidg m- tlint reiur lie nil tie- i actok mtmunx flour oidf4uwsat snriabwlnatij c xw toll wheat l iarlay-io- u osts- tj uoaa- 3r v butter freali i iard egga c potatoea per bag appjoi per baft i havpvto clews lunotliyacali tlstt co omtalco wiijo 16 0 30 to a is 0 uiioxicci 6 10 too ip olotoou flojtoolo 0 ootoi ta 0 ootofl oq 00 to 10 d0 ixifir aubsurrs n- fibripcr too x2 ibl 2jq whlto whoat per both trtaiwett ivi ik the- of actn tin foltowrsa psorxjais iux ron site for terms and particulars apply to u p hookk real jstatc aett ero press buiwlac kamru id ihoyllwea of iottmroii if- wi 1 oc uilm cflunitttllti fnrtna 1quq illcft ijalfaalevllirroltthouralnioodw ihtm-cenarwell- loin- it and oflioritvits oort trlltifnrtao ujufiulq lead oolhan tulo uuuifauhlo 10- ffji btwcrr4tiftbe homwtiv oowtniiorn aettoojwulcs u aorxmueoi spring vvkat rmcuaffiv oita barley tcu itsy per too straw v- eggl e eatkr frllir poutt pir lag tt per ewt- woo1- wool pla c clatcrgccd tiraotli t 14 1q0 0 soup oi 068taow 060 to qjh 04oto0 r 0 10tvo w 055to oco i 7 00 l boo s 00 to 0q 000 to0 00 jiiwi 0 cauoii coqlatop 3 3 to 50 0 23to0w 0 75 to 0 oi ooto0 oq i w too no menu i ta lot lf eoo 4 kmtatxwtjt il lent goodwill iiwolllatraoiua aad blaiimllli mio rharee coau n bp hriiml woulapi oo rsiotaia ciolinhfomioo i 4 xuis6ai2smdniitifaiisi prix ot 1w ijc fv rvta cracr cultlyutlonwiwk rehple entti hmresllmcsloaeimreicaiiart nmiodee isrea cadu swsfnp vtwcwsi bear ingorciujlvon lluiurra nooc iart tog bndnortiniit iras tttljcs v- licatjlairm tarra watl wed rtowl saolfti llkbntvadoi oial4njiltitk0fli lot vdtrnworcit isadaci cranilw from carnonitlon ilmlu ct lh- vulatfccc a clcinno j txkll 2 rallet rrumth8uuog- tctim ia applleulloii to ihlto-jco- by night if we hid doubt we would have fe depredations a lockup- no ra tewer- visits from tha above class ofiedlridoalsvand those who did come would be hx safa keeping during the uight on tha other hand our atizsna should h ptotected from the animals which run it large from april to xoreajber fay a bylaw pro hibiting tha staie at different times cows have been seen to damage trees on bo wet and other afreets and were 1- i their owners comptld to keep them m pasta res this would not be the case r oucreaders- can imagica how kunoytdg it is o a pertoti on gptngout in the tiiorning to cad thotrecs that he has taken every precaution to pro tect for two or tares yeors ruthlessly destroj ed weconsider it high time the council would taka actioa in the matter i koriioulal hutihould bo ipa7o on a slight incljha downward the ceil reason why jwople take weeks to learn tiow to rrrw tjiufi ttmraing pro- fessprs either dp not know or do not chooso ta teicii the philosophy of breathing so ss to render tho body huoyant wouldgttgotoniakeany one a tolerable swiaimer in an hour unless he bt ii congenital idiot korel readingv wa mast cautioo the wessngencra fioti efpecially tha tonrig women uotthemaione on th dangers qfmx- cefisfro ahd habitual novel reading bi stories thoso that breath a had spirit or those which present faseipit- ing pictures of vies and sin that hold the facdy mor8str0dgthaa the moral izing that tries at the end to nuljfy tho tu iuflneneas should mtke a- very moderate portion of our roadiig the ready tendency ix to read inainly for excitemetit and tlianovelis ithe pre- valjng tipple of thosa of our young people who are- cot given jto dram drinking -tie-oeialitv- thjt makes this tipple is most sought by ihe rank arid 61a ofoovfl wiitirsand jcadeij and its delight is in the monstrous oiaia than the baiutiful arid iis essence is not rence 6ut serisntion soaaodahoii ils bane befprs it is too late and- ehe inebriation is i teuled jiabrtltboniiechief jcenirs 7uto the whole- ofiife and jobs the reseod of and the conscience ofj itxriglit it debauched prifata life by puttidg inihe placo of principle anl suostitute naphise for ifidelityv it takes away tho foundation ojf personal ul ionaehold faappincss and gives fancies and air castles in return for- its fuir promises and fond hdpesj aiiotkcr tharley kos iicaroto tt july ai east farnhkin quebocv there is a boy who says his nama is charley boss and answers tha description tery well ha says he was brought from kew york by tvq men a long time ago it lives witbanian who speaks no english and 4s reticent and sullen when quag- tionod about tho boy or himself tit says ho does nottnow orcira whothe boy is he upaidlso for his kfp drafts being sent him frauikow york evary sis months r sro signed edward piarsou and are payable at the if olsdosj bank ilont- real ross snd parties from philadel phia aroexpectcd here to investigate bieedllarhliiwllini to open bts co- nnjnfi tor ibacrce 4 scat eloa wall matters of pulfilelueetertdccinotliold hlmslrla any- wajrefponslblrurlne opinions ot ws oqr- ratpoodenifi cssrrotrontlealx arc requested taxj brlfcfto write lelbl and on oocs ridl otthtlrplpor onlj- all letters mast bo flc cttnracleabj tlieaarae and addicts of tbo 2ter not nocwsarllr lur pabucitlciij bot st anevtdctioeofgoqdlaiui rolal esoua3tu iioel kta v j draplki i iftwr mrcamnbfui llj uf tlid tiiyrlo iicw parthavineioosnna olfrlabc vir- xpcnaiintntiiqritiltip lotrisuj ailycfuianiik u uicjriutinstbljavdib i lotrisuj or ailycwuianiik u uicjrjiitinstbljavd utrtoi iihill1svt cbirgo autta tbe and step tl c it lllathititafcrr ptrinrvln 4n- rnj3teirti ilw miiycla irttihj iud jiieral terta orieyrobiemforhalton- to di etof oflhcfrapreji deab sea yoariiuertioaof tiefohaw- insprobltat will oblige fuji two intokcr eabcawho jram is or- arffyeaaltothreeintoercubea johk iexlasd fergus p jaiy7ttis73 a fearful afprm of wind riin and hail the hitter hoing about an inchin diameter passed over harrisbnrg tint about halfpast two o i -thflrsdayaftor- nofjtfstdinst- tearing great trees hp by their loots btijl twisting others off as though they had ibjen mere stjcki lu its fury everything iatha ishsppvpf vagetatibti wasievelled fo tha ground the scafehqpse belonging to the great western railway was completely de molished rfcmrcart which had jicen standing on pna of tha sidings wera blown eloog the switcaratid oatp tht rbsinjmea disunea of five or six hun dred yards althoqgh tjivdbrakei were set on theni -i- f tjporf tbo ariirof of tcs 1030 train ot the great wesfcin railway station toronto thursday rndniing la8th gendem4ncri roufe tor ireland stepped offthe cars leivrnghehiad him on a seat abociet book cotttinfng about g0fis- missed hi rooncy shoctly afterwards arid went to the alation but tle iraiu hid been backed down to the round house a despatch was sent to the- conductor informing him oftue ipsa in tha raeantime a- tnudr-nawis- hpy rianied ichaelbrdwri had found the ruonpyand ptoroptly handed it over to the icustody of a- railway offidid who noticed theowner as a rewaril for his honsaty tha boy received a pres ent of jl oriss a detroit bonksr itr jiorartj gives the free prw of tliateitylfis strange story diyulgingnonanm nine t ago a csncinnmiianuiielure vlicd leaving an estate valued at 8100000 ilia widow and child ran ware swindled in tha adniinistration of the estate and the widow moven to iictrditiri winch city she has recently been reduced to abject porcrty a few dtys ago her son rummaging among so mo papers that had been stowed away in tho garret found i ouadli of railroad bonds wirth 850000 xho widow took thebotds to jlr mortnand was bvefwhctncil toascrtttin talur- ort friday of lernoantwa boys named sites and ponogbue agadtespeotfully about icaid 11 years went id woods nir canifton in stitrch of goose berries taking with theta nfcun soles loaded tho gun with powder bat tho ramrod being short he could not with draw it i he said to bur companion that unless ha got some dcrries he would shoot him when thegun which was pointed towards donpgline who stood about fifteen teataway went 61 tle rod srtuck iloaoghue the thigh about midway between the inca and tho hip and hitting the bono thrt wood splintered matuigtwo addifldnat wounds uaa of thbpiecaikhs ijiken out after rdtieh diffieulty but othars of the splinters lemain deepiy imbedded in tho flesh it isquite uticeftaiiihow the casoioiay restnlt ss there israucli dangerrbm tha aftiat eilbctfiof the ra- juries isttnis tb yottif rsnio gather bash to acquiro flnarjpetiietoerijoyarofin larfiahit of ody to obtain jofreihing sleep to feel and know thntovbrr fibre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated trjrjiq conuiabco at onco and use thaquininawtno prepared by norltiroplynud of toronto and in it short- time yon will feel tbo whole system- invigorated- and strengthened it is awellknown fact thiwjui nine has been acknowledged- by tho niedical faculty for many years astbe best appe- tlzarand fonto knbsvn and rbreneral debility tblscdmbiriauoriwnt ba found superior toahother preparitiorii and combined as it is jyiih cue sherry rwinc anleuoice aromatios it ii rhahpnn agrecablo and pleasant mvigjraior to thdwfcore system xhe properties of juinirie are afibrifrige tenia and anti periodtd smatt doaa- freqirently ra peatcd strengthen tho rulse museulir force and invigoralollioitbno ot tho nerve system tho pcaullro dpcrilii ofthis wediauc ingeooral dobijilvucd avnnappeiff has undev- gono long and elosabbsetvatiotiaridit is believed itnuinever dill tf prppetly and judiciously administered iubjom other diseases predominate of adiitersril ciiarscter persons or weak constitu tion may take it without the leostdiffi caltr ns itstxengtinns the 6kmaca and digestive organs andrseldom nequire mere tbknonenr two bfltties toefibota decided benefit as itconta ins nothing irijurlobs to the most delicate constith- i lo ask for the- win prepared 1y northrop aljrfiah arid rar sure yon will be tatlsfied that- you nffvetuu value- for your m6fteyi8old row aotvnvand jllmedlcihedeiilers viaakisass ix u quitficlcftrmiuthitestertiiivpttrewci u4 ruutid ujmlkrcl jttbij o llarsn ud cogi hummer jjrlrfcv iiimttciu ikcfc fttmclurfccriw cfftu alwnltvalxjvt- icr ttnutusci2aui5 vtitilc h rcjpttrl- elvcuictii iuubihi jcxanrcufl ia in aoton 1 begs lo srnoqaceftbathjittidnu ol acton and ticioily hatli haatcomrnopcea bust r tiest as baker 1 in uut velliknown btild triifri it tiy jitff 8tjist aptoky i almost opposite tldlt grocery j store wntrs ua2j a of ino best qnalit logctherwitli can alwayg b bad at the lowest caafa prices bread will bo kept at thoar easlons raiuenoi near the plow fac tory for the accomodation of citlicca livingin the weatarnfaa of tho village i r a bcnl4onreseiyllmp nln frnoh nnrfihan fottoio frp6tiaqd ciicap iin aslfklj ofiwiicrpihjoaf kc on band stitj deutrttaafcyprmiflhe tvirn nt imfktetiftitixixtfiru kjt ttutlonly oaforon ibtkuorvfei noikc- 17 great it m m m jit iik rrl hit uj if nt vttjo- jtir vtaofcsleksfeu r tmto itrsi f wflle cotton 1tj hi 77 itt ilt acttrtsttkctri- h j r ey jxorijfxcisici vitc aj trd eci- l j uheju t2tiktl4iilp stc xi j iwbmikgstr hj-j- tr-x- yv p rupee migratjan that too many are sofn to mint3b4 t this year ilia conntry tannov bonr0iiutyiiroriiiitjniit mudoiax day u wijl tukis fima to dcvdopit and giro croploymcut to ths hendreda who sea cocking into the province i- hftkjiuy eguixllntbs- aclbti xjlpcvtritxt noitiinvtekl tjie saucribcr with- an crpcvicnceof over thirty vcarsi u prepared to altaid to orders of irtiuing uccoratiog papcrhing ing kilsoaiiaing and whittwaanrugj- on tht shortest notice all orilcrt town or cocatrv promptly attended to 1 ihi pl aiuj kvory dosilias had ultdaj- evrvj pcrtori tvthai eiicmioe toidolioula baj pacor faanirs noltelcfs ilec jpmrr vii ols ihstlllrun cluitr tliedatii or enmx chartu roo eiieafcjt castairjrkst juauiac aocl thrl is made cii snd wcvltai wpitoi bocr street iacfcbrlicnpcfcrotc iladc andiold oeij- by ofcbdlsaciqoijni ijjllt xhatabscrihcr hkipurehiscdtih thon oaglilirodshirtfiipi eall duke of kcat oimimgsalunax7th brcdlj fvstonee whlcu will kept f or service hit lot 27 coa3 aujaiune tk et it- station tsraii l50 for grade cowt 500 for thoronghbredii m3m c ssmitjr pdhpsf pctipgl pihfp 111 ekdkuoafactdrerorlarjcrtprweu asiclstera piiririwtflett will bo parlnoi short notice scpalting frompiur- clonei onaifecmooinwh aivohtm a will shop pa fredeilelcxtrqot0pposlto hrjlowry rctldoaee i i wvb ldimb- t l have removed roy i- to srcfe soooes mom hani aj reit kwtoonxwsopcurr wtoe retunrhngthaqa to n3jousbmaes for tjwlibferal patron- ago eihavabcrrfoforeexflnidedi awi trnsfihgacohtinnauce of the srftent my new stand 1 wonfdifatethal ux orrusseatautei twmfljwiu m- f ertwttf ttlj owooiaj attfitr tlo k i fher slif irnoi toihjjfti 2mmjrer tlkgtlvil if j is its hluwa mutlt02f vcrcafirtf tvtiter vh fil j elt j til f i t x aviv kk 4f i-he- clwat rldw maieat4 tbovfes ino wakscrttrn ithendoffljvcpeuiorsiorsenenripari jose jtrttitnam steel board aviaillieari made 01 tijcciftl luird itou chmii su caati t roiid cast- ldcerailiiadt t 7 ypiikyvwx frfieawtji-i-v- j the aodcrsigiicd pild ipfiraatwhatro fcki purchased tic hjrbcfingbasifless erly carriedtpa inictdnh0co13lrveris and thathe voi continue it the old ftand mill ttrcot acloo to jneet all tho rttfujie rncnttoehiscaftomcrsihafiriticlasrbyb imilot tub tamo rate as fptore fly- 5lihcial riitronice is requested- t- lottsjcfchlll s roug hiaj jantwjbsiirniaithat f i- 1 t ar islse ikov onvvat akvheu sciju6d and is eheari as tweheapesfc safisfactioti guarantees liltitfitw c i aad uealefli jlcdtot mouldings pranc and 4it a iwpjr tai ifiteed brsluciwijsaohosive s tobcinarto tho sauxmoilon v- pictsioson tax hijtptatri- fffulqrexs plcthilsiaidmuilt f groups specialties i nmfflmfe jsepi4 nieaigia to v wbtorahsrflalledie any oddreta oi 52 r-t- 17 f mm -y- riq rl3 -t- 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