mm ii m r jtjkk rlrcrthrvc the jetr tit whjckihe with t rtrea wyt budc ud leem kcr ciixcojoart in hf riofilc dtemet and ttuteuhe rtrea wrt budc ind team atomic the taijitact bet rtay urate ts rhok ojotmqt ill uic 4anuoa like torcrc it uieehktt where lore npoter vct lit rricreir4bo ut berv oh i one t ah rtjcnnt with the odour o thy roee cpoo the ti hiteetrtactot he tent tfce eyht tfon tu mooodj of ireeiaeek tie triuhertd mfihrisk la he bneu aij waufctctuiactcaatj tsefldw brooks vfcow witen twin e too ciootmatac wed tftd tiim cpifl gwtrtrt to btivh jim aad ftod their uuct u ihj- tbotttep pwkc aiij two u croude lie ftloa nzfct bide ruifilnt der hr tutekfft nnverfer wbtf tttae the pstdca tun lnui ur w u j t1m direr mootx her noit eoctaauac fptettaaor 3 foth it daj to tpotui leet rmlttnc turte eattbtt tfct iraica fee hie h riufal funce site urik rtuirte eatihtt n toartfckl sect roa lie raitey tacthu retain the bohahnk ibftrt ukulutofaec the biue untr tvut la the held tjcilo clacimm fvtaff bave the rtttrruhim th findr cmcec if elacnat erfl v tv fiiwiy wdi aelioat with uaabcrc aaibnaf riltt betide ihee jl diy loaf arid lend it cusu to bcuufy thjr uuinlxrt the wur trout lvva in tie rwfs dtrt ho t kw anitiwre ta tbc nocsllie t cuttnj xjorp by lie henjoct fcf- jloa vh tf snci or ho ahd tie irefcisc cicrs i lie laftse tte tncierc v 0tcic diacfnc by eat twtir i bwctcat k rtwuu tay ejrt foe the hemlt trt u coc fadt loat at t be bpt ctiic 1 j pclw at kinr pw brwfc 5otherilioot na m rtti dredcfie nfrtjot ifat fc i ue aai utrt u thex irr aiutb4tttfcflrult1 kobsa i i dt ic3 the txrc2 klijr wcoiirtt betst spfcrfje til f urr tad itxhiffet cln tes thee loot cct tor the tennittwfct foe be fru3t toj dicpic the thsuovv iot wwetbt oti issfer tiio time orlotor la brier rt stirtrtit- rthecreegg wcretjte ncae la uf tmk daces tui iniiaia piadt irbm hit hud ttthecitlhftttwtitnetlaa fw o hue thkt intriti oektf to the coac uk2 otrrmrt on the crtsa ecv k1 ru the cce the roeec orcrtbe nxcrjtxi kad j tie tiae of lsrri u bcirf r ftooi theftrft hlricj to tbe jiief thxtttyc tea wtti crawn ou froat the nnn rl mm a lb coii pract the m ta the rtiterwe kf tfec fairs bqt l tokuet u tewf- ai mexecrec tott ra k crwa ttxt pert sot tai pus soc ucrt at t firit frtia irotsi ta irctin ac t km fmz hout to hetrl w y fnes the uuo taj the iiia thtt ckca tdeuhhidotkftcrtew wdattc tdtrtiicbewtootocttai to the hocrtius thxt tewia is h is htai fraar the chkace is the rer crieia cumi to the last crtr pi oc the crutl a ria tad rnfact tomt owrthrtt4ekkad ecrelitfoos of oqirvlct -ii- sj- k a cacvlct reutec hit experience o pnaaa treitnseat ia ivci he mjt so ifln the ne a tppexrto be it vor k aa nuttr fl4t little kdoae udi tos tf the meskep their ejs iie open in order ta pre the tetu the tirderit t tie tpgtotch of tafenorcsrtitv irny tilt u oach thiiak then ii ttat-atitauoi- isjj betreec u kcoqdttmerxdoid thieret ud the oswri who hxre chtneof then if tbe cfessr it ciaittittblf oat- hetmacf hi dityhetj kible tarflne theae old thieret ict uhii ipiec ladute ctreheiznotcscriit la rflm he flan the thiem to ft3i whxt ihej- cn jlx ejl5t ljlgcr5ti to do u little irott it they pleue tad to txit u much u tiey fkueadiaett taii1 the iiagsige asei j these all ecabik u so tidtcai tad itoamble thit i id qlit fere lie zcln or the afghm wxjojd recoil from it with ihsw nd honor ad tie more retottaig itil todeoeocy thtaoreit ii ejored bv the ignnrtnt ind dtgttded elm of mvcvho tre tdecied iy tfi thoritiec to fapetmiesd the uhoar u6ri ctt in tie rrfnrml ting o qgricti isew of the approach of the gitern or chief nrder util the pmihility of their hrring heud rhltvlc goiag oa the offi ia ciixfe will mbo report tgahrit ooante of mert foe ttitinz or lutgftfng tt york- the men elected ta be reported tra amriihrf green tar ujd- the atect imuiip is the gxsg the reuoa forthit u ofrrioatj the old polfairdc ire the nrderf jtec ici th csxtodixnc cf hi igteretfg md b he knflti thxt ifreperted they tttl eoa- rgiit for rereae or it tome axexpeetad nwment heive i brief it hint ortf t porthuid pah int oter i ci every ofs- cer ia chirge of party hu trhit ii oiled hit jc1eks iamirho iremidehjticipegaiu if here qciret i ncrioe to prdpitate hit rxperiott ind to catttin his own reputitaoaforefsct eacy ind diieinline the inxrrx treia thciietthe men vho iestt deierre priioa j paniianaat i- hire laora in ofaceria get cp a cuiwzt chineter for ri ai ereo to etra hit prooxotiaa by ooatzsa illyteportiag tiro or three men of hit party the conttifatioat of thejeinea ire irre- trieribly- rained by the coatttnt iasiction of aad yet i ccald rwexr thifc they wcrt the kssi riciont and the inpxt indasfnout ia thgicj bit at i hire heard fteae inrd amy we mnit look after theta that loot after ot the old thierec tod they ire oil friends they thoroughly ttndertuod eaci other and irort into each otfitrt handt- the old thief fetcheaaeu ghij and racrkit hit health for ktire yfnij a h tniwtlrn hit ivpttts tint fur vfgiliiuv th mm vhr nrr m vho eo to the vail are the cnaophitticaed udtheaorieec what lrpcder thai with tech ataxiitioiit and under tnch a tyt- tern they lots lil morality tad miaiooilnd latheerdetpairjointhe fregiiararniyof crime ia these coareriitioat tod recol iect i am speaking frsnz penooal erperi ease the otbal topic it the art of thieraj i reoouectonetagaboaddetailiag hit exrijiexcis it eiltwar jt1tioss forfrretyfire yetrthe had tacoettfolly carried on tytteai of baggafette fooetuaes in a clerical garb aad fomeaei hatredmohtmaawi cratch ladioath- xitck he contianiuy mialged to poateee himtelf of raloable porfmaateaat kagby derby led crewe wert hit fitoarifetta fioax bat he hid mtde sereril taccetafsl haoif from chuinz croat by covering dorer labelt with croydon one arrived at the the latter rution the baggage wat of coane pat offthe train iclanieo byhixsyand dit- potedof in loaiai before the realowa crt had arrired ia loadoa to mitt it i for got how ltixy eoidiis or poenuxreiea thit man had poesetsed hiauelf of but for more than twenty yeux he iired laxariootly wife the flight tntermittiont of two ta- teacet of oae and two yean impriaocmeot aad hit present sentence cf setea yean peaai serritade he it aow at dartmoor fetching what he callc a a very easy lag- slng he it ooatidered by the warden a wide man a ana of the world he lookt after their iatensft and they loolcafter hit n be u in the leathercattingthop aad hit iiboarii anere aouaemeat he it sich wide min that he never gott a n- titrtj and wih cooiejaently obtain the whole of hu remiitton nineteen months tad be ai early ngrt year npoa a ticket of lure he hat a papilla the tame shop whom be it instructing in the mytteriea of hit art and who it to become hit aatiitaat afid in complies ta the totun the mtnetfoh 0 oblftttpijk ux oiot in ohtin vijrmclimuioytwhui nflmoii nuttfiuduinray robber la th unit abop io ubow dolnt hit third orfaurth laaiaj kebudoa xot i data wejtt tit on urt ud dtr ittaeii to i his mat ud ooaiuat regnt u tail h did not kill the poor old maa npoa when ta tht dead of akht tad ia i looaly hoatt lit ooanitttd hlilut tob bary hid at thotoajbiy teltled him he atyc than woald air beta bo ertdeao to cotmct wat this old rascal lirt y ytan old bat hale and hearty will pt hiafdis- charft aaxt csiristmaa aad au not all his arraajtmaota toade for a borglary at the hooa of rtlantit trtar catabridgv aetins upon intaroaafoa raeeind from a pruooer noaciuy anirtd at dartmort who wat ooa ricud of some other charge before he oouldf cinm tsi iriikotd ik nusox and tftanrardt ncoaatfally carried oat bntj ts4r name ilsjjho oe scsaavin the ahoteoakext shot at datiawor atatng that i w shortly to be diseharjed atsimppoa iaj bt to be one of the goiid rtoatted me to carry a crooked message to his brother wjaoee addreat he jirtead who he mid wm a rmpeotkbh worilajf sou thu brbther it atatat torkrrt diffrea hosmadwcaanickpiagaimatlf straight be ioforaiiag hit diasuttatt paia where tierj it k eoodlajv and tb taking imbreetioo of keys wuck eotae iat bit posjteaatoa la tbcoirhvhk work aad awbwiiagrtes may be obtained at night- to eligible premises toe tatter of the menage ittat raaeted ii conryvii where some kayi could be fooni which the prisoner had made to seat at enirao to ahouminqrattparlliad street aad a request that the keyt aad necessary inforoafcon eaigjit be baadad eer to aaotfaer pat kortdangeroot ifim irt ths ooi- sptraclea got op bt prison betwaen s tdccimi riortmioxljrfiryrt enuposlan4ibirewdtobiwl ing aearue oaleonted hticasel tarpeyr of dismviad aad ohloraforsa reeown hi loeoruinsr ta hit ows aoooaat had lived i imriooaly far yean nst the praoeedk of 4 atuaberlaa injeaioaiaeiemea of dfaioaeety hirpltjud beea the ncctuful ffoalcr at oabue jwsnpeitiee had oooe orgtaixed aad gli for a grand testimonial and banquette mtelf fa the city of dublin the tdtettised report of which ta the ifawt aad mtfrtpk iadaoed lotaof foolt to iarett in the botcit ooaoera taet tens worthies wen busily ocetcpitd duriag the year i wat near them u brmgtagie perfeotioo imbetne which llhreateaedruinto fartiga jiaatwn prin- 1 dpeliy open the american continent boh tairogaetarenowat liberty one at i am informed being ia nor york the other la doadoti tad they ik doubtlrat inttingcn operatioe the trice little game erbieh tbey were allowed opoorfamitiet o concoct apes public works i hare spoken iiyimnnti hy i iif eaisaxtottiaxists i meaa pensltiw inflicted for a breach cf pnson ditoiplias sad i bars said tilt these fsti the fnnet hnatjty on theeiwrphiskratiw iwiuhen add that taeee paaiahmeila art ooaafaatly inflicted for oovacct which ire certainly not eriniee aad that therefore some strict rale ought to control governor wbo at ijiu uareetrainad powfr a taaa who has ween oaprirad sifallknojr- ledge of whit hat been going on ia the world nc half decen yean atekaup a piece of an oh aewapefmr afew inchea aqoare which hat beta blown oa to the works at portlmd trott lie netgioooriag barrtcki kotbeaag aa old gaofbird with hit eye sad nan everywhere he it d in the act of reading it takes before the ooveraor aad eatonrtwf to three dayi breadendwaier iit ia a pajsahmeti oatl deprtred of a portjan of hit dotking aad ill kit beddiag redoced to aa itaeriee elaaiioirtliree moathe whiek modiaet hit diet aad deprives km of qieiprivile of aotna with or beuii visttfof by his rejatiree aad he it fined a aumber of markt the effect of which u to keep mm t fortaigat fcorerrnpriso a mait naroaly list to raad or write it sarjoui to write ttj hit aaxjou wife at home he gett hk man eduanvd neighboarlo compose letter for him oa hit sltce which he eta tarjrardt transcribe they are detected aad both amrtmwd to the three daft wita the etceteras outheisyfor distribatini the library boob as edacited rcimnit will perhaps- get some cktlitisb tale and hit aeitdoer aeighboarr who cannot distuiguisip from a bulit foot will gmillonsiauiortaiipi as ezchaaga bade tae critae it diajavered and the bread aad water with tkeir conoornitaatt fdllfw tneee ttdaar ooctx tngf day aad i respect- falsaggeatthattaeirmffnrivit to harden sfldbarveexes fjbe prfamwr sad todretroj allfeetmgtocretersaetfor the law tbe worst of it is too that these punisfimonta seldom or never fall npoa profeeswatl thieves whom oat woau be glad to tee punished mare severely una they are but ahnyt spot the nonces old goalbirds sre too wary and too lyaxyed to be caught on reading thit description o prison punuhment tome onevui excuim waere are the dinefsn ef the convict de partment whose duty itisto visit priaont tad hear the oosnplsiati of priaoaent six yets in peaal tervitade hare convinced me that the tag thnnrsm poundl appropriated to thit duptrtment is t friod upon the tax- jpayert i ko vuitiiig director to the cotmtry rati more than two prisons to attend the jdtr before he maket tut monthly visit a telegram liaforau the governor of hit id vent the yardt are swept uy the governor putt oa a nighcrosraed hat the chief warder don hit belt aad sword the old soldiers amongst the warden poi oa ts their medilt the soup in one of tie copptrt it mtde a little flicker than ataal aad the director arrive he walks round the pritoa with the kovemor it assured thit everythsg it right ind thea praceedt to the jadgiisut ota to listen to the ooatpltiatt o pritdaen j a paxil how projrietor outfitted it it tiid that reau continoe to rise ia ptrit tad tliat proprietors ire becoming day by day more abcard ia the retttictioat they pat oa their femau 8ome will sot asow a dog tj be kept othciwill not per- miteuyipet whataoevflr- tad some evea will act allow- chqdrea to be ia the loose l clever individual hat rait aianagedj how ever to ovtroome thit lstt objection he bid teed ta apartment he liked aad well knowing tea the- proprietor objected to children he ttid nothing of the existence of hit only child i boy of two years cfige bat simply had the lease made oat ia the sfiatt name when he came with hit family to take pesteesioa it the sight of tht baby the proprletoraew into a rage aad objected meet strongjy f pardon me replied the astute diplomatist bat it it my child tad not myself wb hi hired the ipartmeat you bits made no objection to hit ukiag lit pa- rentt to stay with him so here we sre i eropietor had togria tad bear itfor he had no kgal ground of complaint aoejadreee x guttering ballroom dress made of strsadt of spaa glass hat been offered to any sin francisco belle who will bay and wear it frofeaaor theodore qreiaerhat done the itmrtiing by blowing gilts into long itrindt sad wiahlag hem ia t solution of wster aad beetroot sugar whioit nit a toughesinzefiect tn weaving wsf done oa ta cutseatoaed nandloom the wrp be ing i feet long sod the woof i feet i num ber of oelota being worked iaj so it tapro- daoe a bright guat cloth the dress u m patftr with leopeleerei sad square neck ornamented with boxpleating and i bound labtae with the aerw dress there it a let of beautiful hioodegiau curlt of a natural haeapoa the head of the model reachiagto thawaitt budtsbml kobdy would ay thai these wtn hard timulf he wire to judge simply by the ip- paaratioj ofrtmdoa dtrtag the wveeat wett wault ftonf treat wotioeial trat svmjbody ii ftelioi the plooh of la nut- ingihpraiiialatrdtatoipitlitjaitu baitbtg u gay u ntarioai u irtt i la hoooufof tht qutai birthday many great dinmr partial ware fivao tad afterwardi lady sauibttty htld a graod reoipuoa at tat foreign office au who wen than di- scribe the aieat u hiviag biea beautiful beyond description tht noeptioa roonu it the foreign offio an tht inert ipart- nwi ia loaaoo buaaiaghani palace hu aetuw whloh can ocenpan with hni indeed ulaatund peoplt said kit year vhat tht real reaaoa why lord salisbury look- yidlrtcd derby oetefhii peat art taofv aer lait tidy saliabntj n u ttiy m w- tioos of social liedenhip ailght be kbit to girt her parties st tbs foreign qm be thli ah miy it 1 qlti that then hat seldom been a man brquaat party tieweailkuf floral daeantioat ini lac roam tra limply utouadiag tad i am afraid tolay how myhutdd wen ipeat ta thit way aloae haadrato poundl for tht plant and sowen used it i tingle party aad yet they ear that these art hard timet 1 thit is lot tat only oste ofruturioettxtntiemace aowever wtioh i hars met witk recently kat to long igtf teertaiagrtataobuoiaa the poeeeiaorof i splendid miasioci overlooking hyde park givs a gnad jattaflt attrtalaaittit among the guest were chlldrtm of the prino tad pnaoeat of wile each young lady and gentlemen received treat tat ao hie gtvtrof tht eatertaiameot a preaeal si a liw ot tht oosaaioa lad i an told that tit gift to tht littlt frinxtwm of of vraut obntisted of pearl and diamond brooches lageaiouily coooealed la crtoktrt each ef wfloh wat worth a hundred gui neas i yt people ia loadoa grata wrar tkt dulnst of the sewca aad lament that they alto art feeling the hard timet of whiek weall ooeapkln alt 1 how utile do thef retlly uadentaad tht meaaiagaf that phrase which it ti piinfdly eletr to the oompre tension ot til who dwell at present in sack towns fur example u thit ia which i write r i subjbtristt la fimt ow ta puto adopted by mr jtroaii marble of woroesttr man of trtryluaf in hli own ptlao ear ii not oalr jttlttry ewort- abls bat pritivy lk ht told a oenepocdent of tht mftilwiitr hmitr- maanattbt tntlncoti of a tripof ttrta wttki nadt by himself aid frltadt eottr taw 4000 mile on tht nortona piclflcwu but uttlt otit 0 pr hitd tht ohirg made by thi railroadi ot healing nil oir la bat their regular fintolaai tin for paaats gen aooapylag tht ear provided it oirrie a mlalaum number of twelft mr marble farther eid that hli tstln oar tipeaiet tx- alusivt ol the amoont paid to tht railroad ccmanletbut including board wen nfty- una cent difly fr atoh peraoa thlili e ibly dot to ihsparty uviagoa tit gaips ekot tb pulltaen cptny u nport- e ooaeirtoiiag twooara btitara whici thiywill li to hoati lileaiurs jtutis for tht season mr bits car fncluae twtlvt detbti berths tad 1 ia three e ooeead is de voted to offjew us other to devatoriee tc tht middle u t ileepiag room by alght and iixarioot perfeur laauding pfino library tc byi day a far pleaeauter place on a wet night alttr t aaya ahootiag una a soaking teat on sloppy ground y- rv i hnr uw hutmep otw j kuimigt grow oh little trees which look uka little pear tree aad an geserally twenty feet high the sowen an very much lis tht lily of tht valley tberere pal yebo wand very fngrtnt the nutmeg ictha teed of tht fralt and mace ii the thin ooteriogover toil seed the fruit is about il large at a peach when ripe it break open and shows tk little nut inside tht treet grow on the islands of aafa and trgcietu amenoa they bear rait foe tnfy eighty yean having ripe fralt oa theme allieetcof a fine tree la jimaloa hbotet a tzxis dog iu up b worftof pottage stamp tad wat miiied to that other clime jota bonnet wishet to kaow if ft takei long to discover which it tht one wbsi a i clergyman hat mid a man and womin tat bronte ose bright fiat moraiag ia 1842 on tie stern road which stretches scroti ue moon to keighky the sound of wheels it hear miigled with the merry tpeeoh tod laughter of frreh young vole shall we go forward unseea and study the approachfog tnvelleri t their convtraoc it a rickety dagcart and the none freshly taken root the atldf ft driven by a youth who in spite of ku countrified dress it no mere bumpkin hit shock of red hair hangt down ia somewhat ragged lock behind hit tan but the lid t ftce it a haodsom aad strikiag one fall of celtic fire aad good barneur branwtu bronte eatoemt himtelf a geaioe tod a pott haw gaily htjoks with ki three sitten tad with what delight he tttemptt feat of ahtrriiig which fill tat timid heart of til party with sudden tenon i betide him silt charlotte ia a dreat of mar- vsllout plifnnni and eglinaet stamped with the brand homemade ia charttiers which none eta mistake she talk and amqet aad it eofoyingmcetof all toe charm of her brothert society behind nbeervs kmily with her wwiderftl eye bcfuitnt ind uthomleas bat ndiint with tender- neat she is euies to oete the aoog of the birds the brilliancy of the sunshine aad tie rich scratch to rvrweredheojerews ktxt to her ix aaat who meet her brother can- iett hood of wordt with opposing current of peach she bat a fin oortpfaport aad le- hato feature bat it unfortunately eiad la a vtixactly retembuag- cnarlottet thit it the one least contirfered of the sisters but whose life eremplifiee fervent piety tad self- rtrritmlig oonrige gsxe it them t they pes you ia the quiet road sad in spite of roura exteriors a nap- pier our could hardly be met with daring long summers day m i i i hqtwag oulaaood siyt titlmjbm tratiof j tae s i law the other day in a newspaper a faacy sketch of tht tarty lift of chrsstia kittna hen it la reality oa remote estate ia sweden lived a bina iesaseo whoa wife wit verymatical on the swediih estate the peasute were until withia a few- nan pvirticarly wrtr and trt estkadbtaovraad torpare the bcrade hav about thirty or forty acre and hive to perform otrtsia pbfigstion to their kudlordt tci it ih- lag his groond with their hoisee ui ote etc tim torpare are eotugez witfa aceosll plot of ijeaad for which they hare to per a certain amount of dagtwerke or dlytl work etch week their faod it obtained from to vegetable on these plott tai from thout two siilhngt per week for the labours of their free days kilteoat father wit a torpue of buns leaenseb ud the littli curistiaeuted to run ilicut barefooted with a ahort petticoat on fall of hotot ooming down to her kaeea baraoea leceuaea one day heard her singing one of he old swediik ditties which hav been handed down from g to gesentioa smoaz the bande ind the torptre ta beronett wit struck with the iweetaeat of hr voice tad order- ed her to come up to the caateaa char she give her tome elementary ienoat ia tinging and then teat her to pint when shew placed uader the taitiosof i freacii pro- fettor after sereril years of tatidaoai study she mid her debut before the ftriiiint e i e ta ottatuai tabby in 1877 i wat absent from htdru for two rvwthr tad left ia my qutrten three att cue of which aa english tabby wtt a very gentle aad aaectiosate creature dur iag my ebteae the quarten wtreoccimad fay twoyoaot geatlesaen who delighted in tetoat and fnghtoaiag the- lstt aboatt week before my ntura the eagfh cat had srittniwhich iht oarefoily con behind bookaheln in tht library oa the morn ing of my return i lew the est and petted hers usual aad than left the house for shout sa hour- oa returaiag to dress i found the kitteat ia a corner of my dressing- room when previous brood bad been de posited ind nursed tie mother had car ried theot one by one ia her mouth from the liorsryio the draenngrooat when they lay quite exposed i do not think that i hate heard of a mora remarkable inttiace of reasoning aad snvtinaati confideace ia an laimtl tae trtin of reaaoaiag seem to hive been irfollowii kowthat my mat ter hat ntaraed then it no riak of the kit- feat being injured by the two young singct ia the house so i will uk them out for my protector to lee and admire ud keep them ta the earner ia which ill my former pet hive been nursed in safety e h north carolina snajuc itws l snake tilt maeetreubuiaejeu aad asaket have marred the boneymooa of mr junius h hight of frtcilingtob north carolias scarcely had ht iastalled his bride ia her new home when the npthm raid their tppeanncet first by two and tareef then by btttaliont the first on h killed wax ten feet long ud tioet then he hit seen one twenty feet long with t body is big u a maat leg they ate hit chick eat they kept up ta anpleuaot littin around the houi til night a big fellow but ia the woods drove slumber from ma higfaft eysids by hit unncaany bellow i another actaally coated her- over her own doorstep about a week ago she woke her husband up t then wis t queer aolsef ia the haute she said ht struck a light ind found heifi dozen tniket of lit iargwt site touirmlag about on the floor mrs hight surfed tor the doer declaring that the would stay no lodger in tiinau dtay tht w going peek to aerriataet hiiht fol- k yy i tn new summer bonnet torn the head of every woman that doe not wear it 000 nteegtoa il yearly t1 do tea tied to hare all tlis aatmeg trade aa they owned the band islands aad conquered all tb othar tribet ud destroyed the tree to kern loit price lp they oooe burned three- auee of sutmegt task of which ware largt a a ctsna natort did not sympaoilm with nob mi rum the natxatf pigeon osntt in tit tht indian lalandt did for the world what tbt ootok aad aetttatltad thoald tat b iooe oarried all tht ant which an their food into auth remanding ooantrie indthe treet grew tgain aad tht world had thebeaefit mr- onidoor stnakaent la savill spain ear the lradca b u- r whenrtr the irregularity of the buildings provide a otrner thus itaot with pictur esque awaiag an establiahed at which s great variety of cheep beverage in dis pensed to the ivtrthinty crowd taty an our frequented than the win shop ud an innsnlitti awn respecub in fact ell ciaate indulge ia the ixcelleat driaki provided these consist of i moltitad of jrrujej mixed witi very cold wtter of ilemontd ororangead made with the fruit itnelf ud in yoer pi or of or ohtta a dahnoa mixtan of crushed si- mondt tad sugar wrnce when dissolved tn water ooavtrto it into a muky lubstanoe aad impart a raost detuata andrsfreehiag itrour ia ail thi then i no wine nd leet spiritf fvoo tea and coffee would be too exeitini for ooosump- tiott whil cat of doon j in the hot street migninnent mm toctttori and others gyp sie od horse ttaes leap off their horse aad drink with attafactna one of these in nocent decoatioar i to emprnu augtata- mtay who saw the empress augasta driving with to priaoet of wale tit other day were fain to expnat their surprise at her imperial majesty juvenll appearance i tad ia fact the uooe of thtvoungest look ing women ef aer age it mini bnpoesibie that the it verging on her sixtyeighth year bat to it it for september j0 lit i it the date ot her birth the kiiiereini wts bare ly is when the tnarried and like her lister princess merit who two years before es poused prince kjtrl of prussia she wit lively in her girlhood moat clarer too it tht tmpre perhaps fewpeopie know that the wat a pupil of 0th who oddly eaoegh althoogi greatly a to lh petoots could not be iadaoed to odnw her to berlia thetreth wing that the poet hated the asaospaenof court tad loataaa berlia from hieeexiwst yean so he remaia- die weimar qcirtfy writing tb second bart of ftattv a peraoml trait of htr roifesty in rwnrlnsion daring the emper- ort recent fonen the arortni did not quit hit bedside allowing nobody bat htrislf tad her daughter the grand duch- of badeu to tend the imperial patient sierry caiix aabiottltuiul hotefl potatom after early potatoei lis dig or mar kit they b followed by 2 cunaota ia planting late rabhutt oa potato ground then ii no attd to irlough tht whols in befori planting plough opts furrows 8 t from oeatre to centre and mark oat by orost ftrrowi t set apart drop a iorkiul of maaun ataach crossing aloe thi arrowt over tht minors and art tht plants it thi line of tht tfoit arrows after tht punling hi flnlihtd th ground may bt wontd out with t light plough or i ooltivatorv foddix cnor hnngiriu gran oora- moa millet may bt jwwc toil month for green fodder or bey a bsall of mid per acre may bi aowni though rtihsr thick seed 1 tag the fodder will be tiith finer ud be- lerforit millet that in town tn may imnld brcatbtfon mt seed rift orthe fad4gti aard lali too leod u want- ad mslti mtd make u aeeeent 4di- tioa to grpon4 feed when mixed with oom ud rye scrxwtsnvbtmidorsfitaue npon of rough or nswly cleared froaad other crop is so effective in mellowing rough alodayltnl thi seed lanttthtrn localtiee aboold bs sown before july 12th othenrim early uq trosta may catch the crop grass ud stover miy loflietimet be sowo laooeofally with buckwheat hit month i stxdho toqalu aiaxt last year the writer sowed a ideee of fallow ground to orchardgreat md eurtr on tht flint day of august tht ground wat thoroughly pre pared ia july and was topirflsniwith abort manure harrowed in three huiheli ti lbs of orchard grass seed and half a peek of clover were town and covered by draw ing a smoothing pliak diagonally across the harrow nurka thi aosjand the seed sven- ly aad smoothed the grpend the present year- one crop of ojryyqual to two tent pet acre wat taken ln luy and tb after growth will give a koood crop thi mooth or next ctwx a cool dirk clean stabls for the bows 1 for many reason preferable to a hot ptitars in the middle of the- day cows that hare been kept npoa moderate feed will shrink in their milk on being tamed roto luxurious pettnrs on e hot day dry earth or sand makt a better bedding than tw during thi hot season amnrrir 7ooo batter dsirymen will find some rf th artificial foods profitabl to feed with green odder or pasture scotriag oaased by green ieed may be ctopoed it once by giving th cowt wo qnart of dry cot- toaieed meal i sarxr keep ewe intended for the butcher by- thetneet re tad feed liberally a quirt of mixed ground feed or bran and oilcake meal wil soon bring them into marketable ooodition keep store sheep in a light ptttan nd givs a handful of feed dally provide shads of aome kind dvecxtxitr nr saxtr il to be guarded aeaiost ailing sheep will retire from the flock and nuy not be found until too late union th flock it witched ud ooaated fre quently at soon lit a looseness of the bowel it perceived the sheep should be re moved to a cool shed ud one nunc of castor oil be given x bruor oatmeal math will be hmftuiisl fun or lu kkm are now very trouble some ud should be watchfully guarded against if maggot an found upon th sheep apply aad grease nnad bciuerorlard to the parte aod clip on the wool closely csrbelie sheepdip aad other pnparatian of eirbokc acid may be used to prevent at tack morses ch k i j- t hi o a i tubwtbrotraboapintlt a erry bur uaofitnid mirksi sold br ksms stamp oalylr or ii mora e ac co toronto- the h martin co patent bri0k sole agents for adsm pros tonagpigi for market ia 100 dsyi may b i mad ready iys if desired by good feeding the sow should be well fsd with rich slop to force a good flow of milk ud i feeding place for the pigs should bt prc- rided m which they can get span milk with a little fine ground barley meal or wheat middlings pocirnr the flock shoald now be weed ed out i all unprofitable fowie poor layers and poor mother should be used or mar- kited two weekl feeding ia i coop wql be sumaieat to make them fit a few of th best old heat may be kept aver the early eettmjr but many ia a flock an uapro- stable tn urxoat cuuxuircs should bt pre served short the premise ia the hot wea ther all wastes and garbage should be disposed of osi a compost heap a load of good soil sod sods from fence ran will be nsefol utb ban tor it weeds should be gathered sod added to tie heap liber- al sdditiont of plaater wffl prevent diaagree fvjtrbdoan t v- n puxtrdwrxmra wtxxkieof tiiegfltiea- partanee man dangeradt poison an ta ken into th system with the wiser ued than in uy other way that from btooki il dangerous at wish from miaured fields and soakagt from the soil flow into- them witer from dear well ud spring only thould be givta to cattle ua if meh pre- eaation hi needed for them it it equally so for the omen much avoidable disease it due to impure water tj point out a verbal connection between the win called sherry ud a roman em peror might appear at the first blaia a men ittempt to trvsl thit trdtnt philolegiit who iaostedon tracing the derfration of pickled cucumber from a jewish prophet through th following filiatioa king jeremiah jeremiah luag jerry king gherkin pickled racnmber yet if we ire strictly a reader unto cesar the things that are cesars among them matt be ooaated the i ainutf the wine in question every school boy of themicealayea standard know that harry takes its nam from the chief teat of ht production the town of jerez de la froatera in aadalaaii but th roman name of the tsid town happened to be cssirit asidooa thit th arab converted into ccrit sidonit tad tht spaniard ia turn into jarex whence wt english hart de rived the word sherrit or sherry her it hint for the antiquarian diaeroat hi can open npa magnificent fild of hiitdricil tpecmlatiaa with the first glass of amontil lado imajedutoly after the aoap m i m tat ecnunce of mr spurgtoai iifs mr spurgeoo in a utobiogriohical speech the other eveniug statedthat if he wen to write his life it would seem to be flatus it mirveoodt wen some things which had occurred h well remembered little old woman poorly droned coming into the vestry some yean ago at a tin ot greatitrtff which not taouiia the world knew not even a deacon of th church and the said in the most strange wty thai stith the lord behold i hive com- muded widow woman there to listain thee she put dawk 50 on the table vaniabed ud h had aerip i eea her oooe hi never knew her nam even ud never should perhtpt until th day of judgment hi supposed she would be la heaven now i it wt tome yean ago and she wis very old than thiagt had happened so end hit im- pretsioaw thatthty would occur agiia ia tht same speech mr 8purgeoa stated that he had received a number of present rem south africa in tht way of auegaii bullock horns ud so on u testimonies of lort from the peopli ia thit oohmy i is i i m giatoir coojme for udi ii tw aulei rom cambridge engiud and 1 to havt fiftyair itodent whrnfiaished kewaham hall it almost in cambridge ud it an old mansioa it hold thirty bat edditmaal aooommodaaon will bt made nbrpentet then are t75 a year at girtoa rather man wane tie postal route agent on thebos- toa ud provfdenoe leiilroad wu assorting the mail tht other day be found the follow iagiddrtm oa i pottauard mr james boms alias john m finn ia can of mike dttfij or hit niter usf duffy or hit eoa- tin molly mccarthy torner of cnx4 street end jsrryhigushill north main street taanton mitt wholetale fith piddlet and tta horn artist ii not there eluwhere circulars of prices arid terms on application are 71 a deepoodout sufierer from sick hetdache habstdal costivenen palpita- tioo of the heart i hare you dixsaea of th hiadl iiyoar kerroa syrtem de- pretsed doe your blood circulate badly have rouacoagii low spirits 1 coming ap of the bod after eating tc tc all ol these and mack more an the direct- resnli of dytpeptii liver oamplaiat and indige- tioa gtzxx acatinfuwxxif uv ac- knowudged by all druggist to be a poaitire core 2400000 bottle wen trrta away m the us througb druggists to the people aa i tritl two dose wul satisfy say perscra of it wonderful quality in curing ill forms of iadigtim sampl bottle 10 eta kegalar tiie 5 efx sold potitively by all firstdm druggist in the united state aadoanada at rlwartftl the princess washing machine ctauvdlta pittnt ppu4fkg tahttiiehob ud creation it tomawti the taliiii trom elbutci by fordaf fter tfaroerfc thea mnthoat tax frictlcit which tmdbtsaf pube4 fa the wat etiaril flkuwr tj hu fcrtioo of our urre tine tvrered lovitadiathj eorrttfttcd folkr ufoa thai xnmrcmij frol ewttifliea rf otalicajr ko azim vuhinr atehiae p- vaathlog eta b dooe ts oeeifth he tltw vmlrw trr taad fpd aadinqn eauoy- vho the mnc ot ear to dothatid whicaftej urtibyjinotiititxai baud wqj4 tzeed the met ef umm a h tnlt- bsatt- titeujetch jmir aildnt ih orkn to the hamilton industrial woeks 86 marridc street himiltoa ost- f- tqbokto bamstora attornayb elotrotypoto storoofrparu p dim ifrif s out- tc- i bmrravarb j srm attoftul eoeain hoosai fiii said ifctmatu mart s frul frae t k btowsvrlirs aecoocbecr ity dtshses of wocoes radieeaealriai- eeu pftrstpiauc thtrouseretabiv sllas tecored- en appuesllaa enckee ladress m ctmreh gtratt torento fiaaksts quant sad pints sad su otosc frail rackarey sad rinl tjtiiawnijiitv- mmlm- lurtsl taskso aids u th oak- tar w bcaisaocjtrtopriaor roborr buy only ontario bafesmv powder sea oar sebberrrint- jtr bmk btsirfis patent ncfcst sttsare getftnklm gy lhm tirfl ii f t f be samd b sa fa kit itmbt r g a bttaragt a oo toragto agbnts wanteds aer bsek sax faseot foekst susie 8 rtuua an oilttlkmesttk koexto li lum lalarnplir st las doeoinkia tissrrspo la- inuiu it jqflftrett east teroato for teztos tc sddwolcelclttak k oo troyrbtbr the atmuic mis a msa pollt open ta iron door tad yon gate with twe into the heart of a huge fur- aaee the whitehot ooafenta ilowly turning round ud falling ia cascade ot yellow fire it is found hat at the works ia devon the sulphur ia the pyritet it enough to keep th furnace when once heated burning without other fuel tbe product hen it ii a white heip of several toot lying in u open shed when everybody pane it it some thing like fine flour one of tht men dipt his thumb ud finger loosely into tht whit powder puts a quia tiryiirto the palm of hit other hand ud bring it to be looked at precisely us miller shows a sample of sour smoothing it with hi forefingers all thit white heap ii antaie mon than 2000 ton a year an lent oat torn thi on mine to be used mainly la those brihiut modern dye by which our women and children ran dazzle the sunshine at a cheap expense this innocentlooking whit powder this potent tad fatal substance of which three grains weight wiu kiu a man wa lying by on of the ordinary roads of the mine ia th open toed in heapt breait-high- no harm aver comes c ill this an skin eruption to the workpeople ui the rarely bat it gave one a shiver to see those waitomoandi huilfles item coorex t in ahrwtns a very handsome stock of soarts ties collars silt handker chief glove 4c just the thing far the holiday season address 109 yang st toronto i ton never sett sa hetily oa tie ijvlk vtsu unytesclsikl i ajsaavy pamntags at c4il peopl suflsr tram ttdasf comptslnls etc bramtl at by aenorsnuols afuusserffery orrtss tajatstlrtr ta r reody prtpsrei ms eussvictasix ficcuu sad uviuss iteubskeoauunol h coaldsnce rorstls fay eadatlert tax most pleasant riptd reliams sad esteetoal rseasdr ret auoovsred tor curtnt- dtsnbas drsea- ury ehotm aertus eholsrs ishutua sal si aia- i irnd ruabl spedac a a remsukl srat ud is mors tidily valuta on losr k is fisltt sutthkwbt bso meett st toots nrtttotoola artificial um8s jusggsi oimp jltzst win at rrctentrtilmavai on to tsstfmontilt ee smueauae- ssllsfafrinn sua- rumd address jpoljfaaos drartag tat suraanr bares to eat per hour halt i to ts tncbea hud or borssjpovtr roed supplr of i ors attend water beedtorcteear m nary 8l living water qnaacres oood la2fi7weql vyinieridhoaa8 rooms bams bsrajbox 60 bcsnufal iitusttda kill null traca vqiar ia d ulns4aerdiisaw rvutoatbmsl mills states- ekarcb kbool utrririb post omos tic aotloltartadett pattatddsy p o scoikoti tn oatapbuals is or raeisrt cxtrut 1 suawbenr iiu unsarpttsed it anbabli la th shovs tiseues is wukaowu as a i stent ud is mors bisluy ratted lb vnt- kaown- tnnllsn sad tourist should cany a sup ply in ibtr haversack tor sals br all dealsa la medtdnes ystmwonv this urns it famflfsr lanugtiatt fbl tulil doolmloa sad uisrs srs few sauliss bc ban not found it at aas time or mother usoftl af mercy ta lbs household it is the upet popular ind best uotomct la this aaustry and to tu who hu oooe used it rffl do wtlho illt- ir trsd bffli of taraatoths rsoisleiru eageetxl res uasoudted the tcneied oerllleiu tomiw oatsrlo july 1 lira kim kshmti itjiilue jr ptmn qsrrairv6vttlnreeirillraoctod oj th etp of rar knee sad slnee that uas aavs arten aasrsanntaabi th kaes tsbit ceased troatirtluotflmlee 4hnumnlslmsollnl- wmnf 1 wr haukll meats si well as meillaal wvnisnrt but teoeoetstaisbav result ac this bas on ths last tea oecttlau bave oid eexrerrtteuow ou yiwnel3llli aatedtodth of this audi blsqmsmt uaoajt si utasl sll e swtlag yaui truly raxd hnxa madejoneday ta wanted everyvrhere rausbls minted irtwe sells rapidly ifrgataroodbettmss that requires no send two seenteump to l c bxtof sc ttionua out for etrculsr end instractkias rmusoncsadsscibafoeusoer tkupsra simonus saws 8t cthaltmbovast sols maosactares far qiermdiialaa of f- send ft prtoo lint q stooksj machineryoils tlottt4uaenilrtwk tftknbmftiwtmd off by mwxrottktm taofl uitatmiti- ucb ta ypeejin fcq aott batiks in qratt- tr icrofl hma the tbore trideajiafit a 14foot iron rtaer na r dn vith ooe ciuaz it the hih- work oeh with biyfatnoil adooer- whewytayoil he thott tnie mrk ii on vhe fkktce t all who tefad uie4er lata eaiae atithoiu tt otto be ea ffl itttt mm pet ee therwuvunacepricm aodrtts ca ltchuriilh gde stock r eealndi l wik the best leather f it hauburton tnskminxjb of tht10t0eu t b4jlwattrm tod rulars lot lor sale c j beohnild kuater caaadlsa uad tad emlrattoeco htllbunoa or aesrw t c bala toroutost roraeto the jure opened i impoarr wenota t nol 90 yonge street tohomto penduis- psir to tnelr premise they show a fiae lurniture la trwdajxitmeat ud their pricei wt lower thin la the dolntolt l majwufacturio by edixon ichoo- ii colbobsl st toronto bad for price lite ud di- x b xooe ftaiiufl coles hth t star la lhewd of the ritettt lyoa j- alexander us bsy street toronto leaomhoojotb sole toeaii for ibe dahtberer lem the beet la the world- uv fisi gut nails h kilt masvu0tuiit3 i montreal bespsclriuy tnnouac to ill dealers as et- oooaumsriol cut hails that loey bare pur- chassd ths solk biaht or the docolelon oeiuie ta use ooynffs patent- v automaticnail pickefi afl cut hells msnuaetursd by a from thajoravt i from dc8t soalt sltrss aad roff srl to oobvanetia u usee t to i roost jtoo oetmhsisiatbaaf ibaatboat bads by otbsr roakerita canada by tt vtbt j ataouasl baas otter niflilldantmwtiala dpauntonsiidamlluel7 by a m smo atvatsea tbe jbeo- wa the radllllealkatr ttsead sow nss leal i fttintirtaai vmto pre- teeltce tct th lttlltiebin sad srenres to each alwifooadiof doit seta aaveri sad head- s salle uantmvbsb be oav ta coaeumers thai an mads to pay lor hut that qaeanty of wwta- awftwbarestey pirobaisdjieficud by ckryjtutoibailoptosrtbsf a s deer tetoaflu seat swiss vstavlual to d uasjatoitlar lienaelraibytctot aver s eer a eni tad that m say oer aafar irerr aaarty wttlsitra ojutajt oa ud mi sad la ores toieeure th sdnastres ttmtaaian ft a wsabsa mwwmtoi kb iluovt 11 er ctvi jfadns pichi xtil w msmmmmmm