v 3pw ii- c tb emlffrat she cucrvd her hsndt oa my iron she uk b ctt oft mr ttoaldft tt tde of bee tecrt ml nna j 0 hni hut trembled lo hold bet vmfpcmd i pltc om as u ffclp tncroi tlovtr rt addttie rriec oc tbtrauen poonl fcsr cr tttuie crtfttar it were crwtt oa m hr bin wtrc lie jflrt cc her life wwe uid wlusinti ihit hfcl kwwra no chill ert bovtwe her hut mint ytcra w wre tictnc lb tresficaluc bwc vabitlivhunceleuuidddiucra on lite raiting floor ot the mj sh qimticbcd ike fire oc hw ltur uplifting her tock britf had oc da or tricl be th jtiht riu ukc cociktbiid saoiuac bui her laaieblovliic uir i aahriittiincncck lb wtite so tbc druit la hue ttroaf ml tlr i buttercups vcl doisloe t ncverjh pro btod hold theiuctjwacbixirtlueuidcou uut tjemlbiar wni toi fmhvaiiuc afoot ifct tecioo ot my heart lir tmoe crplrw into lib i il t itruccliaj lit the eye tut btuaid irvic iad ptrtlioc rr tut ribnc fcui tan ma mr r for lad brtlc wtu nrtl btot to tliy hca i but trod lfevtrttk fee btlrccr md dji are there i trk bauajlt the tir tflcsscott titt fcclr itwcc lie ttltfacihillhoorlo cmiwpjue- or like the tcfitt eye like thcmt k oo tberct no a bad ofc earth j otrichatutofuturtit ciacxtrcicckclizciitalicfll ul the rtsy cand tad been who dew twt rroollecc the hn when bcrtl2 vcoic and prtfaec here ltrithed on ttoieridafac coircr buuerccpijkidiictr jt3ti coc v- ill 3 mfc si m ten iyk hi t thes0qtt3bh bane- k two ciiapters chapter i kf dnfij tiriortirai ntfatuaftta ofiicitiilbiatitwltitfcirrtrled b7 his teller jimcs ffimiltog coming to ha to y jcitu the biiktr ktd pi jhe lut osail kttr before procttdisg to lock up thexife i tm tony to aft pr the cu ippcut to be one hendnd poaaat short jimes m ruy pile u lie ipote us dwpiteu prtiiti it wl voioe tremhlod a ttalner eooll sot hire told theter the jpclht tgiution ni the rwalt of fright or gnilt mr dcff kuerfint to wdl to let the utter iltecntfre dreh ui hi mind for eren s moment bat the lutexciteinenttisioan ihit isfectiost ud itfutwitlt jut t little throb thit he replied tou rs johisa juue urim fctaed bct in hl ciiir xad cfbb7t the feilhttendot hi ojiiq u he looked is the iidc ftce i vts never more teriouj in raj he nitrated fttmltnn c it is some curevest derwv spjiaitf ssid hr dnff intoaetht psroy ressidroi the poor fellow kste yoa been terr bnty it the desk tody junes i thsttsthe3ricerof ctcif- veksn not been basr lurdrftkresragex btoat exshbook irt clled a htiodred pocndi km 1 1 un foil jap- ftiin to dinser is the meantime eheec ygcr snmmstians snd yenr exsh tai bxlad b3ni come in to lock so the ofe tith ye the teller rest front ihe runkr r room to the enter office kith rery eiite ce icr duflvtho lived with hit fimily is is cas- banirjitsootlind in the very commodions hoot sittched to the tiffv sentsietters lojbecojfci by the jaaor tltck ud hen tent lamrely np ruirs to dinfier ilr dus vxs tor 1 min who does not object to peaciaaitratxdence ini prarjpacsl town x nryexsy ladflcsiiot mooe sfjjl his work wis not bird nor were his re ipontib5ities very hetyy he hid tpretty snd cbmfbrtible home m in oidishiodea country- towiit mad ilthdi hi wife iiy in the chnrchyirdcathebtserby the riverecfe these tenyesrs still he hsd two of the jjjrettiert girls in toukirk ifino snd miry ds besides jenny the cxrried snghter who lives in edinburgh whose hdliht it we to mike hjf lifeenssy ud tippy he w niinrabyrbezng known to possess privxte means lad on sccocuit of us ifidil ajacitv it thedispenier of discoosts shdcnttodiin of the wealth of tneseigh- bonrhood 1 min of fsame importuoe in joukirk snii formed pirt of u well is moved in toukirks betf society he wiw tyr- cji itxssc- x weliix faiaiur sad on sandiys for mnyji iang yeir he d stood beaming behind the pute t theentrsnee ta lie mid kirfc every body knew him md he knew everybody scd perhspe nobody respected him the lest becacie he pretty weh knew to within s pound or two whiver trjritepyer ofthis side of the country was worth finincuhy he took efe verr easy ras iz haesaid- wilmy no undue ram when ia arrmnmods tion bill wis presented to him7 if he tnew as he was certain to know thepedigree snd progress througklifeofdrswerjladindorseic- he was respeetfid too by his edinburgh employers ss a man cf ptudence snd tagii i citywhonver jnaderbad debts fltra salary or transfer of agency those b thrf ilwsys stood the minntestijapectiahanil jjka who speskiag generally wanted no fa roars from them either granted favours by occasional invitations to visit luni at toukirk- where then it unsurpaned trout and sahoon fishing iesidei marnificedt linkx for gotf tad wterethe feat distniery ieldx sliojxid of more than local reputation the citybirds were hot slow to sceept such invitiuocs kr dunbelrgover a tumbler of toddy the best of company and generous in the matter cf horses sjiii fishing- rods the chief inspector- cf the 4kntouae often enongitowootthe fair jenny- toe eldest of the imiiy away with him one summer day to the geoeral bereave ment of toukirk r the banker did not hurry over dinner on the parfacolar afternoon otwhiehlwrite whea he went epsfsms he did not givea secondrthought to jsmes ssmiftons pale chair after doing justice to hissimple re- patto read fortheseeond time the t of his own recent great speech at the 9- 1 toukirk scnld the fine roitof his own somewhat improved spoken eotos ecan in black and white cooxmunicating a pleas- ing sense of complaoenee and importance as iufluencinz public opnaort- it was nearly t oclock before ictuff tetaembered that he had not yet locked np his safe and that his clerk was probably waiting below for hhn he wax surprised whea he-opened- the omedoor leading ta the hall of his house to find ttimitfym bending overidc cashbor with an erpreeconof deep satiety on hisfsce and bundles of hank notes lying on the detk before him what james xtill in a fog 1 be askai cheerfttdy as he came m kot found year r differ ehf i am a hundred pounds short sir with- out doubt h had toiled through every entry over and over again had counted and re eounted his frchdles of nbtes andnowhad a very shirplydefined fear inhis heart and a visum in the background of his imagina tion of a dearlyjoved old mother waiting for him at heme and who was ill able to bear the responsibility of snoh a loss if lou it should nrove to be atnarevbestrabehoind mr duff rim goodnstarsdly tskuiz hjam3tads place before the cashbook very carefully and with a keen eye he went over each entry very carefully too he counted the eats and recounted it butonly to find that hamiltons words were too true the cash was a rnie hundred pounds short vi jwidbetter sleep over it hrxhiff sulafilbokiagitiiis watch the difterenge will umyttp in the morn ing you may depend upon it then the t t 5 were hsd into the sate and the ofiiee cbsed for the night poor handltoa lay anka nearly til ruthl thinkim ov toae prbbh tu to the whareabwbj of thsoisbig nosey kff befot iii he left tie unt wlthtueh a dread on his mind or ht felt certain he had gone over each item of the day that h had not otcrpew any ou to luck an extent t and be ktw out on bio devolved the rclpon- libility tomake pod any luoh deficiency lie hardly ipoke ta hit mother u he ate what she called hit ruined dinner spoil ed by three long hours waiting in the oven nor could ih get from hint all through the evening a hint of the cause of hit trouble she gueeied ud hinted that perhaps minna dus the little fiirt had something to do wilh hit gloom for the knew how her bays heart lay in regard ta the hankers younger daughter t but her ions rapfy wis equivalent to a snub he was in the office to hours before official bankhoars on the following more- logi hatnolrtit of the miaslngmoney could be found during the dty sll the bahketl ciuthnuri who had on the previout day been paid large sums were asked to check their psysjsntt but when mrsclock arrived and the cash hid again to be coaot- ed the bilaaoe still showed on hnndred pounds short if the money had been paid away in error no man had been honest eoough fo ktuinit then foc the first iimeii tie history of the toukirk branch a deficiency is lie cash had to be reported to the heaet office a hundred pounds to a rich man mar seem a small matter fy worry over but o junes hamilton whose yearly salary after ten years faithful and oon- nieeliooi rrvioe did- sat unotml to one hundred pounds and whose mother save for ciejielpof a tuning annuity left by her hutbaidwii injwatmaasaredtpeodtnt upon him the liability to refund this rum weigsesl beery he became anxious and nervous not being altogether ccrtsis that the authorities of she bank might not sospect himocappromrtatintf the money and from very aerroutseet wat guilty during the next few days of miking tetersl small mistake in his cishdeahngt thii confirmed hm in tie belief fast be had naidthe money to tome unaprspulout rascal who did not mean to acknowledge it u aa age sithongkpia- reility iarely- a haa passed- before s sate frotamr tsit the thief inspector ur dutiioafuiaw set the miller street bx contideration the note ran of the sdmirtbu motkia which the butinea of the branch at toukirk hat hitherto beat con ducted the directors have tgreed to wipe off the deficiency in cash which it may be hoped wul yet turn up and be recredited hut in dhisg to- it mult be firmly kept in view tliaithedirbrtbyriomenseuahlah the present ease as a precedent snd must remind thegoitlemsn who has charge of the banks caah at toukirk that at no future tine will the director t disposed lo relieve him of the responsibility attaching to hit office there jamie take that to your mother said ur ptff kiadlyhanding uecfficul mtetallayflftu i thought rvterirwid manage it referring to hit soninlaw the inspector but we maun ea canny said the banker relapsing into broadscotch to rat the reproof if sochi might be called la the gaitlest form tospsre the lads feelings there were tears of relief in hamilton cyst at heread the notev- that it generous treatment sir i was afraid they would roup tell by auction me and my old mother out of toll kirk eounyej i couldnt spare ye lad then the youth went home to his mother jubilant a burden lifted from him but est the next evening after business hours tttmittoas fsce was whiter thin ever his hands were trembling as he fumbled over hit cash and cast and f recast the long coiumns of figures in his esshboei ft was msrketdsy a bury day and large sums had pasted into ludtost of his hands to this horror he found his cash itasikaarti ooiair abort- bciii not the counf sou tut accation in to sir duffs room with hit plaint eat the banker taw at once at he patted through the omceou hitway dp stsfcj that smntaisr was wrong voasreufcttrlkinakon ifr ds never to a general way called james jfr his doing so now implied misgivings vet sir but i think i wont be long eis lips felt parched from excitement are ye ready to lock up the safe with me i kbtauife if you sre in no hurry sir perhaps we can lock np when yoa come down fetrwen ir duff went up stairs but 02 this occa- sion he did not linger over his meal when he came down jialx an hour later hamilton was not ready to lock the safe hewaa sitting looking into tpaee hit head resting onhis tt hsve yottharsnovf your cash nowv ur duff stked with just a precepiible edge of annoyance in his tone ko sir i differ three hundred pounds overorshortr short sir 1 ifercydaus this will not do van mist bestir- yourself and sod fiodit have to go out to a meeting tonight the banker spoke sternly hamilton once more under mr duffs eye nervously went over bit figures- snd counted hit eashr thedeadeacy- could in this is terribly awkward james 1 there were tears in the youths voice is he uttered yet tir snd it will drive me mad j when ifr duff returned from hit meeting at eleven oclock hamilton was atar rfom peace at ever- t yciiiger eterkt had iweawsy again the haaker and hamdtoit went over each item togeteer in vtiu 1 we cant report this to the head office whatever happens quoth ifr duff grimly what is to be done sir jindit 3ityleokerlilnkly in each others faces both men went to bid with heavy hearts nor4i4thtajisottlaj any light on the mysterious transaction hr duff could not b him to report this secoqd deficiency to hit headoffice i and the only alternative left wai to refund the amount from his own privtu mains this at mar be imigijied he did very rersotantly and face but quiefly settled himieinnulahm ferthe fi his ex j i fed theyoungerraen and perhips his trusted vivf ttjwith jntt afaintanrtirrenrmtihlff a glimmering of euspicion a mittake of thi parocsrial board gifettafr tetlgtc inranr sort htpp iry tojhappeg f rrsip 7t aecbhdtbneartoortaantectalmade himuneasy on other nutters than mere loas onhoney h he had a framework of maf hogany and glass made for hamiltons desk so that no one could oome near the cash in future but hamiltoa ttf and so with what grace he could summon and with many grave warnings mrdoffpeidthe short m h ting tf he t tft grinaodbeari tor weekorsothimtworkedisrdlander the new arrangement but for the third time mr guff destined to see hamiltoi poring over mt bookt tone after bank houra this tune to hear oninqairy that thelacfc leaaiad watahorfbtbb lest ati amount tha five hundred psunasl hsdthsthrewa quickwitted jantesttsmfhori after tea years of faithful service beoome saddenlj- dolt 1 oil is beyond eriduraoeethe banker saidsharply a the fact wateommuaieatel to him- j it is most strange replied the help less- teller feeling that tie fates were tgainttim 1 it k impossible you can hate paid the money away itugosm airj then you mat find iti l csa no imiger be retponafble for your blunder here it no lest a turn than nine- iundred pousdtiji kss than tix weelnrtofie tocounled for many a one ha been seat across the tea tnr less sr the youth put kit hands overhit facsni burrttato bsarir trnust give it fairly t uct mr duff was looting at him with vi 5 this ws sobbed out leavv toukulc undentsad mr htmiltoa that 1 rou darevnotltsve toukirk before this mat- pot the jrrstctr part of the nisht the men sat uptesrshnibat when the morning cams iosy vers as it r from tha mark u ur duff mash to tlu surprise of custom ersofihebsakf ntxt day took over the oath himself tad rather awkwardly from wast oi prscttot btsma hit owa tashsr hamilton wit degraded to ubordiaate da- tie his iplrit poor fellow mi fairly broken no trice 0 the misting money could be found of wane mr duff could hot long continue toting si teller the work interfered with even mors important duties a son of mr traill the parub minister who was employed st the aberpeta branch of the same bank at thil time visited tou kirk ud being of the tame craft spect good deal of time in mr duffs company tha nbjeot of the mitring jmoney- wsi broached and diseutsed betweei them it 10 happened that george traill was engaged to be married to mary duff t sad the bask or having lost confidence in hamiltoa ud feeling sorely ia need of cipible help pro- posed hik george thould apply to the direc tors of the bank lor the t ppotutmeatof joint agent or partner with himself is the man- anment of thetollkirk branch so it came about that las short time otorge trail ik ihrawd practical business rain relieved mr duff tt the teliiogtsble is order to fsrai- llariiehisuelf with the ices of the bkt cuitomers for soma dsyt all wast well then came market day at clots of the day mr ttiius cash wu five hsudred poauds short 1 chapter il i ditnuy fell on the quiet little bank ia tollklrk the former uneasiness became in the office a panic hamilton hid been made ill by the satiety of hit position ud wst in beioa the dty thtt mr traillt defideooy occurred jitsr closely scrattniziog every entry fa the books traill same to the coo- dttiion till he had not paid the money in excess to uy oat ud that the note must hire been stolen by some one on the prem ise the bsnkt tafa was duly examined but the locks bore no marks of being tam pered with the windows mi doon of tha oraoo- wera isdistutbed sadmr dufta do met tics who twept out the office htdbeea hit servants ud were known to him for yesn the matter was ba this occasion re ported to the backs head omce but thence came the cold iatimtlioa that ho further de- fiotescy could be ajadt good sad refetring thttiaksgeata to their recent letter to that effect of tuch ud such a datej mriuff began to think the pisoe wis haunted wherever the mony was gone it had to be paid up raising the total louet made ia this mysterious way to the unpal atable sum of fourteen hund pounds is less than three mouths the mystery wis all the deeper that during the day of the difference ia trailis caah it hid happened there had not been a single cash payment amounting to five hundred poaoda i then there came vague tumours such s the po lios had the matter passed into their hands would certainly have made use of that there was an itinerent locksmith a gipsey ia the neighbourhoodto whom popular ru- mour attributed almost mirscolous power ia thofnuiirnftting of locks i yet it would fake a very clever locksmith indeed to open the central- banks safe unhesrd ia the house sad to doss ivegaia jsrithout leav ing trace of hit work the safe had a foundation of eight feet of stone fid was coated on the floor wall and root with s twoinch plate of solid iroav the doors were of course of iron ui etch there were four doors 4ud two keyt and separate locks through the lock of the outer irou door an iron bolt was each evening ahot down frommrdaavbedroob above and while- that bolt was dowano key ia the world could open the door it wu acces sary to be in ifr dafft bedroom before the bolt could be drawn or dropped it was extremely- improbibe that there were say in todiirk who could even jwith the na- cesaary keyt ia their hands find their way into- the strong room unaided ko longer waa mr duff able to leave the bank with an easy mind for a two oclock luncheon with forty winks to callow tt had been his custom these twenty years he wu closely on the watch yet there was hd visible cause for fuapuios bank ers sad clerks were fast becoming demon- ixediu themilitary fenae from sheer fright accelarsiedbyjnystery indi tense of tsterheweetaeeskiiesoi it- mr duff might far better be- losing hit fottuueoa the- stock ekonsdge ortkrowmghisaoaey away on turf ipaculatiosa in these there wajudbesomb remote ehaaioe o- profit if not sstjufsr tiiiri ia losing his praperty his barque bad up to this timesailed ia smooth seas had even hitherto soiled ia a shel tered bay unexposed to fiaaoefil fnapasts or breakers 1 bit now a leas of is din rerous tort hid sprang n likely he imagined to ingulf him it hit anchorage as any buffeting of waves in open tes he duff became a- ebxngod rnvn he wi4hil and worn and ui with anxiety and witching they were all watching traill wis watching hamilton hamilton turned a keeujglince on the boys the bays kept their eye very ridaly open all round mr duff was unwilling to potthe matter into ht hands of th local police knowing that the ttntta be suspected woaliiejiis dirks and that the anafc would speedily become town gessip secretly mr duff be gui to thmk the pbw was bewitched his partner george -traill- being called upon to pay up half of the 500 resolved to grttata bottom ot the natter- he had i bed fitted up m the bankers botinessroom ud detsarfned to spend his nights there until tome solution of the problem presented itselt his transfer from the aberdeen braueh seemed just then to prove a bad bsr- giin the keys of the tale it ahould be mentioned numbering eight were placed every night after the locking up of the tela and the dropping of- the iron boltfrom tha bankers bedroom ink strong- box the key of which was always carried by mr du qeorgstraili armed with a revolver ia spite of mtryt protests sad kr daffi ieen mcnriett theooa when the bed had been fitted there ud waited philosophically the course of events he slept little for tha first night or two font no intruder came to disturb his repose the long dull a crept on without adventure or other result thaa to make traill sleepy ud cross during the ieuowiug-dsysr- tb bankers were be- tinning to despsir of disoorering the thief yet tisih despite mr duffs perfectly ria- sossble srgumenttaat if my mubroke into fberasfe itwouwr notes merely five hundred pounds that would sstufy him nor would he likely risk a second or third visit ma- tinned to spend hit nights intho bank at daybreak however oa a oertainmorn iog tu the following week traill who slept very lightly wis suddenly awakened and startled by hairing the -bott- that patted through the jock of the outer door of the tafedrawa sharply up he could hardly believe the evidence of hit ears thrakini that perhaps he had dreamed bat ths click was still reverberatiag exaggerated at all sounds are ia the stillness jof night if the holt was really lifted thersoatiiat drew it up mutt be in the room wheretdi duff slept trsiu wu scoursgoout man but in rpltodfhimselfr us trembled at hi feltibr andpvsrainedhfs rftgolxerlwhea the reveiberition tubtidtd thererjwsji s si lence for afew moments as ofdeaairsleepf twin brother jthea he thought he heaidj afuoff a door open followed by a ttep 6a the stain then a light showed at th team under the joor i jresealljthej door jojews sad s its ealt4tmrrytnilii hand a lighted candle in the ether athunefi of keys the retolterjr firmly held trams grip and before anag he about to utter a cryof wamiag whea hrfeittat theifigure paid no head to presence but pssted htm making straight tor the safe door etjimj- sstoaishmcat he distingaishet but with sa sir of item preoccupation quite foreign to hit working habits traill taw tt 1 luaoe that the banker wu mlkiag la hit tlseb i hiifrtt impolte mw hta ud fake him but s moaiepvi jeflsotloa dsoidsi nlmt wait tha attuml top oj wesm mr duff without hesitation or fumbling ehoeeihe right key for tha outer doof aad puihed it u tha look tmutua ilowly open t thtt the wloketgttli inner iwa 4r snd 10 on until he dtppearel iut ly la the raultlike shades ot the ttroog room whea he resehed the iaaot isle ha took from the wellptcked itore of pound aotss- trsul eagerly watohiag him from the door t bundle oootaining fire hundred 1 he then noiselessly shut sad locked each door u h retreated ha passed within arms loosta of traill bearing thrbaodu of notes ihektyt ud hi lighted ctndlei left the offloofouowed by hie mrteetwslked slowly unitsln to hit bedroom wbera he delibojitel dropped the bolt bsctlo us plaie tndfitllylildt4e keyt eartfally sposreatly couating them ia their uiual pffiimth hot xed in the wtll for the wirpoie traill expeoted he would then re- tiroti bedi but ft wsievidaatthit jlho somasmvuliit hid not finished hit light 1 work hifingssfely pat awsy tha keys he lifted his cudle snd igsia west dowa- slain ctrryiag the notes ia hit hsod traol fouowedhlm through tha kitchen tad out into the oowjard behiad with the tame parpotelike deliberstioa fhst he hsd ahawa at the safe he now marehed to tha uattruhed trath 0 romutie raider mast be recorded to the pigsty i arrived there he lifted a loose fold of thatch that retted ou a slab of stone ia the rickety roof ie- creted the bundle of aotet there replaced the thatch carefully sod then turned with u air of relief ud went ndoort trail did hot disturb him did not efea take the trouble lo follow hit partner to tee ifht reached hit bed safely bat sprug eagerly to the loos thatch in whieh snug y lying he found the comfortable sum of one thoutaad nine hundred pounds ia bank notes he could not help laughing u he itood there in the dim grey morning hardly halfclid for the pursuit hid not beta wf th- out excitement aa expensive roofing for daftt pigs he murmured gsthsring the various dusty bundles together and retreit iog indoors from the cold morning air i think duff said traill teriously whta they met ia the office after breakfast ithmk tomskioertiiu thit no thief or witoh or ghost bsibeen tomperiagwlth the caah during the night we hsd better count the cash henceforth ia the morning u well ss st alght that will make certain whether th meaty disappears by night or during the dtr mr doff assented sappote you begin this morning 1 again mr duff tucnted ud with reluc tant fingers at hit ptrtaeti suggestion eoaoted the money powers of darkness 1 he exclaimed i shall oot stay another day in this house the cash it again five hundred pounds short 1 had mr duff not been s remarkably bald man he would pro bably have torn hit hair in agony how much do yoa reckon nor pigs cost yon annually duff v- traill asked with ap- ptreut irrelevf ece aad as mr duff thought nippancy pigtf hang the pigs i hug the bank i aad yet i mean to resign my office im hot going to remain here to be robbed and mined i see yoa are patting a new root oa yoar sty ud papering it trail went en tenten- tfously sparing ao expense oa it doing the thing atylishly eh 1 are you mad triill well let me see at the rate of two thousand pounds uy in three mouths that pigsty will cost you tad me jut about eight thousand pounds a year triill was spparently ia his gravest mooi thats pretty moderate eh v j poor traill tie io of hi money has taken hit briin whit demon haa entered toil house i sighed mr duff ia the pre- tence of 1 despair more trigic even thin his own look here old fellow slid traill sud- dealy bursting fata laughter look here i i found these ia the roof of your pigsty this morning and whit it more i saw you pat them there with your own hands prodigious p yes sll the auuiag money wis there the lianker gsves champagne dinner to his delighted clsrkt oa the evening of that day his owa hetlth however wtt in rather a had way in a month or two he resigned his office retiring oa a liberal pension tohis farm and ia order to compensate james hamllloafor all his recent trouble ud mis- ery mr duff requested ss a final and per- tonal ftrcar tost the directors might sp- paint himtohe p of isrisfsnt agent wiill georre tnilla proposal which- the director favourably entertained these offices both of the gentlemen hold with ho nour to tnit day it may be mentioned tod that george tristand james hsmiltoa areaoirbcotheriiadssr sich hiring indue timewedcud oas of mr durts dsaghters the bank is james hamilton t home while george traill has rented a farm adjoining mr doffs the fresh cousirysir ud fish ing snd unlimited golfiagralf enforced upon him by the doctor u the best medicine have pat an end totheoldhankeriiamaam- bulistiersmblet osiiiat adau knife ix sn sbommatiaa it spoils the food and cauiei protsntty as to sharpening knife outside of sheffield no ordinary terrut was ever known who had that special mechanical genial necessary to pat au edge oa a dull knife it is u art never sharpen tha edge of a large cutting implement flatways it mutt be held it a slight ugle at srtidet of this tpecisl character are mainly intended for beginners it u wise te buy carving forks with guards a man however never can carve well until he his first cut hit fingers what can be laid of the art of earring 1 alat i it is some- thing whichit fast dissppesring to take s fowl at one tingle stroke to plunge the fork ia the right place merer to remove it to find every joint every srtfcuutioa ia the bird to tee tegs wings merrythoughts with delicate slices of brent the tidebones all slip off the chicken as if by magio 1 to notioe at latt that nothing bat the carcase it left it indeed a wonderful accomplishment one ilwsys refers or a mans wife does to a respected uncle or a revered grandfather who wu the great representative of this act of f able culture brutastmnsth s as catting through the uchyiosed joints oft turkey may carry a man through but theh a atogleilis may bespitter with gravyud dressing all those witnihu area of test feet tossibiy chickens sad pbultrygenersfly were mora feader thirty years ago no ad vice can be giren as to earring it is only thai desire toj excel whieh nerves a nun on tonoble deedt which cu lead himtosac cess in this art the misfortune cf carving it ihst it table it always cute all eyes to becentrbdonthe person who is domg his best to straggle with a- bird perhaps tha tjjravut nunit discsocerted when he i the centre of observation tt is said that the tyro barber is let to shivinx a hair trunk brfdre he tcrspei ththurssa jowlit is wise then for the iampieat carver to begin ontheeomoon gojae half the secret ia eirifibgweu sad rapidly depeadt ea eoou ttess seme idea of mmparttive anatomy ud 1 very sharp knife as to the diagrams one finds in some cookbooks whicti pretend to teich the art of carving they ire delations at well attempt to swim in deep water from book lessoasas to- carve without practical experience e4 a oovrixr of eossian soldisra wtfle re ceotlyion their wsy to eliisbethpo wera betet with doodtol grasshoppers that frighteiied them mora thin the ttrrkr evef did at night they could qot eleep fheif guns heir nniforravsrjdthctursmselte were cotered with mauet of ihtse mitcts that crept- into their month noses snd ertr keljfflpetrneottatpthe houset but the plague jif grasshoppers ihad previous petseanen a region of nfteea miles wis thickly covered with them ud sll the grsia and grass wore instantly destroyed an xndiu festlfil la bnnu the grud festival begins ou sttardty evening daring the day parties have been coming in from til directions bringing their tnps htttt dm olothes 0 lee qod in on their heads every house is crowded rlth guests ud muy twiaz their himmock to the trees 1 the old women busy thamtelret in preparing ikcemettt tnd msodloet beeri snd the men build sn arbour of boughs be fore the chapel everybody attiadt the final prsyermeefiog and devoutlv talatet the isiut then the dancing begins in myersl houses st once ud it continued with very little iatermfsaion until tuesday orwednes- day as the refreshments last many of the young people get only fire or six hoars of slsepduring thtt time the dancers sre or derly ud for the meet part sober tbe old people sit around aad wateh them ud grow talkative sad enjoy the maul vet quietly jf sad white clerks from town move about with s pleasing sense of their own glory on sunday morning here it th interlude during which the grind breakfut ii served aa ox bss been killed for the oocatfoa ud tha guests oat umuchss they please with their angers for forks l ceremonious toasts are proposed in bad portuguese ud drunk bad ia wfue s everybody uyt f r7f ia acknowledgment of everybody 1 sentiments ud there its aolemn aping otsil thit is ridiculous ia the grud diaeera of the inti with this the iodisni feel that they have done their duty and return to their sports with fresh uoctiou they dance rustic wtltxes snd quadrilles oot nngraoefuuy to the music of a violin and t liluewirtitringed guitar thtathere ii the fsvoarite hmii s kind of slow findingo iavolring muen tntpping il fingers ud thusung of feet the ssnciira dance it led off by a special rnnsidu a merry old fellow who marchea about the room playing a tiny reed hate with the right hud ud besting a drum with the left one after mother the couplet fall in behind him tripping along with their ansa about each other very lov ingly ud keeping time to his music with a little jingling song which in english would be something like this i swan- fa my arewrf bimaocfc and voced lac- forest boasts bat they seswered tow tbtn f psi md woe is lbs lovers jooush rows lfule sh la tne deep iut poo fieslaiudofukki how can i ever lovf roa slooe stecc vea efll eat aloes lore me t wia tf i drill sny sv alou oa lbs oeesn sereq whst tf i die tlh no 004 sish of the frlsodseholove me well vet h the son for mr ortr rue tbe noon for mr isdr brlrtf twiaato wijk vllii siooe ill air tbe moan la lie lilest nlsbl a melancioly story the entim prmout smli of port eliatbeth ctpe of good hope hit the fol lowing a warrut hat been issued by the resident magistrate of swelleadam far the ippreheotioa of robert grsy d d late secretary ud treasurer of the divtsioosl council of strellesdam on a charge of theft by means of embezzlement of rates collected by him tor that eounoili this is mother instance of a life wasted by dissipation robert gray was a cultared man and pot- teased of contidertbe abilities he wsi alto in hit younger days a great athlete sod was of the order of sporting parsons he oame to katal several years ago u dean for bishop colrnm sad for some time wis respected snd popular he could preach a fine sermon lad p a highly ircjm- plished wife who was a gifted vocalist sad s vslaed sssirtant at all the fashionable con certs people use to rush to the cithedrel ou days of high festival not only to hear the bishop oc the dean preach bat also to hear mrs grsy ting byudby atrsnrs stories began to leak out and eventually it became known that the dan wai not sll that he uould be he left katal suddenly tnd wu understood ta hive gone up the country idter en he was heard of in the cspe colony ud now he ii ta oatltw with s crave charge against him unshod horses it his been before stated that in experi enced farrier ia eogiud was sd vocitiag the abolishing of horseshoeing ud now a writer is the london ltevshas been trytnr the ex perimeatsud thus reports when my pouyt shoes were worn out i had them re moved ud gave him a months rest tt grass with u occasional drive of a mile or two on the high road while hu hoofs were hardening- the remit tt first seemed doabtful tbe hoof wsi a thin thelt and kept chipping twiy until it hsd worked down beyond the holes of the nails by which tha shoes hsd been fastened after this the hoof grew thick ud hard quite un like whit it hsd been before i now pat the pooy to full work tad be stands it well he is more sirefooted his treai is almost noiseless hit hoofs are iano danger from the rough bind of the farrier and ths change altogether hat been a clear gain without anything to set sgtiuit it my pony i may add was between f oar and five years old rising four i fucy is the correct phraw he oil been regularly shod up to the present year edisons electric absofibent belt v tot bo pwtnlforitsd f ttr ottfmum rltbdut ibx 09 c atenul mediclnc tbe woodrr of the vnetenu ceniarj- tliniildifideoniititaasl current t uocirsdxj tojttbcr wltb m abvorbcot qtullife m un iihed y- e flclt rtndedt imlvthti woadtrohyii i i call on yow druggist for pamphlet ag- brtggs sons ownril aani hsanioj br iron fleel tla snd cinidi ptsls oshiiiuu tod tto 8hs wf chsh xtot utt lot hff otus ovden udhiiatls cimriadjioep gtrtnrxtv brut corolcrt babbitmetal 8helf hardware cutlery a specialty enjoy life what a truly beutiful world we live in 1 ksture artl nt grudeur of mountains glens tau ooesat ud thousands of means for enjoyment we can desire ao better when ia perfect health but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up dithesxteaed discouraged ud worried out with disease whea there it no occasion for this feeling u every sufferer can easily ob- tsfuutstxsctory proof that greens august flower will make them ai free from disease u when bora dyspepsia and liver oom- ptaiat it the direct cause of seventyfive per cent of tuch miladies u bmliousness indi- gettion 8iek headache cottiveness ner vous prottratioa diaineas of the head palpitation of the heart ud other distress ing symptoms three doses of august rower will prove its wonderful effect simple bottlet 10 peafx try it ei 1 m a bootbucki molatsry kb loajrjyo the rood ship sur queett ur st a pier in xt york tbe usual soeaa etbusut sad excitement isditont 10 s 1 i uiuoa tu in pto rreslod her decks rrcbedtrscerantoaberhoir retpleadest with parfje snd fi was the iters al 1 mzunwlikb wu s thsoelr canrjar sad 1 better wl 01 vtztoninsblp titi the irn srarcheid an tatonm saa fooed bee tresses sod east 1 pdlarot jtsbt ta tbe wtvelefs st her feet the dsr before be tilled tkrtlde lad fiben ud the star oases ssuktovrtad lover ths dearlr toached the edre of he thlrfr the men oaths vbirf had no- ucedyuufeitkinirwturcsareiilytdatt st the feetoftheljoeen r nrvbouoraadnrrhnxtt bs rouwrtns mora far ft wu found that tome one hsd wound 1 strip of bdghuxl0uzdribho ronnetuis star quean neck it soavsred torraala when tt hid been plated at list the mameat cime when the biweers wers cuta ud the rrsjel headed for the wldt ocean the uureheid sod rlndiifui srmsslrecadaslefv rpnnd its neckldssed the woodja taateltenderlr oi ms oeutm weedtbensmiiirof our htue iskm eiraiorfrmdholeitlnjimtam durrtt7aod grrwftffisss essjftsw wud8trswbei coeaiawufor slirobs1ores dtrrihstihujtaie el-dt- vowu brn it stowberry tiematesl snd most rtlliblaioe rsownforaasuimir oombufus pornl wrsloresj r r 5 front east jr i t i m fa toronto v the ii l coal oil stove the brunswick i not offered to the public as a cheap joil stove bit as a firstclass stove jr -the- best is the cheapest e c gurney do p 91 yonge st toronto 53 2 cfl- k if you value your health aho clothes dse the b e st so apis- see that the white 13 stamped os the one side 7 akd on the other m yefr i one a jcoll this best bro wit for ordinary use is stamped mo tstskjs o eeijllter o i dont use any othee 1 cooras sre shewing a very handsome stock of scarfs ties collars 8ilk handker chiefs gloveey 4c just the thing for the holiday season address 109 yonge st toronto mutgewj k bro- myioraitfxi toronto tttfii i times ttaari pioturk moulmhqs primes mirwei see vhjtst snd beuil low prices e sttcawbcary baskets qaani and pints sod til in other friit pusoares snd rraeral ttarfcet ftsksts made st tha ouk- aaspbcrtty rile frnts riokare basket fsc- tar w a qglshout proprietor ro box r fiuy only ontario baking powder artificial limbs gjbiggjg cbeso fieri prise ai provtaeislbxhtbttiqu lou don ttstlmoonub ou sppllestioa sstfsfivctiba taa- nnteed address jdoaks80k drsjton oot r adle3 akh amrrlehsmf tkn uuutu li team utepaphj- al the dominion telesraph in- stkute s2 khitrtreeleisl toronto for terms tet sddrac p hcmtllam i cq proprietors living water is orhcrporfoiiiipp imftluml vur smdfarfctiltvf us fiajty smauj 8lhaiiltoa agentswanted mr biajt stsvmpi lhteotpixkct 8umr sfllfinklatr ftoiurafrtn3temu8llsump etc ri- inatvl to ko ft kin stimt eul a a btbwavbt a co toronto qaa acfies good lad well rvyu tredjhotia6roomi tmae biroox mbeutitiiittbtioililf mile trom th1s 4ti uk itmnurtlaiir nv yriit ntril irinu itottf cfaorcb idwol tfipb port offloe etc apttoiiaisaxjelu port btofrer p- 0 eaikokj dairin ta uperioiced phyddia of their owt tex oui hive mbcjm itioi wrttflfuv moiiffou iitirtd oa pplkuoa specwty diseases pt women eaclofte ittusp uul addnst dr timttiy h sitowe phjsdcun 4nd aocfmichtjiif r ui chowhljt toronto 15 maorm one day argents weutted bverywhare 8ejltni 1 reilible paten kd irtlde sells raplulr wlthlargt proat a sood butfnesa that requrres no cspttil send wo seot tumps to lcbttntov r sani rsplolr too butfnest that roqulrei no t jem tumps to l c bumtos bu thocaouv tor drculir tad instmctlonk w rite stosce and seeorea rood atwocv that paja hauburton if isettuep in stsf tordshibdvl been- seat to prison for refusggto maintain his wife sjictcml swa 1vi5mini78 qb hje v10toma 3he canadian air qaa ttacmne this msohfne is r urbtlor vtinti dweulors mills factories churches pubue halls hotehltie call and rramtn the hitt ia operstnn at joseph pbimpsy sole nurnifarbrar nlambet and ru8r 153 tort street send for etrcniir and prloa hst a longfelt wait suppuel thet new instrument ciilid uuclerint hedlet- ter enables rrerr vocaamto frtel and ears tcnaj tn jap- wn losae ba old wis bsrbufoa paio- tul and nljpleasnt fid wsexf rfftted 00 jstassatfiir yiun- ther tbstvabmh t he ibdriiaw expo- tm utendibc ft- send sc cuap lor rircahr eoouialsu full ptrtlcolirsl 05ts wantto aldrkatbeuttflmd jfruswtota oanada peemanent loan i sayings paid up oapitftl eeserva tund total aaetb- totml uftbilltioe surplus ataseta 3027380 tuvffiqs pakk braxch j depositi receireov vod iflterert tad prtadpil it- paid in in tart of ttaulol tittsouie compaji bfioken fma of ebafn- theotkplui tnd luiwrtrw rnddi of tbe ouspsut liitejtaxl on cist duf ml ttbtrfixypledpdlothflt6cii maatsym nedid xxtafaan bra no6nipnl unructtol perftctniety ctimlta leat oq apailciufaote t j tfflbrtct ma30k company qttoe ivtroattl uaatt 1 xhk mm paws artsoperiorjo hrifiri litlrt- r h tlmrrh 00 st catbasnrts ost laminueaetaittartbtmniinocaaida send ft price tjsl wnwwarfws toronto battifrtjra af iaatvnit4i ti ftoaatn htmse r pukxxcbftfouwla jfsrta frisi prop gtll wvolststi tawrjolaeafoee to l n soper wlttbettibtreettoroata glotles l otniauijatenlx owietrjttej wtlh a ajronr mat tilrailsif iron nwne tna patent lettrpratrare dots aneiprlora a the rolls snosienedthns imrnaaiot tte prtatun oin to ths tlseot th arud is welt si ewm- imhauutir of braauox wprinss the pressum nf the rollsis reuendwhihoitl use f t is teeond to the tab with sa teosatrle thai dtspiosing with unuib tcress this wi turee enmhiiea mors rood cmliuos lis u y other tsd baa no eaeii btlbeforepuroiai hijf address all otders to the nj dei of 1 ofej a pn tei i-