Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 24, 1879, p. 2

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jiwkk i i- i- dissolution of partuerstip partnmulp heretofore hibsfst jnjr wlncca lie urtdcrijstted ft book and juli printers aud pub- ushers oftkc acton freelluisx is luis day dismjlxcti ly tttutuat consent tlie imttiwss trill la the future be carried on by u- ivjiogrc who vhl dtscharxtfttfi delilsaitd collect ail ftccouttts eatractedb the tate flriiu dated lelon on thesothdar ofmanc 1870 italllert moose signed tt ivuvdri xvilctas fkid r siivxu i be atfox f blt prtsb rulufacfs ever thursday- morning 1 for- jlaaum tn adriiice hi- ti v- i i 7ijviauv uckmc jvct 1678 li li tlte xcw cemetery letltloit dming the past t weett a peti tiuu w tle iuuiciil council prating that in view of tlie slitting necessity ft a suitable places for the buiiitl of llib dead that that body take into favorable consideration the report of the couiuiitlea appointed to oanitne and report on a suitable tits and tttt they ituake mch srrneuikatafor the purchase of a sjition of land desirable rfur cemetery hat been circulatej among tie inkpayer of thit ruumct- polity but has not met kith the atua rxon which- it should receive why tucli u the oae e are unable to de tannine as it h obvious to all that steps should at oncef be tifce a for the purchase and peninjnriota new ceme tery anil we would ureal rattjiayers to give in thfir signatures at once so that the petition may iw presented to the council at its next meeting that they may proceed rich the umtestioa without delir correspondence ttiekuinr hl wit or 10 twti htt oal uiuus fir turrtidicuiciicfall jaaucn of iwullc hitcufd 1101 liomiututd tu wny u wsitomlb iftrtiio onliuun o micoc ota ntut lowtu h tltiu i dut o una 15 luudriuivir oiiij all ictiu rk mhii m ti 0 imixi itdbv uu- 11 a mo ml dirifci nt t vrllri nut nfctfttih flr publquou but nktiwttki tcotrfoourhvlu 1 t kocal luflucucc sk ljprs lib wi ttte scoxr act ix hjlltox as attted in on laat issue the pro- hilatorr agociitioir ualtoc cuurty retolred itself into brenca of the duminioa alliance at the meeting lld in ililipn oa iloudty hth inl it was there decided to submit the scott acitoilhe electors of hilton for their approval xt in eary day and public otiwtingt will be held thnjagfcont the county giriog the- elector an oppor tunity of becoming acquainted with the act before the time foe casting their rotes cbtnes arouni the fire series of meetings ia the county will bo held as follotf- georgetown moccbrj- jclj 2sti- hrtiveqcuv jul 3qct liilwa taeidaf jjiiy 31st ornish fridar4agut 2vorrgjiloaiuj iag th- acair tuekj- axg stlu barlicgo tliandaj- aug 7th uilriue iriijr ajj 6th- all these pieetinp will be addtxued by eer jamer soott agent of i6e iximfnioo alliknee with d b chta- iioid at georgetown eer ieonanl gnetz at kiltotf eer jhjtwth bt acma eer j joatts at kocrai eanpariy with them and some ofithich to hfejltur octfit irre ira iiia la aconipomoimble being la hu wudom tie great creator baa endowed hiurwlthyiil gill ad rraco oa pecal iailjajspt liiu fur toenty the lau- utjjlinjiitstion ilherffo trun more thjn one ojtej therein it ja ft la uot giod for m ri tobe alone a lie hat been coiitlitutcd aiceptlbiy ol corbpahiflaihipi to do we find nu luleuie lonciujiluevcty heart lor the amoda- iioni and fellowship of life tint creator whowtls oimaeir human and tinda norcit hppinofinininungwllh huinritt jtind i iudeed a attnga com- poattiou true there hate len mid atlll ate men and womta who believing it to bo helplul to reltgloua life bars isolated theitsolve completely rrotri their fcllorf hldinj theouewet lu lui the hut of the hermit or the cloifter of the cenrent and in io far ra they ara atucere itij coaaciealloaa the wodd u bound lohonor tlieni far it yot not myro thanano trn inathoujimd per hpi in en tlouund caa lee any mum beauty m uttet eeolusioullun he ho in hu ion lintts penned the kellknowa unea o solitada 1 wherv ant thr cliannc vvhich aroa hare ien iu thy face j better dwell ict the tuidit of alwart than reiu ia thit horrible place oat of ibia aimojt unieenal deairo grow wiat i commonly callei aociaiy which la not the ilmplo existonco of o many huudredaor tliousandt within a girenarfm but moreproptrly the in- tcrmiogiing o these people as liutinee ace data aez ic ms determine xovr the uood boot itya no man liretu to tnnuoir the mora carefully this is examined the mote docs it srem to continue i am tatneed that no one it cteir from responsibility in hit mat ter ko one ot the thirteen hundred milliotj of our race is so inaijniecent ax to sgure only a cipheromonghis fttlow men ka one cantruthlully soliloqu io wei my life it bound up within mrtelf its imues can affect onfy mc nay ko mana life is bound up within himself there ore sparks if i may air socontinually flying from it ths ehall kinds afire o warm or else to dejtroy oa eierj tond there is in otler w4id tn inttaoaee going out from erery life which alreahy teitf upon ttte present and shall tell luudly upon the tutttrei long as eternal ages mil this we calfsocial ineuenee we thint wo eat follow it sometimes and for short distances but its lines of adranco be come to mullitudiroos end w inter laced that re soop become bewildered that word we spofce that look we gure ffiwlarcan wetolliw it the man of tminesf with eerks and assistauts all around him and the public daily be fore his counters eierts an influence wfcc hu not leard who has not eaia of young men whoe morals hare been foreter blasted by association with dis honest musters on the contrary where a man in anthorily hating others underiim has been of sterling prin ciple haw has he moulded hit tmploy ees after thi model of himself and sent them out bye and bye aa ploddinp per- serering honest men who are surej to succeed wherever they go i the manot years is a tewer cf ufa onto iifer of death unto deaih whererer ha goes jihe hoary head ia a crown of glory if it h found in tuewsysofrighteouanesc tesportire youth too however little he may dream of fuch a lliinf aa he romps arid froiica with hit school com- panionia eyery dsyercrting an fafluence loreritor for good how easily do otter people recall the associations of their sehoolboyidays the names and counten ances ot their companions som e of which nauseate because of the unhappy influ ence which hey aluayi felt when in c iir fiay tpii i mojorltj of jljie cauaiia 4 ooge la jtdoj and others at trreraqous places named- oinlment pnured forth for ex- sctly the opposite reas n teltffitlelr i i yellow fever when once itlias ep- prsred at a place whert the tempera- iji remains about 75 dejreef lug irdy casdis ravages until the com ing of frpa tht feeling of ijart among tbji peoplo at- ti suntliern stafx on ifabrauppearancoof yellow ferar his not yetjnbsdea although no new jmaeaiiava bsen the list two or three tdaje -immedt- aiely this ncrjol angta fatal caao rejcltdichlcago there waa ijfall in the pricecfou hm produce maffceta during the day mcja ikjit declined nearly 9 per cent short ribt the leadinii cqti of- meaij decjioed 115 j per cent and ucd alsofelfj though pdpuktly rnpk- edto lanheidtykiteni ccaiists the panic attended to bieadstnffa hey deijiuedahout5ier it- tliisjear thediseaie has appeared earlierthun in preriom years tfle jirvtcaeeof tbe j fever- vn discovered last year oa august- 12 ani within 24 hours 1200 people hiuseft twcity wjtiiicbfl rtfis7 iaya i26d7eoplfl died from the dfseas oat of a remain- ink llattonof i5 at loss wliielt is scarcely eror equalled in wren great haitlea sinmthat time fie city has been well dftiued and tlie prtoapectaaremorehopefal y there it yet one other thing o which i would advert and ihat is the v y im portant part vrhich those of ihe gentler ser play in the matter of social influ ence itisaaineontrurertiblefact that tlia position which they bold in society he righta which have been bequeathed them and their natural acquired charms 4erbtre upon them an immene respon sibility let them deinano a higher toned morality it ia forthcoming imme- aiately let iheraaprirebehd the truo dignity of womanhopavit will soon assert ilself among tiieir wood be aiaodaxea of the sterner ser let them require formstaricerpartvy f speech wilhnone of those imvendos which lodfc too ways and a marked improtemont will soon appear in this diectign let them de- miiid luemmtngoroas abstinence from anient spirits and the great sense of temperance ahall forthwith stride for ward let iherxt demand pnrenecs of breathacd the rwiarious bosinessoc the tobacconist snalt languish ere yet the mntteenth century eipireat man woman and ehiid therefore guard jrafouslyhis-mhuehc-06ir- air m awaahiiijton pkjerktaesjwjthbd niuohihow 6f lraththat the huevotd- abieanapictort it oaitad that it iat iio- mtnctig thai therit hrntv ie year old hoy in that city jjy 8imlewtsj ejj jrora luih gtogrt who can rkgfo thf leonaritoripota hui- ice la it liht yeua-wthi- cheatt being- darker tltin the rut 6flitfaejahd hit head isur bort jecy tug eypfirqwg trerlau viorih rvhlte 4 hitym ac pineiah tint are noyrtf are i ant of ftjui fianda ar tt the ace of apadeafrtf aen r oc 4orlredarivtnciw whav ili ia beiidet- these pee uliari- cvlaynwatoarnucn- the that pdor bor rieaiv fjeag say a recent isauo jeorgetown herald contains acoujle of letters bearing- on the powerful intel lect and sarcasrflvef the ex editor of yoor ralaabla paper beoamev he dared to eay twordabout qusifing aa he it aetit from town we withyoar per- mission wijl fry end reply to lhese let- ttiemildestfotm possible the first is written by anstles arid ii heaffcda word faille weekll hesarsv r amactohishedto think thata man rmhefrprfeiitorspowerfjlrn- telieitbhotihso o tryandniakelittteotapooriboylike qrctgojbtigorgb in spit of the editors remarks iaaquqit pitcher and hat piored himself onov afad he will be heard from more cyorably at tsiome futnrfvtuee r i suppose it is noasa cairnbn torto ihoof a x mouse listen to thajoteadintone fofipr jjoyiifcjgeorge gihbsl hr eju3t6jyifehfiwomltiin ijiavhe woaube insalted andnot tnucb wod- de is to hif biirig flmtt pitcher and th man ner in which ibehiui pror- ed hunselfone we will apeak further 5ir in our remarks but what u that aodattthe cantioh anditha monsqf in i ttoher we e lorry to hare to inform rtlr flay thit ihuii the opinion of tht fes pliohon in gpltra reply h aaya riii ooleo a pitchor 1 iimeimaorjfllch iilll ho uou mr catnirojfiln t jbitauiid up fljht in i lojthetnn mtii some of our actoti irimdsldidiviojheir cost and i eon- iiaevwfiothoret ilr camoron ho beilt lie beat prober that was hen or nowii in im lootthty of ualton in his lirst opinion wo heartily agree but then ouolemiietl i oneot tie badiiabtte and- tair pi iyv for wo surmiio h had a hand in the traiumit ottho poor boyl sliould hara conquered that in hk jouth fctillho itonly20jandhohai the impuctrawoertm grit- wf at 1lartolit us artdwe blnk with thoto qualities be will be more careful in future about iho fair itindupfihl he win pa di4i u ll vs diiler from him mr jeditodyou will remember lhat game wot pitched lathe katlngrink george lbbs and some rtl hit backers declared that be ibmlnerer pitched jh thal riuk beforatiicinatcfrl now wo haro reason to believe and oii good aulhorily ha the tltd not once ouljy but setoral timoa tiulbfulne is a virtue again any p non who has seen the two pitch know thai cameron pitchcjta high quoit while jibbs pitches a uw one oanaequeillly while cameron could only follow hitrpio t with his eye about half the distance iihut could follow his tlie whole way and any one who haa pitched kuowt the a jrautigem favor of the low quott had ha gaa o boeu outside we think it would haveresuuktdifleronlly ftcamladbo us found outlhat canicroit la he best fiilcherin he county orual ion incjud- n uio poor boy now residing lalo- suto hi hu own liue of arjaa nt wa inkhaisthebeslbyiiltoclda uesys it would indeed beaoaieuiing wander ul lo ctidaman or n horse that was never beaten andiaraotimea by ad inlerior opponent this is our view of hemattereraclly cameron wa bealen and by an inferior oppon nl with regard to the challenge it iaplainly tone seen from hu writing that it m only a pud and a luw we doubt it he ojutict baeaiix la ihe cxtnt of jio lei atone jiai irfiict euaercatsero or mclcel thcutrfirluj- to on abnat tue tcruoui nliclilcf hcbccli by lellliir us tue pocr 004 itiouw liaie becnlobci lastcud of to- rrialoti seen utor uca4 ache now lua wetioaot believe tor wreff fllbbacame ou lac crtkuus lu h quattli x costume no sau h rclt nitudm artriiartyr wual tedld yo wilt uot wouder hat hit nad ached in u- crvt draw he ptrcued wli it mcuaeca and was created lir at rstnn score mcuecmu aibbt ofccwr clhliupsothltcaleulstloni and lu beadaches ss x matter ofeoanwt la the second draw ibe roor boy may dvcllu under a slia e tree and caretsmimootiaehr lie dons cme isx this drvwi uccoeeu it brnt kicaotand gtmroaicme totether in thlsdraw ttxtktcbotlctttorta points score csmtn n almcuol xi a tlie third dmir nlcaol c imt afaiast siciueen and wiot a xi rojnt came br two thott sxore ktehol jl liucltictas- kaw la loaluos overtuls score calmrjend mlmir we etnnot but ooina a the eaneltuloo bat georre ilbbs is aut a quoit piteticr we will rmltuploies how it looks mcqueen detests ulbbtbyspotau klcb i defesu me lueca by 1 potnu- siki csmrcradeteusxleliclbja rolnit kow ibis piees nlchol imlnu and camer- n 5 fdlnuahcadot the poor bor 0 coars air clar sa jf i anderttand there is a fwat deal of lack aboct these quott matches as to wao fou havtf to rtieh t or i nitanee on- ttuairaal- hare to p tchctrsjtair aadatter bertlrt bis opponent he hai then to rllca 61 more points under a burnlne sun with some gentleman who hss been rectlnlnc under a shade tre csresslochlsmoutueho while the first 61 point were piared in other wcrwale has to do twlee ax mtich work as the ether we dont thmk the u poor bo was tronbled ptcmnt with tn- tlenutt wna ufed been reclatnganteratuad tree thn ne cites the fame hocweoa immtjnisd sale of at the right house at fully 15 per cent t- watkins 1u8 a laups f ffttk oyfabjaanufrukirfg of hex isu wyh 8hikt8jia8 fid the neweilaodeiofw6rjtfnjfwliih hd j wahn ibolr actual valha blooufrjhrrfvinj curiw4n all uerul prices wblctthe tojoloilng lt tn tftulnt were tery-choapuefore- being tubj irrr l- jin ri ui a tii xmeoet wavtim tlu sltiruabmu tictntt ji tent ten thai hii tarei thmanhfactoreri profit just see his tie white ehlrtii 2ia tjdrta ltlrflne linen fronts and wnsu bift pfjal kinds made i osssll beat manner at abort notice thero has beans great run onthe lilhaa t to clear homout he will giro bis outlomr sore io lee tbe fcalhrs and flowers the ostrich wumei are betewaf in plain cheap thore hmoeen an immense sale of he british uertoatl tddnsausi i will bo ierj and ilovei tl ey tre so very cheap theie bat bin abont wsatirtw awks yards of white coujniioid since the 1ft of uaroh tbey are soihtir fans value that ladies are astonished at tbe sterling good qaalhiti lberjtfcr cotton low prlcot they alto thicken inihe wathjng tti carpeutrt assii aztuuotlnjemuhmiiiifriaeap meu add boyt ko filed bhirli from amoaco a fwjr 15 pa- l ku oanlaqi em uai r ffir remember the right house 30 82 king st east hamilton on fioor west of hughson streijt tt tw o m a s g w -a- t k i ist s pure pd liver oil wits hypophosphites of lime ahd80oa tuiktisusuvxi eoalsiw ae i6 tat remssfa rr dacojtrei ft omaaaaptitj colds tod rhhtld4aweilm jttaaaiuia sad dlnauh of on blood otairsi rx- lsomldsufotbodisufplrakresd t1rijvtrsssiioloslliatasuy irrtitsiiocainioiiintlircl h m ml calf btuar tufaatei ps5ie5iii the irslcn ihin plsii cod usr dfl aod bcoeraient io fflrfchtia lemiaiueflhitl but ma nan ramliy sod punfrinf ht bleoct etfarosr and unas ksttrlof ukfapafadfimcrforttad srtituriapa aad to hw w ldjr- i rrfjp tr liosadliraelll jtsawisjoai rotstlstyslldnittiaat jt js per toule flour i- u old kail wheat spruig wheat i xowfalt wheat harley j gala j peas butter fresh j urd ek 1utawea per bag applet perbti kay per tofli acti matsavlt mlo27fi i 00 to i os 0 98 to i 2 0 03 w 103 o o u o m 0 sctoo 0 0 mg co 0 ioloo 12 0 10 too 12 0 03 to 0 10 0 90 to 1 00 0 00 too co 6 ootoos jo delm wiektti while wheat pcrbuih i 00 to i 05 treadwefl do spring wheat j red chaff oau j barley test ifay portoa epgt per doc i butter per lb potalbeaperhaf itogi per cwt wood rii wool t- 1 pelu 0 95 fo 1 00 ofslo 0 94 0 80 to 0 gu osstoo 0 0 0 to 0 50 0 510 0 5s coqto 8 00 0 lotoo ii 0 09o 0 11 ocoto 0 90 6 00 o 7 00 3 50to 00 0 21 to l 22 0 7 fofl 95 lots ik til e- tillage of aotia- tnc fotxoiixa prortrrtss aiu toe salt for terms and part lenlars apply to u imioore real estate agent free press ajiiiidliijr acton nlchol aiidolbbc in aelonan ilay 21 allow nl lotnfarm filrplaj- thifslrsleholwk not rcimlnr under a shade ire whlie- aore fdteued his first game he was dt- rertlnctfrftrke and lor ocrpart we thinlc it just as hard work a pllchlng k pine then will be no discard between ihaquituutelaijsoriieoiiowaaaa seton we rcmala oarrstort i cicotrs ikralnm do you wish to gather flesh to acquire an appetite to enjoy a regu lar habit of body to obtain refreihing sleep to eel and know thai every fibre and israeof your system it being braced and renovatedt if to commence at once and use tbequinine wine prepared by northrop fc lyman of toronto and in a short time yda wuleet the whale system intieomted and strengthened it is a wellknown fact that quinine hat heed aeknowledged by the medical ftcolty for many yeart at he bestappe- tiitrand tonic known and fdrgenerat deiilitythis eomljinllipn will be found superiorto all other prepamiont and combined aa it u with fine shery wino an 1 choice arbmatics it is made an agreeable arid pleasant luyigoratdf to the whole system the properties uf quinine are a abrifuge tonic and anti- ienodlo bmull doses frequently r peaterl slrenglhen tb ralsejiocreasa muscular lorce and iuvigor ibe tone of the nerve system the peoalirs operatiau of this medidue- ia general debility acd asan appetiser hat underv coaa long and eloteobatrvaiiortf sodl is beliered it wilfneief fiit- if pioperly aqd tdministered unleu other dileisesptedominate of adiflereht ctar cter persons ofwbat cohifitu tloh mlytskeit wilhqutthe leaatdllb- bltv as it slrengthens the stomach and digestire organs and tewoni require more than oneortrphttlesiwefleot decided beoefitas it ooiltains nolhing injurious to the most delicate conftiiu- tion eememoer to ask for the tjnintno wins prepared by korthtop lyman toronto and we aresdra you will be satisfied that yon hare ful for your money sold by gk marrowy actio andill medicine dealers v0te8sj14st 1879 ilutfioraurr orlrita vitlins or ootjntt of 3 i l- j kotteeuhwfaren t i hr ima- mulqrdltrtra loiha jxnooc nntfoacn in ilie- tiilnliipd faarlti too of tht volfilv uu act ibe rtiplm required br aid mctioak ti b ta ininf muted ar delimttd of tbe tit mode paruaai to raid acwoi l persons inpe trios br tbe it rtrlcm auets- meat raiil of ui5fttid hbnietjwittj- in b cn- utieiotatclnaldanicipaiitxtleunk lor mctnbtn of ibe lffiunare awntbiy 4 u itanlipr eleiin an tftl mid list was fin i nos ten uu at mr o hc t acuio oatb lttb anj bf jalr 1519 and remiln tbte fornrctoii elector are cie4 aoa a camloe tiltj ialdllirantli jusjomlaiaa v anr othr errowore found therein tn lake mmdlat ptocwilagf o dive ibe tak errors cortthutf aaeorlxor io ut 1 j tu jffcgiitriy i j cerfcoftitiknnleipalur dziti st aetan his ulh jar aj jalj- is791 hair work agokalskr viucttqtlhiie-detss- ek 21 camdev asttoboxto 1tlu vtit actus oa iwbdarof maj and isilit117 octrerr mania oartof be ear ttoiirlnr t acjcetcv hotw and bej in nxorm tbe ladles ot ijie cooai of hajion t bal be i pre nwt tottftapudlettrombiceiiaa tborocyb nmetaac itfle act cuarjci ooiy 25c to- -c- pr j jlvkcbes rrtzzeav fnat flaiter cahit fta paoaft etc- made wordr and all rorjc juntntfiod lid will pteaaa leae tbetr orienatmrf monatfa nulllneir flora 4od tboj- lil bejioicpujaitodeio j jcitfxidles jearlar ordara ploaia writ name4atiocuri u airlfndidoclu bp vlllaaaof acfonn vhielt isajtusokdafra 0 boure in e mh- riiilon cellar ireil de and othtr t nt h ft t ooe tlifnlofab ncr wttfaftarae house tu fuxl niiajuca thle ituilipaubla im- mediale wciloa i 1 vn liwte tre orrft dr kottfiri oneflubofanatsreoa vtitctt nan fxeouont tqtifbcjtl booao witfi ejatfadld ctllrtr ott rood ciaiflrn and vdu vouor occbard of hrfclaal frut tree- kur teiuw ofvj menu xaljmoawm i on lot 13 eo64 vaasaawern f cren urtj tn4 pwelllfi bontc and blaaflctnutx hop e7eraiiijocio jtoodconjit oti a better ctiane coold ire bf t- all balldluc acd ta ckuetiorniftou l r efcqaeatrj flritljij firm df 100 ac et kcre utercajttrauan icacres maiitcban i acres hrnestouequarrtniridro tnfllnderio3dedraiirai twoctod bear- tnf orebarda on thttfrfrtn hkto rart liz juiii part frame bain aad sublet fx und beatjrlcura fyim fanji well rmced taere icaluftbrtpicyardoj be larra tnc-odirotk- inorder the ripl t about f ofa mile trdm corpoallon llmlta of hie vvote of actonaatilalil2 inifcifromfitiittatioa terms sn apucauou to tbj ofllee j- in aoton t3t bjfisistoosr begs to announce to the residents of aoiqn- and vichnty tbat h hat commenced butl 1 new at uker in that wellknown stakd on uill street acton almost opposite hiua grocery i bjore lihtre l 00 ytl pualiiy htner with fresh buns oakes o can fllwaj b hadi b lowest ouh prfceu bread wilr be kept at thos eiiitoat reience near the ho fac torf for theaccoraojapon of qtiient llr mgia ihe was tern part of the village a block of biscuits confeciiojleitf ifabeflapcrebiidflfl kjli be i id climp i aqaantltj- of kopti will be kept on hend foretoe freb and cbeap atorfcof cliff faillrnaoiffn be kept on liatid auddelivetef fotty parf flbe j lown at be current pfloi fur caib only teatneellafft kectalft ftolrreit ic pruvld- eafocon thebortft notue j t gaston actan istii tcjfr l 0rbat tins bargaitmsji sit saw kcw ksrw kbit naw black silks e x catit alack cash jfebxs white conbxs shlst1kgs gray cottons cmur cmu cataf csaif i hosun lkbhoideky uazar new whitli cotton tjtjilts rartlcsbavlnflousetsrd lots in the vii lace or isint in the ifjotaln ownhli for sale will fi ad it to their later stuahaveibera jmerled in thlsilst ko cbarga cnlessthe propeflrlttold hp koose steal estae arentacionon i hare remoted my tltfstove ejepot tomitt stksrr 3 doom fim ifarx am xaxr rxioa to ctaxat sxndtesrr bones wanted good raiescaaibamavje by collaaanjf 4ad ahptrfofbiiacaajborntlc oa i j boc loaned prompt remittance ear fcrttrpamcuuttaajlrisa peter r lamlx co b miufturers- tot voikobk wme returning thanks fojny cusomerr for the liberal patron age hey haveheretdfore extended and ttutthifa coritinnauceof the same at mynaw nandl would stale that ail qtdsri eatruiud t no 1u- eolto my tarly aai mjmui -attakrroh- e ay et r o u jg h i n g bcildets take kotici thit is the spot to order eavetrougii iko none but ihe test stdck used and as cheap as the cheapest satisfaction giiaraiiteed azi ahlvtkixtti ruxe hako work cnlbtxlvo i j btary hat had hit daj- every perabp uhaaeiiarilotljbdo tboald buy j t xf 3 0 lou s ooeoffoabas yolwliwt dogfower yitelaj i- i uaatwllnraeiihirthafaauorfraiix churn j thet is made call and tee it as wortpn taoand ilaku are so eh an knd rraul bo cer street back of besinetts hotel made card tlurasldrest sod tetdeaerlpuve cau tion unt i logae t km t and ornamental treea shrubs vines and ros a free cnstitlulnaalsoa tali des r1oii of- doet hot dund at though it had feb off eecond epistle cotnes frbiri persin stylihg blmielf faxrjiay he deals with tbjj saroasue item frbui the exedlor jtlwrejii iireytmivqeorge bb shpulii jsfiiify io ht a quoit iii j i i mx rnhj i a cxirrespontipp t at berlin telegraphf that toon aftar the acriwlot prince alexahiler inernoyaontifnly 9tn ja fire brots outnear thefrincea palace and destroyed forty hquiafc fire ijoidlerr rre killed xhe difaerdty a miriiin london named ilerrtlt mnetylwo years of agbjfefl and brotti haleoj its her was risine fromlhevdjhueriubla itevsras avery old r8deiitdfhat vicinity and iiad helpod to iniild the tint house da tha spot lohdon iibw ttands for the past few yaarahe baareaidfld a few oat of ths oityi voa the hamilton road iffis recoyary is oon aidared mpoesiplo s chatham toaata of the oldeit maain oahada arolotetilaaby tfiehahrtdf njti8itf irarn in yirgiiiitjn uj6iavi flw 10ani hehjwhrigbtinteui- geut face and talks about theirbrofa- efediitidcify iemenibera ating ieri wmngiosi wheiij tvketrp jears olij hojitstiu aetire and fo thowiiiat he jiaiieter beefitrouweiwlthrhthmat- ism newflithrow and twuir bli 1ei aroand him like any young majihe hat yit ha isret pillto ulandth onlymediofne he inwt eompotexh qf iterjjeiaqmiiwtihlyiicwgn for hit age t vij j and tolionijbrofohbes afctocunt i ttjrhaji bllt subberhaapurchmed toetbor- 1 irji- ohhrsdshortborabill wl ttjta of u kant o lmpouamayth bred by rtorortla wknled f w stone sq guerph which willbe wbooanitonlaijoodwrutlestebmejismuaer wi ontajio rtubseeies tl k statu3njs ilxor cows titw lor tioroughbreda- 1 i i o w aviloyeiico tkv e ii t ts pijiipsipcnm u pimps andclarn ramps which will be put laon i jiiteaaij accident intntanoe t short notice kepklnnr t rimpilr done- 1 autet lew secrttj- rnqoeniloned i cnartet modcratei alsq baws hied and- set i asiple daposlt onads with the dominion aiyi hlmacalt hhoron jrdeticlc itieet ooteromep1 jar the teenrllt ofcanadian opposite dr lowrivresldenev j poidrjh isff wl ej adails 7h ciiimaxllows -liadear- cbotfia trov wostbt crbu i ta uheod of nl competitor lor teuerol- pmv- loses trom besot sleel ftoard and shears made 01 sielnl hard iron ubmipj hf cash new fencesstoves metal letters and cast inttof all wadat jpaldnneaaboapiuii t i agslcoajlo arosaaasnils- ttnlu hotalltaholtlia sfjissn sorpius utolictlt9tders tlwsm iwaiirattatevt i actowost oawhatsbonhets tifjinder8igned would lntimatilhat he hupmchaaedthe harbengbnsineaa form erly- carried ohin acton ifiy geloblevens and that he will continue at the old standi- mijlitreeftactonto meetiu tjjjj bower streist acrijr hnderstanda nients of his curtomersi in a firstclass styw ii 114- lsjrt -v- anttwaamr pittauaa ircqiifaudj ohhktdhbfc at apjj liivpetliaterfo ill k000 fisbrclass brick equal to any iiq- the evualry forsuijldin8 porposae mn be supplied at the liln 0b fio fraif george elljotte4ofj6taro6n5 2 esajesiog- i joillfparkg aptok tib aitfyot4aw fiftear and larneaa chean for siasb v jft wlariea dheap fp ite parts- lars applyljisinn tocei am 2d os ijt ita w guelph clotweill oirr socc u aote complete in all department ordtrt vrc7oeaiy are re- tpecifullf nlkitedi skjtw ijcvjltox mcrzlmtit tailoru cxclpi oti mar 79 kew kew kett ket kew kew kew ludl an panacea for female com phi on airs moons indian conch gum good l tor every disorder or tbehutttt aatl price itvedi mrs monos patorroh curean active pnetratlsa and cleansnut remdr- djaloiilac all morbid aoeumolatloss l in the head is harmjeirtothemost v delleate conai uutlon price 2d ceau mrs moot herbahd boot pills a purely vetetableeonipoond and aa active cartqaruo wubouv causliirr griping- or cramps safe ip all eaw wuero aiurgallve medicine in need- lmcecvnts i mrs moons heartbord wmratauieae ware are an immediate rallrr to beartbnjo price25centa i kacumnca bitters prlcetltio indian kllalor of cedar tarthe beat jtnowa iemedyrar oougha eoltlror croup in chllnrea price 11 00 hn moons concentrated bateatti for kehiala vtoatnew price seems mrs moons rosa riiieatlon prlce25eeatb mm moons com and bunion salve prteecenta lira moons toothache drops scenta mrs moons indian eye lotion 3 cents mrs moons idtllan oinlment cents mrs moons tptarojta oil the beat talntjmeiriathe ijflrjf try it ktaninutea worm guraraif laftttable r 1 vicpn pesinijrer tprleeis caviti j mrs 1 moon prjrialesrfal t j soldbyb e morrow acton acton beptll 1878 niy voloob a drew8 femaua vi wm k i these pills are a sale ajid anre remedt for obstructed painful ordefleient nten struatlsnr ameeqrr oea bermenorr- hoea and all female rlrretularlllee arlalng ftosn anvcanle whatavj nre turety r neved by the use oilheaapiili tbey are nota nermedyiytn katsw riteo by air ardrawaffortoeiaat yestre pts oil direction wheh tbjy aboujdand sfhentbey thoum not bt taavbjftooiiy eice bb trveeds tweeds dress shirts tiesikdscakfs coesets kldalcies table llhens towellinhs cbsar ciour cmu cmur cmur chxlt che4f cacip at- rjstewart h cheap 5t0re f livery sale boa rb allans old elakd atth ssreet act05 is where you can get firstcraab rifl at reaaonablo ratep qftiy j r commercial rigs oj tia r ijipiss btmrjf vibtn win meat each exprtulrafn and deliver goods to any partotthe town nr-tt- all parties indebted 0 this ettablifk pentfrejeoieted to- pay up auihoat iurtto tielakirdaaejrjoait m raf ifetswat 1 proprietor aaton feb 2 1879 j cari fciric medku twitoli j3 tum te creat ea- lltk beaaedr an anfaluna emnlbrhintdal wsaratea8per watorrqeesul poteqnx tidal dtsaaael ti 1otfcsma bewsmaoneqeejotself j abuse aa loae of mbaoryunlteraal i aaaltttopidln the ftss baeallrmetaofyble piiobom dollar per box and atarim gmdrws- be sbfeiaadiukfsroldtw ssakssfsr female rill ksi2aj ft aetbdveftutb 178 n fn- ntr dbija n itli r jaapblai pa tfle stesllalna la aoldft aj wxt maay oibylasaaemhtlstdti or consumitlop and a preaatnre 0 aprmt nrtlontu ti ear wndehwrsleaiipatoaeiidrrrebyi or itb8suesllalnal hi the money bya rr amujrafkwiwwr 1 renatav lcu bold inaetoa by all drtawiita mud fterr- wherein canada ad btiibd bute by all wholesals abd rataul ttrcidtm sir s t 0 b s afei li

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