11 i if 1 wm- i 111 1 i fe wm- iff site- tev- 3si vi 5ps -l-t- f l in m tv 3ijs i r i- fife sss ijitfeiv gmjagttuwgiaq t fcaovltti jwlo aft twrt cft ttq tytt u nrwi and dear a rrtc duml rtth cx lurpritw in rto bar rjt t bout tmj but thtlr tbcfotm rjt wto uu wid yoatootulc t la l volet if wry lone lum broaktacta ifcc jw that itr to pltaae ttaeu ilotie wtom tatafchatinla ui liiteacri ccr aad tll aoc an tl froe fiat t thill btttt ufl yon dr totoit icccntt maj oy be t fctww a roldtttbauvif axli for vbon 1 trattt ibcfat ataifriokomarauwiet4 dwp la ttk bwrt of fclae am la ibm nln ud cool newt t cukt btjc boot kbaun puc oh 1 jcntt never ovec juck tbit utue maiden name sonff str nrt dtr fot uwtt rt fir tur u tull u d aim ormtd urmfi hl bjtla boatt wuh lor bwkmt pwmt floret siroar is fiiult acudtna pavut elcuiaop sbr vhu ctaac ud ouncvur tltj kartclllicuduidb xoir re bcktheta flit deurut i iiim cud tid briftt re bckthete tt dew kvitimllt is lc dfifpfie sujcteniiwwtdij att heuntniii tcopt attlmmtniattdcy fcviti hud ud tmctad dl tik ite jcj- uux unctrt itifll bkc lh pus is ftru 4od iii ptittuiepisitqcdir katura ts art- tuxta mitt oc t ecamcttt rftiisc wlicunc the ihdjrt oer tie uadnpe eilticc wiu ihh n the criool kea admzruc thnhlac bi biar ioi li ct iwplrfoc hhst qpi ownlu the tle i nop tlfaca fiuad li h dm hit ooairtbcaitrt tiilooj- 1 nr tint rut dtt tboluuoa fruuc had thnir lha tr rith aiajr tlmriwceattr arttutre ai u ic briooi own he fine votui uacuc crwtcathasusi ajmafaumcfsaobjarrilio3 aaid r tfci exanc of idtniruiog na ums fee hrieki the iaeoenj bat tc buct fliee uesis noninrn blusc and kii the wmltii of bftqirec dicndc u atucy cttle tt j- their probata fe- is u3- qone from gaze- his tkeciie tpaldtba inf utftl mr beajiloa axnpsiisr hjx ntc vith tie nwtng- room clock ud ddrastai2 hii butler bosi autet tad mu looted rcrf imuj- korsir fim treat qgfc titer imichooa sie ordered dinaerfor ktea u cinil to tecapotedili0 voaldb6iiu i it it s30 nax aid ilr beniiao detrocrinfi to look compaed toe tre sore no ctrd or note ttt leu for me v qiite tare cr replied tit butler who htd beea nxmmoaed up foar or fira timet titian tie lirt tod ted t itlf to tntrer sfmiitrtnterroffiarieil hhih c emap tie denser ttrt yet yon iti better j probaily yoor mittress has rooe ts dine witi ber ptrentx idarestjiie sent hs t catatamciiinr bexx tndit mcithxtfe been ausctmed mr beasfaa goaght to quiet hmtetf by arms tiis bat be wit ill tt eue he wit tbtrciiter in itrgc pratzoewba itd been btzrkdtiout t fexr fsd uat wis tie fint tiuo tilt tiers bid bsea tie kiteet biiei n tie docimirt reguurity of bit borne life except oa suodty dnncg ttcttioa tad wbeii be wtttbsecioa circuit he wtt tccac- tomedto letire hit hooettffjo every ffiors mgvtnd torflturatt wbea hs waotd gadba wifedraifld to reoeite iim tud tie jfiww reidy to be terredj he wtt- 1 me- tiadicxl tomb tod tie n ttocisllittlawo mxa wbo fcnajr ber iutbiad liking for pacetuihty tad toofc circtiifc he taosld imtertedifturbedbytnytiingtmitsiaher docxtiic tmegementt eetttdown to hit tolittry dinner ia tie itrze hxodscnie diningroont he hxed in w bjutre wiure til tputmestt tre tpiciouf tnd being protperout mtn hi inrronndingb were inruriont tbe tiblev tpretd witi tute ni atrvra witiflowen lid clrtr tod tie toft light taming tiroogh jbfaacf white gltntbedooit tntir of e- tirity ect tie cbttr of tie young mittrea of tie house reuuxned empty tad gxzinz au tilt nctnt sett hrary beamtra could neitiir eitor driat sehidnrrtr meted tai unt nuiwi bow 6ry detr huwiie wit to hex sie had grtead nit hocus ted bisde hisiiappy framthe firrt dy wiiea tie ttd a in titt pitce of honour tt the ietd of tie botrd i itm bluihing hride titer their return from tie hoaeyoooa tear from titt time uufilthe tery inarning of thr dxy when tie hid presided tt uiatl arer hit bretkfmt henry batdoa atd beat te- cuttomedtafindmher the meet tender tad cheerful co mptuionthip he ctued to mind haw often he had glanced tercet tie able tad met thedetmi of her trailing eyet how oftenhe bad been enlireaed by her merry prattle and touched by tie interett which the spretaed in hit woet bit pleading tad hit growiu fame of which the appeared to proud ho crost word fcalerer ptated be- tween tiem no coldoets or salts had erer curred their intercourse for an hour on the oonfeiry in tie cmaileatjnattert at well at in tie great oneif dear mabel bennion had made her hnibtsu obastantly feel that tie wax a helpmate on wiote t wring derotiaa tad entire fiaakaett he could ruy wholiy- abruptly a preteatiment fell upon him that til this was put and gone tad that hit wife would aerer more tit in her auoeat the taie oerer 1 he pothed away hit plate and ttared at tie empty chatrsriti a haggird glmif a creeping of tie nethcaile npon him tt if mitfortune had entered hit home and were standing- netrhim with her chill shadow he had started several times at tie aouod of cti- wheels and eves bellt and now a load knock tt a- neujhbouriog door made him jump upwitu thereisctioa that it wt past travtod tittiverynsoment added tajutjuttcante of alarm he walked into the hail put on hie hat andiefttieiioam without tpeakiag to any of the servants at the first cabstand he hailed a haotom and told tbf driver to take hmeatonplace wherellr- knrthew htbelt father lived mr knrtiew wai l wealtiyaoucitof hav ing a large family of soot tnd daughters wbomie bad tl tattled comfortably in life with th n one daoguter an inrt- kd who resided witi him julia kurtiew with ber fatier and mother were all three in tie drawingroom when henry bennion arrived and to the- anxious ouettfodwiieh he ttammeredout have youscen mabel they taswered is the negative jslix at osoe saw that there wattomathiag wrong bat tie wat not the person to offeraay com fort her geaeratoccapatum wu to lie oa tie aofw tnd say sntppith iiingt jku mtbjl left you she said arching her eye- browa she its disappeared answered ben- njon addressing mr ttad mrrkotthew jneribdn7uliawe64 toie shocked him thopeot she mlht have come here mr aod mrceursiewi both grew mach alarmed- they were too proud to attribute their dtnghtsra distppetrtnee io asyieas- dalou retaon aod oooeladei thai the most bare met with some terrible accident pr- itpt she had been run over in the ttreet or been ajured while riding in a cab lie karthew said be would accompany bennion tobuttell square totee if anyuewt of mabel had yet arrived and if not f hey most oo tsbooflaiidyard tkij left the house ac- oordingly bat at benmosts retideace they learned nothing pew sain silent constec- nirfmi they 4roye to the noliae office aod ar one of flie heads of the department who took down a aeecriptioa of mabel aod oblfjaagltpronuaed thatlqnirie ahoald be lattitatei that night ia all tie horpiuli mi police rktfcnt to ti i the tfflioled butband migkt at leut htrt tilinji ot km 10ft ou tit morrow but otltheroa thewrto norouto dayi following that oould tar latellimoq u ob- ttined of mtbcl binniou her tamata were grtauyajibthtt but ia utwering the crcaactmotti of tktlr mute t and deteotivm uwy wart all agreed that nothing unusual wu nouoeailt is tieir mistreats tppaan aace tie kit time ihty taw her hasrr bennioa had now put ttide tllprafeasioaal vixk tad spent hit time tadnnag thout to police ttattont andj hotpitala when at home he employed biaueli la rmininff all uabelt drawers her dreuet detkt aod pa- pert to tee if haply tome clue to tie woual mystery might be diaoovered but he found notilag it tunot a single line ot a com promiting -ejuwvcj-aothiag- to shake tie- melaaobolybelif tj which ha had arrived hit hit wtfot diaapcaraac oould only be aooouatedfor by hie death at a uat re- toaroe jut a week alter uklots htory session casied this kdrertitomcut to be in serted ia the paper mvsteri008lt dbappeared from her boaie is rataou iqun on tit sti iast a married lady aged twentyone slight is figure wvy chestnut htir blue eves small mouti with very pretty teeth wu dretaed when lilt seett in a dark blue terge walking dretaja seakkin jtoktt tad a hat with a red feather hsea marked u a areward of qkb hundred pounds will be paid for iafojmatioa which thtll dit- ctoae thia ladyt whereawoabt if living or leedto the reconryp her remains if the be dead apply to scotland yard by hit time mrs btnnioai diunpearaaco had been reported editorially in all the pa- pert and wu becoming lie talk of the king dom it had been converted into s teoialios tntir iucmach that tome of the daily jour- oak printed two or tine columns full cf tet ters every morning from correspondents whs bad explanation to suggest most of them opining thatl the mittiag lady mast have been decoyed iato some tiievetmea tad then msrderedj henry bennion him self reoeiyed icapt at communicatioat from penoat who had seen laiiec inswering the aetcriptioa of hit wife and he was summon ed a docea timet ko idea tiff dead bodies that had been found in the river at the end of a month he put on mourning feeling eoavinced that he kit a widower among all hit eeqasiutxnccu tiero was one person who did not bcliew mtbel to be dead and titt wat her tiiter julia kurtiew lying on tie aofa in her iauguiil way iti novels in her lap tiit girl wio would bare been pretty but for ber hard look and trick of sneering- ook so part in tie dit- cost ioot that were held in her pretence u to mabels probable tale but the occasionally shook her head and trailed u if incredulous ly when henry bunion had teea ber do tiit several timet he one day lost patience tod turned oa her abruptly julia you dont teem to agreelwiti ut about put tit ter t death he laid looking hard at ber can yon ixf anything toealighten at v no i dont before she it dead answer ed jalui colouring then do you magiae she hit left me nurpotely t witt could make her with to brine til tetrraw aa a staoi itmsaustsjta my lord ifi my wife 1 gasped the bar rlster ud straaglltg forward to imti his place hi ottered in iwfol wail lad ml icrcat the solioltors tabll lenlsleta the trial wu adjouratd amid a tconii of ladesoribabu confusion yoa tiit sorrow i doat believe imsbel wat happy with replied julial coldly h so it came to l after hit bereavemi on the t- circnili a man located of i there ru notiin j its outset bat i pto p tbow that tie minalwao 1 titged notes two etcaped frn j tie prnmnrrintd i be had titttd and i by accident he hb ned murder he had been- out pa- reckoned etc an e time assuages grief for meg must work and no trfbuutim i falling upoaamanwho it act af a weak nature will prostrate him forloogt henry bennion left his home in rnttwt square bemuse its memories were too bitter but he went to live in his cham- bert and rallied to hit work at tie bar- hit practice lay in tie jriminal courts and tie habit he acquired of working very hard to drive sorrow away began to earn him ei- eeptiacal renown in bit profeseon he had always been ajsuccettfu pleader but hit trouble t to have had a redning effect upon aim aa that instead of beiag a jocular of ten wittering advocate wbo mads no scrapie to rant or bully witaesies he be came remarkable tor hit gravity and quiet pertnasivenesx ha wtt one of tiote law- yerr whoarwaud te have tie ear of ju ries sad ndgev sndit wu predicted titt he would himsflf in drje time be elevated to the beach that about f oar years t heary benton gcinz war retained to defend tal mtnsltnghter peculitr in tie esse at course of tie trial the ffnrm ti tin to rwaa a desperate cri- convicted of- uttering previously buthad and tie facts had t di- nctbeariag on tie charge of manslaughter for if proved tiejj wouh demonstrate that ig known tie maawboat iat far from slaying him executed a deeply-pltn- bennion whose client e before the trial had loquitul and otcourst hejdid his utmost tp rebut that theory which the proaecution had suddenly started but after the trial had been dragging oa for sev ers hours tho counsel for the crown a young barrister of no hitli statos coae and said my ioriw contend that the prison er wilfully disfigured himself by totrrinz tit features wiiijvitriol i will how call two witnesses as ti hit identity the land- lady of the lodginghouse where he wat ar rested four years lago when charged with forgery and tie woman who wit sentenced as his accomplice and who is still under going a sentence of five yean penal servi- tndeit woking it wis a hot ttjmmer sftemoon tod tie court wmdeosalj crowded the blinds had been pulled dawn to shut out the hot tan tad there wtt but a dim light which made the red robes of the judge as4 tie scarlet uniform of the sheriff stand ontin bright relief the atmosphere ni stifling i the first witness who ippeared tie land ladyhad not ameb to say she could not identify tie prisoner because of hit tears and would like the slid to hear hit voice henry benmonocjected sad tie judge agreed with himjtnafc f prisoner ought not to bamadeto speak weetm to crownooeflssl excited ly 1 witness his broken down but i doutthink the next wui theprisouer wu her bntbsnd orie paramour stall events tie was convicted under hit aame j cili maria bart two palicemen ileareii tie way thisagh tie court for awouunia a blue check dress indast ugly pokejbonnet of brown sfrsw who was akeoded py a wardress frpm wok- ing the convict ru ushered into the wft- uetsbox sad the clerk of arraigns wu abort to admimtwr the oath to her when eonry bennioofw io had caaght aigbt of her features started s with a torreat of blood luffatiag hit floe tad leaned right scroti the aoucitori ttbli to get a closer view of her great- hesvent i he wat heard to falter who if that womsa i mabel r the prisoaerttoid perfectly collected it may have been thai herups twitched for a momeotsod thejt in the gisace which aha bent far aninttsctjoa the ooantet for the de fend tierewus sua jnat a nsthaad no more then the kghted htfelf ind the oath my name it maria burt she stid oilmly i r iether jauciaowithat ting counsel pointing in the cell numbered al 12 tt the female penitentiary el woking maris burt ut tome heart later with nsr hud bsried ia her hinds tad her elbows retting oa her lit tle deal tabe it wu a diimii ptaoe that cell with its whitewashed walls red floor tod odour of oakum aad the prisoner who was ctfctd in it looked neither graceful nor pretty pttbapt she had been comely once bat four y ten of territude had lent hers grey lickly complexion her haadt trace ooarte tad wrinkled from oooupauoa la lit itaodry and the locks of chestnut hair which protruded under her white cap were short u a boy a a blue oheck gown thisk wonted tfackings and heavyaallod thoet formed her cottame which wu oovered with a sutabet of bread arrowheads and had no thing la lit vty ox ornament but a tod badgeda one of the sleeves a goodconduct badge mtria bart had almost completed her term of serf itnde for the wu io be dis charged ia a tew dtyt with a ticket of leave apptreatlythe recollection of thit ooeur- red to her tor starting from til table the walked to a corner of tie cell on which hung a card bearing tie record ot her conviction with tie date ot her coming release and she took a loag look at it there were so tears in her eyes but she pressed a hand to her brow sad a sigh escaped her like a moan of pain suddenly a wardress who had been witch ing her through the peephole is the door turned a key in the lock and entered the cell tell at the truth twelve the laid brusquely wtt that genllemin your hatband v ire told you no taswered twelve indifferently well he snd srother gentleman an two ladies have come to the prison aboat you they are in the governora room how and they have uked to see the clothes you had on when you were brought here audhtve they teea hear uked the prioaer whose cheeks became overspread witi a faint tinge of colour ke for convicts clothes are told yoa will have aaew suit when you go what tort ot suit 1 ah titt tnteresu yoa laughed the wardress who wat a boanciag tort ot cerrsntgirl oil tie clothes woat be tnythiaf very grand bat theyll do to find a situation with nobody will suspect where they come from but haat theres tho governors bell i expect youre going to be teat for the surmite wu correct in toother minute the dutrou appeared jangling alarge bunch of keyt sad ordered twelve ta follow her the pair proceeded down the broad wisg ot tie prison ap unsightly a spectacle with its black iron gallcnos tint scores of nailstuddeddoocr till they came to a private part of the buitdiog where the governors office stood the matron knock tdj snd ia a mnrnmit the prisoner wu usher ed into ta tptrtment divided from roof to fioor bya railing of bars behind these rails maria bart tnd the matron itoodalone the other pirt of the room were grouped tie governor mr and mrs kurtew julia and henry benoion toe latter wu leaaiag de jectedly witi an elbow on lie mantelshelf but wheu the- prisoner entered he would have advanced towards her had sot mr kur- thetf chocked hiat let me try to identi fy her first- said tho solicitor coldly julia come witi mo there wu s moment of deep snd solemn sileace the father with hit daaghter be side him giitd tiroaf h tie bars endeav ouring to detect tie uaeameats of hit other child in th shimestrickea figure before him maria bart put ap her haadt before her face aad quailed take down your haoda twelve laid tie matron curtly aad glaacinjt at mr ktrthew the plainly saw tibsadt ot perrptrttioa had pearled an hie forehead- yet after a momenta heiitttion tie solicitor said hoarsely to that ie had to clrsr his throat in the midst ot his sentence i do sot know this tiit per- ton do ysi julia f sd o faltered julia with her hand kerchief to herxoouta aad you mra flsrtiew said the governor sddesstagthit lady i do not know her repeated mrttkar- tuewelmottiaaadibly she hadhat left her place 4- bad only c4it one fearful glance towarj ths failings tht a turned ier face asriyaocttiutstoutariaag undersny dr- circumstaaces her tesrt aeemed natural henry btanioa saw stepped forward and tie gate which ie btmtox themtoeter ajade ier cower hit eyes aleuned aa ia fever tnd there wsrnd anobrtaca4fm titeir expret- sioa yet histatoh wu beseechingly lawtnd pathetio tlmcsfa wiisper u ae murmur ed doaeyott knowme- mibsl what ever hoctible mystery auyhareitoajht yoa here doat be xlriid ta eoafeu it you re member how i laved yo-t- doat uaderstaad yoa sir murmured tie prisoner wooes features were convulsed by spaaas look at me again give me your hand j pleaded heary bteninn see how mine shsirri do youtiint i couli mistake my ownwifef i am aotyoor wife sir mattered maria burt then tuddealy tryiag to re treat from him she placed a haad over her eyes whilst her fetturei worked in a icoa- vulsioa that eaded in in hysteric laugh no laaiaof yoorwae uy batityou lite to adopt me when i come out of work ing i don t mini no no if yoare in thet wosaan is woklogwu mabal tour tht uld i knf l w her ud i htvo uojrtalaed it tor or- tatsnow i ah liliimtd btanloo rising with a look of unntttrablt horror la uyti tu i doat icold oa bo lbten xaoin- mjulla vouaaiahfwwe not made for etch other yoa ud to ic-sts- hst alone or hours ud days she oould not bear that tonne loved t bemado nmolioi she made the aoquafiitance of t min in tdveo- rarer whom the osed to visit hit true oharacter wu anknowa to her but oae day while the wu with him he wu arretted or patting forged notes ud the wu taken at hit tooompucs sjoaar than let yon find out her iafldelity she preferredto lei you think she wu dead tut it tht whole se cret aad where it msbel nowt uked hsa- ry bnnion with a fatal tort ot calm she died is austrias six months sgo said julia and tie seat mo this forjroa lookfherhalfrilha pisjef that you woufd pardon her look at the hair ma bel wu adit young r it bu gwyrttretkt in t you do forgive herdoury on pi yes i marmared tie wrrtohed widw- en him before tie an- atet steady gaze ti tie convicted with him 2wwjte2 me man laid the p to tie prisoner r i have never iweted after ai ooonpant of the r7ereyoa nearly four years ago of altering forged notes r x he is an engrd stranger to me repeat ed the oonvict guletly vhr hesveosj it u berroujs there ix no mistake abou it exouimeo bennion who bad tank btojc is hit teat tohear the prisoner speak but aow rose again pallid andtreniblmfsaeliookatniei thbw itymartharr whattthenitfrr- aifad the jidne leaning forward ii bj astonishment itm beokoningbeniiiontoipeaktohim clined to it i dare uy yod oould give me agood home no thstt not my wife itghed bea- aioa droppiag the ritoaers mnd- ml- bel wouldnt have ipi ken like that no mabel wouldnt spesk like that repeated mr karthew drawing bit son-in- law away- by the arm now come tloog j this scene is too trying for my wife she is ready to faiafc urt knrthehad tlready fainted i she dropped on the scot ia a swoon u the prisoner vaoiihei from behind the rafla railt without rivun her a look it went forth to the world that heary bennion had been deluded bfi case ot mil- ttken identity neyertaelessfowmoru iagt titer this a strange scene might 5iave been soen eascted within t stones throw of the gater of woking prison maria bart had just been released dratted ia plaia clothes like those of aservm8irl she left fie peuitentiary andwaliliurriedlyoviira tie rotd till siecame to a comer where a cab stood 8e baited a moment u uuu- ceriain which wsyto turn whenher-pro- gress wu barrcdbjr mr kurthewappeariag before her ioldmg the oibdoor open get b mabel he tsid with a mournful composare i- did- not choose to recogaise you f file prison the other day because of the scandal it would have canted bat- itsrare fdnyottare mistaken sirfaa- iweredtiodtcharged convict rstreatiog come you need not be afraid of me said the old man wistfully j you pant newthajiyottroiaagner i yet yet yoa are ouita wrong pluie leave me faltered mans burt ml darting fromhim she croeted the rosd turaad flown aoornerandwatlott toiiew oanlt be possible murmured itftbel fltrnfoartfstber sad he stoodstooktill gazing in the direction where tie woman had gooeurf be had teen u apparition- that wu not of this earth five years patted- dariag that timi mr aadmisltrthew botrriihwl and atljngtn julias health which had ilways bean to bad broke down ud she lay in her torn at the point of death oa the day when the doctors had pronoouoed their verdict coot aarioumtoal sotes pns axocoas ror foddtn- is place of oats ud peat grown together for green fod der we hive of late grown com and pen dropping one row ot com tnd then a row o peu close to it the doable rort are made 3 feet spsrt ud are cultivited in the usual manner it the esrfy smalt corn is grown the two crops may be town late in june or early is july aad tie tows may te made jo ineies tpart tt may be used green or cured for winter feeding the peu futea themselves iq the stalks ud a very dense growth it nude arttnailfoonroitciltis when milk caaaot be found at calves a subititute can be rili by pouriajp boiling water apoa too r lay ud mixing with a sufficient quanta y t f thit hty tea a quail or more ot mel ntje u followt take a auttt ot eour uo ft in a cloth aad boil it three or four hours when it is cold grate a table- spoonful ud boil it in one quart ot water with t itbletpooafttl of linseed mil tnd a little tali thit gruel may be dilated some what if too thick if the calf eaflers from diarrhma substitate cotton seed meal for the linseed and add a teatpoonfol ot pre pared chalk to each meat of grcei when then ia u irregular supply ot milk too mach it oee time ud none it another the surplus maybi boiled and let awty in tightly corked bottles for use in time of scarcity ud then helped cut with the above mixture salt rok siazr when sheep m turned on to the grass a daily ailosruoe of salt should be given a teupoonful for uch sheep it sufficient the sliest wsr to giro the salt it to provide a lump ot rock silt ia a coareuieat theltered place aad leave it to that the sheep eta go to it whea they with salt preveata indigettloa tad greatly dis- nursges ptraaites ia the intestines sxzncsa x xtaidm muenr the tur- face of a marsh that caaaot well be ploughed niiy be cat up and polveriied by tie disc barrow this can bt weighted onto make a sufficieat impression upon tie laugh surface to make a good covering for tie seed timothy and redtop are tieoeit grasses to seed down with ten- lbs of timothy and fourteen lbs ot redlop teed will be tufnetent for one acre tin most available crop far ploughing un der it rod clover but a heavy growth can not be produi oa poor itnd without a liberal applicrtioa cf artificial fertilixsr winter rye may be uxd for this purpose but it it aot worth nearly sq much u clover back tacit ranks next to clover snd ua te growxlmore quickly it may be sown in msy sad liter taming undsr a second croo may be sown ia july to be ploughed in iu september feces ps the best plsa would be to sow backs heat and plough under two crops fotjowiag witi rye and ploughing thacdowafamayor june- tie second year aod then teed t orchux grsu ud clover if grass it wanted in this way a crop oc hay mty be taken tie nme year that it it sown truotut and red top or orchard grits an suitable kinds of gnu for moist miad- owa if too rough to plough the tnrfaoe msy be cut ap sad loosened with tie siacp disc isrrowfwnich ltet the ground in bet ter coaditioa than by ploaghiag ud ordi nary harrowing tcxoces or noiulet which form ia tie cawlt milk duett ire difficult to remove the dact however may be opmed hy means of iniastraaeatmadeby inserdna tmu blade of s penknife ia a it in tie sije of a tain piece of whalebuerocudtdat tie end tad palisiel tie jnsnrtiient is insered iu the dact tnd tie edge of tae blade whioi proxc a sfrtrtffnfh of iri ineli catc ti ta- mourind opens tie puuge a trntil wood en plug ts put in lie in a to prevent closing ami it heals on xnii is prefertue to either meal or shorts first boiliag the oil meal ia water be fore mixing with the skim milk tnd taking special can that tie porridge be ottbe temperatunof new milk uo eonmencing at first witha ttblespoonful of the oil mul giving p triage at uy kind to cilves warmer torn new milk will be almost ma to- scour them meadows may be improved by harrow ing ud so wisg fresh seed tad using soma fertilizer or fine manure it is not slsfay necessary to torn under a tod to re seed witi grass in the majority of instances it msy be done better in the way indicated but it should not be left untd tbs grut is totslly destroyed in large patches aad tie grooad occupied witi eeas it mty be aaneattaytune before jaly tad if two- hondrei poinli of artnsiai iettuicer twenty or toahfboihalf of wood ashes p r a few loads of fine niuure be harrowed ta with lie seed tie catch will be made sue- cesaful even in unfavourable weather webex then is no millto grind them boaes can only be made utefnl u a fertili zer by boraing the burned booe oontkint allti valuable portioaa except the hitrogeat and at that caaaot be uved the lots must be borne at unavoidable j hissh tod ue wdrwpod- earth either by themselves or mixed with bara- yard muure will make an exoellent cosn- post satrduat added would make it too dry the best use of the uwdust would beta nuke littjr ort a abioroent of liqafd roannre of it it might then bo osed in the compost to better advutage fi gtsozt it a diteaie that requires imme diate attentioa it it almost always canted by neglect acd ratybe easily prevented when it occart the treatraeot it u kive the oowattroav salmi purgative sace u twelve to sixteen ounces oc epsom talis aadone oanoe of taltpetre the jeext day the a3der should be robbed with the hand and fomented witi hot water ud if the milk it clotted a solution of one teupooa- ful ot biking lods in a leacnpful of utter should bo injected into toe affected teats by meant of a amill springs ud milked oat sooa after tae udder should bs treated ia thit way until it returns to its natunl con dition meanwhile the feed ng ahoald be light ud the revarj j of stimnlating pre- veution consists in watcaing the oo u her time approuhet feeling lightly ud draw ing the roilk if theiridt it full before calving tmaz tra now living tit rnanonalu de franca r hme la marechale sachet dubh esse darbuferey the evjni of her alaest 8he iu been a widow since 1827 ud ilives in a magnificent hotel next to the british ebauymthofiobourgsthonbro the garden of her hotel which wu given o her by her uncle the king of spain in 1808 foes tluoahutbeavenmosbrlelle mme muwhaie eeguault de 8iiatjun dangolyj mmela manoiale pelitsfer dacheatede mtukoff mme la marechale niel j mme uv marechale d mt ob of ofttjmriatf tvotrt 01 tho nnmirous lovers or favourites ot catharine ii tr moit oclobrtted ud dit- uagulsb4 wu prlnot fotemktn he is uld to have been the only rau whi had aver dared to maka love to- hat baton she had given him the ifgnal to do to and that he wu inly and romantically sajtivitad by her but thit u very difficnlt to believe j or ihe wu fortyfive when he fint row to favour bhe had grown very itoat the graces of youth had long takea flight her ufa had been one of personal proftigtcy un paralleled exoept perhapi by that of the empreu elizabeth she wai thoroughly ooldheartad cruel hypocrweal and selfish her vtnity wu inordinate and the grossest hittory aooeptabla to her she msy there fore have believed that fotemkln who wu tevuteen yean her junior wai enamoured of bar nther than of tie wealth ud bonolra she io lavishly abovered oa tie men who obtaiaed her favour foteokin wu poor tadof a hombw fatally of 8aidlenak bat he wu six feet four extremely handsome ambitious ot weajijh ted fuss and u indi- cioos nascrupuloos nd unprincipled u hit imperial mtitreta herielf he wu icclt- tomed to present the ethpna with a plate of cherries vesy sew yosva day obtaiaed at u enormont oott he tut couriers into til cooatriea for nbtesyt or s hundred miles or a- melon or to tie crimea for gripes tha prince de ligne said then la something barbsroasly rouuntic in his oharacter hii victories incnated the oslebritf of tie em press ttanirttin fid pair tlu says seguv tt it koitupour in wnutrt his death wu u extraordinary as um life ha hid spent a whole year in the most degrad ing dissipation from which his health taf fered hoping to regain if by retiring to ntcolaitff ha set out with his niece the counted brsaiaka for u estate hehad then on the journey he became worse ud desired lo be lifted from his carriage ud placed under a tree on the roadside scarcely had his tervuts laid him then than heaving a j deep sigh but without altering i word he expired he wu in his forty 4venth yeir t hts death took place on the ioti of october 1791 another ot catierines most notorious aad innaeaiisi fivourites greglire orloff became insane ilif noorted of powerful drugs admiuitter- ed by fotemkia who wu jealous of his coa- tnacd credit with the enprets l m m spiritoilmlc mattoii ejes sargent has ditoorared another electri ir edisons d absorbent belt smjon tad cor fhtj vilhoat ti om mti tht ronder of thai ijntni uf- ttomdiij wntltutiirnisnrciidtr thcriih lhi ibwrual qalltf u jtirrlihrfty vt raidflf it tulr ib woodvr of ow je via b prttfii e iotntju mctjl bell call on your dmggist for pamphlet- c maobnajd ud tha youngest karecaale of france briggs sc sons f qtatni alien i iuffiihoottrji the h martin cg patent briok machi v i 0 jurney oo soleagents for j manumctjre and sale circulars or prices and terms onipprieation m nest vano ons twd1 year i one j halij rs es sptritntlittic medium to whom ha pint his ftith the new woader it w h howell of boston mr strata thasdeicribes tie fine fest tae cost sleeves of the mediant en tied with twine to remove tht suspicion of its using uy thing then coacssled lie then allowed the whole company io examine the fiafcrt of his right hud we were free to wipe nb with pamicaatoae or wssh witi ciemicsls his iaiex finger tie oae to bo ased allowing me ta bold oae cad of a urge slate while tie held the other tie me dium then waved forefiaeer ap tnd dews foiror five times sad usiai lie aside tip of it u a pencil imnedistely covered both ides of the tltte with writing u if from a state peneq the medium also used mr strgeutt finger to write witi ud those of two itdies esei felt a tlight protaberacce on tie end of tie finger tt tiougi from a blister one of these protuberances wu chemically examined and found to be com- poed of albumen starch phosphate ot lime ud phosphate of ammonia with aa amor- ehaut pigment matter withoat tny traces of id slate- cr other substaaces ordiaarily uteatfor writing on slstes tie crowning marvel ia thus described by mr sargent the slates had been carefully washed by a itdyof the family the meiium ciiied for a big slate i handed him oae that had been taorooghly cleaaed under my inip- tvouon bout sarfaoes we stood ap tie mediam udt close under tbsiblazs of the chudelier 1 1 held one ud ot the slate and he the other withoat toachiag the sur face of the slate he made motioas over it witi his forefinger ia the air u if making a drawing and then writing something i reversed the slateud then oa the aader surface ins a dra wiag of a flower iatailng hajtltafniness of londoa recent tsnifairy inipnremuts in lon don hare hid j tha effect of reducing tie death rats w that tie average saviag of life daring the pait five years hat been upwards of 1200 or oetily 61000 in all judged by the death rate of all england iahisinaail report for 1878 tie registru- general uya london it tie greatest city in the world its population exceeda 35001x30 or if we add tie popolstion ot its tubarbi in the hater ring th totil populstios it 4500- 000 its papatson approaonet the tjgre- gue population of 22 osier large towns of tie united eangdom- it oearly equals tie grcgatepopilaiioa of faris berlin and vienna or witi tie suburbs it equals tie populstions of the capitals ot france frus- it austria tad rossis toe tret of this greet city it 122 square miles art squsre af unle more thia 11 miles to the side to the density of population is 29322 people to the tquarv mile ud the proximity of tie popu- ittion it ilof yards or the people are tt s mean distance of uot yards from each other the law nte of mortality la lvm- don if we take its density into considera tion it still men striking than its magni tude witi a density of 29s2l perions to the square mile the mortality should be ss2per 1000- wen not special systems of drtinsge and cleanliness ia use in ludon by which tianuatality in tie yean 18748 isroduoed to 228 lie coateqoenco it that the deaths an so low in london ts 83695 ud tie blrlit twmg129 lotjttit registered births exceed the deaths by 4548whici exceeds tie estimated incrtate of populition 43s3by 17867 ip lheaeventeenth cen tury the deaths in lradoofmsutd the births mlondonx ill w i m i tilaaejtittthiof a wli frgi korbury t tha time chief justice of the cjutt of common heu in ireland wu more noted far jflvlng iaviutious tltaifor-hos- nirtyiirarnvitalioiswere tlwtys to his country teatcabrj bis town residence be nig mconvehienqy tosstble on one oocas- sibn an old conme wensimpleehrmglrtd be- eve whenwil yoospead a week with me atgibravrcallymetai what it ex pressed avi packing tip tie nquiaitea for a visit jhiy preien td themselvet at tie country houaenbrbury reveathem with hieuaadcjstemiles udiis presence of mind did not quailtit tie lady-maidtiebaod- boxeathe heavy imperiacud other jindica- tiottsjif vnntneted touxaroado their ap pearaoce radiant with delight he ex claimed my kind frieada my dear old friuda thit is ad very like you 1 now no etrmaeidnrotdehiot irord 1 must positively -insist- on your stsjing to din ner c 1 jess urns cinrrts t lew jeirlise i cemptn j ofulaas were cilandb4tiisstfibrxroatler amoof then were t number of stolon children lley bid been with tit tavatet fur reus word wu sent thraftshoui the rtstoa inrutas lu who tsl lost chodren to comftod tte if tnunstbe mttlsctp uvea tbcyooauttcatiilsetlkir owe alaagvlyoa wu s vonun who ha been robbel of her aaruare boy sad a tfri whhmlajlrf aoea ud tat the csnu with uirobblns heart the approached the group they wen tttun to her abo caaa ntar- sr ut wit yt tiled with motherlore tnd euneit- ntat peered low ulr litw oa ittennjlier gha mst ism laaouty them with tha onu ptln orde- ipilr lo her hatn aha wat tarmik away whea t- pattttd ehokadbsek the tetta- andia aoft dear notes oexu t tusple tear tha used to sbis- to her tfttlt ones of joua wntltaten mot t uoe wu compleud belore a boy and girt lei t the croup ud ru up to her exddmliarltaaima 1 atamsiat i m bosom ihou- ud at cblblraa ire lest laoutur frotn cholen la- sntubi eurriiiaitt aunsmtr oomplslnu whea i jlvaimit be marred ky uttag gxtttes ot wuastnwberrt phjrtettasreossmaeiid and use tt eodsuotly li it a noedy well known ud mora whledtbe teaser knows it is lor sale at ail urns stores and within reach otstarrane dee uttrtiepatut toanotbeojuma- ti t m 1 1 i it i beorbottodenavi the qnethou whether tis nobler in tht mind to raffer tht tiam and jtrrowi of outrageous iortnne m wsnthewrordsrfthehwbk bard nearrerfrotttrxuisl 9yongo st toroato the best brown soap in tie mailcat- olrretarywaew on every bar manbttrtm miiy by nme stamp uut ulily baking powder r ad1e3 ajikt qkxruiheitkv alomto xi lam lelejriprij tt toe donhdwwamnn in- stuots a cosstreet east toronto for terms sciddretl p eh lluf atoo prrerleton cbetp nm pna dos tettliiloiualt gr r mcorse co toronto ask toorselt these questions are yoa a daspoadeat sasaa from sick hctdichf hahitoal costiveoeai palitu- tioiiof the heart hire yoi dixriaeaj of the hal li yoar kervom kjatem ctc- pretsed does yoar blaod dtcalite badly tfatre you a cough lisr sptriti coming- ap of the food liter etinfj tc 4c alt of these sved mach mora the dir resujta of dyimpau liver comprint and indiges tion greeks auacsr iiyoweb is no- ac- knoirledged by aildroggiiu to be a pdsitive care 2400000 bottles wereiten away ia the u s tliroagit dnrggirf to ike people u atnxl two doses wiusatufy any person of its vooderfol qoalit in coring all forms of indigatim sample bo t ties 10 cts eguitw uu 75 cis sjldtosiairelyi hy ill liritclsur oraggists in the united states and canada j ghss5 girwtttra toronto barristers attorneys yutot rtgfarti jo aidtud avu electrofcrpars sterabypara f diw co u kinfstrac ec etri engravers e- ttx b kiaj eals eossin xloose j pokee held of ctnada mark strua etc wh sad aetail low prlees ttatthswj fc 8roasywtyweitorcot pnp uinori a j 8tiuwmrry llneuiur limptollwl m iz3 i otber fruit padottaind ttmral n j htrsw baikeu nude it tha o jr raspberry rtle fruit piekaja 4 bjiket fm- lar 7 w h caiagquc proprietor j pq box hi ak1ihuialumbs mfl nnteed aiviuiuat taiuuiutul lou oo ippucatioo stiisfavtion rn- avutmi j jxkjajratsoy ntairton pt r tmtn 20 r iar holo 5 tob inxhas hjmit or none poww gooi tupplr 0 lorohltend ntcr aaadtoretreaur mtofynty 83 turysst hmnltton livincwbteres allbntb wanted kssjb ng lrtahtniag stamp bafsiinp ew offered w t iole muohaarufi for tha tomlnion- geu qdijketcrrilicripuonoamd8tambt cr- culart miied c gstwat 4 ct 10 king sty ewt tbrooto ont qaa acrlisu300d land well uvirihwc6rwctanaio hire box wilwiatifalivuitioi h0 tnlfc trjm tqejatiai d j tt toraj mlua stortw ctjtech khooi taiipil poc oflicts eta applt to 7l 0 lideix portsvdet p ommkota a lidt who um hid uje eipiriotjcti la arin t wsuss his pnridduc6m3iwl uoalatacania toriuia daring ulco- ixoociaisat tsatj belt metlicau nd other ulajdijad jtuutii- teed for ful particaliri ipplrio i dor 1155 tvironti 1 0 personal light in iheioarkhbss haliburton rnermlnus of tfie viotdria l sadjwat- lisiaw tihacjefca for iale cj blohiutid uuafer ctfadha-lubi- ul elmignaioa co k tibu ion or oar v jt c e net onatoft totoatc a i the princess washing f ojvliaulpal e paitaiopiij of us eoahraetiiii kad ojruka n thep to remi throayb tfatsn ti ut tnfriniiri a ii pliihfliathmoiecsrfiinuaer tj ths ilou ofoarurro tiaccjrjrl to axlirttlr c3rraijiitii roooiipoatiitniftaavcirdu3 ckt ajuai ot oar ehie roiler so 4hsr ttihiiij mtchia pcache it for pmi ad ei of wjcvjo wift it ktruoiacxnbi doae laoseflfti fie ti as rei aired by lmaiod mizivinwt tujr ti tuslajot vgkfvjdothi tatbiciltjmi avftfavijcii3rii botrd jbaii dice d tii cut oc mi liiii ia jt orji- u4r7uml3richytit iddreft hi orien to the t hamilton industrial works s3 mexxica street hamilton qnt raz simondsi saws arc superior to another bttterli lasfiffr mtnuit ri twf rh smith 00 st oithascffis osx sola miiioiactarea for the dominian ot quids sendfor price list lyon alexaiider 128 baystreet torontbi leiddvq nodserxthkomtlsiokfje ph0t0graph1 coqos of evert msckifiiox t soleieatoatieilillmejerietathebcstlii the world a new uj vtiaiele dheorery ilomlnoas dili witches br a new proceaa wttthfs in made 10 show the time lb the dart rwng a soft liimliiout lirht joe cues ir pun ytl sun nalih ud ippearanceit caia dt- riwuor tedsattar jeweheei patent le- t pjnntlsi aid rally wvrmel we tan tava lunlaout duls kay triad uonarnt 1 meeaind parueiuara witi our 80pue catalctue lent 00 receipt of ictrsmp sod tddrst s rtxjksg makdmolusuha co i church itnet toronto tjtraiiidd ly the qatm tt biglsa bwd fcynow tk world ws old at aboat half thtmai pricei t ittballt bwioronta gb stocks machinery oils thottsiadi cl bamh of oil hire bees palmed off by- anaersipeloos oumeausiocrt ex tra oil it is in imia- tion in ippeinacc tooat tulerlar in qi tx mr oil bears abon trade rotct awootw ttta t aajs wflt cdnnt 1 thaj works oahawaj snylutnoil tt otn- vumers who buy tij oo i i 1 to roa thtold ice thit lie ibo inde mirk la n tha pukasdis pose is trnalne without it all wietenilhafrkderi into the ooss tocotl wutiiva tern per emu redaction mtharjsulmlqvoiea prices- adaren htuans 4 do u surchsi toronto- qeo b bt00k- theibest u jhs tkmlnlo ti by manufaotohsto ibioojiomstj c- toronto sand tor prior ivit and dis- eattnta fi swav km w unlia i-i- awf