Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1879, p. 1

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7 brfit- pressj n nlujklfc 1 e7ekt thobadtjlqehlho tt nit free press building kit to the metbodut church mm stiwt actox tuns one dousr ajttvrilnvjittad- raace if not pud brior thret booth on dollar tad a halt will bt chupdt or wo dollani1 nra paid till the end ot the vtsr riugte copies three cents rfrc- or idvttmitvc j volukk v no 5fw0le no 214 one column per jw 6 rroalht ie 16 lion half column per yesr 6 tutncht 30 00 30 oq so 00 30 00 20 00 12 00 moo 12 00 soo t i column per yew f fitaottlht t s eight u per hue cor tat injection shut adircrt temontt cf eight lines and un der tl t rthrw insertions butiacu card of etrht unet end under t per annum all unrbtementa uicauuad in a scale of solid xoapatul advertisements without special inatruc- tioas inserted till focbid end charged ac cordingly any spectilivouee the object of which -istc- paaote the pecuniary benefit of any incurdual or company to be considered in advertisement transient advertisementx to be piid for when onlered all advertising account rendered monthly isotieesof berths marriages and deaths inserted free- h p moore puliihtr lfttt a0t0n ont july 31 1879 100 per annctc im advance bakery confectiomefy l if essr4 a e k1cklik wiuld inu uiite tint they hue ogenhdj op uitir new bake shop comer of mtu ind main sts- and thtt they will always be tapiihed with a 1 bread beiidiifiau cikes putry fcc re it i uitce stock or choic confeotione ry will be found on hind which is a 1 new and fresh oatmeal oqshmeaii btkjkwhha plrfl y me fill rf 1 i- fks i out v mcgarvdc iua m c p s i graduate at victoria college resi dence coaer of mill and frederick street consultatzoa daily from s to 10 s m and troca tofi pm w k lowry mb mlcps gra- dntr of trinitj- college member ot college ot physiciane and surgeaa osce and residence frederick st acton m the house latelv occupied by r little 51 i lister il clark barrister quebec st quelpe branch omceitt mr mattbabs bnlliunstsmiust- ictcm- ai oract oror cnxr ffmir bt m hkugtreet licensed auctioneer for the counties ot wellington and hilton order left at the feix pubs office acton or at my residence iu rockwood wilt ba promptly attended to terms reasonable always iu stock this will be found to be the plsce where the bat roods will b pneea b e ktcbujn acton shingle mtij edward mocjre wishes to snnounce to those who intend building or repairing thac he is about to commence the manu facture of all caws ot pote and oedak i kept i the lovert sour- te dof btooomi ida hc ft b u h ivtmt bile i hq tut cat fclft her kind iumc tu th vild flanci la ui tad soft t atuhjua filtt irou hr bnu shfluiouiml im foilatu q tu tnm ot old o ihc ibflie trot htr furm mif bt uu t gtntlr ih bnexat kirn her lulr ut fiorert ted tan tad lincie to by o iiocrtict 1 lore m or t die shin patexts for ikvextioks espe- orrrocslr and properly teeared in can- ids the united states and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge send for pointed itstructaoas agency la operation tea vears hekry grist 1 ottawa canada mechanical engineer solicitor c patents sad draughtsman t d athesok attorxeyat j uw soliator in cniucerr sc ofsce neit door to wallaces hotel ililtoa d0joki0k hotel actok robert aguew proprietor thenew hotel is fitted up in firrtclsss style with new furni ture commercial travellers will end good icconrrmsfion and commciious sample rooms specs attent on paid to the wants of the trirellmg public bar supplied with the beat ljjucis snd cigars good sibling snd attentire hostlers which will be sold gles reim and oafc stives and basswood hearting of tho best quality also manufacitured and delrrered f o b the g 1 r cars here at the lowest possible prices ftbstfitm lite ntats 01 eutti custom logs cut to order on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates ssuxfactiav cwutomof ordirt solicited edward lioore acton april sid s79 harness harness jood sett of rotal excflahqe hotel ac- t0h ju cmpbeh proprietor ifr cimpbeh lafecf thefo ain house aetr g t r sudtn tikes plesre in ac- qoncingtohia many old fnezds and pa- trans that he ha recently purchased and re fitted the royal exchange in the netfctt sni tncctcomforuble style and is prepared to accommodate all who may favour him in the mest comfortable manner choice wine liquorsj cirart sad cool summer drinks always in stcck stahe in charge of an attenkre hostler the patronage ot the public is respectfully solicited and no effort wc be spared to gfre the very beat attention jae citvrmrrrr t ej ctrsoa in want of a harness either j single or double should call at creechs saddlery qafitle qaede br the acthoe or foe loras euu oxlt arm all mawmoiv btacc etc chapter vl coktixctn soke deytlohxxxrt i shall be glad it yoa will oome with me preaentlr snd pay my poor friend a visit it will be a pleasure far me it uyihingj should happen to know that i ooaaulted a fclowpricttioncr not that anytlua could be don for him that ha not bom done but one distrusts onesown judgment sometuncs and it is always a utiaucuoa to know that no means were left untried to save lite yon wont mind obliging me will yon i do not can to be mixed up in the busi ness in any way j bat being the doctors guest i cannot very well refuse go at nine oclock i follow him upstairs unwilling enough though not now from any fear ot personal harm we ascend the gamt staircaie ughted by the bedroom candle in the doctors hand he opeaa the low door of the gamt orer my roam and pattea ia before me closing the door behind me i look about feeling very awkward and wishing myself well out of itall th room is very large and low with a ere burning in the grate but no other light except ihac ol alio oaadle ta the doctors hind the roam is whitewashed the boarda are uncarpetod but the place looks clean enough though the air ia horribly close 0a a low cricket close to the fire til the old woman called rtaacy iturphy stirring lame compound in a saucepan an old- faahiooed teatbed with curtains of blue check stands at the upper cad of the roam with the foot towards the door the car- taiaa were drawn bat the doctor walks over sad polls them slide i follow looking over his shoulder the patient ia lying in what seems to me a kind of stupor the eyes half open and the head thrown dack a utile the face it the face of aa elderly man perhaps fifty or thereabouts but it is not easy to say what the age nay be in a cue like this mental affection often give the appearance of ex treme oi age to a young face or the very reverse the curious whiteness of the skin strikes me the utterly bloodless look ot the face with its long white beard and thin emaciated features but this strange want of colour may be the effect ot years of seclu sion from the sun and the air at well as of dueaac i stsad for a few minutes looking down st the hsggsrd but now quiet face and then the doctor turns to me will go out like the snuff of a candle he whispers with aa ominous shake of the head i uka one of the aerreleu hinds in mine aad feel the pulse what i this stupor i stk in the halfqnixsical look i fancy aaif hewouli say youre too clever by half for this house young gentleman i retire to my awn room aad try ta read myself into equanimity bat failing to do this pat on my ulster and tweed cap take a supply of liaooy and my beloved meenohanm and let oat scroti billinahirig to meet jack who la wakingback from duaboden having sent cupid home with a sprained stioulder chapter vnr post icobtht the doctors pitient diet daring the night at breakfast the next morning st wn eh mrs carew doet not appear he tell me he knew how it would be he went off quite quietly never came out ot the itupor the doctor ssyt pouring oat the tea cleverly he doet everything cleverly with those natty white hands we knew he was gone only by holding a vr if aadroy wouldnt think it it is a matter of perfect indifference to her whether you oome or go i should ap pose i fntaraipt do you think so jack exclaims hotly if thats tha case i miy u well stay away you dont mean to ny i begin psus- ing ia the road to confront him bat jack walk on and i am obliged to follow him without farther information and to we arrive at home jut u the stsbloclock strikes twelve shut into my own room presently i can not help thinking ot whit if lying splitaiis directly over my head i fancy the unbrok en stillness has something more in it tonight than usual here it a kind of ominous weight in the air that oppresses me the night it suiter snd i open my window withdrawing the great wooden bolls pat up when the country was disturbed years ago with whichit it fastened it ia a starlit county creech actoiml where they can get better value for their money than any place in thel a gcod assortment of teokks ahd vailses on hand all of which will be told cheap fod cash ear eepainng promptly attended to r acton feb 26 1b79 same tone from the bnin kiadof coma you an dent and it seems to me i siy slowly still feel tag the pulse which i scarcely perceptible that it ia more like weakness than anything ejte weakness er ds tash for sktks i tm prepared to pay the highest cash price for all classes of lamb and sheep skins delivered at my tannery lsce leather constantly on hand 4lly james moore i cch0k sale advertisements inserted q in the acros feu fees at lowriter the best local paper of hilton co births marriages and deaths inserted free in the acros fete fezss the beat local paper of halton co 1 f hards bihheadi and csrcnlars of every j description executed neatly at the acrosc fete peiss office the best local paper of hilton co nommokicatioxs on local questions of j interest will gladly be received by the acrox fixe peiss the best local paper of halton co- esvelohes printed in the neatest style sad at the lowest prices at the actok feet peek the best local paper of hal ton co s fyou have farms or farm stockier sale advertise thera in the acros fkee pees the best local paper of halton co tteechakts snd farmers alike should jxl advertise and support the acrojc fexx pezss the beat local paper olhalton co strayed or stolen advertisements ot this nature inserted very cheap in the acros fete peiss the best local paper of kaiionco peatty3 guide to elegant writing ontablo busihes colllege sbeittco miim 01taei0 the design of the above institution and the work it it most successfully accom plishing at shown in the great success of it graduates throughout the country it to pro- pire boys and young and middle aged men for cbmmereial pursuits by igiving them a thorough aad practical edacation in bookkeeping in all it forma penman ship arithmetic correspondence grammar and spelling ban king methods how to deal with notes drafts billa of exc lange checks and all kinds of business paper graduates of the x1llege who have four months coarse and takes their diplomat are each week stepping into good potitiom in which owing to the com- pleteaeat of their knowledge they speedily attain promotion i i among oarj student ue those who have been through the ferammir schools and uni- veneties a wellfsa those whose education in early life has been neglected the former come to receive a practical education such as is needed in every day life the latter to remedy past joeglect and all to secure that knowledge which will help them to success in the world i i tar the coltega journal bontaining mi particulars and specimens of penmanship are sent oa application i address i 8 g reatty si co i f belleville ont sept 1st 1j876 doctor carew exclaims my dear fellow we administered nourish meat to the lait moment jong after i thought it sheer cruelty to do it it ws only an hour ago that poured brandy and sodawater down til throat myself bat i thought it was worse than useless ta torture him any farther aay one can see that it is death i lift the eyelids aad feel the pulse again tha doctor watches me impatiently what ia ia the siacepin on the hre i ssk presently beef tea the doctor tells me osteuta tioasly i had it made ia the vain hope that it might be swallowed when nothing else woald bat it waa instantly rejected let me have a little of it the old woman brings me a tmall quantity in a teacap i take it oat of her haads with a repagaant glaace at her horrid old face she watches me while i pat a few spoonful between the patients clenched teeth you are only adding to the aiflering doctor carew remonstrate it ia my opinion that he is dying from sheer starvation i answer promptly just feel the pulse and look at the eye thaf a no stapor ive known them to refuse food from obstinacy doctor carew mutter angrily bat never tacarrr it so far u this he it totslly unconscious you can see that give me tome more 1 ssy holding out lookiaggfaia to hi moutn went oat like tha snuff of a candle aa i knew he weald and itt a merciful release i fancy the friecda of the dead man have something to think the doctor for since it appears it would hare been for hit own ia terest to have kept him alive i cannot help thinking that the boaat wilt be a good round aant since the job was rather a risky one i tm awfully sorry for all this ou jacks account aad tor jacks uke as i have no erideace ot foul play i am willing to give the doctor the benefit ot the doubt for jacka sake too i shall of course in aay care aay bathing sboat the business but i confess to a dislike to eat further bread aad salt in doctor care house feeling towards him at i do only fear ot hurting jacka feelings u well at a secret desire to remain near carrick prevents me from walking oat of the house this very day bit i fancy jack may want a friend to stand hy him before very long and those who would hurt jack cirew must first piss over my deid body 1 he tared my lilt one in the bash at the risk of his own but even if he had not dooe that he it and always will be my comrade aad t am not going to desert him becaatehit father it a 1 1 hill not ay what for jacks sake tbe doctor ulcx ma 14 go ap audi km tha remains of his poor friend i suspect he wsnts to enable me to give evidence ux case ot enquiries sbout the death or else to aigu soms certifieie or other about it and though i do not want to get mixed op ia the business at all i think it may fcejust a well to satisfy myself in case i should ever be called upon to give evidence the other way i follow the doctor upttairt again and oa catering the chamber ot death feel impressed aa i go forward to the bed ode anditaad looking down attbe still straight unmistakable outline so strongly denned under the sheet the doctor bends forward snd uncovers the face there is not a tremor ia his hand s he doe it not a vestige ot a shake the dead face looks calm and terribly peaceful thep race ot one who has just passed through tnartil pain there ia alio upon it that startled look cue to often sees on the face of the deal the countenance is remarkably handsome the outline of the thin features extremely so the hair and beard are so white the akin so absolutely ooloarlest that the head lyini an its pillow looks like a cameo of an olu taint the man mast have been splendidly handsome in his youth and as i look at the calm sternly serene face t fancy thtrs is a strong resemblance in it to some other face i kuow but whose i cannot think afterlife fitful fever he sleeps well the doctor quote replacing the cirenug carelessly enoagh i turn away for his toae jars upon me aad walk before him out of the room and down the stairs i do not go to loos for jack who his slept life this morning he had spoken of spending the day at the county town seven mile away some grand jury or something of that kind ws going oa tod he wanted to be there so not lik ing the ttmotphereot cattle garde jut now sad feeling that my spirits want raising i betake myself to carrick i spend the day there quietly reading tennyson to sibyl aymer under the mal berries audrey featherttoue appears st luncheon but i do not tee her afterwards she looks much s usual and is si usual leaa cold is her manner to me thaa to the other men beaamarit has left carrick hiving proposed aa mist alymer tells me ia ccandeace to her fnend and been re- i 1 ormtlon in ceylon j public burnln of the body of a member of the lagtslstlts council j over a thoaaand persona representing every class of the inhabitants of colombo assembled in the nnconsecrated portion of the boroluv cemetery on monday may 5 to witness the cremation of the remains ot the hon sir m coomara swamy the tamil re- presents re in the legislative council this wu the first time that a cremation ha dtakea place in the oemotery which probably ac counted for the pretence of many persons who were merely attracted by curiosity j snd the government agent gave the necessary- permission on the principle that a cemetery wu for common use ana that the portion of it not consecrated could not be denied to any applicant whatever their religjohi faith and whatever their funeral rites might be the necessary site was therelore furnished for the funeral pyre of the deceased knight and was indicated by a aomewhiit novel constrnction four plantain trees heavily laden with fruit thing fairer betide me t least in my eyes and that it the girl i love jack and i have often laughed at the idea of falling a love and thought oar friend and acquain tances whom wo hare seen succumb at vs- night aad the shrubbery under my window which look ont at the end of the house u just distinguishable in the gloom direct ly under my window is the si teoi the old elm and a i stand there looking down i think how absurd the old superstitions are and wonder how people can ever be found credu lous enough to believe them certainly no thing has come ot this omen godfrey carew it in the best ot health and ipiritt bat ot courts there are two months yet before the year is out snd the halett and heartiest among aa may be laid low enough in a shorter time than that while i staad here looking oat my eves grow accustomed to the darkness and i be gin to fancy that what i had at first taken for one ot the wooden supports of the old tree looks very like a hnman being accusiog myself of folly in imagining such a thing i put my head oat of the window to see more plainly when the supposed wooden i pillar in a very humia faahioa indeed move tway across the grau and eaten the shrubbery my first idea it a superstitions one for ill my floe philosophy bat my second is more practical some one is watch ing the house that is the conclusion i come to at once the man waa dratted ia dirk clothes i could distinguish to maeh st that and something bright ukt a beltbuckle or shining atrip caught the light from my window at he dived into the shrubbery i suspect it is the headcoastable from fort and that the bouse it under the tunxuiuut of the police the idea startle me and i think i had better tell jack but an second thoughts i conclude it is sa well not to get him into any row at this hour ot the night i suppose our entrance into the house just now wat watched perhaps we had even without our knowing it been followed all the way from carrick i shall advise jack to leave the country quietly aa soon ts he can possibly manage it something not pleasant it evidently in the wind sni i ira- spine jack will be just s well out of it my own curiosity it strongly sroased so much so that though i close the window presently and get totbed i cannot sleep at about four oclock in the morning have counted the hours lying wide awake in the dark i hear the sound of wheels- slowly schunching the gravel of the drive un der the windows it u scarcely beginning to get light yet but i jump out of bed and raise the oartaia jut at the corner ot the house ia the cold grey light ct the dawn waita a plain black heart with two horse the driver standing beside it lighting hit pipe another man joins the tint and they smooth their big hlsck rjores snettake off their hats and polish them sni talk to each other in tnbdued voice grinning now aad then it makee me shiver to look at the ghastly group in a few moment there ia a slight bustle in the house a heavy tread orerhead a alow portentou descending of the stair case with many pauses somethiag it ear nei heavily past my door on down the fsrther flgati the nun with the hesrae takes off hit hat aad opens the low door at the back the other man takes off his hat aad goes round oat ot my range ot vision sad ia another minute the large yellow coffin is bome round the house and put into the hoarse the door ia shut with a short snap the driver geta up ou his test and the horse move on totting their head follow ing the heart comet mourningcarriage fools for their pains bat my hour hat come at latt and i am u very a tool u the beat thit little girl with her long eyelathe and her laughing eyes ha done for me and i walk betide her now feeling that to be with her is to be in paradise jack and miss fethersfene are ahead of as not saying much te each other anymore then ourselves and if jack it ia paradise he looks rather uncom fortable there mils fetherttone it u calm and grate at ever bat i think there it some faint ihadowof mirth about her lipt and her eyet which it only waiting for tu opporta nity to thow itself more decidedly i do not think i have ever seen her look any bet ter than she doea today in a white serge dress faced with black velvet and a big black velvet anne page hat the woodland slopes down suddenly from the back ot the house at carrick nothing but a little steep grassy incline dividing it from the terrace just at the entrance ot the wood ia a little clearing with a ma tic tnmmerhouse in the middle ot it ander the verandah of which are tablet and chain of ptnewood ornamented with pine cone ia taadf ul device and no doubt inhabited by legions ef ant and earwigs if one were given to exploration bat in buttfulunoonicioai- nest we take poueasion of the place and irtdy mary order tea to be carried oat to as here to be corrcrcrdj i am launbbt kotes wozx black or navy bine linens are waak- ed soap should not be used take instead two potatoes grated into tepid soft water after having them waahed and peeled j into which a teaspoonfal of ammonia his been pat weth the linen with ton and rinse them in cold blae water they will need no starch and should be dried tad ironed oa the wrong tide ire and trait ttsiat mty be removed by leaking in tweet milk before wishing the milk doet no injury to tha matt delicate colours afteriwaahing silts of lemon will answer for taking stains out of white goods but it used on anything coloured it will re move the colour it well ammonia will re store colour taken oat by acids clei wafer will not injure the most de licate silk if when spilt it u at once rub bed dry with a clean soft cloth a hand kerchief for instance the stun is csused not by the water but by the dust oa the edge of the tpot drying with it fexxcs chalk it a specific tot grease- spota it should be scraped oa the spot and left on antil it absorbs the gresse two or three spplicaiions sre sometimes necessary for the purpose ak infarioa of hay will keep the natural colour in buff linens and an iaiaaioa of bran will do the tame for brown linens wahxxg soda should never be used with coloured clothe since it not only fades bat oftea changes the colour if one can get a good laundress by the diy it will be found the most economical plan of doing up summer dresses insitt on her using thin starch and ironing all em- broiderie oa the wrong tide where dress- es sre trimmed with plaitings baate them with two or three rows of stitehea before putting them in the wash all shirring for waah dresses should be done on narrow tapes run ia casings these should be let oat for washing and drawn up after the dress is ironed thit will make it look much fresh er at well as reader the ironing much easier to do thxee is nothing more pleaaanmor wash ing the skin than a fresh good sponge or the reverse when act kept thoroughly dean without th greatest care a sponge it apt to get slimy long before it ia worn out it may be made almost at- good as ia ftct often better than new by the following process take about two or three ounce of carbonate of aoda or ot potash dissolve in two pint and a half ef water soakthe sponge in it far twenty four hours thea waah and rinse it in pun water next put it formed the comeraiot a kind of altar com posed of sandalwood the sides of the altar were screened with white cloth and the covering was composed of the same material native fruit being profusely used to give it an attractive appearance near at band was a large supply of tandal- wood to be used when thebodyhad been depot- ited on the pyre and the pretence of two fans ofrkeroaene ot several chatties contain ing ghee and other inflammable material indicated that every precaution had been taken to reduce the body to ashes aa quickly as possible the cortege wu announced to leave the rordence of he deceased at 7 oclock preoaely but owing to the rounda bout way the procesiion took it wu eonaid erably put 8 before it arrived on the ground the body which wu in a coffin covered by a crimson pall with gold fringe wu convey ed to the cemetery on a hearse surmounted by s pagodathaped construction of white linen- relieved with blsck and studded with a large number of miniature nags alto of white linen at the hearse was slowly dnwa by its two hones coolies placed long striae of cloth in front ot it so that from dolpettylo borella the hones feet rarely touched the surface of the road behind the hearse wu a string of nearly a hundred carriages among the occupaot of which werecapt kevil hayne a d c represent ing his excellency the governor chief jos tice phear mr justice stewsrt snd many other prominent citizens together with sa influential representation ot tther classes of t the community when the pyre wu reached the hearse wu drawn round it three timea aad the coffin wu then borne from the hearse to the pyre by chief jastieei phear mr justice stewart the hon mr yaue and the hon j van langenburg l then begin what was anything bat an ed ifying tight or one calculated to add to the solemnity of death a dumber of natives mm aad women begaa to pqeovpr tbe cof- fin hagb logs of ssndalwood ancrteemed to regartl the laboar u one of a most ordinary character for they chatted and shouted and pushed to and fro just u if they were unloading a boat in the harbour log upon log wu piled upon the coffin until at last it wu altogether concealed from view and then two tint of kerosene were poured over the pile while camphor and other ingredient that have a pleasant odour when burnt were liberallyemjiloyed together lrilh the ghee in the chattier already mentioned at last when the patience of the europeans exposed to the sun wu nearly exhausted the coolies who had so sssidnoutiy piled on the sandal wood wire told to desist from their work by this time fheoverpqe the coffin had reached the canopy some of tbe timber consisting of wood that had appirentlv at one time form ed the pillaraota dwelhng house snd that took two men to carry then mr tamblah who took an active part in directing the operations requested the crowd to retire for a few yards- this requett wu willingly ac ceded to and two natives who were attired u coolies bot who were priests blew a melancholy wail for a few minutes on conch shells as they did to the pyre wu fired by means of a torchi and in a second or two wu a maaa of flames the heat rromwhch war unendurable most of the fzropcahs present having seen this much of the cere mony at once departed bat large numben of natives remained until the pyre wu no thing but a heap of ashes these ashes will be carefully collected and after some ceremony scattered either in the seaofin a river with one person in it at first i cinnot for soma hoartirra mixture of one class of v fg iniiaa i li i costrteie trxrrssteccroe s runt urn oesajdrjtat pbnmakts h ip young people wishing to acquire a rapid easy aad beaatifal handwriting without a teacher will end the gcxoe a perfect in structor hundreds are becoming beautiful writers throughout the dominion in the united stale by using it itconsiatt of a series of con slips of couvenieot site for practicing which con tain copies beginning with the first princi ples snd gradually progressing to thn mod elegant plain and ornamental writing ai qzxuastil sheet containing geriziaa text old english and ornamental letter- rag offhud flouriahing of bird ic a boot or finr facts with full aaalytit and instruction and a beautifully engraved case to contain the whole price 1100 postpaid andrest sgbeattyitco ctafaxiobusineai college belitilieont sj 1 1878 l ioiy the empty cap t the old woman look at her matter he a iieiuiusut j i you pn coee without mjedicaiel of nervoot de bility mental and phyrial incapacity inipedhaeuttj to marriage etc resulting from excesses tar price fa a sealed envelope only ax att or twu m the celebrated aathor in thit admirable essay clearly demonstrates from thirty yean successful practice that alarming con sequences may be radically cared withont the dangeront use of mtetnoal medicine or the application of the knifej pointing oat a mode of can st once simple certain and effectual by meant of which every tuflerer no nutter what put condition may be mar cure himself cheaply privately and radical thi lecture would be ia the hands cf every youthand every man in the land address j j i toe oulverwell medical ctoj 1 i 47 amfbtt nerwyorfc pott office box 1586 shakes hit head believe me rutherford you are only lengthening hit gony he repeats positive ly better to let him- go quietly who ooldwish to prolong such a miserable ex istence life is tweet i answer fillintr the cup myself from the uncepia oa the hob aki return to the bed i see a significant look pata between the doctor and the old woman who turns away and presently goes out of the room i thall often remember this tcene the law dark room the doctors angry eyes the light of the candle in hi hand tailing full oa the check bedcurtains and the long thin figure stretched oa the bed with the death ly white face snd half closed eyes i do not think of myself now i do not feel any dan ger yet perhaps i never wu in more dan ger in my life than at this moment i adaunister a few mora spoonfuls ot the beeftea snd the pulse teemed to me a shade stronger when xfoel it agsin but there is no change ia the face beyond a slight clot- ingot the eyelids and a lest tease expression about the nostrils the doctor take me away much more unwilling to go than i wu to come but i beg in vain to be allowed to carry qat my own prescription of u much nourishment u the patient can be forced to swallow he tayt i mistake the case alto gether when i maintain that the man ia sinking for want of food he it in a state ot coma from which he will never revive except to die but i ant still of my own opinion and though i cannot help agreeing with the doctor that it may not be desirable to pro long inch a melancholy life still my profes sional instinct are to prolong it moreover though i do not care flatly to contradict a man who hu had to much more experience than myself i cannot be persuaded that this it the stupor of death on the stairs going down i met the man in seedy black with toe rascally oonn ttnanoe coming up- he give met eusniag look out of hia bloodshot eyes a questioning and pooc fellow 1 i tay iympthtieallyi feeling that i may be in the like as at thi fair ladys hand before many dayt are over j but it it xcey enjoyable here under the malberrytreet with my elbow on the grass and my chin ia my hand and my eye or my eyeglass raised to the pretty face so intent over the scrap of lacework in the pretty hands those big giptyhats throw a very toft ahadow over the face and they are not to tantalising when one get a good view under them u i tm getting now sibyl does not oftea look at me though the hu not fir to look not half u often u ahe did at first if i were not redheaded and on the toady tide of thirty i might augur favourably from this very circumstance but being the kind of man i am i cannot natter myself that thi spoilt little coquette will treat me better tbaa she haa treated half a teore better and utterlooking men they make me ttsy to dinnernot un willingly and it it late when i set out to walk back to cattle gsrde iu the darkest part of the road near cirnck i overtake a man walking slowly in the tame direction u myself jack i exclaim much surprised where on earth have yoa beenl waiting for you here siace nine oclock jack answers quietly i hope you stay ed long enough over there i i fd have stayed longer if i conld i believe you youll soon get the tarn- oat my dear fellow to ril aot reproach you theres a heivy diy of reckoning ia store for you i j i cannot deny the probability sigh jack does not hear me distinguish who it it but there it no mittsk- ing the hand that doses the window just u the vehicle turns the corner oat of my sight doctor carew intends to pay the latt retpecta to hia mil patient and t wonder how he feel about it i i da not go to bed again the doctor hu murdered sleep for me this morning i drees iat great hurry aad go down to the lake for a dip i have oftea had aa early awim but not often to early u this at cattle garde the misty swathes of exhalation are still clinging to the ground the mountains are wrapped ia fog the grass it u wet u if it had rained heavily au night but byandby the nearer tree and hills emerge out of the filmy red the tun catches the topmost crags snd glitters on tha water knockmoay like a giant hfta hit bald head out ot the tea of mist and before i go in to breakfast the last lingering curls of log are rising from the villeyt between the mountains and the tun u conolly ssyt is splitting tha trees jack it late in making hit appearance and either doea not trouble himself about the mornings proceeding or choose to ignore them i rather think he it ashamed of the whole business and will not have anything to do with it mrs carew it very peony thit morning and i do not wonder at it but i pity her sincerely chapter v muriitfc acid to three pints of water f final ly rinse in cold water and dry thoroughly a sponge should alwayt be dried if possible in the tun every time it hu been used i how tha kiffljj get their firs- anns the diggen who nocked to the dia- maud field were not men who could dig for themselves but jews and gentile from every nation aad ot every grade except the workueclatte they therefore employed the kaffirt to dig for them they found that the surest it not the only inducement to make the natives work wu to pay them with fireinns that hundreds of thousand of ureanut were distributed broadcast among them whether the possession of these firearms really increase the strength of the native or not he thinks it does and that it placet him on an equality with the white man this led most certainly to one outbreak under my own eye and it wu doubtless the not remote cause of the fright ful bloodshed which hu occurred in the transvaal and zalaland ia vaia the boon protested in vain the government ot katal protected against thi infamous traffic the honoured name ot free trade wu desecrated in its support i call the diasaond trade bnt if i uitwu carried on a tradein blood 1 believe there it a semiprecious ttone called the bloodatone thia term ought to be ap- like poor beaantarit i ay lighting my pipe with my usual nonchalance he loved and rode away yetterdiy hut not of his awn accord with regard to the latter cituae it he goae 1 jack uks eagerly gxmw for good this time why dot youaakt because i want to know i auppose jack aurwere roughly didyou lid you tee audrey i i did did the look u maal 1 qaite u ureal rather more ta indeed kutharford ill sendyou into f he ditch i did they uy anything about me any of them mist aylmer asked me if you were never coming to carrick again j and what did yoa uy p jack demands i ssid i supposed not under the circum stances i hang tha oircumstsacet and you too it my friend mntten pulling hit moutttche fll go over there tomorrow i dont tea why 1 thouldnt j if you can go go i uy tententiouily i know whs t he is drifting at perfectly well but i wont 6tlp him by tingle word though i am awfully glad to see him come to his senses at last ltsq staetxa the etd jack and i go down to the lake directly after breakfast tha pomeroyt and cirle- toa are waiting for at in the drum and takes ul on board from the laningttage we hare a pleaaaat cruise up the lake u far u the hotel and then down put cirnck island and round the middle rooks there it not much wind just enough to take ua along laxqy all sail set at five oclock we go whore at carrick and meet a whole party of ladies corning down to look at the lake and the yacht audrey fetter stone i among them i know it by tha col our of jsckt face long before i can distin guish who it who iliady mary invite at up to te and u i agree with alacrity- jack csiinot be the only deserter even it he would i i shall never forget that walk up through the woods and i donot think jaok will ever forget it either it it almost sultry here in the shelter of knockmoay the ground un der our feet ia strewn thick with fallen leaves there it no sound about ut in the green tad golden quiet except the voice of our companions out of tight before and be hind us in the wmdingi of the path on every hand open out beautiful pictures till it seems to me that we are walking through a gallery of them one more exquisite than another hera a shadowy vista stretches away to the left under spreading elms there to the right lis a tanny aloote hung with glittering trails of ivy er fettooni of honeysuckle here again a green cavern lit with foam of olematia bloatomatnd yet again a long pillared aisle of straight-item- mod firs with a blae gnnrpie of the lake at the farther and i l bnt fair u the woaduad it than it tome the bloodstone thia term out plied to the cape diamond li the ladies of england knew the bloodshedding and misery by which these stones are obtained they would loathe to wear them i think that the trade in powder and arms la south africa should have been kept entirely ia the hands ot the government u wu the case in cape colony in former times the oppo nent to such a measure contend that the unprincipled cupidity ot traders would evade the law and that powder and arm would ttill be introduced among the natives i admit that it might be to to tome extent but the prohibition would have at least de layed the general acquisition of these arti- clea that delay would have given time to the government and to the colonists to strengthen themselves by increasing their own nambera and by other means which would have better enabled them to meat the danger from the natives when it came because we cannot prevent water from oos- ing trough the joints of a floodgate ia that a reason tor throwing it open at once in natal the government did ita best to cheek thit abominable trade bnt unsupported u it wu by the cape government it could do little or nothing it wu thit traffio which to profoundly irritated tha dutch we can imagine how intensely the boer on hit lone ly farm must hare hated the people engaged in thia trade aad the government that per mitted it i m pixcx yomorory who ia named u the protpeotivetatherinlaw of prince alexan der of battenberg isrepnted to be able to give each of hu imghtera 10000000 he had a large fortune originally and soon after nil marriage went to reside st geneva where he lived very quistly and ifflinrrt a great property fci m london clubs 1 a correapoodent of the philadelphia tmu writes i taut ray friends will not be shocked st my having my headquarters at a club everybody belongs to a crab ia eng land even the servants have clubs aad in two of the london clubs ladies are admitted to membership at the saville clergymen abound and some at them are very big peo ple in their line i should think from glsnciag over the list of members tha one- tenth are ministers ot the gospel this dab is largely composed of literary men artists and professional people but it hu in it not a few men of fashion and pleasarer dickeaa and thackeray belonged to the saviqe one sees no hard drinking at the dubs or ait din- ncn in this respect the englishare far more moderate than we are in america nor doer one hear swearing at the clubs or on the street or dsewhere and thia is very remarkahle considering the climate at the russell club there is a large female membership including many titled lidies i do not think tim is a good arrangement even ia these decorous aad excellent and perfectly ordered aasociations dining there one day i studied the congregation there it a stealthy feline air about the place yoa will tee t headeiatioualy stuck through a partlyopened doorway and its eye roll round the room and slowly it will retreat or suddenly jump back sometimes it is ap parently a wife hunting husband tome- timet a hatband dodging a wife the male membere are mostly oldish and the f emalea are homely u a rule the men do not look merry and the women aeem to be watching for something but maybe this is only imagination tht reform club is the grandest i have been in and its cook is considered the most marvellously excel- lentin london in my judgment he is per- ip alxaoccm quj victoria wu not pre sent at the golden wedding of the emperor and empress of germany- the none the lees tent a preaent that wu very costly and elegant a majolica tray two fpet in dia meter the groundwork ia composed of gold ot such richness that the cupids audi floral emblems which sre painted an tu- rurtt look u if they were raised on a back ground ot beaten gold the central part of the plateau it filled with the inns on separate oval shields of the emperor and empress surmounted by the imperial crown the border is eornposed of a wreath ot cupids holding garlands of orange nowen and myrtle tied together with turquoise rib bons dr crocoe known u the man with oat a chestbontv travelled for many yean from one to another of the medical colleget of orope exhibiting his unusual chest and illustrating ins power of voluntarily suspend ing the hearts action a fessck newspaper the other day ha- the following heading in ita police intelli gence suicide of two persons statement of the one that survived it takes from three to five yean to edu cate a pickpocket and even on nit first ven ture he may he collared tor lifting a wallet with lotrdngj in itbutacure for hydropho bia 1 colorado- hu the moat delightful climate in the world and bodbugs a mother in israel rending there requires her grand daughter a young ugh school miss to read to her daily torn portion of the good book while so engaged recently the youngjady suddenly stopped and aclairaea why grandma i declare hen is a grammatical suddenly stoi error theeu liaay replied darling matter kill it and go on j i trr 1 ir cr

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