ess i a t tatbv i od ren eoeh bo j v good for siici j aoorfcd i it lv treet n traini leave acvon follows i j uiyetpinst cukciitfrt j sight g5m j alt tailed i flty erfrctt i wevtcra tutit- toala mitct oout 1kst 1 cjotxo east 1 lisfalh slovm u2pm 5upm tiq7pm loam ij0am 0pin bj0ptn mtmm hail time table uujslcetvui trent inn tuutu bwul frmtarnttlhid the vvuwpm r triu specie tat oa vuctdtya and f rtiui 1 huwrioretic kirv- tu cki c kail 114 n hu tot toronto tl10m i knttcubiumautoaraontlltrs and prtdftyt sijid mail w motitmidart and friniy kecttlecedletlcr aiurt be- mailed is aila- tius fcctoro eolnuni h srrioe it the uclhodut cuttch every 1a0 au 60 oeuaofc retivcuvel j itkv u hours raslorv ytt jidferrtstkext- m me rur for the 1ettoweci pt bui- nost op- besidcj pslroc- he past- lhfc talty icings a h nv i r ir k bci- yriy f p v us t 1 k ssootruoico sogh imhitt gci cfoths tyfe fc mcktb lire vuflj t eltkon hrtif work aioontuky slijov- stiusan a- co xew yoit t t w kugund- yokuitivrs attention john isbttr new f1liutt cttutie ileuli son i co nurv ivzjf cursry tatkiixr mjaxiiu jjia jl 1a7p goods hit yon a buy t the s f li big vis4fc it tob-nt- gooi rclisuo xjitad- fcpc sa 1 triple slider puted ontu ivtic- sliis eue- cvir xiplin uio tcisjces kuircsaud fojlti cti it itorsc ffiii jercju-n- ctorfc axli- if you wint rh tocibs drtiog cotnhs ict conbs circular ojoiuj jrforatcd srl baui uauutstncrsila caper viipe -lurs- crochet ncodl lcvcrt tck a vice chexu at clakk jlrttetctts j c hill for ret fjii ttirare cuektlbs rt aiwttt ail jjiokj r6it riiliag ia plcant l eecnini a cool rotnisw courtcg i girl ever w crtirx best filue in 5cc tti in acton tj v ilsijtr fiuwltt is nbdatkll lurvesud all nk nercst things in soft felt i fexjc out fr your hen tooitj irijrr in tie rxrrjiift rfeifccrjltk yytmliish or quirt ttcsirl t xlisthtb- ptrlor stwrkg iichine an1 b-hvr- agent icn ceecj iit te disji or quirt tt nickhis crcara frlcr- uarri hcsiukdhex j li eavk halluit lijhni 91 helicvca lty hiaclfalt itve yoa tiutd tguiflebotrj- nutttirtt- br good weelpr g toclirk 4uitjiwl a iwgd stock of stovm nd tit- wmtullj c hill j aquairritr of wuw itpkt xoim ttlc chttp tt ibis offic j vkat u thi article ijhufly told at mot fiiacy itin h the ruitor bftt bdn its iowa it kickliai bky b mite md try them ajtotileb mw supply of slfti- iaj prwim jititi j w kuaai ftlis wtleouia vouod of m xl spifliy tun wkialle u a hcirj bs 8ttrr md call lit ntckltni let cr6m parlor for dklt of ic crcaau mk hibbt huvt fonrerly gt k irnt how tat uoiat bcrjlaj made a tkort riiit ia acton thu voek wiut tuakea lite ybtiojf tnsn so much afwd ot th ice cresnrpoflora rhca thy have their girla vritk thtm f babbit metal 011 tyiw for tilo chcii at the frec tress ti imt ihc thiaff for rcnlenf wornout ptjwefind relief boring bovs be cmiltil qua accidentr ccillly aniouc echwl itoyf a irpirtcf almost every uv tlor idvico uj the bovt i if yo mutt jo oat taootnj fc catjitu moskcr in italian with tho usual hfai orvm aad inenkey arrived in cut ciwu ou satttrjav moruior and waa ftillou- ed llxwt th ttru by i hoif if little girli and ujyr it snrisrorkaw that at ntco cmychair at hucne u ranch ictt comfurtaile to 1 man thui tho hard is ofzctrvtotla toxon a street cqraer with a crcjtd of loafen amuui aeoit tnroo millioa dozens of mfifi icillirs aro caatidttire by a tpr factory in a par i t on cf which wia ttiudtut to ita trort properly thfoujjk i holaniciuerdit lilt john liwsoo htia eomnicncei tha crxtion of n now hrick hou at allies spitide etc tilt geo hyirls i the eirnercf xdu and wilbcr etrtoti fiuui itmot appearancei it willbu a neat and cutiiforubls dwelling kow the well in jtyle amtcj cjieth forth to nrnnnade dut ha viht hcuaalh ltnuirar c thcnu- beasis plaice- j and 6lu hi ocliara and hit taejceta and hu iinuir f te an eichswga ssysrlidit- ual pronienrdia odthe etreetsby yoant eizls is derjc41 itainrioa to x gtm repi titicn a ittla in da the bict of thi pirariph wiiltnaule pirtata to eticu it oi the loceicj glaia- i a jia tm j lit qk r list a diaguter straiec icrat alraat 7 ycih of ng fell froct fcnpile re m tin ctrliaa ciaiing i iiulttfriattffe c tha left arm urlowrj it is miiikkn metivrtrintrs iieca xir tiii skr ca cljihtiififif fan i 15 uffi fnd cheljkit plj- trjw in tcrr 9 to xchci litijicp r att 100 persons nt eoovkinj vte notto thatircssre r admit if acttndyau kicholof tfci 4th iiiej kutaiu lixfre wycived nfn liircliid ljuiucc from jthe manufactory of mcsirc mcuxiild mclhen co stntiar tiis rtrrfccxcii t well dene tna tii miiiim hire k fwd rtatitiuu worth trvivg it is eaid that cora tfidifpe4 infi- mtitt jsd tas- pilit iftvitnlrt iu the jplirti trtv lirve tfliaiiy crop of plucu the curtulio will uy iu lro3 into the kwwcnci cura yjii lniii of tlif pi upu ffvin sis 14 twelve rejircd cl1j trc icfiidfct fur ta urdiiyir trc j pttf seoes ecodotnv fs no from j difnice jt it ireitr to irear xj iw to iited larltuns tlitrr ca fridty j tji in bxyngsjid harvest ibifl tonrmt lic t 1 tacsies svorildt brtce 14i- iff geottcraeii ctj m sicre j ciiucjr ij tvatciu louj wfcrtn boot it tiit hat wreithcr a near lot of ifdii plow ctriitic uetjdfrtooi- ciyytctoij latere 5ou git trt fjuaoat go ccattait it jssttn jffw etngukr host mucti 1 c iu 5 v- lots j frajttfcpirf 0 tlpljifth july vre cammenct to usri txiit our ssmixauuxl clearing tlc allsuiumer r r ts tr iioodto be cleared ttt recsrdleis of cojt tf keaembcr we b lrrj plies of hammd fawy eiirt u of h awtit mpi fi0 4 jritt eite tlicutiooncr xnada chrirtevatiiaeriowscct actoaj chijif thia oda will ba twk etitailid pofmlalion of the coaitf of hitoo as pabliahed in the eejia- tnr deiicrllt rjkri fcr the cajreat fear ia tsssi the huty raachine h iii hntri of the ihresbin co llaaiiijot eauie trrarge ne it rax heard tkrosrhoat the laml j j 1 tcjt w iwi fnr tfe h jtbuhidf aad ltvrf jrbreadl acapca ere cdoaied out f nart fill ifillinery and rantlatreatilf oghfer xoir iiyoarchincor harjiint jlelaod an- dtnoa toirn j taciseal fimnnrez tbfpe l no clai ocarlf tfllret hflfio appfmtalc til vitt ic el ttkiw who klfc iibvcd tcoanre coosamptloo tliey t iltes tliiiyicthlaffy ttiij terror nf tbe malady tfiey ooght la tace lieartind icrit inrsrartt to brighter tfayb tor fcaxik ennuraaar co4 cirer otr tiln ttic nfpinioptix orlfiae aact mtfa rieuf y brtnt tutto tretenrtafcenasdtrrc 11 la an almost infallible raniedytoralldticasc of tnelarfpt and la very utteald sfilltseer- goods of tit kinds at job pticel uibbaoa riowen feathers lacea silhff satiar kc jreat bargains yb jeaeire at the glasgow- htrase where yltc gef the fardoaa 50 cent tean blaet green and japan in 5 pound lota at 45 centaj fall width enclish printt onlj 7 centfjyer yard aft for a c cent apron christie eeaderaoi t co the brkni raltie i nw paper which his recently been started ia paris oat haa been received at this office it is of the nov popular eight page forty ipht colacin style veil edited tall of interesting news neatly printed and deserves as no doabt it trill receive an ettended patron age 1 the proprietors ilessn campbell hind when a whole family will cinr their iter eava oar bestxiiles for their sac- dinner for unlet into the- woods and sit dova along bas and anats andenakec to eitit thy call t a picnic t otrthe iamaier breezes blow and the rmail boyrtubf hit toe and iaiinedixtely there follow a saccessioa pes ishotr tig the who tfidnt have work daring the past few weeks and we will ehow yea a man wfco is so fond of work lt could lay down and steep betide it a eichangs contains tha mtr- riilo notice of a sf r ind virt carr vie notice it rtreiyas an iattaace of carcoapl- in by a clergjcxn whieh it aoaiething aa- uisf if koak had foreseen the fatare and kiiledthe two moeqaitoea which took hfcge in the ark be wad have rendered osc pf thi strongest words the zngliah itajnaee cnaeceesary eeteiteeii the bankrupt stock tenihjr off in acton dry gfpdt groceries bxju aad hhees etc etc etc at and under whalesale rricea a large quantity of tea cheap cfheap john seen is life the- spasoti iiat of hard bcoips together with the colic and thomeaslea and the mumps cct theil th thutle and weeds on the streete hire beifa cat by the nfaaici- pil thistle catter botiarra nombcri of theee pettalatiil fiouruhph vacant and cn- occapied lots inthe village thethlttleact ought to be pat int force and the village ridded of these nasaancet peerless carpet warp- grey and whita cottons ttacki fteainu daidis ehirtiogt ix notivithxtandini the loud cry of advanced price are all to be had at h old bottom figures at christie hender- son sl gos acton wnere the unequalled fansids 50cent tea it aohi ifl aach large quanlitiw pads of printt treeds dackt etc at job pricea ax the entrance examination of tie oikviile high school held daring the past week the fouoiring- candidatea were eocceasfal jessie jl iviliiami albert feicocfe clara- eobinaon bessie allan pdelisi tarnball barbara c werrenjaaet ueltr oks e bray george h walkerj fuet k smith charlet d eobert v warren stewart i3arh frederick for rteorged corrigan and qia wiljoo out oc tbe u there are 17 wh failed in arithmetic ooe mist ida trilleryit ecora- mended lacking bat very little in the re quired marks tapaaf cess jwe hare repaired the inniiel circalar of the vtraleyan female college of hamilton ont this college famishes an eicellent iaeaui for the education of young ladies and with ita large and eipenence1 staff of teachers it ia one of the bestcolleges in the dominion besides being asplendld educitfonal institution it afiofds a comfort able home fot tte scholar for tirculir containing paaicnurfi and tennt address kevja burns dd lld principal saajitonvost k btf ittobts aaooiflibircnfq wtfive jieenfavpred with aamplea of the celebrated spiacerian doable elastic sfcei pens and after trying them fei jotifled ia highly commanding them to par readers thsy trmadi of the best steel and by the rtockj bctoro the fan- trade mcleod ah- iireczct co klamnioth houaoj jt mbsteapeh workmen m england and have i6n for certainbesirahle jtnor jeni seenv to have attained in soireat perfection amongwhleh art nniforhi evenness of point durability fleribilityi and oani action it is thnaqaite natdril thit the speaceriaff should be pre ferred and used by professional pnfin in bariaess colleges coantiacroomt ment officer i pabsc schools aadr larelv throughout the eoutfrv indeed siaojralari have they become fhaj of the jf amber one alone af many at eight m illioas re sold annually id the oniteitstatefl the spenceriafl pens may be bja u a rtilej from any deafcr bat when tttiaa obtainable the agents ifettrs ameifaer baofih k ca 3ih st paul street mjmrl will send for trial samples of eaogyjhe twenty nembeni an receipt of 25erottjr uj stdeahl aviji oantfvmtnhlftijfsor a nice bird tifll r for fresh ttid lliiia pouches eq to ojark ft mmoujw t trj liiltfor tha tcit eavj- ttoaeili g iatlit county notlilko tqj attnrnw ui06 ten dollaj- auila at fyfe i mcsabs mt rookok oirjood lituetying 6ai or tuoo ox caah at j wfmaonf rgsoaaktows lii io hjvt ime- chaaict institute lud literary ifiociiliut odr comphmtnts are duo to min cummings for coiiies of st ul jlinn pifk tke eommttoioatioiv of mr geo toltqn njiwctiug ilia north weil caun to hand to lata or imertioa hut wtllsppeartictt week jin robt craig of tht fergus ikctct record gave u call on tuesday isst j llii pleasing- smile and unable wanner won for him out eeteodi mft wfh btcroy htil cbiutnsriced operations at liir new rviidincu when jonijiltu4 willheocnofiie- fiuct if tiittha finatiiuujjiigs in bur ril- ik1 pttte berlin trfcgraph condemns the lacrosse plsy era m that otrn for tnauiging in a disorderly beer guula st thaooncluiion of matches not much wonder t tea a urge quantity of- black orten and jepio teas ahout 1000 pounds o be nold at a great tacrigce biaaniberjbilace litick store op posite mr aguews uouel buttar arid eggs taken is cash cheap john acton the ohirdyat mr john- csni eronwas augaged stiiijirork beficba twolhob chisel which la was using slipnod aiii isoniin j in contact with tha recond- iager on hialelt hind pehatritcd completely thtoligh the finger grazing tho bone although lainlul it is rapidly healln j up jkotnfsd pays better than making earjie tragi after a wdaian baiciit tip adurcn haunilthiru fiva pairs of pantaldoniaren caaui tcn vesu ttnf fourteen hi dresaes- and spent thrte iutiqlht iu oouvcrtiti jtheut itito carpet- bali slia cantake tlie whole lot ot cart weartir aid gut two dolktsfor them gcxtlestekv are doing the tip top cjothtng trade of thitput of the erran try we sell th givuis cheap workman thip is firtliar tho lilting irrppruach rble and the stock jvlugc xooby and valued oeuta faruuhing of all kinds clearing rale in reidj slide clothiiyp luijcs andunca ac great bargains wilf be rlvca to reduce the stock i dartoit tbiril ttasidle acctoext as etr geo bell wat using a reaping machine on his farmj glacfom on teicrsday last he met a most disastrous accident by which heceiy lost his life fie was titling npoa the ele vated teat of tha implecieut when hit hat bcwoff andia attempting to catch it he last hia balanee tad fell forward cpou the knife which wta in motinti tad before he could 1 rescued from this perilous jkhitioa ooe ot bit trine vscuc cleaaon iatwo places tad large part of the nuscle wot cat from hit thih iadieting a frightful ound teeesriisg macimre accrnejcfl- thefirtt threahingtnd threahior machine sccidf ut iu this vicinity tocls place at lfr fuaiooi adanis barn in this villact oa if nadty morning last tbe hcrieshai just been attached to lie power and mr john mcccnnell wts icidinihis honcv as they wercnot aocustocaed to the work when he accideatly got his right hand caoght be tween tho chain of the eqaalliser and the pally thereby brrrin badly three of the finger cl vrltcawti almost torn off at tho first joint tte wdaad wis dressed by dr lowry tod the patient ia progreisiug favorably os fuasja jtut wa- had a call froiaeev ab dekiil of deuaialaiiaa college oshawa oataria ve aadertfand that ifbis college is being veryxaocceaafnlin the edacatiotr of young ladies and that the public fully appreciate the effortt pat forth to uuia it on- of the belt imtituuons in the dominion where a thorough english musical end classical edncatioa can be ob- tainod sir ijesiiil informajli thttdining the present yer a itrga additioa will be bailtto the ejurternsidaof the building waking it one of the btrgelt- most conveni cut and brautif vl college baildisgs in the dominion wc ttokld call the attention of the readers of the feu pnefs residing in acton and sarronnding countrr to tho new advertisements of mciirt-christie- hender son co fyre k ifcxab and j t eaafcn at christie henderson cot yoa will find a full cheap and good stock of goods in every llae mentioned ia their advertise ment- messrs fyfe mckayare prepar ed to supply alt who desire tirstlass suits ia tweed and worsted goods and as chep at the cheapest- mr j t eaaton can fill the orders of all parties with good and substan tial cdiblet equal to that supplied by any citybaker oilsi jmes matthews sells bailed oil at 7qg gal raw oil at 65c per gal turpen tine at 50cr- per gal marine oil spin- 20cup au for- cash owisyoi time to aiiat jlv ltjfaiallixed offer even ihthesehtrd times the offer of abeautifa oilchippip itilsincljej to be sent by mail noatpoid for 25 cents ia uaparalleled thi picture is a genuine work of artandis an ornameat to anyhome howeverriehlyfar- nitbed jwhile to thote whose ifteani ww dot allow the dure base of cortbvr fojhijl isit- olds an oppprtariity to secure a biautif ulpic- fareataverymaccothirrtateisraiy sold at this fowprlceto introduce oartooda and at theia pplyit umlted thcto wishing copies iboold tend at- once remember 1 only few copies left price 25 cents 175 a dozen u s portage stamps taken mrmiearct a kidbbbfpo bos143 uostoq masa icoffllipnfs palatable oh ii prepared in forsf perftctly ajrwillo to hll rplenftot ia fa mdea but btottaciy uuelm 1 palatable u li pttemiikuujr dte nntxt iuu urc uid cfltjirtic known tad a a nrnndy tor cot- itjcn tiw cortpiioo ud all inieuioij dcnagft mcsulttt mnquijlcdnni k jein4 yt taked titct of crud otl ud all dnjc ptlll nl purctv- vtl tot 1 by til lrocjim it j ccntiiujt q datiiltoh7i j feg5 tc 4 ii- act on chas w hill photodraphelr and dealerlaallkltdsof ifouldings fromss and fiflo art scodl jailworkgntriinlced tobfcqnallo the bcstlacanadaandtosivotatlxrucuon piucei to 3utt ran hash tnos childress piotosss and fauilx irouls specialties oil eictszes 0piisisoi4i8odto ts7 i wrf fuotograpfiiuutltcdloanyaddreta ohas w bill aoton onti john speight undertaken frtciak kzask will auaod fuatfruli wlifnrmtilrm coflaf cmileu haidler plate fiattil abcthst fianls t jlovct tiapuj at mtukjaitila nice y afi go ns sleigks io ac vfade to orjcr aca nil tftvlj of r e p a i ring hrouitly attefcdeu tj tiys ra liifiiui b4o to orior faototly and8hops foot of wlhhow st acton j0hk acton feb kt i votersjlist 187 sjcsiciriuvvur tsii viluat or agtolsr couktt of hiltott ktrtf e f tewby siren that t hnw run- mtunlordollvtr to the pcrtacsmenuonwi in ttie third ind foortti-fccitoa- of tde vour lltl act tb cnrles required by oud mcilorrtn twi totnintmiuecl firrihltfred af tlie lift maie raifuint to ju4 act at all iroajf appear fog br tbe is rrviscd acm- nientlioilotuicmija kaalclpiittr tr b ci utla rotcla ttala tfcalelrality at etwtlotik rar memoers of liic lcellauveaiihilr and kilanlcxvl eicctton aaltiiat siia hhai lahttxiklcn tuatmroolce rtactcn oa the utu aay of july 1st7 aad rcmalnt there arlmpectloo- jejectone are called axon w cxamlna tte fild list fld it anyqtnitsloa or any other errorstre foand therein in xafce imnitsllrile pioecetuqfcslo have the caid errors eorrcctctt accardic ta la j iscmrvix- clcrfcofim mnnlcfpalstr rated at acton this kin aar of jnlj 1ut9 i new f 1 m a ma s r i- scyzyrlii j l l f f ats f0 -i- hi 0 at-thbi- yi novu the turiii tnpurflhe as wojr8j3cfrou8 of t sjflpilllh leading fitijiu u v hanilan rds ttst-lvy- fiofmccsjgai r- i a reall nobby hat atjckta ts a bahgain tjst r bjjl2 j mtf5lfns j ic at job prlc dundas shirtlpi88 ik ill taxbiusda lueeiyitce i ithe oify-i- in lie market soh ai 45c in 5 lb lot cliristieeeiidersoji co i600d yards to be solo wo ea iast eoacjudedindsreoeiired iototoxkan jmnjenaepuratiiiai 0 kbw suilmkkdltlcjaods and eornatencedoajmosflax the iwilofuatiut si- i at pricejwhioh willcdianfjlapeadjsatel- i and we nnheauatglytavtliatxherepm ngoodi wrl compare withijism tn 1he trade ol qdelph wwiay r 4 ahliclptiffa rushtagdeajand lor lheejv8s hate engagedjanother tales inan for that department twooonteriwiirbedetotedfo tbe dipplayof iesa goods nhioh will disappear at- the ivrieafuocei like auon in sanjinei i ffeidt oivimiubqaifih oisiban4ary h ine wak toi9care food choice for deop zrc oicdixmii tome orec to ikefjislilosjbijkwsesd j icooo tarda tpjiiskolffat y xi a r gx4i3 new boot shop shop yt williams would tespectfuiiy in- timate w the people of acton and- vicinity list he hat openeda boot sljos shop in the build lag opposite v w h srorers arxn works milii street acton any one in want of c rubstantiil and good fittinr boot or shoeshoald leave their order at this stand icepiriua specialty and promptly attend ed to w wililiams acton feb a 1s7j wfasaagaweya lumber and shingle mills peteftsayes would intimate that he- has parchased the itllls in tissag twevarormeriy owned i bs ilcabaillana knbknat cak- litllk mius andbe ifriiowin a i position to supply the fablle j wtta lumber lath amd shihcies i or all klkcs akd ticattties cheap fmirrs vaenishe3- gifctgiaasbro statjonlfer sohbolbtfoks attrer post ofeige store a0to3st vtas eatthfrs acton feb s6 1878 i bill stvff cut to order terms cash p satees kassat7aweytifarl to federal bank 07 0a1tatja guelphb ranch a gcteiul bixciko bcstxess doss drafts and bilxs of exciuxoe j depositors are allowed interest at the rite q ere 5 per cent per annum in the sav ings bank department ahd six f per cent per tnnumwill be allowed on de posit beceipla prprijledthe money re- mains in the bank not less than su 6 moqths and three 3 months notice be given of its hltbdrawal i thomas t greet ia week lofoar own town and iplul risked oa caij fclve- baatnest a trial without -ex- tbe hettopportanltyever tor those willing to work yoatiiould trypothlng else until tonteefoiyourselfwbat yoa can rto tttu burinett we offers mo roomto flap tin bere voa can rfovotlall your tin or onlyoronr spare wine to the business and oak gieat- partorjrttjlioaf that yon work women make aa touch s men seno tor special privatelerroa vd wrtloolamfhleh w mail fiee5talntfreedoiricpmpunii or bard ttmea vfine u farveucf cbaieead drett ii ttixleit a cuj portland maine stoves tn cheaper tlaaatis jlisapest j hill utethtkwaaifc has on hand- a erst clus stock of coal and wood cdokingj arid parlour smcf h3s ofeyerr descriptionatid at the lowest rates a well selected st ok of t i hita ik si alwsyi on nand and any ereon requir ing a goodarficlc intb slina can be suited hen eatroeinc aho obpebed work ifkisekkneivi k biaijcies on the sh y test notfet nothing but arl al used t aiilefp far- i ordern niiiftkletai ajituli rihon r 3sf t i acto gleariugdut ouf stocky- vmasbqtld mmlffi tr oi xhe stttihg tttfc newest jteltest most blegajitr stiali iuimtiiie h vofr-rjeiioejfedoirtlieoostiirent- p vaiifestue voyrtithnptpi h r rv rr vtayiiiattff crlwseiit pcuimv tf sion 0e the chaib sadtion dlackupik gufiiilri6i clue muenap-pwcuase- terrifio bargaina y c t vmis ws ftotwjt x a rolistocs of sdytm afidniutlas ir the test mahufactoriv ind all fatbi and garden im- j pleienu padfts akd oils hlgectandtqgria siita glass sunt aveojtttl wesjiy oi li tto st aple croceries ali7loaifc salt by the barrel all clitap ftjfk casbf 6 n street acton v come one and all and see th ffec of the nationaljqtioy l-at- kenny w boot seqe store haistricroj bqct3 tshoes cheaper than ever and trejarppst aixijjest selecd atoclc ta the itlidi laryps cotjntyonbi ibeftkes and all well manuactared cokaprlsinrall lluettrom rbefikestsurpir to luecoabstst boot boots a shoes or the aimer boots shoes tor the mechanic boots taaok3 for tlie poor boots a bnosa lor tae merchant boots a snots for the kloh boots sors or the million boots ahnons fotmen women 4 children andall cheap roftsb at v boot shoe store ase- ordered wore- thl depnrtmeqt wjui iu ti a toectaltj we injpjoyoiiettii3the qaolcotnpetnlwork mn nnfl use noihliffbnt a x material orders riuvhlin ttie hnrtet notice atfdttlfc- taciloariujiecd lupairtiig promptly m- lflndattlp v great iiains at i hew- son kkw- xsir nit uiyr kbw natf naff new- kbit net- elackfiilks stb 1 p dlack cafhjiebis j otair rthitfi cottpfe shlfitlsgs qbay cott02i3 cneap chiaf cniap mfjslik eilbkwdev cheap weltlj cotjclk qd lts tweeds tweeds dfiiss sh1bt3 ties and 8caefs- c0bset3 kld gloves table lis etis txwelllns- caba cinup chsat chsap cekap cniar cesap ii at- notickah parties indebted to the above firm wul please etu at once and settle their jtccount otherwise tuer wlll be harxled 6terfbrcohwln vt irii- iatrlfw wm i tewari alflffiin is- fanlk