Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1879, p. 4

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i m x w s e i a vu fer s iife 0 urt mora ttutmuruc tne stir o las room it vhilssc the hoeom otiuiu it brijtttt j ttii ore tt m and lb blotaaoi bua trbtnla ihoa nr dear dsurhlett i hut t uri ilkt befors thee tbtttbstpttlotlhtastocotrttieel thtt the talk oc mrktt uxjhu frost there am mind tiuiurt taora tdore thee 1 dirfcdrnit mast nor tarstkt thee and lb ubx ot lot blot mtt ibm i ui um tautr or sun eatataitsabbtbetv and lbs tboastl oc nt inkt the t ocne forth to hr lif pnimc which the ltkolttr ortd apciliec iax tir hiir be trcov with the cold a the rat and lij tat bo uikd by the dilites i ssfflv js fljjhl tie disaster tt vlrtinlaglty starcbtacfor doadbocueatlntiiadapuis of a silver manafitiunialqit foal 0mb and almost intolerable htaow tie miner had dlecttfce offc of reooteuhn to bodies- i front ihe vtcrtnlt cur cn testtrtty toscmag tee bodies of lie three mea suffocated in the bullion jcae to tuesday night were found by sapcriatea- dent seriate lad tit party it tu four dtyt from- ultima fire tlimi sounded to the timo when lis bodies ot- th dflid we reached daring tint period saperva- eadeat schntz hid bew indefatigable- jin hit work of subdainj the fire tod looking forlhsdead u foot bulkheads had beet put in tod on thursday mr schulta rith a nag of rain vent dotnt the imperial shaft to rack th billion incline tnd pat in tie list bolihatd tfc rente front the inwritl ta the bullion incline itj- tlonj the i3wdrit of the bnl- lion i diituiceof 2t00 feet thedria fat long tinse hid onlr beat ttied forrtntilitieo ud iru in bid tute o reptir vhea the men tttrted ther fcoctr call wel itriut their etrtnd tu tad ctlcaltted the ehtaca of their neref coming btct tuvei t5ey took with them tetcnf ptilt of wtter tad tboat one temdrsd poaodt of ice la ti ditioa to thiteidt mta piarided ith t tmill bottle of tnunonit tad tiponge the fponges tre ased to tie orer the moath vhett the naier u in prarimity to f oal rucc tnd tre tttrtted with ix niter it t miser foeltttint front tnhiling the rtses the tra- moait rerttes htm a taadea eire ttt looked cpoa uiitble to ipntd the gu the joamer thrdejh the isw drift wtt fodrfttl the mad tad titer tu knee deep in uif pltoet tad the bottnm of the drift wu itreta rich loaee rock old pipet brokesdmberi taddiinuatled bnlvnftdt the teiht of the rocki hid farced the timber oataf pltce tad their jignd edge ctme dont netrly htltrtf to tae i floor the tide were erathed i ia t nmiltr mta- cer tad tithe men tdvxooedthejitambled over the ousctiant floundered through the cadv tad ertwled ea their htadi tad kaeec- tce incline wis fintlly retched at the ttttioa wtt ta tfr compwaor ran by ttetm bat of coirietiecginehtibeenthtndon- ed br laming over the plttform tie tmell of the gutti pitinlr diicoteaale tad t fxiat true o tmoke tu rrept up by the drtcght the inea placed ipoagetoter their ftcee tad tawered theaaeirei dowa la- ttintly their ctadlet were ertiajfiuhed fcy the foal tir tgtat tad tgtxa tae uateroc were lowered ud weat oa tasttatly the next thing done tic toorder the mea bftck on the plttform tad disco naect the tir pipec two pipac pined thtt pant tod titer coa- sidertbie itbour they were ducboaeetod tndthitgtteteehtnpoiy of tir nviile tfcit ttlbeiagdoae the mea worked with therponges oer their aoathc tadtheee were fcept cttsrtted with ice wtter isjral pltced ptecec of ice the tize of their gxbi in theeobottoe the rpoagee tad ncked them firt of the time they were ra the incline tad the vpoagec becomiag impregattfldyith the gues hid to be wrong oat erery eire minafes trtaeadrtaktwogxuaatof ice wiier in htlf te hoar i after tboat ta hoars torkthe gxi ia the incline k to be iacreuzag vsd the hett tu frightful oriert were fintlly riven to ietre the puee tad go beck uthe lmpexiil oootmg ttxtiaa the men tnued themtelves of thvorder t ooee tod retars- ing to the imperiti resuiaed there ta hoar tad tfter reccpertting retamed tgxiaj to the itttzoawith timberc tnd etaru lor the bclkhetd- thii balkhetd ni oonttracted aolf with grettltboar tad ni finiihed it l oclock yettetdtymnrnfrig jttocccnatrt- oeztx hid to be bslkhaded tanbert were uid r together jatt hilar the fiaor of the etttion theee were eorered with etarxt tad city throra aver the tut- ru the hett tts 90 intense thtt the city hid to be kept tet with t hose i after everything wtx tight tboat the balkhetd the gu ttill escxpod cad cprxy hse wtc pat down taraagh the balkhetd the shower a titer txom this kept btck the gu sad in hfl ta hoar the ttmosphere mt coripmsfirely pare this took until nearly 3 oclock ia the morning tod that the in cline tu coasiderfid ssfe two mett were sentapto theifgoo ctitioit at this point the asked body of t nuawu aeea creccheddotq coder the end of ta tir pipe it tit etotlea to trice its bstarsl tits sad ducoljared here kad there from de- compoeitioa it tu the body of young doathoe in his right hsad to the fist plsgthich is plsoea ia the end otthestr ptpesthea they sre not in ase rlisdinner backet tu by his tide this iadictted thtt he m ia the ststioa cooling off thea the 1 detdly rath of gu ctme from belot ather- i wise he toald hire left his backet st tome point iowerdora the imjini htd he been newng for his life he hsd tsken off his areruls u men sometime do ia t cooling ststioa to wring them oat it hsd been rappojed thst tay one ia the cooling itstioa it tie time of the first rath o tie gu could hive lived there it lent ttrentyfaar hoars on the sir front tha pipe eu detth wis euily eipttiaed either from neglec or insbtlity hej hsd cot turned the dsaiper iathe pipe ht tu just beyond his hind tnd the supposition is tait he tu so sud denly overcome thtt he could not retch it apiece ot ctavss tu stance tent ap from the 1m0 tnd the body tu sewnd ap ht it sad let st the itttion until s cir could be sent down the incline j agsngof sir men tere next sent down the bullion shift it 7 oclock in the morning oi retching the flirt itttion of the mine oathesoo level they found the body of perry it tu rying on the lut sill tnd tithht seven feet of t coolling itttion hewuevidiotly trying to reich this ttstton when he tu fver- tsken by the gu his isatera tu f pand tboat one hnodred feet below the incline thehody wu maeh trollen sad disco loited itwutemdaptat ciaru uck snd tskea to the cooling itsuon 1 setrch wst next jhsde for the body of crocker it tu found thirtyfive feet be- lowthe 1200 utbi the detd mtae jbsck tss supported by t centre post sad his legx were resting od one ot the cliff1 he sppesred u if he hi been struck snd htd sh- eautoond the body wupltcediatjcta- vutsck t during thepsst fear diyt the mm tboat the balhon htve worked cesselusly in the recovering of their comrsdes bodies hen ry blight j j brooli snd a k btker worked twenty foor boars etch on stretch insetting oat gte bodies foreatsa idea- nytoed did double daty neuly til the time r theee is lots ot fan to be hid it little privtte picnics whea the ptrty goes up t stresm ins urge bott to t pletstat wood- itad asyoa htve to doit to lag three buketsof provisbns tnd tbbi of croquet to to the bott tad then help row it tad get foor blisters on etch htnd tad thertpkmb t tree covered with britrs to tdiast 1 iwing tad work yourself to detlh iwinmngtho girl who nerer teems to getenoaghm it sod reverse the order ot things until you gethome there it lotds offoa in it faa t why it it just reekiag with itf h i btt ot btttlmuk j of udim ud matltmea wtkt enob two milt from lords villey pt the other morplng on t whortltberry excursion one ot the ptrty took tloagttaitubuck tad uaterrim dog whili tlfhtads wm fitheriag berries the dog wudeed off- into the thicket ad tit tooa htud buklag oasot the mta hurried to the tpot tad uw the doe with t big rtttlteatke in its mouth thtkiog it fierce- ly he iteised t stick tnd ukiag t few tetwtorwtitlwu tttrtled by t load rtt- tjiinoiiwytrdito hiiright qinng s gltaoe ia thtt alreetioa he isw toores ot rtttlesukei coiled tod naadiag their t- tie i lit took t tmsll fiih horn which he htd tied to hit belt tnd blew it to all to gether the rest of the ptrty soon three other mea irrivtd they tnned theauelres with sticks tad mating ciatioaily to with in ratchiag dilttace begin tha btttle wnei it w over the victors coaated tiir- t j- eight deed taiket meuaring from two tad t htlf to fire ct ia length tnd some hiring u nuay- u treaty rtttlet this tectios tbounds ia rtttlesatko dens the largest it tt the toot ot btu hill six miles oortheut ot the vtuey it wis tt this den thtt stm helms t aotedtatke umer ctpturtd mott at the units he ex hibited throughout the oouatry stoir ibotit uuuotuire i one ot sir asters cipttins htd tsiled six toytge ta chins without t chronometer de- peidtag on detd reckoning tad la- nutf tost before sttrtiag oa the teveaut voyige he suggested to the mcrchint thtt it woold be ttier to htve t- chronometer well get one ssid he the cspttia did to tad entered its cost ia hit iceoaat car- reatl when if r astors eye fell upon the itemj he drew hit pencil through it the cspttia expostulated i tolt yoato get one said arfcor i tidat uy id psy lor it the ctpuia tcvered hit conaectioa with artor then tad there tent into will street engsged with other owners sad be fore tught wtt ia couuatad ef u tine t ship u ever fiotted ia ker york bay in three diyshewuretdy fortes tndtctuu at the ttme time astcrt ship under t new cspttin let ail site they htd t rtce for hoa eong bat the osptsia who u he used to put it hsd discharged john jsoob attor by koepiog the men tt the brtoes took id- vsattge of every puff of tmd sad ton by three dsyr the ship tu iosded in the shortest tune possible sad before aitars vetttl which hsd arrived ausatiate ru htlf lotded the first cspttia weighed sh- chor sad with t full ctrgo of tet tet nil for stady eook trrived in good time gat his ship tlangside the whirl sad begta hoisting out ait cargo which wu tola by suction on the spot this glutted the mir- ket lor the mnsamptinn wu smtll in those days tad when astotrs ship ctme ia prices aid filler two days latex at the cspttia ni staateriag tboat brotdrty he met hit farmer employer haw much did dst chronometer cost you ssked the utter sixhuadreddalltn veil ssid at tor ldtt ru shesrt it cast me titty taooxad the wliii of zalnlsjid get woods cucr tho vohrateers tre m jttoit they hire little in common with the british regulsr all oar volun teers tre mounted mea tad they sre the strsagest reixtors intsginahle tatongthem is si eoststderble iatutioa of datchmea oerhapt more germias a iprinkliag of fredchmea a large proportion of afrtcta- dert u the coiomsibora eiropata it esil- edv i good msay eatigrsatc frcca home of stagaltriy diversified tntocedeitij this colony coattins ta extrsordinsry number of waits tod strsys who htve teen better dsyt tt home tad who have drifted down the worlds golf stresm uatil strsaded in kstsl it leems the retage of mea who hare bees in tha atrrice sad with whom from whatever ctotes times htve act gone well 1 a man whom i renumber u the pride of icrtck light infsatry regiment snd who wu proud of the reputation of beiag cue of the best dressed men in london it now ly- iagoutia the opea on t sectioaaf this frontier living with a hsodfut of ksffirs who eat withaim sad call him boss the son of a crimean general is a trsntport cou- dhctor in this csmp in the volunteers broken gentlema exsoldiers of oor saol half a doreu coatineatti srmiet firm- ers whose farms sre oa the froatier sad deserted toes of storekeepers trtiiaat who prefer cam aligning to wort loafers who have concluded to aee a spell of laldier- iagj sad tome respectable respectable young euowi whom fijhttagenterpnse has broaght oatfromhocieride together ia the ume troop aftw many yttffc a utt shlohatjaaluuny ot bar from lbs victoria ooloalft it will bs wu remember by many la this csauainitr that mtttal years tjo tha aip aluks left barred inltt british col- aohts tot chisa rith a earfo ot lomber she arrived tt her destination in ufety tad ru aoaousoed to hive tailed igiin for this port to receive a second cargo time rolled oa tad at the eipirttioo of the utuil num ber ot days allowed fur the pttsage from chint the good ship aluka ru innoanoed at due sht failed hortter to pat fa ta tppetrtaee 1 but tail ru sot considered tt ill ertnordiatry as tojrtgw from china vary in dnratioa at muchu voyages to or front auy other place bat the divt ih tu overdue gradually crept into weeks tod the weeks into months tnd titer lie had been reported missing for a long tint the conclusion arrived it ru that tie hut doubtless foundered or had become the vie- timot foul play- years pasted by snd no word came of the rescue ot any can who hid beta oa board the illftted ship and it lut the faint glim mer of hope which htd sustained the hearts of the friends ot officers snd crew died oat the wife of the sapercirgo ot the vessel who had beeu watching tad raiting for many yean saocumbed to the effecu ot the terrible suspeuie and wu quickly followed by her only child the fact that during tha tine which would be necessary lor the aluka to make the psstage to this port there had been no heavy winds crstorras wu the main reason for the suspicions of foul play sad among those who entertained them ru a gentle- man who hippened to meet t drunken tailor in a ssloonin jtnta the old taage in visa writa ru again verified u rill be tubse- qucntly seen far tho sailor quickly began to sre a disjointed narrative of mutiny and ccdihed the gentleman kept the narra tive in hit memory tod falloriog ap hit determination to unravel the mystery tar- rounding the fate ot the ihlp computed thesmst ot seven sailors tho had been incriminated by their drunkea oompaaioa one of these tailors admitted he had belong ed to the crcr of the alaska and made a full confession of the drcanutaacet con cerning her loss he stated that r hen but a fer days out from eosg kong uilirig un der a light breea off the coast of jiptn the crew mutinied snd without a moments wirning threw overboard the secoad mate who m the only officer on deck tt the time hearing a commotion the captain and first officer rushed ap sad were imme- 7 jlmmxsa tsai are 50 lady dantisti in the united slates and three times u many undying dentistry wszx a mas goal a fishing and dont oitoh toy fish oan you call him a trytngltr soft ot a ftllorl it doesnt do to iok iquintted tt a mta with a pistol la tstu unleu you prefer to look like t porous pluler tbi illinois lntherans la synod tsiem- bled have instrooted their rainiiters not to administer baptism by immersion to lay per son m widotxotox the french premier as- lerts that never hat france bcn more cilm there is novrbere t trace of tesret socistles or conspirtcies tar unittriut deoominatiou hu a perma nent committee of ladies st bolton to exsm ins sil books intended for mo la the san- dayschool libraries ot thtt church a rorr la the whitehall tysud exclaims i am htontedf weirdly hianted by thn dripping ot the rain- the boitoa put would tdvise ner ihlnglet tt a remedy tin whole fsbffo ot the ktworth chorch is to be palled dawn notwithstanding nu merous pratesta sgtlait disturbing a laild- iagso cfoiely sstocisted with the bronte fa mily lcsdox tnttk meatieus a chsrtclaristie rumour u current in fsris to the effect thtt the lavages who uegtied the prince louis ntpoleou wore no zotas st all but political tgents in diiguise it is uid that nearly ninety muiicil tnd drtmttio combinations are ia process of far- tattioa in the citiet of kew york boston chicago tnd fniudeiphia for the purpose ot taking the raid next leuun tier tombs of moliere md la fontaine ia the ferelachaiie cemeterj psris have been repaired the urcophigi containing the dost of the ceistirtted poet hive been patch ed with cement and the inscriptions thereon recut it it uid to be quite the custom in dub lin for pawnbrokers to receive from washer women on pledge clothes belonging to re- pectthlattmilies which they htve received to be washed the irliuet tre usatlljr pawned early ia the week tnd relets in lime to be teat borne on salardty a kit society called the church snd stage guild hu been established in ivindoa for the purpose of providing religious sad social lympalhy between the members of the church and the ittge the rev 8tewsrt 0 headlam it secretary snd other ministers erjnarjrrs sre nor being tried in psris ia paving with qutdrtagultr clocks ot com- metres the toraato exhibition the liveliest interest is being taken in ihe exhibition to be held in toronto daring he first three weeks of september next sad lodging from present ladicstiaax it pro misee to be ia every respect the largest exhi bition ever held in canada 20000 is of fered in prixee forsgricuitural snd industrial products of sil descriptions the exhibition is to be opened by the governor cenersl kad princess louise sodtboit rscet a large vol unteer review a band competition dog show iflimiaitiou oftthe city sad miay other attractions tre on the programme exhibitioa tsne cheap excursions will be ran from til over the doatinion severs new baildtngs are- being erected to accom modate the exhibits space for which hu al ready been applied for the exhibition will be a leoona philsdsiphia one though ba t smaller scale the ttteodaaee of visitors treat various parts of the dominion sad the adjoining states is sore to be very large exhibitors tt the toronto exhibitioa will be tble to exhibit st the provincial tnd other sirs which follow directly titer i a lonely pilgrimage a correspondent of the pioneer gives the cbuowing account of aa incident on the re cent return of iome british officers from af ghanistan scene the wildest part of the khyber with barren rocks towering on ill sides sn english ofnocr riding slong escort ed by a motley company of malike and tradesmen til srmed to the teeth more armed aftsedees ia the middle iirttnoe a weary lonely figure toiling oa the dusty raid rith huge buck boots km homed a brick red and fringed by a scanty sandy beard the figure is clid in a thick wiel ded garment tnd hit a bundle on its back halt who are you f a turkestsni where sre your oomrsdes1 i tm alone where in you going to mecfca hor will you get there god rill help peace be with you and rith you the figure movee off tnd the tnned circle breaks up this poor devotee his tramped hun dreds of miles through hius sad vslleys trvrming with cut- threats lecare in his tim- ple ftith which had led him to leave duttnt torfcestsn in quest of the still more dlsttat mecca i i i ooffjm fuatlagta sontiern india hothwitliitshning the serious decrease ia the avenge yield or coffee per sere inthe last two or three seasons the srsa under mstare plsnts in the hsdru fretidencrfau increased in one year is7s6 from s252 acres to 9850 acres the enhanced value which coffee fetches in the london market baa doubtless given this industry a great stimulus ana the tndhw piaatervpronting by the almost total cessation of coffee culti vation in jamaica and the great decline in production in brazil sod jivt may despite temporarily severe checks look torrsrd rith confidence to the tutus a largely increased value hat sltoaocrued to the fee- timpb price ot coffee estates in both india and ceylon we heard just the other day of a ceylon planter baying his partners share in the estate tt the enormooi price ot 100 per tort for cuitintedind jungle land alike and the purchaser rat no tyro at his trads areconntctoiwithitjijio eouly ftilhful the supercargo ilr taorndike brother of i charles eeade the ownsr of the ihip who hsd 150000 ia coin aa board iharel the ume fate u the other officers sad the crew having lecured the money and everything else of value that could be readily moved tet fire to the ves sel snd taking to the boats palled for the coast of japan earing landed in safety they divided the spoils oherithing the hope that every trace ct their foul deed had been obliterated bit time the certain avenger of crime hu proved that their hope wu fallacious ufollowioz closely on the con- fostioa sbove referred to the arrest of sil but two of the criminals wu effected snd they will in til probability quickly be call- ed on to pty the penalty demanded by jot- tice from the sm frtndsco cll a reporter met ctpt j e thorndike at present residing in this city who owned the alsska st the time she wu lost snd des- stched her from shsnghsi for victoria a oa the igth day of december iso since that time up to teeing the account of her lost ia the oti he had never heard ti dings of his vessel but hsd slwtys opposed that she bad gone down at tea with all on board the alsska wu a ship of 1400 tons harden bailt st paget sound ia 1869 snd had cargo oapeeity tor 1000000 feetot lum ber she had been fitted up u a troopship sad hsdsix boats capable of carrying- fifty men each she htd been rewpperedsod thoroughly overhauled jost previous to her departure front shsnghsi snd wu in excel lent condition she wat valued tt 170000 tnd uninsured sheclesred from shsoghsi under commtnd of ctpt chszlet cevsnsagh frederick thorndike a brother ot cspt thorndike the owner went oatu toperar- go snd had ia his possession a letter of credit tor 20000 with which to puruhue a cargo on the arrivtl of the ship tt pnget sound cipt thorndike states that the report u to there being 150000 in gold u sn error it is very probable however thtt the mutineers sappoted that tie funds far the parchsfee of tretara cargo were ia coin and if to it would prove ah incentive to the crime tco daysafter the alaska had tailed a rumour was prevslent in shanghai thtt her captain and officers had been thrown overboard snd the shin taken pos- aesstou of by the matineers the comntsnder of the united states steamship ashuelct whichwss in the harbour at the time pro posed to go oat to tes regsin possestiott af the shipv sad taw her into port bat cspt thorndike apoa tnciug the matter wu unable to find rest foundstiaa far it 10 no search wu made for the ship tt that time he ascertained however that there tere dtxca stowtttys on board rho tere sraong the very torts characters irt shsng hsi oiicharged tailors of different nitionsl- ities rho would not hesitate to knock a man on the head or slit his throat for the coin ir- hit pocket this horever gsve cspt thorndike little slarm at he believed they hsd got fired of hanging about shang hai snd took this method of reaching amer ica where they might gtin good wages with easy work snd thought that tx ucnal in luch esses they would come out on deck snd thor themselves when the ship got a safe distsnoe from shore including the ttotswsyc there were forty souls oa botrd severs passengers being smong the number of the latter cspt thorndike remembers rpeoislly two in old man snd his wife who were going back t victoria where they had children resid ing the old maa came to him and told him that he had but to but he hoped he would allow him to go foe that ctpt thorndike told him to keep hit money bat thtt he ihoald have a pstuge far himself sad wife anyway capt thorndike con firms the report of the death of his brothers rife from a broken heart dfeerred hope too carried off one of his dsathtertsad the other the last ot the family is nor gndaallr pining any ctpt taorndike hu always been of the opinim that the aluka had met rith tome fate similar to tost which hit over taken many other vesiels ssiling from chi nese snd jtpanese port to porta upon this coast the alaska rat the sixthship sail ing from shanghai within five or six years that ru never heard of afterwards in 1551 it will be recollected the ship black prince ahdthe fine clipper ship romance of the seaslwere also lost sil ssiling the ssme route tlong the great jtpsnese stream to latitude about go north tt which loathing snd easting is made in september last the khooners cygnet ocean pearl sad ssrsh louise were also lost stthawed up by the sex and nor the ship black hswk a ivned by george howes co is seventyeight days cut from hong kong and snxtety is expressed in regard to her in 1 birds of paradise the birds of pirsdise join the graceful plumes of the ostrich to the diiaty colouring of the tanbird crevtz slmost u largely developed u that of the umbrella bird ever- shsdow their beaatifal heads frills u fall u those of the beautiful hummingbird fall down in metsllie splendour before their gor geous hecks ana if shy proof be wanting otthe connection between the nature of the food and the general beauty of the plumage it may be found in the fact that the royally attired creatura are first cousins of oar am dingy crowi and jsckdarti but while the crow seeks hit livelihood among the insects and carrion of aaeagkib ploughed field the bird of paradise regalei hu lordly palate on the crimson and parole raits wnich gleam out amid the embowering foliage of halaytn forests preuedoitumeo some 20 mefxei have been laid daws in the roadwiy ia front ot thekatioasl library in the bui neuve-det- petittcoamps toe blocks which are not cubes but ptrtllelorraau sre joined toge ther with meltel bitumen caucus rrinris likely to mike a for tune out of drink his drsmstustioa of 2alax navel lassommotr the play tlthoagh it does hot differ much from the one that f tiled ia ker york it sa enormous success ia england hor deeply it inter ests shdieacea ru indicated daring a recent performance in loadoo ia the barroom scene rhere cespux is templed to drink ca excited old womsn in the pit cried oat dont give it him yoa beutt doat give it him 1 tax qaestioa of cusgysr- nationality is not tettled in hoagsry yet tae honga- riaa pirliameoi recently sdopted a bill to make ioatruetioa ia the hungarian language compulsory in al the pubtxo ichools not withstanding vigorous opposition en the part af serbian croatiaa german tnd even uagyar delegates who protested esraestly sgsinst disturbing the preseat peaceful con dition of sfftirs the old patriotic spirit of the hfsgytr empire snd the sspirstaoi far t septrtte national existence are not extin guished yet wolcex do the work of longshoremen oa the wharves of st johns kerfounilsnd when the time arrives far vessels tram southern europe brtril west indies jnd elsewhere to take aboard their cargoes ot uit cod herring etc file otfemalet with tuckedap gowas bsred srmt snd coarse brogsnt may be ieea along the wharves earryiug nit barrows of fish to snd fro etch bsrrow has four handle snd it borne by two women they perform the ssme la bour at mea at this butuets but their pay is inferior womea slso go on the sum mer voysge to labrador and act severally ia the cspeeitiet of iplitterv ultirs and headers tie green eoom ignorance and pre jodice have done thoir best to sccumultte around the myitericua tsdd behind the scenes a mass of fiction which h dispelled so sopa sc we briaz to bear upon it the fierce white light of truth the green boom is the centre of sttack being ta it believed the head sud front of the offendiaz the average out sider hu to begin with very hsry ideat is to what the green room u he knows it is a room of iqme kind snd believes it to be a tort of condensed cremorne free to whoever likes to enter it sud the favourite haunt of the petit cmxt of the town thousands of people have nothing to uy sgtinst the the- ttre u regtrds the itsge but behind the iceuet they tui uy trith a knowing sir txere is the mitchief kot one of such persons hat ever been into the terrible green room or can have had- any personal acquaintance with a dramatic trtitt or they would tpeedily discover thst in the esse of thestres where a legitimate business is done their impressions were wholly sad ridicu lously wrong ia good houses then both ia london tnd the country tnd thank heaven i the wellcoad aclel houses sre ia the majority the green room is limply the drawingroom of the artists like the artiitt room at a concert hill so far from the outside public being sdoitted behind the icene at all such strict rules prevail tt our bdghlacs theatres snd we rpetk from sa extensive personal eiperieuceuhit the very- relatives af the irtiits rho come to fetch them when their work is over sre obliged to wait in the porters halt even when per sonally known to the management kore- ipectahle mauiger of a theatre would dream of snoring outsiders behind the icenes the business of the eveningis fsr too serious to tdmit of the interruptions which would be ctuied by victors f sntgers snd srtitts sre tcoordingly by turns highly di verted or justly indignant when they hear and read the monstroas tables told of what goes oa behind the icenes 1 iadeed the very srtitts themselves often hardly ita esch other except en the itsge itself while at the theitre ihe itsge lover who is leading off with inch spparent tenderneu the young lady who hu jurt accepted his addresses psrts with her in the wins with but scant courtesy for he hu probably to harry off to his dressingroom for the change of cos tume necessary far the next act sad she hu the lime reisoa for fiyinjr np j tae opposite itsiroue whichlesds to the dretsugrooms assigned to the lady irbstst the green room except in caies of long v waits la a deaertedplsee ind even then the momentary expectation si the call boys sommoni keeps the sttention ever on the alert it is all bard work and basinets thire is no time or opportunity for the mischief to which a generous public always imagina actors to be o reidily inclined the 10called plsy- era are earnest men and women working for the honest rapport of themselves and their tsmines aocording to the special gifts god hu given them they miry be limply amusing those who lit oh the other side of the footlight bat they thsmielvei are working hud sometimes rith aching hearts through the qlneai or lots of those who tre nearest and dearest to them tome times rtruggling with phytic paui aid rafieriog because they know their bread depend upon theirffithfnlneu to their duty they are true to their trust tnd a diligent ia their work u the members i sny other profession tnd u deserving f honour tod hrwi for uu city of ouigow 8ak shireiolileri the dundee adutttim gites the follow ing eatrtct from 1 tetter received from mr jimei cunuinjbtm ian son of mr jimes cunningham douglas houm broqghty ferry the letter li from invsrcargilc nsr zrtland w it out arly with mr j to t sale ot itock snd itnpltments it edtadale this is t model farm belonging to the ker zetland ltad co which ru promoted by morton tnd tut direoton of the city of glugow bsnk incntqaeno of the failure they sre realising their effects the company rn 450000 tores here they uy the worst of it is worth cio an tore tod tome 8000 serai were sold the other day tt from 22 to 30 tuicre 10 that tbe nuts here- ilooo it properly nuhsgtd ought to go a long rsy to meet the binki liabilities i appose ninetenths of the people tt the isle wete scotch email farmers having fsrmi of four or tve hundred tores work ing very hard futt nor to make both ead meet bat who will one day be rich mea tt til their farms 110 or will be frachulj land hare it t very good investment 8jcne which ilrj boaght flvoyearatgo for 10u sa scm he soil the other dtj far m 1 srlttdasd fibe insubanoe 00mpakt k icstiarlaeiosnyxeef sly ilia 1j71 the following pleuint letter id drew ed by jfettrs john ft qrout fc co of grimt- by ta mr w k eekharit agent for st cathsrines tnd vicinity ot the above iterling company tpeaki for itself its perusal will no doubt irtbrd pleasure to a large uimber o our eituens rho are interested u policy holders in this popular and incoettful fire insurance company rhoiri operations front the outset hire oeen tltifduy progressive tnd prosperous la this city toe interests of the company and its patrons are well cared for by its local directors h ctrliile eq tnd c brown esq its igent mr w k eckhtrdt whileindefatigable in poshing its bosiaeu u sisa coarteoas snd obuging ia hti trsassctisas the umeis we believe ehsrtcteriftic of this companys tgents gen erally the htraflloa knuj which miy justly feel proud of the stanasrd fire in- lurance company u a hamilton institu tion in referring to mauri grout t cji recent loss sud its prompt paymeut uyt peosctt patjccct by the recent diiutrout fire ia grimtby the well knorn agricultural implement factory of mean j h groat t co ru entirely de- strayed entailing t very hiavy lost ou the firm- their only insurances were ia the standard sad the lsacaihire we tre pleised to learn that the standard with its customary promptness where the lots is an hoaest one hat been the first to settle tnd pty ita policy ot 1000 in full the letter raich the cjmpsny uu reoetvod fron mean grout k ci is a nattering one snd well deierfed we hope to tee the firm rebaild shortly at otherwise it woold be a terioor loss to the village of grimtby me w evecehjieirr agent st cuharinas bur sir we desire you to convey to the president d b chisholm sod to the other director pf the standard fire iniar- aace company of rtimilton our sincere thsnks for the very 1 itisfsctory way pty- ment in full the compaoys adjuster has this day disposed otour clsim 91000 under policy ko 5201 iof yoursgeaey insaring oar agricultural implement fictory which wu tccidentally ana tjtally destroyed by fire two weeks so the timely sssistaace thus promptly sf- forded as u well as- the courteous treat ment we have experienced herein at the hands of the tereral officers of yoor cjm- pany merit our- best wishes for its suc cess permit us therefore to sdd tost we shall take pleasure oa all occasioas in sdvitiag our frieadt to set wisely ia following our ex- smple by insuring their property ia the standard fire liuurtnce company of ham ilton j if our present expression will be of service to you ia promoting your cjmpsayt inter ests we will be raare thsa pleised wishing your company every ruccees sud especially ia yoor saeacy i we tre yours ftithfatly signed jh geoct co griauby july 6th 1879 m 1 e enjor life j what atralybeaatiful world we live ia i hlfure givec at grandeur of mountaini glens snd oceans sad thousands of means for enjoyment we can desire no better when in perfect health but haw oftea do the majority of people feel like giving it up dii ind worried cut with disease when there is no occsnou for this feeling u eery sufferer can easily ob- taia satisfactory proof that greens august flower will make them u tree from disesse u whea bom j dyspepsia and liver com- plsint is the direct cause of kventyfive per cent of inch maladies u buliousness indi gestion sick headache costiveness ker- vous prostrstiaa- dirxineit of the head palpitation of the heart snd other distress ing symptoms three doses of anruit flower rill proirf its rouderful effect sample bottles 10 cents try it m 1 to be rail dnped your linen most be faultless tnd to insure it get your shirts snd furnishings at coopers 109 tonge st to ronto 3msis mtu8 xosokto n bajristflrajcs attornayb rclm t eukitt sct juuu hot eleotrotyparajatareotypars etc p jotra- 6aufinfstrrtut enira 4 a tinnati vars isflsut boaitin hoaae ftbuttrxilffcuuulf ifsrt b rriik prir p karon elc rwe snd tkll cow prfaes b j kattulilll 4 bbowtapi ttxt tobkiw adlfa axd qtxclimxcx hvkkiu i iffiru loiocnpbxil loo deinlnioatttarripli in- ale s2 kjosolircjestttdwut for term r- li tetrataloettribrtt tbe deatlnfoatvl tltalo is elos-tujeut- toronto eg- iddrest d kelt ltj kxx cxv froprielon tthawsxrry bueliqutiadptauiodtu in othr frmt fseia snd fenerti ksncetbnkeuaivistui0k toir w b cgi3gocm proprietor po box jt buy only f ilkriproob akd ontario bikinj powder bru n swicslct coal oil stove the branswlok u not offered to the public aa a cheap ou tove1jnt itu a jibstclass store i the best ii tii8 ebsfipsst eqgurney coy 91 yonge st toronto if you value your health and clothes dsethe b n stvsqap s see that the white is stamped 0nth2 one side and ok the otkbjl v7ater- s tl oai nalau maa- htcatseataajguarajrthri aaarent winted for tali dlttrtot appr i oi toronto p o agmtsiwanted swsffi v ltoututf atnyt btt tup ever oftortd we re 1 nmmficturtn for the bomluien se3s quick alto otsry descrtpuon of hsoi sumps oj- ealtnoitttidlree o ot stsw iut t co illenr6t8mttoroaioout j doax k 8qf drartoa pot- ladies i ul oestrlat u experfeaoad pnvilotia of their ou tea e hive sccim- nuditioa tecartd oa ippllculoa spedaltr diseases ot women- enclose tump tod tddrets dr emilta stowe 1 physldtasiidaoonachflar 111 church st toronto ins best browa for iordiniry use ia stamped moh sk ms p h l m e i ok i dokt use axv other hardware eirlrcm sctttifld cinid fui gtitinixfti utd tin shetu cot chin htllf fiaww zme ptiat giugtfdca tad siring tooii cjlbrl ojte babbit metal uk i shelf hardware 1 cutlery a specialty 5 front east iii i darling i co torokto 1- s m pi episons electric absorbent belt forth- pnttfltiaa tsd an oftfiwue vithcrat tbe tue sct utenul modiinf ttis roader ot tsa nlatseaia ceauiry teciijdadioatcaaicnititcie3etricltj- couictvilhu iijorbcaqaiii m turoisiitklbj td bat reader u tniij uw raider of the it call on yoor druggie for eamphlet- c briggs sons 7 genertu scftats hunflton opt living water stir ailrer txteajj faet per soar kale s to 25 india hud or bone paver jwl tajpxac are fllterel wxier seiidibrccrcalir jlixtikj 63 mirr bthimilton a lanfffelt uat reppked i the ner fmunmeat celled the uterine media tor enable eyerr voman la treat tad cure ienelf in ker ovn htia the old method ot trmfcnaiit vu birbtmut pia- tut tod anpleasut ud tomea mixered on- mr liter ttirrv ther tha rabmlt to the lodtlktte expoc- are itteadinf ft f bead sc itmp loc drcaic contininf full pirueaiin aqfiyti wstcd sudress e ameu tefft icd- us jicru st tor jata omjuia every pman doctor 20000 inprrzes rhre rti aricaltni md adartril exhibition at tosooto frtralia 1st to tha 19th septem- ber 1879 to tx ojenoi by eu exxucmy oc ojkmorfforij aaot ffiut iuerwxulmue ko0m la prfat f or arrtauan eirtieultartl add dtlrr pwdactt inpltmiau llicbineiv sat id iffldiof kinoftcturet tiae arts lidieiwjrfcete chej ixlec tai txtirtljos oa ilriie tsilnvinit ttesaiooit lines 1 trlos elose ttocttt la aajutt prfttllrt tod formt fit airy ooiwit ursod bind enmpeduoa bou recst ajj tba c anilasuoa of the dly tnd other tllrtctlaui dartar theeshtbllton t withsott jas htgee pntldoct loosrer t trots il 1 bill secreurj- tonato jdu 1s7s haliburtcn rpermtkus of the viotdbia l eailwitlinn snd rslice wj lac oh c s blomfiei0 uiurer cuadiullnd ud emkruioa ooj suba or dtr v d bssec torontost toroato j f i najiadian mteail tjseb df v scrakck as3oc14ti0h v snalu cajcpbkll hotcuitrlcayct piasatst i erery boiler injured vuh thii uiocutaa a ptfi- odieult tisitea tnd essmhied tad the mured it mpl tdrlsed u to lor ooadijovud the proper taeui ox keepins- it ih tisht inspection eta tlio bo obulned vithoat insursnce intpocton ttslt ill ptroi of the countrr steam enttnci and rausee tested qeu ofsoe 9 ylctoris street toronto i- aj0xe3 i s qeocrob settreu ciie e cakada permanent loaii i paid up capital boserve fund sayings gonipiiiy 2000000 860000 iotl uabilluea 332802 surplus aamu 3037 j satctas baniv baixca7 depodtf ncclnd ai laierst uid pripapil re biid pi iu pert ot onuriojj fhr nnrh tha f uaken txti oi curf tbe cipitu fundj of the ootnpaax intwtal on or mtai beliffpledfed or the mcoriiy- oi j ncmed dcpotltoci htd uodoabted i perfct nitty ctrculiuii ieut oa ipojii ji herfiadlt tjj oompinyi ot8oetoroota d r fowlers extract r wild strawberry i tbe oaaadiau air qa machine jra aaeuiislj for ufhunr prlrtte dlunss bms fwunes ehonbss pahoo nallt bjelstiic jokpa pffljjjm tait minafactametplambsr send lot drealir indprtcuil qo onolsra morbris sea sick ness tad all summer complaints yield promply to the ioiaence of dr fowler s extract of wud 8trewberry oramps oolic vomiting sour stomach tnd ereiy ttriety s fluxes of tae boweli trecured by the use of this great vegetable eemedy withoat iojary to the lyiom for children it hat no equal thoa- ssads die tnnaally from the ibote diteitea who roighc haye been ear ed by the timely me of thii modi- cbe for sale bytll dealers t s7 eta per bottle or j for 100 rjh smith st oatbjlmhes sole minirlvtaros for the dot j8nd for price hhero clothes- otnidun pi u ooustnictei with s ttroir nmtaru fimna tlij pitent iflterprettare dfisei u the roll in upened that increuioi tcoordlne to the ttuot too irude t tnjrliibutaf brusiof iprinss pmrasiost toronto isad iron the priart mpreitan 11 u itd 11 aaawmuiyaii oreid3z iptulgfl th prftohl 0 the roui ts rtterl irtwa not hi qh ubmoqrflto the tub with m ooentric thai datneonf with ibvmb till vyinfer combines mora rood qalltl tbu aj olhen imi- hu ao eqail 8m it be7 purdui- adtlrisin ordento th i jhamilton j industrial works merrick street hamilton ost

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