Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1879, p. 2

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ui i ijh li s- ft ir r ssi ur acton ottureh dlraotoryk utthobbtcutrcnopcakloi skrvtck sunday preaching- kx a to irsl ssrcle after niottilufaerttee ptitou fhandayevcarcatspiu haobatu hehoot l v trayettneellint oeral- wdhwdayeenlorni touug tple kirjr eremug t pm bible clans f ndf eveult gpm kay ft hoaro tutor rmsbwuudc ssvrcsjmida- frwehlnt at it tar -udspoi- qaetlc sermon inltnedtaull after muudav morning setvlo bahbauiscowhac kiv dec akisax pallor iokurbaittokau saiivrcsseundar preaching l 8j0 rm babhathsehool at kb am itejer meeting oh tlowday stranlng at i p m arclicu ot ctolis d fcanvita tsuody pttacutng- at 880 pm babtjauihofcoolaiwopra bar u h lu joouooant ejlbtist kkrvicassufidar prmchlngat it a m and pm sabbath sshool ijjuptu prayw mm tins oo tuesday and frtaar evenings al spa i rascrrut scxvicxa suodar pkathlot at it a m aoit spm praeer meeting e ildciu pm uxxnonixt msooral one mife iura ogtrriioraioa o jtai sr sckvrcs 1undij- preacblog al lq- m sabbath school at 4a am canto uc onuctomtkvcttofcottvrailck on ittcoa kkvrcxs fourtu ttooay in each month at 10am sunday set ooltpoi every sunday rt v fames pofoktuk mbe actok s ree fees pul litied every thursday mormnr 61 far annum in advance i item from tustagtwaya from oar ouia eorroporufcat larda numbers of our people attend ed the uuelph ceulrtl and toronto industrial exhibitions last week wo presume tiiojr all behold royalty uti iiaao woods of brook villt f who has been dangerously ill for some time is slightly improved physically but till is seriously indisposed dr yina is unreuiuiog io hia atleadance j ocjempertdca should b4 opposed hy a thersmunsoflhelitejarneaoneil who met such an untimely death in uuclpb last thursday were conveyed to their last restingplace in the dublin cemetery on saturdays tb funeral was well attended potato digiug is no lie order of business oo tho yeomans programme the crop is magnificent ni indica tions of rot so far as hoard from wo have been informed we pre sume our authority is authenticated that tie campbellville grut mtli for merly oirnod by ahrey bros jjss been firctslivuorktkb sot 25 t879 r-r- z lfal and mont suasion tie liquor interests are very solicit ous lest tie temperance cause may be injured by these law fanatics they care nothing for the moral efforts which may bo put forth but it is tie legal suasion whici makes tbeot howl keep right along friends la tie direction whick raises an outcry against your best efforts and yoa may be suro you are doing effective work give them to understand that no friend of tern- peranoe proposes to make prohibitory l take tie place of moral agencies all that is claimed for law is that it supplements afid strengthens moral agencies and fortifies and- holds the ground tiey have gained the wise father understands that virtuous thoughts and habits are to be installed into hit son by moral means but he also understands that while he thus strengthens tis soas power to resist temputicn be would be false to hia jrast if he did not insist that tie law should da its best to put out of tie way dram shops and gambling houses and thus diminish thepjwerof temptations to be resisfrd grove amidst tie enthusiastic cheering of an immense crod who had gatier- ed to see the royal guest the return ftp to lortnto 30 mllp wis made in one hour and tin mm- ules soriher a privilege jou have ulwyi gnrated fitf mpvifhg his opinion through ibs pni ofyour valuable hlasiilwsyiiibeiim the fata of every noble oaiile before it has become per manentl paubwhed to meet with trials and dlmcultiee history ells ui that those arts and sciences which have raised us from a state of bsrbarism to y ry s fl tf d txjq a civilised people were at first treated x- jtv o l xi xv j au 5 with censure and coatempt and it wis only when their influence proved that they were indispensible tu he well- being of the atale uiat they were uni versally approved it need nut be wondered at then that such a gigantic scheme as legislating for the promotion few cicdulous persons who froia fear of defeat fancy hey ace aoundaesa in the arguments of those interested al though the scitfact is vigorously optxjsed by those ponions who would j sooner tee misery and destitution over he land that give up their nefarious but lucrative business yet it would be unjust for any elector to side with llieni and oppose the act without giving it an honest consideration j accordiug to jljr dodda figures there have been uior arreaii for drunk enness in ifine sitice the passage of t tii rl ij ir purchased by david wheelihan lumber the prohibitory ikv liaii beforaj merchant of campbell villa we are glad to leard that hvr h princess louise haa requested that the firkin of butter whiciwas awarded 1st priie at the guelph central exhibition ahould be transmitted to heri tiis butter was manufactured by xcr geo stranger of xasaagaweya we cauuot refrain ftant congratulating ilra stranger on her success and we also well this cn be accounted for by the fact that when liejaor wss sold freely onlr flagrant offenders were arrested whereas now every symptom of in ebriety is apprehended for the purpose of reaching the illicit vendor at well al punishing those who persist in getting intoxicated so if jtt dodda figures are correct it is a substantial proof that th maine law is rigorously en hope that she may have- the ionor of forced hence we need not fear that permanently supplying his- excellency a table with the ptxxluctians of herdairv mr jos anderson plasterer wto has iwen laborine in hamilton with mr john kennedy during tie past summer was compelled by sicknsss to abandon work and return to his home near knalchbull last week we ex press tie hope that he may soon be re- storl to his usual health and vigor kassagawera fall extibition on friday oct 3rd at brookville i pbilo golpfc and toronto exhlbt- tons frm tie goelpb and toronto dailies we learn that both tie central and in dustrial imbibitions just closed bare been attended witb much greater suc- cess than has hitherto been experienc ed by them in regard to quality and quantities of exhibits in almost every department erery previous year has been rivalled and in respect to finances the directors are placad in a position bywhici they cut carry out extenstre rmprovecients fof next years exhibi tions the virit of royalty doubtless bad ranci to dor with tie suocess in boti yleeregaj vfadfo oar county town 7 beeeptloa of 6e harqals f lemc ptimalogaixgoftuc v eailaay xa friday morninglastat 10 oclock a special train conveting fhe marquis of lirne the directors aud officers of tber credit valley bxilway arid a num ber of invited eenriemen left toronto for milton onr county town the train arrived at its destination about ll and when the governorgeneral alighted frooi the train the crowd numbering 1000 or i20o gave him three rousing cheers a guard of honor cotcposedof the milton company of the 20tli battalion under capt eabert- sob him with arms presented and the band of the battalion played tie nationatianthem his excellency was then received by the warden of the county john eimsoy esq and by his worship mayor smith by whom he was con ducted to a beautiful standi that had beei erected in the milton pleasure grobndai tie warden then welcomed to rte connty of hilton arid mayor smith on behalf of the corporation wel- canied him to tie town of milton hoping that at some future time tiey might be honored- by another visit fmm his excellency acojmpanied by blr hl the princess louise the hon- g addressed his excellency on behalf of theoredit tal- ly railway coriipany to whictt hia ex- cilency repliedrjformally deckrea the rtilway opened to- the public and ad miring the beauty of the grpands stld decorations the followiog gentlemed amanr others were then ratrtxluoedto hiaexcellericy messrs geol smith- mayoe of miltori jokph brotbers rev w tn ltndaay bep- mcnair je arthnrsjjno ezzard jno dewar henry fostef jauits menzwg dra harrison robertson it p if and buck miss florence smiti and numhtr of otier little girls presented if is exeelleney with bouquets of flqik2rg previonx tn his excellency leaving tde trin steamed out of the dte staffs fatal aecldant la oualpci james oveii of asssrnweya instanuy kiuef on thunder after noon last a terrible accident occurred on macdounell street guelph iuoiediately in front of arm strongs carriice worfca j it was tie meant by wbicb mr james cxeil a teamrter engagedl in teaming lumber from savers mills nassagaweya to stewarts lumier yard in guelph lost his life i s it appears that oiteil had driven a heavy load of lumber as far as the front of the carriage wocfcs when one of his horses became frightened and com menced kicking and turning towards the sidewalk the deceased is suppos ed to have attempted to get off tie load to reach tis horses heads and in doing sq fell over the binding pole and between tie wheels and before he cculd realize anything tie front wheel had passed overtne back of his head from tie base of the skull and catting immediately aboye the eyes killing him instantly the sight was a hor rible one strange to say that not withstanding a number of people being on fhe street at the time no person can be found who saw tie accident hsppen the body was removed to tie drill shed and coroner herod j teld an in quest in theeveaiug j b armitroog being sworn esti fied tohavingseeu the deceased lying out npon the road opposite the carriage works just after the accident the deceased was dead and his brainswere lying out upon the road william wisswell who lives at speedside and was slightly acqtiiinted witi deceased testified to- hiving come ap to the body lying in the road just after the accident he sked the de ceased what was the master and not receiving an answer looted closer and saw that he was dead tnat the top of his head was smashed in and that bis head was lying in the wagon track christopher frank had known de ceased tor fifteen years met him at hugh malones tavern fork road thursday afternoon und hid four drinks with him deceased was ap parently sober when he left malonos levi ctougb et deceased at the rifle range totel york road and on invitation got upon the load of llumber androde iuto town witness got off at hoopers blacksmith shop he subsequently saw ouetts horses kick ing opposite armstrongs and run and caught tiem saw deceased lying in the road and on going up to him saw tiat the whtel had passed over his head and that he was dead richard stonebara works in beds organ factory he saw- deceased on the load of lumber did not see him fall but saw hira lying in the road at the time cioagi had hold of the horse saw that the wheel had pas- se4 over deceased heed there was no other vehicle passingfrom the time he saw deceased on the load until he saw him lying in the road the jury returned s verdint p acci dental death deceased wss a widower arid about fifty years of ago xrresi6nden0e the edikir viiile willlnv to open hti eou nmas for the free ducafilon of all matte n of paullcfnterejrt dcei not hold htmteltla nay ttyrepoaffbiefttha oplnfooa ot ms cor- rwfoedfinu oorreroodnc are reqaestcd to b trlctto write let iblj- and on one ude oftheleptper only all leiten raait b ac oam reeled by the name and oddretc of the writer- not aocenasily forpuhlloitlac bat siaaerideuoaofcoodnutlx eaudahe w t tie undersigned has just opened a sta ple dry goods and general gro cery store in he stand op posite dr megartias residence mill street aoton ont a stock of new dry coods fresh family groceries nan jast been opened and will be sold at- reasonable pneesi 3a share of tie patronage of the resident of acton li respect- fully solicited b haslett sept 16 79lv stoves 1 stoves oheap the scott act will be oerritd out when passed as it asuredlv- will lie if the scott act does nothing elan it will at all evenl4bauish that abom inable system that has been the means of luring to irretrievable ruia the noblat tift best of our youth the wcial treating system that the ma jority of the drunkenness ot our land are manufactured at these fashionable public hotels is a fact that cinnot be denied so it is tie duty of every- person interested in the suppression of this curse of intemperance to support tie scott act if it does nothing more than banish tie treating custom grant for the saxe of argumeut tiat it will iuconvenience tue travelling public but what it this to the occas ional traveller compared wtti the desolate homes and miseries of thous ands of bis fellowmorlalr the plea of lof ot revenue must not be overlooked the net revenue the county received in 1807 and it can be no more now from licenses wasf 1152 now divide this amongst about 6000 electors today and bow much will it cost each one 1 who would not willing it give this insignifieent little sum rather thanste his brother ruffer or his childs social and moral wellbeing endangered t some one answer thanking you for the valuable space occupied i am j fours respectfully nassaoiwcta etxcici xaaagweya8ept22 79 m irrkuds do yoz wish to gather flesh to icquite an appetite to enjoy a regu- tar habit of body to obtain refreshing steep to eel and know that every fibre and tisrueof yoursyslemisbynghracecl and renovated lf so commence at once and use the quinine wine prepared by kortriropfc lyman of toronto and in a short tune rod will feel the whole system invigorated and strengthened ft is a wellknown fact list quinine has been acknowledged by tie medical faculty for many years as the best appe tiser and tonic known and forgeaeral debilitv tils combination will be found superior to all other preparations and combined a it is witk fine sherry wine ant choice aromatics it is made an agreeable and pleasant invigaracor to at hills a lavp stock of aft unit of sto ves rrt rcfrd tnatiijactvnd of ac bttt quality of iron tkeftud faith andthr mul hatuuorne kivrc u the mucbc cook stoves of all text a the coy loictti prictu a vxlt fltettd ttock of tiitwaee always ox uakli isatsraotjhnjf ass sraoultos and kill u axcultd an the aortal notice oqal pli- a joorf stock of tupcrior qgaliiy cheap 00xbax2 s2sfor70a3zlyzs tftplrmiriah1pt millinery store be the kurscriber rakes pleak0ke in ftuas- lof ctis wtltreora her millinery show rooms wedaoar atoais i isi wltaacbolee lot of jtlttuwrrall new rf wuiclt will 6 sold at cheap it the ebeapett mantle ad dressmaklvg la eonnectlon with tha tliuinerr de- panmeat store on mam st in the premuea former occupied br mr j h hmllh u a furniture itors miss c smltht ac loo sept sic 19 iwm paints varnishes oils glass o groperies wallpaper stationehy school books sso fco cheap at the a post office store lton feb jas matthews 1878 new fall hats 8t00k oomplete i i layard rlclimond baxok bariinglm w kevpari premier and tratdlct 53av jf ktajok juttciiat tallerf ouslsb gualph sept 7 1879 in guelph september 18 17 1 8 and 10 the central exhibi tion will be held ojc we8se8dat skptehbeb 1ttjb the mirquis of l0rne and princess louise l wuiionor tie eo city by fhdr visit n betides these attractions during iie exhibition week tbe gplden lion ha8 0nexu1b1t10soveb 300 paokagflff of imported anddomestio zcatu- factored dry goods comprising the choiceatxinet erer opened in guelpb beautiful lines of colored silks 25- shades v 100 wbrtti 150 per yd suits- to order at 1450 worth 20 dress goods shawls j millinery trimmings all c0mplet r call at the l j i williamson co dreat bargains bargains h 0g wakted i toe labscxibert wantabnat 10 or 12 good the whole system the properties of glow a quinine are a labrifuge tonic and anu- 1- t q pertodie rimall doses frequently re peated strengthen the pulse increase muscular force and invigorate the tone ot the nerve system the peculiar operation of this medicine in general debilitv and as an sppetuer baa under- gose long and clcie obserrstion and it is believed it will never fail if properly and judiciously sdministered unless other diseases predominate of a dfferenl character persona of weak constitu tion may take it without tbe least diffi- cultr as it strengthens the stomach and t e toltox milk for sale at actov hiulobttlt nurth of t r station 3 oeiita per quart 2 cents per knt acton popie need not keep cowa when thv eail cet milk for sc per quart p s armstrong to hoek hard woke eyerj- doj has had his day everr peraon thax has ehornloc o do abould bay- digestive vrganrj and seldom require loneopokexs nolmleaadpowerla more than one or two bottles to effect a decided becefit aa it contains nothing injurious to tbe most delicate constitu tion remamder to ajfc for lie quinine wine prepared by northrop lyman toronto and e are sure you will be catissed that you- have full valce for vourmoni sold by q js itotrow actrn and all medicine dealers the ckadlc ou iandiy sept rth 1879 at the residence of atr f mccpham george town the wife of mr chat gen civaasgh agt k t if ft railways o hon the atax in acton on tie irti inst at the resid ence of ilr geo forbes by rev b hobbs hngh ryder eq ot this village toj miss sarah orsou ilccsicch daughter of j peter sfccsinch esq of esquesing i75to2 75 i 00 to 1 01 temperanoa by act of parlia ment to the editor of he free prcu deab stb now that tbe public mind is so agitated upon the subject of temperance by act of parliament trmt thnt you will not deny the sub- flonr white wheat ireadwelf spring wheat 6laow redjcia2 oat peai bsrley ejgt per doi better daily packed butter rolls potatoes perbag sheepskins hide ner cwt hay person apples perbsg wool llreaied hogs 1 00 to 1 03 0 90 to 0 95 0 85 to 0 90 0 30 to 0 00 0 50 to 0 sb 0 60 to 056 0 09 to 0 10 0 09 to 0 10 oil to 0 12 0 40 to 0 50 0 50 to 0 75 i 00 to i 50 00 too 80 0 60 to 0 75 0 i8to0 20 i 5 00 to 6 0o gcxiph niaiurrs wlite wheat f0 98 to i 03 treadwell spring wheat glugcwl redchaff op all oata peas barley efg per dot butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes per bag sheepskins i hides per cwt 0 98 to i 00 0 92 to 0 95 0 80 to 0 90 0 80 to 0 32 0 50 to 0 60 0 65 to 0 58 0 09 to 0 11 0 08 to 0 10 0 12 to 0 15 0 so to 0 60 0 60 to 0 75 600 to 5 50 kim ds thatwllfmneluierthadaahorcrans churn the cheapest easlntand brit nmuinc wheel that la made- call and tee it at work on eaweratreet haelcof bensstia hotel made and ktilocif hjtjkobbes actotont castor oil j prgiired la i term perfectly afteebfc to chs- thepropertiejof theottthtt produce ptnundfru ptnr tie ciimfcutfrf taditii rtflderad not oply culd udpleasnl is ut cfion bat lisojotdr tuteiem ud palatable ilk prmiaauly um fiaot lix- dre ind athartitpova ind u remedy for ccv- tirraem coatipiqotj uii ill intestinal dcnnge- menu t a tnoqnjjlccl ind k dtstised to taie tia plicfl of crude ou and all dragic pius and purtm- dresj for tale trail dnicss cents abou tic dont fril to cry fc- a good plan dvbodyeiuajeuta to make money repfdtr opera tlna in stock- or tbe two unerruic kntes for samesa in hensn lawrerce co new circular tbucontbtnatlon meihotf which this nrps tsu made so leeoessrnt en- able piot ie with large or small means to reap nllthebnnehunflirsestcapltalasdbeilsklll thousands of order ui varlotu inmt art pooled tnt- one vast amount and eoeperetet a a jmtcklr klt tbua kenrinr to eaen brebotdr u tqt advantages of the liufui operator immense profltsaredlvldedmontti- ly any amount irom s5 to 5000 or more an nud soseeioinllr baptist wxxhxt beptamber itsth ling iay by the eomblna- uou system sis would rraket6or6 par cent ivstsmdrsoeroehi 109 makes 1000 jyr ao nt on the siaekdurlo the montb uxrhuaio tb purkit fsanavasltas umtatn unrarapm june tn the combination metbod of operating ttoekg is the tnoniiaooefsra ever adopted kxw yoit irdepbxnikt bept uth the combl nation lystsmlsfounded upon correct bos- uefs rrfnciplei and no person needbewlih not n income while wnlla tthkpt working try messrs lawrence 4 co bsooeltn jouk- nxu apriratlj our editor mde a nl crontof fulsjroui pa in one of uessrs lawrence 4 oonblntlrn new sir- enlar imslledfrer explains ever7thng lucks and bonds wanted qovemmentbondi applied lawrence 00 bankers s ex change plioe h y at j a set ktw krr nrr krw nrw- ntnr kinr ksw nrr ktrr ksir nsir itsw- as bla6k silks blacecishiler3 ffh te cottons aairtikgs okay cottojs i hoslis embroidery whitj4 cottok quil tffeeds tweeds dressshirts ties and 8g4rfs eorsets kid gloves table likens towbllikbs cnrxr- cuiir chuf cssip i chiop uixir chsap rfr i pair i cazir i cheap v j chzap cloths cloths at the east end olotboto store if tou want a good and cheap suit of clothes now is the lime to pircnasey we are daeiioas of clearing out our stock before fall goods arrive fyft ft bdlbb y- it- stewart n j a tedls cheap store co q o o dj oqi ra o worseolicwlliey o ri v i sit are hettlkfi thfc newest neatest most ilegtit jbstaatil fiiniitnre h sovt being offered os thrtcjoktlnenti v cpeicesthe lowest quoted r childrens carriaees pianos etc etc rj5 i i eaairof tiib chaie hailcton blotk upper wyndhatdnet guelph opened 1 case tweed suitings for eftlrly ml wear 1 gase taed jacketingsrnewest tlring8 outrj fori eariyttullwear 2 boxes handsome brocade ribbons which every lady should see s i a- 50 dozen lonely 2 button kids in every fal first quality hudies looking for obolee goods mort keep their y on the t fgfashionable west en- r a tbui3ham i jnijaioisaofelre i lnua st 0eb

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