Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1879, p. 4

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f i i i pi rlissifssss ify jjll i 3ffe h r ps lllf rprlvr i hj- i i 1 je- tja ship lone overdue rocintjrh r- aeron the oceatt blue ton tar youre looklnr ion imp kow men oor week due wu met taj- triced t wilt nv ith t too hire itttfotn tears bat lhl toy towl kit beta do for ttnr tninj resrt i t mt un prettr alnre oat iireatht met loaf ero her pennon boasted ttliikow hurt wllk oot i niw tern stem m horn ad not l in or iwn s bon iwmtt rlrtttaaur urstmptctaltalii wait tnirtted unrajr ton hopct w rtieb lrt u tlo tact r fatdt bee wc itwtooe wit u w wlttl ale c back- bet i ban wind no tat friend lluakiteaaubeaklkncrrifafai sycrfcsndttlrrerew i m iblospuiuh 1uv o i tmnibet of litotwy mo a iitup kiaiitx ciciy rinoog them hfcwt tijattrxfeoifett ftetay pfakcu adolphob trllaj thacfeetiy ttiuta itm 1vukf col kvm c umcc tt ictrt vu tkda rui cvr b lcr9bn f i ihoau ur hit ta tfe u hn tv ta t hirtvjcr here tttf ttnj- cut kicbor m wf wnrf inbohftfrnib ut 0m varu oauidc ut1 cnciiac 1 wia wm otw umfrotm guxmv wt irt lcacbsi vuh i tod dtrlae wvs ctrtt foe the tw of twhfoat we tare rairth tad toof utf ria i hen n ire tree w renlict allbtndtlfutcoaiii ro wvo vlchfl bnc uic btcs tiat oc uw oiiof of lie bot j r- lad lim irukmt ui ftd i 0 voctdt your poor k hlua umudlt4aerui9jdeidt z ta uozt uai tftict ttrti ah j litis it more rf life andirtwotttedrria tfcn fl ir isniar itrifc ak i tkft riip by wd kt u tl timnortat 6uc57edie ai m d rot re uc r who cans tar lil jvor trur daid cot wltb itavtf hixid x evader dr nlre i totferfflc uironhe und tbe amnwr4ai f c ltidfaittaftatfdct of imfoejjre ditus a 15a hsih kolkr maaiiidc ttt hide withia thrir tojdlkc grim min u biicfc u cijtu and ill roar cruexi rocec ttutt ctttt mot fif ftustiy beoaut uk cut ssn br uhdlette cs uafaiaf sen ritfcccr hrtx xad mirlb wtrai he k1 mtwhine qiajlec ad4iiw iodfite mtlrottivi conj before tio pttre chit ncca tcit be jtjqt poor old umplflp ttut jvu fcw ere not tree tfc dwe ud nrrrf ftlj ajidlntfhudaubac who ooces ttte ptle taooa eauic orciinetiitobtad riifct j engtcimoa rrecteattnilicc f andfctlfeetdridcot- rsps lint utu staphtid ind obwl luwl siwucor tud lt won ihialiriy inlr- ud ta hw utd dote otolugiatl riead ihii iptnof up tiwn them spoanr in- otioalijr inilwcw hit ta hb lyttom ot phiiotoptijr md liwm kddod itrgcjjr ta wr iloi 61 culture bjr liu own dtvonified tt- uintnout scncr 1im 1illafibtc 1nchlorrthdto nurtjlter it h ith vaviltdklinhupiomiv lore wa ttungtr drtrrn fe tar thfoujll inuueeinil ysttiy fir men to than trt but crw ihw or bltd ht rrf ocnuba tauyira h boing ht h thit uy ncertw ono uotbvr that ht u h ooald hlp ur onoh i ta opui hthimf that thtfc miodi wnt oomlattd and mtihully rojpoo- nto lowm would hart brtti only too nap pv to tnakg her hit wife bat tioic wii au olxucio in tha way o thotr nniitialt hen or at any other doouilo time there waia mrv lewta autady aixl what w wone alhoogh aha fed rk ii ixa lire toga- t i w5s11- nojt fesoux b uwlmwi why t he had marrtea yearr iwn a wo- maa who had very little inpmissa with hm eadafc harliejo6utitt whom ha bad aolkti ltjeiiijfojatt nwold toretktaufortsai bioobxttujaily trj inr to aoftea the aaaromiblo diahannony u biach at tie could u tebated riolanlly agaloit ker iaditervei accepuaee itoitlo utlx fond of him the wu to much repelled i hit lie dram him by her cxprouioa of re- pagnanw trdldighdiilncm for he like utott mwj of irtitic teatmrxtetit wu tx- tremclf autireiiiid cattllii kf gnat fjit btuthaoitjug a tm djwhree jii uf diaoord ate mttiolmmh whaau rery tttcatire to her ihe wa then band kne and had aa attncunj figure ad ihe u 10 moved by hie attantlou that the no awaywithhim irtwoi watt groitly re- lietcd it ho had beei otftodiie wcl hire uuntcd ute lord for hie dcutcriooe xi he td a titiaulit he regarded hit wifea claf3tcctat a hippy mrt lcwot love praciiuy grew sredof her acd abandoned her then she tepected and sooht her huabacd with piuictic ooq tritiaa and peatcoaa teart he waa rcn eront chirairooaf ender j be hain lore for her bet fearing tlut the miffht go to moral perdition henaby and itt theftoe afpablic prcjodice and what ho knew eroejd be a jecrtag world toofc her lck replaced her ut hit home hobciierrf that he had done hit doty he wit italy one man in tea thoattcd he bad sacrificed himtelf for what lmsto tw het good before the year had paueo mrr leww who had reaiced her oldattithde of cpp citioa and dctiaaco repeated her oucccc 8bo rax away aaii wicther the a aecond time repenttd and begda aeootp5 be reatottd to marital farcer i do not know it it not ukelt had tin done to that her liege would or could hare pardon ed her he felt that he had had eaeagh of axdloct thit henceforth celfbtcy would be for crtr tuaridg and it woald utrc boco doabue under ordinary -ctrcuoi- itanoca but- meeting george eiiot wae not v hie mind an ordinary circum ktaaoe he had do paafioo for her corn but donaer and linttrifr orot onoi of the drotrt of pon- cntat made for one tandlngplaet where the beach mrftoe wu covered with a cottliig of dirt rem uiolr foci forming abroad traot leadini to attatoe in the tall grm about a yard wide at the bottom and quite bare with a imoothlybeateti roadway t thfi wu the entrance to the ratio ttreet of thtt aft othorrjbktiry rviriomjuuirtl ttreeti leafl off oo each mi lib uie ttain road and are often at their mootha it big u it fflorcrrar iht road loioolimot dividet qorge ekof s eemarfcable life har flatcmic marriage with laewes- eow she ba isde a fortune j tii i a laarian ennc george eliot was bcrn in a torn of warwicfcihire ta many rrepect the moat interesting countyin grett bntain for it conttini stratford wanrict outle guyt ctfl eenilworth the qttiintr old totrer of corentry and many other hittoric placeaandmaanmenta sheiathedtuxhterof a oojuntzy paraoa who having nothing uutbit imall talary and a number of children lad not tfte meanx to give her tuch an educatiok aa her precotioox mind and conaieuoex fl- cnta deaernsd while he wit debating that meant to adopt to teenrj the detircd end a brother clergjinac a friend of hit uutaeated of a handaooie independence be- earns interetted in her and asked the prrri- bee of taking char of the training of her in tellect the prmfcgewia granted and that the ptu nxightbe more conreniently and s cotnpleiely carried out ahe wai virtually adopted her clerical friend and tent to reitae under hit roof there ithe lal the beat teaehera procurabe and ac the iru tottsred by an inaatiablc thirtt for know ledge abe improved attooianingly and at gttptr bad acquired an extent and variety of culture inch aa few pendsx of either tei attain at that age tiie more the knew the moreane wanted to know and the amased her maatera- by her quickneit profundity and origmality she got beyond them ere long and at twentytwo retotved to come to jwtnn baring demonatrated her rtmarkt- ble capacity to rite to everybody acquaint- ed with bs- they all agreed that literature vat iot tocataonanti that it would be a tin against nature to prevent her from fallowing it she wiabed moreover generous at her benefactor was to be independent and the tit confident that the great capital would ultimately insure her the independence r which ahe ctitved she watnetrber twenty- third year wien tiedecided lo mate lon don bevhome and it has continued to be her home ever eznee itarian evans ctme narririth a fewletters of iuboductioa and began at once to write for the periodical not the merely popular but the intellectual aorhike jrntr atckvxi raid tha leading reviewt instead of vecteavtatoriet ana tvntnhrtito which the feminine mind it ad- awted jrcced thotghtful papen de- aisadingeradittoii andresearehv tuch ss are ntoally called of the maarnline order alur awhile tfie became a regular oontribufor to the eaiwt sndthe wctimitjzcr few per- sons save the editor tuxpectsng that the con- bibutiona came frcm a woman ju the had nd general reputatioa her earnings were until bat sufficient ta defray her expences in tha economical way ahe lived sue did her best work for the wvaebiufcr because ahe was more in sympathy with itt spirit from the outset thoroughly independent and liberal and because her welcome there had been eordial and generonst so sincerely was the appreciated that during the temporary absence of the editor the acted in hit tteadr andditchareed the arduous dutiet of the po- tition excellently shdwu barely twenty- sevxn at that tuncf and tfest a woman eduld be capable of editing the itcsceptuter at such an age proves of what a high order of mind- the mutt have been possessed her first sustained work wis a translation of strauss lebai jesus- w life of christ which ap peared in i46 succeeded soon after by a trantlatioa of feurbscht essence of chris- tiafty her englith rertmn denoted con datively her accurate knowledge of german and her powfer oyer her own tongue 8be continued to f articles to the beat or der of magazines and reviewa for a nttmber of years rarely if ever venturing upon fic tion her papers were then ot so philo sophic a itamp that nobody would hivt ex- pecfed that the would ever develope into a novelist 8he vat thirtysevn when the pablished under the tignatuxe of george eliot a series of ttories in blattaxi bearing the title scenes of clerical life they were marked by a fresh racy vigor- out style tndrpeedily drew sttention for they proclaimed the advent of anew novel- ist of tignal ability the tignsfure was generally- understood to be a pseudonym and great curiositv- wai felt to know whom it concealed wat iff a man or woman most ptnousdeciieaj that it was a man that no woman had such grasp or strength that the dlefaouwaf u iquettionshly mascil- line the yearfolfiririi g the admiration for george hirf was greatly increased by the ap pearance in humbert of adam bede which gained vast tube isa in the magazine and had an immense tile- when put between eoveri the story placed her among the first novelists of the dy and rendered george ehdt a tamis j name throughout the united kingdom the work was in due time translated into trench and german sjsfci wa dofr ttengliiont ttto prtooo whom nopoloon noloolod m ui riotun in 1804 and had him ahot m traitor mock tdai in otdor u dotottto bojjito froni farther nmompt nporl stwfl lifoj to dvon in tho taoraoitt of midwdo romtiwhich hvo jrurt bpta puww- od in tho stout tdtf mima w ob thonvoninft bbtowit wkwjwd m do ivrfflnsatwinmljod that mmd bofaa- porto wmnniiaany ma and to thoy vortfwvinitoithoi w mahnain ao learnod tltat tho roaaon was that boua- fora httle and joint again j hence i it iht eatirtt utlng inlhtwoildlo lose onvtwtr it is imuottfblo to eohoalre the liaegmfnrt of making onet way through a jfiokw rtfivjwm lamiptujlxoi blunite into one oltwfiaieajattlnkrwvblsh m tnee hull oat the tnfronndrtigi from your riow vaa trtad on a ihmy- bltck damp id oompbaed o tbeblrdt dung the stench torerpoweriuj thn yelling of the brdt perfootfylterrifying t i can call it nolhiug oltc von lose tha path or perhtpt an bent f th firtt in making alrtct for icimc ip7jttjnifeetrtnwitdntrf the tlokwy- at ietnil ifctedin g- iffed athicky oatggt tad ngbtrattt almotmtlihp apareet trdttu 6a each nett with it tharp beak erect and open rttdy to bite yelling uv- agely caa cat urr arr its redeye gletming tad itt plume tt halfcock sud quivering with rtge ko toocor tre your legt within retch than they are furiouily hiltaw often by two or iwe birdajilpnce thai mil you hare osanti on atysujlca thckump u lyt 0cc lug a rooaery you prosbiy hive nor at lint you try to arotd the uettt but non iadthit rmpoaiuoj thru ntddened al- mcetbytlte pain tuhch and noiac you havtrtoonrie to btwtaljty thump thump ots yeurigck aridtttach btowjdott goes a bird thud ihjil yctt hear front tho men behind aa they kick the birds off thencit rudaoyoacqon forabitithnmp and tmathwhiek tid cat caiturr nrv and the path behind you it strewed with the desd and dying sid bleeding but yua mate mitenbly tow prbgttotvtad worriad tn death tt last rcort to ttampeding ss far as your brctth wilt carry you you put dawn your head and make a ruth through the grass treading on old and young haphazard id rushing un before thy hare time to bi- i i m the aifambni la danger tho lull abovo grcrjada oo whidt stands tha famoas palca of uio uiciont hoftririilrfnptof siainwrocitoty given signs of sliding away bo that this splen did inonomcntof a racmorablo epoch in thehisforj- of emrjpo made dear by wnhliigtan irving to tho hoaxlk ibjreadors k in danger of ruin and downfall area mora ootnpleto thii wars earthquakes and time have alrcaily pro- dnporiyfiertithoritt of tie feattnj noar madrid b it jsvitftl thajt romance atuehmeniavattnieniaipru- 4he sqil hal bon ajrof ttvthpasriy io tnab into tnoevo ftnem it fa farther aaklthat utealoabaya spacioot and frpioiiaioisttticgos at toe use of the hill whicli was formerly iha residenco of tiicrrhearuh mobility it in danger of aeslrnbwfroai tho 8amo causci tho ajljunurjii which is caixujtouly aatigncd a second place among ruins in europe the calosscum at roma being first and rletdclbarg casue third was erected at varioos dates chiefly between 1248 and 1854 aud waa kccapiod by thcixfoors nntil their erjraloon from spain in km it was fortified tor tho sttongoat manner tnowitto fiiopchod tho wall is more than i ujucin fcircoit it u lanird by thirteen kraarbfowcrs mclosoa thirty firo acres and is capablo of bedding 40 000 men tha exterior of tho fortress ia notboautifal to look opon except fa its piokrcaqnanoek as been frori a distance among tho nobis woods that surround it bat tho interior halls aridtiiodocctations stand nnrivtdlod among palaces for their splendour and their exqaisita and cosiir beanty in iboi isabella then queen of spain gave directions far the restoration of tho palaoo to its ancient condition and while tho work was carried on with caro and vigour for some time the sums of money dovotod to it havo not boon sufficient to complete tho work in a satisfactory manner parto liadeoht m do otjniaiflooartto tho frontior to arrost tho dno dennulon the wifo 6f tho first consul bad pfiadep with nspoloott thwajo djabrt fuo should to lrparod but ta viin womon hiair3 not inwrlerrj ta woh mamcra mj pclioywgulros n titip ittiat tliis wqi onaclo mo to act more mildly n futoro while if 1 jliowmowy in tho nrosont cao i shall bo oxpoaod to a wliolo aerioa of consplroeios tlfo koyalists would havo oompromiscd mts and i mart uiorafow act niysoif right jriui tho jaoobina boajdogj tho yilo dgnghion is implicated in the conspiraay ofooorgoft canotflolj ho disturbs jarjcc servos tho engttali arid thfluonoo the srmy by his tnuibiry qtialitios whilo after his death tho troops would givo up ontiroir tho bourbon caoso in politics a doaii which eivoa peace to the country is not a crime or tho following day mme bonanaru told mme do rcmtmat oia the poke would arrivo that ovonint infarurtind would bo shot at vinconnea she addd that mural was constantly oxcitingia first oonsur against tho duke anclsag resting to him that tho jacobins wore furious at tho moderation shownbytbo qoverdirtont at dinner bonapano ro- markodthat mmo do kemusafr looked very pale and asked hor why she had not put on rouge there arc two tilings ho said wliich oro bocomiug to women roaf and tears ilcsoem- ed in very good spirits and joked with his wifo with more freedotu than pro priety next morning l savarr camo to tell mmo bonaparto jhat all was over tho duko behaved with groat courage refusing tohayo his cyc biuld- aged und only fcogging tic soldiers not to mids hint several generals approved of tho execution and tho leader of tho jacobins said ot napoleon now ho bo ones to us isjuaparto afterwards asked his wife whether mmo do remusat was tntich impressed with tho now to which jpsophinq answered that alio hurst into tears ou iumcsg it that is uatoral ho said she did what a woman ought to do but ah will sooa be quiet again and people will ndmit tlint l did not do a foolish thing gen hnllin who played tho principal port in tho arrest and execution was richly rewarded by napolc4o who however always disliked ttitr a ftittm rrl b ttnrinrt hi iitruwnm vvtiii 0v 11000 a month it watted in lottery tloseta by the mill luadi of bridgeport conn tits largost surodotiborglia ohurtdi or io- oloty in tho wotld it in isoilpn with 640 mombert firi erie canal wm commenced in 1817 and completed in 1620 the main hue meatures 363 miloa in length and oott about 7200000 tai old junta la iillogtonioar loadou from wnich dlckooi took bit description of blotk houto wu dottroytd by lire throe weeki apt moxcuk an eminent french igticultu- riit proposes to feed eatlle sheep and pigt on iproveoder oootaining savory berbt to givf flavour to tho flesh i it rttjmvtid that on the day of the a- samptlon ind othur fete dsyt of those tar- tortt named marie in paris not 1ett than iibooo hi tpent in lllior m i lieutenant carey infendt to tuo i ho 1ails fjero which said thatbe being atworn communitt tnd hafor ot jmpoiialiim m- ninnvrod to sa to lead theriaceiinperial iatb ing r arid thou donirttd biro aiihlltatr 8arb jnttiflet the amenetn practiceof incrvasiag the high tails of nil- lag vetielt it the expthse of the lower on thegronhd thtt the velocity of the wind at the upper mutt it trotter than tt the lower mutt tniftee dutch of scotland will bold t miasionary jutllee thit year dr alexander duffjhaviog been oxdaind as a miariooary to india 50 years igo a jabileo fund of 1100000 it to be railed for miaionsry pur- pow htm timoi ire in one rapect a special providence forgissgaw in the wk end ing sept lit tfiero were only 283 chergvt of drankotmref tstimt 5s4 in tho oorspnd- ing week of 1sj8 the diminution hat been going on for months tuk uiher soifaoa of tha dome of st tanls in londoa it to be plotted with tneli floating ooli bine iky the tarace it to be dividcdlr eiglit onuracntal rihs n the foot of each 1 clog the figure f a pro pbet three tin c tifetiie rcated on t throce fur th- celebrated send itor illoatrated oatalogde containing ttsimojiialijtmi- dm gren on application address i e g gurney gd i 91 yonge street toiionta m01s es fuamplo 11 dice ha loved her tntellect be worihip- ped her genius he knelt st her mental shrine but he- could not marry her ird without traarrisge society and custom for bado them tobictcce compinioox he bad condoned his wifes elopement foe her second elopement ha ha 1 no iegxl remedy vtbat could what did ho do he tub- tnitted the tnslx after due rtdtctiaa to their cpmmcn friends entirely coasctfut thtt gcerge eliot would by living with him place herself under ban that the vouli ex- pote herself to mitundentandnf jto birth commentto cruel criticum that the ciuld hope for only the recognition tad cttecm of the few their friends nccre among the best and most inteiieeinaipertoae in the united kingdom they- ojttutted the sieition from every tide tai- finally give icir verdict in favour of a tpiritual ccion which the law through a kchnicality vould not sanction george elot sad george henry lewec went to reside under the same roof and untiu bis death nearly a year ago hey were the best of frifnd the meat syotpatnetie of comradm tbitaoit humo- cioas of literary ocworkerc they lived in a quiet quarter of the city near itgents park in a modest but comfortable anl ele gant home full of boikt pictures eagrav ings bronzes brica brae and other objects of ttste and art she never went cut k-cial- ly but the received on senlay evenings during the leaton with her friend and they who called were ahnoat alwaya people of tome kind of distinction it wu deemed a privilege to go sod a number of cultured tnd liberal aoericint havepassed delight ful hours there george eliot uvea there still but thesundayrecepliout have been re- imquiehed tinoe his death and are not likely to be resumed she now sees only a very small number of her nearest and oldest friends lewes death wu a terrible be reavement to her one from which the will hardly recover he was a great itay and supportto her he encouraged her to write was her best and most stimulating critic and it is no doubt on account of her loss ta severe and irreparable that the has deter- mined to lay iaide heewondronx pert- she is now fifty nine and childleat and though it may not be called to hen it a moat mel ancholy widowhood she wu threyt re ferred towhile the lived u the wife of lares she never wat his wife the could not be for mrs lewes proper still sur vives george eliot i writfhii hare been very profitable their value ln the market hat rapidly increased for the scenea of clerical life the received but 300 11500 for adam bede the got ail told 3000 15000 bat something less i hear for iffil on the floss her en- tins earnings hare been about 250000 and she could make a conflict toy day for a new story for which the would be guaranteed 40000 her moneymaking power ia not excelled by that of any writer in great britain in her case genius has been re warded george eliot it one of the most learned suthort of her time the amount other aceufrement is wonder ful she is mittrett ef french gefmafi italian spanish dutch bat a tolerable ac quaintance with romaic and russian is up in all the tcienceej it a critical latin and greek scholar an admirable hittorith sn trcbsalotpyt understands music paint ing and statuary ta is a brilliant conver sationalist beauty ihe has not and no thing like it some persons clsas her very plain even homely others hold that the hat a very interesting face to me the is in no wise remarkable in appearance toe docs act look a bit like a genitu geniuses seidenido she has grey eyet rather large feataree sburdaut hair streaked with white a medium figure neither stout nor slender and a plcifsirt wellmcdtilated voice she has been extremely industrious in her profestiou she composes rapidly often but corrects with great care land frequently injures her health not robust by any meant by her excessive application she is a pronounced rationalist in her be lief in mot respects a wonderfol woman and surely a prodigious intellect ovza fifty patents have bees obtained for eow milkert thirteen in england and forty in america these machines have been di vided into three classes firtt lube-mili- era second sacking mschines third me- chsnical hsndnulkere the firtt are tap pers the tecond lucken tnd the third squeezers and strippers thikz wat recently ordained in rome a coloured priest who waa formerly a slave ha had suffered many tndighitiet and an italian lady learning hit condition and character purchased him andgave hint his freedom he watheo sent to the propa ganda and hii ordination is the result efit field ot work is abytsinia where he hu been sent to labour among hit own people scroadliig nugira river the ifuited stales corps of etjgineert hat recently had the niagara hirer sound ed a task never before accomplished owing to the bungling and unacieatine mesae em ployed by those who attempted it bsrs of railroad iron pails cf ttonet and all un reasonably bulky and awkward inttrnmenft had been attached to long lines and least oil the railway bridge and elsewhere hot posit ively refused to link the very balk of instruments wu tunicient no nutter wbtt their weight to give the powerful under current a way ta buoy them up upon the surface or near it by meant ef a smsll lead weighing twelve pounds however sad a slender cord the depths from the fallsto the lower bridge were easily obtsihed one of the sounding party uys that the ap proach to the falls in a small boat wu made with great difficulty great jets of wa fer were thrown out iran tho faila ctr into the tfream and the roar was so terribte that no other tocud could be heard the leadsman cut the line which pitted rapid ly down and told oft 83 feet this wu quite near the thore patting out of the friendly eddy which hid aided them in ap- rtroachlng the falit they thot rapidly down stream the next cart ot the lead told off 100 feet dcepentnirto 192 feet at the in clined railway the average depth to the 8wiffc drift where the river tuddenlybe- eomes nrrow with a velocity too great to be mcunred wu 153 feet jut uneer the lower bridge the whirlpool npidt sc in and to violently ire the watert movsd that they rise like ocean waves to the height of twenty feet hare the dejithwu computed to be 210 feet h m i a pleased mothertalaw when it come to onet marrying off a ton or daughter royal folk are quite like other people thus tt m that exqueen isabella went recently to call on thit archduchess marie christine a short time after that yoongiady reached paris as tooaes her future motherinlaw entered the conm th archduchess advanced to meet her and falling on one- knee raised her hand to her lips 0a your knobs before me teiclaim ed he queen helping her to rise are you not the fiancee ot my beloved ton she then embraced her tenderly snd the queen and the two princesses ihowed much emo tion in the conversation which followed and which was most affectionate the arch duchess marie christiae announced her in tention of devoting henelf to herlfutnre husband bat of abstaining entirely from politics i tball reign over spain with alfonso uid the bat ithsll not govern i made thhf reaolotionwheu i uw him for the tint time u my betrothed tad i vow that i ehtllikeep my word the arch- duchess alsojbegged qneea isabella to go to la granja for the wedding tnd after tome hesitation her majesty consented tddo to what a charming girl i waa the queeui exclamation jto her companion as the drove away bofbappyl am that the to be the wife of my ton ti u per cent of the habii eioet glasgow are empty habitable hornet in him afterwards saying hii presence ftterttrov lite the recollec- fi aakci iarrjt v 9ft uierlnyiijttiicabian napo- loafi was silent during dihnor but when i r6 naid kaiswering him- fielf km any raie tliaj- now know what i am- capable of and it is to bo hoped thdj- ilkeavo mo alone after dinner ho spoko with m do fonfanes about various hroncii kings ueory iv he said waa not a great man for ho wanted dignify a sovoroign must avoid being goodnatured it is foohah tor remind people that one is a man like themselves alexander the great- showod a true political instinct in tracing his descent from a god a tugatoned ocot mrs vandowatcr has lately expericne od a great deal of trouble in beenring a good servant girl- the last ono was told to boil an egg in tho coffee and she put it in whole she also made apple pics in a similar manner her predecessors being ecraolly negligent and ignorant mrs vandewater determined to have a colour ed girl at all hazards it was with the intention of securing one that she came to tho city yesterday she went to an intelligence office and asked to be shown somo of tho best specimens in stock a burly girl of twenty two stopped forward and the following dialogue took place can you cook in french styi yes mum can you got up gorman dishes 2 yes mum i suppose you are church mem- her iso ono ob dem mom you havo no objection to splitting wood not any what iimo do you wake up in tho morning fivo oclock and i can play on tho guitar you never kindle fires with kera- seno never misses never and i aint strongminded i aint in favour of do wimmin votta she suited firstrate but before she consented to be engaged she wanted to ask some questions how many folks in dc family five hatband drink any no axjo your daughters whistlo pinafore airs- nover have you got any oil paintings in tho house ana axminister tapestries and vases of hyacinths on do shelf i have have i got to hunt off book agents ym nover troubled that way do jott expect mo to wash the dog i havo none do your boys go oat crabbing and come homo mrerodwith mud and havo four shirts apiece in the wash every week my children are girls what part of tho city do you iivo in i live at plainsfield j then you cant hire mo i dont go to tho country if i know myself my bean dont get through work till 7 oclock and by tho time hod get shaved and put on his swallow tail boat and get out to plainsfield it would bo breakfast time i dont want no oountry in mine tso a city gal i is then she took hor place on a bench and waited for an eligible employer to come along lroka shot tsa daren in telfdefenoa at vevay ind but year but did not kill him they lived oa adjoining farms and so hid the convenience for keeping the qatrrel going the respeotire families became in volved in the feud and- fought frequently several vexatious lawsuit were militated a few days ago lyons ion uid hat hit father had needlessly bungled the job of aaootingvaa dorea tnd proposed to under take it himself- he lay in wait by the road- aide for van doren who was coming from the village on horseback and when his vic tim got opposite coolly retted a gun across the fencfe tookaim very deliberately land ihot him through the brain i guest that wu a luccest the murderer remarked u be and a neighbour examined the dead man not assp otn thmsff- tur large riitroad cumpanos fccp it care ful rccird oft locomotive ind its perf iirtnan- orw u thip owuort do of aa ocean tteanuhip the icnnsy traoia luifroid docs not rpur one if the cost will exceed 3co0 the en gine it then marked u dead on the record awl it either told or broken up the botith gcvcrnmcnt hat crdercd an official oqmry ti ha rnaje into tle set of the llv mr titowoweileyan mttioairy iu leating an exiiedituin traintt nitivn of new brita n tna killing co or so o the lav ages in retaliation for laving fcatcd on three or four wctlcyan tnietiootriot tea years ago a widuw lady b co found i little hilfttarvcd u raited it and took care of if fom ginning ihe now hit eighty thcep rnd bat irrii time to time loltl thirty head tuc dividecd from to lotall ta iovcttoieat ouht to tempt more women into ihecprtiiug tut cinfcreace ot the evangelical alli ance in basle switzerland was much lar ger than it was expected to be no leas than lcoo delegites being pregcat of these gennany tent 500 franca 20 and england and america 400 amioc the eminent the- oloritna present wat dr vtn ooslerzx of holland doctors ohkux in lpcdon can con- lolc itself for the jots of the empcrur ntpo- leoat will by the possession of thit tf tn other hero uclliittjn the iron dukei schedule cf hit i tit withes it lirod with the wills of sir authocy vandyke inigojoner sir isaac nett ton samuel jdhnron ccsrlee dicketit and william shaketpeate tho iatt consisting ot three folio sheets with the poet i signature to each fheot snd c mpru- ing the much discuieod bequest of the second beat bed to his wife a nmcirxkr titling in his office in south street new york reoeauy rooctved an an swer to his despatch seat to shsoghai tix hours previoutly thirty thouesnd mle t it good time even ft r the telegrspb the charge to shanghai it 260 per word to yokofatma 30s bat the code or cipher it t j well systematized that a tinjtle word ervca for a dozen when transcribedi i dcaiso a ttoint on aug 5ut the pine fotctt round st cerguos in the jura wis iuamintted between each thunderclap willta bght resembling the phosphorescence of tropical teas until the tempest ccattd m ficfet ucriles the eltect to the tction of the electricity of the atmosphere on the el ectricity of the earth til the tract which were wet with the falling rain being turned into conductors tha dangers in a wanton destruction of forests have already been felt in california according to the califoriu ilorfiatllurut the greatest harm is done by sheep and cat tle private individuals will buy a quarter section of government land telecling that oa which the best tprings sre snd use the rest of the section for pufursge the cat- tie tramp the ground hard destroying the teed and killing all the young trees within thajr reach artatsuk nobleman pantdocf who died in es75 bequeathed oce million roubles to a body of peasants to be used far the tpeciil purpose of purchasing land from their for- mermasters the relatives of the deceased nobleman tried to break the will and broughttbe case into court where if hae been kept for four yean at iatt the czar himself hu confirmed the originalwill tnd on the 8th of august direetioot were issued to fulfil its provisions as the capital it not tunicient to benefit all the peasants re ferred to lots will have to bt cast to deter mine who ihall be recipients of the land frolorr the executioner does the busi ness of hanging for the whole kotiian em pire his resideaoc u ia the central state prison at moscow and he is ordered to go wherever hit services tre required au the executions in russia this year were the work of his hands in st petersburg he has hanged dnbrovine and slorieff in kieu branther ossiuaki antonott unknown bilchinsky gortky and fedoroif fun- kuown ia odessa lukiauaff chttbinu lizogub and davidenko in nikouicft vit- tenberg undldgovenko this maket four teen victims in eight months snd who knows how many there will be in the re maining months of this year w qermaa syrup no other medicine in the world was ever given tuch a test of its curative qualitiesas boscnzza gzeiujc svkct in three years two millions four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed frte ofciargt by druggists in this country to thoso sffiicted with consumption asthma croup severe coughs pneumonia and other diseases of the throat and lungs giv ing the american people undeniable proof that genius stscr will cure them the result has bee that drugirittt in overy town and village incanadajind thajjnitedstatxt are reoommending it to their cuatcuvsrs go to yonr druggitt and ask what thoy know about it sample bottles 10 cents regular tize 75 cents three doees will re- heve any case snotsicomtutsot csouttt srixtcicwldeh it wrtjliit nj ibt leftnti awl children by the thou- tand it this muon of usjn rear caa ahnjsiurolt be cheeked tnd cured bylfr rotlert sxlrtct of ww q a the best brown sap in tha market oil every bar muiwctuted only by sold everywhere name stamped g i morse 8tntwberrr ifhat never ftaedtodremsiedit in the jvery trial i you will be plotted with itt chtrmlnir iflectst relief the reach of e eri extract to dve- la it it a boon vittln e meet tevere 6ue i do opt tsfl to sivelt i rortjebyaudealert jfllbum bentley i ptarion loronta i t thi ladiee unanimously rote cooport shirts tte best made the battoni remain btittcmnoleaperfeot aheiringannebeatary order them at onoe at 109 yonge st to ronto atfl 5c co toronto loroxiq bruflh itanafacturer barriatera attorneys bleotrotypsrs stereo ypars etc p dvxrti tt fttinj fmjt i eatrraversv j c tf54 kf klxl i furniture otlatx ctfiinrf ca7 ienpg nrec i f eossiu house faii ileultit cij- iltri 1 rui prop pic moltocauinec ddl n te c joruesilc til- it ittmrtv fc etcs buy only ontario baking coteder w ild and 1mtkovel faltms lambtoa- ticod for ctraar jutt p lee lilt wit llvuttv hji g f etm aumk to dfilwaiie 100 j dciiwar- lxai uid snia finni cheap oih htallhs cunuw cijautfu free a p cttirt itu sur aurcr bores tii ft per filar fcjter living water lutebes ij oriorpocc good tajnilt of ore filiejreii iter stn4 foe cynuf sttvtt 63 vt sl artificial limbs vuniic lwh rati- d deip hrrt vua u proriacil fclitabiuan luu- dtip- fcsumtjcuis oa yipdeatwii suifftction pn- ruttmd addttmy jitctvktgok dijtoc oat i gents every county in f ctcfci for tctlort dtjifc ac live siock tad tficlr efficient kcwejict seed for lerms la ail4 obekuotstzer l co rabliahcn bcr- ha oat ladies dcsiruc a ciporicncci phytida tt liicir am fcx cat bxve cc tm- moiitiou jmcorol oa iipirtioa specialty disgases of women- dr emtlt h st0 v7e lit cliarclisturanto haliburton rrtrjrmlntjs of the victoria l kiilwatirm uid viuace lots ta ttle c j uloxfulo uuurer csoadlan luc ind eotictttioa cu hlihuoaor ecr v ac biiott tonintoft toroutfi 15 madej8 one day agents wanted eyerywitere sculis i rtliilik patented irtid salfcj rtpadlj- xiih urjc priflt a cxd bmtntvw thil rcqtjirea aj afxul fiend itjtcciit trnpi to u c bilstos s tbunta out for clnsiimrauid instractiorxs writr tt once ud lecort tv rood uxacr ttal pujx inj mi pel at tioj joj cbl l 7 farms a amd mlombajbjjcerb mtolffbabpiricr k mwstvre mc good clim pat la kboou cbuichm qn he kiasu faciis mnj 300000 i acres for sale in tha i0l0en belt wtam4 o7pf ictffllt lod good oacw eaiuotadmrkefieistixcti- u hm tod foil infarmilicn te addrru rfuloamltlaaicmmiiijrjafeiliaa euum a blessintr to w0mankdtd every doctor a loaffelt mt rapplitxl br tflffti rterioe hrdicalor wbici taiihja ctctj woman to treat tad cvn kendf tn itr mm home said 3c tfrcaiar eontiininff full particular o svainxfi addnmg aks- u teptt mtt health htirt car rr ot j arris od gerrrti ftearts toronto otatdx hie simonos saws aie superior to tllctbea iwfut- betowtii m fire llifiniitj ti fmftf r rf smith st co st civharinsj ott r sole minnfvnrrea for tho dvaiulaa al caudle send for pries fciat h hurrah forjvianitoba i fteteexth partt v a tfxciil trtia of ocnnfartble art viu burt far manitoba on friday srdqofc it ill 90 c- tn for puticultrt iddnai ah ic tump i rwjprittfei uanitcln tiiadohcc 25 cahwtntei tctouto the mperial glotlies f ringer j patented is79 v tilt umliiac hw uo equil iu tfiq foilowltj points l toe bolls art t the bat while rubber inj i- vulanited u uieialu tbey wuf not reio i looic or cruet 1 u it ic-lt-listenlm- when im the tub tad can l ritdiljr b ij jested lo inr itjic or uto ot lob sthe amount of fiprinf prcssare caa be mruliied i iccunllug lo the wvxk to bedone- i cthorc it no prcstnrc uiwa the ltolli hw tho wrinccr it removed tnim the tub ahjch 11 1 great tsving ot titnc- tthe beartiijr lever ind tulcnim nusoe ui iprinci to ch it tho rolli are opened sittinr nni i lure proportioned lo the thickest ot uu mode it ctonot teikoao on tho tub ta wording vtho double brerate tfhtent it then ttorkuic 7u li provided ub m iprou tar ctmlcv ih cloum clear o tho tub 5 it lltlmple slronk butli t clothes wilner ta buyno otier helre you too tho imperial liberal discount to doaleri i tbe hamilujnjllupalor 86mrrick street hamilxonout u- elora elevator works stump ind stoco uachiacs store hoists etc eheapeil mi best irx the market send for dctcrip- tut cireojir address 1 w axpebson llintriietnttr elcn out caption ea0h plxtq ofte myrtle navy tobacco j is stamped b in gilt letters none other is genuine notice to oonslgnmeots f seees oataa and apples v thos 8pen0e bon et co eoioiltileabeaedlnburrhaiidgliisoiscot- tad ettabiidmd isv rotiroiteoiiloa cunk nonjate o w market report ttti oct beet iif to cents nor pound llotton irom ii to h aturuerea drtt twe- uurds value here- reljbt sls pafd br the ooctiin- va on irrital ol abip btlaeob paid or rimluod vm taykotsis ai directed by tehderor owner i2 t i rrratnod cure and back tor every 80 catth ot sco iheep small vita or toronto rnarket aokl on ewuniaalen ehjusejvery tootteratt for farther ituormetion apply il gordon g- 4 toronto nuneriet or boa 10o p 0 ttnonto

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