Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1879, p. 1

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stitqitd8si t flit 3krtmirtt grw l tncctctab wcal itd otsttux fasrjtv recuxaitrbusasa tsptcunt ix toe tvflouats op tbi axttxxs or hjxtos- ocktx rki rarsdar sosxct aithe vcix tksmlniilkff tad vaui ib ioj koaic uestta the methodist ctmich mfjjlrcet actoti oat txkkn tut fmx tuts will be sen refcnert postage pi for 100 pr tnia in tdvioce it pud during th ji jo if ual paid ill itlcc eipiretica t i r jiox ko piper ditcjaliaacd fill jjlm ire paid except t lb option cf pdbuhcr tea- iv ffjtt rj1t of be ita i x jilprcknsivo 1utb ciiatl idved-e- mtnts s cents per li for the tint iojwr- bja end 2u ptr iue for rich aabte- caeat ikitioc- ulu ivofcsvioall clfda mlipicruhm pccunum 1 tqurc is lines 500 per uvuurn pijtbiejin 6 i troout fro date of mieruoa ny special xoli the object oc which uxo promote the pccaaiiry benefit of uy ladivdail or osmpiny to be considered in idvertitcirtcrth tho i iiuuri line rjck- e3ilr titptceooiud aiciiuxadtiy i scale of solid koapstciu jadertiscmeuts without trucisi instrae- us latcrtel till forbid tod charged cardmriy ordtttit dllxtiautnc idvcrtiteal att cjtt be m writing olhcralle ihe pablu lets will not be rctrooiible job prixtisq ecwj acuity tor bock iuia ltd fincy job iltulir eipcncaccd orkfcen kewrtt ityles of type ivsim gfod oairrrt btodenle 15 p moore editor ud propnttor volumk v no ib whole i no 225 ioton ontr october 10 1879 100 per ankdm in advance piped ikere- j h lowrt ub ilcps qua- dcxte of tuiity coiiesp hejnber oi college of pbycwinf indsttrgeoai i j osoe d feeudenee it the hid af red- end st aetoa y itcgaevk it d it ci 4 s i giidcite it victoro college ieii dencecotaer of iliu md frederiefc tt eeta cossultttioa diily from s to 10 1 m r ad frca 3 to 6 p c luster m clxrk bareistee qtjebec st atjelph brijch office to mr toktiaws bnilduogs ioll st acton fj- omct ornc lcslv feidiv fit w u ke1istceet licensed auctioneer canada savings banlc oorxkt or jjtuts 1xd ttki kt hami1ton six pr cent iatrt ad oa deposits i otld upvudc sjlfssr asdbesr sectmrr d b cttixaouc etq presideat k ktaxs kiq q johattvdit tca barlmcloo yfeftpttimittt j v rosxaceatt u d uwnilttm keen mciitr eiq ucniltao thos biaxcaiu kchfta cou jouk likd birtca obt dcscxx ko htmilutt- r k cuxeouc iq oikrille wtc ftixjcxx jl d qftarseum k s geutik m d c b ov k citiixfccf cauan mitij daadtx jftvf to jodft iivtfz tc ic tumt 9 pal io tfxrf as y ivrau 3 pffioe opea every irkuy frm 8 t ttttos pm aag u 1679 7tn s wrms in autumn it lirutt i1tut acftw ui haifwtuic hvp u but xt umbc tb nritk flttftn octbtttadf in 4ihi alftmtflildfcjivir tmotiiflctohaikin ttt ihta inlo nddaa ury fluhtd btack davu ui rulag uiloibrqnwvbv v iiulauta k uihem hit l buul w hatr tt midaictil taad by nstloh wu a louclff kvtttf ctuttlau iwtow ttf a bautt lata uu wiwmt rupiodj- tul lie vhala oral ria iut autiu bju i umd with tho aclioal bcr tbt mlrfitr oct maurchi orotic la dread and loot or merer to the mttfllmi tfc tie otii w tcrtua um itotmfodt netrr load j brttidoc to dlslul taondtr auk ttpt ftiihd fttcu u urirtlfic loova ctoku and tq uw ikd ftoraced voodf u rir ukkfac li dd dtji f fawtef mldaiht hroud bat tt mort desthlj it im wt ktw- tlw dirfc tad ealllr rlrw numaf on tcutar ih ioom na from ita qalrtrlac fboct ui flic rsllanuar tl doth aok eachtatmnt aoha trom cthduuc tot tere it t nddw hath bpca iht todd tb ftoratfd taoftmac kx iiuofc bl fottf vberc fned u ckradr burner tr aaiarisd tlia touet fortb hu dntded ciacoa aairie the tkattoa trrumlr tora tna o tac rlrer tto lu rtorr iltii t iu t fttd bird ihrtekx oat tc vlld tlumr aad erta loader laadar uaw i tie a fc unptucat drape bu to tt round rciuiac tatd 4t istr with icoenu dntr then wtui troth ona th dad tc dravad and ever tho tlrar telle it tale with fatx au dirt i x moon oar itire to thd lhair llht cafoued tad cataaibd la taulade wnpped op ifttrarw elothei at ocaa allht qcirettat bruleed urcfce um tfct wool federal bake of canada gjuelph braiicli a tfescdxlbtkciso blles dovl drjfts mi btlls of excbltcqe j3nfu sxi for tte cosatict of welhctoa lad hkltoo orden left it the fkh pfccss ofeoe acton cr it my residence m hocliircod will be fvapty ittended to j tenar reiaoaihle hatexts foe jkektlbksxpe- 17 nittqiblrindpperiyecnit5irtia idx tie umted sutci lad eoropej pi- tent guirtnteed or no chirgc od for pnntid laitrcctaons agency ia operitioa ten veira i hexht gpist ottivrx ciotdt mechinal engineer sdhafar of plteat d dnngatgnun r d siathesos attqeket-at- j ur solictor in chiaoery tc office nert door za wilkess hotel sliltoo ijtted ixz- f o sis u iks too- k riqiflklox hotel actox eseeet u aae proprietor taenctr e otel is fitted cp in fintclxa ityle vitit net fartti- tare coaanerciil tnrelleri tin fin igodd iccommodihon ud comniodiotif simple rooms speciilitteiitionpiid to the tints of the trvvelling pabkc btr rapplied viik imn depositors are illoxed interest it the rate of fire per ecat per innsm in the stvtogt eink deputment td cz g per cent per innura t11 be illored ga depoiit receipts prorided the mooey reraiiai in the bink not lees thin tir 6 montht tnd three 3 moathi notice be given 0 hi withdnnl thoilas y greet hunger life e travellers accident ins co of havetwao g5xs writes eterythag detiribte ia the tiy cf life iad accident iaxanncxu rites lqist security tjcauestioiied actple jepotit mide with the docnioiaa govenunect for the tecant of ctm vita policy holdert ptid cpcuh cif iul gttit aiieu toul lubihties sarpt ta policy holder ja5ie3 matthews cr tuc utx c a touxuxa ha bo ihrutfb the world roald f kuicfcee ilh tie dctt taj wo lite the chrut the ant taut batr tre tl taait utie the thora atait wwr ho9 point bit throbuar fofefakl toer vet ule the chrirt fcaoc a deipejr i i riiiils u to tuor fled throdib lite to c t hotvy croae to lctr j lute the tom ta weej yet not t bim uut wlact t le tir uat rt the ndllei tatwer there in kot t fiowee pa ctxth cu tizow kot t liable cixaiuin sow kot t tut1a cotablsde bcre iu leader freea to nx iai tir kot oaa cca kx of the tactltiae thte dt cat tui nddlet fcey dedtte iv re who throcxh tle vorld will co opcaeved auy than the woe late u woctlnj ererywhere a tpc la wte ia bed ta tir lore tlone the cnat tniy betr vet lte th curuf koov oo defptlr cflarissas choice soo00000 t79s6777t 351l7jc37 i250937 ajent acton oat rotai esohakqe hotell a0- tqk jss campbell proprietor ilr cmpml life cf the eot sin eocie aeix g tr e stiticc tikes plexsare m in coancngto his rainy old fnends sad pi- trcas thii he his recently pnrchtsedkad re fitted the eoyil eichiage in the aeif sit led most comfortible ityle lza is prep ired to iccoannoclite ih wbo any firoar lim in th most comfortible micner choice wines lqaorc cigxri ind cool 1 aramer driafcs ilwiys in itcefc stihle ia el irge of ta ittentire hostler the psiroaig of the public it res pcctfally tolicitei ipd 1 b effort till be tred to give the veiy best it fition lis cikepell aash for skdcs i tm prepued o piy the highejit cwh pvicerfor alt dieses of lmb ind sheep rtn delivered it my tianeryl lice leither eoasuatly oa hind tlly jakes jfopre i uctiok sale idrerfasementl jaterted a ia the acrok perettess tt lay rit tse b loeil psper of hiltoa co births hirriiges lad daths fakrted free- in the actos feot pass pe best locsl psper cf hilton co aard3 bftlheidi ind circnirt if every j descriptionexecatedrieitlyittiieactoy rx piuss ofnee the best iocs piper of hiltoa co aoilifukicatioks oa locsl qaaitions of j interest vni glidly be receive by the acros feee pees tie best iocil wper of hilton co exvelopes priated intheaeitastttyle tad it the lowest prices it the xerox feu pees the best locsl pipetof hil ton co ryoahxve final or firm ttockfer ule idvertisethemintheacrosfekepezss the best iocil psper of hilton co bakery and confectionery hesses a t e nicelix vronld inti mite tlat they hive opened ap their new bake shop os rar comer of bull and maik sts and thit they till ilvrtyi be sapplied trith a 1 bretd besides bant ctkes pistry c tc c x liege stocc of choice confectionery will be foaad on hind which is ill new ind freth- oitmeal ooeh i br0kw hba fx0 otuloeeb wheat 4c llwiyt is stock this will be found to be the pltce where the best goods will be kept it the lowest prices tswtxtxsicitii b e hickun i think it is atterly possible thit i sot ihnost snre of it ssys dagdsle who tikes i stvige pleuore ia piling ap his own tgoay ho ana ander the ctreaatslia cor woald elect to come to the plica igiia nnlen with tach in object yoa frighten me the tsyt ind then she tight ind brashes bsck her toft hiir from ecr temples wwd yo let 10 fa sack 1 case she ukt presently in 1 ilov dreimy tone then he tnrnt to feck it her ind their eyes meet the tender thesca of coming night it ill roand the fiiat mslodioas lowing of the oxen ia the firoit meidon iloae breaks the ttiuneis of the evenings thit is dying with such lingering sweet ness i csnnot inswer thit qaetbon petaras he i little antteidily i ooold act pictare myielf in tach i cue hid i ikni to love yoa it would kern been with tack s love u woald hive luted to my dying diyl silence tgiia she his grown very pile tnd the hind thit trilet with the hage brack of crimson roses n isfely plucked is trembling lughtly the cows ire coming slowly tewird them through the cool deep yt looogmtnute yoa la s tome- whit forced tone they hive reiohed the eatrtnee to wtetos i ua ho now pad oat hit hud to uy goodbye you will oomo in l larprited kot tcdiy think yoc oh do with open diuppoinimeot qeorge will u i gneve4 i yoa da soc george matt iouemo todiy i csn not go in nor he tsyt ilmott curtly ind niiiajr hii hit wtlki determinedlyiwiy hli heut u filled overflowing with bit- teraetund ud otebodinn is it indeed ill over csi his sweet arums sad hippy thought hire met with taoh 1 cruel dettb 1 agim he ku her lovdy itce u ihe turned it ta greet him naihcd with content ind gudaeu of course the blush hid been lor htaghton tltvidy her poor vouaded heirt his foaad eomfort in the vcrynesr atyai of tbt belored pthiwl why dwell opmlha inevitibe tits 4 lovetick girl 1 he will throw up the whole baiiartf leiva for london in the moraiag ind try in il tence to forget bat when themorning oamct ha liogon a ftiat hope thit it tlmoit derptir w closely does it bolder aa it holds him still ia bondage ind compels him to stay on ud witness the noil hane in this smiu drims bet it the end of the second month even thit fiint sdr of hopa hit beca diowaed ia the gitat 2ood ofdefpsir he hu no lon ger my taiuiamg aoabct dty by diy meeting hit r vtl it weiton he notes c ir itis kindly mtnnsr towtrdi him the frank winnth of her look ind tones at for liimsflf herdemesnor towtrdi hhq his completely chinged it iceau to him is thoagh aow she parpotely ivotds his so ciety tnd shrinks from tny utetfete chsace any throw in his wty 1 and ytt j with in obttuuey thit shocks even huncelt there sra moments when heesnnot bring himielf lo behove he is tltogethcr httefal to her a certain loitnets tt times 1 luddtn blash s surprised glxnce now ind tgsin mike him persatde himself tgiiostvii c m- moa tease she still beiri for him kme of her ilcieat friendship que if eruocu wslking ilong the roid to weston he encoaatert the msjor coming towards him from s aie wtlk thit brsnehes torsrdt the vat ind teidt to upsadr wimto twit ite adsirt they thske hinds bat even it the moment of meeting dugdtle becomet twire thit there u in no- tnutikthle clocd upon the utjcrt utuilly arbsno brow mvoa hive been to upltndt j uysllug- dile bcciusa he his aothing else la uy sod is tco much the property of mctinchaly to ctxe to mtkc coatertitioa yet tbsently the old udy ic ill sgiia bat tell me cuvr is it trae whit i hsn heird there thit clsriui cirew is going to msrry thit fellow hiaghtoa l j jfliw you httri itt sixt dagdile wincing fyesthe adsirt ire fall of it they uy it it til settled tnd thit they tre to be mirried immediitely ify deir boy ujs thoifsior nising hit hit to wipe hit fore- heid it esf be true it miy be true tsyt clive gtoomily ho is drswing simless strokes with his flick npon ths dusty road sod it feeling dis tinctly miterthle it tujt sir whit do yoa mesa by thitrdeminds the ifijor irstcfbly i tell yea it titxl it it monstrous i whit iwonxta like thit to throw herself iwiy upon s worthtactteifovta4 a wha fasut tieitedher to tnfuaoaily ia the ist tnce of cruel file tnd dni bis bfeith i littlebtrd whales figmin at sea at this moment t light tad ellknownan old whaler biplalns why mer- lep crcuing the hill oaltido mikes ittelf hetrd it comes newer j the doorii thrown open tnd curiai fresh ud tweet u the pertamed flowjti in her hind itindt apoa the tbrestold why whit i lolema eindive sh4 uy jestingly whit long long ftoesl bat thit thetilence of the gnva ieems to relro i thoald tv yoa were til indulging in bittlo reyil whit li it george 1 ujing her hind apoa hit ihoulder with toft cir- j essing toacl ttkiog down the hud cttew holds it closely ia hit own tnd regtrdi her with si lent scrutiny for i fall mfnate then glinc- ine it the two men he iy ti thoagh de cided uy il i here she thiu ipeak for hrel cliritst sir wiifrod hiaghtoa tad olive dagdsle wist to tell yoa thit lhy iovo you they inve coma thii ifter- aeoa to uk your hud in mirrilge it it far yoa to either refaie hem bth or mike yoar chain betweea them he hu sbokca diijointedl- but to the purpoee cliriits growing white u the lilies in her trembling nngas thrinki rriy from him ind letting her flowers fill covert her tsce with her huds v oh i why hive yoa done this cries she it is terrible it is cruel ka it is the wisest coarse whispers he hurriedly it will end it once til daalt mi suspense believe me it is better l end kinder f lookingupr the gltnces first it sir wil fred who is evidealty laxioas bat pethipi i little too uiared then timidly it duv- dtle who it rither in the background wita hit hesd bent downwsrd ud hit irmt croft ed apoa hu brcist feeliag the iatensity of her regird ha niies his hell sad meets ber gus full in hit eyes there is 1 world 3f sorrowing 1 pusioaite regret 1 damn sgoay sid throagh its hopeless longing cliritsi s uyt hiaghtoa entreitingly ittemptingto tike her bud no ul she ercliimi hulily wiving him bsek ber heut besting piinfuily then clive will you not ipeik to mel the uyt moving i itep or two in hit direction the effect is electric at her words dag dsle stirtl violently te sldneu diuppesrr tnd in its plica i greit glasm of joy rises ted ilinnunes hit fie j yet even now he hirdly dirts believe in hie own good for- tane going ap to her he imprisoat her hinds sad itks in i voice to chinged the ecircety knows it to be hit am i your choice yestiinuy you love rae ciritii v ilmost vehe mently yes returns ho sgtin and then overcome by her cmotioa ud the sitaitioa gcnerilly she bursts into teirt whereupon clive unmindful of her brothers presence or thit of his disconcerted tinl citches her in hit irms ud with i lob the liys her head apoa his breut chant venal may eon into anything on beard of ill mercbut vcsielt si the birqae colambii would be called in ninficil fisrunce there i no lookout kept either ram the vessel deck or mulheid tnd if uy strings object is on the ocetn by tny of the crew ol i merchutnun it is more by incident thu design thit u the reason to nuny shipwrecked tniriners who survive the ditiiter hire llwiyi incidents to telste of vessels puiing nesx them ud not coming to their rescue all merchut vessels take u few men u possible to miniga hem from port to pert or the purpose of reducing cipenaes there tre no extra men provided against cases of sickness or deith u i msn is off dut the others of his witch on deck ire obliged to perform his part cf the work as everybody knows it is he rale of the ses for the vessels safety toalwiyi hire one half of its crew on deck whea she is apoa the mighty deep botyoa ctn etsily com prehend thit i the crew of i merchiutmia u mull in proportion ti her tonnage oce- hilf of her crew hu ccnsuat employment daring he day ia fine ind fsir wetther to keep the vessel clean trad in ishing condi tio the rigging of s veuel is worie thin the riggiua ol a woman yea get t woman woungged ud she will keepherielf to for i while but the riggiag of i vessel u sl- wsys oat of order 01 course i tm referring to uiling veiaelt only x bare merely tilled these fictt to shor you thit the wilches oa deck dnriog he day hare ill their time tad ttteatiaa ukea ip ia bond in fceepinr the vessel in cr ier md that they nrely cast their eyes 1 recent crimea tell yoa i wont hear of it i thought clir itsi had more pride and yet ida not think she it wanting ia pride uyt dcgdale i dont kaow what yea csh it hat i for one wouldnt hive believed it of her uyt old hyde growing slightly incoherent i shall ipeak to her ud if possible pre- vent it if i were a young msn like you dagdsle i should make love to her myself proposa to her snd mixry her under his very nose rither than let inch a sacrifice uksplice bat the youne men of the pre sent day uyt the ifijor disgustedly in ibomiuibly wutiagw beta tute tai tt jteechakts tnd turners skit should 111 advertise and support the actox feee peests the best local paper of hsltoa co strayed or stolen advertisements of this nstare inserted very cheap in the acror feee perssthe bets loc mitanuo pnmps pumps i w e abucs ilinatsctarer of snperior weil tall cirtern fwssstc which witt be pat in on thort notice repiirin prompdy done charges moderate also saws filed sad act wve him a call shop in freder ick strait opposite dr liwrys residence i the j ouiwaxplpw i made at i oxowes iron woris wslpix is ahead of all competitors for goerit pur poses lrb beast steel must utt stwatn maoe of speasl hard irool cheap u cub kew peaces sfaret ldetil let- cutfagofiu 3 we a weeecin jrow f sod no capital rukec givethebasincstat ever oflercd for those jnllmg to thouldjlry octiunsj el 7 devou la j oar tune or atfjr erirylioortlanyotiworfc harness harness 1 ny persoa in want of a good set of a hiraess either sikgle os double should call it gweclis saddlery evcstolit where they csn get better value for their money than uy place in the county a good assortment of tetjhks ast3 yalt3iis oa hand all of which will be told cheap lor cash r gt eepairing promptly ittended to r creech acton feb 20 1879 manhood rhive recently published a new edition of dr oultorwairg celabiat4 essay on the eadical axd tzesclsqit cuei fwithout medicine of nervous de- bility mental ud physical incspicity impediments to marriage etc resulting from excesses tar price in t sealed envelope only tir cents or two postage stamps the celebrate 1 author in this admirable easy clearly demonstrates from thirty i years tucceasinl practice thatalarmingoon- sequences may be ndically cured without the dangerous use ofrinternal medicine or the ipphcationof the knife pointing out i mode of care tt once simple certain ud effectual 6y means of whicn every suflirer no nutter whit his condition miy be may cure himself cheaply privately ud radical ly thii lecture should be in ihe bands of every youth sodtwry minja tb lud address tberoulverwell mtsdioalcci 47 ann st kewyors port office box 458 george them to return you ire thinking of the put uyt dugdale hurriedly taking one of the roses from her yea ind of the future the replisl iatt a troubled toae ciirisu yoa still love him ii- juitjl retam the witt l touch of pmrion i have so long brooded over my aahtppy story so offea told my self i thill never tgiin she paasee abruptly iwsat to see him she uyt after a liltla hflsiflfion nitunlly with soma bitterneu no yoa mistake i wiat to tee him slowly because whea i da aa the tk- rtoif 1 shall kaow know whit eagerly my own heart repues fhe somewhat sadly three days later walking ilong the quiet road thit leads to weston cuve dagdale comes upon clarism ud a struger evident ly in earnest conversation even from the distance he can see the ttruger ii sir wil fred htughtoa and that he ind clarissa are oa friendly terms it it plainly however a chance encounter became hughtonf hotse is standing beside hint ud even u dugdale with a beating heart marks all these facts they shike hands and htagh ton mounting tgiia rides- briskly iwiy at dugdsle comes ap with her clarissa turns gladly to meet nim with a bright tmile her face is delicately flushed there it sn unwanted brilliancy in lier eyes the is altogether a changed tni even a lovelier clarissa than usual that wis sir watredf remarks he saperfiaously regarding her curiously jealously yes still smiiine your very first meeting with him hu wrought a wonderful chmgein your tppear- uce you are pleated it wu not our eitt meeting last evening he called to tee us just alter yoa hid left hid yoa remained to dinner u george tni i wished you would hive mat him should i thuks tho lots is not irreptnhle i would rither tee george sad yoa when ilone bat yoa hive not yet intwored me though indeed i scarcely needvu uiwer when i look at yoa you ire brighter more rtdiint than i ever have yet seen yoa yoa vert pessed lo see veryr emphatically why aot after all at i toldyou he is aa old friend i hardly remember the time i did not know aim and bending a little to look into her eyes which meet hit frankly yoa now btwr f yet now i know returns she with s quiet though very intense utisfictioo j and yoa ire qmte happy 1 there it a shade upon his f ice that grows deeper every second she hiving averted her eyes tihi to tee it yiyliiipy the uswjrs quietly happier than i have been for three full years along tune is it not she ukt a little wistfully feeling iwiiifl could agree with you- uyt poor dire sadly as no one else will interfere i shall kothiag thill preveat me her fither and i were old cronies tnd i shant stay by tnd tee hit girl make saeh a fatal mistake with out uttering a word of warning i must now go home ind scribble a letter or two for the post and titer thit i shall walk op straight to weston ud uk her what the meant i think i woutdn if i were you dug dale ventures to tsy mildly dbttt i than sir dont talk to me poof i do yoa think theuger of the pret tiest woman in earopeeoald turn tie from my duty ffewr f uyt the ml jor proud- fy- j dugdalfl half smiles ss they part company aid he continues his wsy lo westoa the hall door u usual stands wide open daring the glorious august weather and miking his wiy to the study where young drew generslly sits he enters auaanoanced at the doorway he studs motionless i moment seeingclrew in earnest conversa tion with sir wilfred hiaghtoa hearing him they both look up ud cirews ex pression changes from cold diupprobition to quick distress it is only dagdale toyi haaghfon with a carious gleam ia his dark eyes and a certain maddeaing sense of triumph ia his fow deliberate tones no do not go awsy ijugdale you are a welcome friend here audi hive no desire to conceal from you the reason of my presence here today i have come to uk if its cuevs hand in mirrisge l dagdale patet visibly- ud hit brows can trtctotherwiie he tappresses ill outward symptoms of emotion thca suddenly a wild determination to eater the lists him ielf to declare aloud his affection for her if only to let her tee how well thoagh si- laatly the his beea beloved tikes posses- tioa of him almost withoat tllowiag time for reoectioa he turas to ctrew ud uyt with forced composure i too hive corns to weston todiy boand oa the same errud i love youx sister drew ind would uc her o mirry me let her choose betweea at i george rites slowly he it 18i weak ud nadt 1 dinicalty in sudden movements a look of perplexity and discomfort pervides his handsome fice he trifles nervously with i paperknife that lies beneath his ifna i yoa dressing both the suitors i hsrdly know whst to uy of course i shall inform my sister of the honour you have both done her ud lad yoamatt ibide by her decision bat it grieves me to knowlhit one of you mutt 1 he ptates ind uncouicioaily- in hit em barrusment fixe hit eyei upon duadale cuto grosns iuwardly to him it is a nmple mitterlthe tiranslimon o out regretral look the finishing of that broken sentence one afycrarnmit go to the wtllnd you dagdale ire the man so u reads it the btotherjtnowing well the sitteri feel- jngi had tbduht kindly to give km gentle warnirur ciwst it nrely in rtore for urn thitgsnot wu aa ol omen i well well 1 he throws up hu head ia an ugry defi leaving wettoa about two hoars liter he bat just reached the entrance gate when he huds himself for the second time today face to face with the vtliut major evij dently bent on slaughter xca tea i have kept my word uyt this warrior fiercely j i tm not to bo fright ened even by 1 frown from venal i have come to rcisou with clarissa sboat this talkedof eagifiiment there is no need i eta tell you ill tbont it well impatiently ititonlytco trae she is going to be mirried and who prty told yoa thit pretty piece of newt p i hid it from her own lips yoa dont uy so 1 erclsims the msjor staggered then placking ap courage igain he advuees i itep all the mora ctate why i should now interfere he uyt with much determiaatioa i am ifrtid it will be too life she mi he teem very mach attached to each other i tm ilmott sure she will not give him ap she will when i prove to her whit i despicible scoundrel he is ud open her eyes a bit about his doings in london oh major thit i- should live to heir you uy tach things i stthem i hive said them a thoa- sind tunes ud i thill uy them igiia i tell yoa thii maa the is bent on marrying it a villain of the deepest dye dagdsle isaghs ah yjw may make a joke of it dnj der sad that they rarely cast sea board withoat they expect some thing lo cross their vision i will mention sa mcident which occurred to me in ths in- dim ocean i hundred miles to the eastward of tie island of st pauls our lookout it mitt hud oae dty discovered a uii two points off our lee bow ippireotly tfanding the rime u ourselves on in eastnortheast course at the day drew tleag we grades- ly overhauled the stranger who appeared lo be a fallrigged ship with everything she coald set from her royals doro staading u we were close hauled oa the port tick wnenrwc raaicd her hall from ear deek w sent the stirs tnd stripes gltccing to the 1 peak brought oar glasses to bear on her ud expected to get a response i we heid our any glutei o our eyes for acme time but we could get no responsive signal from her we were now carious oar ensign wu of in unusual size ud might hive been easily teen by the naked eye from this slow sailer off our ieo bow wo give them i tetter view of our fug by ipproaching nearer we twang oar ship off hauled up oar fore ud main sails and ran before the wind to wtrdi the strange vecsel which wis oow but two points forward of our lee beam we kept watch of her mirzeu peak expect- every moment lo eea the ligaal go ap in re sponse to oars nearer tnd nearer we drew but although our man tt tie mis head hid for some timeseea the crew move about an herdeck the failed to thow her colours we then resolved to rundown kotos hsrxhey it onceppedofftheir mm dale ahe unothingtayoup coarse dont ctre about her future happiness poor child 1 but i do ud i caat see ier enter oa tach a wretched marriage withoat feel ing grief i dont think uyt clive modettly it trifl be s wretched mirriige i hope you miy be forgiven ejica utes he ifijor solemnly well in in offended tone i shall go ud fulfil ray duty tndaee whit i cin do dont pnt u end to the engagement ftjor exclaims clive in a tone of affected dismay because if you do you will make clarissa mi and r eternally miser able he hu placed both his hands on old hydes shoulders ud is laughing lightly eh what youdoameantouy bless me what have yoa got to do with it in ma you behold the coming bride groom uyt clive with u air of the pro- loandest triumph the major is struck dumb f jr a full min ute a most unutusl occurrence with him snd than gives wsy ta i wild rapture my dear clive my dear dear boy can it be trae oh i yoa young tcamp aot to tell me sooner my dear fellow i am re joiced and then he fairly gives way ud falling upon the aasaspectiag dagdale treats him to s hearty hoar bat major coasider would you wed your pearl tmongwomeu to a c despicable tcoundrel a villain of the deepest dye when are yoa goia to open her eyes to all my acandilout moings in london none of your chaff says the msjor threatening him with his stick but come straight home with me and let us drink the fature mrs dagdsles health in a bumper cf chimptgae i i how much for i pear he itked ud with a chuckle paid the three cents demand ed theucsme the ioke i only took a pair he said exhibiting two of the articles and whit i aitisfied grin thit punster start ed iwiy with i au right ahouted the hnckster liter him peart are only a cent 1 piece bat i knowed youd be ap to aome dodge you keep the joke old baiter tni i 111 keep the extra cent a discraaiot in the london newspapers tbont domestic favourites brings out many interesting ueodotes there is a gander cauedjaci that runt shout drury lane like a dog and answers hit matter call he is eclipsed by a cockatoo belonging to a publican in st giless this bird plsya on the cymhsls is perfect time and holds a lighted splinter in- its talons while a cus tomer is kindling hit cigar in the strand is a mountebank who hu two oats trained to stand on their hind legs ud spar like prise fighters stent lad so isha had any julme ind learn if we could who ud what the wis to briefly conclude we ran down across her stem ind hailed her ud we got to leeward of her hauled again on the wind ud had lowered one of our quarter boats before ahe got the dutcnuigto herprak as we wen strong haoded lloweted the quarter bolt and selecting two dutchmen from oar crew palled alongside of this datch east india- nun ind boarded her of coarse after the first ulufation that one muter of a vessel gives to another on like occasions i en quired the reason why they hid not re- aponded to our signal ui shown their co lours before they did would you believe it they aever aw our tship till we were down slmost ca top of them tni created constemition unong their crew on dcccli so you tee how easily i merchant vessel may knock the end off in iceberg there hive beea two vessels whalers sunk by whales history records both were tank in the south pacific ocean and both were sunk by aperm whales bolls these vessels hid both tttieked the whales first in boats which were ttave by the infuriated monsters the captains in each case then attacked the whales with their ships ud in domg so were in return attacked by the whales ud sunk the whale is the most docile fish that swims snd these two esses are the only ones i believe known in the hittory of the whale fishery i do not be- ueve a whale attacked the birqae celamhis whale sank that barque it wis by icci of lv iht put yoar there were aixsyeigbt aaicidet ia the ranks of theltthon umyitid to hive been ctnsed by ennui frcm sjiilitry lifc acncfuuif ia pa ircommittd iuij u beciate bia tirmintot cut iff lis quia flc uteiel ike ch nred bud wilh pmi tothepsc where if ought lo grwial jmxai to toe riiir a boy pointed a loaded gen at a little gill m somerset md tnd uireiteard to hrot all sight the uit confidently it waldst hart me csase aurssyai ii via igool girl nothing cm hart mel the bay palled the rigger ud the girl wu killed j r the yoath who killed the girl hi loved beciaso she woald cot love sad marry him lams ap thit time ia baeyrns ohio she went to i neighbour to elude him bat he followed ber indtleing refuted for tile fhrd or earth time he ihotjier dead then ha went ud hanged himielf wmr paiiles folks in ffsnesvillei wu is why gorge hirringlon should murder the fivevotr old ton ol hli employer jthe boy wu left with the hired nun on the farm while the parent went to town on their return both were mining ud eventuilly the little fellows body wu foaad concealed in the sheep barn his throit wu cut his inns were tied behind him hit feet were bound and his body wu elashed with the knife the msn had stolen a horke ud i hirais tiirschitz wu foaad detd tinder bridge an chicago ffitlpody ru bruied his head crashed md his mooey gone no body doubled that be had been mttrdered it tarns oat however ifter several men hive b ceo arrested en suspicion ttut bis death wu iccidoota he wu on bjii way to visit his rweetheart tho drsw j of the bridge lining open u he wis crogsing it tvnd rather thtth wtif until it eloped he itteinpud to leap off upon the shoflo tbut- ment lu the utkness he nuscsvcqlsted the distance and fell ibont twentyfife set in its ptucge his body encountered a pro- jecting board sad it was in thii way his heii wu hnrt fthila the fall prodnccd the other rnacks i r a eeseectaile elderly man cjfcmitted aaicide by throwing hinjself before the kotthatn erpress the other day in england in his lodgings were found a very j curious moid of a 0yin machine pronounced by an expert who bad wasted nrdirght oil on the terisj mystery torealiw the moat pro misicg theory of tky ailing there waf aio a locomotive model the wotting prin ciple ol which was electricity with elaborate notes for its fall construction ao attempt to solve the problem of perpetual potion more ingeoioas than the screw of arcl limedes but eqaally fable was catalogued the list of mecnanical attempts tco numus to give included aod improved tafetij sir gun intended to supersede powj r iana and won derfally clever contnvanceeajibl6 of being formed into s bed a chair a table e or a bor and equally serviceable in either shape the emperor napoleon encouraged him tat hit downfall bum him toe relics are h landladys for long arrear 1 brepg h among ih rda wloa- th marshy shores of the delaware is perilous to the htmtersv in consequence of careless msjkfminship the iladelphia ttati saya that a fhijadelphian accidentally pat a few shot into the arm of a jerseynun a few days ago the ttogry jerseymaa seeing a wreith of smoke jislog out of the marshy returned the fire without geiting any- nearer to each other the two gunners dled out mto a irnali clearing where h reeds did not obstruct the view taen they qrjarrelled and finally the f erayonin pnt uo his gun to tire again his opponent followed btiit aad they both pulled triggers it the tame moment the daellista were then about forty yards apart a distance at which a greai deal of pain could be inflicted with no danger of fatal results they fired away until both were extensively punctured when they stopped by mutual consent tf clothing t s they wamdjtte with blood sjid little purple black spots where the entered shot hod dent two incidents ia my erperiexlce whales strengthens my apiniou sperm whajea the balls only have dread ful battles with each other at sea and when fighting thoaa battles are oblivious to every thing around them two hundred miles northwest of the western islands in the at lantic ocean in is52 i was an eye witness of one of these feirful combata between these leviathsiis of the deep we had jost begun our cruise snd were not ready to catch or lower for whales so we ran our ship down close to them and even ran on top of them without being lacovered the sea all round them was coloured with blood tnd in and out- of the water they fought like demons again in the celebes in 1856 witnessed another conflict then we wesfl prepaibd to take the fiah we low ered oof four boats and came upon them so unawares that we fastened to each whale and killed them with our lances at once here again wu the sea all bloody and when we hauled them alongside of tne ship long deep ridges were found ploughed in the sides of the whales and the jaws of j each were torn and bleeding t we stowed down 18s barrels of sperm cil out cf the two if a vessel as old as the barque columbia should strike one of these sperm whales the vessel going at the rate of sir or eight knots aa hour it would start her planking and spring her seams at the stern and if the tptain or crew did not kno w eaoagh to heave the vessel to draw a sail under her bow or pump ship why she would sink according to the account i read the colom bias crew did nothing but desert ber h-a- they found she- hid sprung a leak might not the columbia have run into a sperm whale while fighting a comrade a musical idiot- tee gcuiit mcduale presented to ths academy aome yyan aince ccratains the fol lowing notice oi a case of musical eensibfli- ty hignlj- developed in an idiot a fectaje about sixty years of age who when quite young wu entered anong the insane of the salpetriere wu afterwards placed in the service of 2d ilitivie she never possessed more than an exceedinglj limited intelect- wu incapable of dressing herself of doing any kind of work or even ci uttering an articulate sound when she wished to express herself she made a kind of grunting or hoarse noise and repeated it till her meaning wu understood never theless she is- a musician and her skill in sounds goes tc a very conaiderablfi extent the nrst nrconutance that led as to ob serve this talent was of a nature to fix ou attention a young- woman an inferior dan cer or actress at one of the minor theatres of pans not long since wu admitted to the hospital and placed under restraint while there the theatrical habits returned at in tervals ahe sang declaimed gesticulated and danced supporting the characters which she be bevel she filled oae day ahe extended her hands to the old idiot and sang a song to which she jumped in time tha idiot followed tfip air not the word for she could not speak but with her voice she jumped also in time and appeared to enjoy great plowm it then otxarrred to us that ahe might be able to sing anything we should propose having allowed her to finish her dance we begged ber to sing cer tain airs that wet described our collection was swonerexhaasted than hers- it wu sufficient we wen told that ahe l he ir an air once to remember it eveiv after and we soon found thatsha could repeat it whenever requested si uuerry who was present composed an air on the spot the idiot followed him and i our desire sang it- he then began another melody she again folio wedjum but instead cf stop- ping as ke did she completed the air that had beea begun iinisning it by an addition of her own which tgreea well with the be ginning wishing to ascertain what effect woddbe produced oa her by a musical in strument one of the party played on the flate she wu all eyes and ears and repeat ed the airs- that were performed k liszt wai requested to attend he touched the pianoforte in her presence i cannot express tier delight she wu immovable and with her ey fired on the eyes of the performer ti the time time biting- her fingers ahe wu in a state impossible to describe it may be said that she almost vibrated with each of the chords of tho instrument that she felt all that passed in the eool of the musician she repeated only what she jiad healed the sudden change from grave to acute sounds acted upon her with prodigious violence producing an effect similar to an elecferic shock the same passage of low and iiigh notes wu executed more than twenty time and always with the same result bhe lik ed and desired fruit wishing to learn whether ihe preferred that to music we cave her some apricots which ahe utterly i the ritualists will hold this fall two meeetingi in london to make collective demonstration of weight ud volume against the attempt to alter the prayerbook now pubbciy in prepiratioa ud to decire that regard being had to iq the circum stances tai conditions of the case it ia not expedient to make uy such attempt it this time ax rngliah paper records a siagalir occurrence a batch of rice horses were galloping at exercise at carragh when on reaching the crest of a ridge they met the 7th dragoon guards charging up the op posite slope a tiolent collision ensued be tween the racers and the front rank of dragoons ud one of the troop hones wu killed tin vtriooa womens foreign missionary societies of the ited states collected hut year 438403 with which they maintained hundreds of txiisiibnaries bible- readers teachers 4c in india ud china disregarded while liszt continued to touch the pianoforte ud only thought of them and began to eat when ahe ceased to hear the music tat olol reports thtm the pope has lately received u autograph letter from the czar who offered to the xoly fither to protect the rights ol the romas citholio clergy in poland on condition that the pontiff in turn would exerciiehis powers over he citholio clergy in russia in inducing them to assist the bauiu authorities in their straggle igsiatt the spread of revolutionary ideas ths anniversary of napoleons surrender it sedan to judge from ita celebration this year bids fair to become to the germans what jthe fourth ol july is to the united states its obterfrnoe hu been growing more c exedl is not likely to augment 1 teutonic conquerors i p- i i 3t

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