Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1879, p. 2

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v i wmm 7f acton ohurehdlreetory kcniomst auuv or cktm knvt ks ilndvij tcniirir l- k m jilt i gvtkni class alullnuiiunctvlec mlrfoi niut cvtrfitcnl k iviu llvtl dl rlal prayruic hit ps trnerxi uvdielnfr evctnaa 8 in ynyti okoptov urtj itallng pin lunti elm friday p culm svm its ulhuuu iwi i rkbibvitulix grtrvtt ft irrkehlni at 11 am hud 6p a luktlc mrmoa immedimclv anrr hnndiirlndrninsctv ceittaubatlibclkatal pwara 1 kktd it cjkikuc pallor cokmllmlvuvsat sh4lti scxxitiil ss snl irayermtllua in voliiitajevenlpfcal im a i csrbcuok ktkljlktl wrpvcwjmikiiiy jrpacufnc arai pin butoalb hchool at fc3lm i bv v iv ir tueuraliotit i luirhst kcuvicw 8anrtiincmiiaiuiiuit lipiu mhtalk kcttrvintipm irujw mi-rltutoatjltarlal-amktldaj- ttsullitrt f j j mwiptx mintwouwtarl retchlngr al u amino- rai iramrueiuejeildaja pnt metuiaiutjmsauii qncniktttrik tcirijnitmuxlaals- kkrvlctyqikfur pmcljlieal 1031 rui tuluhclioolalmiktri cvnmuc qr nifrwra mvrfflf atrixtcoryoa 4 itfwa mttvltc kanrtlikondur lneehroutliat kiniu garvtaj tiiont iprwcteosuela rtvttatueitlikckukk ftllhj ictos g ree press iot liijedevotrriittrsdav stacaioc sl for ajinum i in advance thirsi ay mirvk oct ic- lb70 agricultural societies willi everv return of the fcult show season an omiatlttaity is ogeted tar comparing tlie iudilslrics of ike country with tliote of focutcr years it must be evident that unless there is to bo i toruo rvrnianetit advantage lu be gain ed in llie way of improving stok and implements by hoi finf annual shows xhe lime and wmey spent in this way tiy gricarurei sicelis might as well ifirea xo oa wicvta tint agri cultuial societies ere- kept up to gratify uru ewriosity or for iko purpose of tne pirty nuking nioaey it the ft linso of itnotlier iirtl us neoaroo of rnformkliai that coald nc rtii be hail cr would be ianosibo witliout thcui tf itsoru whichj cam be-untocd- at fill sikjk front olieervaltoa jtlane rc- ef incftimable ruiire to every one irre- ptivw of- uiilftti v or profession but irticury to jio r rsob is bardic ftrtfcrr vho fis no id- to crake his tuhtis per ficrc mmmi rhilitl tgricuhuriiit thut rtbyof tile niruo of anilitiua la ifu firm yield thirty irriuad of ton to iiibrcme the vntrie af his stock by gty per cfety qt by int jhgntcomilrlicid lo selcet the best ehisa of igrieuithral implnnents for lis firm at tliit pre- v rtfr oar he genera tendency is o- vifrfa concentnttion thj vnhip cucreliaa r giwintf vajrto ootrntf cr- giciiatibns rnd pravincud eibibitions- beeobang mora extensive and papa- rut a great deal pro be toid in favor of cuafcdcnuiob of fihial 6ooetiep as wsug less expensijr md more benc- cial and the time is nov oporturie lo consider uie rtnstian enunosarfaishew tte aonml erhibiliqri of tha era- hiosa agricultaral society waheld at leuckvood oa tiursday last tie arathcr if wo ovedook rird ehower hicu fefl iiv tte jnorojiig- was very firoralle aadun tfie afternoon s large ermrd mtr assemhed the exlnbitors- had theiihibite rnorder by noon and the jaifff fntrnediatety courmebeed their jabotr the entries generally hieakiog- were in excess of fcial year the show otiiorier and cattfe sras jeatlyaheadbotu as tj onantitr and qnlity of last year la nluxt and hogs therewatf a good show rioto and grain were far ineicess of any previous txhilit daity prodttcta srere eicelleut in the 6ppftijtldenartluent tiiedisrjhiy was menjre- tuej utiles ovjwrwueut was re ihink more eoinjirete at tins show than aiy prfevfcrasauor of tho rrocietj tde jrwauracluring interest were not as fully rppnsented as the toicnsfiip coolojiirc td bat the exhibits of tfi class wer very good the diiiiqr of pliea was eicelleni and taid compare farorably witii many more jsrelcnjioos ei hibilions very few entrfej were aiade in peas plums pleaches old but ire snppose the late ifi of the seasot aceuauti for tfaic jur thanks are dn i the various direct- i ofs and oflicers for their courteous os- rsisamce iu obtaining the prise iist priiliit r horses draughts crooj marc t wilson j mcare h dunbar colt t boles t wilsoft fttly foal h dun- bai j jlaaree j gordon colt i yr t wilson j duff filly 1 yr f- arm strong j ifcauee gelding 2 yrs f ixsnce filly 2 yrs m- liormes v mckab t boles lipan heavy draughts j tayjor j hrcqu nt wikoii gesejlal pukfosetbroodtoare f armstrong d f stewart s scott colt foal s scot k mclaughlin j ilcqaeen filly foal j uuff d j steivsrt g dickiespn- coittyear u broira c vccdougallj bedford filly i year j xfcqueet u mcuougail r h morton gelding2 yfav laipht id swackhammer wilutriel filly 2 yr kitching r ji w craft j graham scan for general purpose j s lorree r afftson osorbj ruad os caerijtcri horses bfppd mare h head d colt or filly foal h head d nforrispn c head colt t bareea abb6ri filly 1 yrt carter r black j roycp easton ramsey morrison a abbott yr d -bar- gelding 2 yrs w d stevart iiuyz yrs t morrison span carriage horses j hiiljbouoh a anderson single horse bhifnessv moove g cogh- m liti 11 head roadster jagalw h xfauticvks j tyson hackney a aiiuquh devlin j moore cmttfc ikrhmjs aged bull k tiibot r whariovgciihluv yrs j graham wwalsona ljju i yr r a w itinrnfis currie bull cairpfjeiv j tk a burns j juktn 051 j jilsitn k t3rrco j s ixirrcc cq yrs j b lorrcc v wstson l stswaru heifer 2 yrs j cricvcicurricli4sw thbrnas heifer i yr j graliam t mccullough t talbot ucicer calf js lorrcc t div k talbot ghauk covr b a toltou c mcdougaltt talbot c6nsjtsrt talbot j ramsay iv a tolton heifer i yrs t talbot 11 ii atollon x moore- heifer i yrt dayttal- bot moore heifer caff of 1r h t a toltoii j riinisey g khcuing forking oxen in joke l hoiiies q coghlind mckeown steers 3 yre in yoke ci kitching fat cow of or steer u j slewan tibrrislt g ritch ine siirep coivwolo aged rani j raway shearling ram t waters k ovav ihomasw h burrows ram lamb auld h arkell v ramsay aged ewes t talbot j auld a raiusr ay shearlingkwes h atkcll v day j llaylor kwc lambs t wstcra h arkell j auul letcisier or otlicr ixing wooled skep aged rim m sutton j larkirv son graham shearling ram alex stewart g si e talion t wilson rani limb j parkinson m sutton g e tolton aged ewes m suttun g li tptorf j larkmso shearling ewes m sutton g e toltoh j parkinson ewe lambs j parkinson m sutton i 4 e tolton kai sheep n norrisli m sutton t talbot- a special prire for best pou ofsouthdowns not less thin one utile and four females pair blan kets r by harris t co w mtitne r wilson ptgsscffpti boar j d abbott ft wilson mason sow d is mcniir t wilson j mason boarpigof 1s7u c head t wilson scru- of is73 d ii mcnair t wilson c head bekkswrks or other small breed sow j korrish i lloriiaree g kitch- ing lioar pis of lt79 j kitching sow j kitching poultry turgqs j taylor j bolion gccsc v watson d li mc- klir ducks u carter l farkinson aged tbwts l pfcrkinscm w stovcl chickens j cummins j parkingon acrlcflturai producttosstcraik etc white wheat j stoore a ramsay c iswackhammer treadwcll or red winter wheat j bjack a swackrummer r talbot beardy spring wheat j black d mcdptigall r tallrat ouier spring wheat 1 anderson i parkinson wiahdit six rowed barlay a ramsaj- d sinilti j ramsey smil white leas r talbot t m taylor t wilson new zeahnd oats tr mclxmghlin j ramsay black oats n n orinsh j hill rye j d abbott j ralrasay timothy seed t m taylor j aiil flax teed t m taylor t wilson beans dsiiultes w wright indian corn j ndrrish w wngrt roots etcl potatoes rose t tal bot j leslie d mcduugall any other sort k mcloughkn w mutric col of potatoes w wiubughij seedisli turnips m bnriyr r croft r talifctj any other sort j ialirree m luttpn mangold wurtzel osotby i anderson winter cabbage r wharton w stovel lied cabbage w stovel j usherwood cauliflowers a abbott stovcl table carrots i anderson w wiltougliby reld carrots i anderson j aftdersoo parsnips r talbot i an- dersori blood beets j atkinson r whartqn celery i anderson k mc laughlin tomatoes mrs x parkin son wsunter onicn i anderson j parkinson other kind onions j bed ford mrs j earasay pumpkins w hutrie j ramsay j squashes- j norrish j ramsiy citrons a abbott w dotfksttc manufactures etc fair blankets hduffield lfrs d mor rison ten yardvpf flannel wrarhsa- j ramsay jfapld sugar j mceachem j rarmay honey in comb g kitch ing t it tajdor honey strained b a toltohg kitching daikv propucei firkin salt butter d mcphedran j norfish j kitching j grieyel fresh butter w sunler v mutrie j grieve g dickieson kiry cheese h dufield 1 anderson fao- toly cheese t blanchfleil leather etcset team harness j carriage haniessf m knoirles lads boots o damper gents boots w pamper tiiptekeitts erct farm wagon j nichol democrat nichbb one horse baggy g ramshavj ntcftol iron beam plowj t gibbons j fleury scarifier or horse hoe w torrance murdoch i amos turnip drill tof- rancei ricsardson irott seed har rows torrance j richardson pair wooden harrows torrance 4 richard son shod- horsejshod by member of the sodety- g ramsay r gibbons variety basket hops t m taylor iiomeirtadeiread t croft w uutrie fruit etc collection of apples t mccullough- n black a dufficid sndir j d abbott g leslie st ldw- rence s kerr nnorrisli colvert r katersg leslie hy other variety fall aiples it clack g dickieson rhode island grcinings s scott j atkinson american golden russet j atkinson j parkinson korthernrspy k rriyce t uccullough anyj other winter apples tday tsockett j fall pears day w onghtl winter pears a stcitillan d ircewetl s4mple grapes c leslie parkinson siberian grapes t uccul lough j transcendent crabs k mc- iughlin plunis- l parkinson j ramsay i ladies bepartuekt wax work uits a npiillan mrs w fafrish aiss j p toltoo wreath work urs a parkinson siiss jptollon miss r s cshenrood crotchet work in cotton uiss e strange rs a ecii mis j grieve crotchet work in wool dunn a royce urs d b mcnair mesk york mtss j p tolton mrs a parkinson krsj uutrie- worsted riisud 1 bath norrisii miss j 1 tolt in wotsud work tufi j piwtsm wuu gate mrs w bamsu squilti urktnj i ny5ull2vorkmrsaknollmiss outibar miss u it inkjiropjk d abl6wj inottish opfjkt iiiat trs 11 iolton tnlielt jwa jfjpichlmrs w istriskjffissjv parkinson j l quilt log faibirij w i vtll bountcr- panc uiss grieve 4jrsd bmcnair niss watson gents shirt hand or jnachine made urs a ticll kecdle work mrs kikctsl m a parkigspn dpa work miss j p tolton mrs w farrish worsted socks w xtutric mrs u u mc nair worsted mitts ttrs n u kcnair w mutrie ejrtcy knjttingj mrsi i nottish 3iutrie emtfuidery m muslin or cotton ni a pafkinson itiss fjight braiding n norrisii utsji tolton tatting hiss utoulsan kiss a parkinson agricultural wreath hrss n ir norriih ramsay ftxiwkrs window piafiujntsj norfish miss anderson col ofimnuals w parkinson j nomsb paririce 1 anderson w punn col stocki iis uunn col asters jinij isrslnspn nortish col fjcncli niirigqlli rs 1 parkinson coljafticin marigolds hrs j parkinson bouquet for table urs j patkuison urs l larkinsoni iojuit for hand ursj iarkihson w uiirin cimn on he preinle of tho lubiorlb- er lot 31 con 3 kquiink offy piece ncsdiy 2uu ult tl own by prfii hafiwxsb jvaritissi lu oils glass see the kidnapped returned on tuesday lint a u legisui j re ceited by mr i w tboinion froiii kki uiksoo aating that his tut sou willie was iu thai city and list iiik nbductcra wcrearrtuid tltcdslcb was a fi hows on friday nl iiist sheriff bkckloi anmlod iwoburglani in cooper and iiklgod them in jnil fere them ws a boy in their party who followed tho tfeper to tto jil iiud uslf- ed lo see his father representing that one uf tho men was bis father sheriff gale suapctilur tliat all was iit riglii nutsliiuedthi toy closely and filially sccuied s cinfssiou from hint lo in- fallowing iuect the boys oiks live in actou canada his name is williv- tbokipsou ha wa taught u7 otil cue of the men his father thii ia lw tliinl time they hafa been artfitf ktne caring canada he hsa played thtv part of kid ou tho way assisting the o incn in different waja jinmedi attly on jeceipt of uie abo mm thouiion left for kalantaino ahd found the missing lad in tho 1 anda of the prion auliioriti ivfereuca lb which wc dtp tic follawiiijr from lj kiuitaoznu tclffjrah friday mrs tho niou of acum citrad mother of the boy who wis stolen by xrxmfi arrived in town assam as tho nr- cuts heard where their child was liiey got pouoy enough lognther id iwiely bring the mother hcie having pxhaiikt- ed nearly all tluir uieaiis iu former atteuiitato gnd tlelrbey the tramps when they were int in jul luirtf to en their icrsona this was ukeh frxjiu ihctn and ycatcrhay the inoujer begm i civil actum aghinst them before j us- hnpirikluiiliiidiic- rwi ulplaodlljiwilpd and plounl in 111 action laillaolu kpr pleanflt r7rr u wt piuuwt li proilr 0 awn n tin tod anionic koofl ml u k mimr wcoi iirna cautlv fo6 u buattft4jlieradeb 1 of credo oil int til inulidnlllmlut- rvnlobytlldnttfea oo doahitftottrll- jctnaibot mew mihs maitnaiitih takes idaasbn migroriiiim uk- 4ri c twt sin vlcuilu tlialalio linlnin 11 ilaoo fnrrr 1 occulta bv k ot kia mattiiswaainf iiijfepanilfa esocula j j i oressmakiwc iaallllielateal1easiiilt roaiouiute jntobdeh uwttul 4 l gbogekies the undersigned baa jnat opened sta ple dry goods and fjeueraf jry eery store ia i ho stand op postte dr mtcturviifa residence y mill street acton ont a stock of- i new dry goods fresh family c80ceries has just bcn iieaed aind will hc told ac icnsonablc imces a share of he pritronnsc of lice alien fjr damags for kruiiaiptiir uc resident of acliulrreapccl- her child and a judgemect wnslrerhli ed against them fur 30 tbf kheriff will tiira the 40 over lo mrethoniii aon which will enable her tri reach tiorae wiih her child mrs tvnip son returned iiotue wlili her boy tuis day morning last willie says hat ihe trauiia tmatid lum well and lakighi him a now aic of tjt- they wert- eugagd iu hedging- atejling and stij tug small wares on the trip aid wert destined for chicago where they in tended to join a circus coiniiauyj willie thinks he wilt- la mtissed to jstay at home in fnture and let circus coruwnie iet along ag well as tliey can without his hssiatatice th mej who eutioed him away will pipikiblytniuo o can ada to answer the charge of aliluction the punishment for which is icomsiitere than it the uiiiccd slales i tb csaiilc j la esqacaiiift- oa ilc 15tb iast the wife o ilr a h brown of a wn full solicited hept 16 7jtr haslstt st0vs st0v8i v6heaf at hills thelfh hikktts flaar white wheat ireadarfl spring wicit ixnw red cuaff osi pels bjoy hffib per ioe butter daiiyjpackcd liattrr rolls totatocs rwr bag sliecuskiru hidea nerccwt iiypertoa fs75 to 3 i lutal it is i 2 to 1 16 i 12 to 0 u o toitotoa 0 29 to 0 31 0 to 0 gl auu is r o oao o ia o l2toau a isto o 17 o to o w 0f to q 73 ttxio w gootoo r0 almtjt sloth of all lud of stoves jiut rrcnerf aaoorfarrrf rtfthl kd ijwtfy of iron tv fted futjjl tinh rnorf aaniiiae mute in iae tnarfve cook oras of al lutivltltt thy fated fruu j- a laflmleeudsldctof it vl fc iitt taj groceries 3tati0nhy school books lli en ujelllplh itx- miktfkwwmm aw ttokaks w lii uwvvm jjftfifcfc ot purchased prindaiitf- tattew rnihla bqiintryi and w inufac f aiejaafpioaying tjhat iif- ost office store jas matthewb airton feb878 mew fall hats 8took oompleter uitjard uara llthmrmi acirmrf ljum llndaitjbm pran uutl tra teller irkfshaat tautrs uncoil seijt 17 1s7 om stock job mx ifvb i h l- u eiuallty feryftw fa ontario- we show grttrtd tiuue lri oplorstidifisa goods jltip fancytjjess jcodsitt new rfbd fiiiiouile ma- j teriaj i i i v wv-i- j black and colored silks jier ehc below j regular prices- l plain bbggaed aiia satin stbjped yelte- i tekns all hades mantle xvp millinery goodseljtyletftlhiie nweltie mantle cloths anc heateatek j- v 7 4 btianel blanketsflm vbgjlkiifi immense stockof plain amj fancy wlncetss 7 yirmfse vakjetyof brussels tapestcrv wool ltaioi ls- j y v evertbodtsuddld see ode v 5 wonderful 14 oa stjitf i soldreguhiriyiat ft bm l800t62000 f qqm to tes urn jigj ay f save money ss ii- greae barqaiimsl v ksw hew bldos slufs crrkirr utccifuufibsis s ictos mntits whit wheat 1 isilot 20 treidwell spring wheat glrgc redchaf- olu peas barley kgg per doc batter daiiypickcd batter rrilf pbutoea per bag sheepskins hides per cwt vbodperioad hay per tod straw pf lcid wool- 1 uresaerf hoga 15 tol la t 12 to i ig 0 29 ui 0 31 0 58 0g2 o aijto o 55 q 00 to 0 12 0 ului 0 u 0 mltoo 15 0 ffijto 060 0 50ito 0 75 5 uujti 5 50 8 rljto 4 00 7 00 ko 6 50 3 0to4 00 0 lslto 0 20 6 00 to 7 00 47etaowaij- r s0sdebd woes 4f 1 l aaaspboiilties iruei6dfdiirisrfmte go a xf q i iiw obusaeeslwteaitss jl v iic hlll- mpura wslt cbziri cuiiit suirtixgs casip kgk- qhioottoiti os sap aifftlisrjfbkorterlr tjaear j d williamson a co r i if you want a j good iriwl cheap stji ofclothes 1 f r if 1 gleariug- out oiir stock j v before fall goods arrive i i rwaiti coram quilts ooerkui a good i of ial anybody can lnra tn ftfike tttotitf ramif opcrktlnfelnslociw by uetwo uneirlmr ktflck fetf knccete in itemn lawrvzce gf new- circular tfiapbm6riaiou tneihndf which uils flrftr ha made io snceerariilett- abcpqutkh large of small raeanr to reap natfieb tfinawind ofordent in tamotu aqmf arc pooled into one ynit amount imji eoapcrakd at a ratebfr irhalci thus icurintf w aen hretioltkrnii ho od vauiaficrol lift inrgefj nperalor imnicnsrrolitnrgliiietf monih- iy kay ammint imtn 5 uifscoo nr mnio cnji he nfli rncekuiiy baptist weekly i september and jk78 toy bylho corafaina- tlmi rjstrm 15 would rrake o orfi perceiil i inys 5151 nc 8 ncrcntl ftloo make glflftl or 10 prwntro ltieiocit44it mofitn nffannnitvi tht mnrfcel fkakd lzklie lllusmiteb nicwbpapeii june 2flh f ttie combtnnllon methmf or ofrauntr mocks is fi nrw nceeifnl eteradoptmlf nbt youk ifriepevdcxtsept wih vtbe comdl- natloo ryfitsrdtibrodnded upon romrt burf dcitincpiearidni person 1ji be wiifti oathn income while wtilla it hkpt working- bj- mpmrs lawrence a co rnnoktyn jock- rau april s0h onr ediuir mudoa n profit of wi25 frcln 850 a on of ufkkn lflwrenco 4 ctia oorobinttlrna now cir cular maild ftee explain 0ter7tlin rtoofcuand bonds antlj govpnimenlbonili vupphedflflwenra 4 co baijton 67 ex- hanre place ny millinery jstore bopehe rfle wnsahtllehtakkt pjiea8uib li uistnlins4mabsoe wljl reopen tier millinerylhdw cbooras iik- 7t itedkegbit ottobet tit fs wiihaeiioii latoijulinrralt iu giwdt wwcli wilt lif- ow ssotioapbs the cheapest mamle and dbessttakimi tncoooectlbii wliti tde miliincry be- partment v store onitain st in tao premisw forrncrlr oeeurled by ur jh rtnlth ai a aintlurealore mlts 0 smith ailon belt 8 79 lmnr newbaotisto rp ax cotleotoetj not1c fiatepayers are hereby notirlei t ft in readineasto fay their taies rctt week aa 1 intend tocallnn tbem th08 ea8twgolfec k z vi 8 ttt wiixtajt8 ttoold respect- t v fmuytatamtaiouu rwo aeion and vlctnltv hint iie haa opened bootautinekkoptii the mnluinkonrioeue w hsioreja glove woraaon iliil bt aero anyone in warjtof a anblanul and einyiiiy t flt r arioari1iicrtru103larvetheireratuuauirl mmmn wiiaaaa fiijiuiiiagfelwjg il lijiul ii 31 u ttini krtv kik trteeds new nkit nmr ksw ssw hkss6hrtsi chetr- cutip cirexr caeirv w fi o j co- ai -4- eoaaexs mu gloves table linens ttwetonus caijir cnbat ulip casar gos hsai8tflb d l stand unexcelled for new and pateful destpn workmanship and lowirictsild jallmjeibr t np lack of choicer fffl oriered work skullullv nd rrfbtljexeentekl v m v r8ion of ths ohant l fa bazletpa bfeppetjgadham otx a an v i juh mk 1 gaaief ieddimtwi f 1 vqjkali ij ll uci 1 gasetwiedacfcetinga newesthinsut tot y eaflfallqar 2 boxes handsome brocade ftibons every madysaould8eehi l v 60 dozen lovely tjittoiibads in eyefyiafl ahaev a l9rxdiea looktogforoiioloe jjojooimiaifceibp their eytontte i avthaml r t v aswomjie adwroal rej jmttwk aatwy g j 1 i i ri i r -t- jdhii r- djyj fa if

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