Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1879, p. 4

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mm pi itsssir hhi tvyi i i ill fif i wm nmms 1 dsi dalce k dolrr f utwtmtdtty or tut mtrra ctsmv cut wide dull tacts ud ihwh 1 ri swwt u tolljv ti tike utf ttfatnn iprt tnjt5hvopiiack rtfbl tt tt uii if tlftrem powtee d mn douccs much wttit art tender jtmlh u fit ti wader fw to twite uffat u tlr at i draua oar pcfafc it flawn sport mtd toflr i rcntkt an tender yeath uidtiddr r la urttpttrfili jiipebr ftom wtawe comet tptoe slrenc it mlnuhed ifleour ouwtiu wristlet on car tt 1 blood dxtflt an tad ooitiw f tlit ut pkuan diiddlec jf decrtuc tilt old c fcl lul wifllt ul with bit troop ocuihr like i drctot oar pke it ao en prtoctod a t ludyt sport iftlfalltit tcadetywiui i tire ve like the eodi tuf tawudcmuij chuethc jijc of emi in ue kjtatt ol keep the ton ri seetuefieutla where the tuffa like draus oar prti pkbmdulitudj- lttekadliojim jw trader jxuth tad there the ltd who li whidluooqf the r there roonc umbc dll fittmaj uirih u while lie cirtxloeerk uotioc rlndlnc a tr the let suu f tand ud ttnj ud ctxiitc tbey hive ttoles the fool o m 1 like dxeusotir 1 fiovu pnaoaed la ttfadfl sport tnd otlyire roatht own tender jtwoi lore is jcaac tad sine toc tu jj thtt miy tacv end ft every dtr- fuliacfcetrtttre nxioc mil tenth u vek ud rmtit tt bou fc doc til ri thixct tooth foe eweu litiu toil or ay siftcay tbere it wbdom toajht tad soli ace is tiftt tad sic tine h hah 1 ti scocthichocnt itrrocc ths nay lcc hetds tre pey seeeut history of tio patfjinn clana xhe ghizsls ana uimtols tlie mir vols dynaatynadlr sftfl dost ho- hsiznx shott fiw and tlcoot vcbxt rexl hold hisjyifcoob r ca the loose canneries of tril4 vhch tn toppoied to ctu him falty t tte question hix be came of tmpartxnce caw teut lie ameer is beliexed ethtr to hare coanivtd at the re- ceu outbrcifc or tt icut to hire beea f orced to- suction the mototeat ia seif-de- fepce wiife tpeciil tie for instance tt- taches to him the ifaimundr who yn tn told hire ufcea ii ccfire pirt in the up- rising whxt is the ncrce of hie iaflgeaw over the grot ghflnf grotip vhom sc- cardin to a tekgruil he w called to urns ahdte ih wiat ix the prccixe relx- tioa of the pregent nxlej tad of hi d yrtacty to the pqvexfai dorxnij cua irhich bu long fanned the donrinxni element in afghanis- fxn some deirnoaji of thete matters ii enestttl to the rmtrfntri nf ctutcst teieama both- fromj a numerical icd an ti jtfit j pttn o rrajw the two forematt tribes of the afghaa or pthatr are tbz gehzils ixt tbi dceish the aacestzal home of the utter hes in and about herat ttretehic eastrard to a point amrbxb bcfaad gxsxhtr that city hoterer wu orgfnauj- axudod is the ghzi boanky which rtih coreri the whole i soatheastent part of j aftfizrnju the ghilaiff are related tp be descending from the illegitimate son of an exiled rerxxan prince shah snnrfnj bat they were the tint to thrar oat the ptmao yoke and to gire independence to the afghaa tribe who pretioaxiy had been from dezki it wi ceafaiiy and a half the neighbourhood o their chiefs and made from ifphan or much more than a that the chilrais in idahar rose agkicst kin the djtuity ihu atit ia 1707 hid i biulunt bat short areer tad tu de- ttknadml7s7bjthfl permn generil k- dir slii hie litter hid been milted in hii pnr oonqiiesta by in ag chief nuned aiimedxiuiiflheheiiloftha sodo- rje tmijj- of the amtlf clia after the duth of kidir shih his f icaten- ut let himielf up is wg in cudihir the diserrace betfeea hix djtiiity tnd thit of ilir viis being tiut ii the litter cue the ghiluisud in the former the abdilitvere the oontroffing tribe in he hope of td- peering- i the bkxirr eetisxzktefc culjce which haverer tai mt fn tholly heiled mto thii diy ahmed onomai the title of lhmidnx feni of the age tnd hetke- ferth the abdililbeoine tnorn u the dt nms at the present diy the dunnis ire nmch tfav stronger numbering iboat three qairiecs ofs mfihofl soojithereix their trdnsosil ritits dn not maifer toon thin three or four hizndredhoagind dedemi- iiinttrfbe credited with more spirit ud brxtay thgh the ghsais hire pvea imple proof af jtnxrtiil quilitia it is not howerenjtd mie sadosje bnnch of the dririnathityikoobkhin belongs dor iug the litter yurrcbj the list century ind the eulier jreitt of he present the omtms kept np the straggle lor sapremicy tnd though they were anible to gsin the throne foruenuerres they helped to truster it ta soother sahdi7isioi o the darsnk under one of ahmed shins successors t chief of the bsrucksye hrtncitbeoltne s sort of msyor of the pile tnd jtlter his murder brother who wis to be well tnoro is dost it ahxnnm displieed thebadosy hue ind bectme sole ameer st cbal it ra- not eowerer until i8u tfcit the i new btrsctsye hoase wis firmly estiblithed in the mistery of the whole country thus it sppeiri thit dost wnhsmrned sn ins grmndson the present raler cm injoke the ties of hereditiry clth hood only u rearis one brinch of the dunni tribe tnd pnst find k the other thdr most impuable enemies heretofore the ghilnis hive mjiformly sapported the present dynuty trap ttifirthitred of the htxdoiye uae wincj hid sapplsnted their own tf moreaver his i speciil hold sara them hiring mv ritd the dinghter of one of the most pro minent chiefs it wior this fict qnite is mnch is ord kbruibrooks protest which ured ytioobs life j when fire yeus tgo he irisirrestedbyhiuther ind thrown into pzuon from wfaichj he only emerged npon outbid him the time miy be ttid of tha viuiris whote country lies south ot thi kjuun vslley it wu to alridi by the j wtr who killed lord mayo 0s tht wools vtkoob khins position ill in nau respects tnsgtr thin hu fithers besides his dynutio title to the tllgiino of the birackijn brinch cf the dnrsnu rho htv for sono lime stood forth it chimpioni of the milan ud who posses in uetit tha most ootreled miliury podlion h hu diimi of hit owntotht lupportof thomohmond hill tribe which most threatens the khybor pus and of thit urge qhllui olta weote sirer itrttchci from the nelghbanrhood of ndihir their indent cipiul to the south- eut ingle of the kingdom iei staatflh0t i tits mtn who stys and doat you forget it a great many times ii his con- rcrtlioa hunt t great many things to remember a coxsrcncut man recently said i fljnd me a dollar my wife his left me and i want to advertise that i am not responsible for her debts afotkintho ittjtm atfc it called the blessed qaeeos bat it is the confounded kings that lessen your opinion of the blessed queens when joa call em were beea told j pntsccct cf mind miy itops uon in hit spring but at a rule it would oe a gteatdeil ttftr to hare a gully terentyfira feet wide between you and the lion previous to the spring kothiagit made in rain exclaims theiirnne but the next moment u an tggregite of silk lice and feathers cwpt up tha aisle ha resjiieti thit something it maiden vtini a gkaxkokc sat a long time wry itten tircly musing npon a canehottom chur at leogta he said i wonder what fellow took the trouble to find all them ar holes and put straws sround em t tee latest thing to blow up tnd kill a hire girl is a washbench one cant be too careful how he hangs trunnd the kitchen these dtys it seems ai if it wasnt even stfjs to handle soft soap or clothes pins it wis in the sixteenth century that wood yard men first discorered how to pile the sticks crosswsys in the bor snd larrap a customer out of oneeighth on every cord irte p hu and ret to this dtyour tingrt continue to wail tbout the lxt chord wsxs you see a lady running after a horsecar ihikmg her ptrasol like mad and crying out frantically here here the thought comes that all this trouble tnd vexation of spirit might hare been prerented hid she been sble to whistle on her fin gers but then theres her glove well perhips its better u it it tor following carefnllyprenircd tible shows the chsnort professional men hare of estching fish when they go fishing boc- tors 7 ia50i liwyert 3 in 5q odxtoh 10 in 50 artists 2 in 50 architects is in 50 bookkeepers s in 50 merchants 13 law professors i in so unknown small boy with straw hit tnd broken turpeudtr 0 ia 50 a colored mm wu once sited why he did sot get married why you tee tak said he i get m old mudder an i hab to do for her ye see tab an if i dont buy her shoes sn stockiae sn bread an butter she wouldnt ret none kcw ef i wu to get mirried iwonld htb to buy dem tiags for my wife sn dtt would be tskihgde shoes an stockins an bread an butter right out o my madders monf as a pslecsced holloweyed man was walking along qaeen st arenae uting i cane to support his feeble tteps a pedestnan halted him reached it a hand and said why tom ia tvs you yes its me was the mournful reply and whits the matter im all run down tnd i hare lost my place lost it how bn discharged yer sadly replied the poor mtrr tni locking forajobnaw i know of a oos dealer who wants a driver suggested the friend ico ood no rood with a mournful shake of the heao ive been to two or three and u soon as they found that my weight was down to one hundred and twenty pounds they turned right away from me cjsi is down yon know and they hare to make it up in the weight of the driver a rolrnciax who had been on terms of intimacy with actors md artisfa u suddenlv elevated to an important official position one of hit friends a distinguished actor goes to call on him and entering the office sits genially hullo old fel hows r i beg your pardoa sir says the official in a glacial manner f am occupied fori moment be so good u to take a seat the actor tits down in surprise in a chair and praently his frieud ssys kow sir what can i do for yon why dont yon know me vm i do not pce- ciselyfollow vouuystfte official hare come to- i came sir uys the actor in a terrible voice jamming hit hat down on hithead i came sir to pvt you somehintsat to deportment now that yon area pontic efficiai but by the kine gods yon dont need say good morningj ifr tlxe tack the heart si the man said who drew one when he wanted a diamond a loan in the world was given with great effect by the man who had to raise three hundred dollars by saturday noon bee ware was thepatnral eong of the honey merchant down by the setbeat shore was the sad refrain of a man whoso sonuner hotel wu eaten out by tramps dreszu baby dream was snag snd said very energetically by the man who patrolled the floor while the colic petrolled the baby goodbye sweet tart was rhunfrd by the dyspeptic mm who couldnt eat pie somebody it waiting for me wu wailed out by the man who had been to the lodge lost his night key and could see the shadow of his wues mothers nightcapped head on the curtain of the aittingroom lar board watch is thejtaronrite lay of the recent idiot who wears two wstchex sawitft tjshtffl recipe8 j sauci roll prrodutos onj cupful lugsr half cupful butler whipped to a eiao add oos coplul boumi witsr udsotld but sot boil thicken with two ttupeonfuli o ran starch add one wincglau of wins brandy it better ud a wellbntsn egg i joirenr cait one quart butlennllk one toacupful flour twothlrdi teacupful molaues a little sail one taupoooful o ulerstus one egg beaten i leave it so tliiu that it will alraoat run bake in a tin k it is not light it will be bonuse it i raid too thlot fxacuis ijccaxk peel ripe peaches i tie wonder of womans qlove a womans gbre is to her what a test- pocket is to a man but it is more capacious and in ninety nine cues out of one hun dred it is much better regulated a man will carry 200 worth of email change four matches half a dozen toothpicks a short pencil snd not yet be able to find a nickel or a match or a toothpick or a pncil or a card when he wantx it not so with a woman she has the least bit of a glare and in thafglere she carries the tiniest hand and a wad of bills tnd the memoranda for her intended purchase of dry goods and car tickets and matinee checks snd maybe a diminutive powder bag we hare no idea how the does it howsue manages fosqueeze a thousand and one things into that wee space but she does it every time ud the glore never looks the least discomposed or plethoric or mffied and when a woman wants any article concealed about that gjov the doesnt seem ta hare the leut trouble in the world getting at it aq that is required it a simple turn of the wrist the diuppear- ance of two fairy fingers add the desired article it brought to light it is a wonder that no urantcan explain cut then in halves t put them in a pceserr tag kettle with a little sugar sprinkled ore them let them heat thoroughly in a pan of hot water on tha range when the peaches art soilding hot put them in glass jars and leal them ip arru custiu pis scald the milk and let it cool grate some tweet applet to each cupful o apple hare twothirds cupful of powdered sugar four wellbeaten eggs one cupful milk oufouthb a nutmeg line an earthern pitdish with a rich crust and let it bake then fill with the custard tnd let it bake for half an hoar cakc jude fkok sous cbjuk take two ottnfuu ot powdered sugar jte eggs onehalf of a nutmeg four cupful of flower out cupful of sour cream one teitpoosful of soda dissolved in two table ipoontuls of warm water itir it well through the cream which should be put in lut ot all and bake u loon u mixed bake thit in i fourqutrt buin for one hour a hot oven isbcst lor thit cake old- xuios pictus one imsll hesd cabbage cut flat lix large onions tlioed one ear grvcn corn sliced one dozen green tomatoes sliced one pint radish pods green two ripe encumbers cut until two green cucumbers cut small 30 small cucumbers used whole one teupoouful tumeric 12 green peppers used whole if imall three cents worth of cloves oneeighth ot a pound of ground allspice oneeighth of a pound of ground cinnamon oneeighth of a pound of mustardseed oneeiehue of a pound of pepper corns onehalt pound brown cigar one quart good cider vinegar one root of chopped hone raddith boil the vinegar sugsr ipices and turmeric and pour hot over the pickles hiring brought them to a scald in weak vinegar aotekoe notes the london society of arts intends swsrdiag a gold medal for the discovery of the best means of protecting ships from fire and from sinking a coxrutxxcx of rceteorologuts it to be held st hamburg to consider the scheme proposed by cjont wilczek and lieut weyprecht for establishing ststions within the arctic circle at which meteorological obserraliont may be conducted far tretre months a exaofsalhrsciuoferceiloatqailitysnd well adapted fcr smelting has begun to be worked it chingmenehow near icung china the coal district extends for seven tyfire squire miles ud hu ten beds one of which only oue hundred feet below the surface is estimated tn contain 1200000 iocs the region contains also ramahtelros ore and it ia not improbable that an impor tant iron industry will be established j vanxocs remedies tare from time ia time been proposed to srrest the ravages of in sects which destroy books and printed pa pers there are obvloua objections to the ute of such sntidotes u wishing with a solu tion of corrcsiru sublimate in alcohol expos ing the books to the vapour ot benzine ear- belie acid hvdrocyanic acid or burning inl- phur or hsgen hu tried with success to meet the difficulty by keeping the infested volumes for an hour under the exhausted bell glut of sn airpump the result of an investigation by a gov ernment oommiaeiou in prussia to ascertain the best kind of ink to boused far official purposes hatinit been published the ob jcctioo to aniline inks is thtt they can jeaeily be washed sway by preparatioos coadiaug chlorine alizari or adaanbpe red im parts considerable permanence to the ink of which it forms in ingredient th best ink ot all however ia that made from gallnuts and it is the one recommended for writings which sre intended to withstand timel tie hnrlared british earoy sir louis cangnari wu one ot those few men created by nature to make their mark in the worlds history utterly uueoglish in hit aspect his manner hit style cf thcaght and his character of action he recalled the continental diplomatists of the moyen age it had been generally assumed at peshawur for years back that it wit only a question of tune when csragnari should be atiastin ated u had been uackson mwmm and to many ethers who had been his predeces sors in the perilous but fssdnming career of frontier management a slight man of rather feeble physique but wittt an eye like a twoedged sword he never carried arms difivring in this from john kioouoo who si ways had a pistol on bis writinztable and when at an interview a hillman jor an african waxed truculent took care to secure the first trick in the game cevagnxri writes a correspondent although he never loses his temper can oa occasion hit wonderfully straight from the shoulder i remember once riding with him to tn tppointment he had with iotas afridii to settle tome vexed lano question i remained on the road while he alone in the centre of about a dceen ttslwtrt ruffians armed to the eyebrows wslked round the field presently the loud angry accents ot a dispute reached my ears the afridii were urrounding cevagniri gesticulating with puaionate vehemence tome with bands on their daggers cavag- nari stood quiet perfectly fearless utterly impassive suddenly i saw the biggest of the f fd go down like a bullock and ceraguiri with unruffled composure return ing his hand into his pocket he had knock ed the ruffian down ud the swift thorough ness of the act cowed the fierce hillmen about rhalfway on the return journey cersgnsri remarked apologetically it wu sbsolutely nocessary fleue j dont think i lost my temper i wu perfectly cool but i wu forced to maintain my ucendancyi and then he added medit atively and i wanted also to tare my life i what there if is wheat sheaii bight titrough family relit ruler exercises wrtfrrnnfug hit daughter of one khan who war soj to have brought british tide is yi tribe it must be territory adjoining the north and the r put from 15000 to between the kir pus dwell oabul ft is also that the present oontsolorer the having been the their chiefs kowroz some months ago mohmnnds over to the rauiafetualuncle tttig ibend occupy the khyber put upon are said to be able to 1000 men into the field tez1tbidh whom tha ameer can only rnflnenca by rub- tidies in which of eotue tha english can society of the damned a curious institution still exists in paris the society of the damned these damned are dramatic authors and they meet once a month anddine at brebants their num ber hu no fixed limit only every member to be eligible most hive been hissed an eminent dramitut is selected u chairman and holds the post tor three months hit l election generally follows close on a splen- did failure m meilhac u duma4 jr if zola and m offenbach tare all filled the chair ana presided at tha monthly din ners these dinners are given on toe last friday of the month and are extraordinarily hilarious rnmuieajderlcut idler the wheat grain is a fruit cocsistiog of a seed and its corerinca all the middle part of the grain is occupied if large thin cells full of powdery substance which ebntaina nearly all the if arch of tha wheat 0 utaide the central starchy mass is a single row of squarish cells filled with 4 yellovrisii mate ria very rich in nitrogenous that is flesh forming matter beyond this sgiinj are six coats or coverings containing much mineral matter both of potash and phosphites the outermost cost it but of little value the mill products of these covtringt of the iced are peculiarly rich in nutriment and fine flour it robbed of a urge percentage of valuable and nutritious food middlings not only contain more fibrin and piineral matter than fine flour but also more fat the fibrous matter or outer coat which is indigestible forms onesixth ot the bran but not onehundredth ot the fine flour j wheat contains the greatest quantity of glutin and the smallest of starch rye a medium pro portion ot both while in barley oat and corn the largest proportion ot itarchand the smallest of gluten are to be found in prac tice 100 pounds ot flour will make from 133 to 137 pounds of bread a good average be ing 136 pounds hence a barrel containing 190 pounds should yield 26 one- pound loaves ix writing for the press if yon cant put fire into your writings you would bitter put your writingi into the fire loit ia tha 0uownb droptng the way through qoblln ql- larltt ud stumbling ovtr orlnnln skeletons mill biuia dirliog tha actnn uo ha jut returned from her european tour give th following dnmstio sccount of the mis- fortune which attended her visit to the cat combtofparli there were thirtyone of u la th party ugirdlesi o tha guide mjoaotlon that we ihould keep together on the penally of jetting lost i wandered unobseired by any of my companion or the guide into a trans versa gallery tod altorleuurely deciphering mvoral inscription that attruted my eye turned to mala an exit and rejoin tha party bat i turned la tha wrong direction and did not diacover my mistake until i hid gone soma distanee- positive at first that my ooorte wu oorreot i hurried on with out giving an alarm at loon however aa i reallted that i wit indeed lost you miy be sure thit my voice wu exerted u only a woman in distress know how to exert her voice i retraced my steps in is much ot a run ai the fl jo ot my candle permitted pausing at every opening i passed to call and listen the echoes ot my calls wen simply fiendish in the way they came back fome they wen far from human in tone more like deriiive howls uttered from the cold grinning skulls that wore luring at me on every tide with their hideous sunken eyes at these echoes only added to my tribulation i retrained from calling any mare my voice wu gone at any rate the ghoulish atmosphere seemed to defy any effort shore a hoarse whisper thus i wan dered from one gallery into another into caverns snd out of them snd back into other galleries again and all tha while going tar- ther and further jnto the most dangerous section ot the catacomb wherein suitor are never conducted i windeted this way- tor nearly two hoars the silence wu so oppressive tint even the equalling ot rats would have been welcome but the catacomb are singularly free from this vermin fie longet my candle held out i kept heart and did not despair when its flame began to flicker and grow weak i lentoed my pace carried the candle closer to the ground to enable me to avoid the skills and ribs iwu constantly stumbling over the ground wu so puty it held my feet so fli miy at limes that i imagined tome unearthly era wl- ing creature wu attacking me i emerged it list from a narrow gallery into what i thought wu an enormoas chamber but its darkness wu to black that i came to a stand still at the thro hold u it were i could not dittingush either flcor or ceilng nor ee s reatige of already familiar skulla or bones the stmoaphere wu colder snd purer than what i had yet experienced in the place itis roor rosicav i dont know what prompted me to jo it but i picked up a skull aud threw it for- wardinto the gloom in front of me to fny iuguits terror i did cot hear the thud cf ids skuuupon any round until after a few sec onds and thea i heard it away beneath tie eocompmied by a muffled ratte u though the ikuli bad fallen on and disturbed a num ber of others at the bottom of a great and unseen pit and pit it was over 150 feet deep i wu afterwards toll two or three steps more tnd i might have gone headlong down i turned to go and die aome where else but u i turned the light ot my candle expired and here nature gave way i faint ed within three feet ot the edge ot thit awful abyss the cmufnrm of the air revived me after while- i opened my eyes was i blind for i saw nothing i threw out jruy arms and felt only the slimy mud in which iwu lying i tuned my head and my cheek rested against a clammy skull oh how i prayed lor death once more i be came unconscious ud i lay for eighteen hours msentible- it wu fortunate i fell where i did had i fallen in any ot the calicries restricted to visitors i might hire lain nndueorered thirty days for u yon are aware tha citacombs aie on public new only once a month at it was i fell at a spot frequented by the wotkmeu daily employed in the place the pit near me they used u a dumpinz hols for refuse bone lit- tr had i tumbled into that pit my body would hare been covered up with tons of ghastly dumpings before the fvrch far me would hare been extended to tne awful hol low e23cctd it i wobjuux i sgain recovered consciousness just in season to attract the attention of a retreat- ing workman too exhausted to call i could only groan ind brave fellow be at once advanced in the direction of the sound jfy face clothe i ud anna were to besmeared with mud that he could not locate me until i groined tgtin i must hire been i fright ful object with my hair ill matted with the ilimy earth ud my eyes wide open upon him appealingiy but he wu a courageous fellow to return my fixed gate tai merely mutter to himself suicide ud deed l as he stooped over me i managed to touch hit foot whereupon he started up lit t spare candle placed it on the ground beside me tnd then hutened twty oh hu he abandoned me without killing me f i cried to myself i swooned again when next i revived i found myself being tenderly car ried by stainart hands up the steep main entrance steps down which i had descended so muy hours ago although i wu per fectly conscious of the fact of my rescue i diet not mazutest the least s of tire hears the newtpiper reports to the effect that i had bden found dead it wu ten oclock in the morning when i wu rescued i had been lost ia the inferno of paris since two oclock the previous afternoon j had there been uy search for you in titutedin the meutimel the reporter en quired none whatever the actress rejoined uy companions knew nothing ofmy mis fortune until they read it in the next days sfternoon pipers there wen so many of us tai we had been somewhat independent in our movements in the catacombs lagging behind or distancing each other ud dis persing unceremoniously upon regaining terra tirma that my absence could not have been definitely noted ify family were ig- norvnt ofmy having gone to the catacombs i met the party on their way there and wu persuaded to join them there was of course- no little commotion at my hotel when i failed to return that evening the police were notified end preparations made to be gin the next morning to drag the hirer seine for my remains on the suspicion that i hald been waylaid robhed ud murdered and my body cut into the river bat the intelligence of my rescue obviated that in tention mia darling here brought from an ad join ing room the once handsome dress she were on the eventful night it wu stiff and caked with mud ud irrevocably ruined this adventure of mine the heroine ooncluded is not likely to befall anyone else in the future for the guides have since been instructed to count their parties in es cort ateeatain points in the catacombs some years ago a gentleman went astray justuldid he wufounddeadtwohours sabseqoently i cannot conoeirs how i survived for i used to be a fearful oowerd if uything the mishap has made me bra ver but not by uy meant brave enough to put another night alone in those dismal catacombs i i bniimii atwu ruurxo dried applet in rots thsre ia nothing in tha world that can well ont like a woman in a crowded itrtetctr ktsvoctrsteia nn nil sumbtr of loot in iht mlcdls ana hlftsr clutst ol tadslr via et briof vr sotasur sick nsse kaewvfasi real bsaltn to who lira ceosuatls tn s town- plan of hvlns than 1 ooraal ia una vho an weak all ovtr uotth not pcfenr and eonstaotlr teak tn sir oris ortu b nay net tiptrlnim plstcus suit jrtidlns pain rtt aflv at times if act slvsrs that profcand ssbsastlafl which la many nepsets is worm thea psla tnom in that lamentable fteu bsv tin i beta nltsvccn aae many pennaesotlr by lataf uit yirnsu brier or hrroraosntms ii betas par- llculailf adaptj or thow cases to be wall draped your linen must be aultleti ud to insure it gat your shirts and furnishing at coopers 109 yougs 8t to ronto wm norris sori piano fortes organs stools covers etc aaso mnoos an ofua ironbtnl vita dsraereoeats 1 ui sidnrs sod urlnarr errant and vtu be rud to iffara that vicroau ficcau and uva uasr t pn- psnd vtui lbs mpselal purpom o mmdaftaem traublss tnd maktuf uis hsppr to um arsd tom no ban uses tl iptafc blsur c it sad u it btsur raeomniodtd atu conndsaea tar al br all deal- eta among the muy brand of smoking to bacco which have established themselves in the favour of lovers of tha weed none hu more confirmed votaries than the it b myrtle nary those who give it a trial generally make it their choice and ue qnite content to ibidc by it whatever new fancies ud fashions may come into vogue from time to time made of tobioco ot uoiform excel lence and always prepared in precisely the sans way and with the tame care it gives unvarying vetiatacfion to the user who in buying bis ping knows exactly what he is getting sach as may feel inclined to try it should be artful to see that the trade mark t 4 b in gilt letters ia stamped on each plug u tha high reputation of the ar ticle hit brought muy worthless imitations into the market iv these vfao have never tried ihst aarivaltsd pre- pentfoa far colds coafhs baarfeoast mlhaul ion inrost etc sietaui pscrosab esuik nil bat receive the leetlmoar of um maarthoatiods to hsvs fcmcefsfuuy assd it her will be tcunr wttel r it is oa ol tba oloast tad bst knowa reaibdias in j office warerooms no wuliin korrib adelaide st east- toronto wilburn dhrt the damiaioa fwrsiisbrlu dulses ttti coats psruotut isutrara bentliy k rvsnoa propris- larf at the industrial exhibition in this city recently the sight which next to the team hen attracted the largest concourse ot curious ud admiring tpeitstors wu certainly morte eccossp nous- it wu a suht not to be missed sod when seen not to w forgotten the floe effects to be gut out of toipai a building material ercite j general o idcr ud tin was scccceded in the minds of all thirfty hoasowives by unstinted sdmirition otthe toip u such ttiat thernereruw cap st all like it that they intended to gi re it a trial and if it wu uything near u good u it irok would never thiuk of using aav other were remarks heard all day through in the neighbourhood of tha stand tbtae obeervatioot were merely repetition of a judgment already widely pronounced tha champion and vie qaeen laundry soaps are unquestionably the beat in the market brtlt vbit ooax dr rc co- b xloatdla eocntderi vcuow oa s tuple sa txllcm as h has tahilltfrfudtslantamliis uaortorsr ju ootlla bobblnlon p 0 tttsws ban mi tfiarxsac ttucw onv sad finds tt umn everf parpasaifar watch tt is ncommeaded tners t notblar better far boras braises kalds etc aa better linteaeat tn lbs world dehghtful u the prolonged sutumnil weather it houceholders sre already pain fully exercised orer the problem how most effectually and most cooncnikmlly to main tain the fiht against winters cold the difficulty it in choosing from u almost boundleu rariety of heating appliucea etch of which has something to recommend it which it it claimed others lack at the reeeut great fair at guclph the brand ot ex cellence wu placed by the judges on the splendid self feeder manufactured by lud- law bowes tc of hamilton which wu iwsrded a first prize a similar certificate of excellence beiag tecured by the same firm for their splendid parlour coal stove which if certainly in material appearance utility and one of the beat in the market the boyntnn hot air furnace also their make giret utisfaetiou to those whose convenience it nits to employ this method of househeating furnaces the celebrate new harris patent air send for dltxstrated catalogue containing testimonials ten i a den given on application address j e 6 gurney 0 91 yonge street toronto 8stff itfttt toronto broah mattotarer jtadtuur nruatet jaf tumx is sktrtoyrnttt barristers si attorneys ratio tatrnru u situut eml eleotrotyparb stereotypers etc f dbxr tv ulii t lij stmt slil bwrraverst it rite atixieul fils manufacturer ftiurccvt tim grraats lslffftqante rices ipatt spr1ncmatt res lb pfttegtm dalmi tor be sprier vttinm rrprmntod bf tin cut oat it u wapchar is btturf mart iffiporunt npeeu to tar ctber la tbe ciuiceu 0bcr iareatfodj tre rfyrt to ibipabilc tot too aaeipidl ncdleoee tuilod rial fimppitnt the partbttvr buter tamitr la tlanwi mrj- other raped uuhhutt h eenred mi tbe kottmtouiuer8ivucnr trfcowtrac lm n the expeom ai errkebtoixt or tiovrokt with esbuaal cotl in klufrj patkxt spbiiid uattr3 uttr- hi oonunttkm otu ibem exsjeuteoeea ituau um beb0d in od6 point bat a ultnrtm itwiajtmcdre cuntad to um puruiimer tra lcomrort ra kjtutltouiii all vttd lure qitvl the sprite iuttm ire tnsd that ft tut or ea bare tv superior it ic peri ct d inlx ebli ittifae nthiiitqt it ceatamodxut luetf to ererr- pofctiaa o tic bodr std jie di l evcrj- tnouoa ol the tlmtx- 1- heixthfctjtfss tse biejleki uealtf exprea tbelr inure apprormj of ix bumiiibttjpabhutie for litfiidl hid perai of weitiycoiuttiuitioo tjvr uy una a it oothtajr umstc ri w tj- dcaujilttt it u ihnogl ijjvoimblrf fof ereawifi zajh vstftjagtt oat otocier coomqasjaur tlwtr it no aetii ot reiulr it it roulo ottiic rvtf b mtlerui vfth ttanitufprint uroer the eeatre rilci uxyethair w th tbe tetufctn tphnp i the eoalt dltxtakllt prtftvat taygiaj tt tever log ttt ihitx all th iprlnfi m tn audr frotn the best ftefl iprtoe rtre i g kyp t nrtw minj rromrpfllltm sleip mtorel let iwtet rartorer it t ny bat ifmple u the uct it ft teemu hre beea eretioojc- ed by pur tho lurrbxeccued their injraaitr tn conttracttw nuttretfet utd bed- ftetiix ttxd tbe naalt k tttt tbevoaidbd tleeoer u robbe i of hu needed rest bf the iittamtitaiauidrnaiur biceti sphufg mitrscffl ll per- ectlr boitckm tad thue rreahlor rail t rttinkatssel to layone vhj lui t uood tniim is t tonod bdtlt- cheapkes3 u moet mporuat cotulientioa thete crioreal timet rices sprxkg mittrfia u ofltred u loru tar trticle nf the kjud lathe mirts tbile it it taperitrt a til address w h rice toroato wire works iu king st weal toronto t a rice 560 craig street 1 f 1 moatrei quebec inilkadeak stklmi users in j 8ceajce iissociinok 8it aixr campbeu i znry bulttrfstared with out tmocitfoa e peri- odieillt ritfted tad extmiaed tad the ttsored it kept drieed u l u ooodlion ud uw proper tsesat ai i keepftar it til rifht tupecooa eta tlaobe obuiuad i without itaflattaed iofpocton rftft til ptrtt octhe- tsjantrr bteto enjlqct tnd txaft tetted hed offloeb vlclarutireet toronto- afjoxs3 geo arobb i secttmc chfef bngtnecr furniture n 0kav4 qthitut co 97 yot ttrtel boesla house ptlmt uttd ofcumdt jfart if rui pnf croee k0ulockc13 ftlu1e3 chr0m08 liauoes klrnrt etc deakrs stol or vtoetajc sl i kirrnr k baos tarthto buy only bakiiy poteder wild and improved farms tor hie chmp oa cur lermt la lie ooantroc ufflbtoa 6id fcrrdrcnjtr ind price 1sl 1 fft lind8ax box 67 petrol tt hums to delaware 100 j deltvtn trait ud rnia ftnox chetp mild betttcitaiiectaiatw rw ap aaurflth baptttaau dehwmt- living water ss or horn power rood tnpplroe lursultered vater sead lardrenlat jteitloft 88 llarr gc hunlllnr coqnty ik cknsjs for tellers dtssue of live stock and uieir entdent bemwlles send for terms to visisj obsiaolrzea t 00 pubuthsrs br- ifioiit 7l leatubk t eltlc lad axhtbluon loa- sauaracttoa rua aiuma 1 mas k sos diarloa oat artificial limbs sassf- chetp flntpnta tt ptorineul tettimoiuilt oa ipplicatioa the best mther 1 i belting la the docninioaii manufactured by e 1d1xon co- a oolboexk- st toronto snd lor pries lut sod u- eoonta v b romsaiiam ua a star in ux lead o of titto j ivsit atsx tbe canadian air gas bjacmne this ll is for ushtlar urtrste dveulnrs mills rsctaries churdus puboe halls boleis etc odl ud examinethe machine- tn opertuoa st jotief a philufs aole mautsctonr plumber and tsslluer us tort street sad oe drcnlac tnd price usi 15 madejn one day agents wanted everywhere seuw relublf peieated utlcle seut rtpldl with fijjfl profit a rood batiiie thtt reqalm tu etpttal send two 3oeat turnpe to l c bafhto st tbamtf oat tor dnriitr tai lutraotioat writ a oaoa tad mean t rood ucener uutptjt mnklerwiu ont i a few years ago anjnst flower was discovered to be a certain core or dyspep sia snd liver complaint a lew thin dy peptic made known to their friend how easily and quickly they had been enred by iti ue the great merits of qbxixs ar 0c5t flowu became heralded through tha country by one nfferer and another nntil without advertising its sale became immense druggists in every town in can ada and the united 8tatea are selling it no perwn mffering from sour stomach 81ok headaohe costlveness palpitatiosrof the heart iniigestiooj low spirits etc can take three doses without rtliet oo to your drukgist and gat a bottle or 72 cents and try it sample bottles 10 oenta hurrah f0rmanit0ba i bixtekkth paktt a ipii trila of comforttbla etn will ittrt tor manitoba on tuesday 14th oct for ptrtieolxn tddreu with se ewprittie i mtnltobt lend office ts colbornett toronto jnb oet hth lutkrty oth tetton elora elevator works stamp tod btoc ktcfainea btore houti etc cbetpeft tnd beat in the miifcet scod tor deacrip- ut eakqitr addrea j w andeesok hmuftctartr elorv out- valuable cleared jovr bjbacrlbcl gnm in e jjnblisherj advikt a i tion and i qnent in jo lines o j2 fine month gpecial isto proa iodindnill sdvsrtiseot onecy til kilepf sol adjrertil ions ihsc eordinglyf ofdtn most be inj i will not i every job irinj kdwcst chirs ot college office i erick st hence coij consnititic irom3 td i uste qui bbawcb bu jaom for the co orders left or at my promptly al terms i mechanic and drangh apli haliburtow termikiis of th viotosia bailwattirsi ud vtrjap lots lor sale c 1 blodtlsld ibnarer cuadian und ud emtrtuijo cah jibaoti or near t a bsiuss ronnbft tonwtn oatjluioisr ea0hpltjs0fths myrtle navy tobacco b domkiq agnew fitted up in tnre- com sccoinmodai iioons s tfetestlic and attentri royal t0h mr carol lear g t sonncing tol tron that 1 itted the el meet comfoa sccorhmodai the most i wines liq drinks aju in attentivtj public is 1 tffl be spar i v in gilt letters none otner is genuine r simonos saws arvsnperior to dotlxci imftii htttfwtrk ltafifcr piiki ii pr r h smith co st cilhabdres 6st bole mannractnre for the domlalon ot oaoada 8end tbr prtcm h i vtr f0l i am prtl pice for a ekina dell leather coif aocnoil inthtf ftabrattoc fueds v descripl ian erji haltonco 50000 for sale bald headed men b andaf fsastpj too co bff at lisfl p m fttmp guns guns breech and jfnctla loadixtf just arrived from england a splendid lot the best erer received also foil assortment of winciestr and otlur siflst sportiaj ooodt ote send fee my new illnstiaud eatalorue now nedr d trawbone ilfitonfwbt toronto hbsvertthlnr fully warranted it not satlsfae tory msnsyistnrasd the esecnton ct the isle mrs harr f bushes bave received tmtrucuum to sell tot sc 0 in 1th eoneeoton lnther 100 sena east ball ot ut ke t7 la tnd ooaeessten qartrraxa wist halt of lot ho x7 tn tnd eooeeeafon qarafrssi 100 acre frest halt ot lot so 2sta tadconceaiienosratraxa wo acres i ua hclt ta th eoncsai arthnr 100 aena also ftrstelan brick stores la the vfflaje et arthnr the landsare under cultivation with buildings skx and amongtrt the best tannin townahipa in canada this is a splendid opportunity for parties wishing to buy first- olass farms as they must be sold atoaoe terms o pnrcjutaers wilt be made liberal j rarrruottlarsipplxto fatbick htjohm eso bceator ol bstkea bratiratel th08 mccboesiw ksc jtxeemor waidta be- wsaleddortiu tie ei- wsfe st west be mnr tbe only one and cbauenrs ooatradieon that bu soeeeeoed in reslortnr balr tn tbe bopelesarr tsdd all teatlmoobji rtsbt myoor midst to all smictm i pfcs do wit tall to with dandruff halrfaulcf orqrerneas te e call on ohnxlea mnhunrl wintekorbyn send cc errcolari sad ttetlaoalabl noti0s to johtvctftiawfslmntt juchabd kurphytfao aru moont tars qnerpb orjnslgnmente ot sheep oattle produce and apples thoa spbrlob bon ol co fommlloa satoemen ejlnbnrgh and glaaw scot laad sstaboibed tsm satwcboediiloa wk trceijiieobmrr mirket npon iti oct i best from u to 17 cat par rami moitoo trota h to 18 ceota per poaai owalf ears can draw tsv- tturda vam hssii watt jd pau r tbe eoestra- asa oa antral w stitb bitann oakl or ranlmi every ourtetay asilreeaal by aaederor owair atrsetiailitatdictka and hack tor ersryt cattle or k0 aawti afeallar loll toe toroato market au en casnakaloei j eharjei very nodoala for torthar talonmstton apply j c0rpon stray this acton f haltonco kmpi well and n on ah tone ci and set ick stae iahej i4caahl vraan6t v 1 ok uaut k eon toroato korsttha or bos mb 1 p o toronto

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