iv re e tea- nr locat ad imal iauilv jju tcbtcntss tsrscially ix rt fht ikvretst or tus amsss p f i or bumj cocktt jrgtr reurspj r uqr wc ltit pntn trkss itiodnc and 1umith- lgsc ocxtlo the methodist church j jjrstrcet acton ool fixics titk fkuk pkiks will be lent to jjeribers lu e ii tot 100 per an f- iki advance if paid during the year us i c l l expiration of the jb f00 koyit discoatiuued till au jin u paid exeep it the ouon at uio p pbiiitr arvrrnstxa rates csnil advertise tj saiwisixntnicriiijc for tie fitst inscr- i t cu l jtailurtiobosk professional cards la or vt lenuni t square iilicc sw per annum avtbte ia fcontis kui dale of insertion any vj notice the object of- which it- pwraotc the pecuniary benefit of any in jul or company io lo cccaidcrod an x jivcrtiscncnt tiic cumber of tiues reck- ci l paco occupied measured by a i -kile- ididxoaircic dvcrtittmcuts ilhiut special iustruc- is insvrtcl till forbid and charged ac- cc-dis- orlrs for disxutinuir advcrliecutciu cat be iu writing olocrniic the publishers till ryktvspojsiuc job mitw ecry facility for rook plain ard fancy b rrirtir kqomuccd ortnci xiiut ttylra of ty ipescs god 1jvts moderate j ii 1 mooke bkliler sad ivnrictor mtd ss c- is i to linr jjaspcibxw i e rprfet i tal bed- e per- itatf o tnaily ciuegtymoailcr ci colli t- of tyticiiusind kcrgtoas w ofiocsiid ljdcccc rick st acted it the in id of fnil a- maivlx xt i deia i for nk i lead nul lceuo lagco stvictorii college ittei dcrcv coiner of mill rind frwcrkfc ttrwts cvniuiutioa diily from s to lusm tvei ti p ml f ustel mi vlaiik luiuitster quebec st gtjelph esinchofficeia ir muuhewtf buildings suu st actou ji office ores uvcky rfuinu tttm hkmstflect licensed auctioneer for tte cocaticso weliturtoa euj uslton oritrstit th ftxt ruis0i5ce acton cr1 niy cfijuute in koctwrcod- ill lc prlnttlyikcadci tq tatests- fu ilikvivtioks exte- mtiorfli ii 1 ropcrfy ceccred in cca- icl the unite l utec hd europe it- teat cuxnnued or no chtzge sciid loz pni uutmcu ci apmcy- io ojcrttion ten vcus j i henit wrist uipimlolaidi meciiaaics1 eninct r s it rflta1f sad dncghtctti f mathesok attolikv-at- u iis solicitor in clu eery c office cftdvortoavaliice5 ho tl miltoo domixiqxiuiteuactok robert arctw fnjiritir the neir hotel is ntedap ii firtciit yfct wttu new-farni- tzro corleerciil trivlkfs iriil tied goad laxoxioditioa tad commcdioas- sample cwee special attention paid fottevsnts tad sttentive hostlers iiiine rat msuds lwb- m ffc imr men tic zi- uilt bit rittt is li rbyiu doyai txckikoe hotel ac- rltok jas csjiwi proprietor mr ciepled ue cf tie eotsin eoiti car j t e stak takta jjlcsare in ri- coccirjg to his mny old frieads uil pi- trocs tlxt he his recently porvhrs 1 aid re fitted the eoyil ezearjciatheneauet and most amfortbls etylfii and ie jirepared lo tcoonnodate all who exy favoar him in tiie most cocifortible manner choice wines liqcoir gxrs and cool summer drinks always in sicck stable in charge of an aentive the patronase of thi pnblic is rvspectfclly solicited and no effort will be spared togiye the very best attention j as cthieell rtash fok skins j i am prepaid 1o piy fhchizhett cah jprice for all cuej of lamb and sheep shins delivered a my tannery lace leather conslanuy on liand ly jaalesmooitti- i ucriok sale ihertikmeow inserted a in the acroy fku plits atlowratc ih best local paper of ifaltm cb b1eths marmsesand deaths inserted free in toe atov feee ijkess the best- local paper of halnce r claeus biiiheds and circolars of every descriptioaerecuted neatly at the actos fkee prt office the best ioeal paper of haltotco- ojiituxtcatioksoalbeil otieslioni of uintert jefil gladly- be received by the actos fuee vllv the beat local paper of hilton co envelopes printed in ithc neatest style and at the lowest prices at the actok feee peem the bts local jajcr of hil ton co if yd- have frmsor farm stock for- sale advertise them in u altos pjss the best local paper of halton co meechakts and farmers alike should advertise and support the actok fkee fees- thebest jocal pajj r of halton co qtkayeb or stolen advertisements of ij this oatoxe inserted very cheap in the acros eee pec the best local paper of ha rj pnmpi pumps bumgsl vf etacais sfaoafactarer of saptrior well and cistern pimp which will bs ft in on short notice hepairin promptly done charges moderate also saws tild indtet oivehiinacill sndponfreder- i street opposite dr nrrtttdeqce w e afiams i produce bask itrowkw ir m7 tnrane modfflta olimaxlow hade at crowes irottwotlb crttelpii j k ahead of all acopetitois for oeccral pur poses r turn toel m skirt male oi 6 tucash kev feacer storer metal let ten and casting ofe kt ot jphkoeowe a wic in vinr fftnwai and no ciuitil ruked yon c in rive the basincn tral without expense the bertepportomty ever ofertd for tbote htlliog taynnt oa should try nshiig eliw until yob k iw yoursfwhatjocado at the btnnnesa we offer korcomtoerplaioliere yoacim devote all your time ot oalryonr ptine to ebinesf and tnaie gret vy every hour that yon work womra 1 u mach u mem send tat ipe pn terims and ptrtiulirt which we mill ts outfit free dont compuin of bratinv rtileyoii havesuct tcbioee aadieti n rurtf i coforoand miioe canada lom a bmkiill 0qf abi savings bank muskk iip jauis am vise xts emritosr six per cent iaterestpaid on deposits oiad upwards- safest asd iiesf securitl br dirtcitrt d ik ihisuolm iu1 preaidrlit vw keexs fjkj ofjohnvakticscol r bariuirton viceprcsituut j w iimauiiii m p hamilton lltciu htiiiutr em luuiltil iniw ruaxihtaud kk kelson cou jolts lanp uirtca iiolt ihtis esq uamiuou r k cffnolst esnoakrille wu fehuav it iuflotni ii steivris l i c b snow eh manager coltou mils duudxs moac to fcn en eutl ettaicin oorrocrr and oft tasy tenru tj ocoo cipu every weekday fnju 3 amto tiiur destek aer au 11 1stc 7cm federal bank of canada gruelpii brtuciij a c1nual banking brsisi- dsit diufrs izaa9 of excjjwe bcvgkl and sold depositors are tdlmecd interest it uie rate of fiva 5i per cjit per ti asm in the svi ba lleiixrtnknt tnd 51 0 percent pcrscnum iulellwlt lkposit receipt prorided the mosey rtmiinis intic btnk not lets thxtr cix g cionths jid titoe sv months notice be givm of its thdnwxl thomas v greet muitccr the travellers l life i lmm ins oil h- haitiiiioovs writes evervihi drsitabie ia tbc way cf life aad aciditit iusurirct- eses low secttrifc ummestioned ample dtpoit made wthtue f imition ooveirnntut i r the svcarity of cicalian ulicyholfcis eatdiipcasliill s cooooooo gosi ases itosctttf tutu litbiuti- 3s1i73s7 surplni tj policj- huder- i sflfh337 ijajisarraktaiiti acton oct btk ery gonfegl suniitfy ilcssti b t ekicklix koald inti r rust thxt itey hire opened ap their new bake shop corner of will and watt sts and that they will always le supplied with a i bread- betidis buns cjkts pastry fce ic ic a licir siwk or choice coiifectioilery wililre fomfd on littid which is all new and fresh jatwtahi cobh bttok flo ceaoked wheatc always in stock this will be found to be the pac where the best goods will be kept it the lowest yriccsr xl tctas cits b enickilk harness harness a njr person in want cif feood set of harness either i stkgl orv do ttble- sfiouldcall it creechs saddlery tactoh where they ccn get better value for their ttitmey than any place in the county a grod assortmectof ozl li 1bd7tes jnj 7alises on nand ait of which ivill be told cheap i for cash ja kepainng promptly ittehded ta e cbekch actonfeb is79 rhxro recently pablished a neir edition of- dr oalverweltfi celebrated zs7 on the kapicai atxcvpcrmaiaatt titrk withoat medicine of kerron ue- lriiityidrjt4lradphypcai incapicity ffflpmimeiittf to ee- twklting from excesses jj ii- i price m a cealea envelope only air centr or two postage stamps fcbo ce tebrsitri strt boi in dnrirablo ettay cleahy semoivtniteg from thirty yean snccesstnl practice fcoatalanoingcbn seqnencei may be radically cored without the dewgerona n e of inierahl medfime of the application oftthc knife f pointing out a mode of cure stance simple certam and eflectnal by meazia ofrhica ataryaiterrt no nutier what h eonditaoftihay mkv core himaelx cheaply privately and radical ly- thia lecture should be in ifee tfsnda of every youth and every tnaatii the lint address tbfl culterweu medical co- 47 add st kew fort fbrfoce box 4586 tho tjanff ot a sumuiur btroatn 1 k nir urc rtiscm turtx uivisxnu v fcir tnidtli io i aa riiilnt lhrort uicuwr y tikkiutliedctal btuu ifluthit iv 114 huc g luniiucrflkviu- and bv jicncvarlni fiji setiucd to lw no uc still vr llirlitrj hirj nt cuum nvt kt tue rncli the inmtf tlirn ire mlttc hanc chili ah sjanr ilw tkdod ullt ar j uifi ajj d t uirvuju tor lodely dliijtcb crept iiu f udl uia no kicr to aitp tmc tctiicr hoccr to a utv rrlt dogra i jiid irtiicr ttit it sul i tin l si in he rccl nij luinmcr ue tyr the tfuip uile lec cottm tiol limh ac for t tisy tturfirli aa otucf xax iu hartl ctiietlteclco lntlilrrcj pui the tttutt trey truufcitouliictltiiad sur wij- s the dlci ji fpco wliitc evcrj lhlnp eratd dead a til piy orn ptwc flur recml the only living am tlw ttn iiu liintic witor the irwrfec niih cxtac on viviii uie fr fir hirlitf ll w wlduid crjtul- uue a r inonttis fp ru dilsiti uaoucu uie biiowi uul n tho ud uiniitiic u cliic 11 the ikti 1 ao the tattnirit ro itt it tie uliitcr uz sul ft in tcrrcfctin u the ftxtunr lui1irr full tnd stt- tlic xkauenk iiddut ac uy rotil uid psuly 4kfek and tbc udjfcm is tcudin to tlfs my njtilimw fcim and llw iidrv6oltitli ctilrluc vtcji the dlcved bntstile tit ari4icccrturitdk ucrecti iruand tbe bright- ii uifl full uid iid ctmtctit 1 lut tav little tic is went with ih ul tikiudinj tulnslitiff ti the chjriftt6 1 nmsadl i tifl laato sjone throoi s rtuli pcrvidlcj tausn fuc tbvcrj- air islrcaihliiij wituits rajth of wn- ufertaaaj tlioccti llic vs fcctsed kite dtfvrrcd ra tfcefjuthitidnhttkr licfd ta atxinil of the jkii utb cevy filler da- i yts the blokic ru iccare for th eqrxicrutiic larr yfcea lie lonely sanrs trt cohered ia migait- cjioir uf prxise under ah evil star euuiai peiul srttlemeiitb an immense fertile tenitory lyinfl woibtetb blight of despotism somot the correspondent of the euro pean covipapori have wen a miming that tho explorations of prof rordenskjojd are detiiiedjootfpagrmt fatarefar 8- benati tqbe hoped thjt thoy may it has a sufficiently lismal pasf and lu preaent is anv thing but oheerfnh a gold on soil h hat booomo a popular designation in roasia tuv this vast ontlyf og posaeufon of the csari but it has thai far yielded little in the tfay of beeioent treasures either to its people 6r its possessors i on this side of tho world it is little thought of except ss a region of wild d unlit ion and a vast outdoor pruon for tuaias cruiiiiuls and police of- j- lender and yet its condition ts not dno cxictt the most imperious neccsiity lut she turn camfl hcriclf in tho coach to fetch me hort whereupon my unole looking very to the oiggardlnieta of oatnre so mach as to ceisliithc nikivttvnoi ttttt eltvcsfkolt j editcd bv uci1vvs uceuutok paut i t itegin with my lumblb self my father jaapx eavrtcrift vu the principal apotkecuy tf liveiihxm in tuire the mot importait tsira m the neieboiichood ot ivniuton villg- i hairecetved til edu cation superior to that of young ctrls gener ally in my ptirin bat a one ot a nnmer- otis family i bad little bcyoad my own exerctatu wde panda pqa so i gladly ac cepted tltc situation obtained for nw thrtqgh th iid6finy materual tmclei tiuu if tniii fanning some iguty acres of land on the itjllistoa estate and keeping the blue unnhosfchy in jjol listii ri cotnparioatoifisaerelyn wtltnor- who hid jcat then tni wxsiu he ir if pric 17is ben broaght to ullisum mjuor iiuue frota the flemiih unrut in which she tad received her cda- citioo s e was in fatote to reside with her father sir poyna wclmorc already nuay years a widower her age waa at this time seventeen years and fotr months my narrative rcqiures precisian en this point she wat as all the world knew oidttjisx poyns should marry agrin and have a son heixeju to lis broad linda and una reputed money savinps i will speak mjc particularlj of her presently letme first niak mention ot sir poyua ker can i forget the occasion of my first arrival at roluatcmj manor house a urge glovitny mansioa only half inhsiritod the halu rooms and pasracs all panelled with dark oak the deiliags very low com- partd with those i have lived to se in figliiuii afters decline of dtythe hotue dimly lighted adam bowles the old fenttly nunservant told me that his mas ter euslited light of every sort indeed i on difceuvered that this was the tendency of his character he wu of anoc hsbits shtianedthe company of hkeqnils received no rititors and kept irrccuur hourf often declining to join his daughter and myself for f lived en terms of perfect equality with evelyn lttbe family meals t after- waids cxmeto fesr thifc he ill appreciated tbe ray of brightnei vouchsafed him by heaven in his sweet and most eadearinz child uethinksi now see sir poyns welmore aa i sit he all ihe while walking to and fro with troubled and uncertain sir in hia pri- vatciooui kuown far and wido as tho jus tice room for he- was the only jasticcof thcwace for several miles and was oftencr caljeji upon to act in that capacity then suited his aiatrittf gracious i found him albeit tomewhat abrupt hii high lineage ever appearing in his words and bearing hevpeb tall and slightly made his features werti rgular and his countenance bore a wtaty and careworn expression his hair if sevu uncovered by his- powdered wigwis utftrly white he eoeracd as indeed he wajypretnaturely old the result of those incidents in early life which will be revealed inthe course of my storj tho words he spoks on this occasion have ltftau iiide- bblc imprcszion oa me zot that thre was mach to remark in them at thefame they wtr3 spoken hut thit tubseqiient events give them a sigmlieaace it was impossible i could then discover j midam ho said addresjagjme 6y a title to which i i srss unmarried and bat lis yeanoldcr than his daughter you are about to be entrust- td wth the charge of mjs welmore so long as- she remains miss welmore this is a grave responsibility j do yoa feel capable of- nndertifcragitt s i- replied quaking a utile far i was not accustomed to bt thus almost severely ques- tionedby gentlemen of his importance uu- dersach searching glances artfrepowbent upn me that i would do mybest morel could not promise for the life of line l was- unable to comprehend wherein could lie the grave character of he responsibility attendant pjio pasting toy days with the sweet young creature old adam bowles bad described his mistress to be good he resumed and in arderthat yoamay beihe jjeter ble toaaswr tw me for your fidaliiy to your chirge tindsrsund that t wifliperral tf no tire- woman to be about myfdanghter carrying gossip petween the hcois and the village the servantmaids will da her bidding or jours but you will fee them kept at a tesptotfiil- distance forthe restievelyn willhvofsw toilet eiigencieb 1 ineira to receive no company sucn as jwilt require tier presence at the hesdfif my table evelyn will live a seclud ed s very eecluded life it is proper that she should nay miss esrescroft there should f he sppcired to see with utiafsction that i was ktktiy imprewod by his words i have i in co fcu that it weald bo better if ha had explained hiraak moru folly ba the subject which i now know vai then fllling his mind however our oonvoctatioa vary suaa terra tested aud was free to opmraeace with evelyn welmore an acqaainunca jwcdtly to be developed into aa attach ment whiijh it is nq euggcrali n in charac- ten re as ibmlute devotian ah the time wssltlrcady not far dislant when all that the deepest devotion could oarauuud would bo of no avail 1 it paired but little effort on my part to win evelyns affections she was one made to lovo as she was to be loved a true chid of nature small though thou mv experi enca tif the world i soon tuuio to feel that with a rkaraeer so impoldve uniutpect- inj so tender situatoua might but too easily arise in which the demands of hor station would be at variance withthodio- ute of her heart the fict farm under which at an early period 6f my domeslica- lion at flolliston i learnt to approhead dan crin this rcjpcot was tliat of aom alliance with high rant or gioat wealth already set tled for her by her father i never hinted to her mylvagueappreheusinns i aowvrcll know that even had i done so none of the miicrj- in itore for her could have been turn cd arijc two faitnfiil liken case evelyn wel more thdy will horcifier be icerredto are i belitve still to be seen st rolliston manor huuse vihe had eyes tc a violet blue her brows were pencilled with ex ojmile dtltcacyjand wore darker thashsr hair wliich was f a rich lulwru her fa thers rojxartty of feature had dcfccnded to her witjli an added softneu ajid mobility characierihtic of her nature at once gentle and ardent i i soon j had my atlcutioi drawn to the very strange bearing of sirpoyas fowardi hie daogriter love her he prts did but so ta speak by fits and turtv- occa sionally hi would pwr forth if is heart to wards her in almost frantic outbursts of tendernets while on the- atfier hiad he would forldayc icttccly addfcbs hr tava oo the most ordinary nutters and in s perfect ly calm and uqimixss manner i have noted hii my scrutiny uf hitntciiobslned garing span her for many minutes with a ortofvatxnt deauindcniy after which a sssm would suddenly pass over hit fea- turesand he would abruptly tart from her as from aa object almost repulalvetb hitnj this added to his taciturnity his love of sedation j his habit of repelim all advances to intimacy from his equals in the county led me attimeatb aaitioavhethertim- cret which i morerian tuspectod washrej- iagupon his jnind had ot to some extent uaderaiined and weakened hisbaui i imigtced at first iht evelyn in her conventioosi- iffiwrance of human nature would be less ooscsuttijan myself of her fathers lrinr towardi her abandoned any aachinotion when oue day she to me- i ruth i am bscdmiog iinhappy about my father affecting ignorance of her meaning i slkedforsn explanation there is mouthing she tsweced u standsfcetweenmc and his lovej vhatoaaither i eodcavooxed to persoxde bat hit sir poynslid but carrj theccentricity he ex- hibitod on all other points into ristnsring towards her she j vis evidtmtlynottsitts- lied with my explanation j but she seldom alluded to the subject aitervards i sir poyns on the rare occasioni when he questioned me as to our outdoor occupa tions exhibited a nervous anxiety that our ercursions should cot be distant two ac tive strong and perfectly manageable ponies were placed at oucditpoeal as also was the pjohderoui fjunily coach at least k qoarter at a century old bat miss wel more neither receiving nor paying visits and the toads being little better thin tracks of mud in winter and of iooe sand hx sum mer thai vehicle was in no great request we chiefly confined ourteives to riding and walking in the woodsoronthcgraisy hills in the ritjinifypf rolliiton itself indeed the rocjued demesne ftxteriding i havie heard er more than two thousacd acres afforded such a rick variety of wood and water hill und dale that for weeks we never quitted this bcaaliul home territory adjainw the denies ae was the land held by my uncle jeremiah tvllkcs j to the village iuiv which as i have said he kept he was good kindly creature with the lovo of cjuntry rwiip peculiario his calling famed far andnear for the excel lenoe of j the ale ihaleawe3 and the solid quality bf tfac faro he set before the fre- quentersaf the blue iaat this house of entertainment standing upon highway was used by travellers of all conditions my uncle kldingiu hisjstablo always hilts dozen sdmetinies more stout roadsters to meet thej requirements of travellers on horse backor at the time in question no stage- coach ran on thit road another individu al whojdemands my notice wa robin trot ter tfipostrnan who camefrom laven- ham on three days of the week andreturn- ed thither on the other three always con triving to fepo on 8un4syatthebhit lion xavenhamwas full elcht miles dis tant from rolliston village whiohlay about half way ottkchins entire joarney tpthat he walked perfprce eomc irixteen smiles ojdly a few word abaut adam bowles the butler at the manor howe and- i shll have hained all the personages who play any part in tby earlier pages bowtes had en tered the service of the late- baronet uncle of str jpoyns as a mere boy when evelyn returned to the manor house he had passed hisbeyentjjaftli yesje t atj the universal belief that from him sit poyns hadhoswets that in faot-he- was bofeai- rant bt wfasterer might be the past events weigiung avgentsl od man towards the i household in general he wasj asdarss jwacerhed sir peyns jealous laud irrirablej and had theirof perpetually- watcnmghis stops andvoh- servingthose who deiircd to approach him i have said that the mansioa was ofaly halfiiihabitdjneitheristfe calisa meut on whstiwduld have ha deemed s nropw mtiogi asmtjwii one youngman ik twhoasorandltwj or three iin yiesta- hie betagsdl the males mandute place while- of r there werebarety iinidentfotfheiaisiwtewicfl as sir poyns clesrly never stuoiedajototnyi agflclnded that herein he but earried his love from laveaham 1 was imticdiatcly itruck fav tho extraordinary rsdisnoe of her beauty iler eyes flashed with more than their usual brilliancy there was about her a peculiar iirociaua mingled withretessnei which told mo who knew her so well that something of a not unpleasant nature had happened to her siuce we parted i was not long left to form my own speculations ruth dear she pigan before we had been seated in the coach many minutes i have so mach to tell you 1 to begin dont think me ungrateful when i say i have cot missed you nearly so raach u i feared isaoulav i assured hft t was only too glad to hoar this and ventured to hazard tho suggestion that she might possibly for the first time have found sir poyns 4 cheerful companion alas no 1 my father has been growing gloomier and gloomier ever since we went away vm thankful to say ive had oher compsniouship rthan- his a riddle for tor liatbt v other eompamonahip 1 1 cudgellod my brains for a salutioh where could she hive found who cosld have provided this oher comrnionshjg in the hoase there was mr bowca but he was only a degree more social than hi master out of it there was robin trotter to whom she was ever codescenston uielf bltc encouraging and laaghing at his drolleries after all how ever he was hot the village postruin an other person who occurred to me was my aaele wilkes many a ttmeia ourexcux- soos had she made herself at home in his palour and donchim the honour to take a glass of his home made currant or gooseberry wine veuioapftrtecilarjy oeld daysjf mulled slder wine qae after the other laughingly named thse qnlj lobe rebiked tor the ab surdity f my attempted solution never theless she admitted hat my uncle was not by auy rncaosl stranger to her here she hesitated and moaned aew acquaintance new acquaintanoe i i exclaimed- sud- dculy iczod with a terror for which e coald not account but which i- have since re- eoi as an inspired foreboding of evil j evelyn marked not the emotion which i am convinced my ccrantenance must have ba- tnyh wii toamuoh enrroseed with- her own thoughts t if i anaerstaad you rightly i pcocoeded with farced calmness tc this new acquintaaoe is known to my un cle is he alsoknown to sir poyns ob no not mytatherl theverylast o a jecrot freui your father evelyn il but only for a time be assured only for a time i i most have looked very grave for she said i lbuth- indeed you are- alarming your self without a caasei the truth is 1 am prenaxjaga surpricj for my father am situag fqr my likeness i give the painter a sitting every day rbui bacausa i desired tofetah yoa borne myself i put him off to day he fainot well plesied butl promiaed him a longer siting than rasnalto- 1 morrbwl but when do you think liupaai- ingroomhu calls it his studio is i you 11 uerer guess i its st tbe blue lton so of course mr wilkes knows him blue uottl what gin yorrmearj evelyn dear t etaetlywhatrisay- t- nay youtnust be joeting with me rthcre canbc fato pattter at the blue laonr but tome itinerant sigopamter and now i come to think of it i my ancles tignboard would be none the worei fortouchmg up a little n i well ruthf i do believe mr walter has in merry jest of courae touched up as you ay tue blue liongivoa bis eyes a ferocity theyratherjlacksd at all events ht- js a great tsyourite with mr wilkes4he painter inifeanliliturally the lion is and you wont wander when yba make mr walters acquaintanbe which yon will bo- fore anotliettwentyfourhptirsnaye passed during the whoeof our drive she rattled i on about this painter his wonderful ahlity in tie artho practisedfais pleasant conver sation his agreeable manners and though last not least liisyonth adflome- appear- ar andgillanf beaiing xratxmnecfiaa i was i felt considerably startlea ai irilyrs mod bf rtrestiilg what iiter au ittad a very ordinary paeco of business accord ingly i forthwith made- a resolution on which i proceeded- to act early on the f ollowinff morniug i walked down alone to the blue uatl passing into the tir- rlodv mrwmyiititfcrrtaaoding mb- the table opposite to a traveller who was tak- bg his breakfast my riiue fa me while the traveller ut wituis back towards me i c4tchnmy uncleseye i beckoned mm out and we went togetber into the kitchen when 1 had given tim alt mylvenhani news i told him i now expected some news from him as to news he said he had none of course miss evelyn had told me about the painter f j veryltbing what do you kncrwaboat ttipzinur v the best guest ive had for weeks rutb cimeafew days jaftcr you left doesnt talk of ieavingyetv a ixridan ssintcr i suppose he knows ixhdpnras most q his station do but hev riot tendon born hes out of staffornaaink lives at some great park or anbfher j7 s some greapark t too- mean haa beenemplqyedw paint bylhe owner bmrjlqyodlo paint wbneiih m wtafi repeat my relative s words as exactly- as may be j whytiiat owner is his own uncjeva baronet joat uke our- sir poyni andwa htlr to tboetatetfvthto tell ye how i came to know it all list week who should call in hat jack tflffmrfpjyffie jfofst shire horsrfdealer on hta way toringborough fair i heard rthetwo atalkingr tgg nsr tgrciyer sbjicogt weuafierwds- jack told me how d got one o the real old gen trv- in the hbse was a- travelling about jvith vboxb colours and brushes and meaningly it mo ob erred tint if ho know the tyranny tnd improvidence of man it what was what and widower ts he was he had been twice married ia ms time hfri welmore- wouldnt jbe very long a- makiog op bos mind when once the question o7privseytd exoem il it wu earl in ifof ember that x qoii to bolhitoiui i had been thereibpot fodr months when the tnd den and dangerous illneas of my father imperatively demanded my praenoe t home byelyn wbilahe drooei her autioipated taeiineai urged manor hooie my lather iiviiui undtr heareua t pro vidanoo reourered from hii illneu ifelt additionally ihankfnlforthh iaine once it left m freeto place tny enor giee uniliminiihedbyaotruwa jf my ojtn t the lervice of ay darling andmow thetitne via at hw nd when those energies were to be fixed to their utmost in herbs- half j evelyn knowing the diy fixed for my re- hnuting rhin lie give and the rtstdnst whit ivetold ypi aid what vm jn-jpoinj- toieu yon ritfw kath thorei remmber my anele dropped hia voioe and drew oomer rnt morulgmybambiofcit the minor foritaon my niind that this mr juhpar h f ijnlerropted with mils bvelyn telhi me fas nime is falter v ii so it fwlteijhtowillieii h- lires long onongh 5i walter aahtim he seems to hia orto notion howhs doing afoolish thing going abont paintingi to doesnt wjmtto be sjigwoi apynow u loot the young lady anat the gleathonie ielieteshim tooe ijtr why mr walter let him ti to yott ifai pe apd how for whittfori iny mwf iw iavi firj through alstdnewili is mdst folt aodas sure asmtnsmqs jeremiah oar young gen tlemjn pwnber his gotat- in juirmmd to change mils webnores name ihto his own i and why noi jruthl ascmaks i aa hmlsomaiolsoteter buckled and have aa much money between em as any two or three couples can wantrow- teil me wenhh whiti ffouriflifinion if all ai t f i repliea calmly bougt- 1 wasjoompfetety upset and bewilderid byviy uncles 4tory that it wu pse thing for mr walter aahton to have got inch an idea in his mind and ll ttrl j u infa wu put to her i trembled u i thought how well my uncles laspicioos were founded just thou a rich chcerf al voice called for mravilkcs that it mr ashtoo my uncle whisper ed he has finished breakfast fur he it wu i had seen in tho bar parlour though his face had been turned from me f he has heard plenty about yon kaih 111 tell him youre here j but before he could leave the tutchen the subject of our conversation had entered i this is my oicoo strmy uncle said ah im truly glad to see miss eaves- croft i and he took my hand with court eous familarity as it we were od friends i have tieird of the portrait you are en gaged on mr walter i said simwhat formally miss welmoto will give you snother sitting to day is your picture suf ficiently advanced to be fshowu for of course i was boand to treat him a the painter he pretended to be kot just yet he replied in a weci or maybe leas you shall sec it cn you ull me at wlut boar evelyo he ojrrtcted hiuuelf with some coafusion miss wel more will srive i did not see her before i cams away it is impossible to sayj what planar sir poyns may have formed which may iat-r- fere with his daughters you know uir mus weloiores father is one whose author- ty l oh i know all about sir poyns a very strange man miss eavescreft 1 bat i-sup- pose his daughter can do pretty much as she like with him i it not so lis clear mr walter i replied somewhat sharply you j know very fittle about sir poyns and miss welmore he teemed struck by my words and more hj my manner u i intended he should be possibly i continued miss wel more in speaking of her father may have misled you about him and his strangeness i fear she fa herself uto many point greatly in the dark about him pointaou whichyou are perhaps more enlightened v he said very earnesuy 1 am at a loesto understand what right you sir have to question me thus i spoke firmly for patting my uncles con fidence and my own suspicious together i wu growing alarmed i no right certainly miss eavesdroftj but oh ifyos knew the deepinterest i feel in all that concerns miss welmore you would refuse to tell me nothing you know which may aid me to to j i trailed myself of his hesitation to put ui coldly j finjih her portrait al speedily as pos sible you may rely upon that i promise wu a aug sitting today but now mr walter listen to me you are aware bf my position- at rolliston manor house and- so you wuthot he surprised when i say i can not coosittently withjmy duty these sittings to go on unknown to sir poyni miss welmore tells me she is pre- pannghim a snrprise lamnot atall sure thit ltwill proe an agreeable surphb ath allerenv i would icounael you to finish thiapiotiire u sooo u poasible otherwise yon ran toe risk of having the work that seems so pleasing to you cut short somewhat abruptly indeed after all i wis- now preparing what seemed to me a muterpiece ot strategy you most be prepared for the contingency of sir poynssdecuning when calied upon ait he naturatly will be to nay for your canvas and your thus having it tnrowtibackonyourbnda- here he laughed oufcight such a pleasant hearty laugh saying- then the very worst that can happen to mo will bo that i shall take away my can vas which hythe way u not eanru but panel sdaptodto fine work and on it most beantiful face i hive ever seen orever hope to see ro be cosriscm effect of exile on the mind vi muaard the amnestied ctranunist is a finelooking handsome man of thirtytwo he must have a coostitatian of iron if the hair is an evidence of good physical obudi- tion it is uihis case nutbrown glossy thick and free rem silver threads his face ia bronred and he might pau for a descend ant of voltaires proud huron if the heirht and prominence o his forehead and the ahsonoe of salient oheeklxmes did not pre serve him from having the physiognomy ot an intellectual american ind ui i in his eager ye t whioh fix well the object at which they glance and take in each detail it presents in taking id the whole there is the expression of one who hadday aftotday week after week month alter month year after year- interrogated the boricon llle dea pins is in the watery waste of the pacific and not u large u guernsey the ocean wu visible from i bhe convicts settle- ment there wu little else to do than to watch lor ships inxthe offing and to specu late on the hewslhey might bring though i found mmjssard intelligent quiet and sensible he complained iof mental drunken uess and of being daaedby reuon of the change from jiew caledonia to paris he felt his ungual nerve slultined indeed half paralyied if he attempted to give a nar- ratinrwith a beginning middle and end he loon lost the thread of his ideas and when hahadldeaa tbe wordv thaeapressedthem slipped from him a more prolonged stay iu pine tree island would have redacedhim to the state of a dumb brute i fwka0i4ur aayherbert of jee descrives a pri vate letter the pope 04 receiving the eng lish deputation u dreued in a cassock of pure the waist jbyalband of embroidered silk snd buytohed down in front showing the slippers el red silk embroidered i with a golden orbaaa cape of the same pqlodr and nuierial feu f nm the shoulders to the elbows similarly boltonod to the coat in front with soms soft jubatanae like down or ermine edging the cape aicrand the neck a goldeu cord around ihe nook resting on tho shoulders and depending in front ahj- pended a gold and jewelledcroas his white hands are narrow and the fingers long and beautifully roonded and th nsils areal- mbhd shaped and pink tinted vthe headat the crown was covered with a skull cap of the same colonr u the garment huhsode were lightly held together showing the ring of the fisherman save when raised in benedic tion he ooks tiller at a distance thanhe really is because of hiabjd whichdirtay slight and elegant wf head is over the front ld well bacli with a fringe of ter hr over the earsjpjd rpuud the back of the head jjie vrow yi periwtdflhw from ah imaginary line drawn juctioa of the eyebrows across f he ace ia the middle lob of the oar and th upper portion ol the lead soomedtiroe tuhat the sire of the base his oarriage iu quies and gentle hut there waaa world otrmna in the squa t delicate jaw- j j q a kumodr comes from paris that bonnets has room enoogh for desolation and smiling prosperitv- but of the latter it has little share with an area more than one- half greater than the whole united states it has ampuistion smaller than that of the city of london this statement shws jow far i the wof id is yet from being overcrowded and hew remote the realiiation of malthusian fears the jagged and deoplyindented coast of the north is indeed a region of des olation bound for nearly threefourths of the year in the icy grasp of an arctic win ter but its deep baysnnd gaifi audtsetotrg- itreams that come down from tbe inferior suggest that the finding of a north eastern- passage may not be in vai alrrady the adventurqus swedes trvs shown that com merce may find jsj not overperilous access from both sides of the great continent of tbe eistern hemisphere even to the heurt of siberia i below the forbidden fringe of frost there- are wide tracts mldefuess that are not alluring to marj but the whole ponthern half b the country larmr in ertexrt than r the settlod sadoajtivaiedkuiibnofta tedstates is welladapted to sustain a large ictive indujriupopibton i it would be thinlypebpled with a hundred million bonis there ire vast domains of land with a fruitful soil a genial climate and every ad vantage for an enterprising people to build up an ample prosperity the east ern coast for thousands of miles lies in vitingly open to the commerce of the paci- fie ocean tho amoor and its tributaries come don frpoi regions of golden promise and yet what is today the significance of sibena on the map of the world it has a- little more than three million inhabitants half of them the offspring of wild asiatic tribes and the rest made up of the conquer- ia and governing ruaaians of the descen dants of lugitdve serfs and thedeported of- fenders against isw or the will of tho auto- crat of bt petersburg a land of great mineral wealth it has no nianuiactnres of ir- on and no arts that make use of the metals with millions of acres of rich pasturage and vait stretches of the finest arable i land it produces no cloth no good leather and no soapr candles while otpean russia buys tallow that accumulated in jfcam and tex r as with immeasurable forests it builds few ships and with slumbering resources fn- soil ana mine beyond all estimate it presents no attractions to a commercetnat is eagerly seckingfor new fields of oonqnest wbaia the blight that broods over si be- rias vast plains seals up the riches of her mountains sod maid iier niajiyjitojnjjaiu year after year throngh solitude it is the same spirit of despotum that has brddis conteot and cnnnwvblmtabn iuiwide empirf which might offer ample opportuni ties foproaperity to thricaitspresentponu- lation lact of encouragement from tho governing power were little but positive aiscouragemeat niay prevent the develope- menlr o a country no to dvihiation si- beria has been ruled by a sucoesaion of pr0 consuls as irrespbhsible and greedy as those who sucked the lifeblood of the conquered proyinces of ancient rome tbeir work has not been the less effeeoal thattfcey were pety olncera and xnany in nuinber each with a snoall domain toplnnder the home government lias beatslxrrtrnted andindhterentiior fearful that liberty might parrh nr rrrrfi tolife and atrcngth in- the distant regions beyond the ural mountains- when the amoor district fell into the hands of theenrpire over twenty years arfb calonirauonmovemmtwaa began but the government would not allow a free choice of places of settlement or give grants- of pnjbfio landi or even stl it at low prices and the scbemodiedof straiiguutidnv tnere was a dread of jiights and privileges and of a degree oflreedom thair wputd jwnni- a iyouhg colony to live andthrivis russia 1 c mtinnes to send he sad procession of exiles over the mountains to be lost to all that makes life worth living to tie subjected to petty tyraninxhecovwb village to be buried for years ui the bar k depths of ihe mineb but of the light of beaveti and be yond the reach of the wholesome reath of nature or to be entombed in the horrid dungeons of some state prison but will not encourage or even pprriiittliatfreo ismigra- tion and settlement that woultf in tune nuke siberia the richest jewel in hererown so long as tne secret police vrithju hidpons enginery pt injustice wdpppresuon is her only agonevtor emigtaitiori this great pee- session in asia will languish arid mnuinthfli abode of misery and deflation f r3 m i 1 i iimwst the effect of different colours npon if -j- l all know that the ligat which comes to us from the bun ia eomptanded of all the colours of the rainbow that all these colours blended together mike the pure light the light bf day experiments have been made to ascertain what ia the effect of each of these colours upon both animal and vege- j table life the theory wu started some i time ago that plants would thrive best in blue i light aud that grapes especially growing in our hot houaea were benehtteolby glar ing the houses witvblne glass thehealth and vigour of the vines being greatly im- proved and as a conssqaence their produo tiveness these experiments were under- taen in order t teat this theory ahd see if the differr ntraya of the spectrum had any- beneficial effect upon life and in what de- i gree thojebmoi osasncej published in tpledo ohk resultof ihese investigations soemecpto show that nhnai live longest in thegroeu and red lights that violet ravoursdevelopement to atgreat 3e feeuqe light nextand then yellow light- lants from which twrbd light wu with held were no- longer able- to increase in- i weight butrfookto consuming thir own substance snigradually died theconclu- sion seems to be that no osie colouru sum cient for the best welfare and growth of t plants but that each the speotrom plays it own particular partutthe eoononiy of ofe and uat alltthe rays are necessary to perfect health ahdfilhetelopement m ds b has just followed his defunot wifo to the cemetery the same day after his return home a friend calls to offer him whai eonsolation io may he begs of mde b not to allow himself to be entirely cut dowii with grief yon must distract r yourself says the friehoj above all ei- erciseisiustaow needfnl tpyonrifjftis j- jro true says ihe unfortunate hushaiid i fitidthat the little promenade i taok this ii morning has done me a great deal of good tilpuowuig apecimen of some of ie yritlexaniinatinrsi oi thj oadohtpnblio n j sehoola are worth relating where ia xurmtvtbetstepmtalofch1iieyj j the pmt there lives oh bird aeeta and iuiongtails what do youknow of the pssjtorwirhewataefaiher ii ojlstmot aitew wuqalle4 hishmile and t other haygur he kept ojeatnotsaidl- turned tother into the deaiuvwnere she beoamaapillewof saltm thedjthnemhda polowof art at nhe igmktsn thatosi not raak aomeiody i- i- elsehhobmfortahle soon becomes resonie to tho growwrteyteflhutokn s w went to heatenjanbvafter srsl say there as meajhowhfikegit replied tharthe aooommoaatit able but that his halo didnt fit worth a oent if si ssffi