Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1879, p. 4

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w lskjeu- ipil wli dowsd sb did net urh far death not inslcaaukwj tsiniiiic from rauk as one wtwsolsce fears but lllea with kindly deeds the ntk roars vet fa her heart t heart ahe lived alone ami tat her roice there thrilled an nodcrtoov 11iaeeanedtarterroicwndlederltts otters aa when chenli calnvone sometlmec heart tv lonr loer murmur of a tlorm unknown wwdu the itnlund hares when he ataidt rwk lpfcua rf ttcaiatortrnett ttic chanctfte ude brines in the thlnine mdl 60 on the surface o btrlllc was mi an ever peceeel shadow of the day when tve acd joj- went hand in hull awsy 1 1 1 1 feiolnjoa- sbemfculiawuwwutttuximriwripdac that allnj- bean wtli rasue detire fit tumrf and ere the mmsax wind had taken wof i 1 10m her but the smiled aad ld 00 word the autumns oarer haod hi relrold staaped ajrf slewufcltm fm skies rrowa drear fctl rft on tnci arrtenoa bales end be cltepcd ktf nock uidwwl u w t kt i r t j sua signal vtlag suntijjbt in telotrapsrtuff houogrepii 1 553 stbs- ilfsfi fisted ksfejll vsejksvi- iis xfnc lhat our troop arc cucc more to advance totcird cabul it is satisfactory to ana- that thcr possess ia the mine hetio- grspa vrydnuicmeftmomiiatuaiag cnmtiiiict20cod tnnmtijtnc iaicllkcacc g the three oiusions urnich niarchil last icinter toiraras cabal ail kept up ucir com manicition by moans of tlib flashing mirror cftu i item r- sir sfmml bruxnt who advanced by the khyboc- pm established ucliograili aliens ill the irsy to jcllaltbid and maintained ft correspondence with hift bate it fahiwir withodt dificulty his victory at au ilusjid vatcooimttaicited from the fortress itself by signfts fltshed to pcibxwir ttd nuay 0 ihc- fpcciil corrcs- poodent employed the tuns maim for flftthing news to the tcircst tclogrtpti luticai geo kobcrts who comcuinlcd the kuxim colcmi ftnd now oamsujids it cnc more and is risking bold dub aver theshtttxrxrdia pftirc o cabal estalilixhcd heliogrxph rtfttioa t tfcost tad thecce ftuhed eipiftlft bcfc to the fprt it bmtni diatracc of sixty mile while gta stcwsrt in oommxnd of the ciadihr force tniic- tftnd commtniicitioo by heiiorph frcjn grithkio thekhojsk piss a certain height it necetsixy for the estftuithmeat of ft minor ststioa sinoe op oludcs mjist laterrene to obscure the rsys whho it lunds to reason tlut s light on lofty eminence cm be seen ftt mtch iccger dkt- 1 uce thsa cae ia s leu cjankd potitien heace it it tbatoar gencfiis in uajx hive uioilly chosen the topsoi pesses fur helio- rrsph ftstions ftad there is little doubt thst if gen roberts cn find s fuitihle spot oa the sammit of the shalftrcifdin he will be ftble to telegnpa thence train cibul whea he irrites in vax city to gen rolrcrtr tndojd we mnst c the credit of hiring introduced the slftnce heliogrsph into the british ftnny in ecdis where oaf dierl ire mostly iixincd the hesds of the snny depxrtmcnls enjoy k oeruin tmaaot of independence sod thut it ame ftboat thxfc while the heliogrsph wxc condemned it home e qosttcrnuitef genersl in t thencal uoberts poftd oittinetlyinitiaroar geo ho befit little imagined when he pet in s cood word for the he thftt he wooldbe ooe of the tirstto mtke prtticil meof thetronhnt his rccomiacnditian thxt ixl or eght instrttineats be mxdeund stored up wih the telegriph tesin st koorke some men of the apperstfld miners bung kept constantly pnetioed ia the use of the ustrcaieati shows psiaiy haw well beaadersrod its importance espodsby is he hsd foond on ttiii tht the signals given by the mirror j clear tad satisfictary sndthittbey ctn be guhj raid ia oriittry wctther with- ent tetscope up to fifty milet it wis these instruments tad these trtiaed signxues thtt pernutted the iaditn srmy to ute on- mediste tdvxnttge of the heliograph first jf til intte aidi jtit ta ist77s tad next ia the recent afghan cam psiga tfceccde of tgnsii tlthoogh of s tolerably cimple dttare can ynly be read with ease by train- ed obserters and this geaeabertt fully understood when he pointettoat the neces sity of men of the uppers tad miners i beiar kepi conauatly practiced ia the use r oftne heliograpb ax oar reiderx kaow l the maace helwgnph is now not only sa importint tfcm trf etjuiphinit io oar indisa army but has been eaiptoired to great ad- vantage in 2uiulandaaa it is but the other day that a farther despatchfif twelre instru ments wis made to the cspe- sending cigsals by meant of reflected light is no novelty but the cocitracticn a a simple apparatus that can be pat into communica- ten with a station filty nrifea off without the least difficulty aad permits a message to be seat at the rate of ten to twelve words a minute cannot bat be regarded as an ia- ocvatibnintnny sign ailing we til know that alexander the great it credited with htin guided bis sect along the persian gulf by prn of mi while it is battwo years since the united statesforces captured a tribe of tnaikn the tsez ferccs of whom the chief is sail to have carried a icokingglaas used to direct military manoevers in battles by means of reflected rsysof light their various rignificatians however nave nerer yet been found oat by the white man we are mfonaed though whatever they were they are not likely to be very complicated sign all mag by mirror has been employed too for many years in spain tad gen sir 111 codriagton tells us that wben tie was in gibraltar in l3o admirtlshenn who was thtfn in naval command at the hock used o-conrinan- cate with s friend it xaagierx rigirt acnm the it editerraaeaav by tuahei admiral sheriff employed fat toe purpose a simple toiki ukingglass and the signals he was in the habit of seeding were read and immediately answered by his friend on the other side of the strtita in the crimean war it wis stated that a system of mirrortelegraphy existed in sebaatopol and from the british lines the working of this apparatus could frequently be seen aaaimmai hints coiin suodiag wra it injorwl by cveiy divs itcuy ia cattinj tho toddec iotot xixae by riu cd iroit iad lhopln it apt io bceomo ctumgsd one ot lh mrkt of i ixe ctmf xxir ia both mcuingi ot lh word it lht hu work it ilwtyt bohiudi uiit mcini tlwtyi low at outer il tni thoreioro ot money cork llcska oom it i crop thtt noodt to bo hatuy ditpoiod at in the tiald it cutiot veil be hored ia ickt or btcnt u other gnia beetiue tho out tad hcikt ctaaot i e dried perfectly at deity itt ilia field will dot dry the ctrt thoroughly thorn it no need if wilt for the hutklnj ta weeki eipotnie inofliexnt to preptrc the crop for hulking tad in the pleuiacootor berdtyr il mty be hoiked with lea in convenience thtu uter i a aik- ot ubour mty be cflvcljd by ukink the wioa to the field tnd 1 bttket o oora it hoiked throwing it into the ber where the crop of oora it hrt two wtrgoat ml be aica oae to be lotdod while the other it lalotded thit iiret tbo ulxajr cic luadline tho corn t tccond timoi awfficieot number oc bukcd ihculd ba provided cur gtthcring the oora two wtgaat tiid t ptir ol homt will kocu twenty orjmuy hatkcneoipoyod ind iww or three buidcrt will bckopt bnty in follow ing them i afioontlavs ucsttxa the qutatity of corn tttt cm behutked ia t dty de- pendtapaa the jyicld of the crop with twenty buthet per tcre tnd mtiiy btrrea ttiilt to go ottr t mx mty husk forty buf he in t dty tr even more with t yield of sixty to eighty bcthelt t mm ctn utttk ono wro ia t illy aa ear eta bo haskll in for fccotidt tuil it eull to 900 ctrt tn uoar with good corn cqail to lixty or more bathelt in tea boars la the west where urge rare tnd good crops are crown 100 buihclt t dty h loaictimct be hotked tkit etcmplinoj the siring mvle ia working qaickly tnd itctdily tnd alio one of tbo ways ia which it piyt to grow good crops cairroct is hvswkci to tqatt npan the ftroand while buitiog ix neither com ortu nor hctlthfol to cury abcat t clt u t loss of time a good pxa u to hive ecau made of t pieoo of board to which a ttout prop or l it fattened aa1 which rry be tied roend the body of the heskcrs- sivtsu cons stalks there i no ne- ccssitr to make large ttacks of italkc at they tecp better in tmtll ours many fw mere in the exttent tnd utddie sttuc pu them up in larve akockt ic the tiekl or ajot netr the bam oinding them well cfpcciaj tf at the top tadlie fodder kce bright ted greca ia thit way this is little tron hie and the plaa aught bo followed eue- wherc with proiic ojss smct there is no doal of the hartfal character of corn smat tad cattle afcocld be prevented from devouring stalks aacted witlt it whre ui csitle trc worth more than the uboar of saving them thit may be doae by throwing- cat srtauy ttaiks by themselves tnd homing them ftmiiines roe wncir aay ftnilitcrt to be cied for whett should be spplied without deity as good a growth as poeti- blecoght to be mtde before winter soper- phosphate of lime nitrite oftodt iasoull quantitiet howercr at thissetaon oa c cocnt of its eolnbnityl fine bijincfloar per- uviaa gutao salt and plaster can each be orcd with benefit according to cirenm stances a tauhee ktlorllt kxow his owk raeil a itrtncr cannot work his farm ctfely without knowing til tboot his soil every scd should be studied tt to the effects of ccrttvn methods with fertilirvrs npoa it then the owner eta tct villi retsoatble certainty this ix the best season ia ex- perimcat upoa fall crops notimeshoold kc bwt if it is to be dune t yttr will thus bettvoi root ctors litcgtls and beets are not hardy tnd fhocld be pet away f afcly before terere frosts la pitting these roots it it weil to remember that- to prevent holing they should he pat into the pits when dry the pit shoeld act bo tco titc oc widcj bat mty bess long as desired tad veatilttor will be leeesstry it every 6 feet it is safest to finish the pit st firiv although the fall coating of earth may not be put oa until cold westher arrives is oatirxeisr late poutoer til thtt trc deg should be put sway safely before night at this seasoa it will not be safe to leatvc this tender taber erposcd otct night is t tlight frost may spoil many houses the seasoa is too fir tdvinced for tarning horses out at night a cold rain corning oa suddenly mty do much harm if hcrtcs are caught ia the rain and thoroughly drenched it will bo well to rub them dry and then blanket them as soon at they reach home but tho blankets should ntrer be put on until the horses ire thorauirhly dry cnvta asd yeakuvgs c id ind wet do much harm to- young slock and stopj the growth which- it rarely commenced again until the warm weather of the next season a rough shed in the pasture will famish usfal protection tad a small sapplyof rich food is cf vtlue in keeping op the thriftj tho urf est spphln in tho world tioma details of tio cutting ot curious diamond an inoldtotof the oommuse oatrtct the oilovring from in fntnt- cttsog article in t ooutciuprtry j turoo dtvt ifier tho suppiouion tliecoimnuno a lrit cotrospondont iyt i hive re cently bcoa fitoured with tho light of ono raoit of the firaoat jowoli intho wot id it tone thit hae lit hiiliry and itt pedigree ind ia oclebnted in the tanilt of the trtdo and in tut tnuils ot the noted gems of europe i hava held ia my hind tnd admired beneath tho rayt of the multght the finest sapphire that it known to ixiat thit boiutiful tni wellnlgh utioclcts itone oombinoa in i ilngu- urly perfect dogtoe tho leading qulinci tiom ot liio thtpe colour ind water in form it it 1 flat ovtl being tboat two inohet long by in inch tnd i hall wide it it out slightly en caboehon on lop tnd into t mul titude of tnull ficott beneath iu hue it perfect being 1 wtrtn luttroui mine lmire blue not to dark at to show black beneath the gaslight bat hiving ill the vel vety toftnoat and purity of tint that ia re- ipiircd ia 1 really fine gem of thit dcicrip- tion itt weight it three hundred cants and it bclocgt to 1 noble and wealthy kua tian family tu whoao poiaetsioa it hit been for the ptit two ceofurict tod it hit booa puccd by its owner ia the hindt ot one of the greit ditmond merchant ot paris for ute scoping oae of the kothtchililimily his offered lor it no leu i sum than 300 000 but the offer his been refuted t taked the courteoua gculcman in whoso cue it haa becu kftit to tho actual value of tho stone ho told mo that being at it was perfictly unique no peccito valuaiia could bo set upoa it but that he was inclined to ctimato it ttsoino 00000 ito tso show ed nie 1 ttring of ennrmous grtlutted itearuot extrcre purty and fiafllem the centre ono was at uiga as t tmsll cherry and he told uw that tho nockkce beluupug tj tbo noble llutsian was competed of sir similar strings of exceptional siae tho grtt sapphire wsa inountod to be worn oa a brooch being surmouuted with urge dia monds of some twenty carats etch itt guardian informoil m tint uic pcnilant be longing to thisbrcoch was cotuliosed of a large pcarthtped sapphire weighing sirty carat and set in diamond the whale ctl- lectiaa of jewel brlooiiinu tt this one fsraiiy i urth ovr kx00y there is no such sapphire as that ltgtst one con tinued my informant even among the crown jctct of uutaia myself furniahcl two viry tilic once to the empress each weighing sixty ctrats but they do not com pare with this magoificcat gem toe l3atlcmtn who spoke was well qualified to give an opinion as he ia une of the few great diamond merchants of the world and u moreover a noted expert ho it was who was recently lent foe by the itusiian government to go to st petersburg to make a full cttimato of tho yauo of tho crown jewels and he furuiahes whatever orni- ments ia preciout stoaec are purchised by the members of the imperial family the dctiitt of the diamond trade of the world are very curicua and interesting it ia mainly ooatrdlei by some tit or eight large operators there arc of course a boat of amal dealers who trade in unim portant or inferior rtoocs of comparatively little value bat the few great houses mo- nopobre ill the fine pare ted noteworthy gems the firm to whose itruita oifico i wu idmltted b ipociil favour hatb i branch in london and a buyer of their own esttbliahed tt the cape the roach ttouet tie totted at the mines whether of africa india or kraal and ire made op into pack- ares in which form they are purchased uy the representatives ot these great honies they are than sett to amiuruani to be cut the dutch eoaciauint to- moaopoiira this branch of industry most of the cutting it dne by women the aoaw cpmxdi har ing been thoroughly ahawn explained and described last lumincr it the onittrtil ex hibition the price for catting t firei pounds 23 per cirat the opertuoa be- ing ncoestarily slaw the amounts received ardnotso targe as that tariff would indi- cate the dia mqnda of ordiniry cemmcreei vjry from one to five carats ia weight one of the latter dimensions forming a good sited solitaire for an earring cr firgerring otaon hid booa ion i from llio lonrnmeat to jwnd priioncn to yen jllot 1 oonvoy of iboul two thouand wti being marched dotirn the line coq herm under i itrong oicort ot loldicn riithii itrtot ihoro ii t printing offioe and icdmpotilor who tru tiding la the do0r iv rcoojrniied 1 f riond in i tho opnvoy tnd charitably nodded to him aayiui courage t an officer ob serving tills turnod brutally on lha man tnd houtedt vou tro 1 communist too j your handiim black wilhpowdor tbty are black with printer i ink taiwered tho competitor fall in rcpuod the officer x hoard you incite the priioucti to ledi uon ind it wont be my lault if you iro not allot the wretched cbmpoaltor wu obliged to obey aid uklng his plioe itt tho raaka wu mtrchid off in hit shirt ileoret tad i piper eap on hit held at the corner of tho itroot he met hit little boy oirrying hit dinner and thelad ita to hit lide to ask him wlut wi i the matter a young officer touched by tho light mido a sign for tho father to all out and whiipcrud to him vou had bettor kit your child and icud hint home vou will probably be ihot in the avenue dot chtmpideiyicci and the boy mutt not bj i witneti ot that but wjiat hive i done lummcred out tho niicrablo man do at tell you lam ipeaking for your good replied tho officer j aid the coutpoaitar took at ouce whit he tljought would lie the last farewell of his cliila tno oulutna inavcdoi and rcsclied tlo champt kysc where general de i illifct aud his luff anpcircd oa the scene the icncial has liiico utamo t republican butho then pascd for a ikuuitraat ot the most rabid sort and le had just woa a tor- rible namo by his pitiless severity in purg ing hcllcvillo by fire and tword ordlring the colninn to bait gallifet rodo down the ranks simkiug a cigsr and proceeded to make t selection freoi among tho prisoners itt nun ma a littla tler on little shorter belter or wono dreajed older or younger than the rest he was told to fsll out when si hundred pritoncrs had thus beca ncked off they wcrciparcclci cut into squads of five and twenty firing parties of thirty men each wcra commanded to shoot thctt befcrc the ej cayl thcirtretnbling comrades wiicn the bloody tork had been accomplished the general who bad quietly continued to sinolic during fie butchery said thit will do ur tuc present wc will shoot another lot shea we retch tho triumphal arch and the order sat tivco l0 march on again tuckilj when the column ainved at the end of the avenue it enooantcted an side- uecamp wiih canio with inatrnctioiis r the govcrnmeirt thst summary erecsliont khould cease the general balked ft his prey swora t little bat he wis t man who affected gftat poliah of maancrt to turning to his captives heiaid ironically citizens yoi are rpsjiited far the present i think it kind to give you this bit of newt knowing what poltroont you all are thut the compositor kaa aavcdoa tlie very brink ef death 8teatbhdt womaxb ii ritoa toitscriit a miiiviiioi tho north lolc wiktsa comet when intnmn loifos htrrdiieii ilw ire joint itock affsirt dooaxtut rcoeplioni ire over for the ica- i i i a uooii business stand ii a ittoding adver tiiemont j lr you lctji man a loin ho will let you altiie for a long time csjtkuauotnroviilt in boston whoioin- habitanu oat bated beiui wiiat hat onoo pitied can never bo ro- called a itroet oar or instance wlltk tboiei imoko thoroi some lire ind vury often i mighty poor cigar wnxx cirdplayort diatgree they ahould pjur lfoyle on the troubled witon tlik ihorilt of blair county pa iiviod upon a gravoyard ind haa advertised it lor ulc j i lkt alwiyt carrict two oorncls ono to playupou mi tho other to be seisd by the ahcrid a ntw men cm read belwoen the linci bat nearly a 1 men go out between the acta ot pity do unto others a you would be done by but itei precious ciro thit you ire not done by then lr every piirsoa woald be half is good ts he expects lis neighbour to be what a heaven this world would be i a pkixe isj offered for the best connndram ta tho following tntwer one is a boiled onion tho other it an oiled bunion a coon firmcrt good rule food your laud before it is hungry rut it before it is weary and jweed itlcloro it is foul ak editor tayt coil oil rubbed em the neck tnd head will euro hog cholera wc htvc tried if who can dispute teatimony liko that irii wonderful how nlmtinua cm be when he knows hit cause it just and how boislf rtus hjc becomes- w hen ho en in the wiodi furnac the gblebrated hotair furnace send for illustrated catalogtie containing testimonilvla ten- ders given on application address y i c gurney jc0 91 yonge street toronto buy only 3 ontario bafclnf powder tho we be it i bora to oe quihotiiiftl eotnantlc story of nparia burderer a fmorc ode- the story of woltes ode on the batiil of sir john iloote as told aoew in ta english newspaper is that it was written after read tg a mtirkna qw xnhim by wiar scott a friend sent it to theeditorqf local paper wbo published it with tfur ini tials c w wplfe got the credit of his own work among his friends and the poem was read talked oivahd forgotten the recog nition of its merits was due to tk accident byron criticising the lyrical poetry of the ky remarked that the- finest lyric inodern timas had produced was published anooy- mously and was already forgotten lie mamtained that ther only writer qiea living who cooldprodace scclt tort wasthomas campbell byron diedsoonafterwirds and there appeared avoiume of bis f contersa- tions tbe conversation about wolfe was included in the volume and tbe poem wss thus a third time giveu to the wori this time its merit was immediately recognixed and critics were busy with their theories of its tatborship mooread sbott were both credited with it but the more genersl vmce agreed with byroa and ascribed it to cunp- bel oae critic however attributed the- suthorship to byron who be said would never have praised any work except his own in sach hyperbolical terms batolfewas alive and the authorship was established ax old gentleman croasiofc the shenandoah eivee at howellsvflle ford recently followed by a fsvoarite thepberd dog beaoi a great commotion behind aim in tnewtier xurn- ing round to seethe cause he found that his dog ha4 been seized by the tail by a monster baav ard carried under three times before he could reletm himself from its almost fatal g- what a the difference between a dairy maid aad astormy petrel onetkimi the milk aad the other skims the water new haven stguttr we deat evea now quite tee the difference trcd the psriaoor loodoa euzxltri a case is shortly to come before the pari asiss which tends to prove that he who is born to be gaillolined may expose his life with inrpanity oh the most tangmoarybattle- nei- siguier enliated st the outbreak of francogcrmaa ar in the now famoas 9th cuirassiers quickly rose to be a corporal and took part in the heroic charge made by that regiment tfc worth u heard the bullet he said to the judge rattle ukehulsginat my breastpate he wrs aaborced by a stab from the bayonet and fiaally picked up frum aoioag the dead as sooa as he reco vered from his wounds he took service again and wis oae of the defenders cf strasbourg there he was wounded sstti by shcil-splin- ter ssd tffer the capitulation of the city be was seat a pruncer to germany snd confined in the cit3tcel of breslao on iurhingto franie he settled ia psru snd became a whteainith as he wa very intelligent and clever workman he might have lived tajjpilj- miti ootuftmablr oa tua cmaxiagtr but he grew djeconteniea his temper toured he imagined himxelf tfae victim of perpetual persccations and could not resign himself to the mlsfortane of not having received the cioss of the legion of honourfoc his bravery during the wtr he took to drinkiagab- sinthe and his brain thereby became so much ittected that he had to be confined in a luoaticttsylum he left it curtd and the doctors who had ezamiaed him in con nection with the borribe crime to which he has confessed state that he is quite rtsponri- ble for his acts to come to tost crunebere sre the facts 0a the 12th of augusf isst year sbout 9 ia the moraia young woman ilmc delachxume wbo bad gone to the cemetery if sfc- oaea to prty at the tomb of her sisters was suddenly a ticked by a man with a hammer as she was kneeling on hersistem grae thebrateknocfcedheraown trod her aadcr foot- aad finally after bat tering in her skull with the hammer left htr weltering in her blood bat not before having robbed hr of a cross the wore and also of her watch and chain two other la dies bad been issaultcd and robbed in the same cemetery tfaepoutriccedeimarrect- in siguier and charged him with all three crimes for the last two mentioned he wai aoateaced to ibree months imprison mens ar for the capital charge sagnier explains it by alleging a fit of inadaess brought oa by drink he saidi i went to the cemetery of st ouea with my mechanics hammer to fasten the cross oa tfae grave of my little daughter who died recently i had prsyed freqnently for her all at once i saw the cross and watchchtia of thefcaeeling lady besides ine riisten in tbe r a hd thoaght took pocaeasiea of my brtia aad 1 struck without knowinjz whtfcidid i a sttltbace how tho ken and women amuse tfaeni selves at arcacaon i remember particularly a certain stilt- race one of the oddest nces that i ever ar six men and four women were cater ed as the howey men would say at arcachoathe women share the exercises of the mea there were then on the beach of krrscten tchankts la the jatois ot tbe ltndcs which one might be tempted to coafouad with the tspsncse or chinese idif oma a tchanka is a person mounted on stilts these ten tchankaa bad til the same tridi- tioaal costftmc without distihetioa of sex thit is to say a bcrct oa t bead a rcantlc of wool over the shoulders a buttoned doublet bare feet tnd thfc legs enveloped in a camano or leece fixed by red garter their stilts raised them five orsix focfc froa the groacd a pole served them as a third point of support scea from a diatance they looked like gigantic grasshoppiril the tchanka however is seen to perfectioh ua the bare lands motionless aad fared liket- a solitary triangle at sunset ur else when he ieana agaiast a pme tree siently knit ting stockings acdguardiag a black aud lean fioefc stern and mute in the midst of a crowd which was examining theai wito grtatcaricsitvi their thougbts were n- ccntratcd soely on the race that they were about to dixpate the prize was not muclt the victor won twenty francs bat twenty francs ia the eyes of the tchanfca represents a fortune soooj at a signal given by the president of the hte they all tea spread over the beach ho tvliag and j elljng if jt had not been for their immeose strides which pass imagiaatioa you might have taought that you were present rt aa arabiiva ftntasjl their erolatioos were tbe fame accomplished with the same rapidity ia con ditions which toached upon the impoiaiole and on ground where thestdt sank ia a foot at each step their maatles streaming u the wind like those of arabim cavagcdi they ran tnd pivoted around as deftly a if they had beeabn foot toe women wereby no means inferior ts the men one of them hi fact came in second and they were citily tobeaistingulshed by thetr more piercing cries this race wva fallowed by saaie pri vate exercises performed by the tchsnkss ia order to provoke the ceaerosity of the epectatars they jampdoy they sat dovrn aad rose up again sad they picked up or they ran pieces of money that were thrown to them- this spectacle was not the least extraordinary bouncing forward at foil speed the man wss suddenscca to stop the stilts beat fell u itere to pieces then something was eeea muring between three pieces of wood like the oody of spider in the middle c its long legs the whole performance was done with lightning rapidity the stilts rose again and the man reappeared on the top of them and resumed hisconrte oharutmowitl tuapropwd ceatnuaiuii eaiiway the jliauixa newspapers give to account of the rarioos ichcme wlifch are now being considered by the coramistioa appointed by the ruaiso iovcrnmeat to decide on the- route af the projected central asian rail way an expedition tent into txc kirgbit tteppcs under tbe directioctof the graad djkc kichjiis tu tlic auturaa ct ls77re- paitc i that the obstruction of a line froit thcorcnbnrg liailway ta fort kt 2 oa the srr otrya and thenca to uie right bank of that river t taahfcead a distance of 2000 kibmctres uom ofcabargj would not pre- teat tay eugujeering dilscaluct tnd would be of great itrttegieal impirtaacc it would however be valueless fcr commercial pur- poscft ts the kirghiz stepj eitending be tweca orehburg and the syr darya are al- raot uninhabited aad do not afford any agricuuartl prospeda acrdingto astcoad ptin the railway would r taloag the border of the stcpfk lastead ot acrosi them it would lurt from the icrmtnit t efctvrio- barg and ptvxxed by the urge tuwa cf tiu- mett to tjmslc oa the irtish the cipitsl of w cetera siberia tad to important cial otntre it would thea be cttatinued tlaag the right back of the irtish to semi- palaifi jk zaa thence touthwari to tc town of vcraolc the highest point trt versed by this hue it ouiy0 m metres tad it would ars throagh tlie most fertile part of western siberia- thus pjwerfuhyaasut- tag the commercial and industrial dcvelopc- ment of that regioii from veraolo the line would procscd totashkcnd aad thence perhaps by simarcand bokhara aad merv to xfethed where it woald join the project ed persian railway the prolongation of the railway beyond tashkend woald how ever meet with great eniucering difficulties- besides thoso arising from the hostility af the barbarous tribes which inhabit the coun try a connection between he russian railwiys tad persia might it is believed be more practically effected by extending the caucisian line from the terminus at viadi- kaakas to baku oa the caspiaa by wsy of ifosdovk and pctroysk a dtttn- of cu kilometres lialf o f which would be alonz the seacoast thlrllac woallbe of great value for developing the trade in petejicum oil which is very largely produced ia the baku district jfrom baku the connection with penia cald eaaily be made either by a railwy along the chore cf the caspian ts tar ts the gulf f enscli on whose couthcrn shore lies the important town of rcschtj or by salian to djnlfs on the line for which the ilatsita 0 ucrtl fslkeiutcin obiaiaed a cnaccssicn from tlio persian government in 1675 setu gxkzs thinks all brook trout taken under icvcn inches should be thrown bicfc bat who ewr knew a brook trout weighing lets than half a pound to be captured if you want tu coavincc a bay of ten th thii world ft sit t blank just kindly enquire sbout thes days if be it going to block out a pair of cb in whiskers for the winter ccasoo a rkeoorioc youth prompted by an n- plcaaant raocdlcctiou of the fjut term uy- thst tchooi teachers are like doge because lhcy lieu your hand this carries off he pilm x ytuj uon irsdsin rcriitts in doing nothing ays the director then re plies the woman by aa meaca tiiaooncertcd yoa ihqald give him prize for per- twvcrancc the aitorueygenersi of vtrginia givti the political preachers a rap on their eccle siastical knuckles by saving that if he were a preacher and intended to go into polit he woald srstgo to the church and turreader his ordination papers he bad kn anbarnhaircd girl and promis ed to takcher out riding she met aim at the door when he drove up and he exclaim ed hello beady sfaemiiunderitood him and they dont speak uow thus slang majocs snothcr slap at iaxnt young dream j wukk l rata is sitting on the sift on t tine eveaiag with t pretty girl tnd the con versation at getting to be decidedly interest ing to belli it is terrible to have a nail work out of the plaster and let a chrcmo of ir crossing the alps dawn oa their heads dt hvless wit once met with a severe ret itt countering a lady wbo having dccuutd tn otcrof marriage from the dtor liri mart fed a gcatlcuua cf uie name of qolncy he ejm so msdam it sprcars you prefer quihey to biles yea she replied j foe if there bad been abyllung wurac than btlea god would have afflicted job with it haliburton rpekminqs of the vi0toei4 i r uivwyfcnii sad taiace lou to k c j uulimtlu sfscr cinalisn uua sad emerujn ca r libu on or near w jjc uaiima 15 niadejn one day agents wanted everywhere sciia rctlililc ulcatot bcuclc txili rmpidej- wlui tirxz iftdt a rod busineif tlut rojairca h caoiul tti ivj jrxul wffl olc ii ic s to v st tsiotnu ont drcau uui tirtmrtiom write onceiad miare t rood utmlhal pajt silver plating spoons forks castors etc bepbitjid to ordes w millich amp co 20 to 36 adelaide stnset eot toronto to ut kaiajkr luyiirc xvtual fin urtntue co toronto btia titvtcuc tcpt ray llant fvr jour ilwrrsl ictlnncnt l my cuim uiuicr- poucj b3ijinsfjir c-nnj- fr flti ft io foiiicl ok uc wm o rtcmficr utj ytxm tnily falcax ifcdolgall arms amd on sis kasaai vxac rijstt 3000000 itffi farbals utlw dlden belt 0toaobraibij 49 to 100 btu b pir ten ttmhmmurt needed oooddiawk ptij ur tn acfioolj elmrcbet w uui oo4 ocutj raj uoad kxt mtu 4uj tni vv ind rail isfortiuikia nttce ailrm lucilliflosulodcitaiisiamntrlitift fciiwa- odco a ble38in jo womankind every hcr ow i a ionet wvit mippiil by tcfft cteriac mbchjt hie eriweg evry vvtsan bi treat tnd j 4vltc ktnel ta kn urn koine bend ic iuiiiji fgf caroiif ttibtoinlig full ptr- ticahr agentiwakteh addnr t ame lia teltt mi ileafth bcftrt cr- ocr of jwrit irt g a rr rd turtif ttimntn qtnj althoajijbha frederick ayiiijs jwife was fiftyfive years old and he only thirty ha loved her better than anything else ia the wbrld except turn i she told him that he must give up one or the other aad aalhe would not deprive himself of the lienor she deprived him of the wife by getting a di- voioe daring iix moathi he dogged ber evtrywhere she weut cons taotly e atresia og her to take hi in back bat hevecablej to comply with the condition of total absti nence that the imposed j the gerernraeufc igricultaral statistics givet some interestiagnurea of he crops in australia toe area in whmt for 1879 was 653413 tens an fncresie of 93cho acres over last year the average 1 pnly 87 baiheuper cre agiintfei2jliforlaafc year showing a large decreasj ia the amount of wheat raised though the acreage ia much increased australia will have little on no wheat to export this year the moorisli teapot there is a good deal of coflue imbibed by the lower classes of citizeaf ia unall coltcc- houtcscot freqaentedby theeliicof hoociih lociety abnondr sre occasionally roasted snd ground with tbe berries aad he miitarir it sometimes seeatod with roaewaier in the towns too the water sellers bk seems to tinkle incessantly- as with goatalria watyr- baghe perambalates the dusty streets in quest of thirstr customers kuk especially soar niilk is the pet quencher of he countryfolk bat green t is if not the national certaialy tho favourite beverage of the higher classes who to a maa prefer the perilous stimulatioa of hysoa to tbe gentle exhilaration of pekoe congou or souchong most welltodo natives take tea both be fore and after the bat three nwabvof the day so the reader wfll be prepared to believe that the consumption cf green tea in morocco is larter ia proportion to the number of its population say tooojcxxlthaa ia aay other country the tea equipage usually consists of a bright brats tray elaborately chased whereon are placed tiny glass tum bles and a small metal pearshaoed tea pov in which is pat half a handful of ii sou witb aulndezil oaf ramr and boiling water to makeatbiu t trap eft n flayontod in ueu of cream with mint or marjotaai flowers orange blossoms citron leaves and blooms wormwood or ambergris to see a moor calmly sip a dozen or more tumblerfals of the scaldinghot and sicklysweet iafasioaat oae sitting is a sight oilcalated toinspire the enropeaa spectator with a profoqud 1c miration of the adamantine aatare of native nerves and gallels i a reformed maa who was formerly a drunkard tella asorrowfulatory of his ex perience m trying to leave off the iuso of stimulapts by the aid of a nostrum advertised in chicago ho bought this ttoff at 6 a bottle having been assured that it would cure him of his longing for liquor after taking aboai 21 worth and deriving n4 benefit hejiaaded some of the nostrum to a chemist to bo analyad the chemist found that lihreefourtha of it was whiskey the ahhappymao bought no more but found other ways of reformation betterthapfwal lowing bitter whiskey at 6 a bottle a mait never knows how many friends he has until he purchases a billiard table business items tu lit ilrrculiy l4irji taut cc il to te well fa h2urci ufutcf jpaiicajtl uic ihc rtwc ratuldn it ttu tcif rtjuuf lad rracvttcc difortlcrcil f jirtti vicrutia ltatr wni lvj uiit fur lricuct diusnc ot ile li1jjt rjuxtrtit uu tit dictmtf trtcm iuumcij- u ic very beacnctt2 fcr ale gj- ill delicti it tl per bolilc tar ladies unanimously vote coopers shirts the best made the buttons remain buttonholes perfect altering unnecessary order thein st once at 109 youge st to ronto pkmosiiu rev junes trouti wtca at i hue fcacd uuiinc to ric mle more pcrmincnt relict far rfurtiacai ac brtttii or fv- cha uio- xjxai ftttotil tuujit ind cm tih coofidencc rtvocaxnctui it ut matritip i cy nitdiono tt ourna urf coldt tod ditcucs i uie tiirtn uid lact foe iilc by lildeakn it 15 cenu per bot tle- hilisx egtkxt a rtxsscj prortlciorr to agents for the best bible pabished guaranteed 3o00 iuattntions agents eolliitg infcriar billc will dj well to irritc to ns for tnns we will give them a new outfit for their od sad inftrioc on owaoiolxer co bitliu i it is oo caggrixion to j thit itexliliics iirpc taitidicait in bit the xitrtj ct41i ujcat a rmn vitboat ft mx be gwit fa tnlcuect bet hu dcodx vill be the dcau of dnrf a vtsuc miud ia t jyud fnrac is much utter liun i flint njud tu i eratr0intutaticta prcfcasioaij tnd hvilueti men who ire coaucaijiy uinlda ttd whose hibiti trc tedcutkrr tioald use viaotuaqrroniosnrrria the frcxt lrua and ncrrc taacdy to til parpmci of i fuailv modkitic eixarttbs vstwr ptli ilt be found anlaibla mmedttte re lief wju fqilaw il oae it relieve tin core chil- iiilu ftacuiitot fetid bemt earn rhcmrutikni ncunilf ct ff intnul ute il i nanc the oc wtnjieriul one or two da frmuonliy earot lofo ihrost it will cure craiin in lev ralsulw afcbcucs has often cured tiumi- oolic tts been farcd in fiftxn minutct hj- 1 crvxiiiful doe- et coxes vethlbt utmost rj idlly it ic mil t won derful medittne x jhsttw gtt toronto duns guns breed and monk loading just arrived from england a gplendid lot the bestever received- also toll assortment of winchester and other bifles 8portiiig gobds c- txt tot er oct illustrated ca aj v riidj jilrawbone j 123 tofifss5v toronto xbercrjtlc wf virrsltat if rcf uutc- jneillsons maklactvitebs of steam engines i boilers i steam pumps saw and griat mills fumialied j throughout lyon alexander 128 bay street toronto j lcadikg aocskuftuediaisiosfou photographic goods or evzey dtscnifrtos folcsrau fii tkc diimta- let the bat ra ui rrid k- v- 1 elora elevatm works stamp tad stor hicblact btore iftstt etii cfcapeft tnd ucrt ia on market send fdrdeactlp- jhr h o a- tjjti o 1st 0 3x- brdl de 1 so ho foundry q03nts ksplanade st tiimaka afw rfe simomds t-jv- am supervvr in eaohpiirooftee myrtle navy tobacco l tajffkd r mitt wirl lss ptt uiiforaiit ii hafs r h smith co st caittabikis oxt sola mnnfsrfnrw fur uie rjuunaloo of osnada sead for prtca list j brush manufacturer ilaehiw briwart jtt vtiunt sfo rgourik it i barristera attorneys w a 5is7jart so adelaide kgrf bntrravers ab wm is kinj xctl j file manufacturer ffjtu rccul that ffrrfcaut ss skcrlynirva i purditure rossin house oiil itotd of ctaada kark tl trua prop orcrobe njfouoot uii a i ltcrobe mocuxxas jtujse3c11rik0s uottoot mirrorvatc ijcaiars mud tor wtioloale aurraairfc baos torolua ttttld ahd improved f arils yl erukchmpotteasjr term in tho county o lssntitcm bend for ofrtular and i tee lint wu lindsay b a 67 prtrolis omb to delaware 100 jwawtro fraliaud train farina cbtap mild health- dimtc lis jju j irw ar orlfsttu 8nma dalaytere 0 living water ss star annr bores vi foot per boor bole 5 to 25 lachtm litnd or horse power goil ippty of iure fllvcnxl wttcr sflud fordreultr mmfuiy 05 utfy 6t hamhtpq a gents every county in csaia lor txtuirs diaeua of liva block add uclr effideol bnwlca bond for term to ssonu obkuholtzee co pniilifnsn ba il om wi i ifmal umdq dbi rjht eimuc and oieap pltt prtto u prutlndal exhibition laa- don tntimoulal on ppilcalion satisfaction rta- ratatcod addnsat i j boaktbos dralon oat dcstrin an experienced pbraidao f their ovn aex cau have accum- modatiou secured on sptilication specialty diseases ol women enclose stamp and address dr emily h bt0we phfildsa tnd accnacbeur i ui jhtirch bu toronto 500 military to be sold at greatly reduced prloes- j weliit tn totfc ilwitfitj htindred mattlii- lotdiflgi hillun rittca all in flrtcu order gvod fur that tnd hull einjolh xsxi riflod with pulu tnd efcrrtiny aifjht pid far one tbousnd yarde capwand bullet moulds given yrfch- in order to cltar thltttock tnitttoncc wc will rive special cut prices an ii the lot is difikctf ot dmapoadencciutcd fjr lure lots dcscriiuun tod termt will x lent ca rvwiit of sc tni tnj tddrou rogers manufacturing co iicccvli street turouto uatdquirrf furtilkijid u fircann etc etc t 4vk 1 i i in gilt letters noae other is genuine n6tioe to mpowsfaer8l8albrs couagnments of sheep cattle produce aaiid apples thos- 8psncs son co 1 tximaitskflinotediqburfii tnd glasgow so -t- kad estiitiiihotl 1s4h btrfunaici cnkia biit tronic glmjpw uirkct ruport lllh oct beef frmn 14 to 17 cents per pcmn4 mutton from 14 ta la cent per ixwod oiumijrneri can draw t thirjs njuc here rcigtifc tbo pid br tbs comijii- txa ontrritil of thip biunce paid or remitted crcry tnirket-jt- ta directei hj sender or offoer- a fro a4 u frrantod there tnd lick tr cxviy 20 caulfl ot iq tliecp smaller lots for toronto marsrttou uu cftnimissioa enrgs wry modcett for farther lufonntun tpftlj jgordon baiesmaa gci fiic 4 vti tcronto niroerjesor box lk3 iv 0 tonlu r j- the reasons whv j tttk firitistimerieaii cpmmercial csollege itoeonto is the onr popular builecss schooliii iwacountri bscinib its uisnos ii iti the ercat uiitrolxiila ot oulario i just hcre a bta chat bdiuo xolloe siionidb bacjtne it oorac of instraotioo u tjrcdalij- in caetrtfepanment and is admeniljdaual to tbe waita of the busfnol community- bacania its pr nclpal and teacher kno- ho and what ther tmch thej- haye the onllro conddenee of all buaiueflmdn bicaitm pniuibiiir bu boiin iand dlhe ftrrt prise at the pro1ndal fair for tnaov consctn tiraoan whn it i entered for competiuok bscschirsoiuwiiniari toiud to be rajid and relable accouuaita mauy of whom are occupifcr lhomjtetrltm of trail re 1iuuib ns bciiotsasrars tie arallable dnrim- ulc 1 sf u1 in fortrcouecet thnmrhont the uqltod statea i l btcacn m part isoi m ample ibinto of laitlon are aa low u poesible no business colleio in csnada can offer equal facilities send for cbcnlartnd ipediniri of penmsnshlp address c 0dsa 6ecrarr the imperial omiibs wringer patented 189 this uschino has no equal in the lollowina roinu ithe soil tre ef the bed while rubher nd i are jillcaniatd to the shafu ither wiu net anie- looso or crack t it i ulffattonlej when on lh tni snd can wtf wmviljtaorijatjiliiibl sttic5linoant of spring prcsisre cat beremlaled- aeouttunw lo uie wrk o be done t j t i5 pnre upon the soil r hen the w rinitor la removed from the tub hfch is a troot aavinj ot ume ithe bearni lever and tulcrvm canao the sprint fc da tbe roll are opened gtrinjpris- lureproporuonedlolhethcknes 1lt eanuu le on the tubst w donbb rvaz thuni it when irtfc 7 it 1 provlds with in apnat br arrjint the dortioi dear ol tho tub n itttaimide jthfc i 7 hamilton industrial works m merrick 8trert hamnit0i0hi 3

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