Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1879, Supplement 1

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i i i ii i h i i ll u ealton oouat7 sivott a debloed 8uc0e88 abort 8000 visitors present excellent wtathkk anti eucnbodx well pleased f 4 1 i m r k i li if the annual cxlihiilron of jealloit county agricultural society was held on their grounds at milton on thurs day and friday 9th and loth inst the weather vas cxcelleutand in fact to use a stereotyped phrase all that could be desired the society appears to lie federally fortunate in hav ing fine weather for their show and this year was no exception notwithstand ing- tlie act tliatjthe admis sion to the grounds- was raised to twentyfive cents pet capita there was an at- tendauccequal if not great- eriri windier than at any previous show ait addition to the hall of nwihg3050 was this- year made and added greatly fit favor tf the exhiiiitors and if the show conrinues to increase in the future as in the past much more space will have to he provided the proceedings on the last day were chcer- etthy the intisicj of milton brass baud whleh played at intervals daring the after noon taking altu all the show was a success inside the sheep there were some fine pigs on the ground asplcmiid lot of carriages buggies and wagons were 8hovvu ttlso- a great number of agricultural implements of various descriptions in fames of which several im portant improvements have latclyrtukeu place tme and space prevents us gi- tho display hvll was rery good all the departments being well fill ed the ladies department presented afine appearance many of the articles show ing much taste and skill on the part of the fair exhibit- ors- there were some excellent samples of butter shown both id firkin and rolls and dairy produce generally was well repre sented the- fine arts de partment- presented very creditable specimens mr gw hill carried off the red ticket for large photo graphs as well as the col lection a large display of fall wheat spring wheat barley peas oats c was mademr ai w aldte tak ing first prize- for oats a very- foil collection of apples liplumsfpeaclies pears aud other fruit as well as a splendid assortmenutf veg etables and rootswas shown in theoutsidedisplay the tarjous- classes were well represented particularly in horses and cattle the show of cattle was one of tjie best we have seen and that of sheep was no mean s represebtafion mr eobfc craine received a prize for saddle hpree- ami mr j w moore for hack horse in haniess mmc s smith wfa waldie took their usual quota orjprizcs in 1 ing a iuore detailed account of the various exhibits hut he particulars will befouud in the prize list which is the best index by which to judge of he merits of what was exhibited mr y c beaty secretarytreasurer and mr j t sarretof the ivrws have our thanks for their kind assistance in pro curing the prize list pbize idist- aoiisbsilraujid brood mate x carter v watson e hijlxfc gelding or filly 3 years j uruva a xtilsoii j mothersill gelding or glly 2 years j brown j agnew oiiioan kettle colt 2 retire t blatichard entire colt 1 par j totliensill sjirtuitcolt or filly e hillock it carter i iuvfow brood iare w g urown il howson u u wceunds gelding or filly 3ycarsj s betsey j w dowes i thompson gliding dr slly 2 tears w c brown t j black p iicjpatii gdding or filly i year t brown t j black tr coyne entire colt 2 years it howson j hume jr entire cot 1 year t blancbard c r heelands j spring colt or filly c e wcelands central purixc brocd mare a xeilson j wriggles- worth g bentley gelding or filly 3 years t brown- ridge j sherwood w denitirey gfldiug or filly 2 years j cisrk j kitcliing e hillock gelding or filly 1 year j olirer y brovrnj bugnen entire colt 1 yeirj j hitrisoniw ficfcett spring colt or filly vv watson x carter v piltereon thonuijlthrti tcith jxdijra brood mare i wliite ik and 2nd j cirk 3rd colt or filly i year j white 1st 2nd nd 3rd spring colt or itly j wlite 1st 2ad cud 3ri team ilotfi span leayy draught liores ii brown w stapleton c ijrown j ckjrdinglt sn general purjiosf t bruwn f baotl c brown t alderson span roadster j brownridge j coyne d fcatljcratone rcvuipliell caniage boiffa j coyne it elliott j hutnejr ie black hack under eaddle d w campliell b craine p laud w esston hack iioree in harness d w camp bell t clare e or j watson carriage horse r grubam e b free man g ifoore j coyne cattle durhmt aged bull w pettit h robertson j miller bull 2 years j w howes j breckon j harrison g joyce bull l year j fothergill t bok w wilson j sherwood bull calf w wtuon j alton w g petti j w howes cow calved or in calf j fothergill ii robinson j g hardy j white cbw 3 years t boak ii robinson j shite heifer 2 fears j fothergill j little t boak j iloler heifer 1 year j fothergill j hir- riion w g peltit t boak heifer calf j fothergill t boik h robinson j t gilardy herd bull and i females awned by exhibitor j fothergill t boak herd boll and 4 females not necs- sarilr all owned by exhibitor w g pettttt presidents prize for the nest fire cakes under one year bred indoned by the exhibitor from oao sire x boak dsoons heifer 2 years b olemenfs 1 ayrthirei ball j b bessey cow calved or ja calf j b bessey qraiu covr ctjwdoc in calf w cpettjtt b tuck j w bowes a cook cow 3 years w j breckoa w g petti tfc b tuck heifer 2 j ears j hartley w g peftift j main j miller heifir 1 year a cook j futhergill tt tuck w j brockon hiirsr calf t boat j early a cook voice working oxen j g hardy a thompson a it u livingxlatie fat ok or sleer g deuoon g an drews w patterson- ft cow or heifer j irartfton j w bowes w iaticreon tterd i feiunlcsj any ago w g petut b tuck sheep ulectter ram j iieaslip 0 s smith t blanchard yearling ram c s smith j w lowes a waldib s mson rim lamli c s smith t blanchard it wutsou w wilson ageil qko c s smith a wldio j v bowesj i slietrlingewes cs smith w woods j v bowes j wncghswortk ewe lambs t alderson c s siiith a waldio j w bowes pen leicestcrsc s smith cclticold ram a sfark j w bowes w freo- man shearling ram j w bowel w wil son j ivirly rira iamb w wilson a stark j w howes i i aged ewe w freeman w wilson j main two shearling ewes w wilson j w iiiwes ewe lambs j w bowes w wilson pen colawclds w wilson sttullidunif ram j featherttone sleitling ram s ilason w justin son agoi ewes w justin t son a siatk yearling ewes w jusfin s mason ewe umbs a swrfc s mason ram limb s mason j alton fatted weathers i denoon g andrews fatted ewes a stark j main lincoln- ram c s smith it watscn shearliog ram c s smith j g biggar ram iamb c s smith j main aged ewes j wriggleaworth yearlint ewes w waldie w free man ewe iambs a waldift c a smith rigs1ormiicej boar j featherstono j r lieslie j alderson boar of 1873 j t r leslio w corrie- sow j y r leslie j featherstona j main sow of 1879 j main j j- r leslie sujfolk boar j fcatherstone j main j j- r leslie bar of 1879 j main j feaher- 6tono j r leslie i sow j featherstuno j main j r leslie v sow of 1879 j featherstoha j mais j k leslie i brhhlrc i- boar w wilson g bentfey i boar of is79 w h dorland t blanchard w wilson rowscook sow or is7d s cook t blanchard w wilson poultry light brabmas cuawson j hunter chickens j foster j alderson dark brahmas j peart cliickens j peart coehins j peart j foster chickens j fosjcr w freeman dorkings j foster j main chikens j foster j main black siranish j foster j i agnew cuickens l shane cdawsonr leghorn chickens j w bussell a waldie j hanibtirgs h baker j peart j cliickens j main c dawson plymoth rock j foster j w bussell chickens j peartj polands c fftstr j peart chickens c dawson houdons j foster e t etrle chckens j foster game j piatt e t er1e chickens j peart e t erle bantams j peart c dawson chickens j peart c dawson fancy pigeons j vf bussell j peart guinea fowl j w bussell 1st and 2nd common geese w fieeman j w bnesell chinese geese j w bussell j biggar emden geese j w bussell a thompson aylesbury ducks j foster w free- inan rouen ducks p mcdnffy j main bronze tarkeyb w bussell biggar common turkeys i w bussell extra pekin docks c brown agricultural implements covered carriagb single hustler mckenzis mcxair smith open buggy sinslej mcxair smith hustler sc mokenzie 1 j lumber wagon t bell market wagon mcnoir smith b nsfler mckenzie t bell i iron plow c brown w a lawreocc co combination ilow a grieves c btwti jltoller s stark harrow c brown burkholdor k mitchell cultivator harrow w a lawrence co com cultivator or scuffler butk- holder milchell fanning mill jr mitchell stewart 00 horse rake v a liwrtrica k co haggcrt bros churn a dow ij jg power churn johnson fc aikeni washing machine i k c qurucy a ndw wagoii rack jstiylc fstniw cutter v a 1awrcnco t co haggert ibioa sliod horso c brown hurae shoes burkholder mitchell arrangenicnu far unloading grain or hay in operation j armstrong clothes wringer a dow e si c gnmey farm gale r eslcphens eitras recommended iron fence r w king double furrow plow c brown monumental headstons and carving in marbla in relief price cilder wood work for- sleigh j stark bee hive edwards graik seneca and clawsan wheat r tuck wj tuck trcadyell y tuck g grtnaius white fall wheat r tuck t stock red falj wheat w xawell red sfrini wheat tltuck g greniaus wuio juintt wbektlm havriaor ba1ey 6 rowed w tuck r wilson laigo white oils m harrison oats common white a waldio t stock oau black a thompson it wilson small peaa w tuck m harrison yellow corn in cob e blagdn j blagdei corn whitee r hunter j etjlon timothy- seed g greriaius flux seed j g hardy r wilson beans white m harrison k heirstreet icungartan grass seed e blagdec htllet j blagdcn i roots early rose potatoes w vanorram r heuntreel pink eyes c foster b tuck snnw fltke gongden e r hunter other kindt t stock h baker swle turnips c foaur t canipbeil if vannonuau aj other turnip h drummdnd field cafrofa if j vcunoraian y alloa e f rymal taido catrof slenutreet f 7ye mangold wnrizej ftyanormatt os alloa 0 foiter keionions tcamp- belf j hunter 8panish onions c eosier if dempsey onions- while j hunter potato onions c foster j hunter blood beets 0 foster h dnimmohd sagar beet j alton j hubier cabbage a c dean red cabbage f vyse c foster squashes c poster pumpkins h drummond c ttoslor tomatoes h baker r s hall cauliflowers a zimmerman f vyse celery t bradley j hauler parsnips h bafcer f vyse collection red peppers f vyst a sfai k eifras table corn if kenricdy clover leed g grenaiui kabxess- sst pleasure harness e w gollop ffewsn bros single harness hew sonsbros e if gollop team harness hewson bros saddleand bridle e jf gollop vjyats 1 leaxjier sde ttppe leather d cross kip- skiri d cross calfskin d cross ltdics hoots calf mcxair mens line calf boots pegged h mcxair mensene calf boots sewed b mcxair mens coarse boots t bradley h mo xair extra lice leather d cross dury factory cheese d gillies farm cheese g honsfiild e r hunter table ne butter if g pettitt if c beatty r hematreet b tuck firkin batter h patton fvysa t chisholm miss dempscy cabinet tare etc centre table j3 jones son sofa bjouesa son doz chairs b jones soi bureau bjjpnesi sanr b taitj rocking cliajuj 13 jones son flour barrel jlttdssj j tfashtub j lindsay cooking stovv and furniture a d palmer parlor stove a d pilnler extra domininn organ j mccture sawinginachine white j mceiure eactort piece woolen cloth d vickerman flannel d vickerman tweed d vickerman olaik gents shirt hind made mr rowden w a orr siockinjs woolen mn rowden h mason socks woolen frazer colton tidy iina oparke mrs j h hcoollum tidy any other kind s rowden lswfizer guipure netting s mason m clark mitts woolen ms nowden l mcvean applique and clark miss ja chishom fringe i woolen miftf l gillies miss a chis holm woolen lockings machine made miaa k beaty sjocimen of darning on socls miasjo parks mrs rowden woolen socks luacni no raide miss r beaty rag mat mrs chinueck rig carpet j stcwirt h ifirrisoa liaf homemade bread hopd gillios a shandw clnmonts loaf homemade bread salt v 0 beuty j miffat yc clements buna w clemruti s mason domestic soap s mason miss o parks flams e w gollop starch j huutcr couficlianerye r hunter collwmion of wine w c bouty strawberry wine w c brtity rispbetry wine w 0 beaty grape wine mis swilsor a xeilson red cvrrent wine p mb- duccy blacki v c beaty cherry wine y c ueaty honey in comb it harrison t j aldenon strained honey abitty s center maple molasses j rixon colleqion canned fruit ff a orrlj harrison collection bottled picklesjj hunter raiborry vinegar w 1a orr collection catchup mii3 panton fruit etc col of apple i j thomas w hume fall aimiles j t ldinas mrs ziumierman arrtlfflfwrinlc- jthomasmrs zim merman bilajins j thomas w a oit roxbuririiset e f rymal j blagden spiikenberg mrs zimmer- uia j blugdn xorlhem spy j thomas mrs zimmerman rhode aland gicenijg w a orr j rixon ribston pippinj j thomas e f kyiual king of tompkins county e f rymul j thomas anlerican golden russet ii j baker mr ztimerman red can ada a 0 deaj e biogdcn wagoner embroidery miss a mason uiss panton darned net uiss it jtccliifand uiss switzer naad work eg lyjona j a fruzcr slippers nowden r s ual berlin woolen picture il tianison kj lyons toilet malsewgoiop uiaa browuridge wall baakels sijowdnu e f rymal table mat or dials s nowden miss cements wax flower e j lyon mrs judo miller wax fruit e j lyons miss itasan utir flowers miss anderson tissiic par floweir e j lyons bholl wbik e j lvous mis gliinnpck cono work mils ucllufly miss c stoey lalhcr woik uiss zimmerman ej lyons wrnitli of pressed flowera mrsmduftv ej lyons wreath ofautuuin haves jrm mcdnffy miss fanton spatter wrciitb llisx curler miss pant in lidiis bonnet j e arthurs felt lat misri kelly j e arthurs set furs ihiniliou don aldson fur robe mrs aaitro hamil ton k donaldson btst brass- band milton i wjnatinj thomas oir r shalll slwnd f vyse zimmerman a zimmerman j winter apple j dduestiormtd mait patchwoik quilt of any year miss j eiston miss c mccallum f booth quilted quilt white 3t howson miss robinson tafted auilt miss r beaty silk patnliwoik quilt mie rowdeamiss 0 mccallotn crotchet workquilt ifj breckon miss 0 parks knitted quilt miss blanchard miss parks logcabinjjiult miss ander son r hemslreev comforter mrs bastedo mrs w 0beaiy flannel w kennedy s msiufnli cloth a xeilson i m cltirb coveilet g greniius f mcallutn jr blankets d giillei a xeilson horse bhnketa suow apples w a poniiuegrevse l gjden pippin mrs 0 dean- sware mrs blagdeo- any other li 0 dean jbiagdcp col pears j thomas h hurd bartlett w etston duchess dangcuiine j ttiomas louise bouno djersey w clements white diougencs ii m smlzer stephens genesee j thomas vicar of wakefield w justin flemish beauty h dratnmoh peaches r s hall a 0 deaji plums j thomas grapes black g grenaius h hurd dlr gtijieii b ynong o qrenaios grapes white j lawrence it yoapg grapes brown h hurd r young variety ijrapes r y6 ing h hurd water melon j thomas citrons c foster extras crab apples w a orr shamrock ada beaty miss white wax plaut mies white siber ua crabsj s mason cala lily miss white pippins j carlwnghc r s hal yellow bell flaws v s hail sickle peas r 8 hau rambcan r 8 hall begonia mrs chinneckv peaxts and flowers col flowers misspanton j thomas- dahlias anuia chiahplnij thomas- col in pots misa hatton miss bjslodo- boaquet foe table mrs zimmerman annie chisholai a daams mrs zicu- mermanbjones son- hand booqnet annie chisholm mrs k hemstrcet bouquet of everlastings r hemstreet hiis sloroy pnaie a chisholm r s hau atets mrs zimmerman j thomas fdchsia in flower miss pan- ton mrs cuinneck cactus miss pan- ton r hemstreet coxcombs j thomas double zinnias b jones t sgn mrs zimuierman petunia b junes k son miss panton stcck j thomas mis panton geraniim miss hatton mrs zimmerman hanginj basket mis chinneck i nrownridge fine arts large photographs c nill col of photographs c w bill lindseapo in oil miss a harrisoo mariue view in oil itiss g l harrison w harrison flowers in watet colore w a orr mils carter painting in water colors any other subject miss panton miss carter rencil portrait w harrison w a orh pencil drawing any other sulyccl miss carriqite miss panton crayon portrait d crabertson it f rymal crayon drawing any other subject miss gillespie sepia drawing waar- risou moss carter eadreswork t fancy noedlo workj5 g lyons mrs rowden plain needle work miss mcveun ladies underclothing misi m mcclelland crotchet work cotton misso patks miss morse crolcnet work wool ji g lyodsmissswitzer fancy knitting miss 0 parks r e tait darned netlintr s howden miss switzcr plain netting eg lyons s nowden silk patchwork cushion miss m robinson mrs judge i miljer tai- tiug miss 0 parks s howden em- bioidery on muslin hiss m mcclelland s nowden embroidery on cofiojie f rymal d gillies silk embroider e gxyons mrs j h mccollura plain beilm wool work mis zimmerman miss 0 parks raised berlin wool work e g lyons miss rixon com bined wool and beads e g lyons miss morse braiding oil stuff or ik e g lyons miss mason braiding on cotton or muslin misskason w j breckon notices worth attention waste paper five cents per dozen at this office pest value in kc tiii jri acton at j w ifanan v- titc latest styles in stiff fdt hais- at fyfetlxcxabv skooso hand stoves jrom7ioo up at j c bills j 6 hitr for the beat eave- iroucluijjrin tho coauty talc titb pewest things in soft felt ifataat rrfe t jtcxabv a srlexdid slock of jstoyes etc nit received srtjc hilta cash store in actom llt ill am green r has opened out a splendid stqckfi of vi and os 0 i c b ftocerie q j askinj mens woolen knit shirts miss r beaty drawers woolen knit point lac s howden j a frazer miss r beaty straw hat e w gol op flannel shirt misb m mcclelland yarnj woolen m clark gentlemans ihirt machine made v a oit m honiton lace 8 howdenmiss taaon laca work mrs judge hillet uiss ca ter sofa pillow e f rtymal e g lvonsi- wool tidv bias bwitzer- mrs xotittxc to surpass those tan dollar gaita at fyfe k ilcnaba for a nobby sfuveiwiih or with out furniture go to j c hills xew stock of lamps limpshades and best coal oil cheap at j c hills brat and cheapest heating drums in town made to order at jvc uiu- fwwer roofs bulbs and biziar patterns at mrs s a secords at un- precedently low pi ices cvixat tie faxe psess oiec- for yaor sale bills yoa can have aenr home with yoa the name day and a good local on voar sale in tbeoezt isaaao the paper pec wcffingfon combination scarf and hood ladies promenade cbndi wool cuffs- xyool hats etc cheap at citrisfie henderson co farmers requiring piow shores of any description can be supplied at the oeorgetown foundry agency in the see rasas bttiwing at the same prices as at ihe foundry millikert and mantls auperli slock our show room is replete with all the latest btyles our mantles ore unsurpassed msnllea made to order llclecd anderson 4 co ooal oil for the best and cheapest coni oil iri town at redveed rates when large quan tities are purchased go to j e mc garvins drug store qca general slock of dry goods immense and remarkably cheaoj- of cvcrv dcscriution our ordered and iieidyjuade clothing j i departminls is incompambie popular prices jicleod anderepn co ieorgefown ekrertarse kessrs mcquillan i ftamiltoo of tlieweuiagtbui marble work gnelpb arc dmnc tho beet aod cheapest work in canada being the firatto introduce firstclass work at low prices by importing direct the best qualities of marble and granite 10- tf dont forgot it james mnttbewa expecls all of his cusoiuer8 lo pay- him the amount of thir note or account on or before the 12th day of october xow remem ber 11 st christie henderson e- co will open mxt week with a complete new stock of all tho latest noveltips in fabrics colors and combinations their stick is well lioiiihtiwen select ed rich and decidedly cheap xo trouble toehowyou thiougb xew millinery new mantles new mantle cloths new felt haj new tweeds new dress goods new win ceys new flannels n fact everything new at the glasgow house christie henderson a co wherd yon get tho famous 50 cent tea in 5 lb lots at 45 cents i thais tie irartherril to do ii with the ihrnnb and flnjer on the nose a brlzlitfllverdlmeontre ubleasabrlbeanu the castor oil boltle la the other jjauiila the way our mother had to approach as when she wasaboat lonitack aseverecaselcojlcthal hod utd oar hluo inteallnea id knouv those days and that scene comvi no hiore io in neither will oar ntllp ones ever be atjiitpd to tread m tho rough pith their parents trod in their childhood now we uiieot bo wnes ralauble castor oil as com i won- jyusrwfitlo otaideoeed mine aid jl is jnst noout as oheujii oebu a buujo boots ajjd shoes immense stock to handand to arrive great variety in mens womens and obindrcns wear superior in quality and guaranteed lowor in price than can be bought jii any adjoining yillge town or oity see that cerebrated oilfjoat button boot pompadour heel and bpffit toe- neat styliofi and cheap christie hen aereon 4 co acton j t also a i full assortment vjof iv j of tlie bestqualityj pose oi l 7 i 1 f o gashv fi gall solicited main sjjjceaii i i

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