u f ribl me qr itove took gs wtfrt 8 r grew i rcastctais loch ajto otxitu1 unavil jqrrki tctiso crtcttua is ij rnr tsrtitm or nu aniixs n r tultok ciricrv rrrrw ractrsdir jtvxta a- tke free press feinting ml publis j c haute next lo the- methodist chuch j i mill street actoa oat i tekk tttx fixs trim wll be met ta i rebrbrt pott pu or sum pstvsjaj nam ia advance t paid daring the year j elm if not paid lilt alter expiiauanot the year nopieej direaiiuatteduuall invars ire paid except al lb option it the rct iahr 1 s suvtknuxa rutis caail advett rceatt scxnfcaper tiro forlle fittt icjer- tort ind 2 ceatt per line for etch take qrcnt icicrtw- cud ijrofcfsiooilcirdfl 10 ixc or u itkfflr tacuru i squats i- ioct 300 per innum ptibe tt s- u cults fav itc of iotttuoii any special notice the object at which it to promote the pconiiry benefit of any j indivdccllolcompany to ik coctidered en advcttiseaeat th iutujr cf unci ftck- cecity the tpuccsnaiai measured byi scale ot solid noapireit j advertisementa without special inatrue- oat till forbid tad charged ser- ccrdiogty grdcri fur chskfltiauiuj sdveiriiicnteata tsist he m writirg ctherwueithe publishers will not be respotaible rrjos prixroro- ecery ecihty for rock hiia and fancy job ptintirg experienced korfcaee neiett ttylet tf tjpr risgcod chargct aodente i h r moore editor end proprietor lo0x havings tokkec or jukes hami valtjkck v no- laweoti no 227 a0t0n out october 30 1879 100 pkr anntoc ih adyancb air canada baikhfrooffilt bank sd vise st ton stat gitf w sf lowrymb klcps gra- prir of ttfoitj- collejt member of college of phyuciini toidsargeotx f office iai kafctence it che hi id of fred erict- st aetaa t hcgakvik it d if c p i i giidctte it- victorii college eei- decce ioaerot mill lad frederick itreeti cooiaiutiori diily troras to 10 1 ra lid rrco s to s p nu 1 six ear ceat iatreistpi4 oa doposlt attl mi jtpwmu sjssst ag0kr securirr d b citbbolii etql prejaeat wit kerks ek if xohawicsioco bcrlinioo viceprttidtat j v rcsat3wm if d hioiiltoa keen jtcrfcir eqj hirailtoo tkos btjls04ukd esq kelloo gcjl joax luto btrtca kotrr dcscis etqj uimiltca k k cuisttouc ei oitrille wit fuiuk i d grgetawu k s gtarts if d cessotr esq ifiniter cottoa milt daodo xaxcy loan n iul eitact itt ncacx to nit 5rracer aid a rary frnm s ofiioe open very wttuy tim 9 fni to 5 pir d dextes ktneer ang 11 18t9 7cm f ustee st clark barrister a i ciuebbast qtjelph erich office in ir itittaaw bnailnebiiust- acton j tr oract ores eveev feidiv oi kf hemstreet t- lieeosad auctioneer for th coiatia of wellington ind hilton orctert left it the feix peiss oficc actdn or it mf ntiiaace i pctccod rill e prcaptly lueaded to c j ttrmi reisoaible pltekts foe rxvektltes exe- l dmouslr tni properly teccred in cia- idt cciteti sutes iad earope pi- tent gcinateedo- no chirge md for printed icttrcannt agency in operation ten nut hekry grist ottiwx cinidi iltchicictl engineer solhtorof piteat ird dnaghtema d uathesok attqrney-nt- uw soscitor in chmeery ic ox next door to wllkcet hotel i ilton j j bouikiokhotelactok robert szcr proprietor l ner hot i sxtai cp ia fiistrcutt tlyleiith n femi tcr- cotctaerctttrxvcliert vul findgood fcxosicodxtioa ted cccmcdio stciple f ttntoajaii to the tiau of the trxrelkng jrcialic bit crpplicd with the best l ind gigur good suhtin tad tttentif e hattfax r otal esckasge hotel ac- 105- lis campbell proprietor irl cxinpbell lite cftfaerociia soyie ceirg te stition tikes plesare intn- coancirg to hsf- mxay olet fnecdt ind ipi- trcnt thit he hn recently prrrchiirdind re fitted the eoyil erchixge in the neitest nl molt coinfbrtible sty- lad ie prepirecv to iceoauaodite ih who any fivoar him ia the most comf ortibe eulatr choice wiaejlcjaotr ggik tnd cool tonimer drinkx ilwiyi ia ifeck suble ia chirge of- in itteatire hoitler the pitrccise of the pablic ic refpcctfally solicited ked no effort will be ijaxed to gire the very bert itteation ixs cxicmxl aase foe skucs i i in- prepired to piy the highest euh price for ill clalses of lcrab sad sheep yvc delivered it ray tannery lice titth ccnitiatly on hind l james hoorg aucnbk str idvertiiementi inierted ia the acrox feze pees it iowrite the bert local fipwof etlton co btrths mirruges- lid deiths iarted free in the acioxfeee peess the belt local peper ctsiikaa co jtaeds bihheidi cd ctrcnin of every j clalcriptioneiecntedneitlyiitheajctcdr fet tziss office the beit local piper of glfaico i gomltdklcaiions oa local qoaticini of inierert wa gudlf be received bj- the acror fete peiss the bett loeil paper of hilton co e iktelopes priatid iatheneitettrtyle i aditthelowertpxicet it the actoi feeepeess lie iekt local piperafhil- tonco j fyos hire tirrii or firm itoefc fori iile idtertjie theat iathe actok fezepeess the bett local piper of hilton co g i tieir i v meechaxts ind ftrmfrr ilike iboa advertiie ind tapport the actoxfe pebe the bat local piper at hilton co stefated oc stolen adtertuemeati of thix affaire inserted zcf chesp in the acrrbs fed pcess thebetijocil piper of hiltonco i emnps pumps pumjsl we atjike hinttlictarer of wpcriof wei ml cuttra tvafi which will bj at in on thort nojce epiirn dreppuy doce chirget modente auoiawi filed lodttt uire hira t cill shoponfreder- ick itrce opotetjr lwdeace federax bake i of canada grirelplx i brauoh i a gexeeil biscixo brsikcssdoxt dzasts aa bills of excnisqe bxjlt cni depqsttors are lllowed iateiett it the nte of 6ve 5 r nl per taaam ia the string biak department lad rt 6 per cent per tenant will be illowed oadepocit receipte prorided the moqey- re ia the biak aot lets thta tir s mcwitht tad three 3 mboths- notice be girea of itt withdnwil thomas y greet miniger the travellers life fr iccmeut inggo or hietroed coss writes everythicg deiitible ia the wiy cf life indaccident iqxariace eites law security tjaeiuestioned ample deposit nude with the dominion gotcrrment fcr the seenrity of cscxliia policy holders piidupctihcipitt i 60300000 giosi aiseu 98g777t totsl liibilities 351l7jt37 snrploj ti policy holun i2ssw337 james matthews agent acton oat bakery confectionery messes b i fc e kicklix would inti aiitethit they hive opened np their new bake shop os to corner of mill and mais sta acton and tint they will liwcys be snpplied with a l breid bidc bonr crkes pistry ic fcc c atieoestoceor choice confectionery will be foand on hind which is ill new sad frech oatmeal ooek j bu0kwb2at hr0ue 0ea0ked wheat k llwiys ia stock this will be- foond to be the pbee where the best poods will be kept it the lowest prices txttrjts cits b e nickuk harness harness 1 ny penca in wmt of good set of htrneg either sikcjle or dotjbice 1 should call at creechs saddlery aotow when they eta get better vtlne for their money thin tay plsce in the connty a good ttsortracat of tecthks afb valises on hind til of which will be told cheip for cosh w eepiinng promptly ittended to r creech acton feb i6 1879 climax jlsde at crowes iroi woik it ihtidof illcomuttitoti for recerjl per- scwnrideof piilirf- fj luctih keirfeaoef stovct metal irs farr sid cuting of lit kwds i a week in yoturo4town tod no ctpfttl risked oncin eive the batihcn ttritl without -r- peoiev the best oppottnnity jjkr i tor those willing to worki yoa hfts togestilyoate fcr thorjdjrj- ww tte we reomlouianere yon eta fe ill yrartiae or only your iptre time stfail ind nuke gre ptjr for to szo women mike t lnfesl rbf pecixl print m aneb jw jvmiil free n trhici we mfil free ofrjird tiai f 7ivs addxeiih ml n hood w e hire reatly pnblialed nev edition 1 of dr cufrerwellfc celebrated on the judical akd feeilikest ctjeerithcafc medicine of nervous de bility itenul tnd fhysucal incapicity impediments to harriafie resulting frtira excessea i j price ia s ccalea envelope enly sir cents or two postage stamps the eclebntel author m thii admirable ettwy clearly demonstrates from thirty years mcceasfal practice that alarming con aeorttencet miy be radically cared without jfche daoeerooa uaeof internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a nod of cure at once simple certain and effectual by meanalof whicn every suserery no matter what hit cooditiou may be may cure himself cheaply uritately and radfeal f this leciure auofld be ia the hands of overy youth and tvefy inim in the land i address itba colterwah medical co 47 ann st new tort fort office box i566 1 summor oa thtt wane zeitt cru th wtclaf dajr the popurt hcd ttitlr inttl ihawfo amtcia or ut ttitli inj fuierlac nrdtot aa lia rittirbdfit rrlt oiwit drtiwr qaui tj diotj belt bcltt to casrn b ui mm urtatnicr of rtakmlwp the iut pzk fittic oq ik titers urfoe retlllaf la lh lut rtnattt of tumour go urn tlio cptkuei luruart cltakar totui ium l auty cwaou u u blaurtt faff wdtt baadttl niap aodipruw jtctliw loin ru snltfce cmwomcfioc oa llt beat tlie wina iottli biak laftjruiui parplt beili of tutttu tilled lut uo3cw j ybm fsae iba fttn o fuai4c 1 j ill tfclata bj imwrfaaa nsrld i claaia uiedijt with jrey jrtt rauqltutfktlatbc onrnw oaaft oa nw tiit hit wtuttinrojiat aot ipia ijull liortjy ttu li uomboctoc irta i tfnder anevil star bqsq tue xlekitlve qf ecta elvekeptt edrrtn ev keevix kekrrros at this moment my uccle rho lrtag ns to our coavettitioo hid returned ta tha chimneyjcorner thai oommladiog i ticv of uie doer uttered t load ahem 1 we both following tho direction of his eye toreed to see erelyn ittndiag in the door- wsy sno hid evidently hctrd tho pre tended psinters list words for with t blathiag coanteniace toddowaouteyelidt the cima up to nt sofureign toerelyut aitore ws coacctlment or trtificeof my kiad thit she nude no pretence of not hir ing orerhesrd the psiatets oompliioeaury expressions 0a the cootriry the replied to them with truy mr wtltcr i knew yoa aat fcr lactdlstterer yoa hire ccrer yet stid so ranch of me to my ftre to which he replied ah miss vyelmore i btvo mtay thoughts of you thtt i dire not express opealy this slid he tamed tbruptly twiy f sutpect to bide tome stioajj cmotioa erelyathen pecceeded to crplua thtt missing me she aid inquired of lodlosrat from i girdener the wiy i hid tiken she ucamed thtt f wit cemfl to trnare for the tittiag snd hid followed me letving word it tho minor house thit we should not brettf itt the re for she told my uncle she meant thst he should furnish ux with thtt metl in bit privite pirloar the sitting whichfolloceditt ted oerttinly prcr three hours kot thit the whole time w derotel to ptiuting mr wsltcu it i must call him t little t very little longer stepped erer tad snoa for msny miatttet it t ume aotto wctry his sitter tad dar ing these pluks be catertiitcd us with tae reatioa cf such pablic events it nrely pmetntei oar retirement i remember ia particaltr his giving us t stirriag tccocat of the grett btttle cur ntvy under adminl nelson hid jait fought ind won off the mcuth of the kile ia egypt sltocerll3i in- cidenuaiaaeltedviththtlsadiaginlrliad of some french troops who to the indignt- tian of the whole country hid ictuslly for t time held their qround tgsinit the kings soldiers under gtnertl like after the sittings mr wslkrtccomptaied us psrt of the wiyto the minor house on liking ieire he tiid signincsntly to me more tomorrow i replied thtt cirttinly mat weltcore would never be unicconptnied by me so- long it i resided with her he either did not or tffected not to remirfc t cetttia uperityin my tooe which i tdmit su nther sttnmivl thta retl fcr ia spite of the tgue ipprehtntioa his presence eiuied ce i myself experienced portioa of the iofiuence he hicl cletrly giined orer erelyn thit infiaence wit doubtless dae to the irresiitible chirm of hit ratauer it well to the sir of tathority which teemed attartl tohiat tbcs on the following dif we entered the studio it mr wtlter wit pleued to cill hit room there to our grett surprise wis the picture itill in in unfinished state in respect of whit he described it the tccessoriet ind unfrinud yet hung igiintt the will for bur iatpection the partrtit teemed to me shsolutely lifelike erelya wtt represented u in riding cottatner htlf reclining under one of the r old kost otkt her firoarile pony gnsing netr ber a ttmilisr uadsctpe compreheading the old charch tower formed the btekground i observed pointedly to the ptiuter thtt judging from whit he hid told me on the previous dty he must hive worked htrd duringtht night to hive brought hit picture to this state of idviacemeat 1 understand your sllnfinn he raid but the fict it thtt i hive catnged my mind since yetterdty on more thta one point with t rspid elsnoe it evelyn since your trritil mitt etveecroft i did not intend thtt you should see the pic ture still in in unfinished state how however i im forced to tell mist welmore thtt todtrs sitting will be oar but for tome short time then seeing evelyn start tad turn pile oh we ihsll i hope hsve msny more tod in tltered hippier circum stances in truth i ira not entirely my ownmarfer youire going twty evelyn broke in bat you will return 3 oh rest sttured of thttl in the metntime iehtllwrite perhipinotto the minor house is the picture is to be s sur prise to kir foynt but to the ctre of our good mr wilkes and now i nw he wit inxious to quit the subject is in an- pleisintoce ifct us get to work ind do sllwecin i hive yet some finishing strokes to sdd here end there i hope when t return t very few sittings will entblo me to finish tbe pictureind then stk for sn interview with sir poyns welmore we both started snd must hsve looked tghist it the mention of sn interview with sir poyns yon foesee difficulties he ssid coolly is he prepired his colours i cat estily understand thtt well i shtu hope to overcome them i tm not easily btttcn wbea i hive fdrmedt resolution on thtt dty evelyn wis certainly not t good sitter she vu liiguid tod rcftlese and more thta rnce i discovered tesrt in ber eyes mr wsltsr tffected not to no tice these symptomsthough i suspected it the time end now know thit he ottcn with difficulty restrtined biauef frora dashing down bis brush tnd openly declsricg hit love to evelyn but ho did restrain him self he tnew ha hsd st thit time no right to speak and be was then it i have ever since known him the most upright tnd honoarsble of men the next day i lesrat from my uncle his guest departed within the fortnizht spoken of letter from him wsa sent to my ancle addrereed under cover to me to evelyn etditat with joy sbeplscedifcia rhyntnds it begin with the statement thtt for animportaat letiont thawriter htd hitherto disguised hit name and position then followed frank avowal of lih love and tnaaioraaee that he now had theper- miisicn of the head of his family in the event of her returning his attachment to ask her hand in nurriage and that he should if her reply were favourable at onoe present himself at eouiston manor aad seek sn intcrrisw wiih her sthor the car eath etretcroft you are coutcioutof letter wu signed wtlter athton i ihiviog done wrong for you have done anddoycu love mr wslter ahtoal wrong dty ater day you must hsve uked vry needtetsy indeed sx i hid j ruffrred htr ti show heneif it that public drtwa ber secret riocn her within ta haarljia doat icterroptme i yoave beea after we hsd la t seen thtt young gentle- 1 ruh very rash g heavens it sir man foynt knew or evea luspected 1 anyhor 1- j ui t ia cin you doubt it ruth ah yet i love him id onme wbtt may i shall aerer luvo with my hearts entire devotion any other 1 come what may i had the an intuitive prevision that tomelhiaz would come t as lor myself her wordt tall sadly oa ray ear and yet if i rightly suspected sir poyns of imbitioas matrimonial prcjjcts far evelyn was not here a prospect that any parent however iatereaied ta hit views would hoaitatetrt decliae 8o my fears were quieted snd i abandoned myself to entire symptthy with my tweet evelynt jiopes and anticipaudns t it true that a ptstiag cloud which i ought lo hive rtgirded u premcnticry wu cist aver my itusftcdon by a remark sthioh shpf uy aflcrwirdi feh tria adam bawles this old servitor bad t htbit of talking simultaneously- to an actual and to an im- sginsrr auuiqr the sexai being presum anly himself 1 hid one morning lingered alone at the breakfasttable it was if i re member rightly theaeoood day aftec evelyn had replied to wsler asht ms letterwhcn adam pointing to the departing farm of evelyn uid exoitedly it she act beautiful my looks assentnr he continued at be wavel hl hand round this room heireis too ot all i ought she not to wear t coronet l hereupon my hnaghu careering away oa the wings of my old suspidoos i asked with meditated crsftincst which corosietf an earls aduket l dnlcvtwoald not be ahovo haf merits was the reply but no no quite a iaerentfater the last wit idlrcssed not to me but to the trhsginsry suditor and theo- without looking it me sgain he trotted away thak- inrhit head mournfully by my advice evelyns reply to mr ashtoa was to the effect that he should otnxult his own wishet av to the time ot hit return to rollutou hut suffer himself to be guided by circumstance oa the important subject of bis visit to sir poyne tho following week saw the supposed e sinter once more instilled st the blue ioa the sittings were resumed as a pretext for our visits the picture being in po int of tict finished evelyn acquiescing frequently walkel ia retired parts of the demesne with her now to me si to herself accepted lover who grew more and more urgent on the subject of hit desired iater- view with her fither tjnf ortunttely the latter had been confined to hit tptrtmeat by illnenf this wit the state ot things when the end of april arrived it wat customary for my uncle to hold oa etch returning mtydiyt gathering of the younger folkot rollisioa tad the neighbour ing village evelyn htd looked forward with much delight to the little festivity cow- so netr at hand the season wis an unusu ally forward one fyringfiowert abounded mr ashtcn had given my uncle i few hint tending to throw a certain gracefulness around the arrangements- finally old bowles htd consented ihit the girls should in the course o theitjrocestion go up to the minor- houre adim who nrely left the hecue tboax twite of the fact ttlt a sinter hid been staying at the bine on had never yet seen mr ashtoa of course the sffiir ot the intended present to sir poyas had been kept from his know- my ancle was not a little surprised when early one morning it must hive beea either the 27th or 2sth of april mr bowles msde hitippetrtaoeatthe blue lion with a bner good morning- to the host he inquired whether the postmia had passed being told that trottar bad already celled he sakei were there to my unclei ksow- icdie aayjetterifoehutpoynt no j my uncle wat certtia there were once adam seemed relieved by the intelli gence mr wukea who wis i admit a bit of t gossip raid an jibing particular looked for it the great house mr bowlet t the latier with unusual asperity bade mrwiuef to blind hit own sniirt rome- wsst oeoded my uncle took him off oldadam thai left alone mutt ingoing out have seen the door of mr aihtens room open the picture it seems had been lift uncovered on the eaeel for mr ashtoa presently entering found bowles examining it through his spectacles well it is mio evelyn he heard the old man lay itctn be nobody else but how comet it here mr ashtoa had to often heard adam described that he at onoe divined who his unexpected visitor wis and sdarceted him by name wtig him if he recognised the likeness tntt i do 1 faith- but who are you sir im the painter mr bowles the painter i what from over there im from staaordshire fah kot from flanders passing ids- hand over his brow but there a portrait of mist welmore painted in the convent in flanders bo i have heard mr bowlet at he had from evelyn herself about two years ago thats quite true sir poyns sent over the money to pay for it tell me air is this of yours a copy no i understand thst is a miniature you must have it up at the minor haute no we havj not i would to heaven we had i but u if suddenly recollecting himself tm talking tbout thingtyou cant understand only theres one thing i dont understand if this it not copied from the other how ctmeyou to ciiehmss wetaoies likeness as yoa have done very easily indeed milt welmore sat in thst chair i in this what whit she hat ken here yes a good many times with mitt eivcseroft r it it possible firing his eyes on mr ashtcn wih aglaocs atonce saspiaious sndsaipcctinc youre quite sura mit fivescroft did come with miss welmore quite mr bowles every timet youre very curious its for her i sake indeed it h ah i must speak to i eath eivcseroft 1 goodr morning mr i didnt catch your namtij bat it mitten not and shaking hia head in his csaal odd war the old man went oat he mast have walked rspidlyfor him to the minor house ar before i could start withevelynononrwaytothe blue lion he knockod at my door and enleied very cautiously is mitt evely n near us he asked i reply that she would shortly join me then we mast speak quickly he said wbat bare we to speak about i aaked lookiag rne full ia the face whispered- ive seen it yery like her a deft hand has wrought atit v i suppose i tried to look as if i knew not what he was talking aboat for i remember hi saying impatiently xouknow my meaning well enough i let it stop here no more viaita tq to that young painters room i why child who knovtliut the very young painter himself methought he had a winsome way- ay and a high bearing no ordinary painter i warrant i cta you tell me anght about him but i iee yoa turn pale you ire frightened oh ruth if you have been false to your charge 1 bat what say i you know not how could yoa know would i htd warned yoa in time i ah you here mist evelyn you iee i tm adicn whit sre you and ruth ukiog ibout 1 aware that she could hive hetrd but little ihahteeahcr enter i replied as indifferent ly as i could it leema evelyn mr bowles his stolen a march on uf and taken a sly peep at the s eta re you intend u a present to sir point e will keep the kctet as long u it is to remain a swrct we need nit fear that how a present to him altai echxd doubtfully thiafc yoa it will be a weeome frc- saat i venture to tik he seemed staggered by the question surely ray lather will be pleased erelyn exclaimed ah mist evelyn quoth adim nei ther of va can tell what will please him a few dsys hence p f then why not give it to him at once 1 shh denuadd eagerly os uol be ndvited by me min evehn i will do nothing ia the mittar without coatulting you adam bat listen i hive devised t little plot which i have not even named to buth i do not forget though haply my father docs- that the lit of may t my birthday ha forget it oh no he hat too much can ie to remember it well iwoud make this my brthdiy gift to him in return for one ha may have in store fcr her these word uttered with almost stvige bitternesr seemed addressed to himself at u ra often hit wont yea think theumy father will remember my birthday i i cannot dire not speak more 1 and with his old shake of the head he slowly departed between my fatheci silence and adams obscurity we seem enveloped in a cloud of mystery said evelyn the time wu fast approaching when this cloud of mystery wat to be raised past h in order to preserve the oonsecutiveness of my story i shih relate at if i had actually wrtneaed them circumstances which by no pnarihitity ooulct i hare witness ed bat which were described to me at a later dite by those who did take part in ot witness them it wat on the 30th of april i pray the reader to note well the date and about the hour cf noon that a solitary honomin- journeying from london northwards reach ed a small roadside inn the name of the same is immaterial it is sunicieht that it wis aot the blue lion called- loudly nxy imperiously for the hostler descended from his saddle snd giving order tb hi aoke should be ready in an hour entered e house to rest and refresh himsell over a riding suit well fashioned and of rich matcrialhe wore a long and ample cloak he wat a tall wellbnilt nnelyfeatnred man who might have been styled handsome but for the peculiarly sinister expression of his deepset black eyes overhung by bushy brows hit sge eemedtobeover though it sctuaily was rather under fifty his manner wit haughty his address curt and his general bearing far from attractive despite an air of condescension which seem ed to rit uneasily upon him there were holsters at hit saddlebow and a valise at the castle the latter he ordered to be un strapped and brought after hira- into the house when he hsd finished the meal set before him which he did quickly he produced from his valise certain papers to which he earnestly directed his attention considerably before the expiration o aa hoar the traveller quitted the house for the skbleyaxd he seemed anxious about hii hone a fine animal wellbred and of ex- ceptionil power tnd substance telling the hostler be had many miles to go before he ihould reach his journeys end he was clearly a stranger to this part of the country and the hostler was able to give him useful information aa to the route he should follow to arrive at the paint he indicated eolliston to wit in particular he was givea to under stand that by turning aside from the ain road which he was now pursuing at a point fndictfed and rejoining it at another also described he would save at much at from seven to eight miles although apparently a man who cared more to learn what others had to uy than to talk himself and although he communicated to the people of the inn little respecting himself beyond the two facts that he had quittad london on the previous day and intecdecl to reach rolliaton the same evening ii became manifest that he intended to take the shorter road recom mended by the hostler the traveller bad hardly been gone half sn hour when two others drew bridle it the doorof the same inn not however to quit their bones but to call for a quart of strong ale this having been brought out by the host himself they drank sitting in their tiddlet stating that their horses were fresh a pieoe of needless information seeing that the hostler who had naturally ooma up recognized them as saddle posthorses belong ing to the nearest poatnouse oa the road from london the riders appeared to be of different rank frara eachotner ia short they might have passed for muter tad cervaut but that there wu a species of euy familiarity between them inconsistent with that relttion he who appeared the foremost of the two informed the innkeeper u thev were finish- their ale that they were following ou the traak of a friend who had a little tha stirt of them and whom they were anxious to ovcrtske and he must have passed a short time before indeed he would probably hav stopped there for the sake of hia hcrse which ww not a posthorse but an animal of some yalne his own property a tall gentlemaa mked the best ay tall and welllooking ws the reply and nrely mounts 1 put in he hostler horse a dsrk chestnut with tone at wellaa wood that ia our friend qooth the traveller well sir i set hint on the right load he was going to eollistonr good mend tis for rolliston we are bound tell us how yoa directed him having taken caretul note ot the details that followed and given the hostler a shil- ing over and above the price ot the ale the speaker wished him and the landlord fare well and mived away followed his companion- it will presently c0 yl t llia ntture of tie 6 iendihip alluded to u exist ing between these different travellers to be ooxmuad sotehce notes there has been a general retragesaiou of qknuine nesvb ivfwonderful isnaun nerve it the blending pf the nental and i physical stayinj power u generally termed i is notst all a novel qaaity nita tak major- tfv of taeii bn lik j1 oihr attribuh is j of a comparative and reiote character many a it an who wouldnt lietate o follatr iu tie lead cf a forlorn hope or ride in tte fiont ranks in a civslry dub shrinks with piirful car from a deatiat wlpe a woman who would ran at tlie liiht of the imeekeat oowia the meados will go through the ordeal with spartan fortitude i the nerve that is strppementcd tiy iptcu la tire inellect and caculating shrenrdreu is the meat vslnable is wel u ihe mcetgsna ins probiblyno better ilecimeu o thit sort wu ever evinced tlsn by a young pole leckihski by name a lancer in the iservice of morat- h i t j is si th fr marsfcal ivai in madrid during the guciers of the alt dunnc the last 25 napiieoas invuoa of spain and found it f ibiuts thit alter sctc necesury to communicte with junotin time thii will termimte ndbe followed by t perolotadrance a new oil plant from persia the lalk- mantis hivriict hu been acclima tired at cher- sou south russia it iaiboat 2 5 feet high and bears aboat 2500 seedgrains from which a very purs oil is obtained observation made by the anthropometric committee of the briliih aasociatioa have demonstrated that man attains the fall sta- tare ia the professional clau at 21 years ot sge and in the artisan clau between 25 and 30 years american statistics show thst a slight increase in height fakes pine uo to about the thirty filth year the followiig important annolocemtnt has bean published in reimiaat fttirr zulu it jjittical is sepurted from its salts iad heated with alcoholic ammonia in a sealed tube to 176 centigrade a bue is obtained closely resembling rosanilineio its compotition it is a triamio and dissolve ia acetic acid with a corn flower blue colour this new colour u the first member et a new series of tinctoi ill product which ire expect ed to prove of gre it value in the arts flames of ordinary gu lamps when viewed from a distance twinkle tike the sart tnd mr f a forel therefore thinks hat the taws of sciatallsttoa may be convenient y studied by observing such set aciilughtt all the conditions of the itmotpberic stratum between the source of ugbt ad theobierver such u the pcttsure moisture temparatuie c may bj much more readily uoertaincd than tie similar conditions of the uijper re gions of the air j berthelut recently exarhined two speci mens of wine one nearly iq0 years lh and the other 45 years the alder wine hadji clear yellow colour a dry and slightly bitter taste snd t large deposit of colounng mat teri its ipecifie gravity wu 09ss at 10 and it contained 19 per cent of alcohol by volume 158 pjr cent by weight the 45yearold wine wu darker ia colour had a specinc gravity of 0991 st 10 and contained 20 1 per cent of alcohol by volume 161 per cent by weight before the advent of cheap cotton the p-ro- ductiou and minhfactureof mir were im portant industries jau this continent inlslo when the population wu little more thin 7000000 there wu produced iathe united states aver 21000000 yards of flaxen cloth made iu farnilies at the present time when the population of the country is be lieved to be 50000000 the total anneal sidaetiaa of flax snd linen fabrics is pro- uy not over 5000000 yards and not a yard of fine linen u made in the country tlrjetto eeqipes grscee cookies three cupt new or leans molattes oue and a hilt cups shorten ing three eggs one tablespoonful each of ginger and soda one teaapocmial pf rait flour to roll nicely roll no thiuer than one- fourth inch stewed stxik take a round steak fry it hi batter just to brown but aot cook thea place in stew pan take one onion ona carrot and two taruins shdparercutting into pieces the size of dice fry- brown in the frying pan thea tost into stew pan with enough water to cover let it stew- two hours then add salt and pepper and thicken will floor dnoivetriancar in a little catsup or csuce this improves the savour serve with mtshed potatoes stewid arras pare your applet and place them in a steamer with a clovein each thenput the steamer over a pot of boiling water until soft then take them ap in the fruit dish and shake pounded sugar over them srokoeqixe beat foureggstwo cups sugar two cups flour with two heaping tet- spoons flour sifted in all together thorough ly then add a little lemon and twothirds cup of boiling wtter beit well and bake and you willhsve u fine a cake at wat ever eaten arrus btxnz fcnonre take ooo pint of milk and two eggs water will do a nip of salt mix with lifted flour to make a batter then heat a tin put in halt the batter cut up six applet which hive been pared in slices lay these in the bitter then cover with the remainder- bake brown eat with milk and sugar good use rje sotrsudj save your wuhing suds for ihe garden if they are poured aver the roots of the plain trees they will kill the curculia if turned it the roots of geraniums roses etc they will enhance their beauty tenfold j eickpcddtxcijonfl scant half cup rice onethird cup butter twuthirda cup sugar aeasoa with nutmeg fill a threepint bieia or padding dish twothirds full ot railk lad- water half and half bake alowiy one and a half boars fitness of tie spnw for city lif e- spm when we come to regard the sparrow with reference to special adaptation for city life we are free to acknowledge that it nos- settes characteristacs fitting it forthat exis tence far superior fa any of our native birds it is hsrdy enough to withstand the shock of our rudest winters and it h a source of in finite relief and amusement to our people in the urge towns all over the country who by reuon ot poverty occupation are never able to spend their summers in rural districts and who were it not for the chat tering little finch lin question would hardly koow what a weibird really looked like look igtin at the beautifaledaptatiaa of this expatriated sparrow for a residence in the begrimed and smoky thorrogiiiarea of commerce in our western cities particular ly where soft coal it the solo fuel for heating hghting audi manufacturing here amid the noise and jar of active basi nets competition why should the bird nnjl who hu time to stop and listen- and if he did what kinil of satisfaction could bs gathered with tie btngingot t tripham mer on the one side and the rattling of freight trucksjpn the other no it is codee mach more thia right to ufcarirdwhichshalligree to winter and summer with us in our cttits ot iron brick snd stone topoetess the power of4ong and sing sccordingly it would simply be an idle ana extrtvagant expenditure of a beautiful gift for nature to endow any such omithq- lonoal subject with the faculty contrary to her perfect lsws and in violation of her perfect wisdom i the idea of a house-apir- rcw trying to vocalise u it perches on the copinr ot a pawnbrokers window while the sound of an auctioneer bell or of an elevated railway traiq deafens the ear and the smoko of s foundry darkens the air j m cruwuss languidly drawled tose- phine looking up from her book i see one ot the studies lis trigonometry what is trigonometry trigonometry replied charles toying with an invalid monatache fu a a ia the science of palling the trig ger ocoanej i thought to said jose- phino resnmrtg her noteh a hixdoo baker ia calcutta proadbf the english he his aoquired displays the sign earopean loafer over bis door portugal but the woods snd oonntry from mi ind tolisbon sirarmed with caalaooj foicerthe spaniah guerruus rusaia at thst time wu cotonly a friend but in ally of france ted io hia quandary murat went to stroeonort the russian amrasaador to to spam told him of his 11101x100- and waited upon diplomatic canning to helphim through the russian encouraged him wonderfully j send me be said the most intelligent of your polish lancers those poles are very thoughtful men and valuable in all extremity the admiral sinivan is in the port st lisbon we will dress your -po- lander in russian uniform and bend him with the despatches f arihe adrninl even if captured j10 will be tale for the spaniards are anxious to maintain the neatrality of ruesia and will not maltreat him for fear of causing a rupture with the cur- muat wu greatly lelicved and sent for the rain who in the esteem of the com- manier of the colanders was the moat efficient and intelligent a handsome young fellow not yet twenty years of- 13c wu returned whim themirsjal hesitated to send ao yoang a man on a trip so terribly dangerous but wai reusuiel by the quiet determnel certaiaty ot anccesi exdreaaed by the youth so ihey sttired him u a rnssisn snd he ttrutk out enhis haxardout errand i xne first twa days of his trip were plea- sine but ou the third leckinski was seized by 1 toiy o spsaiards and brought before tte pommandrng officer cufinos hiauelf he knew the lata that would fol- 1 lowif bewere discovered u a frenchman and at once hit upon a plan not to permit a word ot the gallic to eacspe hiau bowever pushed and confine himself entirely to enssiau and german with both languages he wia perfectly faraikar ti e iorrible murder of gea rene who was bat a few weeks jireyious aptnredby the spaniihtnd subjected to- the most horrible tortures together with the savage threati of his captors fended to shake bis nerves con siderably bn it was a- matter of life and death to himself and the fate of his army uwell depended upon him co ha deter- mined to play his part well and be played itwell who ire yoa ssks cutanea in french leckinski looked bhokly at him and an swered in german i do not understahd i you i 1 an interpreter wu called and the meat difficult questjoas put to the courier but be never betrayed himself every answer vaa in russian sndgerman and the crowd of men about him hungry for his jllpod and feelragtssured of his identity is one of tha french shortly they brought a spanish peasant and with him mnfronted the courier the peasant recognized him and with a howl of hatred and joy declared that he bad but a week ago sold forage tojeckihski ih madrid and described the countenance and the man with genuine accuracy stall tip latter j could nokbe nosed he stood urrate and with a face eviheinga bessfui ignaranoe of the colloquy abemt him cxstanotwu dis- 1 posed to acquit the courier votthe soldiers and mob demanded his hfe then the question of russias anger in case the man snould really be a ruasian came up audhis prospective death wu nmipromiaed upon by a farther trial he wis taken to a wxstched goal and incarcerated rof taveai tyfoar boars he was without food or drink fear physical fatigue and mental anxiety ut aoout him like rnitarres- about a dying wayfarer too fatigued he fell asleep without knowing it the hid slept but two hours when awonun entered his cell and arousing him said will yoa not have something to eat and drink it wu cuining trap butthq pole not to be entrapped what do yoa want he asked drowsily in oerman cutanos gave orders to give him food and drink and to release him he is not a frenchman but arnas no man c0u14 ntrol himaelf ao far he said j butitwu decided to keep hhn longer and put him through another series ot ex periments backs garrotte snd corpses ei murdered freaehmeoj were exhibited to him but he was itill the phlegmatic ger man finally he wu brought before a drumhead court while the preparations for the final trial were being made horrible threatafn french aad spanish were uttered about him but he cootinued stolid and ignorant an interpreter was brought forward through him he explained why ha wu roin to lisbon showing hi pass- portand the despatchei to the admiral of the russian fleec though subjected to the moet intensely scrutinons crosaexaaninatlan he stuck to his psnedo nativity and his story w ithont a change- of f eature oc a fiaw ia ins isared veracity t as a last resort the presiding officer told the interpreter to ssklcainaki if he loved the spaniards the quaticn wu puh certainly u said leckinski i am fond of the spanish nation i esteem it for its nobility aud trust that my nation and it will be friends colonel said the interpreter in french the prisoner saysho hates us because ye ire bandits he despises us and would wish us destroyed and if delivered will do his utmost sgsanat u it wut cunning trick all eyes were fixed upon leckinski to diacover the leajt shadow of intelligence of the words bust failed unbsjned he kept the asme desd- mask of ignorance upon his face not a featnre moved nor did he ofter the leut gesture this ended his terrible trial he wis released and his arms and despatches returned under safe transport he reached the admiral and f ulnlled hia mission i 1 a sore was of collecting a bui the iinguago of flowers is not always flowery or polite language u the following epistle sent by a newport florist to a gen tleman who had mislaid or overlooked his bill will ihow nxwtobt sat as it appears 0 be useless to try to oallect my bills from yon i would sayihat i always keep a list 01 the ladies to whom bouquets sre sent so that as in two or three cues in my experience when the gentlemen forget to settle i may have some- body to goto i hare done so in yoor case and give this noticethat should yoa fail to settle op before going away this time i will certainly presentbilla to the several lidies to whom yoa tent bouquets and i have no doubt they will opay for them i- aobocer has placed onexhibitioa a beet measuring twentytwo inches in length and two inches in diameter we dislike to take khn down but one of onr hotel proprietors lately pitched into the street a beat six feet hig and thirtyeight inches round the cheat yastxib 8tbauss in the boston jmmxlcf cmana sings oh dear i this gout and rheumatiz i fear i shall go wild i sot though i tm a bachelor and hire no chick oicmldi arnow- tbartwhtnlttmrinmre let fblkiaay whit they please oagh i hsve no kith br klh m btve my legateea a wtixaixastkti suit one who oontem- plates digging one v ifw 1 iil i