Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 30, 1879, p. 3

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wffi ll ttrw tiu6 tari ftjisliveaclmim tqjjt nti wjsi- 1 t itj iruksoms6svimcc atliinti r tcnunu will u ptcactred by uov it lllbu u rjmrtiiy gtoiot ember fxi kirs ilvprt toronto mail liv csprcn rvr dall snap yvht kvprvts gilt mmi llay ar western inrt xniarvrl fiartti ea5t ijosknii illouiu lspta sispm- 707 pva oloara 11 jo au 4pm 8s0 p a r ullli tiue table xiikuicriyeta froia ti the vt vitpm r krvukilclvill ss am oil vucsdnys trtfria fr pc- 1 aca un vuemays nlx ewtays kul cxouo llrc vcmkiu m trt tl p m mall or toronto lirim ktntuniufciimgrttttsfiav and ermsy stixvdc mall 10 ara on tiednv ari ft rri letters bvirullcd istnln- ctrs irvr eomnc utile 3 kl9- lrr ac potato i si jlruwciil al ilie bust often stole by mr uchlinoiircic ofkrit one was fuaud id weigh olio iand one quarter pounds vvixtek sfcrrtjv tvnncis aw just doit laying in their winters fuel and the mok frowaniiditteutjrt tho bigir the wod pile auowidco innst be made cur sru kdtoixtiiuvtlmr joim wnldio h liccn spptuutcdimantpc of the canada titje fc marino irsiiraueo co vice mr tvjy rvttuutd tho 11 nulton fibers speak iu itittcciinr tcru of tho apioiatoicat- iim i uoikk thvistqx acton division s m t kill rife ib open division in their liafl church fuit raicmlay- everatrr nelt a ttxid proriaum has been prcpar- odjaud a plod limb is anticipated admu suiilivc flle flrst ftakcs oil tluttsiuf rat rntnc and af tcraogii hut there were two flurries ofj ma the tiret of tho noue worth ahtntlort head tbo notices in tbis txlurau thtjvmtan bnaiiuut and a iierusd will nay aluotion mrs l siar a wtjtveri tlc tea al void tx cofliscssjcr kiatott cboip teas a w tilvtn fresh jjioi aletjsr3 ojvti divisiouei snvdor mantles titos c wvikjni stoci of sfflvcs r hill pistnrfaiidi aro bnajiro fresijisarissgwajpt scbrd oitrcoatrcgs lavri murloo- ivrjjjoofswfii sttwtrvi co batter andejs alex iscord an iufpiixtioa scott i llournc xevr lixrbor sbbrj jfco vorden ilipture giired prri vi ejin f 1ibridore tcerrtngv alex setorj miiliitiy mclitod audsrsja i co sjlicribo cot tiuus piinting co- iniporfant noticed- clltjstic sea- ucron i co v r oicrtrhelming evidence mclcod anderson i co li tetsm neither lanesi wneh over a minute iiy was colli ciioukv tiuiuvc broaght the m gluts that you can buv at itiiebifxrifcc li too jrintr 204 rtlil lelqal- r-l- aad triis silver plated true p tie stiau- bjlter llvri xajiim i- tea snails kcivn aad korts call it icrt hvdstlithrv store -i-vtt- if yu vrini fiio til preir corah bvrk latn vrwlar guilts porfttated cri birift fanv oto paiwr kuivim raises c- he seeflej alllr scictf etcill atlms jlyuds jiwclvry stie actoa tl fotth x inotc itormof oldfailiioued pcopar- qlaktmtt mkctisa tha qoarler ly meetiuj of the acton circuit of tht mtth- tnlit church will lw heil ou suulay ueit iultbc methodist church here at the close nf the peeactitje tjrvice tho pacrement of fnlonr8 mtppir will lie admiuieteroi kfv i w ware will fiaate tuf tiliht ilh t albert noore ct tieorgcsorn tlhse formerly of tbje fixt ilthss pteiched in tho methodist eh urch here oa sirmlsy moruindis aud jlrf t rfarrisjo alttfof tlir collide prticv m thcmrutcilifcliu attcrewioaw tuvs in thoaftcttioou kt i34pm btofilptxi r mitcubie annual fouhius matcli cif the township of ks- ucsiu agricultural s tvill k held ii the farm if jrmurray ip ecst half it jt 1g cot g gsnuesinp on friday 3ut cttober 1st9 when a number of prizes will te orlcrcd for comltitiou lioujhlii to ceranienx at haltpat nine a m aud iuith at halfpast three pm meiuhers or tin icoughirten free all otaers to pay on urclranct ertaialt j 1 v i mr john brown of samia was in town yesterday we hid a call from mr joieiih gibson of iaccrohoa friday mornine lasl weasra 11 a moore and t liarrison of fufsu lipd at alex sceoix wastcpupef gyrj cents per dozen at ibis office rfitcsit sausages tcoeiyed daily at ales sococda ikst vkuio iu 5cc tet in acton at j ay manns lamunoit herrings just received at alci secorda t2 pituid good sujar for 100 at a v i rccuv tfe latest rtvlcj in etift felt hats at k fet mcnaba tsicoxi hand stoves front 6100 up atjtj ulus dosv forgot b go to a w titceaa foe cheap raa y c- it ill for llie best eave- traaphtbk in tha coanty a w ytuieii far clicap teas so cent teas telliai for 458 all the newest things in sott felt hata at fyfo t mcsabr vsplcsdrostocfc of stoves etc ust received at j c tlilla noruixu to surpass dioso ten dollar snita at fyfe t mcnaba fun nobby stovp witli or with- otitifarntturo go to s c hills iter lit cent winonys in canada at christie itotdcrsoa t cos acton new stock of lamps lampshades and best coal oil cheap at j c hills jskt and cheapest heating drums in town made to order at j c hills alkx bicni ita3 tho best 50 cent tea intowa aud dont you forget -mantlesj-ant- house owlnglothorory uearyulyoncloluingofallkta dolmans and jackets lhfiesoninolfiltiiglirs-i- customers much boiler value neaternttfnggarnientiiind very much betloraevtodlljintlei lba i to pay oneltil trx axocorar tiirut wf ti 3r 1s79 tile liirtiiilhs harvest basket in xict ratistdr is tuacktgirins l- celi blows the uait and coil i arc liie pcrchixrvl ln7ltrs- tle roads in tli vicia- iv liv ltn in i pcaaxi coa4itec iatties laiving istiay kniraals a 1- a ti xrtijitt5g krn iliss is w ujserer bcuse vou tiller trsuaofsiei of rirerci sai rjnr it vcu dont want to beroubea of v uf nnrrc con uate it rein leu yr cktrtlli- gil yoic pirloc etovt6 np si the ciim s are beireaaj t3 chilly for lhcyoanj ce ouije hallovrss tofotorrow we nn- tlusllb iilkxiuubliwiiiveocta jviect aar jepnjiitwrs wcajie iadrbted io jtra e marews muitraa xie5raliacnt here i r ccjiiei of daadte scotland daili otk bratt bind discoursed swet cvi llicitii oauoiadayepepipg lao frci- ou tilf o th eitiii le tiaowtioii- os sotkiay deit elder eolert rtaty of toronto will preach in the his cijie church both nroraiine ad evagai ii fctad 7 p m r v e tibsf c fwwikxinibecfsipney preiihjtt smalbins arch service ift 5c cent ta in 5 lb lots for5 cents at christie hendersousoot actou toa oil best london cul oil only lil cents at christie hcndereua k iv actoa kwv and urge etoct of tha best anci cheiptt stovea in the market just re- cwudatw-cuiuv- flower roots hulbj and barttr patternt at ilrs s a secdrds at un- piecedently low priqer largest 6tocfc of boots and shoes atchristie htndarson k cos acton a dueoantjoi tivo pcrccut off any cash pur chase of ffvo pairs pc upwards jcall t the fkee press office for yaor sale bills voucan have tbcm home with yuu the fa day and a good local en vourtalc in the nectittueof the payer millixeuv and mantles newest style and choicest goods at christie i henderson coa aton and prices cisr- o tie imported onej which frequently rip to pieces by all n his hamlllon mido muntlea vcru nldablack cloth manilca 32 inchoj longat87o axiostill better alfcioo and rfilngcacufrtca frorircl lalu nil ilia jeny up tn27kformaitlcsritforanrincem wetvr about20mnllnade by one ofthelargeit british manulaoturerfanhmpbrtl before the gmtadranca in tin- futles which aroboing sold oil at fabuloujiylofvpriooj ityou wantto aat nioney buy your hanllea at the riaur house on king street east blankets klluikclsi imdtlkctk jllkt kcc the keaudfnl hlankelsln hnlkfna wludow tuu wceki hu aloclc of blankcts i enormously urge was bought from uno orjha very best blanket raakora in canada for cash when en wj preited for money and contequetitly ofd his blank much below wholesale price to raiso tho cash w atkins sells them farbehw tho adrertisod prices of other houses every pair orblnku has the welghtancprice marked oa them in plain cgurea so that customers can es exactly what good uluo they are getting hilkh silks silks for ivery lady a lot oftmutifal colored silks received tiis veek from the foreign maaufaoturers very cheap a full stock of french and lindiah lllaofc hilki- ranging from 55o to 3 silics sold by the dress al wholesale prices buy jour silks at the right honse and yon will bo pleased witli the qualities colors and prices they areleautirul carpels carpets carpels a lot of xewcarpetg arrived tills week direct fiom tbo manufacturers an enormous slock of carpets on hand very nice tapestry carpels only o5c crossleysmagnifieeal lspesjrycvrpefsin u qaai- lies and prices handsome bqnssels carpets only 1 brintons croisicyjcbokaaad uther makers best fire frame brussels oorpeiistth very loeit prioesi them thoy iro pharmn goods winceys wlticejs wliiceja- luo liter ghlpiucnt of those beautiful clieap wiuccrs direct from the scotch ruanafricturcrk to hand this wk about 5aju yafds of vvmceys goad and durable to wer in all colors and prices from 5c u 2uc boy your winceys t lha htoitr hotifn and you will get tonjo of tha most comfortable and cheapest ites goods yoo ever had doieni of caea of atourning goods in almost every style snd material at prices so loir aud such good qualities asta surprise customers tho blackcashmeres from iji ta 160 hsre an enormous sale they are kept in both blue d j blick i j grm right house so and si king street etid iljlililton vheri ihi rercntdah is dimiiear ffughoii slrcel hamilton oct so s79 v thomas c watkbfs hamilton c t eeiicx foe groceries kxoa want atocdandehean article to tciae srusjijataa blii or oua- potior sufjars syrrfps- 1 spices 1 and tobaccos 01 all kinds j rhtinrlvcollee cillej oa us on mon- miss mngcie rapishaw loft acton vcsler- iy mnrriu urcai3c mich where hc ipumls to tjriid a ffw mnaths jeu ilis khb oiucu regret out re tt woik rnrounco the ilcalh uf mr aines iliiu aiur a very painful illness of itit iwvlts dfs wkich ho lore kitfa hritian fortitiilc itl resipnatiiin the ecca5tilas urn in the tutvihip f trs hltr in ispv fran wfichhe rvmive 1 ta drf ritvity in jfl anl nturml tjain i i tin- hvh siinc thru vears a itccj loucr thxn iu wy atljouiui city alie1 aiay iis in the vih yeir f fieiiehs rrquinng plrtw- shares ofony dcscripion tin be supplied al 15 iio nl leave a viilow anl two cliilii- i t ttinnra his lot cxmyiiit- h trie unflrsvcitt cotiucrfbiijiw 1 fashinueil luectiuc onfritlay cyening cst zua sivtc phee cimilar to ihcfit xhtch cizhtjy ttcccrred 1 year or to aii rfce hrram enils is njvirt of the mcetc jsilh siaft u the allltnucn luuavcd iu 5 tnfet uastetuly mtnnecctwjthstlnditi3th etcfts oflttc chflinnta to ktrtp tfcea in chrch and tie time was talienup ia dis- cisv the irf trvaoiis ohjcctlcmf and advanclo toe mtist incroioae hiirplittiac jaendmnt it wsj s rear circtis tnd vis lively cnfycd by urge crowd of a rir gatherisr of basps ef- itnifl re ttitti niaur iv die mimic thrtll rtn f irnano tnjpt thctth ihiul toac- cunitiiay thcia u chicago u tiitirtitcarvioa in june next it is prrjw tad xt itive ahmt ico uiffetmiflcii there shnum th celc- iraj llh of this city w aaio thunum- ltf tlrrr will be ier iitnv to turpi s it hdiktti sriir aud if the wthingtnn artfllcry baud fifcrnli s eoe olthe cele- brttel loads will hcirht rctlly f1rtcus roasic is gwii jcrccrn andif attn bra bnd should o the wijhnfia ar- ihciy baal vill havo to x4 tilie a ucj seat hard1re 1 of all kinds paints axd oils hinges and locks nails glass k putty suit cash o br the carrel all cheap for qq to- t hills mill street acton a o 1 o ist o w b x hi bit i a m tuis aud following week an immense j stock of oheap choice pasmqnable iiilajrcrz wool eibbonc- st0ckof wikceitsboairht on specuitermsi decided barpauisee them i fuuu lines qf cottons flannels blankets tweeds shirts drawers dress shirts c m prices guanarteed lower fiia ia mj adjoining city toim or village boots ad shoes in great variety price axd quauty guaranteed higrt v 33 ei scth33 jabtji ojsxsi 33 a 3h xs y christle henderson i co acton ontario v iw ac2afisauljijjaie nsa il halfpas fil oclock tee agni of itessrs shaw t martni iferihin tailors onelph was in tim to jayi this week tklng orders he2cetddvery well ihosxr order offices were opened at gladstone and at selkirk aliiitola the 1st inst and one is to be opened emsrtoa oa the 1st et kovember s our srindow we erhiblt a quan tity of new fall wheat prown on the oi mr jfartin of lot 23 con 5 bsqueaiiik which- tneasiirea 3j inches froai root to tip jobs 6treet between millstre iai bower arehae las beta biockade wjtfa f building in coarse o ranoval for v eefc past ve think it is time the obstirnc- tion waatemared a cgefiiytediir vrks tasnqgi wsjiaii efeainir witk eia rife leiafc who was romantic and ao admirer of natnre said oh 1 jeiat fast notice the moanr cant think of it my lieir for teas thai eight cents a line 5eveeiivertbad hies appear in die sidtkalkt cfpeciahy onthurch street onpuiite the kisciple cfcarch tndfewper- aaee hill and two trthreeplfces oa main street tcetreit aiid sidewalk commiiwe tiaawattcbtotiaajteejlffore froit corner i foewlparposas o a family sitcineha oil at t bead of the list it is used with unpre cedented mxewfihotk internally aoi z- i ternaliy it cares sore throat burns scalds frost bites relieves and often cures asthma j xice fbee peels will be sentto r efsons who suuscrfle now op to jan 1st is51 for shoo pivahfe ia adeance kah- jaiibatocoe kverv niaa ought to bive the local paper voa caa not fail to- vee sonbthipginiuacotf year that will beaefit tosnjnraaiijoecost while in new york ft few dnjys pi barnnm replied to an old friend who told bira he looked as hale and oeahy atedlitenyearso linght not tor- my dear sir j imaa old man- 1 in 0 but ilcenp ninaandwlncearspij if luvat smiiw agartotjerfti years por hare i tailed a drop- of itqnor for many jejrs itut tisrtept me young- and heiriy j i we wj the fbebpeeis and rtz shave ctfetuafeke fps rega and we gire u for g 00- tlicr prf cc at nheat the vnrvliiit in the ctffiitfian iur- ttt is ofrurolld to a prat extent ty w jreklttiijiij3riffrrirottonrnrla rtawitir iridi enbdtnptwrtinor ciitianvfeealanijtueliffeoiisvfjicffaty a hivth4uree of wuvii- camronnd ksrap orvi tl tlurry iievtr chnngtti a tw-ntj- fivb out ikjuiq cltlcurr hy nrdlrmry couch or oi i nnil pive mirt5 relief in nhftandlnz cs o njnchitls 3o hnrdrcds t w eui uutitrav- tne curwl coucbfi cni cmn which liny- ucn imf rclduai ether rf-m- edlesaid the prorritntiel8lin tmt a jim bos tie will snre hex umlly runn any dnpr from troaiptcbfyidlrr couh bion eiilk catarth lysof iolee coiiiis and llolds aud kll tludrciditeaees lor u whole tbjf inij emvt bott but a fart wlilrb has hireafty brcn rrmren uy t mnivifts of cmadlaa pajallleeta their eutire mttefac- tiou t 1 0 annail 20c culdq3 in vwp- 20 surer tteiiie lnatrerrr the twenty sfth anuiversary ot the wed- dina of mr aodlfrs thopias c llrwre of thir village wis celebrated by the family with a larre pnmber of friend on friday 17f h in5taf their residence ohbower avenue congratijhjtrjns so the brule tad groan were in order for some time anddinner was served atifrsopin when tfiimet had been conclniied the company retired to the par lor and tectime cas ocenpied iu speeches by lfr5faore itev r hobbs aid others oresent mcaie and singing and a general cood trme wis spent the presents which were njimerons were very apnropriate to the occasion thecomnany brote up at a seasonable iw iff being nmch pleased with lha iockble erenine epent togefcer we do not wish onr friends rery rainy refarhs of this atmirersary but it would afford nspleasnre to chronicle in a futnro issue ot thiffie re5sfthticffoideawfi- aid j third class peofessiosil eriit- inatios the foltpwirg are the napica oftioso ittio pisbfuujpjjlfo tblrd class pfdfefibionaretaniinatioiiet halton on friday last oentlekek chisholoi matthew henry fell janies harfhall j wveiiffe mcdowell henry sheehan diyid i stewart wro oliphacf 1 stephenson wm ladies andrews satih grant jennie ki harris aarcaf- martin ajoer j mccranct lonisi onghtred lncy sophia speight clara j j mies luttm passed the intermediate eraiuination rcade aa andjmiss hamb at tna wkterdowp higlissbool miss mccciney grade e oakville high sohoa iv stewart grade b gnelpb and mr 8terenon erade bwaterdown mim yivot the ueorgetorcn foundry atieacy in th frccfness buildinp at the saue prices as nt the foundry r plekeuijeb that ahx stord piiykj the highest niaikct price for butter and ijccp and jivcs better value in incemvl than any oinr sture in t an fernet this if ycru want to hue aiyucy for tho bei nod chexpetftcoal its town at reirc4 rei vheu urge quan tities arc purcltwed go to j e 31c cjairins dru itor sk casii stork for 11 ppnpnil al every dctriptiun l to a w orecnj he in prepare to cqpplv y y cheap iit coii ukls dtdivtred to any part of iuetoa storo opiviit aguewa iwkj estenihise nrctrs mcquillan i flcaiiltou of tho wellington marue works iiielph are doinc the bfft and rheaitest work in canada being the finl to iuirolucc fintcus wort at low prircs by ioiportliit direct the best quxlitiea of mirbe anil 9nat 10 tf ocr matiafactnring departtxcn such as millinery jinahes ordered ind mdy best glqiking ljritootr- itvjdnqrpwrfs- 1r ad mojt pbtioiwfrim purtleotirf itdd we bt made exleni6 iaiproveme t ta in tmr nmhittg dp4rtmt whiefi 1 meet iritrt tire tpproral of our mimerout patrons va aell goods cbexp to suit the time mcleod anderson co on the verge of the grate ujlcft mtho ixmrjitltftt io mosa vtallir qt itepry hkifgcdbgwlictn pi the lungs tnd chronic qzi rrh to battli0flveoi3tistittttlijnl kemedy entirely restored him to health and to use his own wrds built up my tthole tysiem the remedy is for ealeby alldmggists ovrawhtxhinq evidmre tbatmic leod anderson co of the mammoth uctise georgetofea have th biggest stock lure the biggest place do the biggest dtr joodsbaene give the biggest bargains in ibis cotmiyor aiiy other oountv or city their jinco is crammed fall from cellar to garret of bur bargains and frjtcusr pond in speetioa invited cointjetttioa nowhere when our reat bargains are seen an emptrxtloa wlicirapoteompoeea set of verse hat fiurmehi heart uetay he li inspired lnlecd he ig when celebrated students ot mgiene niter careful nudy give uea i-u- ceainr manvof lti6 ills hint flesh is upir to we say the have made lucky hit wy art wionglt is equally an inetlrauon debility droiiclibilaili ctloos and coribamtitloa utitn- berthflrviptirnfeby ttietliaiisand bat how footitdckccliffleaitlrs could be ameitoniicd li weontykuew iu ticattt emiitstailorptire cdtf mr att with the nypapuonpliltes of islmcnad soutsibfl reuieiy prtiuantlj udapied tokuh condltios andinafccn long eaoagh u almost sareto effect a cure ills ulsoperfpclly agreeable to the taste ikpofctaxt notice it fa admitted by all partiee who have paid attention pi fecatrcftiuhci ia values tljafc teak itdtancisd tally r lf to 20 per cent and ieathejraw2iisg irceaiv qar stmt of boots auu ishocs waa all bonpht ik fore the advance and alioat a week bt fore the refit ui tetu w6urcaased s- three tnrjiiths stojtk we nukeno cliance io price itit fiiveoqrproosthe eutire benefit of ur good luck and can therefore cnxrantee pviceii igwev ilian in any adjoiuing village town or city cool- ujltmly 12 cent per gallon warranted good halt only wi cents per barret ail iianrciise stock of boots and sho3tofifciect frora dry gvods readyinadecmthinjr millinery msntles etcet at old prices christie hender- boa c5 acton j ovloio o oo o o o o ii tinsiyiithinc the ukuelisioned would re- epectfullt intimate to thtchawt- anu of axton nd siirroundlnp country that he has purchased the stock and business of wjfleitlmdilmdiinae the store t ttawsre basltiexa in all ttx braachea- jm03lvthey i50 painkuo 15c t hvbbr fqrtj sale by all bookse v tv a jr w i c it toronto ont mmxjt scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil jwits hypophosphites of lime akd soda eebfc ie itetvterf tjisi a nice aritf ot cheap for gash get the bat of all base buruers the sultana jolt worki and repairing promptly attended to all mail of trucfc taioa la s- ci a better lnt in earic sfewrj itk u cd dot tfce remedial pew be much more rtaiiily orda snxi feed i raioae ia til ifce ibere cia it a iwccaar bcw ts 7t-j- f is throat ri isocw rotowx liw mpainkdaictjam tad ortpoci licisre fc gwtsa emtarios fistbr jl iesste at a per took toeatksbibs boar tn andenignsd has for eerrice on lot 27con t esjaesinp a thoroufih- bred heikshire boar which is a prise taker nt the ioclph centrat fair term 100 cash 163m alexh biiowv no jtark v tttvtsr ukb woek kverr attviiat- taut his 007- kverj person tliat has churnlos 10 do snonld buy one of potmm xoiseleksdoc power weels that wilt ran clihcr tne dsb or crank chnrn tue cheapest eastet and bt ruuulne wheel iirl is made call and see it at wort on bover street hail of be neltl- hotel mude and soldocljby b fueues aclcm onl a mosctt otarant4c1 sw hace maile by the lius capital not re- ve wlllkuirt you worn nuys and g rawke money fkcwrat vock for us than at anjtmnj ele the worlc is llelitand pleasant amtsacnnpnnyonp can an rlahtat tlnse wlw ill m wlmse ihls notice will seat us their oiljre at ovee and keoforlhemsclves costly culqu and term- frco kow is mm tl toe tbiite already nswoik r- laying up isrse sums or money adlrt tkoktco aniiivtu miilne uex division an opeitajirigioti will be given nndcr the auspices of acton division 86 2h s of t on tuesday evening nov th the programme will consist of speeches music readiliirs recitations etc the merits ne the scott a ct will probably be- diseassed the entertainments of the division baro always had a good reputation- and this ono will be made to come np to the nsnal standard doors open at 730 eli sotdee vp 7alssibi mew dressmaker m iss 1utvdaekit takes pleaeore in nrornrtncirie iadlpr hf acton and vicinity hiit she bar nfcrn th plat- former ly occupied hr is ehka- matthews and is prepared io execute dressiyiaking la all the iaicst ics and at reasonable prices rokdeefisoufttedi i inss issaws llm gargraing at homs owingto a change i rnannccment of the- business about to take place oraiasbft hava decided to rush of their stock of boots and shoes for the neat month or uo at cost price and under come at once and secure bairains mote parties indebted to the aliove firm will kindly call and pay up their accounts as a change will take place aboal the 1st of octoherard e umst have all accounts settled by tost dale s ir okaine son remember the place i i iyd its rudnixpy sti acton alvill klat llooi 1 illlal while you live liyewelix j t eagtg baker aoto lff oald reapeblfaaly uiaxik my troxngr- os oottotuersin ieton and tbo iur- rdandingcounix and tillages for tha bountiful patronage thsy hare bestowed j itttuffetlqwnatiikt almost opposlto j ff ills grocerj store and besides cdferiag my thanks i would solicit a coutiadaatce of their esteenjed patrouage j la the future as in tha past raj j sbqq if a worn while my supply of bcssjaxd cakes i are uc equalled aiixaoas oizfi sssiiilttir orders for picnics teamectinsrs or serial katberttigs proxnpfly i aad chcnpltereciiled oa dliorc notlee j t eisto rheumatism 115001 domla yelrtirsitoso s in yurtiwniuedlty riefcj women ia ns israen jtanrmiae tliun llie flmouuto- fered ahive n one cab tail to mite makemauer tast anv one can do tbo wort ton mate lrum 50 ctsjo 2 nil hoar jjytlevotinryonr evnloes jm srare time tothehcslness itcts nothlns to ty lt5 bullnss nuituns llaeltformouej ike everonered belure b- nd strlcily uonomme kelerlf f anto k abntilt jvj bast paylpe basin jbefore heinhlfesehdpsyoaradlrftodwewll it ion fuupaiilcolarsiiind private terms id private terms ireeisaopiwwovt1 5 also irejjj then mnke nnyobr mind tor jca rwif ad- dtt- ueoeoe sti80 co tortland itatne- hagyards yellow oil for internal external use greatest cure in the world give it ome trial sale 6clboard stables mill street aqjon is where you can get firstolass eigs at reasonable rates good commercial edgs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deiver goods to any part of the town alt parties indebted to tuts es tablishment are requested io pay up without further delay and sire costs ed mattaevs proprietor iqhi skisjht undertaker a frst class hraksk l ittnd fttaeralfl wheft required coisn casfceu handle pfavesburiai koixs hat bands t ei r i yuppiiedattrmjaabterit v x gg 0 k s sleicxlis ix sfade to order arid 41 iklii tf j re p a i r i nd rprosfptly attehbld to stcaotsats ia 5011810 at plani -al- t7ta ltiail sal as4s to txitti factory and shops footofwillow st actox- i johatspeisill acton feb mitttf tlls oi is nnfteftiie surest remedies in the world fir theatcre uf riienmat- iftiv konralglr- 1ttuljago spinal and bronchial complaints i earnes ycwl- ace cramps spialn lirulsa oalls sif xuluts dwelled ilnnda sore nip ples kutt eci chilblain- tseler krvfilbues ciapped hands wounds cnts soco thraf 8linjs c insects slitatness of braaui any ureases ihatarvrainulorbnre ills the only article everbroeutoe- fare the public that will do us wora cerf cty and has been used bylnona- ands aud pronounced to betlie uett remedy for re lievlna pain ever dla- covered v epaallr cood forlttaa and dcasr for sale israa flearra fce nr iokft huharn bcntley pcirsoii props tobbvto timr f reitoic btotctx trbcmas trade witc sk tlie great eng- list ueutedr an rinfalllna curethfetemlnai- veakress sper matorrliea lm- tioteaj and nil nsease tbalg i m la- follow ir a so- vatvka m- wontaimgqnenei otbeirg tsiimr base ns loss of memory calversauasslindpbin nlbe baclc 1 imneisct vlsloopremalorcpidap anunjanyatlier ulieaseithal eadiolusanlty orconsnmulonand a prtmamreoravej tafrou partclars in our rampblet wblehwv desire toeerd rre by malt t ewrj- one irtlie hpe hedlcineis todtyail drnairlsuat l p pactaceosla ptickges sr vs orwlltl miufme by majon receipt 01 tha money bynavjeslns 01 ine niooej uemcie c i tarostto oal an bold in eion by all drueattuadd verr- hereln ciada and the uolidsute by jl whoiesats andjvtl tlrcvyialv 80cljr 0 w hill photographer j and dealer in all fciadsf mouldings frames ard s1a art stiit sballworkgnrnted to be cciiil to the best in csiifli aid to -give- satisfaction sbaos3 to sclt tbi hind trjcss qlilldreys pictures aru famlli groups specialties r oil pleturs copied mid ealirgej aay sl or st7lj pubtogntphs mallacl to alty address cecas w- htlali actonjoni h m i a

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