Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1879, p. 1

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x r l r fs cotjt f i mnlkf saw uafaii ijrlni denver i in- retain ancntt aow 4 ilf rtm im frtttr l itbncuh locit- 1i- oetout saluly iowat rcbumgri tstttilutr ut tn txterars or tax ctvtixivs cr iultos rxjcktt trsrt rfftrsspiir transctta at tut free prbr panting mia pumii i- toc houe next to the methodist cliutch mill street acton out true tat fun pkew will be lent to tebfrbre pottage paid or mm per in nam ta advance if pud during the year 150 if net pud till ifter expuiuon o tic yearc rt0 ko paper- ducmttnuca tillall srteari im pud except it the option cf the rub uhcr airtisutva ratts cuul tdvertitc- menu ent per lite tor the fint lutcr- tor ud 2 cenla per line for etch eabtc- qncnt latrt on- cath professional cards 10 1 ue or ict 00 per annum i square is ires fsw per annum pijtbie in 6 r oathc fnjui dale of insertion any spccil xolic the object of which it to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indir dual or company to be cotidcted aa advertisement the number of lines reck- onci ly the ipc occupied nicaiund by l idle of- solid xoaparau advertisement without ipcciil inatruc- lions lascrtel till forbid and chirged tc cordinjly ordirt for discontinuing advcrluencnu muit be in writing otherwise the publiahcrt will not be rapocble i job brlstlhv every facility for bojv plain and ftney job printing experienced ncottmei kewctt itles cf type presses good chlrre eodcnlo h p moore edlor ind proprietor toltikk v no 21 whom no 280 1 acton ontfrnovembiiro j879 canada jmammllgomil savings bank corvek or james 1cd vise 8ts hami1ton six per cent interest paid on deposits of 1 and upwards- safest ssd best secueitt 86ss gitg ise to ttt h lowry mb mcps gra- u crux of truiity college member of cojege of thyccitia nd scrgcocc office nd residence it the htd of frcel- crick st actoc y- mcgarvuc m d ii c p s- i jgtdcxe it tictaru college resi dence coner of mill rad fredcncfc ttreeti ccriutaca dmily froec s to 10 a m ind j ftora 3 to 6 p ni ilistek jl clark barrister quebec st gttelph seiivch office in itr itattnew6 buildiass idu st acton u oma otv evxet ferrnr s tttil hejisteher licansed auctioneer ordtrt left it cr it my residence in prcjt y itlended to tenrj reucmxhle baud of dlrecuct d b citlssolm eiq pies dent wit rekse esq cf john widieico buranjtou vicepresident j w rimergii u d ktmiltuo hcqtt hcrkar e a himilloo thos eutscuit t esq kels jp coi jons lucd birt a nirr dttkjcair qt htmiltca r k chisbolk esq oilnllc vic frltkis xl d gcorvetown h s geifrtx u d c b sow esq winger cotton lid t duadss jfcxey to inic en eel etitte tit rucu lo fat foiroteerf mi on taty xcrtsx f ofuca opn every wcekdsy from lh to 5 pin s d- dextee alsatjer ing iijlstj 7 6m federal bank of canada grnelpli branoji a gnstil bikcisa bt mses dott drafts ni bills of exceakqe depositors are illowtsi interest it the nfe of fire 5 fotfc p sivicgs bint the fm pk office aetoni j i g mat rockwcod will be kll the money rtmiuis in ti e bint not less thin eh 6 mnihs ird three 3 coths notce be givn et lit irilbdrmtl thomas t greet itunger g i f i patekts for ixvextios espe- drnocsir ind property secured in cin- ids the csrted stifes lad europe pi- ten guinnteed jir no chirge bend for printed instructions agencv in opention lesyesrt hexrr grist ottiwi ctnxds mecismeil engineerj soiiat r cf pitents md dnnrhuxxn d mathesok attoksey-at- c llw solictor in chincery tc office eit doa- to wlllicsi hotel slotou j nomeciok hotel actok robert arnew erojaetar the new hotel h aers- velttis j sl b6st tests to tooms br kit ider 0ds fitted cp in firsttum style with new fnmi tcre cocamereiii trailers will find good iccommodsiion snd eommtdious simple of the trsrf jkng public bit supplied with the best lqncrs snd csgsn good stilling md irientrre hostlers the travellers life i acciieut ins co of haettoeo cosk writes ervythirg desinblo in the xy cf lafe tad aodmt iiuartare sates lox security unqriestionetl ample deposit md vith the domimoa govepunect fr tht lecinty of ciua poller kaldcis putfipcuiic4iul s 60000000 gro3 aice 479s 6777 totu iiaiiitiet 3 51173437 james matthews aeot actors oat kar q to ttc fttfl tod let h to fur ihtflulxca ctotciud do si tuia ot tin 6l peter criod and the uicu ill men tluat tvioa i m dmcd freer luiti oc ifn fchrii f4od ac i ciocytliluirtieqlf la nor mty i co cut i not filter there ifaili for i kmt po antes tlio gulf hns ifc cty datl u ia uxir woe ami the uclc til vect tllcat ii i enter hecttn i niix t l uf iouu oilre foruitm u ltnp dlfttrcffut wd rok let tumlng fire and the ceu au rcre tueot t st peter he icnjed the keyt ibotjt aadmrttddfttm 0tt jtkt lor the ll ifld lud wuwt artromlhair and the ijtli tx cro ileal ebwi d i b nirer clirto ifco jd tttjiltjtrle tha deljl uvutc cc the wtfal dl lutuirlieotflrtiiur acd tbe trt ill vere iilct eholu b9ltcrc2ritwcrl to lore do core tbe lotwi o in idr iwuh 1 ouilicthadoorr acd tie it did lit o i l mj on th- ctad ti auj br in th tae acl cl to his trt tor ioto o afl it culusai lunet an- tioncttilvereiiietit ehoulj t lw liter r rer tlici forpctuae thk i sizztrulc iti th sectphiai in te tub bir acd the utl ib vcre tleat tte lord nicuclf ood by the ctte andtcirdherfirti pioe todcr vtvlt ooraocit gcctlc tad bk ind the uie lu tere ilect not pitr is the letch cf coi ujhustta tesrt and tra the wj h ever trod he neer depmt and the u l xra fuect abd ke siid kowillcoirith jftt decc ilikrte i i ti cery o til thl f to too u hctea there acd the cjeta iu sere imect vtc wai co ik d to the loit u they 111 hw they ho ire cnt btt need no oct atd th ire dear acd j ujij il ere tueat- tjotal feohaitcje hoteli ac- rl toit jis campbell bropriator mr csopbeh lite cf the rosm hccs- retrg t e sutjcn tikes pleucre m in- noaqrcg to his mtny old fneeds ind pi- trens tilt he his recently purchased md re fitted the rotii eictmge ia theeeitest md rcort ccmfartible rtyli md is prepsred to iocoaodite d wbomiy fsvoiir fcim in r the meet ccmfortible tuirner cnoee vtiues liquorr clsn tn cool tnnuner dnnfci itwiys m stock sulle in chirge of sn itleatite hostler tte pitronige cf the gable u respectfully soliated md no effort il be sptred to give tie very best ittention jxs cunfunj aask for sefss i im prepied to psy the highest ash price for ill cltsses of lunb tai sheep kins delivered it ray unnery rirlrrr t- lice ftliy jaiosmoore acctiok sale idvertisemente inserted in the acios feu petes it lowrites the best iocs prper of- hilton co btrths mxrrixges md deaths mserted free in the ados fkee parss the best locsl piper cf hilton co tards bihheidi md circatin of every j derpfmtteiemtediietjtijtheacros feee pees office the behtbcii ppeio hilton co i nomlhjxtcatioks on locsl cjiejtionsoi j interest will gudly received by the icros fect fmm the best teal piper ot hilton co bakery isd confectionery kzssed b i e kicklik would xntx icrte thit they hire opened op their new bake shop 1 os rsi corner of mill and math sta acton and fcst they will ilwiys be supplied with a i breid besides- bnns ctkes putry tc c kc i liece stock orceoice confectfo nery iill be found on hind which is ill new tnd freh 0atmeal ooehmeal bucskwheat floue oeaoeed wheat c llwsysin stock this will be found to be the plsce where the best goods will be kept it the lowest prices tltrtxxicssz be nickijn under an evil btae ettkg tee kaeelttvior kcth esttsckoit ednxo bt jceevtix aeeectoi plet ixl c0ktqtcei ni ciis i conttxrt with hiatrl hive it i pirchicent document on mr met silence for ever on this dirk jsgt 1 m thtthinhflnlj never rnirry sgsin md thit on til dingnwi erghteenth faxhiiy i see i see oh mr higgerstooe i tta reidy to sign my engagement joo shsll hive my sam my fithcr wishes me be rot eo impstin hiss welmore heir me oat i retcit thst your fither en- rtged ttit n your eighteenth jbirthdiy i should obtiin your hsndin nurriige your wife 111 and rising tnddenl she spring like t tcrrorttickcn dce lo the very eittemity of the room ilnwft touching the screen which cancelled rne i he followed her thourh ficntly md tt- ternatinz to tike her hind movement which the eluded he slid l it is scircely cccctsiry for me to idd thxt i isnow here to demind the fulfilmeat of ar contract- ob wretched evelya aad banting intd m tgcoy of tctre she fell into the nesrertchur j i felt i stoni trapruse to quit my mcun- nuce md ga to her support bu i moment s reflection told me thit my present sppesr- moe muht idd s serious complies lion to the terrible portion creited or her a brief psuxe ensued which wis bcokeli by evelyn who slid j with your permission sir for s short time envelopes nrinfei in the neitest style md it the lowest prices it the acres feee peess the best loci psper of in tra co tf vou he una or firm stock for sie 1 iavertisetheniintheacrosfeeepeesa thj best iocil pipe of hilton co irerchaxis md fumeri ibie ibotdd il sdrertisewd support the acros feet peess the best local piper of hilton co mtkayed or stofen adtertuements of n this oitait mserted veryjehetp in the acros fees peek the best iocil ppero ksltonco i bumps i pumpa s pumps aggb w e adijc ksnaiictnrer of npenor we i md cutem pimps which will be pat in on short notice fopnring pjot d ne chirgim modente also siws nwd indict gite him i cill shop on freder ick street oppceite dr harness harness any person in wint of good set of htmesi either single or double should all t creechs saddlery where they cmet better vilue for their money thin my plice m the coanty a good issortmeat of tettskb aot valises on hind ill of which will be soldcheip i for cssh acton feb 26 1879 i will retire oh t prsy follow your own m- cunitcn should year decision on this momentous mstter plice ns in the relitioa of wife md husbind you will find me no hushtyrmt but i trust you will not long deliyto inform m of your intentions the suddenness of your snnouncement mr hsggerstone this terrible tile of the psst the future prospect thus aneipectedly infolded to me sll combine to slmost psrslyse my power of reflection i will see my fither from him you shsll reccve my snswer so be it miss welmore but i prey you to observe thit my present stsy here must be short pressing sffsiri in london demsnd the immediite lofutoa of this ques- tion i hive no doubt of lhj issue when yoa tell ma you will be goidednyonr deci sion by your fither to whom you sre iwsre it is nothing less thsn i mitter of life or delta i i wsited not to heir more fiiiog out r ds ff orterlsnt- rmassu- t to if oliwaxplow j made at i orrrwes iron woris coalpii is iheii of sll ccmpetitois for generjl fur- ryr trb bcut stl m siirt mide ef specxsl hud iron cheap i tit ctsb new fences sieves meul le un sad ciifaag of ill kinds jomrgsowe a week in yonr own town ind no cipitil raked yoncsa g e the businesi s trial without expecse the lest opportunity ever offered for those willing to work yott shouli try nothing else until yon see for 5 runeif whshyoa cm io it the bosinen we efftr ko room to explain here yon can devote illyaur time or only your spare tune to thetrasiiess snd make great py for every hour tilt you work women tniie si much sa inen bead for specittvprivite manhood we hi recently published j 5 bggay on the eimcix ist ljf rrsfwithout medicine of kervous jn swsastsa cenucttwoposestsnips the fremthirty eoar ctol year fissraut throngh the utile door i ran swiftly round to the bill in feme to meet evelyn on her sequences my bzatsjitsg terms md pirticolsn which we mill free address ji ca 5 tutfit fr4 dont complain of bui timei rfca oulvorwwl fen bt nerw tor while you hive such i chance a h iepjl j idallett co portland maine i port offioe an my neck md broke ioto convulsive wcep- i led her scarcely couscious p to her own room where i gsve her some ksuritives gently turotng the conversihoa oa he re cent scene i discovered thst she hsdslresdv srrived it a decision in hfr own muid sack a decision indeed is wis to be expected from her seutactificieg nature she would sive her father snd the honour of her f imflv and ruth shessirl my fiher shall never know sll he is isling of me why should i increise the igonyhe slresdy feels 1 ky if he knew where i have alrcidy b- rfowed my heart he might even bacnfice himself his honour hsply his life to live me from misery wslterashton shsll learn ctom me that a stern necessity prevents our union that he must never isfc me to en- liciifcn him further md thit the secret of our love is to remain for ever buried within our own heirta rath dear i din not ipeak with him now the sight of him fond unnerve for the tssk i have to per forin tell himhe mast not refflun here a niomeut loader sy i wjl write to w after evelyn hid quitted me to leefc hit poyns violent reaction seem to overcome me md i remained in a sort of stapor dnr- ine which my commission to i walter ashton entirely- fidedrom my recollection thas it ome to pass that his misfortune wis broken to hin manner utue inbcipited by either evelyn or myself beyond knowing thit mr hsggerstone received evelyns reply fromgirpyn s lips fiomaihlotoayanytliingon that parti- hadotseended md w about to ioin mr aahton in th piirturegillary when the sound of vrfoo from witliin told me thit hii toitudo hid alresdy loon inter- rupted i toon pl uly distinguished the vooi if sir poyns is well si that of the terrible hifgorstoee inferring hit evelyn mult be ilono i iusteued to join her th s sa i ifterwirds leirnt wis whit had occurrol in the mllciy s r poyui ind mr higjerstone hid ea- tared together hirgarstone it once il luming in sir of i muter nther thin thit pf i visitor in th house presented mr ash- toa to tho bioiit itt an affhinded msn- ncr mr wslter the painter i was mention ing to yon sir poyns the bsronot bowed itiffly md with i surprised nr but spoke not mr ashtoa taken sbiok by this reception msde i for- mil spoech to the mleat thit ha rejoicedit tho occasion which permitted him tho hon our of miking sir rvym welmorea ic- qusiotsuoe toe personaga thus addressed bowed again still mere vacant e and again without spelling mr aihten now rssaik el in a complimeaury manner upon the gallery of picluns mr wslter is a juiige said hargor- stone cm yon mike a roujh guess mr wslter at the value of the eolfccuoaf i wss the reply hire lived all my lifo among gtod pictures but hive never studied them with regard to their leliing prioe you sell noae but those of your own psintingl this remark made by htggerstone re- exlled to htm his issumcd character which tor the moment ha hid wellnigh forgotten he added ofoourteldonotslludetothose bat you know mr hsggerstone i sm not here to day with i view to sell my riclnres cetiialy cot your loe object wss to nuke the icquaintacoe of sir poyns wei- moret whica remirfc he accompsnied by i look of peculiir memmg which appexrea to uy and now that yon have mide his icquuntance snd see how coldly par sdviaces ire received yon will do well to lake your departure i i thinking it not unlikely thit this might be the best course to pursue under the c r- cunutaaces since he nad at least succeeded in making sir poyna personal acqaint4 mce mr ashton was preparing to say i few irewell words when hajyerstoue at uj new idea had omcxred to him said to th bironct i was observing to this young gentli man as we walked up together from thi blue lson where we are both staying thst your daughter cf course ho is not ac qunnted withner will probably hive socr knowledge of pictures more particularly rotigiouspctures she having been educal cited in a country fiaous or its put psintl ers funders mr wilter thre tie if i mistake not specimens of toth rubens sad ysndyko on jour wills sir poyns oneoe these days mr wslter miy mikemits well mares scqusiitsnoe when they may dis course together on flemishsrt and bye- thebye mr wslter i sm reminded of the work of irt we were exsmining together this moraine j mr ashtons lips formed the word hush p but hsggerstone uking no notice ol it contiaued i should 13 to have sir foyu opinion ct i i doubt not you have it aboufyou mr wslter prodnca it if you ploaae i the concluding phrase waa uttered in i tone of a command rather than of a request uncertain u to whit the speaker wis driv ing it bat still regarding him in the light of a fnend mr ashton produced the exse containing evelyns mmiiture likeness give it to 8ir poyns i the tone of voice ia which hsggerstone said this startled both his hesren it was imperious slmost to the pojrt of insult mr ashton would have indignantly re turned the a so to his pocket but that sir poyns while his eyes were filed dejectedly on the speaker held out his hind to receive the object of discussion yott hite never yet seen what that case contains sir poyns hsggerstone went on though you well know the circum stance connected with it mr wslter his seen it bat little dreams of the nature lof thoee amuccssneec and then cffsctuig a languid insensibility to tho situation he threw himself into a chair and yawned the case openiog with difficulty kir poyns retumedit to the suppoied piinter mskini a feeble impatient ceav fcr hie ud they remsined standnig near ono mother md the case hiving been openid while each had a hand upon it hlgienmue resumed carelessly i that miniitaro waa punted a sir poyns welmore knows md mr wilter does not know expressly for me v psinter wsa sent to the flemish convent which the ongicsl wis eduated snd wss straightway delivered to me sa pledge of ia engagement you follow me mrwslterr here sir poyns roused front the ipslhy he had hitherto exhibited withdrew niiniature from mr ashtons hands md claimed sharply these matters can have no intereit fur i strmger 1 psrdon me sir poyns i know whft i sm ibouc i repeat m engigment to be filled bat sir i will not have them discussed before the third person mr mr i fdr- st his name ia utterly unknown to me md tie known it sppcars to you sir poyns uttered this angrily tlmort violently as mechanicimy he pat the minia ture without having even looked at it into his coatpocket i as you please st poyns but pray bear in mind that evelyns miniature is my pro- 100 pbr ankum in adtakoj oio preeipljaely to depart hsggerstone ilaonl hit hand upon his shoulder saying it is better for all of ua that you should loaroir poyna a mr aihton resumed his seat the 3iroaci with a grcau that teemed to coma rom the depths cf his heart muttered lather hanisid it ia so yea yea mr haggersfone s right sir but i am unequal to enter on he subject youwillpardonmywithdraw ng mr walter i regret that you should lave been made the witness of this fimiry liicuision your presence is a mystery to ne it is mr haggentonea doing heave rou together pray hangers tone order re- xeshoienta i will send my servant to you ati with a lofty cold sain to 8ir poyns quit ted the gallery will mr walter hsggerstone com menced when the door had been closed upon the retreating baronet are you by this time convinced that there ia mother person who nas a itroncer claim than yourself to thia miniature pointing to wner sir peyns had lud it on the table or do you require farther proof as for instance the word of the fair original herself 1 1 vd prayf you mr haggerstoae let not that udysloams be mentioned between us you hsvejwhy i know not induced me to corns here under a terrible mistake one which moreover ttannot attempt to clear up because to do to would involve an appeal to her who is i feir voioelest ia the mis- tar oh by no means voiceless do not let yourself be misled- into thst belief mist yelmore it tree to inswer any questions you msy put to her either in my presence or my auence but to give you may own opinion you re unhkely to get my enlightenment fcm her be that at it msy sir i hold miss wel more in too great repcct to do sugat which msy entail upon her a aejiae ot homiba- tiaa aa you please it reau with yon alone but you will accept the hospitality offered by sir poyns i for walter ashton had approached the doar you take this mat ter too seriously every man is liable to such an error aa that yon hive fillen into be assured my intervention has been timely ud but for it the consequences of this affair might have been far more disastrous than they now will be i am willing to believe you mr hagger stoae i must do so for i am srithout the meaniof contradicting you aa to my re- mmfng here a moment longer thsn is neces sary it is oat of the question i have the honour to wish yon a good morning good morning mr waller i will make your excuses to sir poyns after what you have said it seems improbable that you will see my more of miss welmore but should future circumstances permitaa is probable for itia essy to divine a hat is your proper place in aoaety i ahell have pride ia presenting you aa sir walter or by my other name to mistress haggerstoee 1 the result of the interview that i had in the meantime with evelyn was that she wrote walter ashton a letter in kind md gentle terms telling him that by reasou of difficulties which badsuddenly and moat unexpectedl aria which the oould nevr erprata 1ut im the at it ie the ml ivelyn v exclaimed mr ashton with mingled astonishment md anger yes sir and haggerstcne rose evelyn welmore eooutobecome etelyn hsggeritoue at these words sir poyns wslton aihten afterwards told me staggered towsrdsj and almost fell against tht carved oaken chim neypiece he hfmielt being the while utter ly ignorant of the immediate effect produced upon him by the astounding intelligence he only remembered hearing hsggerstone sdd with a tnumphsnt sneer j if mr walter requires further confirma tion ot the statement i have made let him now ask it of evelyns father j once more mr hsggerstone thia con cerns not mr walter i if yon please sirtoyns wewql assume that jt doea concern mr walter let mr walter deny it if he can you ee he is silent i would observe 8ir poyns that i presented mr walter to you i usfimy owa reasons for presenting hint to yoa jtney may be good or they may be bad at all events hew he fa j md yon will confer a favour upon me besides dispelling certain delusions into which he may nave tallen a you will give a- plain answer to the plain question tnat 1 am awut toput you la it or ia it not true that miss welmore is nnder an engagement of marriage with me an en gagement of long standing on your part con firmed by her thia day mr wafterj i re- suest your earnest attention to the answer ir poyns will make i the terrible truth was already o manifest to walter aahton that ia order to spire sir poyna a talk whiob vnthoutmoaranding why he oould ee waa pamfol nun la all communication between them most end and their engagement become a dream of thepast watching his departure from the bouse i followed and overtook him i gave him evelyns letter stepping slide while he read it i wla astoaished it the calnmi with which he received its contents it is onty what i expected he said presently md he related the particulars of the scene that had occurred in the pioture- glllery after a struggle with his feelings he ask ed me hive yen sny knowledge of this mr hsggerstone v 1 replied thit e hsd never seen him save for a few minutes that day then you are unable to judge whether he is likely to render miss welmore happy i know nothio whitever iboat him he is s friend of hin welmores father who sanctions the marriage i hope for the best yet seeing the man ruth ifear the worst for her oh if i could only believe this she will be happy i would wininriy resign her before what is aa inevitable necessity l if the conviction of bajing from a sense of duty nude i great sacrifice will give con- tentment evelyn will be contented are yon sure ruththit i can do no thing to ud her 1 i wopld throw heirt snd brain info her cause were there the least hope of ko walter ashton no there is no mortal power can extricate her from those difficulties i tneu the whole situation is kaown to youl it it enough tmay no more press you withouestiona than i might evelyn herself ko such occision will be furniihed yoa evelyn will see you no more be id vised by me depart it once if not for our own sake for evelyna there is bad blocd between you md haggerttone you ought not to remo n under the same roof with him an encounter with him woald bring icandal upon evelyn the past freedom of totereoarserwitryott sanctioned by my pre- hss already attracted observation the sud den anncuocement of this marriage will not fail to make her tho snbjeot of idle goeupj if not to spare your own feeqngs then to avoid the risk of sny consequences prejudi- dsl to her you ought not to remain in this neighbourhood your counsel is good euth i have no right to call mr hsggerstone to account for his actions yet i perceive him to be arro gant and overbearing i have not at all tunes a very strongcommanl over my own temper even under everydsy circumstan ces md here when my soul h wrung with anguiah md my heart steeped in bitterness 1 would not answer for the results to which a light word or a look wrongly interpreted might give rise i shall not remain here a day longer i wrll leave with your uncle under cover to yon a few parting linea to evelyn my evelyn who should hive been bat for 1 dare not trust myielf to say more farewell rath convey this kissing me eoltly brothers kiss to evelyn quitted rollnton for the time being7 was expected back immediately on the morning of wniih i am about to peak i received a letter locrely brought up adam bowles told me by robin tiot- ter which on opening i was surprised to find in from watr aahton he had just returned to the neighbourhood md implored me to persuade evelyn to see him once more for the last time in spite cf sll 1 had said to him at oar parting interview i did not feel jajtfiodin psrsuadmg evelyn to this step out neither cud i choose to take tlio responsibility cf maintaining silence on the lubjeot of walter ahtone expressed wish i simply showed her his letter i will see him she aaid with the deci sion which had characterised her under re- cent circumettnoea t feel that i can treat mtself md it will be a consolation to me hereafter to have tofiened by kind words the pang of separation rjbin who waited to carry back my an swer informed me that mr haggersfone was looked for at the blue liononthat time afternoon the rooma formerly occupied by the patater gentleman being kept ex pressly for the bridegroom eipectint in my note to mr ashton i said nothing more than that i would meet him shcrtly at a spot i named in the manor house woods md bring bun evelyns snswer my real intention thinking that the meeting once resolved upon the sooner it was over the better for evelynv peice of mind was that she should accompany me greta waa wal ter ashtons astonishment snd it ill gtater i dcubt not his joy when on his arrival he siw ns awaiting him together the tryajng place i hid selected wu a favoante apot with evelyn md one we had often virited ic was a email grassy space on which ivdled tree afforded the means of rest sheltered from the wind by a high overhanging bant the latter thickly clothed with underwood after remaining with evelyn md walter a few minutes i left them to themselves in order to return by the shortest way to the house 1 1 hsd to clamber up the overhanging- bank what waa my surprise when on reaching a rough pathway that wouni along this bank i came suddenly upon sir poyns crouching on the ground i waa much alarmed aa from this point it would easily be possible through openings in the branches aa yet thinly covered with leaves to see the pair below but i stole away uopercerved by 8ir poyna keeping my eye upon him i presently be came convinced that he wu actually playing the spynpoa his daughter and waiter ash- ton what should idol i oould not un known to him put them on their guard i had no right to interrogate him if to hi acions a short reflection told me that detestable aa i considered the act of eavea- droppiu g the best thing i could do in evet- yns iiterest under these very peculiar cir cumstaaces wouldbe to listen myself to whit must apparently be heard by 8 a- poyns thus i should be in a position to counter check any objectionable movements to which the situation might give rise the firtt words that reached me md i peraume sir poyns slso spoken hy evelyn were enow then walter since you uy the knowledge will be a aatiafaction to yen that i do but bend under en imperious necessity and tbamy love for yontemama inwiliaiigecc i m oh depth of agony exclaimed walter aahtoo bttle deeming that he waa over heard to hear such confession and yet be hold yon bound to another to know that shile the flame devnura the heart there must be ice upon the lrpt i yet evelyn thy not that i woald reproach you i know thia is not your doing my own sor row at the necessity of our parting tells me what yours mast be i caaaot so dec iv myself wslter i sm the cause of sll your taffering and ah me i have deliberately chosen my own path i even now i might refuse to marry mr haggerstoae bat the iltemative oa ic is too fearful to contemplate i ask me no more p kot cue word i believe in your truth- fullneia aa i believe in heaven md i feel aasuredthst you most bo placed in some fearful dilemma toank you walter then yon forgive me the destruction of yournogea ah freca my very aoul 1 i shall remember ihoae worda when in days to come i shae be alone with my sor row and have no comfort but the oonacious- neeathat i have done my duty and now wilter a pinae and a broken sob 1 can remain no iongerrwe must parti part i oh evelyn md to think thit it will be foe ever i and here as they became locked in a fare well embrace i perceived that sir pojns frame wis convulsively shaken while i heard him gasping aa it were for breath he half arose snd 1 1 feared he would dis cover me but again he flung him down while evelyn m sobbing accents con cluded 1 1 fsrewell then my first my last lave i and if ever when this early cloud shall haie paaied away you should wed mother may she be worthy of you i tell her there th sll wlmuna the beclsunaron of waste landa pro pomdmkbatoedy mr jaattn mccarthy m p leatttrmt tt itp t toe elementary right of a msawea to live and bedlowed to work for nil living djerlghlrof a nation wu if it claimed itwliat national oxitenoe d fference jrfjatlonihty waa constituted by cjffarenoe aftrioa ot history of tradition religion jirhapt language when tbrf diflerenciiexuttd there wen of neoetartr diitinetitateodtnoiea and aapiratiopi and the tort bflegliution whlh suited on inch people was notfjy any meant likely to suit the other he did not rest the claim of ireland to local aelfgovernment oa the t tretesoe now of grievance or oppression the days of oppression were happily over no one supposed that the great majority of the english jarbament would knowingly consent to oppression bullae claim wu that irelaua ocnitituted a diatmct national ity and had a right to a system of govern ment suited to her own conditions and conducted by her own parbamest the ipecial commiaiionerof tit pitcnmi jcvr- futsket up the already mooted subject of re oaiming waste land nearly a fourth of ireland he iaya is in waste uod or about 5000000 of acrea and hat vast area of wute instead of decreasing has increased by 100000 icres within thepastyear gal- way con ributea neaely 250 000 acrei to that md mayo another cjunnaught county 307335 acres m re than 16 p r cent or 684 663 atre in the uronnce of cos- naught are letnmcd as under bog aiidmarab and besides that birien mountain land finds rocm in msyo to tho extent of 23t76 acres acd in galwsy to the exent of 217 ms acres now how it that instead of being reclaimed from waste to cultkition the land of ireland md especially the land of ocnnaught u reverting intd blaek mor- aeal it ia that the tenantry have no energy 1 it it that they have no industry t tis no such thing the men who go to england every year aatheir fathers before thenv who reap the harvest there md come home in time to reap their own with tome swings from their crceschannel earni the men who tend home money at the rate of 400 a saturday paid in one imall tonn- try town in pest office orders these men sre not lacking in energy in ainew in strength in enterpnae or moral aonndneea they may take a wee drop too much at a flirt the may revel at a wake or like a hurling bat my goodneaa i are they to have no diversion are they to be toiling md mcilmg hewing wood and drawing water merely for the master to feed hit desires at home or abroad i opine rery humbly hut i challenge a counter opinion that these mens strenijih might well and pobtically be diverted into anetheruharmel the channel of recamitiona work neglect- edny harumscarum landlords but which would be undertaken by stalwart- resolute men if the lands which they wrested from the leprechaun md the will o the wisp were theirs while grass grows or water flows k mm a ladys esspome to tlie toast ofiths mem mrs duniway of the wcv ytrtkwai at literary reunion at salem oregon touted the gentlemen aa follows god blest em they halve our joyt they doable oar sorrow they treble our ex penses they quadruple oar carea theyexcita our magnanimity they increase our aelfre- spect tneyswakecurenlhnsiaemtheyaroube our afiec lona they control our property and ontmaneeuvre us in everything tha would be a very dreary world without em in laot i may aay without prospect of successful contradiction thst without em it would not be much of a world inyhow we lore em usd the dear beiagf cant help it t we con trol em and the preciona fellows dont know it as husbands they are always convenient though not always on hand aa beanx they are by no means matchless they are meet agreeable visitors they are handy at state fain md indapentable at oyster supper they are splendid u escorts far- some other fellows wife or sister and u friends they axe better than woolen aa our fithers they are ioexpreasibly grand a man may be a failure in businesa a wreck in constitution not enoogh to boast of as a beauty nothing as wit leas thin nothing u a legislator for womans rights ud even not very bnlhant as a member of the preet but if he is our own fither we overlook hie ibortcomingi snd cover jus paocadilloeti with the divine mantle of chanty then u our hubanda how we love to parade them u paragons i in the sublime language of the inspired poet weu lis for them l well err lor ihem i and u wed mid we ay fot them pabt iy iin last the scene in the drawingroom of which i had been a concealed witness wu never more alluded to by evelyn or myself she new held frequent conversation with her fither j and though a neverohmging ud- ness weighed upon her she succeeded in her efforts to conceal from him the episode of her love for walter aahton this wu the more easy tiooe 8ir poyna soaroely even remembered the incident of bit visit to the minor house 1 nearly a month pauerlj evelyna mar riage with a gentleman of rwhom little ni known beyond the faota that hie name wu haggerttone md that he lived in london furnished food for the amount of country gossip usual in tuencaaea the marriage ceremony wu to take place in three daya mr hafflerttone n lives one if i yet live who in secret will blesa her woman s care ud tenderness or youl farewell farewell oh heaven help us both i here my slteution wu called from those below to sir poyns who started op and in a frantic effort to rush forward entangled his foot in a projecting md twisted root ind would have fallen to the ground had 1 not gone to his assistance he looked at me with a dsied air but presently recog nising me he whispered you have heardit too i you must know what it all meant 1 tell me tell me 1 i at onoe reeolved upon a bold step i replied it meant that evelyuja about to obey her fithcr by marrying one nun while her heart ia given to another another who ia hel what u he how have they met why haa rath esveecroft concealed thia from me when i had bneflj related to him all that had happened he cned wildly ckaping hit hands then i am breaking my childa heart i shall bejittle better than her murderer i how cm she marry a haggersfone loving one like him pointing downwarda how indeed i i echoed he became lost in thought presently i ventured to uk but sir poyns had thia been known to you before mr haggerstone came would the issue have been different he peered anxionalyinto my countenance u if seeking to know whether my question had been put in th ignorance i affected i hive never known exactly whether i suc ceeded in deceiving him but after reflect- int a while patting over my question he said 1 yon hare been to blame in not making me acquainted with thia md yet i am consoiouj that i gave you but little en couragement to confide in me oh stretch ed man that i am i what ehall ho t who will help me in thit terrible strait alas nontcan- none i h there it to be- aid it must oorne from myself 1 aid quitting me i entry with a aign that i thonldnot fol low him ha walked away in the direction of the house to aitobtuffab rtvss wed inrthiai but die for g i- z m m a black servant i will mention a penonil experience of mine which made a deep lrapiession on me i wu travelling throngh the upper part of natal r had a black servant and i white servant with ire the black waa by fir the oeat of the two he was honest stesdy sensible and thoroaghly to be ro bed on one day he wu takes fh and i had to gie him a strong dose of calomel we generally slept all three of ns in a tent together bat unit evening we came to a hotel md i uked the landlady to give the mm a bed she aaid sharply that ahe had no beds for black fellowa and i found after ward that the colonists in the interior will never allow anabve to sleep nnder the aamo roof with them i said that she must mike in exception for once u the man wu seri ously unwell and might die if he waa ex posed to cold let him die then ahe said he shall not sleep here theaequel of the story was curious in my dilemma i wandered into the kitchen where i found a burmese sctmg u cook the burmese being a mohammedan with etrught hair ud olive complexioned instead of black wu allowed to be a human being md to live in the house he looked good nttured u i told him my difficulty well he aaid it is a hard cue i ant a married man hut if my missus docs not object he mar turn in with us j frjrouai in ftrt- nigkuy beneu an kagle dashes throogn a window from the mflriiikm wli sentinel the family of mr wduam l sherman at no 1026 wells atreet experienced a eenutiou recenqf under very tuxgular cirenmstmcea ail eagle crashed throngh in upper bght ottthe bay window md flew about the apartment wildly just iilfa sherman wu leaving the room with the children had the family remained seated j they would have suffered injury by the fall ing f ragmente of theheavy glaaa the eagle fell u if partially stunned by the conou- sion and hen flattered about the room the royal bird wu aeeured to remain tht gutrt of the family whoe comfortable home be had- so predpititely invaded it it pre- t timed that he eacapea from a cage either on the nitional home grounds cr in one of the german gardens md that he darted throngh the window while confused by the iatron guete of wind prevuiinff at the time setv water gargle in olxonic catarrh protestor moler of greif jwald tayt in the herhn knautlu woeaautarit that he bu or some yeara most lucceasiniry treated patients with chromo catarrh of the throat try gargling with aea water opeoial rooma or gargling have been erected on the ae shore si some watering places according to hii dreotiont it it however eaaentm that the patient ahoom be jnyen tpecial di- reouona how to gsrglv at the affeotioata generally located ii he natopharyngtal apace it is neoeuarv teitjiart of the water tfiould oome in oontlet with the nasal ear ty in order to attain thia the gargling movementt must hi combined with move- menta of deglutitioh a marked improve ment in the state of the patient followe u soonaa the latter baa acquired thmnion lar art of gargling

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