Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1879, p. 2

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uv ileacrox n8 fresh pal lisjiedwryittiursdiy klornins blear aumim in advance aoiqit f imlfcm turitnvvnsiscksv is i rsadtuistwsc kin lo thirty drop o thomas gacwidpujlllcuiaconi a stunrbst oralug aiuoiig tlsti farmers- f xveweuglana f hours ono bottle has cured bron- stiles uriiinc lfg hrvcts hyliiochiu of eight- jtowuhdlnj recent i csoiarcurdm uireetdsix diy it ktlo oc washing uiucbinos jwulou j rwdthe roioe thcr the oeron newr delwetl- tlieraoifw oraiii had hot spoken abota a whisper in fue new 8ub80r1qer3 for 18791880 great licdtieilexts xvw subsciibcii wuding in heir i suits no accoopauud with ijlqo all receive the eiec press from tu i resent lime till the 1st of january ssi thus giving l iui tuo paper fur loo luuuctu this year uti year uj i 1 vreaa veers stibscitplioti si new name kill be taken olt these cttoritnlessthc cask is paid it the iiue thootlcr is given this offer syidtct- only to those who iro iiia efe uewsulbcribqrc rciuittajaecs can he mode by uuiloi- pti oeee order stud iu vottr orders at once m the new icetnetorv we hive several limes of lite been asked whetiice the council infolded to take tiny farther action in refercccd t o providing i new cemetery or not iu cutuersatiau with m official of the council we learn that they intend lo take action iu the matter at their nett meeting the necessary writings will urahubly be made out fortttaiih and th agreement in feferehca to the piirdiise of the j property concluded before the retirement of the preccnt couscil yearn ai mi outward application in nil oases of piin or lameness nothing like ecuiw bo nlioutas follows a appearing gentleman calls oiut farmer it hm t been known one bottle r ii li machine will cure any wis j of laaic back or crick offering to donate washing mac mo i of syuo on coudittoi tint the lucu- will swlllu otll conmctioit of the rumclos ult url other the liuueil i cquallei liikhuiiau or any other 8 pain the appucuioudoes jou good k slops ear ache and the pain of a burn pure cob liver oil ctvpbphosphxte8 of lime ahd sod a wpc piib cod urerou tod uu lis torfcitae eouvia uiwu it difficult to ufukc to fair a pioikjution and tigns whit put- jiarts to be a hiinplo otdtc fut four icachiics pieseulcd tiy the agent a few daj ulcr another glib tougued agent calls with the otdif for our dozen nichiaes who deuutids jiiynitut for the goods which he shows by bill of lidttrg are shipped uudcr llitxats of snit iw firmer u induced to give his note for value received for a uige amount the iirovuq mcmoiituduru hich he receives froiii ilioiut uinkes the transastion conditigftil an the dc livery of the machine but these con ditions are uot inserted in the note which tuiuiediitcly negotuttd- the fanner never receives thotn tchiues but is cotnielm to pay tho note the boston juitriiat gives the names of a score or so of farmers who hae beui thus swindled out of amounts tangiiig from ninety to fire hundred dollars turkeys funs kittlmts vul oa tii first uaitoctal avt oicscealssr iutll boal5uiic7 rihrart fron 6 6t coats pr tqund i tit ilisat siiicl bit net sistsd of niolsot af 01 tboto 4to x iu bur cfueco dusts wi sotfko advioe a womiav safeguard is to keep a miris binds off ter if you need his tsiuijinee in watting take his arm 107 euad of his tatitig yours jut tell hrni in plain eugliih to hands ofh he may cot lite it at the limeuut ho will respect yoa in future txo fuld uiort- ilea will- bo and dojugt vrhat worcen allow thein to lx give a ruik ycur ara and you wjif find him very con fidential and hewifl take a great many privileges he would not tafcelf he wis oofc permitted to do sa a few uiore words of kdvicel keep young girls cit tie street tictpt wln they have basinesa teacet them that it is an- ntcary togo fo the post office every time oley go out young gitls can walk alone justjaj well as young beys if possible instill into their very nature thtt they are siftir in their own hands thin tsejare a lie handiof any uiin nan- eieviited i oeiuti catle u uetaat wrtuaj tho pousion of a rapid easy mil good ttvln oc pcamiasaip it cue ot tu most di- nble tttiujet that wc kenw of bealtyt j aids torrint wkfinp an idtcrtiscracot c wtiich apieir ia this ice is the trt itlf iaatrdctor pahluhctl iu luthor ur batty oc ontaria camiccrcul coec bcucrillsu asj thsaalher eclhe wry booti cow tanctmucd tor a ia the putilic tiiooli voau pp or itdcr ooct defiroat of bicotniu gta writcrf should vialfar it ta oatario conimerciil collcgi iklkrille tue pri is tw post paid slop iaat cok i eaofitns 1cctokju biljk is com- nosed of the most healing bdsams and gums the balsams which enter into its wmpotltion were used by natives when america was erst discovered aud are combined witii other vegetable toniw so blended together that it is a specific for alt kflectioas of the throat ardluugf thousandsof bottksareusid atiuusdly and it is considered one of the sundart rearations of the day for cough gold eta- for internal and external use r sjje li y all dealers- at 25c per fcoltle 192 lu thrte udnutei and li at together tho best and cheapest medicine orer cflecd to the people tho cheapest because it takes so liutn to da ynj good and is composed ot six of the best oils known and nothing but oils is worth hi height in gold why not buy it tojsy t a r dcs itochcts assltlaul postmaster ar tluibaskavillo l q arites thirteen years ago i was seltej by a severe at tack of llheumaliim in tho head from wliich t have nearly constantly sudered and after luring used thomas eoc tricoillnr nine daybathlng the fore head i have been completely cured and tmo ouly used half a lottie i tills lean certify auder olihlf you wifh iter j mallary tirswyoming k v krlcsbr thomas ectcctriooitciiicd me 0 1 bronchitis in one week btwaae or iitittoks ask for dr thomas kcleclric oil see that the sigaituro of si n thomas is on the mapper and thenmc or sarthrvp lyman are blowuia the battleand tako no other sold by all medicine dealefs price 2its nokxhuolt lyman toronto jut props for the dotnlniont xcrc vfk ticketed d etectntul milhnory ifiaatlo and uressharixg establish- mem m133 0 smith takes pleasure in announcing to the ladies or acton and vicinity that she ts preysred to fill orders fur muhnoty fcntfoa ordrms- malclns in alt the lalsst styles and at the most reasonable rites f2a call is sohcilal iltss c ekith jliln slrett acten tuurtaih r 10 iho wh graa astii jlh uml n4 tuoss rcuohns tha impaired fimakat kltndpalilibltolliurtacvrsi for dt tr u dreata u f i pa leptnusdpata opcsbostu fe i clear1rc sale of it on satmday nest viil eoramenoe an extensive sale at reduced prices of onr rrbtela ghttexih craho display or atx the sew we t dry goads milliacrv huntlen and clothing on accouat of alien iotvt in tho business vitraorfiuury bargains may bo expected and will be tnveni as tills is a genuiuo sale to nduco our largo slock every custoaier in the riyal city and county of wellington uudsuircjuudiug counties will have tiuij and money by coming duxct to w stewart cou vk- tfea obajrcsaffonal church by ia6t issue of tho canadian independent he organ of the congre- j gutiouol churcji fn gonads we leurn- j uistia coasideratioa of the cnnucial ciubirtissraent of the builcag com- uiiltee they cjike an apid totha x ciiutclies of tbeie denonlinitiou throughout cstudii tr assistance to help tcbet tlie eltims that- are isow pressing a heavily upon ibemnnil whiclihsve for some thue uixei j tuir resources to the very utmost ueeit interest and portions of the priricipali kotwrtjiiuuduigthb iiler- 1 at eubtcriptiot which niscvr at the 1 oiening of cje hatch the amount v received hssnotbeeo adequate to the jemandasso iiach is rexjuiredtosiiae ip the interest 1 there fiov remains 5009- to mate np and the plan 1 proposed is the appeal to tte generasity 1 of thecunrcues to the amount of fifty cinti frora each memljer throughout futirio and quebec wliich they thi f responded to wilt ed ice thejimouat- j that by strenuous efforts lh balance er ay fee- made ivpetiong the ioai members j volunv jeri rifle mafch the annual uice mitch of company 6 iuullion 20 hjton rifis held at their range in this village on mnndiy 10th inst resulted as per appended list ssjd eydstiiirriie- pie jos eirt ss 37 75 f500 a tlarno 36 si c7 w l uiiilm 35 27 62 300 ii siyer is 23 ci 000 jiieccnd28 31 ss 10 wo coon 27 so 57 150 j koue 23 33 m 150 jj mcgdl 22 t3 51 125 e forbct 3 13 53 125 k schalti 32 17 t25 w schchx 35 h 100 rgt v l smith s3 12 45 100 pe jiletjill 17 27 log j jokosoo 15 2s u 50c all coitrjti hatch cspt j shaw 45 jsoo u jcrsijhtoa 41 101 fte j hart 200 j noble 33 125 a- shaw 32 i 00 j mccoinel 31 100 a braid 31 j03 iff john eeonctt 30 roast of bf taking the total it will be seen that our company of volunteers made a better score thin lios made sa the rungs for auumber of years an unpraftfams iato ouvtem i w s wsifboioi fashe is whendiiving l thremgu uhe coontrf piy for their fray at tterss instead of jutiibenug heiearuil witji itt6ey ra to grudge the innkeeper he few cents he wouldmaka on the fcayj and yet tliey fiel lucnjnofat on thera to take a drink ucanssfc oaklbe nieanto makethe accomiuodatioa of tba ivern without icavjngsoniethirig at he aoonfer in tbaone case luejwojiijjjfc getting io y the isistfirt halae fir their hwiqeyv intlie -jojihir- case tliey get 4 many 1 farmers wio to tfcii vbal4heverfmnk of carrying a suipy 4fciskey altuikscuhthem they rald be oshwoed uir clunk that hbey iuy wonted uc thay only take itt ujjpcisl andto taeknofledgfi tba wcjiuoiodklion tffuieia would giro sit chujjouitttcy njjigjjt have tenipef- wis hatrilk iand i ttheir sons might ssftupiitraiiofthe lartooni 1 ibu citsdle in acton oa tha 15th iusl the wits of lit lemuel uasalas of a son ia acton onthe istu tost the wife of mr roljt itamihaw of ason in rlsoaeiing on thi 12tii inst tho wife ofeir andrew scott of 1 son the gbate inerin on the i3tk iast llr angus ilckachefj sged sboat 35 years lie uavcs a wif sad live children at rinbrooky oi the 12th inst sta el eenrietta sged 10 months yoanjst dsajdi- tcr oc ilr z a haa of iierlin formerly of this vitiate s acto jtakklt wliti wheat 1 10 to 11 treadweu i 10 to i 12 spriutyiheat glugcw 1 10 to i 12 eedcflaff 1 10 to 1 10 oats 0 30 to 0 32 peas 58 to 0 go barley fl 45 to 0 55 eggpcrdor olgtoois batter dairy picked 0 lfto0 ib batur rolls 0i8to0 20 potatoes per bag 0 45 to 0 50 sheepskins 0 50 to t hidw perewt 6 00 to 5 50 wood perleid 3 60 to 400 hay pertoa 7 00 to 8 00 straw per load i 3 00 to 4 00 wool 0 is to 0 20 drewicdhbp c 00 to 7 00- oktanro business collge bellevtlle 0ktari0 u ovt1bio busike83 itoliece belleville tackni ik fot civicet ferine tlierocynncs o lt woefc auj rb rraclicat twncfiu ot us icacliinc its irlncfrtals sr awantariu nf prsctteit thcrtf ncrand t at kits orttw- tyst rorfc c4i eoolceertec aud pejimacstiip pcbltsicdj id students sftersoiecih nxij itlw coarse ire oararlanl la flt ctt rostll nsoccodui0uflu thcmttlte larrnls ant joanimon are lavitculascnlrirlli ctled clicuir wlft aliu ctoct- meniofrtrimtcililpismau e l free idrcn i bubissok jonxsos onujlo notlneu cotlttc iktlevliio and attend this great sale of dry goods silks mantles millinery klanuck isunblk gloves homery undcj clothing and fancy govd a special lot of uuap titds which cuu not now bo dupliciud ai a k select lot of f reduced prices obliging aud goods dining the f ins licw faihiouoblc and chfup will be offcitd at the atteutive cakiuicu ho cctitider it no trouble to show seasonable goods t the lioist we respectfully request the attention of our nomerou friends and patrons to lh eiinfily one stookofwinteruoods of erery description which sre are noir ofleing the lions reputation lor itandlnij lar ahead of all com petitors has oten established for nwnj ysars and we assert with oonfidenflhil ibis seisou otr stock is the v i largest oheapsst and- choicest in the provinoe reitt riductd bile positively no goods will bo charged by tpccisl arrautcilleut wm stewart co guelph dominion exhibition as tsnali slccrac co alec aluhe p rfzes in gt 1st 3d e e o l ot ec xlr g complete asjortitrtafttcriistgoaiit tlo g ojcsotbc hall itcas8nlrudtawrs and hsalt ala-br- stirt- lowers and socks all i auo ladies 1 one piece tjmkrciotnisd stp mvfq jlbbcaaxr tailossi stoves i stoves gargraikg athqmb owing to 1 change in the manigcment of the business about to take pbeo craino son have detideel to rush of their stock of boots and shoes for the neit month ortaoat cost price and under come at once and secure bargains nots parties iudebtcd to the above firm wilt fciadly call and pay up their accounts as a phanpe will take place about the 1st of october ard e musluave all accounts settled by that sir cealtte son at rtcei vtd raa tra flroitthtfr itatxuvtitt st cook hills a buyerbxt of at lind of sto es jtut utrm 0 lie uti quality ai faith and a wost its ia e nirfrt stoves beattrs guide to elegakt writiko ltexvlrrrs guide j ro ecegaxt writisc is a rerfect selmusttolor ta pekmanship bj- the jnld of wiilcli roanc rwinlt- may uecome coed vvrilerstn a vrjuirtumc rcansiiuoca eooieirtrios conlaleiec analjslc aru ex- olanattotis a urx- paroktr of cipr urc for practicing a licaullful cirnamctiul fcuccl aiitf a liandsame case to con- taiiiulntlis thole price postpaid u address uamamn i johnsas co bchevllle qf off taci al tsc ry laicut priea a will dkd ttxtof tifwaee xuwaysvx uaxffr batsraotraaiha ass b2c1alti23 ed on he ikorttm aofics the usouriiaseo wo0ldua specritjllt inform the inhabit- mis c acton and surrounding oouatry itml he bis opened in secord bros old siaad corncrof main and 11 ill streets a complete and fresh stock of j groceries anon g which will be fotmd toisg hysoa jipia on buei tou whlcafor strenslh oot frarrance cannot t snrpisd srg mtsconsistioff of catloar granulated scotch aadhorhrwil ucbned syrup and holasce toiess el ffitorlto sraals tit- prlp of wales sapoljpn cut plhonw flake uarpr j act oowen bar anfsolaee ssisesofaitsabs sauces mushroom caunp ntwurdss crosse 4 bltefcwelfs piekelscnsrlc powder etc caudisd bel in oranje lemon and citron fjondon layers anot valencia katslas j toutai i- inlrcvarleix- 1 tranpareol parasno aodotbeccandlea our stook of nev drees coods -i- bi- rronriipassl anywhere and we assert witrrperfest confidence tliatont r uro wy bw anything tbat can be offered elsewheri j ladies come to the lion for your fall dresses 1 v r i- we sreilsb showing a splendid variety cl fashion hate bosneta and j winter mantles being direct importations at unusually cheap- prices fpes tie lirze3tacieapettoeiligrid3li 81450 8iiits a kew tot rf choice tweetls justin btajrketsgreat barualns 1 the lioii will always be fouad jto be the peoples cheap store j 0 williamson co sutrebsiarsastoata wools r salt cll tad natoriaj extracts ortf kill u ttkifcd on the laorfwi aofics -j- flloant turkish breakfast coffee j so t write wine and freceuvinestnt o o jkll oil a tjvcdttocjrof inferior quality chtap j oous ajtd zs ft tcfffisslsvssi oiirlev 1 eft ci hill aeptemueriothtiit lasaabofl srsarcrjs wwlo fish and trcsrr tlha fall awotunenl of gencntl vliich an insiectlou is rer ontahffrtusnesscollceer asrerits wanted s 73 to 3 50 lon waite wheifc ireadwell soring wheatgijjsow- bed chaff oats pen barley egps perdoi butter- dairy packed bntfec rolls potatoes par bag sheepskins 1 10 to i 15 1 10 to l 15 1 10 to 112 095 to 1 05 0 30 to 0 33 0 go to 0c1 0 52 to 0 57 0 14 to 0 i 0 18 to 0 19 019 to 0 20 0 45 to 0 50 0 50 to 0 75 wm drngmakco 4j prbotstait 8s wellington 8t cast s rottostx i li l mvz -i- qf all machinery brokers shldeaieinauklilsor seoondhano machinery 1 bicnni knslifeiii boilers from 8 hope piisser npwards ifactiiderr received 01s contdsn- mem aof nqcaareeforstoroeenradvcxlklpg- wetoakeau1easatef cash wid tor iron cupperbrass aedothef-mntals- j bikliimai school bsristsllz osxauio flat s11 o l faluvatiq tdnrn fnjss kitrioxrtasioh every jesr candtiates from this school are passing the exsrninations of the law society council ofrhysiewns and bur- peons hatriculatirig into the different pntversitleswithfew or no rejjclioiis isail tbaohsas in18t 1878 sod 1879 nearly all the students eompeting made most salisrao lory examinations and the school is now prepared by its enlsrged slabtogive the met thoroupji giinding to candidates fac cerllri cates of all grades sri ooiiaaaciial saioiuss tbe advantages inolade not only the complete practical curriculum of the celebrated eastmsn college at pough- keepsie n y pnscisely as taught at that college but gisea tho further ad vantages ot grammar history compc6i lion eoiotion or the lingoiges jr reqairedgt no additional expense ttjrnok hilary trinity 1 uweekk lleek laweoks asvaowd ts11w a slow- fw folinary 981 j ik 6m boajb0 ajd uooha can be had lo boildln eroatude livamptrweek is weekt commercial training vrrmiict por particulars apply 10 j bat attluh b j pht president oruhljayi3cominereilasicr zi a ii li s r cudmore organs achines achikes- pull lines of overooatinqs i rakaikgfrojl 1 s800 to s180 0 1m a- a large and select stock of tweeds hats caps xenis pttiiishing3 at the east end r clqthtkast6rk fyfekonab dissolutton ofrpain-nersinp- i 1 robt cra1ne acton j is prepared to call p jribnb rerinlrmj sewtiik macwncs or orsang sk frisjaoenciw fkoji the bestmai 4 aclurers in uts 6onsut and eparontei isaqkraelien to ptxrenmsorg terms vc ri mombla suraers left at his rcslilancajlr a drrsaexuo ulm to acton p 0 wl0e1o pr t auepripd j r ii i i f a aine csmeen thi premises ottho undereifnec loti3 4lh cor psqnestng about the ctfh obv three rei calves to heifors aud one steer the b raer can bsyvtjie ssnie by proving pwpo iypaying txpijnses and tak- ihnawiiy i v8t aw0lhcpra 10 livery saleboarjp stabvc3 r iiyilll street aoton is wh6ra yoa can get firstclass fvigs at bea80hable rat8 gcod commercial eigs an exrress delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to- any part of tn town au parties indebted to this es tablishment ace requested to pay np without further delay anst save costs edmatt1ie9rs proprietor 1alves asteay strayed from the preniibei of the iav- bcriber lot 4 eon 7 err moss hve yesrllng cawes three wfers an tiro aterlj th steess are dfsj white iji eoldfj two of the heitars are jred and tse btber iaiinaller ind ted ana wnitt any information respecting the above wjll bthslnkfulp david mqpaevkbck06d po or it aheyittpittss office w-tt- v i ki furture at o0t3 trrr wtiall for the next fairry days ofir tho ichole vf oaf immenx ioek of fts elegant ani artistiq frnrtpte uailsuungolmlrondwijooiop cuaraber palteft fevdrawldfboom sones lafcatr olothrep raw illk and plash covprlnssj so hair clotli sofas co lonnsaln a ttrttttofcmv lni ijo palcoi koeker and aj chairs cane and hood cbolrs otewrr desestpuon bed- steads and mattresses in endless variety barwos sntsslnc cases am beeietartcs f pvtqr stylo crni al emce sad secure bartauastblslsnohnmbgibtilai tenulne sale of ftr nneslstocauffaninareevtr oflefwinlboprovlntcdoclroalbjiel it blpioftiecnalr hietcabtfoekappeyndhsmsluonelph r k evebt department bust at tbe l j fashionable i wst 1 1p j i j silhs jpg ljpess g oods j in this department oar sales continue dailyjto imprpse 0r ttnpu range- ot lovely taturbaneyfail to gliaao sjust opnair- 2 bandwmelvencv woolen misferiau and anothec caaej of thoii teytaysoojj suiting at prestbtmlashionable t v v 1 lxtitss mit onmejtcinsor the tightrvxtoces we awonna p the dresa goods business ib puelph and have the atock to dojt wlthr sss ti millinery depart ioratociintwbieprtmeuiatpwbenttery asleetc auie jallutn ft haa been at any tiwe during the past three years orders art o jng ia tut atd all eurbsjaia are orkwg ettra howt xj s i jlipwijtan4harerf6 w5 twiwoarjfilhi i jiiuiiirj busineia withuhere ia no dout abobltnas f a aswo ifeit w iwss jitsicl umtrl rjar-

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