Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1879, p. 3

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4issfir 3 v klxtt tt ms tllle tibllj trains leave actou at f nltaws coltawest xbrhl kifitcst toritio mail usy etprcm etprc jiltniitcd 4 uvivm 9l0im 5 ptu jfl p ni 4jl0ani 6pm 10 tiu oqtkc east kicut etprcs i jt raited tuy etprcss avcilcru ttvul jbull ttle table xuucirkiin fewta the east-t-lc- sin fronttvvoatarud thp vt vurvra vra kuambbult fctt ut on tyiesdavs acdftldnyr j fram srjlf fcja am wo tuesdays and fttlaurs i iiisrwtd oolite v estrts am uc tiasuitli p ra mall for iwcam tmtcwmu raall hiim oatwt frfdj swystdc mall lt mon tuesday nns friday 1 bcttred letters iihst tetnallejlimln at eetoreexuinctlmc j immense institution j d william soct-a- co j v to lumbermen rr rse-1- a codundruai soott biihrruv miserys tbranc scott i riwrfe lcangetawa kovrltr woibj arch ludcll torottlo svi and see gro heads ocfc of oruvfe inckle stsuds ruler cooler napkin f rias the beat in lowu 4 liynuv tact of knives tad forks fable ikssert ttd tex spoons tii best itt tow u i aluty call it ilvudv cor fice combj pressing combs back- cuobj cifculsx comb per- funted canl krdmatoes x piper ettekpet spectades- purtevj albums pocket knives auascissort wedding sad llirthliy poawiu always instockmcdrc hyudsjeselicry store acton 1 i reneir jxd cwvjtk tstrsiua uokxisv 2cqv ii 1s79 more like vriattr xscas is just faur weckj from to- 7- beware of counterfeit l doatn ioabilh the conjutian of tlie rud is ip prccutei suzigeikg is pretty tlin and j vhecliag ii rtrv rocch mcetxxc ot ibf boji of trustees ca vtotixr rccicijisiit f xow is tbe tibe t3 tdvcrtlse tmd ttis is the piper to da it ia ir is most uraefar the xed leares tooctmd the red roei to caaic in- reopleirenbbrducnmjklitirhtr ttc ha iieui isv ttdiia semfner or opt dost fargstlo sliacel tlia enow o the jtrait ia frjet of yoov pranius trstltoat time the tuttfiiciitu can- cicates rcre nitfciug thccifeirj fcuon to tie caartiiwut i the feee pess rd the gtiptph f lji iix2 fcclecnbc dot otseks qf coal stoves tttfll to cri aciinst th esc7 u gts nih if ley doat cint ut isjczzv 1 voc miat art- ii badti uicl np ixinit a hwhtrc srd teh bitii ot t tick ri tell tvetaa suct weddiag siid ci- ycci cituee -j- rrri r r ttrxder well led cwi ltd were micb jbliped to yi vbat if i isnt kcj wuld llk t be obliged to ju xijr the quicker arcriqk sxle a- urpe qoantitr of hnchod foniitar- will ik ea by mr ra farbis xt hi resleuce a btvccr su tliketecicg it s oclock pcr iv j haa- atrtet aactiiner caoul cokcert the itcthodist ciinrcaxnoircoacert ender tbe leileftliip of praf hwriiigtjaflt gcelpu uilllx fcdd on icadiiesiity- totk of deetmber for pirticalxm see posters i mel- vbteok is oat tth tier apnal prophecr fqr thepming winter which hecarcirili be ertretnely cold february beingone of tfceoofhest oa rrj lie eblt fibil hare aaeirf eprkg xbw that the long evenings have come paxtctt fciid see to it that the lien e is itafte t cricht aiid kiinctivc place fir iwys to peal their time md thuq prevent iheta froci etlkigg iniammeat ciueklierc uld do ucder v tue cwp of xmt fiupcrs is get ting rip l skittsa is the owlccof did dnjr- atuontu kcltool children hakv wander but uouc apwacto knov oflutwih run cur tccvu for ucrt year jfov putkwtty utauhliot guu ftui get irsdy to civetho new ice a chtuco to kct in its utk oa the uyi iwruuvcufst mr cuhrw kill jus bid kuw pijicu rut ir the cutr0c dcc ot hit pbuuiapti iuhcry tun mtuk lire totcu oyer ud the wxirttt vibcu t ho si lib loy aoculcula will nuke their dpvaroiice- u at hiud ueuaval mr goo wttuora hits removed irom bip firm on iho ut con eucsiuj ta his rciidoucc ou uocr a venue ia thin village corsrectiox ia our issuo of lat ixk in tvfttvikc to spurious tails otittic ikiniiriohlbluk typoinpbical lrrvr occur red nxkiiig it rcau 4u0 lulls iuitcid td 100 bills thk oxmouk riul blackcuunt viiidue i etill rxiinj mwb tu scotland ami dctxirinp thi kauic chof ijixhly gtkidy fd jls tk him up iu citada sutittl reku- wwutocju the tuluuuoni fever wbicli prriihliouy breaks out iu this vicinity u now prvciuiit several coupkt bvo uceu lusdv bppy within tlic pam owuk ftuil ruihur fayfitlutc arc more to fallow the workman on mosmt vt h storys md lb littles new fcsiilcuccs have succccdtxl iitgittiu the fhcabiug on the rtxtf oatuh hncse but ne irvfrimic tbey will luxfc enue cold tiucr kfore the ihioclcd are ill bud an unfortunate jersey editor tbus diucdlits delinquent eulwcribcre frictii vre ere penniless dob turkey axs riciillionaire wmnarxa with sur present dcprc cd treseiiri todiy if h wan two cent i barrel wp could uot buy enough tu pickle a jay bird as tkcbitige dcltirfs tlutt tbo maa who tit dowu ia the tui11e of tbc p5tur tipoctiac that the tiw wuiim conic to liiru to l milked is no mote foolish than the emu wlio rtockt itoro and cxiactr the people to hunt hun out aiuil buy liis gouds wituiut adtrtitiuc koh6t wftftk ahtmton rnkti iho notices in ibis cotiimn tucy tiicia ifuiiucu aud pctuul will pay you trrrlval oflhretsrttpmtnts of goods atthe bikb exhibition of blovia tat j c liiuv csoal oil 12 mats iwrgallonat a vv urceiia- vastk paper iva cents per doien at this utlicc i ibisr value in teas in iowa at a rtgreotij bust value in cco tea in acton at jav xunus tuc uteat stvlcs in mff felt rials at ljfo t mesaba secokti kkudstovet frooi lq0 up atjautha unmkituis6 good and cheap afpyfe t mcxabe j c utlt for the boat eave- truuiliiug iu tbc county a ll the nowest things in jolt felt luuat fyfctmcxabv ovstetw krish oysters received iliilj at kiuklius bikcry kotitivo to siuimrs those ten dollsr mits st kyfo k manabt bntt u iiobliy stove with or with out furniture go to j c eills cau and ew the uovnl coal stove at j c uillt store depot best 121 cent winceys in canada at christie htuilcrtou cok actotu ctiwrest oysters in town frenh and jmd at jcickiiay ukcrr trythcra xfw stock of iamps iampsbades and best coal oil cheap at j0 uillt best and cheapest ileotiug drums in town mudc to order at j c etus best ic cent te in 5 lb lots for 15 cents atcbristio uciuurioafccos actou fresh butter and sausages nl- ways on hind at tua caiu store a w ireen watktks enormoui itock of new gocdi harlng ber nearly old oat in wnj unci he orde ed weekly froin the britltb monfoctorore and h leceired tkr pnn lnnienl tbl week ooniiiling or the follomnr gooda i a beautiful lot ofnew neck frillltigi in lint add tarlatan a lot or rery handsome kiltl uretonntlaet ia both black and while anetrtylooflouu wliinga yietoria umni alotoheryoheap lace ourwlm ofitery ot patterns new carpels cheapjnd good a large lot ofblackandoolorediatln and fiilleribbops very cheap black satin blackbrtclit lilk a chanwing lot of bjaisk jid ooliredsilk tringes in her newest alylea k shades another lot of thoio fine heavy 48 inch black cashmeres at only 50otbey aell ery last theblaek cashmeres from 20c to 125 have an extraordinary sale the black lustres from 51 to 50c soil at an tniaaing ralf fiadia ihoumi the tilt fuulttd co and is enl laxrrs they are magnificent goods another lot or bhiiiernpe cloths received this week a oharming lot of those brnulutii fbtripadour ribbons at veiyniuch lower price than the lat they are jdsltbo fmnj lor trimmingladiei dresses bonnets hats etc dress goods in dark and bright clsji tartans onlyioo bliwk end colored fur trimmings just to hand mantle clothf in light colon tbey are handsome goods alarg lot of last seasoms mantle cloths mallked at half price a charming lot of gents silk pocket handkerchiefs and ladles allk souares errived this week a fall assortment of ladies jenn and youths lined leather mlutod gloves with spring faitonlngi and fut tops these slaves and mils are just the thing for iheoom weftlherand haviiig been purchased diifl irom the makers tor cub will be sold very chosp another oonslgnmeul of window hollands just arrived thtjr are good and senicable from i4aup amxher shipment oi those bvavy fine wooly wblla bliiukets just to hand watkcnif got hl blankets hrbelow regular prices on aecount of the maker being pressed for moiey and his soiling them off now standi lower prices tltatl bluukct were over aold for in bamllton beiore ladies misses mens sod boys underclothingof all kinds cheaper than the cheap est see them before buying just imported a lot of very superforgbve powder a box of whioh will be glvtn to each lady who purchases a pair of kjd gloves if required a further shipment of those dnb soft trev flannels reoeived this week tbey are much cheaper than last season be sure o see be 15a white ftsnwto the l7o scarlet flannels and iho 25c gtoy flannels a lot of ladle and misses heavy oloth mantles ringing from 1 75 up to 9cw in old styles all marked down w fromcoo to 8100 see them thy are warm and oornjortable an immense sale of osrpela going on daily j thc rglk0usl so andsg knsm i hilton xov 27 is j i j thomas- c jvvatkiys hamiltbn if you isant irnnmiy durable and mrsicfvlcvvpinates wrreely tn ute itilcsivs is the place our cnhsaiei tint the candidates for muni cipal biuiors in other tons are already uiiktii j round and making pnxl use f tfce short time kft ktore hv election in acton nuwtyir ro interest seems tolw ttken in the matter so fir the frxc frnss will bsent to persons wlio faucrilo tiov np to jan 1st i ssi forlw payam in tdvnce sab- tribe at on evttv tana ought to hive the local pxr yoa can dot fail to eco torse hing in it dcrioj the year that will benelit yoa rvtc than the cost- atxtios sux a tale nf furtn stock aorl icplemcnts will be held at aknew hatt1 aeun a tbciotsv 4th tkx- by mr tbi ivrrvman term- and udcr ca4h tliat amount 10 tnoauas trcilit sje to ctinnienec at one oclock win hccjtrcvt auctioneer tin year christmas day falls cpn a thartihy the old ritmae eays if xttias day oa thursday lx awiudv uinter ye may ve windy weather in eajh wcok and dtrd tinp eu strot- and thick the eaamur ihall i e and dry corn fa bcats shall multiply strecrssnrl spobtsmes mfrrs to go coal ciu lvst tendon coil oil only 1- ceat christie hcudereoa i co acton uokt fflrset to c to a v greonficnehmora or cheap groceries boou and shoes new and urpe stick of the brt and cheapest ctorcn iu the market just re- ceiecdatj c lliue prnvextios better than euro fay s iol overcoat and prevent catching cnltl voa eta cet oaj for 6so0 u kyfo mcntbc axoninh ftock of stoves iuat ar rived at- j c hills tin tndktoyc depot irotcst dock c ilooutund shoes at christie hfniterfou co acbm a discunnt of iireir cent off auy cash pur chase of live pvt r upwards milliseuv mid iuntlcs xuwet style tni chuiccit jiwhr it carutie hfndvtkia i- cvs atoa and prices r anteid luvtr than ia auy adjuiiux city tuu or village coal on for the besl uid chenpest coit iil m speight and e nicklin kbo were in k iv a i ir i t i r i tcrcn at reorcod rittes when mrce qusn- slnskok arh the past two h j weekp returned hom on rittiiy hsl n ktnra b f ac the pttty m ul numtercd five and down uur local- sportsmen bmupht i garvins drutore etock uf grtsieric tnd hardurxre eya intend living a praud crtrccr can- cert coafjftnp of vecal and instrumental imuic on tlie eveninc of monday i 22ud iec tiic innctrt will be enndncted by chief ilahkooace ri by- b imliati fna reservation gouies syrup 75c jkr gib it a v greens evtcaietse nfessrt ilcquliun t tn byhis tnutj of luuca of the wlliington mirble work creoit tiracd liver joinu the lst and chcat work in canada beiug the firsto introduce isippuve5tettsonr locnl totiroritl firstclw work at low rice by irairing artist has addcxl to hi premiss a lunw ll be vua ollstuzal tin aisdin tutart the public will be able j tofcnow til hi shop is nrt the post ofne list week he irhased the ikidness stok ard fijrtnrtjb ofsi john nichol main st which additioi b mak hit one of the most fhnts intcwcty andcivtahim the entire cnvom of the town on the verge ofihc grave uctt w tbo condition of iloses i loo io do ibet- com- lava dtdpi to next subject lor parody is the jk p to bv wtiltcti in uia stvle of itha uner lloffisbsr the praes are gooctj and eshoafd like to tee dxm came tins wf- a sew wnnfcls is coming into effect ia caa6etii vitk tke toasarkt pro- ffasian- at some of the fashtooible barber ilinp easterner receives a check bearing tbc nsmber of his tarn he may i ro away and rctara to claim tbe place aurfcedoiiji ticket j we were ufermadby e member of toe eaaacii that smsd had been tired list sreek ia repair the various stdeirsiks whieli recjoire it throaxiwtit tid tillage- this work fcis not yet beett jitteaded to but sboold be before winter sett ta u tiere ire buhx err issd boles j jocexaxisnc the port elta bttiy tone ku been eabrgsi to aa eight oae f aiieet wluchtrith their uectype and presses v raiket it a aj model of oeataesa flaa one of the best country papers in the pominion wewuhtfie proprietor more burj tima tliaji tiietave evr beretafore bid s 8 kstvrzsix a i sabbaih school teiineetine will be held is the brick ckarck second line on tiursisy evening deeub anooibecof rev eentlemcn will deijter addrosses and mtmc snitable to the vtfcsiibo will be provided than open tt 61 iadmiseion is cenfz 15 cents k1two the amatt toyarer tn taresomrhas been already- ikating oa the pond it is needlcaa to ear that it u very dsgoaa at present and dirente should erercisea ifttfc ngileuce atd preveat tte boys fran indnlring in skatiag while there is av danger by doing this sad conso qacaceiib3fbe averted- i the etor o the holon nevoid his issue of last week brings usto task m not actine as local editor for hiffl and sead- tng hint report of the model school er- eminitioos which were held in his own town raoolo or so since sod winch he could have obtained week previous to us kid be token the trouble torisittoe- school sod ask the county fnspeefc foe it- w e are willing to do a cod wro ire a brother editor when it lies within oar power but 0hen it u not possible for us to do- so we do oat eel disposed to be drvra over the easis far no caio and cmeu say- nbthjnz swt ii sroold iom the km that had we seat the report which he himself cocldhar obtained a uttie exertion immediately oa reeeirin it from the m- spector it woald m reached hm w tie v il nor iaaiiecf taat week oonum- urjuite latf uttetrsttiraae i of ell inlfflfrible rnd i khppscri in iltfpep tht-rt- itre on tnro mu tsin tho ffiifirinrddvftkpuc- uiesftliurilrntiaii if tte tzzzzit doc- lolutainiei flieioii tints itiloilrciry mlitithnii wnhtticrntbof xjrtrmitxin iarkiocdanirniny pear tlie ioulyti oxnrcraej tieu in lanamenitile 1 cat pi gcatts rmawan of cotl liver oil eouimnixi whhffrpipukptiteof llmeana- sadft vvttliihu ujcik ll tle laeorabak it w- f n rr removj tiltlifenijroot-eistfcoqvurar- ttalker of perry h with congestion uon s kitrrrj it is mo nearly as ptsmit oi the lungs abd chronic catarrh tct to tli latt sj sweet creaai remedy entirely restored bim to health v b 1 and to use his own words built up tl j n my whole fystem the remedy i for f boclothingandorercoah laleovaltdrairista oosurpissed we can suit the most me by altdrug faslidioue lady in all particulars and wa wiutto teach rev charles i hire m extenise improvemeuu in brooke father of tie state normal istbimls our clothing department which will ia aifcerici ss ikcd by teaclrr- this meetivitb the approval of oar numerous question what shall i teach my puiiils 1 patrons wa fell goods cheap to suit he answered teich them thimtighly the times moleod anderson i co there fice things 1 to live reiuiruv 2 to think coraprtheimvely 3 to rechen j ovebwhelbisa evidence that mc- oithematicaljy i to converse fluently ileod anderson co of tha itammoth mi 5 to write grammatically if you hcuke georgetown hjtveth biggest successfully teack tnem these five things stock have the biggest place do the jou will nobly have done your ilaty to your i biggest dry foods buiinefs give the papils to their pareate to your country biggest bargains in this cuunty or any sadto yoareeit j other county or cily their place is the king of the dry goods trade- nied full font cellar to garretflf has something to say iu our advertising b ogn and firsklass goods-tn- columns wedo not wonder at the raze- i e invited comwetition nowhere meat a rtranger woold eiperierice in ffii jiug vhea aar c bargains are seen himself in sch tidry goois palace as the golden lioa gcelph very few- nf iur urge cities can boast of anything to equal it we txke pleasure in congrataiiting the enterprising proprietors upon theiv succeed as the lion iinot merely a local institution coafined to gaelph but his erteasive busi ness connections give fee whole of western ontario an interest in his prosperity see the lion my thanks would solicit a continuanoe of their esteemed pitroqsge in the future as in the past my j beeat will be while mv supply of bcxs axdcakes 1 are unequalled nrvhyroab cass jl hzcllurr orders for picnics teameclfbts orisuclal gdthertries promp if and cheaplr ctccntcd on sliort notice j t eislbx ssqie qjali a our usiiecf taat iai tbt report in future kyi dttetouranr puaionr wse without ejfficieutcioa vr use j ft stubborn facts that in evere and chronic cases which have defied al otuer remedies wlhous compound yrvp of wild cherry elves 1m- meilatereltefaniecectsaspmycarc that no ess haf been repartee tn which it failed locate rellcf i that every family whokeep it on nsnd can langn at cronn wbooptnc cousb jolds bronehilifmloirwnireldlebes tost in rvery districtwhere wllsins w1h cherry has heen introduced it has jnmpcd into aver in aolneredlhly short time tukt beside biue a rartlenl cure wr the shove mentioned diseases it is one ol tue ijest tonlin ne tfcatlf jou have not already don- so itla yotjf duty to panhtj r battle atoifce i inat yoa cm bay it from any icadlcj arae- gtstfu western ontario y kec3gxized it iisr from what ever cause it may arise it affords us more pleasure and proutthau a firatlms tea- raetingwith free tickets andfouraduresse thrown in to notice that the lasmess men of this town are recognising the imwrtiuce of iuidicioua advertising inall lioaruf priiung from a visiting card to the isreest uoster we have the fseilitiea to compel m mint of artistic skill or moderate prices with the chyhoes is your buajnearf not prospering ceigbbor ksv ynorself ree lessnsani i having m the best par- set- am i setting at the fewible figure and for cash am i makiffie best use of the local advertising medium 4be acton vwzm- t li- xcanndmm propounded why wll the sraitll boy pralstio cmlnj cteeuapijrf the reader may afc well give it op stonee our orisliial pirenls were culltyofihehtiiolndl-icreflob- ay tne season in tthleli early or tiulpefnilt ik firsi intrtaee is the thev ato the mot severely twled in coses of colic dlnr- rhnea dysentery elc younc and ud are ensuy but boy6 and clrls are ihe surest vic tims ndtttepreatet sufferers taere is flo peace romfortund safely in tha family on lets its head provides proper and enlclent rera- eii scott x bownes palatable castor oil isacertalortmedyandlseasytotaice price 3 cents ikwrtaxt notice it is admitted by til parties who have paid attention to recent changes in values tlit teas kavo advanced futly 15 to 20 per cent and leather from 25 to 30 per cent our stock of boots and shoes was all bought before the sdvtnce and abonta eek before the recent rise in teas we purchased a i three- months stock we make no- change in price but give oor pstrpns the entire benefit of our good luck and can therefore gusrantee prices lowej- than in any adjoining village totvn or city coal oil ouly 12 cents per gallon warranted good salt ouly ss cents per harrel an immense stock of boots and- shoes tb select from dry goods besdyinsde clnthiue millinrv msuoes etc etc at old prices christie eender- son k co actou while you live live well j t easto0shj baker acto i would respectfully thank ray numerl ous cusiomers in actou and the eur loundiug country and villages for the bountiful patronage tbey have bestowed on me since started mv bakery business iuthe well known stand almost opposite httttgrocerystorrwntt tieu a t i livery sale bo am stables mill street aotbn u where you can get i firstclass higs atrea80habierate8i i good commercial eigs an express deutery wegou will meet each express traia and deliter goocls to ny prc of the ttwa c f fa koxth trc j- 1 1 1 1 a y at hame i i i 1 duxtrfnuft lim f quired we kj j v rtert wamn a koxth caarantam u j name made by the capital not re will etart yon unrs antt girls matca mony faster at wnric raraa thiut it anytulnc else the work u mehtjindpliiaaarilandisncnafianyonpcaofo rental tlitpe who aro wjgj wo kco thu noiltc vhvgcad n thtirftddrekut occc an4 meforihinbelve comu cumc and wrra fre now 8 ihetlme- tbcye already av work are lasinjr up lffrce samsof moner addrves tetjk co aufuatfl maine mcgarris blod tt l m pumer for hors- all patties indebted totljls es tablishment are requested to pay up without further delay and save costs ed matthavsj proerijetor oktaetcj bttsdtess college bellevilhe ontario ii ostjuuoi j business couecej bellevirjiei 1 j l ctoukden i noted fnrlhe thorooffnness ol u worfc and the practical benefits ottts teaching 1 itslelttctlatg i ara aecountanta ofpvetlcai ixrerl ih itos wtcs on bookkeeplhg and penmanship published its stndcntg slterpottijthrouffh ihe course ra compelent to nil good luallh ni or conduct business themselves rarenls and yooncmen are invited to send for lii oollspe elicunr whiob wiih speci mens ofpenmanshiuismsu ad free address i rublkeox johnson oularlo buslneaj college bollevllls es and gi j 1ewp1i bex goods -an1- grocmies tlie undersigned has just opened a sta- pie dry goods and general gro- eery store iti be stand op- posits dr hcgarviaa j residence- mill srasht ag ton 0nt a tock of newdrycoods fresh familygroceries i has just been opened and will be sold at reasonable prices ari share of the patronage or the residents of acton is respect- fully souelted b haslett 8cpt 16 9tf john speight undertake fnt class heaust wlfl attend tunerals wuenrexuired cufllnn caskets tlaudle- putesharial kolxs bau bands auloves hdyuuedst reasooahla rates r w a g g 0 k s sletghs fa ix txsde to order and all kinds of r e pa rr in q peojtpflv attendku to stcai3l9iu lai stauvait sltai il- tti oa bal ufi maai to order factory andhopa foot of willow st actoh jorisspeigar acton feb jslftj rheumatism hagyards tellov oil for internalxtcrnalttsc greatest are tn the world give it one trial twscnloncjthe tureat remrfliei la hie wcwfar hv cere of rhenraa1- lum seamtrti lcmbtira bplnal and tfroncnial cmptalatt tieafneitt iiead- ace crkmp5tptidn btuljes iall sittjolntirkweuert hkudiusorfi mp- ties ktlff ecic- cukoialiu teeter trett buectpoed hndc wcfltidk cuts sians tttfat stlngt at irnji stiortneu of bte itu or cay utxcfies lhatare ralnfal or sore it u tne only article ever broaghi be fore the pauite that vllldo in work perfectly aridhai beenuied bj- taoa ands and pronounced to be tb best remedy far relieving pain eeer flis- covered j cpualir good for man and beut farsalcbyauvalcri fscpcrbollu h nillmriibemaerpeana rnji roaoxio c w h i l l photographer- 1 anddsrlaau tlodsot mouldings frames and rias art cloodi jfcyau work guaranteed to be equal to the best in canada and to give satisfaction prices tq sen the hard tntss childress pictures and fjlicilt groups specialties t oil metros cojiei sad salarjei to aarsiss oi style photosjrapbs mailed to any address ohas w hill acton ont new boot i shoe shop w acton boot a tjmeccpin iae ouiiuiiikujiwshc hswreyf glove worfcoa mill stsjeat actox anyonttawantof subiuntlal and good flttlog boot or shoe shoum not fail tpleave their order at his stand bepairiag sposllty sad jiomptlr a4o4 to w williams aclonbept m isn ttle- tlie best coadi- -at- ttf christie henderson 6di aoton ontario tie best value ia canada famous 50 cent tea in sib lots at45o for net cashif i taka this veek p coal oil 12 cents ericas guhaitteed lower i than in any adjoining city town or village cau and examine he sultana lor 1819 with cither square or ronnd base ciracefnl appearance beautiful y finished and economy and simplicity in working a largt assortpnt of he leading stoves m the marhei i au kindi of tinware cokilahili on hand job work and repairing piromytly attended to remember tlie place next doer io crecchi saddlery iw 0 havill attention attention 1 genuine ltarpers bazaar pat terns full suits only 25 cents stiuw isntux hats xsh bosyns dosi ovr ec au tha lirist siylks tirns- eh pass irishes to ik- jjx forillhe ladlesof acionaudvlclnlty teat she has lately learnt the freijehuiixleof cutting and fitting and is now prepared to tve even greater sathiactton taia roxmsrly 1 wedalue and funeral flowers embalnmd dresses and jackets eut and a perfect at gunranleed at a reasonable price for blyttsh and cheap hats and bonaeta flrjo to mbskspau is st asotiissanrre quelnh tisars ittxiric bioscix traot mat tradi hjtt the great eng lish kemedr an nnfallloe curefnrrenilnii wekresstlper matorrhea im ioteoy and all llseasea thnl b910m railllgqnm ofselfijs taiiru abuse s loss w ml of memory unlvetshliasbitudpalnln the- backllmnesbol vixlonhrematureold aae and many other 11 scaw that lead tolnsftnity orconiumttlaiiiidd a premature grave flffull pnrtlenlsnt tn our ramphlel which wf desire to sf nd trte by malt to every one gtthe kpe uv medicine is sold by ail dfugptsttat ftl ppaekrceor six packages for w or will be snv free by mall on receipt of the money bvrdinsslrir l thk ckat mediaxe co taronte oat caa bold in acon by all dnktsts and every where in canada and thellnltd btatei by ad wholesale and rell drudastaau jalr to s60oq af ea r or tl to s3 iy in yar ownlootluy risk women ao as as men many make 9 than the amouut of fered above no oos ean fall to make make money fast atir ooe can dothework yoamake fromsectstoss an boar bydevotlnc your eveninas and spare time to ths besinesa ii eosts dothlna tn iy the business nothing like it or money mst tug ever offered behre bnjdnesa pleasant and stiiell honorable eleaderlf you want to kof allnhnm tne best paying bnainufs before the public send us your address and we will senc you rail particulars and prrvte terms free sample worn 6 also free you can thentniikann yonrmiodfor yocrsolf ad drtssoeoroe btitisun co portland maine destrnir boae the undersignsd- baa for serrioe on jj lot 21 con 4 esquesiafz a thorougb- bred berkshire boar which is a prise taker at the uuelph central fair term100oabh i 163m alex h bkovvk k- to mork hard work j ll cucei x every doj has had his day- every person that has ehnrnliis lo do should buy i ooe ot fobbes olsef m doj power whsela that will run eli in r the dasn or crak ehnrn itneehea bestrunnlnewbee i ittet u made call and see it at wirt on ibor street ekotrenneitsllolei made jandsoldnliiby sftjrbes aetoudnt t i on p aw d e r m al n uf a c turiede

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