Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1879, p. 1

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wlwgtw a rtwtcins locii jm owatul hm1lt jocwal rtkused etticlalitr is r rax otrixdn or nti nauss j of htltos mrxtv j rssr reciisdlr xorxixg publish- t qhutch at tin pmx pubs erituninl it tbi fib pub frituhginl inr hoot nert to the- methodist mill street aetna out ttsus tux fin piies will be lent to smbecnoen pottage pniovfor jloo per en- cum a advance it paid during th year 1160 lit oot pud till titer expiration o the year 1100 ko paper dioo tin od till all arrears ere paid excnt at th option of the rfcblieber aovxitnuta ritex cuuel ad mentt scent per line or tie first inter- ton end 2 cent r line tot each subse quent loatrtiori- ctth professional cards 10 linei or lees h op per imim i jtqutre i liuea 1501 per annuo payable in s rcoulht frcu dale of iatcruooj any special xotiee the object of which it lo promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or eoihpisy to be ccqtidred la advertiteniect thjf number of liot reck oned ly the f occupied measured by i leak of solid nonirul j advertisement without special instruc tions iaertei till forbid tnd charted ec- eordingly f orders for ditcctuiouing tdrortisccnu must be in writicfclolhcrwuethepublithert will not be rttrxjcsible i job prixrixai kveryfisilitirfor boot plain tna fwcy job printing etpcricnotd workmen newett sty let ot type ftwtei good charges moderate j h puooke j editor tnd proprietor gttgjttisg giwtijt w e l05tr ub lldfs1 g drill of trinilv coucre mei gra iletnber of college of physicians tnd surgeons office snd residence atthehsdfof fred trick st acton- vf ilcgarvin u d ji g 1 graduate it victoria- college dence corner of hill tnd frederick- ccnsultttioa dtily from s to 10 lj rrom s to 6 p in l p s- red- ttreetc m tnd 1 ustek ji clare barrister quebec st gtjelpje- brinch office in mr unrthews baullnalmsv actoaj orrtcr orts evtt feidijr t tttji rkjf street tiipeosed auptiotteij rbftis counties of wellington tnd htltca ordett left tt tne fkh peixs offioi acton or ttcy retidence in rockwood will b premptiy trtended to tennt tettoctblt i patests fop ikvestioxs expe- 17 dmorsir tnd properly teoiredin ctn- loxtis united sttta tnd enrope pt- tent ftrtnteed or7no chtrge send for printeci itrsctiont agency in dperttibn un tfitrt l i hekey grisr otttwt ctniu jeotnictl engineer soiiatarofjpttenu tn brtnglitxxtn i d siathesov atttikey-at- uw solicitor in cntnoerv be office ntit di3r to wtltce hotel jiltoa m dojhxloic hotel actok kobeet aixewi piorri- tor the new hotel a fitted cpin fintltu ttyle with nev furm- tnre conieratl trtttllerk will end good tccomeiodttion tnd comfficdiontj simple 00 j specitl tftf nr ptid to tne wtntit c tie trtrelling pnblic btr rupdlied witn i jrt loncrs tnd ogtrt good sttbling tnctmtciitrre hottlers i volujik v no 23 wholk no iotonnt 4idjjiii canada loi baikdiff oommi savings sank corstit or jtitcs akd tike rrs ham4ton six per ceat interest pjd oa depoaiti of 1 in 4 upwards stfxsr akd besr securtrr tqui of directed d b cmsrout etq pretidcnt wit kikvs escj of jonn wtlaie i co barlmcton vicepretidtnt j w rcstbceaff ji d httniltan htimt mcrkxr etq htnjiltoo tkosbltscntknesq keltoo cot soas ltkd btrb n row dcncax rq htntilwn r kchisnolit eeq oikville wu ftuocax ji d georgetown h s fl st b c b svow etq jftnsger cotton ilillt dundts manet to km on ai eiuu at remr a tiat serwtktt ei c fey toru ajt 0co optn ereri wcetlty frvm ft tm to 5 pm i d dezteef minager ang 11 1st8 7m federal bane r- of canada giiielph branoh a geseexl bixkixcbrf ikess dose drjjts mi sills of ezcrlkqs bwfu and sold- depositors art tlloired interest it the rite of fire 5 per cent per icaum in the siring tunfc dcptrtmeiit tnd sir 6 prceat priciinm till beiuoarcdoa deposit receipti pronded the maaey reiriim ior the btflt cot tea tfun tir 6 mouths io4 three 3 tnocthc notice be given of its writhdrucil thomas y greet mincer the travellers life accident ins oo or hteirord cosxl writes ererythicg detinble in tie wty of life tnd accident ictnnnoe ets lot secnrity tjnijiiestlonflcl ample dcpoiit node with tue datninion goreintnent fcr the security of cintiiin policy holdert ptid up ctsn cjpittl sooooooo grots auett 7936777t totil liabilities 351173437 snrplnt to poiicy holdtn l2sssc37 jajie3 jiattheks agent acton ont berf its l kjjt rprv tad zstbar l cx- jet1 t i3ts ini e oyal ezchakge hotel ac- t0h jful campbell proprietor mr cunpdl isle of the netr g t r suiion oka pl doanas tojiit nunj- oldfneni trmui thit h cm nceniij pcrchj ttitho eoyilerchjjigeintasni mort eatcf orttble itjfe and ipripred to tocommodite ill who m j citoti him ut tke meet comfortable macaer choice xvicei liqcorr ciizi and cool remmcr driii alirayx ib ttoefc stable ia charge of an attantite hoatler the pitronige c the public ii refpectrnhy aolicited tndno effort will he fpand to pre the tery beat atfieatiqeu hash foe skiks i asa prepared to pay the higtett ciah price for all clasaes of limb- and sheep rfrinr delivered at my tannery lace leather conxtaatly on hanol aly jalfrs hjdoee tile bettjoetl ptper of hilton co ntrthsr iltmtget tnd dertfci boated jj free in tieacios feet peeji the beerl joed ptper of etlton co aaeds billieidt tid circnliri of every j description eiecnted nettly tt he ados trrr peess ofnng tne best loctl psper of htltanco aolfjulinc attoxs on loctl gtettiont of v interest will gltdly be received by tie acios feu peissths bert loctl ptper of htltonco kvexofes ptiaf4 in the netwtstyle tnd tt the lowest prices tt the actus feet puis the best locsl psperof hri- tcaco f e e htje ftrmt or ftrm stoct for tile tdrertue them in the acros fkn pk ix the best loctl paper of htlton coj feechaxtstnd ftnnen slifce thonld tdtertiae fni support the atfros feee tne best local paper of htlion co stra1 or stolen adrertitementt of this nitnre inserted very cheap in the acros feei peess the best iocs paper o etltonco ing itcx u tne pumps pninpgi btmps t w e aduce ilannftctnrer o tupetior well tndirtem ttmff which will be put in on short notice eepairink promptly doie cttrges moderate auopws hied tndtet wtehimactll shop on freder ick streetopposite dr gg icco climaxplow hade at i crowes iron tfoiis crnmph it thtd of til competitor for general par- potes iron bcul steel ward mi arc made of special hard irpn1 cheap tu ctth kew fences stores metal let kit tid cttting of til kinds i joss cftowe a week in yonr ova town tnd no capital rukedj rirethebotinetsttnalwjthoat eipente the best ouortcmiy trtrcjikd for thote willing to work loa lioald try nithicg e nntil yif ltt ot jcwtli vhic yoi an do at the bnsmett we tfcr ko tcom to explain here you can ctrrte all ycer time or only yonr spare time to lie btuinetr tnd make g bt ry htw tlat yon wort women mate ti coch u nun send for rpepil pnrtte ttimt md ptrticnlait whicbwi mail free loitfit free dont complain o hard taig i hare such t clance adimm a t too portland mti vifl uejtob ha bittern bakery tsr confectionery itisses b fc e kicelin would inti mate that they hare opened np their new bake shop os ttx corner of mill and main sth acton and witt they will tlwtyt be snpplied with a t bread betides bant ctkes ptttry ic fax fcc t laece stoce or choice confectionery will be found on hthd f tf itbth oatmeal ooehmeal btokwhiia flo ceackiid wheatc tlwtyt in stock this will be fonnd to be the pltee where the best goods will be- kept tt the lowest prices e2 tttsi cut b e nioelik harness harness any person in wsnt of t good set of harnett either- single 0r double should call tt creechs saddlery v aciomt where they can get better vtlne for their money than toy place in the county a good assortment of teukke and valises on hand all of which will be sold cheap lor cash 3t repairing promptly attended to r creech acton feb x 1s79 manhood w e hare recently published a new edition of dr oultarwells celebrated essay on the eadicil asd feeicisext ctee without medicine of nerrout de bility mental tnd pbytieal incapacity impedimenta to marriage etc rtiulting from excesses 0t price in a sealea envelope only six centr or two postage stampa the celebrated- author inthia admirable essay clearly demonstrates from thirty years sncoesafol practice that alarming con- sequences may hi radically cured without the daogerona use 61 internal medicine or the application ot the knife pointing ont a mode ol cure at once simple certain and effectual by meant of which every sufferer no matter what hit condition may be mar cure himself cheaply privately and radical- ly this lectsro should be in the hands of every youth and eery mas in the lanc addreaa i the oulverwell attjucsu co 47 ann st nw rork post office box tsee axbaaiaollass gramuah school aanatox ootasio tku sthocl cfrt ae folleirin advanlaga ut atlucmlatioir every year candiialee from thii toliool trj paatiag uic examinations of the law society council oftttysidana and sur geons matriculating info tha different universities with tew or no rejsotiont sad tflaohsaa in is77 1878 tnd 1819 nearly all the ttuiienu compctinf made most laliilao lory examinations and the school lanoiv prepared by its enlarged ttaft to give the most thorough grinding to oandlditet for certifioitea ot ail grades 3rd q0iafzsiaxsl7i0ua8 the advantages include not paly the completa practia cumculnm of the celebrated eastman college at pough- keepsie n y pracisely aa taught at that college but gives he farther ad vantages ot gramnrtr history composi tion elocution or the languages if required at no additional ezpenie i tutdion ilidiatlmau hilary trinity t 15wets sweet ia weeks advtnced sus3 s10s0 tsjo frtmary p wo uo boisu tad koo hh can b had in bntlilne or oottide tt a3 per wees 5 wks oomn irelal training for 4900 for particulars spplr to j k jtinesnjpnd- irestasnt or i h uavl com mereltl hatter c t hill -for- groceries if yon wtnt a cood aa 4 cheap article tn skt srtis jmn blwlt ei sta- pordir teas ii sahara syrups spices and tobaccos 01 all- kiadi fkesh ixd sweet hardware of all uindi i faints anaoils hinges and lcioks nails glasf ilt puttr salt by the barbel 1 all cheap iw ca8h go to- c t hills mill striiet aotoa beattys guide to elegant wrltllva r beatty3 gtride elegant jweirixg is rerfect tel ftnstractor tn penmanship by the aid of rhlch xounc people maj- j beoams rood writers in a rery thort unit itcontcikuof a boci of riftypis contalclde an ajyits and ex- planationav a i urfe nomber oc copy slip f ar pracllclnxi beaouxui orna mental 6 beet and a handaon le eaae tocca- t whole robmaan xdaiiaad outiirlo boats est coueftn agents wantat rcans -astd- sewinc machines robt craimer actoh is prepared to call on persons reqalnnf- either i sewinc jtaclnes pr orgao he has agexcies from the best manufacturers in the country aon will jutrantee ssutftctlon to purchasors- termt very reasonable orders left tt ws residence or addressed to him to acton f u- will receive prompt attention iu ceaine scohtbownes 100 pu 15 or correct oopr of a baxnarkablfl irob jfewtrifwru if a ain4v rr a c trxus l ill tfaa vorij otot i qndar tn ludc tint i iv batvlrosi anuippketmiily ikiiig for lit clfrt lid ten of a ood f waitvari icrau lh oeoao tad korthwtrc it at lac tnow i do thdj tli lufld fuityr u crer tad kai fo i b rtfctt know n here is his tnrtucal ladla la diitft hortr lua th wild bw heard la uw tiwtopt or tt cu t of a xtttwrtec itona a uui tie tta mir uulr vtlem tatlr rmt oa 1 aa roetctlranma i j vet re ill ut wticac ic ui aemcc tact vial mar lb wrodcrt moaar 111 a mlllloa ahrlnes tw ojwo iq4 tttr uvs ma4er irlaffc aa ibef bo to a optic lymbol or uic flpnc ac i q- cfenckiacf and th lacacte rim ertr ictt rltat tfa dl m cry of thoc wtio in hoary iidaa tad at cavard l i for tho oottiny drltw uc leftunr uk door itf pan ct the hllla abarlt the itf and irouod oa th wtnd and j aettiuakiui i puthed bj- a purtrwe k not ind ttnict by wo prtj to uie trwt for iheltr ind p oar m t attoat lbo trtwc nte i thadavy aonrcr add th r cfc tiwn hollo tod crlitt i ard the form tad tht nod of th demon an ctaj h lathetrllijiitdlm i and re look u the failugtt ttllisf afar oa pie noon tiln erect i there ctrrer i path mat npnrd to a refnce tisra txdanxti i n tha path ih t ho has ihcnrn it and vtiicit ic mte fithulcuidt tb havca inl mho hi fcnotnttt forftaeplf lh taotititala tide i for ertr the itot itrikat rartly ud rer the i4d bnaui of thd ptajdag ailitoda rima whoa acarar 1x her ire tho lomba of my fcimfocfclhs fintof tiiifr dent name j chili tho vert ilatn on the rarfcid and rutuja who died la fiame f ttuy ut rodt thwe klzgi of th tarttlma thstti iplnu vho juani oar noa zvtr i tucn tnd wcahlp they art with a mil faoe ntl it cur vm be tha and the mynad idols annad me and tfce legloi mattlertaf priects t renli iod rivtt unholy lh nost tofpeak his faaatat what hire they rnmc frwnui tcct silit i res a wtiiptr ouom of the tccret- wheace iod whither f lias for jods ire domj ix shau i lift to the vords of the enchth vhe cbmt fiats the uttermost hal tfaeiecret hath it bean told yoaaad that it oar meancetaaep it his bacjhtbntthettdetorlditqryhottneo itn tnd u heerens boput eorihe ttdsactcdaaaancrr ittoe cumia i hd jhaarf pitt is diim tfwrc the mien wjnviriul -t- wtttmordentfriwtahimriotfrdli oil ixnhaltaatcell thy hare fathomed the depth float osv or am- fared the oaknotn bialii i badlt they tsnt from the teaton and fay thai the qatt is tila is life thea adream and deluafoa and there iiafi thedttauaetitifce j is the torid leen uka thidon en rater aadyhtt if the mirror ttafct shau it ptac u a camp that is ttntcfc aa a tenttthat tsputheredaodpme from the stadt that rerc lamptit at ere md at mcniins are lettl tad looet m is then ncagtt in the heareii ibare thence un hall tnd the letia arc hnrled bat tho tlnd that is nrtpt aroondua by the n ih of the ralline world ttie toadthat thall scatter my nhet and bear i u to sqeoce and sleep with the dirge and the sounda of itrntrntinf rotces of tomea rfao reep- the sealed letter t wmtp yrcrityptypa sad castor oil it3tcid b t fcro perfect agreeable to diil- drataamostseeslttvepemot inlgmtnnftrtnw he properties of the oa that produce pttnaadgri tre elimfnstrd tad ttis rcadered not oaly md tfve n ca mown uu a icum w uvesebvcodtdpsnbflaad til intouotl dertntt oeetsltb noeqotlled tad is destined to take un place ot erode ou tad til drastic pulttudpuret cvcs forttle brsuonsetost sscsotsaku tit dcatfiutoayk v catrnjc i the great road from faria to belgium it both long and dull stretching awavnile after mile in a perfectly strvght line thr ingh a hideout country of yellow mud wit lout trees or hedges and neatly perfectly 4tt yet in this uninteresting country when i was on- horsebtclc tnd slone i met wit l tn tdventure which have never since fo got ten it was at long ago aathe year 1 815 when the scarcely unexpected return o thf great emperor from elba had led to a pi snti tal exodus of those who had attached t iem selves to the fortunes of king louis xv il more especially those who die myself had been in attendance upon the person o the king my hone hid cast a thoe and i had that fallen a little in the rear of my nm- rides whose white cloaks and crimson uni forms were easily discernible througfc the blinding rsin sua horizon in front wbiltt behind me the itncert of bonaparte lith their tricoloured pennons hoveredii the rear following up step by step witl the evident intention of seeing us over the mint- ier i was but little more than a lad nt i had a tolerable horse under me and a pi enti- ful tupply of money in my pocket ti d tl- though the rain came down without ca nng and i was wet through and covered with mud i kept up my spirits by ringing o le of the popular songs of the day whilst i w itch ed the rain trickling sver my new gold epaulets at last my horse began to roop his head and like him my spirits sol ered down and i begarffor the firtt time it ask myself where lwas going i had nofthe faintest notion but i did not trouble njyself muck on that scare for my squadron wis in front snd in following my comrades 1 was but doing my dutya more than sufl aient reason to my not very troublesome con science insensibly however i begahai alyt- ing this curioua feeling of abnegation o felf which is at the bottom of all sense of inty more especially as it might affect a to iier and i speculated freely upon the disagreea ble potifions i might find myself placed in when duty and obedienoe pointed u lone direction and ones own feelings iijthe the pouring rain the dismal oountr j the endless road were not likely to give th most cheerful tone to my cogitations snd jwsa but too glad of the break afforded b tf the nddm appearance of a black object w- ling along the yellow road at the ditta ice of wmetbitg like- mue and a half and rfuch wis evidently under the control ofjiome human being or ether wb wjm put an end to my dreary fcfljrfft i fa my horae to exsmme the object mot carefully and toon made out that i con sedof mitt oted out drawn b hdi sail which from the wt pt greson adopts wu ertaently eve more jired nd drpetted than p j at the prospect of companionship at i was and willingly responding to my efforts to make him mead hit ptce i was toon enabled to tee that i was fist approaching a small spring cart over which a black tarpaulin was stretched by meant of three ribs of wood re sembling a sort of cradle on wheels whilst the tired mule who dragzedit wearily along wu guided by a man holding the reins in lit hands at he trudged stoutly by its tide i had plenty of time to make my observa tions at i ranged up alongside of my future companion who wu a tall athletic man of some fifty yean of age with thick white moustaobes and the slight stoop in the shoulders which it the umnistakeable sign of the old infantry officer who has long carried the knapesck he wore the uniform and epaulets of a major under a small blue and rather threadbare clotkvand he htd the west herbetteu look on hit face which it to common among men who have tees a good deal of rough service in the field at i sp- protchod mm he gave me a quick glanse from under hit shaggy eyebrows tnd slowly drawing a leaded musket from the little cart he cocked it whilst placing himself os the other tide of the mule which wu thus uuoontdoutly transformed into a rampart seeing the white cockade i eontented my self with drawing aside my cloak so u to show my uniform and he at once replaced the musket in the cart saying with a back ward gesture of hit thumb ah i that makes all the difference i took you for one of those fellowt who are following us behind there tould you like a drink f gladly said i approaching him eager ly for itt more than fen hours since any thing but rain water hit passed my lips he had a very prettily engraved cocoanut with a silver top slung round hit neck and producing this with evident pride he handed it to me filled with tome thin tour white wine but which tasted to me like nectar to the gods i handed it back to him and be fore readjusting it he took a mouthful of itt contents adding f to the kings health 1 he gave me a step in the legun of honour and it is but right that i should tttend him to the fron tier when thats done u i have nothing but my tptolets to live by i shall return to myregiment its my duty he said thit more at if speaking to him self than to me and set hittnule again in motion whilst i rode slowly along by hit tide for more than a ouarter of an hour without httarding any remark so fearful was i of putting an end to our newly formed toquaintsncethip by what might prove to be an indiscretion with a man who was evident ly somewhat peculiar as he stopped again to rest his tired mule i took the opportu nity of getting rid of the rsin which had soaked down into my long horsemans boots your boots seem to stick pretty tight to your fecvssid he itt a longtime since ive had them off i replied bin you mutt learn to think nothing of that he rejoined iu his gruff voice if you mean to be a soldier especially in such stirring times at we are likely fo live in then turning half round he added what do you suppose tve got in the cart theref 1 i in sure idont know i taswered its t woman i ah said l with a aort of grunt but not venturing on any other sign ol astonish- meat aod fouowintj tumateeis eo- this poecbeelbanww there dfifirt cost me much nor the mule either rtever- theless its su ive got to make the mirth an tlthough the rota drags out like alinen- drtperi measure i st once offered him the loan of my horse and aa he ssw i had no intention of sneering tt himself or hit conveyance he seemed on a sudden at his ease and coming alongside my stirrup he gave me a hearty smack on the knee well you are a good fellow although you have the crimson breeches on- the recollection of the dislike with which our four favoured regiments of te body guard had been alwsyt regarded by the line lashed across my mina and 1 believe i blushed at the wav in which we had been prefemdto the old soldiers however tdded he i wont accept your goodnatured offer for the very suffi cient reason that i dont know how to ride but major offioert of your rank- are compelled to ride i bahonce a year at the inspection and then vfirbim any old hack aa for me 1 f u a sailor and ever since i have when she said this i felt a ooldthnddt pass over me and my hair ssemerl almost to stand on end good heavens said i and i bad al most forgotten it i ilwe had got beyond the first degree of north lttitdde i should have nothing to do but to jnmp overboard i seised hold of the ships log and when i law that we hed at least a week before us i was in some degree comforted but i still feltan undefined fear in my heart there la no joking with the directory os the aeon of obedienoe i half muttered to myself however im alt right so far but ue time hat slipped away to auickiy that load nearly forgotten all about it weo air than we stood all three of us looking up at the letter u if we expected it to speak to as what ttruok me the most wu that the sua which wu now shining i edoertairdegnee of latitude and lonptade through the oabinwindow lighted up the which would bring me somewhere near the gl of the oloek smd taade the great red i iv tfftne 1166 1 never troubled myteu aboutwrnin g to ride i could see he wu eyeing me closely for the next few minutes andf apparently ex- rtcting me to ssy something but u he found waa still silent he went on so youre not curious i thought i should have utonithed you im not so easily utonithed u you think ie i were to tell you why i iefttheaea i thouldistouish you whatever you may think now well why dont you try t at all events it might warm ua up and make me forget the rain that gets in at the nape of my neck and runs down to the heels otmy boots the good natured major wu evidently u pleased u a child to tall his story snd forthwith prepared himself for it- he re adjusted his shako covered with oilskin on hit herd and gave a hitch forward with one of bis shoulders which could have satisfied even the rawest recruit thit he belonged to the infantry that veritable ahrug that the foot soldier gives his knapsack to shift the load and lighten the weight and whioh never forsakes him after he becomes a offi cer after thit convulsive gesture he drink a mouthful from hit cocoanut gave a dig in the ribs fo hit mule by wty ot encourage ment and began chaptie n i was com at brest tnd to tvoid troubling you with details you wont care for let me uy that i ran away to sea when i was a lad and wu found stowed away in the forecastle of an indianman when she had lost eight of land the captain wu letter- natured than some would have been- in his position and instead of pitching me into the sea he turned me into a cabinboy and for my part so anxious wu i to prove that his kindneu wu not misplaced i worked away so hard that at the end of fifteen years 1 found myself in command of a merchant brig of some five hundred tons burthen when the revolution broke out the royal jfanint which mind you wu u good a ser vice u a mas need with for found itself de prived of the greater portion of its officers snd the authorities were glsd enough to put men like me in command who hid not only had sufficient experience as seamen but had also shown aa aptitude for fighting in brushes with pirates and such like irregular warfare however whatever my merita were one fine morning i found myself in command of the corvette mant of twenty- six guns and three hundred and fflty men having just received orden to get ready for cayenne whither i wu to take a reinforce ment for the garrison and a political prison ir whom the frigate ihtaii which had ailed a week before had been obliged to leave behind for want of room os the 28th of trnotidor 1797 i received my orders from the directory the first letter inclosing a second with three broad red seals which wu directed sot to break until i hid reach- brinff line itwu a remarkable jitter inlnaay1 ietj in the mntre look luo the fetstaree of a ways for it wu of extreme length andwu to carefully sealed and gummed together it i t i 1 it vi 1 l 11 that i found it impossible to glean ths small est notion of its contents which i- am not uhemedtotay i wu most anxious to be come possessed of from the first i conceived a dread of this mysterionslrjoking document and after much consideration i determined to place it inside the glial of a little useless clock which wu fixed over my bed until the time arrived when i was authorised to ucertain its contents tie rest of the fuij nitnre of my cabin wu at nest and tppr- priate u you could find in any nun of wtr lor instance my bed at night wu shut up into a sofa in the daytime where 1 smoked my pipe the floor wu waxed and scrubbed until it shone like t lookingglaat and when all wu in order it wasju pretty a room u you would with to see what pleasant days we spent there and what an agreeable voyage it was until but i must not antici pate j we started with i a fair wind and i happened to be esgsged is potting my letter iniide the gljai of the clock when a knock came it the cabin door and my prisoner entered bringing with him s pretty young irl shout seventeen yean of sge whom he eld by the hand be wit not ranch more than nineteen himself and a goodlooking lad except that he was a little too pale and too white for a man he voiiman however and one who behaved like one of the heroes of ancient days when the occasion sroee u you will see before ive done as i turned round he drew his wifes arm within his own tnd there they were looking u fresh tnd hippy u two turtledoves tnd made me quite hippy to tee them- i so there you ire my ohudres taid i sad come to give a visit to your captain itt very kind of you and although i have some distance tocarry you away so much the better for itvill give ut the time to get acquainted- forgive me madame for not having my coaton but i jwu engaged in nailing this clock up securely so that i might get rid of tbishatefol letter do jou think you can help me f j they really were a nice pair the little husband took the hammer and his little wife thvnaue and they passed me the one snd the other u i taken for them ahe laughing merrily called out to the i right er ti the left captain u the rolling of the ship made the clock lurch about in fact she wu matins fun of me- you naughty child fu tell your hus band to scoldyou if you dont mind and then she threw her arms round mi uecktnd kissed him for they were lite two children snd it wu no wonder we soon became great friends together we werepretty lucky in our passage far the weather seemed made expressly for us and 1 1 made my two little friends come and dine dtily iwith me- when our frugal dinner wu over they would nod and wink tt each other and when i laughed at them they would join in with me cloth ing came amiss to them and they were al ways merry tnd pleased with everything that wu cone for them although my orders were fo be kind and tttentive to them i wu specially told to keep them on the ordinary ships ration tnd they had their hammocks likeithe rest of the crew- i wu like youy my friend and j didnt bother people with questions about what did not concern thm i for jshaa were ttlmii maenrtaetr affairs- to me who wu only the captain of the thip that took them over to the other aide of the world at the end of a month i had begun to look upon them u children whenever i called them they came and sat down hy me the young man wrote at my table that it to sty my bed and helped me to work out the longitude and toon got to do it u well u i could tnd then we talked about anything that turned up until the watch wu called do you knejr slid i one day we make up quite a family party i dont wtnt to crossquestion you about your affairs but probably you have not too much money be tween you and you will fibd it hard work to dig and delve among thpae prisoners at cayenne its a horrible country out there but for a seasoned old fellow like me who bu been dried up by thefsun i can live there like a lord how if you have any tort of liking for me ill throw np my connnision on board this old craft andrll establish my self out there with you if you with i should do so i have not a singleralation at home and you would make me a nice little house hold i can help you to a score of things r ruui sin asu for nothing tad ihave a snug little strong box on board that i pve oome by honestly enough tnd which i shall leave to you when the time comes that i must lose the number of my men they looked at each otherqtute astound ed u if they scarcely believed whatieaid tnd then the little woman fell back on her unfailing resource she ran crying and blnwhrnfc te her husband and threw her inns round hit neck he put his arm round her waist and i aw tears too in hia eyes he held out his hshd to me and i noticed that he wu more pale than usual- she spoke in a low voice to him in his ear while her thick locks of yellow hair fell oyer his shoulder and he answered her in the same way occasionally killing her forehead whilst she wept without ceasing intil i got tired of seeing it so thitdoesnt suit you tail i at last j but bat captain yon are too good stammered her husbanil- i hardly hnow what to say to yon for your goodness but howcisa you live with prisoners f tnd then he lowered his eyes snd a blush came over his face i i x dont know what you hive done to be transported in thit fashion l replied but you can fell me or not some day or other if you choose to do so you dont seem u if you had anything very disgrsce- ful ou your conscience and i am pretty sure i have done worse things than you once fior all so- long u yon are committed to my custody it is my duty to look after you and ishalldo so and yon must expect nothing else for under orders td twist your neck u i would t brace of pigeons but jonce throw off the coat witn the epanleti on it and i care neither for the idjulral nor for any one else under the sun i it is because i think it might be dan gerous for jou captain to jbe friends ours that i hesitate we laugh because we are young we are happy because welove each other but i have very diamal half hours when i think of the future tad what may happen to my poor laura j at he said this he pressed bis young wife to his breast and murmured iought to have said u much to the captain dont you think eo my darling 1 i am sure you would have said u much your- telfl t i took iny pipe and timed away for to tell the truth i felt u if the tears were com ing into my eyea and that wu not a state is whioh a man in my petition should be eea j j come come said l the future will ut this all right if the tobacco it disagree able to the lady i will go away she looked spat me with her face all on fire and wet with teart like a child that hu been scolded at all events said she looking up at the little clock let ua talk about some thing else tad the letter there f i lt 1 a ace in the middled a are one might tlmoft it hut its eyea ere oomiog oat of iti bead 1 said to tmnw them oh replied the young wife it looki more like the iuidi of blood bib ball f uid her hmband ujtini her by the arm you are frightening yonr- wlf laura it looks like an invitation to redding come along and ko to bed why should yon bother yonrtelf about the letter t they left the cabin and went ot on deck whilst i remained and smoked my pipe- but i could not take my eye off the great teal which seemed to nave the aame power of fucuution over me that a serpeat ls said to poaaeaa at hut i tore myaelf away from it and went up on deck to uniih my pipe all wu going well here for the jfrrdef had a favourable wind acd wu doing her ten knots comfortably within the hour it wu as beautiful a nithtu i hare ever teen in the tropin lie mom wu just rising abotee noriaon and the calmwbito tea seemed to out her in half looking like i iheet of snow covered with diamonds a itood looking at the iceae in tflenoe and the officers anduilon of the watch were gulag over ths bulwirkf at the shadow of the corvette in the water i like silence order and discipline and i had forbidden all noise and urea aboard after nine ccloek suddenly i saw a little red line just under my feet- and i wu just about to utter an angry exclamation when i uw that the light came from the cabin n my young pdionen and wishing to make rare of the laot i stooped down so that l could look through the skylight the young wife had nndieued and w on her knees uying her prayers by the light of a little lamp whilst nee husband wu tested on a portmweau with his head between hia binds watching her her eyes turned towards heaten were still wet with tears and when ahe had finished she made a sign of the croes with a smile u if she were going to paradise without tiying a word her huabana kissed her and taking her up in hia arms lifted her into her hammock u if she had been a child it was a very hot night and the gentle motion of the ship seemed to soothe her for after lyinfc still for a few minutei hy dear said she more than half uleep arntyou aleefy tilts getting tery late im sure he remained in the tame position with his head between his hands and finding he did not reply she turned hex pretty little head over the edge of the hammock and looked at him with her mouth half open and not daring tor speak to him he hesi tated for a moment and then slid with an evident effort my dear iaura the nearer we approach our destination the more ap prehensive i feel i dont know why but it seems to me u if the happiest part of our life would prove to be the nrtt part of this voyage i feel exactly the same said ahe and i hope we may never get there and yet he added clenching hia hits together my darling i notice that when ever you say your prayers you always cry that worries me terribly for i know whom yon an thinking about and i fer that yon regret having come with mt regret 1 said ahe in a dutreeaed voice and starting up regret tool and tohavefollpwedyou i i who amvout wifa and who know my dnty althbufiulj am but seventeen why my mother and my bitera all said it wu my duty to go with youj to cayenne i wonder wr yon can think inch a thiaj for a moment 1 how can yon regret anything when i am with you to help you while i live and die with you if yen die 1 to ei costisuid monsitmr da berlin ladlea of bank besieging the pnualan headfiman in the klein e journal a daily newspaper recently started in berlin by the bruauan railway king dr strousberg is published an interview recently granted to the writer by krauts thf state executioner who be headed hoed el last summer while hon- srieur de berlin was chatting nleuantly with his visitor about the decapitation of the wouldbe rticwe krauts first perfor mance u a headsmjfr a knock waa heard at the door and a fooontn in splendid livery entered the room with the request that the pieiiam to speak with him for a moment in the passage krauts went out with the laciey and after a brief interchange of sentences m an under- tone wu heard to say aloud tell her excellency the lady countess that i am very sorry j tut i cannot dare not do it i interrogated upon his return by his visitor with respect to the tnission of the man-ser- vant her replied with a smile ohsit wu only a icqaest from one of my sympathis ers such u reach me several times a week ton may often see the handsomest equipages in berlin standing at the corner of muiack- straase tkey- bring me lady visitors young and old pretty and ugly yes yes many ladies of oar highest aristocracy base called upon me and insisted upon seeing my wife when i wu not at home and what did these ladies want 1 themeresfnib- lush haircuttingi of criminals for in- ttaoce a bloodstained i pocket handker chief a morsel of bread from the headsmans breakfast table or one of- my gloves krauts himself is a fine young fellow decorated frith the iran croa for vajoof in the field like most subordinate function- ariea in prussia he wu a noncommissioned officer in the army and received his present appointmeot upon hia discharge u a reward for faithful ana gallant service he is mar ried and the proud fither of a fine little boy the heir apparent to his important office j with a touch of quaint piety he introduoed this lad toiiiy visitors notice as his flncoee- sor please god and observed that though he had passed an uneasy night before the morning fixed for hoedel s execution when he looked into his clients impudent sneering face he thanked god for making his business so easy to him 1 i tsx choir broke into two sections on the first stanza of the opening hymn and came to a dead halt- then the suspense wu broken by theapologetic voice f the choir- master i jast letsscore for another start and well come under the- wire neck and neck thehymn went on a colt is usually badly beaten before he is well broken with tn egg it it different it has to be broken before it is beaten tna pope is in most things excessively economical but his oharitim let u a con stant drain on hia resources theo-hslor- dered 4000 to be sent to the unman sufferers be wu told that monbv wu want ing beoourse wu about to bo had to t loan from a bank hut some peters pence were opportunely presented a coxioci calculation hu been made by a continental statistician u to the amount draws by various aovereuns from the civil list according to this ft appears that the our hu ljsooof per day the soltaa 900006 j the emperor ef autriasfumol die hmperor ot germany 410001 j- the king of italy 330001 tnd the xing of the belpaai sil5i iv ki vt j4i rn-

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