Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1879, p. 2

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1 jkishy led rut i vv tuns dsuu in credit valh y sen millou wlhrb wi iti tliolutmy inls f aiiltiiy tiic ktiiillliuii forget corw shes cisrninp shes irantmil slicballtiwmnhtmm tfct fcat uiaidm ildtou my umiiy jonut lce i tovctny ilearet lenny she know t i love lur v ill xo two iit li r vhinrrn the truth to you ill uloor nfay fortune- nuilcvpon ue to c that happy wlca we arc joined iuwedtuck uncls uu r hive shall uecc decay cw ah ruur uif hippy day its cvtue my heart ttip at reu ive- won the pretty msid i hve xowin ray afris i blest or iaa fip3 ijvcss tkcksihy moixino i to 4 1st itit it p ourf editor of this journal resolving thai holiday a week or e3 tvoald he oorttculu to kiui hi takitl it and or the tilt o i have assumed the rvi of editorreefs n t aiuxt mooui murttjipat afffiiks duitug thu year la tie coorsj uf fe weeks the ekctais will bo muuicipal legis ators to bold ofdcy lssq trim pteseut dicatiousit would tecni that to fir as ouriouudtng tbwriships hat municipal honors 1 t to little apparently know or care about ibo prospects of joci legislature for tbe coming ycir iloutyer it may oak be the ca ui which jhsuallyrpre- cedes die striken lreikiig at uf a actoa aud tbe kie concerned ure at a dueout do tbe people l stori aud if ofiour prapeei maosasaweya qouticu ttiikcouucil mot pursuant o adjourn ment on monday the 2tth of november mvmtcik present the kiivi deputy- uivvi tiutl messrs llulckcuu uud wutkuu councillors the mliuiles ol lavt uihtinj wtio tend aud oiij grtued mr wulstuf moyitl tvcuttdid by mi ilittcuou tlmt unive be grntflid to luuoluci k lly ltw furiatitiug ciilain kiwis of inuuiy fur tbf tvjitiik gf load mid liridji criltid ljvegmuicd anililu- hviam- being read the tiquiiod nubcr of tiii tts fusd higiivd nid ncalvd mi wiumiii iiiuvimj wcoitded by mr meuzluk lual tbo im of 3 be mid to it atkins for go bwda uf gtuvirl fuiiiiidiud tu iwd div ko 11 iud fur apttiring a bridge on tbe sideroad between lots 20 and 21 m tbo cih con carried mr hut- cluon muved usunded by mr ifunil a xwt tbe fuueiving accouuuof d r winn fur rtleuhnuee and mcdrcuiu to the killuwini indigent iicrtans ui jwid vit mik uiaiu 275 mr woodaid s2 r waison 1050 uillwrt ileid if uotl curned mr waboa moved fricondt by mr huicbiin llntt the mini of impxid to it lung for 80 iu4ds of yravvl iuiiikbtd fur ili tooii lino oppaita the 3rd cuu ami to a miaiimi for 40 loads urtiibbtu uoad liv no 2 fattier turn of f ti p siyers fot 4u imds fitcwsbid to ljiv nu jt ciiried on tiiotion of j mr watfon hcondd by mr metilka cillid mien tii icbs-l- isv lm- ts latrodual and aid tlm iiijuiad nuuiur ol titut and naul tur tbe uoomialiua uad electtoa of tbft tuoieiul council for thu ensuing year mr itofi moved kcoudtd by ir uutcluoti that the following sums be paid to tbo the pctvjns named below for keep billed by dgx bring to tlnriis of tbiir value the vlaius having lvu drily citiitiid ir j miller c33j xuitiak 1c00 for eight tbecp j luln- t foq otso sheep j jlackkm 117 for one theep j linnet gg for onekliwp cairied mr mender moved kmuiiii by mr wntmu tbui the tuui of 435 bo paid tot j hijfpi blanks i per account also hie tuui of 2 to iiinei and david- ion for priuting bill ceiidets attd rdnrtuirg a ineituig of council ciitied mr walton mucd seconded by mr uutchecu that ibetuui of so si be paid to j eistctbrook fot dothuig fisthithed to p m mcgarripilm t bill and cjc3 to j m- bond co for k will the bst time tocoesider the couijtiative merits e pviicouiiciliion tfd school tnwtevs weilouot tro- yhctlerany of the present boirj tutend tobecome cujdidites for reelection altuoagh we prestime that it the lectors eriiresied a wish ia that ilirec lamps for the towu llail and ssso to tioa ihef aiikt 1e induced to worn ettrbrook for ostage xnd statiop- j erv aid commissioa on money orders candidates it is ulways better for tbe bumof 5 5u t0 e electors to ecllrct the cxtididatcs thn ciitpmu for serving notices and at vtr- tn t reflection i tfidiis cotitv for th- ilevjmub of the us of yutrrs and the isrthermm ot i 72 to toatishiii cietk for bis ereicef in cutiuiction thirewtlh as c itind by the county judge car ttjejeples sj fivsge tjie buuesi of ried mr hutchenmoyinconded by hrwtttmii that tbe clerk i brely instiicttl tototifv mr john kcatiedv tliaru llc0ktt f nrkc 1 fur soue lioc jvvlhe mceilrra of the mitboditt ujvjit orcwioui corner havotccnriiiud flwi wet tllt owitig to ile hiorcaied outnitluda tiiectlior willi the lata coelon tu tk tuctubcrdiip o tint charoh thlt u fccaryit ihoahlh onlargsl aceonlfilfly the ticccnrhfh wine uiktit mid tldi cburch haf been cnlari cd toaluwtl tioe lu former ie on kunitay rut ioij iilthu chuiclt tt- iipeniiik inriiecu iwttv held i sernou ho- lilting tbe oceasinn vi te prcaeluid en ruu- dy at 230 h111 by itov u jllabui pailor id tlo circuit and in tin eveiiing at g3t by mr jos k ceok nftirorglovucuilece oa mouday evcniui atcaiuttiiik ti hwi the nroceeiu to bo applied l llie huildinjf ifuod afur partaattiff nf anfoxoolitut wa in tlic tcmpcraaeo lfall ilo conipniiy renaiwd to tlie church wbicluiotwitlnland- iw the recent eiilaracracnl ka lull aud dkc hctd dtliviitdby revt mc- kertrie kmfamcvliriitto lipiacopill ot gcoreetown iobha of acton aad ucmrt j s cook andt ai moots from georgetown collect actou mclliodut jliurcu cuuir utuiihetl etccucnt uiiuic aud me juo spxiintit ot aetnn creditably filled the chair py the yijerality of llie uieinurs o the church toother with tbo help received from inctnbrrli of the m church tbo uhnle cost ot tau culxrgerueut iaa provided for j rkseafauoa and icoreu j ou friday cecuicc lat a eornpany of the friends and uirentj of the ptpils of ss no s bkia6iii luet at tbo tclool boutc and prceented wmsinyth buc who baa- been teacber f the febixil tor tbe pant three yean with a gold loctclaud chain to- pctbcr with a photograph uliunt aud an addrcas mr smyth ha tccxptcd a more lucrative poiition aa tcicber otbaanokbcru school lately uorbt by jlrl ifcdonald but be leavca hit old achool a id kection wilu the pood will of every fauiil in that section the following is the address to vhuh jlr iiuiyth made a tuitabie rrpy dialt tcicacc wej yimr attaelicd pupils kclioolsectiou ua s eaefiuc cvniiht alhnv your relntiou to uk as teacher to terouiiate without rividf- etiremieu to oar fcclinj of rcanl fur yiafielf apprecia- tioa of yojc faithful aud hcceutul labors aud regret for your departure trout tbs khool ve feci that dnriig the pedod iu abicb you iiavc taught ur vrc have very uiach protited by vour intratioat and ovonicht you hive un painilaeiug iu iuipariiuc kuoaleilge u u you have al ways urced ii to diligence and enwnitjged the uifufally ilow and titnhh wliijc lirra discipline has lea uiaiutiiucd ttu hive fnnud you a kind nlcaifnt aod faitliful friend pc aaured idr thlt we aliall bear an agreeable remembrance a tho thnc ice have cieut cutler your citrje iu proof of our ptpect for eu aadan an ecprcmioa of r diuirc to retain vonr kind regard for tu tee present you with thcici trillcr tabich though of rmall midline value arc a token of our love lid fricadahip 1 tnokastttaroxk f alacuicafdiuxc jesit waujic scofts emulsion cod liver oil that those who ck reelection should pxient tkeuistlvcs and if this fact were obsehed n far more tesioiis iblu class of caidijatewoulj h- teekuig the village hiis without doubt utu carried on tri a sitisfactory manner iw rjuringthe pist ycur tud we eougrtlu- lue the tiitige oa- being so well to reiiiwve bu fence from eff the road allov aiice on or vfote tbe tiret day of april neitfntning on the side rond represented utltke cnncil hoard ibvt lot 5 in the 5h con uf this township the time is altn tried mr watson moved scuiided by mr mczirs that the diction wdl iltcenirw candjama in lolk 1k 1c cllul frum the fieli and the best war is to lie in j i tlst f i j year r m tl time acdbavej their rtspestive riualitits vu dtsciesed liefore the tiuie tuenea- 1 reguurijiisiii th schcnl law require the notinstioa of public school trnsttes to ire vsiw in dectm lierintekd of esforaefly in january and thoughuhere k often ajjitatdeil of ipttbyahi indifference manifested of the ratepayers in the candidates for this most important once except under epial circarustiiricai it should tint be sa of a fit and proiier peikn the educational hfiiireis as ltapcrtarit and in- some respects nitjre so tiaa for tt cgcrcillor uud ft does notfoljavrthatiji pereoa who is merely wdltng to bttshould teien- trubtrd tritl ibefrvi5joatichiql maflaement on the part choosing v 1 r i j- street osstructtoks many times throah the columns of this joarnai have we brought under t notice of the village authorities tbe 11 iiensitr pa- the pari of a laige pro- pritioa of our citizns to use the streets and public thoroughiares us a puce for storing wagons end other such articles filing huge piles of wood for winter consumption and otherwise cse- ing the struts as a geneial receptacle far stable guden and all kinds of refuse iti our former urticles we have quoted portions of a village by law which probtbits using the streets fof these pur loses hut notwithatanding this and threats coming from the officials thn selves to haye those pro visions ca tied out- yet we observo a jasity on lihetr part especially of the village constable svbose doty it is to 6er that these byuwa are properly observed and fully carried out- as winter is now onuhe eve of setting in wewocld urge ujoa those officials wbo shbnfd do so the liecestity of filling the teqaired merits of their offices rud hive the streets cleaned up ro that they will present a faf more respe cf able appearance thai is now the caw acioa is said to be one of the prettiest villages in ontarib tu streets system- atically and regalarly laid put and otheri features having hfa iutrodttc ed to frnlraace its btuty uud tlie desired cfiect hag been produced then why deface iu lieaiity aud mar its reputation foe cleanliness by allowing sums following viz 1 w ritchie fjl g heuv ub7- ms gaul alk3s scriber 112- and mrs mccall 01 carriid a vote of tbiijkn was then tendered to the lleeve fur the very ublo and ciiifrteoua aiauner in itbich he bad presidei over the deliberations of tho council boatd during the year the reeve acknoa- ledge the coaipliment in a few timly reioarks and the council then adjourn ed after iruicii the reeve as on former ycirs invited the council with some other friends present to jiarwke of a supper at mr ii stingles hotel which invitation was cordially accepted and full justice done to the ample repast and a short but pleasaut time wts enjoyed jons eisteeeaooktp clerk xecve your oroers for millinery at once lrerybody willwiut a new uatorbjnnet for the holidays cbriatie lenders a co a lying time in super twenlydre years of endurance with cilarrn is a long period of annoyance aud mikry mrs j flanlers ol manchester k h nfter going through uali wriws tbe conrtitutional catarrh keieejy his rescued me from intense sufleiing anifalmosl the grave this medicine is for sale by all druggists m the delegate sent out by the british goveruiueut to exutuiue into the agri culture of jhe sites uud canada have made their formal report they speak in tbe most fluttering laigiutge of the farming lands of canada the ndvice they give to faimets who intend to etuigaito is that those with consider able capital at their distiosal should settle in ontario or queliec while those wbose means are limited should oowestatid locate on the prairie lands of manitoba add the northwest it is said byjmany first try one re medy und tbenj another but we find in tbe great majority of cases that those who try llagyurds ellof uil for all purposes of a liniment have no us for uny other rrsparation it does its work so geetonuy that none others ne d be ipplied it is equally good lor man or beast and cm be med internally for croup whooping cough aod asthma externally for kheamatism fipraini bruitee clitlblains barns scalds nnd all pms and aches from whatever cause they may ocenr- iiold by all dealers atpoc pirbotlle 23 2 wilsons wud caerry ouerif me most tliorniurhrjr reliable meill- rluer nosjln use by he canallan public is wilson compound kyrap of wild cherry tiiemccestrrlillttositsaseta cacir of rjiiscoiielis tironehiil coun whooping- gonjru jxis of voice and weak lungs is mon remrrfcaoil orlinnallr trepartd to in et toe demand for a ctod medicine of the idnd iniefetaustoreorihfl proprlefcfci ita sle firreaedro ripldjy aiid hecouto o i b largely meude i thitme mannfacturfttalt tbe streets to wiraue the stoxxgs place ti was oti nieofsarv to introduce it tiuoaah for the unseemly and unsightly articles which are frequently placeil there iatmediate actiod should fee injuted fipon dy a i- 1 i the iswpa lb country toenaore 1la adajuionustiifi uattoaal care fir dlsenfea of uie respiriitry orjmut eery leaalnrdrna- grittlnllvsterndntiirlonowaellait b wlsirln time get a twttle and have it on nana irijen rejuired toe large bottles arelhorhapekt jt oa behalf of the school kexo this twice five to thirty drops of 1 bonus eclcctlic oil willcutecooi- tiionsare throat it ncrer rails in croup it will cure a cold or cough in twenty- four hours una bottle has cured bron- chtluof eight yea tandint recent case are cured in three to six daya it has restored tha voice wheje thd person bid not spoken abor wbip4r in era ycari at an outward application inall cisea of pain or iamcn nothing like it bac eterbeen known one boule wil cure any cas 1 of lame back or crick in the back for diwasea of the sptnc and contraction of the muscles u u un equalled ia khetteatic or any other painthe application doa yoagood it stapa car cha and tho pain of a bum in three minutes and ia altogether the best and cheapest medicine ever offered to the people the cheapest tweause it takes 10 little to do yoj gocw and ia composed of six of tbe best oils knotrn and nouiin butoils ts worth its weight ingow vvliy notbuysttttdayt a 8 dei hochera aasttlant idoamsster ar thibaskarillo v q atites lliirtecn years ago 1 was teiied by a eere at tack of kheuiralita in tbo head from which 1 hare nearly constantly lufiared and after having used f thomas eclec- trio oil for uine days bathmg the fore head i have been completely cured nnd have only used hair a bottle this i can certify under oath ic you iah kev j jfallory of vvyoming k y wrtes dr thomas ecleotnc oil cured me ol bronchitis ia one week kcte cifef ne selected and electrixcd with hypophoslphltes ot lime ahd80da jiloacollnei two brefflellfl rrer diieorered for con ijmptlob colds m sffktiiuriml il nsibiaatria udbua of the blood hainl d- wiit lilu vu blmaita oftlhultmb it tot only contain uh kma aod hh- iislc ofcod l r 01 in a form that cerftedy taittlo aod iccpubta ta th mott octal ssstw iffiasiu yderfal tonic tad utra rnjymie f tusttevsimof l eotnbun i food and medidim la alllha iledia latl di ajm1i4ii w fk endp fixing ttroih i nmwitlon cotlnei fcfl two tftf rcmedlfi eyer drerwl for ooa nvmtui ir hi in a mrm inu 11 lit ncn prnpenief cf h ricttot unjreml e dikuet 11- tern dan puia cod uxtt oh ad n ltttr iest fa enrfchirtf miortiff lit i uttpjired fuocuom tod i lha ulkc t tcyrr uanta deporia dnigtun iim per bottle e lx w e isr s i v b clearihg sale of oa saturday next we will commence ha extensive sale it reduced prices of our 6rstclasa uiy guilds milllnorv mantles and clothing on account of altera tions in the buriueas extraordinaty bjugains may he ipeclcd and will lie civen as fliis is a geuuiuo sale to reduce otu large stock every custou jrvitt the royal city and county of velliogton uud tuitoi ndtug countiej will save lime and ndiaey by coming direct to stewart gos great sale of dry goods silks mattles millinerfj s gloves hosiery uudeiclothing acd fancy gooda heap tvvocda which con not now bo duplicated also 1 new fashionable und cheap will bo offered at the 1 i tlcnlivu tautmtu lft consider it no trouble to show and attend this flannels rltnki a etiecial lot uf a sohct lot of pi reduced prices obliging and 1 goods during tho giatueduceilsilo positively no goods till b charged uulcts hv siecial an angeuieut- wm stewart 00 guelpb dom i k4 0k exhibition as vf itali jlccrac co take all he prf ics la tjisridbcrxoteiaiisra- i a ompele arlartnicntcftulr best goods at tile jtenl smrtr nr vers and koeai all sites rivs khlrtf lir vers and socks all srcs cutlaru et fenit id ttawcislu 0 itece auo lidces isdenxcrrai5o v fih muhlqtv jlcaccaxt tatzobs teobcetowx for soaine mwai and fraeral rtpiirs try the georgetown overly works aicu- ridhell 22tf iiaint ocrgetown rtbtors st tice tin account of a e snlcmplxtcd change in the buslnes it partita odcttci either ky note or t lc avcount to tbe linn of fyfe i ucx b ate requested to tctlla the same oa pt before the 3ut o jueeeraber i79 2it fyfemcsab pielokort the undersigned grand tsrlor orrfaa alogae price 5o5 smalt sum or siw three pr six vn form all has for sale a new h lop cat- will be sold for 100 down balance riiontbs for further particulars apply a this face or to thr wner j3lf stqvew at0s okep at hills p s ivrustroxti wm drndjatair cof cfrcnt bceait l vfillbgtonsteimt tli osto machinery chokers tut cc1hce in eiqucsiof m the 7ti ult the wife oc iff alr v14i stnrnsr 4ti m a i tfle alt1c- in xcleon en iho 20tfr init- w the rev d m mckcuae at ti rcsidtna of tle brides fithcr mr chis iorter to miss jtunie diuqlitr of mr hcu husband ill of xelson on wcdoevuy 3rd uat m the meth odist church actoa by the ret uuolilis mr it 1 mtxire ejitor and propricfur of fiilc press eldest kon of tle utc edrd monre kqt ttatti scoud jiuubtc of jdbo slight ekj- all of actoa mctil ari u etiarsfr cuprer anj dealer ln alt ttidc oc second hauo macktsery st am itnc k lcr from 5 ticrc iircr ntid mlitr mtnlf x large scocb of all lirm cf sto vesjwi raeufdvuzt it fad und of the utl quality crc3 7i r fixuk and ts most had4ock sljvt ia lhcmark cook stovesltweeds f all tixs at the trry tovxti f ricj- ictoj kibittts white wheat i 10 to i 12 treadteell 1 10 to 1 12 spring u beat glatgcw i 10 to i 12 ucdcuaff 1 10 to i 0 oaia 0 3d to q hi peas 0 55 to q 60 bartev 0 3 to0 53 ejg per dor 0 is to 0 18 hotter dairy packed bdtter rolls 1 ifi to 0 is 0 is to 0 20 potatoes per bag 0 50 to 0 w sheepskins 0 50 to 0 75 hides ptr cwt 0 50 to 7 00 wood per load 3 50 to 10 flay per ton 7 00 to s 00 straw per load 3 00 to 4 00 wool 0 lfi to 0 20 dressed hoa 4 75 to 5 25 ccelpn itaktirrs flour 75 to a an white wheat 1 1g to 1 is 1resdwll 1 15 to 1 is spring wheat glasgow kodchas i 12 to i 5 0 85 to 1 05 oats 0 30 to 0 33 peas 1 0 50 to 0 60 barley 0 5 to 0 55 eggs per doc 0 u to u 16 butter dairy packed 0 16 to 0 20 butter rolls 0 16 to 0 20 potatoes per bag 0 5 to 0 50 sheepskins 0 50 to 0 75 hides nerctvt 7 50 to s 00 hay per ma 7 0 to o so apples per hag 0 30 to 0 70 wool 0 isto 0 20 dressed hogs 4 57 to 5 25 a vtjnfit auuaiueu vaajtitnoruc nmoe oy llie mdimtlikf capital not re- culrle we will sure ya v ilea woman noys anit girts ronl e mone- faster at oifc rorna than at any wnp ec the work is iltlilanlneaaul rdreclias anyone cat e rlcmat tlt wlo aie wise wtto see till norice wilt toad os jtclraddretat otce and see for themselves wtly cnlat and irrrnj frve sow is tlillr e tu already mto k arelavdnjoplarite vms of money adjresx teufico ancu ta maine tto llubeipiexc valuable tim or lands for sslo in the county particulars apply 222t f durbora township cf maavcrs lot 14 ein 1 conuiniuc btl acres all standing pine i imlier the property ia situated on the gr ivel road 10 miles direct ly northot tlieiiwa of keivcaauc for e k kae actoa west oat urday 27th dei j ia 7 fieftf sjci cf t i 35t w a im slvrursoi uaxd 0oe2dw52s anf fny u izvild ok the tltorictl notice o o lrto iil a joct sfcel f itijxriar quality cheap ojlffi ixb see for touassitss mr- 3- imstittjxlowij there are many reasons why jbhe peqpleof ajstjpn and surrounding toishiw lind it to their advantage to maae their dry goods purchases at that mammoth store the colpew lion 3- tt ie l t h y firsilt i the lionjisone of the largest establishments in the dominion occupying more tfean twice the room of any store outauft our largojcie ltavellers are amazed to find a dry goods house of inch magnitude and general arrangement the lion is a large wholesale jobber and is al- wits reicly to handle large lots of goods if cheap enough bat amaua- houses dire not look at hence aliraj hal ipecial bargain j theilionbuys directly from canadian mahufac- eanaot lurers or british agents consequently satis for his customers tin paid by smaller dealers to wholesale hoatee pe their beat they compete in prices v i the liot takes the lead regulates prices a word head and shoulders above his conrpetiiors i s in dry the lion comprises every branch of tbe a cod i trade each department beings terr considerable basin initelf bit oastotaers no matter bow varied their requiremeota ueednttar go elsewhere for their purchases it has become a standing ibeme thai whaleter tie lbux has not got is not worth looking for elsewhere the lions business is continually groting this alls kales show a targe increase over former years want of spaoe nretrenu any special mention but your wants and requirements in 1 silks dross goods millinorj mantles dresmakiaj staple cottons and wooleas housefurtdshiags carpets clothifda j i merchant tailoring eats caps fur goods hosiery cloves eto etc will nowhere be so well served as at the g-qxiz-e2sr- lib cuelph saaisles boat ib4 iirtt 0x4et fremptl mtcadoito j j d willi amsom co cc ov full lines of m ercoating baxgisofboilj jj s800 to 1800 j hepkmbor uf i1579 j c hill qile of llii the undersicne 1 lias been instructed liy mrs eliaallhsltwart to sell by public j auetian at apie ss hotel acton ori sat- ttv t at 2 oclock pm the westerly half of lot ko 31 iu the 7th con of tbe township 100 acres more v illagu lots fob kale the undersigned wishes to sell those village lots owned by him onmatapt in this- village above the railroad fin nashand 2 is situated ft rough cust house a comfortable and pleasant place for a family the other two lots ire vacant aod in the immediate vicinity for further particular apply on the premises 232t arcft cuhbie stuffs bfrevery- description and of th house and a uu made known on i ay of sale w auctioneer xassagawcya couhnnini j irless there ara about 20 aeres of saill land clear of bush and about 10 acres of good cedar the land ia well watered a iranch of the grand lliver passing through tand a spring creek with a fail that could jc used to drive machinery there is on the i lace a rood log dwelling nher of fruit trees terms hemstrcet 23tt milliaerjjylsaatlq aad ubessxli usg establish- iment missctsmith takeijpleasnri in announcing fo the ladles of acton and vicinity that he is prepared to fill orders for millinery laantlee or d rets- tnaklng in all the late x styles and at the most rei ionable rales ttsta call is oliciicd i miss c smith llai i street- acton best quality at cataerh cjfrrh of yea tin ndine cared bj rconiiulfnu i cuuitu imv flnvvngi lntirot4trniositochfcicp i henjicnv ilnlaaiikidf r fck and s klrfnvys andjcriuiv preklnc fiatra of i tie sj cartd bj- cjustlluudnal j a cociu cii yearv etjindlcg cared by jcciiiiuiauoutl courrhrompdy j catarrh wtili dropplum in throatt eaaaing fellt p of ftraccunt dlitioeit eatnx lnfdtcdvralatifof kidnejt immdlabrchcvediimeemit4ir h ad- new 6 vk of odc dottle of coa- euutlonalcttanh keracdy a man cnied oi cautrh of 0 year ptanatogby ust of cotiutauouaicurtli kcmedr soijdhat it hailred bl eyehjhu modfliimajnnstdeai itodbled mllb droprldff in tbroat ktriniltur hunlrg la head and kedd ilreatncartd by coojaltutiocal crurli utuedy t i caiarriwltba fonenvcarifrfst vrln en cnnsqrap iitta rured by left than foac boiuojcon- fititnoonatcauitlirmeay v boats in iheiiope eaten oat xoeinott fonp tnlcd impurm cured oy coustua- uorttl cntarrh remedy cntarrh with 9 it lfthloroe attend ants cared hy lour bottle of lutcaueu- tutioual catarrh remedy kor tale by j e lioiaryin drogkist acton ath0mb owing to change in the management of the business aboutto take place cmine son have deoided to rush of their stock of boots and shobs for tbe next month or uo at cost price and under come at onoe and secure bargain nolo parties indebted p the above firm will kindly call and pay up their accounts at a change will take place about the 1st of ootober and we must have all accounts settled by that t grainejcspn je mcqarvins o olssolution a large aad saleot stock of hats oaps jems puriiisliiiigi at the east end othiiyg store ftps monab j partke hip s furniture at cost i i i wt tn7r for the next thirty- days ofcr the trhole- of our immenhe stock of elegint anbartistig furniture cttcsljunfcvl 50 mwbo ph1 wood top chamber rxiuev lolhrr tavt tlftand nasn coverings 30 hnir cloth swt cloth rprrfw tlftand plash coverings 30 hnir cloth swan bolonrjfs lnxbritymever ini lj0ia kockeraudfay ctyiira cane and wood trtiatn ofevery decxipuon b steudsund mjttretie in cndlesa vartetjborpaar drctic cases an cjefe4crte f f tt style call as ince ad sreturt earca1oathla vanohiitnboit but a jehnfnd aaje of h r fluefittocfcofnrulinrfleyroflflred in the province- dont you torsti it sign of ifaednalr huiletoa block uppei wyndham si guelph 1 john worsfold 8e co r evert department bust at tbej i fashioajsle west ted i i i j silks aud dress goods in this department oar sales continue daily to improve ourr magnificent range ol lovely textures never fail topleaae jui 0bodah6ther hn of handbotnejfrench woolen materialand another case of thobojlojyeiy scotch slonikgs attjresent so lashionable i t j lajdies mut enme to us for the right textnres wejars bound to do tie dress boods business in guelph and have the stock ta do it yith s i r l i millinery departwent j our 8t6ot in this department is at present very select bdaibess too ii bet- ur than u has been at any time during the past three year orders re con- ing in fast and ell our hands are working etr bonre i i lauieb will find it a real pleasure to select from ourbtjck we have khe goodsj to do the millinery business with there is nb doubt about thst a o buchim fotakmaile wat end dnu jhaiue ascj jficrnrm ebdmitnwf g idrug store acton ontario

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