Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1879, p. 3

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fvaztzznoszstbbaaxbbbr f gill av qeqe train- 1 vivcaotma filuwti- y ttto utyl luj itrvt tiu mivct ncju kvpviv e oaoi aynpff jwrelleqr and ttm v v- 11 nani tj ari m ant 0pri war tv7rsujvj wilsitiv wild chiny li for imo a cuuie cm1i of lrl- mrs virt uval sotu- al n svoid voil tor mp1 s auntr4n ivtas noic kyf i vu1 muiinnrv riitlsu itimlrrv iiiticsim and ismi a- sicr miujm iviilwal rutis lristio u tulrrn h ofi a co co tin sr- sc iitci ga set kcv stars rrcikitt just rjzr els tfaw dsc eiiaicaasj stccs e cnts jksila stiis kssscar ircnsi cuss llstta -cisi- arittnit ctris etc ttj fititt icrr st ire actt t0xiixu corsi tnriui moinici lieivi mr h t mojue isditor jcircil kjlvinru- a hrlvy o or soud k cxioud hirl hs it ani far tbe tuiic 1 have atsj n ivi of oiorv j usnn 1n9 of tbis a week at en i tint r ari uvc tllv yillii hjvs ou i nil oirisslii ivvs it oy u- ii rehekrrj dtxpicu tl ur- vxi 1 s for the ix iinj ur oll s01 ed the jays id iin st the ijist t rd t 8 tilt ac- lliire a tjrutc- tr- cuitrs v c vj tie tjji ak rxc livs the 1 their 3tltrritnt rjn riv1 advert it it rt uln ket itfuiiii xekj- ruv mills vt etsi riu 4 v ccctne rn cti tdl ib r r t i ijv v r t v teas onr trnl vnth thie t ihoi j ii lsjc iru citr li ti tiij c l coniliete tz inner a which tlii trilki icicriis c the viu rtpiirs mis j fc fconfc c uegei creditimy ocriiiivi t the ci m church actoa la pi mine in the rvtrjaz hobbs lrttua ni strits o tlit th fcttair rre- long r invlk- in cc oivote cirn rc iq lata i vijl unum hoars ji f o- thnrt the lit tat res yentun lt rr iro kt a ch waut-u- 1or lvr batiddr waa st andrews diy ntcrclmtte ito riv wtc t afilj nnr fur 0mslm idvcrtiic citutsykas a qmutic tind tmrincis men flumm iuut their kulidiy tdvcrlue mcutf tr kixttxa tonight in tlm rrick- olmrcli hihao actotu arnugtimcjiu w vvuih tvt lut ciuki ttniu utiiicclcd r mk juus htw umiutly prnci- pl artuir liimic schwl h now iltid mvtcr l victoria school waattluui aisrfton mr kow ucuuicd chat wsi- ttuu yotr aurcu rvi tthcome to our cxchingo list tho ljtuvol ttufani snticlu weekly jtunis well illicit with newe ud i recj inrnt fmilyiuviainr uwltus i kcll rv ihi puljluhfir kiurhuiu tho grand vocal tin d inttrnmiutxl concert next wcincsitxy eveatui iu the mctlnhiitt churelj actou tt ir-hiin- to ik tho itcit concert ever civeti in tliis villxc mn tinou is out with his now jirojihocy for the coming winter which he wis will ik cxtrrmely eohl kchrnxry ixiag oic of tie emjest on record 1i wys vc fiisll ihvl ru eirly faring xov tlutt tlu long evening have como pirvrts should fco to it tint the hmo is msrdcft hriiht ami attractive jiltco tor lvs to fpcad tlicir time cud thfcs prevent thtin from seikicc amusenie at elte where good sraorsriok aciiin rc-com- meniu ill who wish to keep thur bideurtlks clean wit limit miming into dincer of ktnifh- in fiiow shorols to tike the tirtt favortble opportnuitv of driving down the niu in the sidemall i tun gmnci opem houso toronto wisiltnost whcll destroyed by lire ou situriay 1isl the ctxtakcr with lis wife and child were burned to death whilo sm other min riarrovvly escaped loss cuiuunt to fjvxtckx tin bricklayers have conolnded operxtions on the hmidsnm and coenmodi- ousresidcree of mr ii little tad trenow exiped on the moretnodest but fuhstantiit buildiuc lcin built on jchn street by mr john turner i thre friends of mrj rtaddon pastor pneovillo methodist church recently prcntti him with a purse of 21 iq cinimem iration of hiving dofeatoj iter ii mrdhrmid m a who is well known in acton in a discussion oa christum i baptism i miltos ceuptey tho c7wipfan 1 nre the jtoivn council of mil ton to-pyo- j cure a new cemetery titc or the town j iv3 to the fact tbst the i7relent oiwjs ilkdtaoytrilowinj ta4 nuny citirons are now obliged to bury their dead in outside grounds among itrxnfcrs missiosauv mectikg ontuecy evliig rest th inst the annual rausjnu ry mtciirc ths acton cougrcatinual chirch wli iw held the tnectiui will be rjdreljby ilcvs hauler and silchr of toro3ti and unsworth of georgetown a cjtcioa ftilmte tatea up at the cle wihave licrd so often of the woman and inan vrho trere no letter than tiiey oiiht be that xc have lost all iuttret iii theu if iope whatalk ivint tuh thy vold with a real novelty ivt them m out totcehnmaii epecimens that are letter than they thould be hn- rjaidty will ay aprenium jns to lxik at theci- frata the te or ic to m ihotisinds of people from the are of fiitwri to diphty years ire fuflerirg frtm kidney oomtliint and other die- eases ariciug from derangement ol thq urirary irrin who would bo relieved faaey goods store for nomom worth attention fike cihlbuloa of siovm t j 0 uilti cow oil 12 oenle per fallen at a w arcooi waijtk paper five cenu per doaen at tbii olllcei best valus ia tom in town at a w qrtciij pest value in 6cc tot la acwn at j w miont tub latent alylca in iltff felt hau at 1yfe t mcxabi secokd kanil stoves from 100 up at j 0 hiuy uxderclotittko good and cuaap at fyfe t mcxabi j 0- hill for the beat eave- troacbug in the county all tke newest things in toft felt hiu it fyfo t uexabc ovsters freali oysters received daily at xicfcliut bakery notltlxa to rtirpam thoaa ten dollar suits at fyfo ucxabi fnn a nobby stove with or with out furniture go to j c hart call and pee the koyal coal stove atj c eius wore depot fresu currmts and raiaini juat received at cttriitia heqdereou sc co best and cheapen heating drums in lorco mado to order at j 0 qtur axortter etock of stoves just ar rived at j c hills tia indstove dtpot cueacest oysters ia town freafl ind rood it xicklias bakery try them xew stock of lauipa lacnpahadea and best coal oil cheap at jc hills fresh butter aud sausages al ways oa hind at tue cub store a w tirecn tif you want a nobby durable and cneap suit fyle ilcxabt ia tn place to go coal- oil beet tmdoo coal oil only 12 centa it christie hecdersoa t cos actoa for general groceries alex fecord cmnot b beaten eitnerinquat- ity or price dokt forget to go to a w greens ciih ftore lor cheap jrocsries boots and shoes new and urge stock of the best and chcapt stovca in tho iaartct jurt re ceived it j c uilli prevestiok better than cure bny a 00l overcoat and prevent catching cill 1au can ftet one far gsoo at fyfo 4 mcxabt iftue largest cheapest and test selected stocl of crockery cilasaivnre c ever brought into acton u to ba found at alex records gc rieces of duudas cottons just received bvupht before the recent aa varice of ht dec nvw u the time to eecure a bargiin in cottons christie henjereon 4 co coal oil for the be t tnd cheapest coal lil in town at reivcet rtes when urge quan tifies ire purchased go to j e me garvins drug store ladies dont forget our millinerv department onr swefc ii fresh new and attrecire and tetmrkably cheap mantles made to order in firs fcolaas style your christnas preeo its tho largest selections of christmaa cat is toys o etc la tovn arrival of three shfpments of boods at eu watktss enormous stock of nets joodihavlngbeen nearly sold ouin many lines he ordered wteklyfroin the brit slgnmonla thliiveek ooniisting of tlie folio win jr foods k beautiful lot ofnewneok rrillitigsin liaieand tarlatan both black and while k new llylo of jfune frillings vielorl lanni a lot ol very cheap lace curtains of very neat pal ofblackahd colored satin and faila ribtbnsvery clieap black salln black broohe lilk a eliaiming lol of block and col red eilk fiinges jii ihe newest stylifsi shades aoollier lot of those line heavy 48 inci black cishinerti at only 60o thry sell very ait tbftblaok cashmeres from 20c he h mnniif iclororsand has leeeireol three ornj a lotofvery handsomekiltedbrelonnelaoein ems new carpets cheap and good a iftrg lot t 51 2j hate an extraordinary sale itje black lustres from 9j to 5jc sell at an amaiing role lafyi thom ite the illkriiuhtd so and anl laiiru theyare magnificent g ods another lot of black orape cloths rroeived this week a charming lolof hose i nutilul fouipsdour ribbons at very much lower price than the last illeyarejui the thing for trimming laches v hats etc dreu goods in dark and brig a large lot of east smasons mantle cloths marked at half price a charming lot of geacf lilkpookot hnjdkerohiefaand ladies illk iquarei arrived hit week i full assortment ondies iv a ftw dopes of vietoris uurha and ixcxcd anderson k co vfrai by the use of afew bottles price fl vil- 1 no saues 60 far as e know have vet kjn dvarcd l csndidites frr i- livew vl ipol honra in village now it tt ti c ii out i that the ratepayert can falyi lrofc into the abilittt c each of- gfjoretown j j dangerous iiinold motto bat t a fivod one aatican ba cj with profit in matter lttj thtitl in gereto there is a ekivein the prirat dirteiiitii which is to njn a wortcpnian for a feat at the council bjerd we vfiuldlike ver- much to eee a wofcinraaa of this village aspiring to that podtion on entering tho jewfllnry store mr geo hyiids actin thf other day we were inuh eurtritd to see uch alare and choice seuctiun of jewellery comprising ciacssj watciie chains ring cic ttc i then iijoihjrturirite awaited us on lritinc ijaeptatiiii ccidfpfs iajrp hfun j ver hi- rtu m christmas and new years and it h tcre that a ha iitof tttmauoii jrllntf trhich coniits of almost every rjt ladsjviil le recorjitd bfrc j thjtjg that could be imagined or conceived 2 is over ct jio warnll proves j thtre af prcsrcnte fcr aji and whether big gt cact cz iu tr natter ti4 v ho rad or little vealtliy or otherwise you can he of the feal rctflha jji aj vc hare lfeii uiforcid phat 5xr sabbath i r rclljiia oj now r-um- ftl j jtry if tlty leisure t care is tiity are i nc wlthipriogfiitenlnrt tndluttopi verychaap anatuoroonclpnmeatof bbnkelt just to hand watklntf g eetr see cham before buying just i required a further shipment of thoe i7o boarlel flannels and the 25c af from fios toio see them they t ioio giovoa and mlu aio juit the thing for tbe ooht tallierand hartng been purch aed diiect irom ho makers for c4bh will mtold window uolianda juitarrired theyaro good and servicable from 15c up ad ther thipmentol lboe hrary fine vooly wblto i hit blankets fir belotr regular prlcen on account of the maker being pressed for money andhis boiling them off now at much ja if ulimketf juit to nana walmw f uit uiankets ur ueiosr regular prions on account of me matter wing pressed lor moneyandnis bqinnj mem on oqwatniuce lower price tuao blaakcts wer ever sold for in uamlitoii before ladiea mfsies mens nd boysnnierclothingof all kinds cheaper than th cheap hporied a lot of very superiir glove powder a bor of which will be gtren to eaci la4y who purchase a pair of kj4 glores c fine safe trey flannels rccerd this week they are much cheaper than last se son be sure to seethe j5c white flannels the jfhnncls a lot of ladier and misses heavy cloth mantles ranging from 0l75 u p to 9w in old styles all marked down to re warm and comfortable an intmense sale of carpets going on dally 3tric rtqut houst s and j king street eae kjlxilton one ddor tc4l of htiglimi strut jut ichtre the wranjah it down thomas c 1tkens hamilton hamilton kov s7 1670 t clan tartans only 20o black and colored fur nmtninf s junto hand mantle cl ths in light colon yi teos fciston tsr collector cor acton for is 4 hi sneceeifd incollcctin sll the lrl rcepx bout 250 ind he is detemviced tocollwt the retnaicder arid hi lull oy the lilh ipl tb be time made in fiiesactute puje who ore in piter rirrr return being be hnrry l cikrekexce of christians tyili lie fceldatsiitilttrj jfall twoao on the i0th lthasd lilh inst1 ht-ujjjc-than- ilor flafce vriw prid and rjtocorire ioilr with fitter primi- ctct rcuttr of canada azde cnitcd stii jcitbe preeij tcesciidoniing of chtit ic5djritijt nf the scrij tnres xjxh bible stdy rith other ttiljtctif ril be iisczssld- zz ankjontttefiiiit evening keoe ie n ht fcvr ber- evert co ta tcciltat ccorredto mr it ef glealagton it srfc that ii ceriipauy trrtii ifr tjtn the had lxn 4 way fr hne yhtu tly arrived sthv dart and a larterp wi tifed v tiy when the ws fliphtir bcy ah h got frizhued a d ccidtcly ttartcd up stttintnddainas- iz the liryaad iathe cocfioa brtsk- ingjarttoruavan3 ur mcjarvia was wot tjtf and he attended the fracture tlto te it vtze liiht the froci tle the lihr litlccct hue of otce w do i ibbest- itcom- r hare gutlpk fctrmutu mr jc tl6aiiikinasd faily left kdan pa ifvsy tiikt far kahcuzto ifich irhere thy parxre to reside we taientjad they irecikchpclvitbtht coantry t sir v h mcitfmitifurraeriytecchcr ofs sjve 13 i kf tricitjicollede tor he hi rjar btt u iltb i r a prot saccestftri czrttr dcru hisi it college we sconce intbis ke tic miirimjnycf ilf b p zixte proprietor ol ujlftjojn und t lie ixtejelicirj mwjre kxs t kpeil booi dsillj- of jolh boeltfrt rne was ocfcullbe aeiiijdpivxiin chcrcrjrvn hotibc-id- tocjnejtbc ceremonj- a krje rr jjortiou cf tiievllujersirere irto pn1 hited tee ceremoiij- chlcb irt bolx foletna atc inter- esilof tte lrlile end her rah jilts- lottie e tpdcrt ver eilei iily nlired mr monre lill lar gtirmt his brotlien t albert ioore jtoi uejns to ere mnrrtaee celr btled ia tue ctuxilj tlw eiple ere rre- eeotm lcmi 2 ijiqdwttoe moroco fioand rtmtiijelljf uy sir james brow ioa blaif oftteljrct w jcecli welt actjq fir into c sscrday ist y at tie anion by editor nnd st fn oi to wis uattle pi51 ev ia or thts viiis- ruif m eocrctapind h a evetlcs et c o use jb r iil tl iiut ort in to small a plica li aetna ind mr hyiids is derviug t uivcrcj pstroje as reward for his eterjime clianoe ik the school act the cojcty sciinul iosjitctors have been eerved kitb cjt- ii ihe sjncudeu act of prlii- meot rcikcticz elections forschfkiltrcstees from wliicb it appears that iutteid of lieing held oa tie tame day as tlie voting 14 has heretofore been the cite the nominitiocs will ufce pltce one week previous oa the hist vsidaeidiy in december the electioa if there thould be oore thaji nae candidate will come olf oavhe wednesday fulluwiog tliis appiiee only to 1uuic and separate schfiol elections ia tonus as the nomina tions and elections in ratal school sections both tike place on the same day the last wednesday in decemkr the list wed nesday this year ic oa the slst 3 cnciccf iuve sc toronto may 13 79 litarrt iiitbvrf htntlpj awl ptamn gentlemen last tall i conlrsctf d s severe cold wdich by my neglect settled on my lunge found every indication of the first stage of consump tion and like many others when al- motioo lite commenced to doctorup i tried many remedies but got no bet ter was almost satisfied i was incurable accidentally i heard of your victoria compound synip of hypophosphitei end as a forlorn hope bought a bottle i immedately felt relieved alter tak ing fire bottles i am cired snd never felt beter iti ray life i would heartily recornmend your hypophofphites efspectfully yours w eldridge jesvr lee we- would call the at- teduoa of cur readers to the poetieal effu- sion aider the ibove name to i foond oa the second page of this issue the author of that poetry after spendice many days in estleseaks and nighu in wrestling with the muse was at list itupired by that deity and succeeded in writing those lices tha hcruthetl u owlanctcmleft the copy with ns and requested by all the powers i j poetry that e should insert it we looked it the cud taking in in oae loot the fercejigtit that had come into hu eyes he tetihe crprcssion of his mooth and other prts of iis face and seeing that if tve ii not publish it the torcnto lunatic asylum voaid sogn have another inmate we ae- cordintriy promised to give it publicity but in future we wish the frauds of poete voutdguirdthem and when they get so much inspiration as our nrtdiad i hey should ixf chained in dear reader before readinii the lines in question prepare s our mind for tie fetrful straiuup your bram to fathom its dteptncanidg pieties inteudinc to purchase christmas presents would dowelt to wait until alex records stock is ex hibited in the w there will be presents lor old and young riclt and poor jakes matthews is laying in a larce stock of groceries sad hirdwire which ho nys he has bought on very ressoa- ible terms ind intends ginng his customers the tanetit wholesale pnees or goods are very much higher we henrd s ladv say list tuekiav that alex secrjs vasuztxs currants were the bet ever sold in acton he has ilso a large stock oorripnsing va lencia uuscttells kultanis figs c c all sold at low prices goldes syrup 75c per gal at a w greens ekteeieise messrs ifcquillsn it hamilton of the wellicgtoa marble worts gaalph are doinc the best ahd cheatjest direct the best qualities of uarble and granite 10tf gekts we are doing the ordered clothing trade of this section of the country immense and superb stock to choose from overcoatings in large variety readymade clothing of every description all the above goods will bo add at ostonishtogly low prices mcleod anderson co ffes now is the season for furs indies tve can give youa beautiful ifjofc mus 83 upwards cap 3 upwards- goods worth twice he money ladies furs of all kinds uents for caps and ulorea bufitlo roles at last years prices but remember buffalo robes have doubled n price koiv la yoar ehincerfor great burgains in furs mc leod a nderson co niscrti throne i ofali he mlscnihle and inhppr creatures in existence tberi- uro none more to than the conflrnhddvpeptlc ufclkcburon if tlie suffert- r does noohuin rel fhe soon sinks intottdrikrr talrentlirope wlthtnejrennso consum ption lurtloc danatrously near the only known remedy usied in lonaraerabie caevs lscocs tmnisoa arcd lirer 01 combined wttnffypapfiikptiuestirumetid kadis tlthtnl me it ine the incumbus is removed and tbe embrofo seedsof cocsura p- tlon s altered it is also nearly is pceaatnt to tbe taste as sweet cream on the verge of he grave such was the condition of moses a walker of perry n h with congestion ol the lungs and chronic catarrh twn bottles of the constitutional catarrh semedy entirely restored him to health and to use his own words built up my whole system the remedy is for sale by all druggists jlthexse piles of all kinds of woolen goods at the mammoth house georgetown blankets smnels mbjses ladies sua gents underclothing boiierr knitted goods clouds jtekets ic all the above goods were bought before the recent advance in- woolen goods tia greatest bargains ever offered to the public mcleod anderson i co a cenanilrnm propounded vtby wll uie mall boy praliuo eadng steea appljs f the reader may as well si ve it up st once since ourarlglnal pnreata were culllr ofse hkielmuscrctloff physicians ay the season la which early or iraripe trull i flrsi intrcddeed is the one thflv- are the moicseverelv taxed in cases of colic dlar- rnaea dysentery elc young- and old are sullly bat boys and slrls are me surest vic tims andieereioat sufferers there is no pcaca comrrtmuafsty in the fm lly unlll itsjitsd prottdesaproperand efflcient rem- eiyr seok 4 bownes pautable castor 0 isacertataremedyandlseaiytotake price acepts i would res pectfully thank my nu ous custoniets iu actoa and tbe rounding country and villages for innlit1 rntmnii iber have hestcfrpd mcoarvies blood purifier forhors- while you livie live well j t east oft bakeaj aoton iew p pas and groceries the undersigned has just opened a sta ple dry goods and general gro cery store in the stand op posite ur sfcgarviua residence mill street acton ont a stock of newdrycoods fresh family groceries has just been opened and will be sold at reasonable prices art share of the patronage of lie residents of acton is respect fully solicited b haslett septi6 9lf john speight rur ithe on me since 1 started my bakery busin ess in tbe well known stand almost opodsilo hills grooiry store and besides oflexing my thicks i would solicit a continuance of their esteemed patronage in th future as ia the past n wlll he f se6qk3 m affe while mv supply of bexs amu cares are unequalled zaj23a3 caes a sekciajijt orfiers for pi rales teamecti lis or mocltu gatherltirs rroaipflty andclieaplr csecated o sliort notice jt eastton ft sale boahd stables mill street aotom is where you can get firstrolass ei at eea80hable rates good commercial frigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goxds to any part of the town ah parties indebted to ifolk cs tablisbment are rexjuested to py up without further delay and save c ed kaithewg proprietor rv pntaeto busmess college bellevjele ontaeio 0xtak1o bvshesscollsce bellevillej touknenijc ii6v is noted for tbe thoroarjnnes al im work rhx the practical benefits ol us teaclilnfj its principal lira accountants of practical ekperlcnceand authors of ib best woiksoa boofckjeeptngf and penmausliip putjlisbed itt student 8tergolrthraugh tbqeoaree are comiefent to 0 1 jood xisiiiuis areoaduttoustaess themselves y tarenla and younemen are overcoai dress bonneis t bey ire handsome goodttt semi and youth lined leather tnitiaapd gloves afflt teste cheap 1 j cheap 1 1 cheap 1 1 1 to olkrout stoclc 1 boots shoes at old psioes dress goods lustres winoeys flannels blankets tweeds j ho advance in priceis 3 bales of factory collon just insecured before the recent adrauce at special price i and donw ypu forget itj undellmker i fntduchsa iu uttfiiiii funerau vlici rjiiiret oiffliw cdifccwt iituidle pitcsuarial kobrt hat kandt a jtoe hiylihejat reaaooable rite the famous 50c tea is still j j selling at 50c w a g g 0 k s sleighs ic c vtade to order and all kinds of r e5 p a i r in g pkoatptmt attesdeu to sticcfcciu n ctcsbct juili al- vaya ca lini atl ata to order faotory and shops foot of willcw st acton joes speight acurn feb rc 179 m ft o c m k b o halyards peotoflal for llic speedy rermaocnictjie or cjccbt colds end- all d1cmc of i be tbroal ana lane itikfonnihumni xnrsyh lcnot and milriurlif tttlramtt unmiukl v-r- vubtcmcstit rlietnlcal urton wlih hie dlxact of vfim cuenr afc aud lqnorccmhiifrmljnnlrafldnitr- atd farms and is me mostptnrt ai ettciivo camblruitfcti thai caa be secured with a new to permanent relirarcarfeof ffoartckfts- cwgh cold quiny iujucuza kjumpinrj cavgh catarrh astkuia acvu and chronic bron ekitir acute and ckrorae pkur- icy spiuig of blood and all dueatct of ac lnngt foflebjollidealenrtecpertotue hllbarn bcnacjj reanon pwpc touoklxl c w hill photographer and dealer in aufctuds of mouldings frames and fias ait qesds jayilll work guaranteed to be equal to the best in canada and to give satisfaction pruces v0 ecit vh2 hlbd tutes childrens pictures and family groups specialties 014 pictures csjisi ai ealixeol ts any sizs ox stylo photcgtaphs mailed to any address chasw hlli acton ont new boot shoe shop w williams voxjld eespect- fullviuumaleto the pepilt- ol- tcton and vicllilk hat he li5 hleued boot 4 slioe sfcop in toe onlldms arrost tt hkloreysqloveworicsjoa uiu tfxtteet act0x inviledtosendftirihi clicuiar which withtmrecl- mens otpenmanships mail ed free addrcis boblscox johnson ontario business c usjc belleville es and oatile llep3 anro antofa sobatantlal and tood fitunff boot or shoe shoud not failtoieave heir orderathlssuod ropiirinj poialty aal jioaptly attended to prices guaranteed lower ithan in any adjoining j pity town or i call and examine the sciirasi or 1819 xui cither square r round base graceful appearance beautiful y mniwied andeebnoraj and simplicity in vor4cin a larfjg aortmen of ike leading stoves in the market alt kindi o flkware cousianuij on hand job work and rqiairiiijproiitiy attended to remember the place next doer o creechs saddle nj i j issm 1 1 havill attention attention 1 genuine itarpers rbhxaar pat terns full suitsr only 23 cents straxt axd felt hats axp boyxrrs dose over ix all the lxzvst stvlzs mbs ehjpass lasheto in kottjl the ladles ocacteattl vletnitj- itiiitfitielltu laieiy learnt the teuclimgdcof cuttiner and fitting and is how prepared to give even gruator satisfactica tiaz rcracri7 vteddlnff and fnnnil floteir embalmeu dresses and jaetrcia cat nna a jjerftct fit euaranteed at a reasonable price j forrijluh and cheap nau und bonaets z3tqu to j mrs kh pass 1 15 st accrpksnaregcelph gliirs cpeciric he6ici 1 trade mu r trade maric- the crest enc- liih ucraedv an nufdurg cur rirpemiiliu meafccsnlf maiorrltea lui- xitriv and all fdllot as a se- ciire of fclfij xjij kbsse s lvs tti4 ofmemer trltrrvil 8iiud fainfii tbe back i tmiuff o vkicilycnitnroid age antmany otllor i5i rsi tbai md tr insanity oronfniuttjrani a prcrantbr grave f fult inrticlutv tn our lompmet which v- dclirt tosindlnc by maiilet rr brc aytbcvpc lti lieiclne js waid ty all drvjfl6t5al i ppackar- o- fir packages far ioorwtlt be stui ftee bj ma on receipt ol the money bvndntrc tui coat hedlcfxe cor toronto ont canu sold n acton by am dngrlms and rvery- wherein ciada and the caifd states by rjlhlleeale andretl drctlgaisall i sly w williams adon8pt il8t9 the best condi- tosjc0r yearortoss it dsy in ytur osiiocalhy sn rtslf women o as irriisran many make mor than tbe amount b- fe4 abive np one can tail to make make moufrfast aqr one can da tbe work youmak frum 50ctito2 hq hour by uevotlnjf yonr evsninga iipdapare i tlrap tothfbusqes i cu nothing to y i fie busldess nothing like u for money nan a- i lug ever oilbred befiire business plejifant and strictly honorable keaslertjpu a ant to k 0 all atkiqt li beat piylig btrtwrfs before ihe pobllcsnd da yoiradilrsfifli jjq wliv wni- jou till partlctliw and pnis urms free fcunples vuri sf alo fre- yon cm lheiiatepji tor ynrtself ad drnkieoriqe stissux t co rortjaod maiofi 1 b eklrsniki boar the nndersignsd bas for service on lot 27 con 4 ksquisingia fhorougl bred berkshire boar which is a prise taker at the goelph oentrsj pair terni 100 cash 163m ate- bkqwv vro noun aaud work x cnrbm6 i every doe lias had his day every person that has ehnrnlne o do shoold buy oneocfoanei noiseless do power wheels that trill ran eulurlv dsnh flrcrnna ehnrn the eheaiist easiest and iiesl ronulnshfe that ts male call a1 w u at vrott on bo rer street boefcof peilicits hotel mada land sold only by b forbes actoo ont 1 1 o n pp w d e r manufactured

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