Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 11, 1879, p. 3

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u i vnimfivm rnbffihtslvwwiyitrttotfni iat9mani k m- call at george ceit tkrsk tte tabt1 trains leave acton a follows sotxa tsr xijtit kiprtss troutomail par erpeese etprcss visit mi ted xifht rtpreat 5 au mired day bxptess xcestcntrasil luvlorjlaiaed tc3iia 9uitdi a2ara 1130 am 930 pm aynbsvjmuery oa4 jtalfclhe table vuiskcrcivctt fromlho esaplraui krrd friday from speystde fc att on ffuesdayt and fridays ttmucuncnj tktlur keit am i- wc iiaiitu p m mall for toronto llhatru i cualaibiiuniatlloiwxtaoatueaisysmo fridays i rrwrside mill lt a m on tuesdays and frtllavt i reciieted loiters nut riemalledismtn- ctcs tefire ccaic time tut latmettiig given by the it e church above aclou jlasttharsday evening tu a decided success there waa a good attendance the edibles wen splendid and plenty thtj speeches pithy and interest lshrvtru i iuandlhe remainder extlw entertainment 515 pbv 1 partook of the same profitable nature 707 pm pi school exatttkattaxs this afternoon a public exsmiuattea will be held in the 3rd departmeut of acton public school and tomorrow friday afternoon ia the senior dcparttnctut jdc muote the head teacher request that as many of tho parents suit itwrdiatu at can mate it con venient u ill attend alrkady the people of naasap- vrm torontos nd the- vetuf5l7ptn cya have hid a grievance arainatthe vwjta knakhbatt s2s iuaoa vuerk crelit valley railway co tho terms oa wiiieh tho ksssagsweyi bouus was riven was that a station should bo built at camp ixsllnllc thii has not been done and consequently tho people have wrathful feelings against the company mr j i iicuarvin of tho hall of pharmacy has opened a slock of thriit- uixa jsjods which j6 well trotlliy of inspec tion hisstoek- some lines of which have never heretofore imcu so fully eliown in town are all calculated to please- the children aud arc sold cheap for cash fur particulars go and see for yourselves krralutvfd a baby v nenthact ry vmu d ctr aitoees or the orstllme him raaltivltaioiurakeolaluh orovslervtliofltforoursntmle roots ksuiij lulled him acitomc4 to lue kraall cooper- minted orstct of tits arn native lne lie luael butonlv for an instant tnd in one kulp it yasugnrn ltor do joureiaktd a friend fret ttslltoiicn i luid waliowu haby tras the rejlj- to the lnnlhlcd lor- eicterffirovatervarea revehitlnn as la klkt seotcttmuidaborcad llrer aucyinbtnert with tti pabphltcfcj or uiue and kkta 1 winch he dlinil at tininctital aiteetiotis andcstosamptlon tfctud ucrivhuei it isauo acccplanle tauio mactdi fhotogrxplis c tt hill i s a sret lxal xotieca c v hill iswtt i bowti castor till bell orgxn clws cameron golden opportunity hope mirror sxalloxed a baby scott i cownc tlii lcftdisf fu fes ciriiteiii tailxqrtcrtfitasats jurtepw- ci ia xsuani swei el eaastxas crsetsi keile sunij qiurstm lcsuituht cuji 5etts csjs 57 clips ui siueewj t7 dellf ttal cirlstnas citis cm etc it 0c sradi jtsclltit store aetru poaoy gtodsstore for tuwx axo cursrr taresiu1 uoesixc dec 1 1 1679 rte turlmit i eisspest efc ko tlcighiug wood is cheap scatixc accident aairce ef cirjtsim izi kbt ttart ms- school children axe couniing tha hoc until holidays commence tae public sciixl will dose for christms racxtioa on friday 19th tnst it will be deepened oa the othof jaausry 1ssi owixg b a pressure of other matter the minutes of the council and board of trustees ii kit over until next week stjisit jsjccsftitinssrttestort ljlkge iciiapscove cisteru pump pateui ouiltin5 iranies second hand cheap pikats cnitindyes 10 cents st mrs x secoris i saootikg mslch will lie held at mcleans hoiel licenouse oa tuesiay dtyv when a lare number ol turkeye ctc tl w ill w htit ior he looked as rise is an owl did he hii tnct were well adjessed he declined tuidvenr yon see r and in a year he bsstex tile huliou loin inl savings co is the name pi a oxitpany about to apply for letters of incorporation with a capital of s250k the chief place of tacss is to be a georgetown oat jwrlu cooittcc i the windows of pc le ellcate stontacn acxidekt at nwood ikw in nas ssctweva for sirs campbell last thurs day a painful accident occurred to ayonng man named jas anderson sen of mr geo anderson esq of- nassaaweya he was j cutting wood when the are he handled accidentally glanced iron the wood and strikinc the side of his foot with great force cut in it a fearful rash he xcaji carried to- iir lanficrius where the foot was attended to and now we believe he is somewhat better although it willbe some time before he will be able to work acain chcistjcss tejde oar mercrixcev prow- tractive as the seasoa adeances towards ghristisas trade u grcwicu britkei and the faos of the merchants are crdwing as lirithtx their windows l poet wardlej- eabmiti the fol loninc y li aetoa waa sij place of birla id rore no njore wfcilrf here oa earth thy raptured scenes long i adore j be thou my home till tune is oer is this issue will be found b ltv ko 6tof oar itooieipil coanal for me purpe of nising hy loan the sui of tine hundred and livtfxleiars to psf the purchase roodey of land purchased for a ptibiid cemetery tbc uatilajeof actoo a sakple page of griiu comic almanac for lsevj is before as this is the first comic almanac isned by grip and bengooch kros pruisiertf are bound to maiietiiu tfcetr nrsc ciciic almanac a success hall the pares are as mod as the one before us there if nodosht of its success tte have reenved one of the firet pintw n t i3wrrj fhs erictr t jolmalreeeatly urdvciailoa it ia i promising jaaraal wlwatths aiaiwiae as the fine vbxex neally gotupisfli arttelea n the leadinn qcestiftus and iocalnatterft it is deservintr of patroisge aeerbros are the pablisnerc j joatillstk iaxges black k dilts of the georgetown herald hive dissolved mr dilts now undertaking the editorship and management success to him jtr s t galhraith of the vtingbson t7iaer formerly of this journal hits disposed of his interet in that nnsinest to ir d sullirsn dr g reiins o the tiiats staff v sabeditor business ntinicer and foreman ifr whiteloekj has disposed of tin xew hamhurg lidyxident to messrs presprith t eitt j sorrsgtiieronugfoltkareqriite interested in stating slreidf although the sresihec has ttardly beeat cold enough oan- tiaaotisly to form goodice stating a pleasurable and healthy ererciie and the young folks snould be eucouraged a skate as muck as possible folks wh are not to voung- might wiselybe enccurasd to state too for ia this workdaf jrorldof ours there is too-much- timfl given ii huaiaes and too little to tic pursuttj of heaitii thereare fewthinga that wift bring the bloom of health to the cfaeeis j youth so qaieklf ss igflod fern on stateav ode srjeplekest tf day i we y taane a spfipieirent containieg a lsree amount of cboiccreadingrind which we fl will be eiijoted by our readers we always aopplr oar suhscririers with an abundance of good reading and riojr with the holiday tiiaeaepsent them with an ettri aoraiot id wa rfl issue several furthar enppleokdt before the hhbxlsyr are concluded we woold call the afteafaon of sirto the adrertiaebesttin the f pplejjeot of ml geo hyu in j ssst of hia laree aasfcemtifalftoekof phriatnfaa foods heliiatliestockandthwbiaoo useofuatolarkiagont aeshsratt coa- vince yoa tee caoii coxcert tji onaas- picicaa sute of the weather list evening rendered the attendance it thi eoneert rather smaller than irai expectedjbut uiere wist fair attendance the chonaaeavfuch were siren were amen enjoyed br ah and refieet credit ot the ciotr ni fj leader prof harrington nd he eoloa xuaac tite txres or life bat n hrlel irloj hs pxs ed klliee when i cktmhi time was tieeesswy toaeevmpllsh a journe of tew nudrea miles and taen we rfiit lutnlrrtnc ier tno roi ch touulry nlcuwv on prmcless seals kow the time journey is mue in sumptuous drawing rai eir wjtalitheonifvts anormmir of ttie tniurtes bhjhlto us by servants once upon lime wutn we lound it neesary io our baltii we set aiitrt a brief rertod to uoctor up arid lb n came a struirjtie wiiu tbat aweni casioroil now we sip it trim the umle wbde weciurtinue lecuiariyat our voc tlotia hut it ts healt bnwaec palat able oauorutt we te it l one or rae rxuritsof liic tbiu isarrordedatscenu slestelbens retiieuiber belore yon put away that little pile fer christmas tiita for the coming feitive season that yuu hare been fed with the local news in abund ance by the frite peess each wett duriug the past year and ue riatter ourselves that no local paper surpasses us in this respect at least and if you have not paid your sub- scriritiou for ib79 do so at once without a tectud thought three elements are re- quirevl for suceoes in newvpjper manage- ment energy ability aadcrtrfr we vill desote to the work that amount of the furuer with which providence has blessed ru if yon deer subscribers viil contribute the lastmentioned wltsous wild cliectt one of the must titorojbly reliable medi cine now in use by tbe canaulsnpobiicls vtlloiii onoiiuoo fcjrup f aliil cberiy f te fcues wnicb tteruls lis use in c- ol cill courtis kmnebtll- crojj whonplnc csiocb ixtes of voic and ueafc lunes is motl remarkable onclnaily prfpand tu fttl tbedemaud forpk- medleiae of the tin in the retail store of the proprietors its tli- licreaed to rpldiy an1 iieeitie so i late rt h mrf-m- j uwasonl necessarvio introduce ittuiouxir tne nwpaitkof ibe ciaulry to eisure lis adoption s lb eliiiuai rucv frdliees of hie respntlnry hruwufi eere uauincdro- cist lnwslem tliurio row sellsji be wise in tinie eel e tttleandhave it oa banj when requued tne urge tktlies are the cheap-st- an duetaand qirlttei were takingjdl in all very well tehdefed hiongh hardly in the style expeetedbf the afdience owine to ttoimewjaof which the ecrt wu t that the editor w m3to ajrw- did not aadamort4mp0rtpnri ia con- aequentlyahlvaaf givecnert wee- notioat worth attwnlon xua8 prtaonts at c w hllli i fike exhibition of btovej t j 0 hilla waste paper tlva oenta per doten itthiiolfico i hkst valuo ia 6cc tea ia acton at j v manna good stock of lard and latter it alex seoorda tick uuat atvlei in itifffolt ifau at fyfe t mekaui secosd laud slovea from 100 uptj1 hula uxderclotuikq good and- cheap atyfo b icsava j j 0 hill for the boat eave- trourhing in tho county j alt the newest things inioltfelt hau at fife hcnabs ovsteks fresh oyster received daily at kicklius bakery j picture fntminp dano at less than city iricea at c w uulfj 11 jkiunda bright sugar fcr 100 st a w grecna cash store notoixo to kitrpaus the so ten dollir suits at fyfe- mckabi tok a nobby stove with or with- out furuitute go to j cuilli j cheapest motto frames m the coautry to b hid at c -w- hillt j call ktid bm tho koyl coal store at j c hills stars depot butteo lurd and ejgt far christmas at a v greens cash store fresh currants and raising just received at christie henderson co best and chettjicit heitingldrnnis in town made to order at j c hiif axotuee stock of stoves juit ar rived at j c hills tin and stove depot cheapest oysters in lown frvsii and gtkid at xicklins bakery try them ke stock of limps lampshades and best cos oil cheap at jcj hilla if you want a nobby durable and cneap uit fyle ilcabs is tho place to go i feesit sausages always an hand at 10 cents per pound at a w gecaa cash store i coal oil best london opal oil only 12 cents at christie henderson cos acton foe tho latest style in promenarlo portraits with handsomsjjeasel and frame u hill all kinds of boots and shoes and christmas slippers cheap for cash at a w greeas cash titore l xevt and urge itock of the best and cheapest stores in the market juat re ceived at i c hills for geheraj family groceries de livered to sav part of the town call at a v greens cash store a wgbxex of the cash ston- has the prettieststoch of lamps in town ranging in prico from 25c to 700 j a laege box stove second irand j also a cistern pump and patent quiltinif frame ehearj at mrs s a secords jxmcs mitthcirt rials 50 brrcls o dried apples j peevextios better tha cupe bay good overcoat ted prerent cxtchin enjj voa cu jet oa far qq tific fc mcne 1 fad ih- 4t maenatai4nt a chriktrnits and new yeats phsents in glksre ecd clamt call at alex ktcords 1 leaviv roar ordere for mtllmery tt one everybody will wint ner hatorbqoftfor uiaholiajtye christie sendersoa k co though teas hire nva in price ibont 10 cent per paand a w green of tbe cash store ik eelliog them it bottom price 50 nfc tetfor 45 ceau fic pieces of dnndttfi cottvh jut rectired txufibt before therecat ad vatice of 1st dec nw is the time to secure s rtrgiiq in cottons christie ueaderson k co- oat mtl pot hnrlpy rice soar snips of all lands ajwtvs on lkrtd tt a vv green 4 coih slore ladies dout furget our millinerv department oar etoclc i fresh new and attracire and remarkamy cheap m tna fiw elecd anderson co jaues mattlews is uying in larye etoefc of groceries and hardwire uliciiiifj rays he haa iwitghtan veryremoa- ablti terms and intends giving his customers thi licaerit whuiesaje pncea ol goods are vtiry fnacb higher evteefarse messrs lcquiiian hamiltod of tbe veliington marble works taeiih are doinc the best and cheapeit work in canada being the first to inmfdricc tiretcisies orfc at low prices by importing direct the best qtmjitics of llirble and granite dotf gests we are rfmng the ordered clothing trade of this section of the country immenee and superb atock to choose from overcoating ia irge variety readymade clothing of every description all the above goods witl be jw at ttastonkhmcly low prioet 5oleod anderson k ja i golden syrup 75 cents per gallon at a w greens cash store j fues tnow is the spftsoa for furs ladies we can giveyoitaheaatlfalifinfc something about the skow hcmsehulders hid better begin to develop masele fur the cleancg off of the aaoftr uc- fure their respective premise for the con- atxble is aboat to nute a lerits of frieadly caxu- this itjthe reuoaichy the cupiulo- fophic 12241 cinnoi apf reriate the beauty of the snoir and the ulphiosophic man is rttffct too tad ike poets are vron they do not agree if we reojember rightly there ia a poem which ing of the maw the iintiful snif keats tells us thit t thiug of litacty is a jyy forever snow is cot jy forever it is ut a joy wlien it 5 picked no the idcikalbas hard za adamant and a weakly hoctehomer is pocndbg at it with a broken iron shovfcl hoirv to srcdr pneexouwr ithis is the title of a pamphlet specially prepared fur the cse of students of this mot vain ableof huntuki m trnr- fn qccstion bo muy tiies setedbyyoancand aid how can i sindy hrenoiffp- it will be foaadto tnrwer the iituirj verj- fully givine lioiaet j hooks coaosnuveodtxl and cany eoggestions to the ftndtnt in rc- gud to the general and epecial application of the ealject the oatlines of firet priciples saptdtes the reader with the dime and deliuiiions of the organs of tbe brain and brief exposition of thefuoctional relations of several facilities in the aetifto of tbe tmqd over forty illuetrauocs add their interest tn the teat price in paper only 10c serd the price in tamps to the dnblktiers s k wells t co 737 broad way n y goke eo soos on thorpday night or between the two days george forbes who doring the past two years has acted as village constable left oar village very an- eroeitediy it seems that whileacting a collector of taxes hut year he got- into troable with his cajh accoanfc and was in ome way aboat 130 behind- seeing no better way to conclticie the difficulty he left the rillxfje and hh responsibilities will fall era his boiiemea kr v h storey and the late edward iloore loth of whom had put ereryctiihmencemfcsintecrity heieavea i mu 3 upwards cap l3 upwards- oomeroca other creditors among oar iil pkkfs kqcth lffk he m ceas meooiz featardayicht last a cte fun of kiclds far caps gloves builo boites at last years prices bnt remember buijkio rob havedoabled in pnee now is your of onr practical fanrnving young men undertook to prepareflu taotiumeafc to hit memory tfc4y accondincly went to worfc and printed the following inscription on our totuorial artist jsign which much resembles a good tized monqmeni jn thape thoagfa hardly of the color t j sicrtdliisdniaktsry -or- george forbes our lat and lamented constable goxe so 00k permkals ifr harty chanman of tho- ifartham economlst is paying his acton friends a riait dl mr ei dynes whose ie was brown some time ago was able to be out laatsac- ardayvjon cratches j had a call on saturday fmm tos h deony- foroierlf of the ffi hfihif been recruiae in pfeogwk iisjetastth mouths jhl44fcw dipofitt u stxll hia distingntshuig char- cterutic j mr w ckjqffr pp rf the kidficiahers employed in mr jftbi m uasct mmufactotrefthhere last eveaing for melbourne port somersetshire eng- taoa for the purpoae of risitfolc au agd mothet who lie at the point ofdeatfa- h where etcs mm chance for grem brrgaiia in frxra ho- lfod a ndenson co t foe the best and parent sagtre rdsins currants peals spices ix fur christmas cooking call ui alex secords iltkexse piles of all kinds of wooleo goods at the sramnaotri house georgetown blanlceu flnnela misses ladies and genlannderclolhing hoiierf knitted goods clouds jtcketa sia ah the ahore goods were bought before the recent advance in woolen toods the greatest bargains ever onereol to the public mcleod anderson 03 a w geeet of tha main st cash stare u selling groceries boot and shoes below city prices gir hint a call and be convinced i trom the age of is o s4 thousands of people from thelsge of sitleen to eighty years are laffaring from kidney complaints and other dis eases arising fromderangementj of the urinary organs who would be relieved by a few doses of viotorii nucha and ova uni and a permanent onris mada by the nieofafewboillea ericetl yottf phrlstmb fresents ths largest soleatloiu of ohrutmaa cardi jtoyifte eta id town arrival 0f1ihree shipments of goods at the v ii 1 mahietnreravjind hu itoetrad three onn i lot of very baodaom kilted bretohne lace in tl 3qtts ui atklkff enormous itxk of new goods having been nearly eold oot4n many lines he ordered weekly from the briush w sliihments this week oomiatlngofthefollowinr goodi i a beautifuf lot ofnewaeokfrillings in lisieaod tarlatan i both blaokand whlto a new ilyle o louue frllllngi victoria uwni a lot ot terr sheep lace curtains of rery neat patterni vw carpetitheeoentgoodrrierw lot orblackarid ooloredaatin and faile nbbona rery cheap black satin black broche illk a charming lot ocblack and coloreri silk fringea is the newest styles i ahadei aaothor lotxf thois floe besry 48 inoh baokoasbmerei at only 50o they tell rery feat tbe black ouhmeres from 20c tojlii bare at extraordinary sale the breek luitrea from 9j lo 60c sell at an araaiiog rle i ladlu iaobw an ihe tilt tnuhtito cad 15 att lustra they are magnificen i goods another lot of black crape cloths received this week a obarminglotof those beaqikdl fompadourwbbons at rery muoh lower price than tbe last tbey are just tiietbjnir terr trimming ladiesdreaaee boaneu hm ate dress goods in dark and bright aa tartans only 20o black and colored far inmmfngajuit to hand hantleulothi in light colore theyeri handsome goods assortment at j very cheap another codslgnmentof window uollands fust arrlred they are gootlaod sertioable from 1 to up another shipneot ol those hfetrfme woolywbi blankets just lo hand w atkins got i blankets far below regular prioei on seeounl of the maker being pressed for rloney tad his selling then off bow el mo eh lower prlcm tuatt blankcu werfttver sold for in hamilton belore ladies misses mens wd boyi unde7clothio pr all kinds cheaper than the cheap est see them before buying jail impbrled a lot of rery superior glore powder a bor of which will be giren to each lldy who purchases a pah of kid gloves if required a further shipment of tbose flnu soft trey flannels received thla week they are nuch cheaper than last seasoji be sure to see the 15c white flanoela tlw let sannels and the 2sa grey flahnela a lot of udler ahdmiases heavy cloth mantles ranging from 8175 tip to 1 17c scar from 50c tolw see them itey are 1 istthc right u0u81 so a j hamilton kov 57 1679 a 4 warm and comfortable an irnmense sale of carpets going on daily to 900 in old styles all marked dorm to id 32 run strtel eatf hamilton onedoor teal of huflumi sttufjvacrl thr vfrmdah it douri thomas c 1m1is hamilton wliile you live live well j t east 0 1st bakery actok i woald respectfully thank my ntrmer oas customers in acton and the aur rounding country and villngea for the ootrntiftft p oh me since i atarted my bakery business in the well knawnttand almost opposite hills grocery store and besides osering my thanks i would solicit a continuance of their esteemed patronage in the future as in the past ray will be secqxq to svgwvxf jrhile mr supply of blfs avd c1kes are nnequalfed aaiicsoab oaz2 a srsotilir orders for picnicteaniecilnes or social gutlierliick promptly and cliiply eiccatett on snort notices jt easton l17est sale bgkrd stables mlu street aotqn f u where yoti can get pirstblass eigsjr at rea80mabije rates flood commercial rigs an errress delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town all parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested to pay np without farther delay and save costs ed matthews proprietor n ontaeto brjainess college belleville ontario oxtaiuo bu3ikess college belleville topltdeo kc isaij is noted tor the thoroughness ol its tvork- ko4 the iracucal benefits ot its leaching- its princftfais are accountants of praotleal errerienceaad antbors of the best ivomta on noolcteeping and penmanship published its students t sfurpungthrough ftoeoorm re eompeteut to nil good posldc ns or conduet builness ihentkehes farenuand younamenare invlttdto send for the cdieee eircoir whicc with bpeel- tnens of penmanshipis mall- edrree jnidrfs eobineok iqukaos ontario business cohsgc bellevma pw f he deygood8 and groceries the undersigned baa jast opened a at- ple dry goods and general gro cery 8torein theetand op poailo dr mcgarviua residence mili steebt actoii 0nt a stock of new drv goods fresh family groceries has just been opened and will be sold at reasonable prices aaa share of the patronage of the resfttcnts of acton is respect fnlly goliclted bhaslbtt sept is t9tf john speight undertaker a rt class hjlabsxwl attsnd funerals when required cumns caskets uaudier fjstesburlal kotxt sat sands a moves supplledal reasonable rales wag g 0 k s sleighs ac c rfsl in o n m flsd qf rep a i si n peos1ptiy attekdeu to stew boats aid stewboit unk tx- 7in on iti ml audi to order faot ory and shops footofwnjlow st acton i johkspeigrt acton feb 16 iw tradxmark q o q 3 m ft b fct hacyards peotoflau b lst foruxespeedjapermanenteureof csafhs colds ad all diseases r tke threat kt lvaals it is formed from i he best knowti and most- reliable ulamstimnaud vr- etabletoutesltt eliemical union wttn- jha utraet of wild eiierrr bark and yinnririefid hiflrfreshanci nnaduiri ntevtfriars iste am p and efltcuve coiriblnnllon tnst can be sccurej with a view lo permanent reltf or cure or ifoartnets couglif coldi qiriary inueuza itaoopfnl cough catarrh aitikaa acateandclirouicbrm- cmu a rule and ghrotiic ptcur- kifspiuisgcf blood and all diictua vf the nrjs- far sale by alldealcrsctecperbotufi hubarn benuej- t reanon preps torosto ksr sptxific nxoiax trade the great taf llsk bemedr an nnf ailing enreforsemlnal vreaknesssper matorrhea tm- pot4iey and all diseases thale tttm fotlow as a se5 jbefora taimgriuenee of belflft abuse s lowr iofmemorr universal tassltnde earn in tm i bace i lmnessot vlilon ryematureold are and many other ulseasestbatiead to insanltx oopsurartlonand a premature grave arkull pxrtienuni m our rampwet thleh r- desirelosenii ftre by mall to every one j3the rpe- i0e medicine issold by all druortstsat fl pa paekajre or six package for w orwlli be leutfreetiy mall onraoalpt orthe money byrdereslca the chat meotctxe ce toronto oat can gold in acton by all rirugvlsis and rt- tvhereln caida and the united 8tates by wholesale and reu drntigsttall mantles overeoas i paia vests ohbap i cheip ii cheap ii i to clear but stock xi soots shoes at old peices dress goods lustres j winceys flasiinels blankets tweeds no i advance in prices 3 bales of factory cottoa just jnrsecured before the recent ad vauee- at specfat price andsdont you forget it the parrious 50c- tea is still selling at 50c prices guafiahteed lower than in any adjoining q o yfllage v call and examine the skltkliltfloi 1810 with either square or 1 round base gracef nl appearance beaatifnl j finished and ecotromy and simplicity in working i large aworfmcnf of he leading tinware cotutanlli onhatid y lo i remember the place nexi doer to ujm stqves tn lu market all kinds of job work and repairing promptly attended crtvehr saddlsrij o havill r pure coijjver oil hypophosphites of lime ajtdsosa tui cnro s mogarvins garaaig at home owins to a change in the management of the basiness about to take place oraine 55 sba hare derided to rush of their etock of boots and shoes for the nextmonlnor two at cost price and under come at onee and secure bargainsj note parties indebted to the above firm will kindly call and pay up then- acoounta s a change will take place about the latof october and we uiast have all acooanls settled by tnat t 6ka hall of bhar ipreparalioo comboef tlw in bat rtaediei tvtr doeortrtdfccoajsmjapalan colds and afo oouhs auosmiaauiosautua aad diomsm ofux blsod oosana ih- billcr sndau waatlmc disaasas of clau4tem k art oiuyxiraiaslss vail kaown and bkk- h tsuemed vimies of codlmr ol in a form that perieellr tandoi and aecefabi to wnatdebrat kooucbotinadditatuvoadarullooicaad tfe-gfriag- propenics of the hrpo so hcoryor aud thatthtremadkl porers ofboui aro largely iacrrased plqr4daos qanersalrylcanovledgthavvuy i sofuikcooablalbodaodmedicsmnauumatiots cyeaso ltiasocoory beoar tokssod i gmag or spoils 1 ngor to the vtwle body untwinapaiaouu to uetattaixcrtepanttsoc aad aak far 1hta g for sale by atydroggiaa at pjoo per book t113s e h pas8 vflshes to ik- ijx robmlhaladlesofaoioaandvlernlly tnat ike baa lately learnt the kronen modepr cutting and fitting i and la now prepared to give even j- crnt stutfaotim tiua tonnlr wedding and funeral bower embalmed i dresses and jackets cut ind a perfeet bt gnaranted at a reasonable prlee forbvyiih arid cheap halsauid bonaets ftruoio alesehpsss st tine atteation 1 attention ei hew boot shoe trennine harpers bazaar pat terns fall suits only 85 cents sraiw akd fsxr hats ijn bo55rrs doit 0n a siltui lijtsr brna wwillcam8 svould respect- t fully intlmnte to the people of aewn and vlelnlte ihnl ne bai opened a doot a hhokhop in the uildlha opposite w h hloreys glove worts on mm bramar ahyonsm wantofa snbstantlal and t nttlng boot or shoe ibocid not tail toleavethelr order ot lili aland i rstsirtntr a5oeialt7aiiajrpmstl7 6tunio4 ts w williams acton rrt li 1- j i rxacy agtoont ar i p 4- -li- i c tti it t

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