Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1879, p. 2

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tsssfi rc x f i t ml t t a h r n v c b pic r 3i 918 u mu ait fto3 flivess rtl the i m tuu ditec impc and cliorus same ttiv tep iifr 5 i ay-horstsa- ore is 1s7s municipal election v were always a tare hut all public tlt rs ctamnandcd coiistde ruble in- tcri- in ibis locality inn wo cctlctuly rpiisal ht ljl sjii it- evinced over upending nuuiiciwl contests imioipil nuttirs should rccoivo more consideration rora the public they usutllydo but it should be cd in r iiruper channel it is itjvo that efficient persons stionld bo stteotod to disburse direct taxation we cannot too highly commend wdt to socuro sach at the l- preferences sometimes time lljtwed to sway tlio bolter and elmi f i judgment of the electora kwr candidate wiluiuve his adherents mi th one must command certain ach one must of rwiiect from his admirers it is therefore extremely payment of the various aocouiiu c s smith refund fnfc tares charged by mistake and paid by hith on roll of l68 1512 ei tlftim bah due oajbridio eon soo jan ikwar tor coutulljiuoa tad ad inugreccmotcry tilloi drafts by laws c uecvo for charities 1100 u00 pigs wajiitlld j wanted ten r twelro sucats about two months old- apply t mit qtk toltox st el lpuextlce wanted u2 d henderson seconded tliu report of the car- itmoitntj ami s puttors bid -ako- for thoso in opposition to show an acromonious riij bitter spirit njcially should olilics bo ignored aith uty wo are happy to say is gone wind my ludivfdtiu bo lie rit-vo- orl com rijlor cmi exert any more thau- porsda 9th hall itl influeioo fi kcpa for peace moved liy by k kicliliu tbat fmnnco cctiituittco bo sdoptcd ried moicd by d ifciidcrson seconded by e niotlin lunt tho hy li- to raiso by way ofontio anin of nitio buadrcd md gfty dollars to piy tho purchase money of land purcbunwl for publro cemotcryj for tho village of acton bo no read aecoad timo nud that tho council then go into v cotuaiittcc uf tho whole oa tho sinie carried moved uy d itcndorson seconded by cs smith tlntkho clurt publish tlit proposed by- 1 a to raise by way of loan mouoy for purchase of a public cemetery as required by statue car ried correstoindence tlukuuir while vtulc locpoo ult cot utuns lur the rrvcdtcumiunof all matter of molic interest dcc no uold himicu in tny wy ritislbio fur the opinions ai ult ecr rosixmnleuu ourrcfrooactit rtj rquetcd to tt tritr iq vrltc ircibljrand on vuc tide of tticlrnxpcr only ah icltcn meet b oq sunpoti ud by the axmt ii4 dlif or the frltt aot necckaiilyifur publication bat ac an evidence ol cd tilth ti xkc u one glutei of hojw tint tlio prvat condition of things iu euro rill iot ust much longer bismarck is rejottodasmvingtlikc theoiily way of i fining rrotaent procjioiity whic t lies open to gcruiaay is in dis- arauiicnt but- thit it would bo rm- possi lj foe gtttuiuy to disarm unless a- get lntl srtkment ba entered into by all tiie powers bisinnrk ts the originator of the policy which at prese 3t ts pressing the life blood out of t je first class powers of eurof wat ttqeotithlui buttucm xppli at oqco to o i uavill noit door to creechs sattdlcry wanted a good ileady boy to learn th uot apt o uavill a itektiok ikv1ted mejr fce kicklla would call tbt altsntioii orillpirllit owing ihcra fur broad that aa ho year u drawing to a closo all coouuti muil be paid by jan it bie ktckhn j -i- ageandopportupity pig a8traiv strayed from the premiiet of th luh acribcr lot 29eoq 7 kaasagaweya about i wtclca ago i black spotted tow will weigh about hkt pouada any iafaroiatioa rctpoctqc the alove wilt bo thankfully ro ceived by the okocr wm nixlie3 acloap 0 kaasaraweya dec 15 79 25- it all and the cjiilvj thing which nt present hinders hfn ho acbnoudis thut it is rosperity of ciernjmv thcro is hope of his euetupting to come to secernent with the other powers the eonie some whic irillreiiove them all from the hear- burdens under ahicb tbpy aie grosjdng gtrniiny however can wrll afford to atiandon the wa- policy of he 7 chancellor now as aha has been tho hiefgainirbyit is ten vlliaje council ccancil met oa tuesday evening mr medarmlds ohallans to tcc editor of at ate prtu noticing inyour valuable paper that tlto friends of mrj hadden pator prieevthe methodist church recently presented him with a puraa of 25 in coturaemoratioa of having defeated rev ii ilcderoiid m a of toronto in a discussion on christita bapttsai i may be allowed to suggest that possibly rev mr haddea iinyht bo induced to let tho actaa people witness another defeat of the same bind by having the j discussion rekatcd in theit midst ii mcdermid is dot only willing to suffrr a similar defaat in acton where he is well tnown but ho will contribute 25 to mr haddens commemoration fund for monument fjr the deed with out obligating hie to defeat aaybody cut in all conscience he most not qnit tha field as in prhxyillo before finatsh- iug hia agreement and betake himseli to another house where hu opponeut was not allowed to redy ana there alone by the hour tell his disconsolate friends what wonders ho had done or could do if he had time will ho come to acton thats the question 1 i ii mcdekjiid ast at 730 p m in matthews pursuant to adjournment i christmas peesekts the question r r tx 1 is cftea isked what thai i bay for a 1 embers present mcrsd p j chritmaslnwntr usrraicnarcruoa chri ie reeve d ilnjrfon e meujed to viiit j e ilcarvin drog 2ickincs smith nnd r adiais stere where tbey wilrbe tare to hmi article mred by dhtndtfcon iecooded jkfilnsotalaitiuef i i iidiirvia his uo one ol tie moat cocplcte by r ttat jve be granted to toek 6toy 0 every dcoription joat ae- iritroiaco a by liw vj provide for the assortment for chriitmaf treea aei every cdllioa of etyite ulsor tar in the article jruarantced to please the children e of acton and that said li villa e of acton and that said bylaw be nt w read a first tirue carned mi ted by g s sniith seconded by d urnderson that leave be granted to intio uce a by lviw to provide for the appo itment of a cjnstable for the tilln e of aclon and that taid eyltw lenc read a first time citiied m ved byc s smith seconded by e fkfin tha by law to provide for the a piiatmeat of a constable le now read4 second time and that the council g the eme m d h ed by r adams kcondediby endertodtltit the report of the i tm4ittee of the whole in bylw to its for spjotnticg a codfeublt for igeef aclon be concurred in listiid liyliw b now read a time and pjised and the i of corpomtion uttiched thereof pro te ajid third tie carrifcd all of the ttocfc of ctimtaixx gotvlc uill u cold very ciieip for ctsk call tnd tec hicz th committee of the whole on cirri ed m va by r adims eecondfd by j d- hendrwn fht uyxiw ko to provi j for rollection o statute labor tar e now read a second time and that the council go i ittocsuituiueo of the hole on tliesniic cairrritdv slaved by d ilenderson tconded by exickiin that leave u granted ro introinca a bvliw for acquiring certa a ittnds by purchase- for a public jem tery and tliat said byliw he now read i firt time carried hiveclby e kicklidt seconded by j kendereoti that the rejort of the comtiittee of the whole on bylaw pror ling the cjllectin of statute labor uii be concurred in and tint gaid by i iw he now read a third time and pjs5i carried m tved by d henderson kcconded hy j s smith that by law for acq u ring certain unds by purchase for piuic cemetery be now- raid a fiecor i lime stnd that the council then go with acomtuittee of the whole on the eime carried il ved by d henderspn seconded by c s smith that the report of the cinr ittee of the whole on byltw for soqii ring certain lands by purchase for a pi blic cemetery be received and couci ned in cirriepv si ved by dhenderson econded by i j -s- smith that whereta the cull tor for the village of acton for the ear 1878 faas failed or omtuitted to c llect some ait of the taxes for eiid ear by the time appointed for re- tarn of roll bo it therefore resolved that w hstorey andsainuel hoore bob id are hereby authorized to con tinue fhe leyy and collection of the nnpa d portion of eucu taxes in the njani er end with tie powers provided by lt for th general levy and collec tion f tfliex carried r iu ed by j hcudereoa seconded by r a datns hat ieavo he granted to intra tuctf a byliw to raise by way of loan lie kuui of nine huiidndand fifty dollfi i to pay the purclmee money of tland purchased for a public cemetery for t e village of acton tnd that said byi iw be noiy read a first time cat zd j tli finance committee presented tha julfovinerepirt and recommeoded board f cdcautt tiie iktird of truttces of acton school ijirkion mvl in mr strr tluc on moo iay eveaiog 8h int purenitt to adjourn- meat rueut ilesrs v i storey in the chair d henderson s xfoore m sjwiht and a lasby minntce of last ritcliug read and coatirmed moved by si spciylit seconded by a latby that the place of holding the nomination and election of icblic school trustee for the aiming year thai be sfatthewa hall aod that h p moore be and it hereby appointed kc- taming oiseer and that notice of aaid meeting be givea by tim at oncc the finanoe committee report as followi t moore ealiry for nov t dc fs33 miia mckellar 5000 miis moore t 4594 sirs hjiphes ljoo h l moore calarj anil uuoqcry 1360 total i 20558 all of which tbey respectfully tnbmitted sfored by d henderson seconded by m speight that the above report be adopted carried th board then sdjonrned the ctialr cncert the opcert under the aapics of the cbfir of the methodist church here and ltaltrabip of irof harrington of guelph held on wed deadly cveoing 10th instwaa otting to the wet weather bat fairly at tended the programme r opened with the sfildieru cfaonii in full chorus of twenty five voices accompanied by two orpins and four hrau initrccncnut which was eplendidly rendenxl and well received mr e powell rendered tfco old gray king and was loudly applanded a qdartette by meter a e matthews j o hill a eickiiaandk h huttoa the knights farewell wij tolerably well rendered the cert piece vr a trio ve shepherds tell me byiliesea watson nnd nicklin and mr a e matthews and was given in their utual good style it was fallowed by a solo rcsignatt jd by miss jmckair which wis sung with good eftect after the sbthem rejoice the lord is king in full chorus with obligato and daefi by misses watson and mcnair aa intermission of five or ten minutes was in dulged in the scond part of the pro gramme ws op ned with the anthem jehovahs rrais j in full chorus which re ceived load fipp ause a piano daot hy missef swan tni haslett wis ercellently rendered and was much enjoyed by- the budience slices watson and mckairthen sing a duet o salauris in pleasing style the ntt oa the programme was bass eolo by sir c w harrington the day is done which was londly applanded to which sir harrington reponded with impatience jtlisa s fi- harrinfitin and mr e powell then rendered the fiehcrmen with ercellent taste thit was followed bv the closing piece mghty jehovah full hornsj with bries icstra- meat and was received with unanimous applause after the singing of the kational authem in which the audience joiued the meeting was dismissed piof harrington deserves credit for the manner in which he trained the choir for the concert and we hope this will not be the last entertainment under his superintendence which our citizens will have the pleasflre of attending we understand a supper was provided for the ciugers after the concert bat we were nog present to make a report qharlescijiekox main btaoton agent for the hell organ sua a facta red by messrs w beuoauaelyh orderc left at his residence will rcccitorocipt at tention for pirticttlart cw adr oa other tide giro him triad t chas cameftov dec lo72m qillbofxixd the undersigned hu been faatnxctedbi mrs elitabcth stewart to ku by pttutic auction at agccwt hotel actaa oa sat urday t die at 2 oclock pm the westerly half oc lot xa zt in the 7th coo of the township of kassagaweyt conuinioi 10 acres more or i- there we about 90 acres of said land clear of hush and about 10 acres at gkxl cedar the land i well watered a branch of tho grand river pasiing through it and a spring creefc with a fall that cosld bo used to drive tnachwery there is on thoplicc a good log duing house and a nernber of fruit tnc trmt made known on day of sale w heozttreet auctioneer 21t ivi we would invite the attention of thel ladies of i acton and aunounding country to tha fact thai on tha ffitfl day of 0cmbpire wiucooiweacq a 8pial saio of silks and dress 6 fs at special prices jb pods millinery mantle and ueesshalhg establish- mext ms3 o smith takes pleasure in announcing to the ladies of acton and vicinity that she u prepared to fill ordere for milurnry mttnftis or drc- making in all tha latest styles and at the most reaaonabls rate tta call is eoheitccjl hiss c shith alain street acton new boot shoe shop before the recent advance in silks oar buyer who wai llien in the earo- pcan markeu bought very heavily ao that on the i81u we wifl offer about 5000 tarda black dress silks 4364 tarda colored dress silks at pxism tit ut skt i ip4r cltance of th yfiuat 1st we would not go to the expense of idvertfsing ittpapert out of our own city gnleat we had something to offer that woold at once counnand tha attenttao of every purchaser and wo aaauretho people of this viqinity that thit opportunity for purchasing aa elegant and durable dress hi never been equalled n ontario ibirlatw istq 7a 4p bylaw to raise by way of loan thl sum of- nine hundred and fifty dollars to pay the purchase money of land purchased for a public cemetery for the village of acton whsreujlhe municipal conncil of tho villjo of acpnts ui j for a mho ceuetery from william steele yvf wnd nine uundred and fifty dollars and whereas for the purpoto of paying thelpurcha l-t-lidtorih- tv- dcbikcc this sale we guarantee a sarin if car oar patrons of two 1 dollars la erery ten sadts foe tptf pedple bitc dress silis 72c 83a qqc 108 119 ckflwred dreso silks 50c 62c 70o- 78c goo colored persian oorda 12jc 5fwei soittoot 16c rnalx price bati cwtka 20c baaatiful gocxls- best materials 26c 32- and 44c prices guaranteed th p oammot be beaten in toronto although this sale is confined especially to silks tnd dress say that we hold the fl35 or hamfkoii goods we would wwilliahstvould respect- flltv intimate to the people ol acloa aod vlelrtty that n has orned si botsijoesiiaiiin ttie tial idiot oppot llo w tlsiqreyaaiovo svorttoa itllt htuttt actux largest handsomest and cheapest stook of furs adp one in want of a subs untlaj and cool gui nc boot or shoe shoad not fail lolearethctromerat iila suae siiriat 1 sjocltltr ti sroastlr ttfld4 t w willlams acloasapt il is furniture i furniture faellng that as no salaeflon of furniture was kept in town and that it it always required i hare parchased a stock of the rarious lines required and am prepared lo sell at the moat reason- abe prices parties wanting anything that line gire h a call and b coa- rinced hat they can purchase furniture as cheap in acton at can beprocuilin gnelph orfieorgetown undertaking in this psrt of the coailry john jladies risit this sale and be convinced that hocd son o ir money of thtiij it irilllelnccesatry for tho said municipal council to raae the u ofl hundred tad fifty dollars is llie manner hereinafter mentioned and whereas it will require he rim of one hundred and fourteen ddla to be raised annually by ijiecia rale on the f hole of the rateablo propertw of the vilugojof aiton for paying the sail debt of nine hundred and fifstdei iart ss bereinaflermcnlioned i and whtreaa the anfount of ito whole rateable property of the said vula of acton according to iba last rerised assessment- roll of the said tillage iatojl hundred nd ihirtyteven thousand two flundted and fiftyitt iiolbin and whereas the tmoont of the eiisting debt of tle said village of actoo is nil and whereas for paying ha interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fond for piying he said sum of nino hundred and fifty dollars 16 will require an equal snnunl special rate of eighty three hundredth of a mill in the dollar ia addition to it 11 rates to bo levied in each year boit therefore enseled by he municipal council of tho village of acton 1st thatlohall be lawful for the reeve of the said village of aeton to raise by way otoan from any person or persons body or fwdies corrte who may be willing to advance tha same upon he credit of the debentures herein- afwr mentioned a sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of ifine hundred and fifty dollanr and o cause be same lo paid into the hindrof the treaiahr of the said village for the purpcaes snd wlh the object shore ecitod i- i 2nd that it shall he awful for the said reeve to cause any number of de bentures to be made for foch sums of money as may be required not leu than one hundred dollarseach and hot exceeding in the whole amount lie said sum ofnina hundred snd fifty dollars and hat the said debentures shall be sealej with tho seal cf the said village of acton and besigned by the mid reeve and wxinteraigned by the treasurer of the said village srl that lo said debentures sh made payable in iwenly years at furthest from tke day hereinafter mentioned for his bylaw to take effeit at the office odthe trear urerofl he said municipality and shall hare attached to them coupons for the payment of interest tth that the said debentures shall tear interest at and efttr the rtoof seven per cent per annum from the data thereof which tuteret ehll be payable annually on be first day of january in each year at lh office of the ttid treasurer of he village of acton i i k 5th thai for the put pose of forming a sinking fund for he payment of tba i saki debentures snd the interest at the rate aforeai to becotus due thereon an equal special rate of eighty three hundredths of oni mill lolhe dollar sbll in addition to all other rules be assessed raised levied and collected in each year upon all therateable projierty in he raid j village of act in daring lh conlinusnca of the said debentures or any of them 6tb tbsu this bylaw shall take effect arid come into oprralion on the thirtyfirst lay of januaryone thousand eight hundred andeeighty and be ii further enactd by th raid municipal council that the totes of the electors of the said village of acton oa the alxjve bylaw itiall be taken between the hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five oclcck in the after noon on monday tho fifth day of january ad 1s80 in matthews hall in the said village and that the clerk of be council shall sum up ibe number of tha rotes given forsnd against the said bylaw at the same place lit ihelollowin day at ninejoclock in the forenoon and further that the time aud place lor the lappointmnp of jiersons to attend at the said summing up of tne votes by the clerks shall lie at the council chamber in said village at teii ocloctifi ibe fprenooa oi the leoond day of january ad i sso j- bell tha beat joods in quelph at the cheapest hriccs dlfjti of tb oodh man wtkdhav st john hooo fc 90n crelfh ai1 requlrempou in this departmeat eon- staatlr an band and a tret class hearfa furnlibed wuea required xgte all parties indebted to me by either nat or t t accoarl will flaate call and ltle at onc a i intend to close my boolcsoa tbe slst dec johx speight cor wtilaw a acnes sta aetoo oat stoves stoves i cheap at hills a large stock of autinds of stoves jtut rccdwinan vfactvrtd of the usi quality of irontfiijinut finuh and tiif vxost handsome stove in the market cook stoves of all sizes at ilie very latest prices a veil selected stock of rifwarb always os kaxd ib toh aot pirlok jrgax foe sale the undersigned his for sale ft new grand parlor organ unstops cst- alogue price g355 will be sold for small sum cfg2t0 jloodown balance in three or sir months for further particulars spply at this ofsce or to the owner 23- p aeusteosh christmats pras i aue spsolxlrties and tall be axcuttdon- ike ikortul notice ooal oil a good stock of superior quality cheap 0qksaxd seefcryoufvseitss i i -r- c hill ents which are atteatioal atteatioaiiwhile ydu live genuine harpers baiaar pat ternsfnslsnonljxn live wf ellf stexw ako far batsajtd boskets dome over iit au rat larssr sttijb tires rtishes to lb- lvj voksltnelidltsoraeionandvlcinltr tint alia has lately itarnt the freucnmodecr cntunanifttiing aodjltnoirprtparedtoslvbevfln crrsitieatlssaojiob thia 7emirl7 weddlnraad miiral flows tsembalmed dresses and jackets cut snd a perfect ni tuxraniecd at arogaonable prtee for htrluhand cheap bau and bonaeta lteskkfas st i ttugoorkassqaarctaeinh at home owing to a change in the management i of the baslness about to lake place craidllft son haie decided to rush of their stock of b0ol for he neatmono prao t cost pric andandrootntonoe and secure bargsiniii j- i wl i note ftrtfyndabtea lo the abore firm will kindly call and pay op their accounts as a ohsnge will take place about the lttof october and we must hare all accounts settled by tbat s 6rainesqn sure to please j t eafetoisr baker acton i would respeolfully thank my numer ons enstpmers in acton snd tbe aur rounding country and tillages for the bountiful palronagt hay have bestowed on me since i started my bakery business in the well known stand almost opposite hills grocery store and besides obering my thanks i would solicit a continuance of their esteemed patronage the past my a id in he future as in bee will be while my supply bf bun ad cakes are uheqnalled atluoap oazs i escultt orders for picnics teimeetlnirs or social gatherlnss promptly and cheaply erecnted on snort notice j t ea8t0n take not ce thai tbe abovo is a trae copy of a proposed by law which will be taken in o consideration by tho council of ihis mqnjcipality kfter one month- from the firit pablieation in the acton foec ptess the date cf which first dublication waa thursday ihe eleverlh any of deceaiber ad 1879 anrt that the voea of the electois of the siid muntairiliiy will be iivken thereon xn matthews hallj in the villire of aclon on monday the fifth day of january ad i8s0j at nine ococfc iii lbolorenoon x jemcoahvin daiti at aeiontkuuii day f dmrjxr ix cttns full lines of overgoatinc5s i -ranging- from 8800 to 8i8a0 a largo and select stock of hats caps jems fiiraisiiiefb at the east end lothiig stoee ftfe monab si l r dp minion exhibiti on as csnali m ccrae co fake adl the prizes in dijstid ebciothikgv a complete assortmenl orihelr best goods at ta t bisph bnoth hxri i s 1 ifenssnru draweraandliocasau iiieaeoji bmru llrawtn aadsocaa aa sites colureas itasjjlraal drawers in one wecej atso anria ukentciotbixo i tswtt musrox vaacssrr ttiiofts dissolution of partnership bcbibaul bibdelx for sewiar maollm and gansral rapain try the georgetown notsht works arch riodetl 22tt main st oeorgstown the child4ehi and eurniiurejvt cqst1 wt vitor he next thirty day offer the kuu of our immenee itoekyf elegant and artistic furniture fia lmilsaij jsft7 cloth sofas so lonn in a varielyof e iskrjsl ho and easycbalra cane and word cnslrs of every- dewrlptlon bf kriyssih ttbnfn sale ol u onest stock tiffurnlture over oflered in the province pontyoaloiiehi slsnof thclialrhaslonblook l john worbfouo it 0 whicja are sold ghieaper thn eliife v w 1 uill

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