Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1880, p. 4

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ix kalgbboqr joatt- jt 1 aj whipping kitotla brlttttr roiujdv rtfc ofotiti belt jso lit mm tilt vcaia on era ill around vti nth hearts ml umji i jwjintrr 4 no oolf for they ere 1 sou of st oriipu great ken ho worlttd tth coonlor w ksirf lftite leofe vtso ore iwo katta man ii n has grtat me tttnta mi iftsfiuit gfcsrtnpxt arouse ihe door their tslhcrihcyt rtn ctcitfaia lit racedow breeip itatuinuici tic ittnouoa ot brittany l peasantry end no wohav for tbi he k bot f c01 t tt h leu ii 3yut hox hi cbldraa leva tit n t hfrtmtek4 i uritt to lata ulm tlh uittt f tt tvt ri mpie was a ticca are no wee do yfc buroott la tbvl2ai toe lilm tut net a cbann tcta tlntf cix tultboar a tl ocircc cfttbl1 hit aercc a c uut lx suqjt i htm my dwp tic tt okh utv that tore ui uc tit oca ii bat i place or mrrfuc and otytfleiti b tt tie fuctmae cttuca cpott tit fiua eoatcitunkt oa tt d i0 m lfcr sit- 1- sws tv vv i f fei id tljjt ipsisi r vmrr ihi i- 1 ifrtt vv l r 3y r- v-tt- ssm 7 5pf4fj jfti 5 t iijv irjif i- frit fv s11p v b sekirfl rgigeji- ik i aalaoclllilacvfi4htbt ctw t 4 tba ttcb ct injt- btf ooc pm frvst lifts tiutat v m i hilisoa tad uis slui oaprtoas of oprkgor star o cl liplcn tv tie kt yott pput tcxiis kisut oit otitimo friend ur r lsclay uut the bninc of gmt eiageti iren ia their tiku a4 taoee o groel iiiacrt ia tteir hit yoa ciat expect layttiaj elee ilr lomley tid to ay the throttx end heek hire been altitttad ibore lajthisj ee adtitt vhxt mifcet thesmt utisgen ind dnoert tne oikatlbu found if a good mlc to crofc lie villi of linjers u little u pootble tad to geaeallf give j- to tneir rtlnii the meet csjnoox utut c um opentio luse lrlui i few exception 1ut beea eocentne eluncuit emottaul ia ill their ditpoti- tioai end lixble to otitbartu of temper oa the tligitai t protocitjoa thii indeed it trae c mtmivl ututs pesertll- ef awi- poeerx ud isxtrvnesuliit u irell u of sincere snd of xcton oa the dri tuge wheathe ihxh of perc vie inlndoa in the trmtier of is7j the leuon c her mijmryi open it drarf line uuttre ni f iti hefjtt ind the lard chuiberuut crdatd tie director to nuke irtinpmeatt lr i tpecul pertirmuifti ta bagireaiathe honcaxof tu orienuloaieitf a royxl rct ia greit britim it not permitted ta lauot hii cvn ituiey ut the mitter of lijht- seeing oa the sonizuy he ii arriei bool fr jn paint to point frost the openhome to the billroom from he rojxl pice to the pcbic iqm in teexdinoe with e oro- crusme uruced csder the directioa of the lord nhitnherixin the gsedi dadrei ire not cooiltedtflnd it tc expected of hit titenduu thtt thej ihtu bn hist t the nriooi ipecified pltcei oo lime the tt- tendtniz of the uu found it na oij ink to da their duty ia thi ptrticaltr riuio the feoiu mourcit vsc in rvijimd he hid t hxht of going fo bed it the meet naio- oovnublfl noait gad of refniiag to get ep thezl h peoecee ni required bj the csrioiu hoipiuile public in fret he pnred hiaueu to be t nrj uxy ihth in- ital fur the tpecial petformtaoe it srexy lear ia hoaoar of thii potenute i pro- grtmrne rude up of ictz from nrioai operarl w ta be prepirsd tathe tsrprueofill her wlotjrtiij wit kilnut imwnnowt thit ehe vonld opes the petformioc- i uii which ii not tnseh tooght for u tl the udienae doei not gencnlly get rated ontil hih u hour or ta after time foe be- jjintan and the creating o i boou the nit- tag o 2t and the eiatter of the italli on their binges donotiaptore theeaectoca liegtritoioe bat kilaoia mssrartuta did aot hea kaoir at the did thatie ahah sk doe at the gouonilht bu iatfco citj at tei odcclc and would c3ntecjieatltjbe obliged to lette the opra before that time tie sweditk eager hiui prirate iafonaatisn fx3m aa aatheao aoaree the others ieita- ed the secret of her apparent eelfticrihae later ca lad time of tteax profcoblf felt piatted so the programme wit imaged wiut kstma in the hnt act of tnriiu toopoace perfonaio to bo folio tod by aa act of faroriu with titjent ia elaborate ballet and the ertt act of f sggaon ia which kiltoa would again appear pjrtbr tariat act the prioc dirna ordered a miaifueat aew difficult ta aadenund how the lime people canibe tueat and noiiy rmotred and rai ning ortr with louitr f rt it ii thtrii matt be a ttnie ct tloc- in awpolaboo whfch could imawiudi at lately at 1h7 la caltiag the life oat of f ciendt with a whip made f ter ua tuhioai laib tighteea feet lonjt krtuiagatalittle diilince from the handle to the thiokowi of a miai arm from whence it tapered o a twitted ind roojly knotted cad made mere like a knjto by the tuln ct a raixtare of glue tali pliythlng wu 6xed opoot jtroj twi itick and often not only cut i man into itealor but tomctunet cutout the life of tun at a aiogle luqkr vet a local hidariaa giret aa account oc akt which he attended ia is tt which the chief attraction wu a coatettbetweea tkelro men lie oa a aide with thee deadly wtipcoj the reject cf theee mhipt made ho nyi muoh more noite than a gunthot they could be heard at tha dittuce ot two ml a half tailo and when letcral laack their whipt in concert the aoite ic ai terrible that one meat either run away or atop up ooet cart theco twclre men were ranged oppoaila one another at a diitance almoit ccttwpeniia2 to the length of theluhejotlhieirwhlpt they tlobd up hiring for protoevoa ie tho thine c dreat only ihort uckclotb like all dntca pel- iiatt of the old ttjle their hair hug down their backt in long ttee bu waa cat itrtight icrou the forehead after the faihioo otqaitaboroughc biebiy they wore no htuaetcid covering the left arm waa naked hut the right arm which held the whip wat protected from the fiat to the neck by aa armlet or ihield ot thick leather tfaecldec were diatrflguiahedby the colour ct the tnu of their whipf tho oat being white- the other rod ttee men thuc itaddirg face to face were there a be wounded ebneet ta death for che glory there of and alto for the priac which coaeuted of half a doces itriped pockethandktrchicft and a pound cf tobacco the ligual giren by aa old peaaant the combatantt pat them- telret into the ittitudeef desuce the whin i 4u ihelith wat held ia the lelt and mendinz he knookad at the cobbler door it happened to be the ire ot st criniui day and the eobbler ind hit frlendi were rere ulng frieod uld the man uughln where hare yon been born not to know st oriinia dirt h yon were oacl the kaiier huutlf i would not mwtititohforyou oorne in and hart a gjin ana well be merry m tnpeton ohartet tat down tt once and took nit wine at the other did the cobbler proposed the health ot charlie v do yon like hlmf liked tho nnperor do i like long mote i 01 oonnt do bit t ahonld ilk htm better it be ihould lower mr taxw whea the emperor took leave he thanked hit hoel who would hot work even tor an emperor on st criipini ere next i day chttlee tent for the eobbler when i the poor aan recognlaed hit gueet he grew i pale and tremble t charlet agaie thanked him tor hit horpulily and told him to ak for what he moit driirea and it ihouldbe hit ea icjgtd and rot a day to think the matter over whenkeretorcedatthe aet time hit requeft wu that the cobblcn of flandera might theuoeforih bear or their arrot a boot with as emperor crows upon it thirwu granted and chariot deetrcd him touk tgiuj let it be decreed aid the exbbler that la ft tare the com- piny of cobhort ghall take precedence of the compear of ahoemakert it wu to ordered and both cuitoint prevail at the preeect time it flandera the cobbler would accept nothing for hlmielf chartee v expired sept si ism in the dftyointh year of bit ejje learing behind him the re- mutioa of having been the greatest mon- arch one ot the ibleit militaiy command- ert and pethapt the wueet but yet the moit bigoted itvtetmau ct hit time hit early yean were patted ie ftauden where be wac aljo edacated richard briuley sheridan dnmatut and itatetmta wu for many yeart one of the mombert of parlia ment or tbebctcugh of stafford whole- le ihoea3aldng it ilmoit mocopoliied in the ppert want to know wbat w-a- urd if ini they lm up the r toes a the wori butthsm u oknand wbej the iok con au with one or two uluatda ind hire the al fidtvles to prove it 1 f h drew eff bu boot thre ice were to alw remained f the left two tto ten wet none from the left h j sntireuedevtof htpe tndhu noseiecm dwhttnl lift intt he w a rough- looking old chap and he wu wrmlng hit bnli en the teamplpe in the cabin of i fan boit along with mttrsl otter ptujn- 7wll whit wotrd if at the crowd u the old mtn fnuedonhli boots j i whtti the wntuer beretomyr itwo bdow 1 v wel jt add five rnx degrees ooldto it teke off yotrt dothtt i i hours tod youll hire a mrf htilor rvhiooik j tu old otd dtltal vfttu kiog jaujea uu pint wrote hii oounttfbluttotobacm toe royal pmtut knew botmng at thr mtttle sivy if ho hs- osictt iluufieile wnj a000003 acta hbju ia to golden 8ilt tfrwf1rt kttfai i twcedge4 word nor i bautt but ft lira next door to em yort betur twico over be eotched in a wroado id uke the chances of outrunning a prarie fire quickeca living through a jiuuary bn lard tell ttt about em tlieraone i ever iced ul the old man u he held op the lamp of tit nut nog nnten wardon inkebruka oloijt ae wvetline i tt i j td uvin rooo far m tad three heraers wai about twenty feet cea with ite hove in the middle on the th day ot jinuary 1859 there waant aruke of now on the pound andtt i oclock in the tfter- noon it wu warm enoagh to go in my ehirt ileevc halt an hour worojthe jun went down the sky wuclearindblnftitood look log off at a terd of horaei f ejlfc u 111 want- su go barfat when ill to one jt dirftr climbaoverme itwatui ftta oureddown my btck thar nil iroaria sound away to the weitwird rhivand next miflit it wu- dark iii hi come quicker thia i l whqe the ink wu head strike aaid the tune voice twelve cablet were let tocte ii aniattant but aa tmack wu heard u they met twitted aai itrugied ia midair thaee most renowned quickly diteagiged their luhee and dealt the second and dreadful blow upon the pemat of their aaugouiiti opening up long teemi ot livid or bleeding scan oa tha third itnke ill the facet ex cept two were seamed and flawiog with blood these two were the leaders one tall the other inert one heavy the other light one all fieah and the other although only rive feet tilh all terras and linen as oittider would have backed the giant bat the bjyx of pipriao knew too well the prowess of the dwarf to riik their mocey agaiait him the combat now raged with fury men diaitiaed to parry they were only eager to strike the sound wu that of a volley of moaketry the buhet totten into tow but harden agaia ted glae thea- elvet together with bleed the ficei are no lender human the long hair hangs down ia front bathed ia perrptrttioa and blood bat not one blow hit fallen oa either chaarpua they have reserved themselvec- they have guarded and pirried knowing thiteroon them the iasas of the fight did depend bat now the tail mas bat bit home a long bine rpirel mark which mnate ago i the major wanted them to trim off a horse blanket at he bam and le marchid into the itt ind up to tho finally work- bukef ot course they wete there he rinbtcd i ballot yirr a pirof picaa haifoiaee garment a buttonbox ind s-pia- cuibion off oi the floor made a dive amocg bodkins wunud throadt tad darning- ncidc and theibeiu hdl not tare op lie stood the workbaiket on it litad but it vis nsgeod then bo wntnvir to the hat- not and raked off three or our photograph rattlfd down t lot ot iholi aiid knocked eff two bxka but far itoin were not tbere lie wai nd in the lo a its went into the hill tad called out t lcintiird hide ncrhair ofeavahd 1 dont liellevo you ever hd any no looklgiln thati a gocdmti the replied 1 kno they are rijht thtra- the ifajor got down on handt and ktoes and locked under the lounge mo shears then he stood up and looked on be mantel tho neatest pposchlo shears then wis i beat hairpn tteu he walked areocd and lurroyidejihwiodowiill sudgite the work bukstrnothir racket i tell juu there aint no abears here or elie im bliaern abalfheihonted fiom the hall atterke hid given the bajltrte i loiklcg orer why mijor howirapitient jo aire 1 theiei pu iaipatienoe about it i i tell you the ihcsri lint here i hid to look t itii hour he other day to nnd the gpm lot it yoa dont see them ia the bedroaea hi coxe aown ho entered the bedroom glanced over the wha tobacco you ifrohtd jrttcttmr hocldtsda ttotuxe urori iit ibel icttmg gouloias mire ciniojo liolux klrron ele deal- rt wed lur tint- lln h i mitt k biol- tofoh 4t lv40ruetiduuoaiocardtt0koral mono mih n lee kinti qui co kie w y 8heepmagkg mjpfwd trr u m- dvsakoamkmr fifmllbrokivatatablb lhq- rerumis ltmooasiox ctljdoisse apstr ti jolt 6mm- swaelbir lolibel ibtstwr awe4ed i ooodlllnum qtt ur j see mlmwlj ehnrebtiu lad sood toeitlj kuliotdi irftt mw na lull nvrmtu fktk idrvm homes a led ptrrm r rv jatux od ujddla igo turn ton trlttd rrer meciu to cux joartel ifncc- of fjifdologic law ii usmo- bit tmt u flolattxl emlm fa u trtvln menul 4ni fbjsiatx wmjkuiw vbiefa d btf6et4 oliejn rtmlu in boyky buy only 0 ilar to akin powder ttngleji patent lightning bttip sehiaf ramp nude turomp fit tdv it cattle food i is 1 ii oha teoib n x utnf tftf or 8tjiuiki izifrifjt lhasela light eiuricud i provtnaal szlubltioii loo- johifml unbseultr lanaltr or early aesth so aroidthliortoberoctoredlos lound roaaaood dnrjit tor out aout bul load jour name ana tddreu rrtle ii plata alw land iump and roe vul reoeive full partleoun ut mated eanlope hitara tirs tqci oxlv airrrr addreai t80f eoaxtarooto lhosbla ugbl elude ud alum tirrl priti ii ptwfanel ul i teiuioiuiiipp btaaimriu- j vjik a tklmnrirt w oil livingwatefi rtiotnpewn food wpplr of fflkfed itr 8tn1 for dreofcr m jfwy mitt st html v s iacfieu titnd silver plating spoons- forks castors etc replatcd to order w miluohamp go eitabllivda 29 to 35 adelaide st etst toionto- cwtr slom im 11 l caoad ro ortnelal taiaei lut kt l nj i btamp or inoogfa old frortnctal 0 b eortwt or otefzn lut kt hit uti bella 10c- iifomiuoo lrt the town of stafford on one occasion when he dined cith hit eoostitaecu he wu call ed tponto give t teur tad contihning hit oonrerutioa with the chalrmtn wu re minded that h must lay tln in t petulant mtaaer u if offended he ex- j claimed in a loud voice i uay the menu- factarert of stanbrd be trodden under toot by tho whole world i for t tew seconds there wu consternation oa the eonnten- nacea of the sent of crispin they won dered whether sheridta meant to intuit them soon however they toot the joke esd vehemently applauded it for its wit the patient and content pbilits craft of ahoe- makitig it rich in names which have become ia greater or leu degree household proper ty among which mar be found hans saiht the poet of kurembnrr and the friend of sltrtia lather j jseob boehmen he well- known german myitc from whoie works sir into newton it beliettd to have da- rived some of hit ideu oa gravitation he eccentric tckiagton who erected tad owned the temple of if ties aa im mense bookstore in ftasbnrf sqsare low- great- swediah bounitt been pon own mv diet thar wu a mosnln soother sad the btixurdhid come q oil ell too the sky turned back night set in tod mountain rf ihowoome boomin long befor i gl bbwing eighty milei la hour wout laid some on ai the old mia panted walt thin he wu wu born a the bockiei around and round fettle minit lifted hersell out of some awful caayoa tore liocg the crage and pests ind snally tumbled down on the level and itartcd eistwtrd mad u a grittly and powcrlal at a- milliott reaietr hcrses 1 them three her ders warent half a mile away 1 1 ad all moniit ed but ytt only oae reached the cabm the other two were rtrack u damr- and nuab u if hit with cannon bare ehi they warea t out of their aaddlesa miait before they wire cevared with aix inches of suow that blrxarl shed whirled stronger every burets and standv palled he shams off the i pillows and whirled the pillars arouol ted then ock dovra a hiir oil bottle roth i bracket and to kedinto it the aheari were not in tbe bottle nor anyhere ette stay 1 they might hare been carried under the bed by that mysterious boasehcld tide ehioh carries irtioei tort room to room in in in- viible mmair lie carle i under buatpe 1 his held oa tie suts got dat ia his threat ind wu becking out with uto i in hit eye when hit wife cilled oat why what oa earth are yoa after t after i after 1 he ibcated u bcelatoat ciogbetl lis head off ica after than inter- cal theirs v why here thtyarel they were lying in 1 my leiiagchariightiaplainsght l i dt n t beuve it ill neter believe it i locked no that chiir over tea tboaund limes l well there they are uano iuh thing i youve lost em or panned tat or traded t for gum youve more order in your hour than an old ittticm hotuk west pw enttq ta one u ulcio ha ouacm- i ixc it tmtnrr atti j t ruti ituiiiicrrttl tik ecer 1 1 tit uvtwinjju i xltu dtnrtltjtfal fjajutmix b ill u tfvd i kmck rwlr bees ajnd honey tboii latrrwtel j fjr at cruv a riurr iu1iit tor 18i3 addrcl i ic tttaiiad3sbjrit pljjljrar jaw say eier peper yeu leie 0it i the oanadiak air qas machine tuf auetie ti toe uvttltax ptleatfletbcgl tblilabeloriesetiurcns petuc balle twteti etc call cd ttntiai jtlie ouichiae lu oitlxt it ioacftf rdtllifo kte m uataclarer pumter and rfltlt 151 vofi street ttoo and or drcotir od pticl uh uust have been cold r cwd uibbeitwaant ididarurei thermometer to look at bat i didnt want j vu goin oat when he called frow aolid and i rjfir aren t yoa unj cooper shop 1 he walked put tbe chair into the hill and riinnrttri but jsvt oa imur tmpre8 ft ukea off ciq m toni iadde raben if it jvl h- fjyadaud kj tunaxs 104 cltu 6u vc tbrooto fjt la by ill dlki la boou wkl tfaac arnu vtanil tkadla jrhuuliaam ihor cxrdttin uatjuram prtm tut wd tiw whole vtxth ts to printers a tompuli iertalypitij appar- alui faningt bill just tut thing for a job printer pree j7 i oil 150 6nly oeern fn use one month s- frank wilson and 35 adelaide st wi tbr hurrah forjrtakltoba i the first excurtiontriiiifotmauoitobi wnifftasros wediesday 3rf march jl880 i for ptrurjtikrt ipplf eadotiif 1 en t imuto- rj w- peittie kaxit03a lad omct 64 king 8t- east toronto- haliburton frost sittled on home ioo wtw hen lad there iquirtt bioxi twisti round the left arm of the little joseph and maket hint itsgsr with psia he reoivert him- elf iaanchet hit whip at hit foe and bet six inches intervened between its deadly print and the f c of joseph the greiu aoimttedbt his 6 ct tusoesvrziee stepped femrd tod bent hii whole strength to the blow bat pirouetted u it were while without any- effort he lhrtw cut his lath softly the blow of kier ouawd but rbea losule sharply drew backbit lath the whoc face of kaer wu out in half a gtgiatio gap opened op the very bone thet two atood alone in tne list the rest had made a trace tad were engaged ia attending to theit grievous wounds elaer blinded by the shack pat hit armlet of lather before hii face aan piaied jorille don lianetui the greet- george winkelmio the greet art eritie and antiquary of whom germany it very proud he et bloomseid whose principal work it a poem entitled the farmers bot which pletiaouy deraclt the sceoes of his own early life sad disphyt great genius bich- trd savage and a whole coatteilation ot minor btrdt sir cloadesiey shovel the re- doabttbte admiral j dr saaael draw the meuphyticita tnomat halcrott he able soveliac dramatist and politician george fax founder of the society of friendt and writer an religious liberty eiivetv the treitmeot of prtsoaert earatiai punianmeat etc wb qiffard trtaslatorot javeaal and tucooscre editor of the jutfjartjet sad the cstrterry ittsicw he used when an ap- preatioe to ait ap half the aight erorking out ilgebrtio problemt on small pieces ot leather sir william read the eidicsl hardy the astrologer partridge sir sanaa eyre john pounds william eaatiagtca sa iar from pro- one our jug of whikey split the jag ia ten miaiu tae taller candle within ta nehof the light erery board in theranch cricked ind popped with cold we had a or stove but the tael wu moitly under a iheef fifty feet away t thooxht ore after a loidj bat u i opened the door i oil back u if ten thoutanl need- lee htl beea fired into my face that one breath of the buxud fras my note and ear 1 and yoa were out of fuel yet in half m hoar 1 burned up ioolr benches table tod all else that weald burn i bat after midnight the fire went cat tcea i ioit my loet f rostbittei even then i wu j cunaitgovor the floor oatiwtsltihtcibia tod yet there wu a foot ot aaow ca the floor befece daylight tbe awful rid drove it throogheverr crevice did you ever htar the gale which goei with a blitxard well ycnll face a cannon sooner than hue it a eeooadtiae thewiadsaretmedlouderthut a locomotive whittle it taed sad ravel like a giant ia chaint and it itruck down every- uvia thing it came to all at once it would itop blowia for half minit and the itittaeu wculd be iwfal then id hear it ilghtt tad grotnin afar off u ic poor lost kmnm ervia fcrlborae ttea the to take tho shears f shcsrs whttthearst imgomgovcr to the itbre and buy me a p dr of aheare and of the victoria illwaijttfta cod riotf totf for ttl 0 bluxriklp if xater lul ind emictiaioa tv ic uui w tvvmx vtc- baine rpekmlnuj if any hernia being ia thuoute ever putt a finger oa em hojil tuner for it i riiiee i itlant bare aparoe ihetrtinmy hansel j tj k n jl xt o ana ha pollod dava hie bit tai ultm- iqed tha dtjoe witb tit tit mifjtit u ha teat oat canada permanent loan sayiiig8 bompai est1su1si9 a p 13s5 pttdcp capital besrye ptj xt toralaiak fxooaoa s0doo eeooo fitiag by the cccatioa tad pressing hisad- rtattge coollr took out hit pxket-hxnd- kerchief sad loudly blew hit now to the great amusement of hit backeri who thought it aa cxoelloat jke tha uaghter mzi- eaer mad threw him oat of hi ungfnik and made him wild he struck itaniped and made wonderful piintt bat joaille wu calm and at the end of ten minutes the giant covered with wounds hit shirt cat into rihbcni his mouth foaming hit eyes blinded feuheavityapmhitkaecs dont gtveiaf cried lorne voioet still r but the effort to rise wu vain josfqe sppircntly iacsptbla of pity like i true breton peaaant a btew hit nose lid prepared to give eyre uiuk iwuiw ttict chriitian anderson dr uomaon children were ceyia orlhcme xcea ut dr cirey dr ebenexer henderson dr grauia would chaoge to a screech tin xoha ettt and maay ethers all belonged icreech 9 a wild shriek sad the gale would to tho geutla craft hoary wileon ute whirl round aad roand the cabia ai it booed ageiat vicepretidcatot the daited stafet onoe oc cupied a ahoemakert beach in the town of kaiick tf ueechaaettt i m i a boloocil hatieiiiaa m na throu- fi hut better thai tinj the p whip cut fdrrctace before iheeutlaia wat raueaao a- ttrircd in splendor sad her fair fiat ran through the crowd but josille was wreathed ia imiaa it wu aalfpaat better than he seemed for unload of eat- tmg the pejoe fleahitie dcxterouily drew the whio cut of the haads of the victia eight oclock the membenof thtchestrt wi their placet sir igcaiel costt held hit baton ia nit haai aai there were no tigm of the thab the prince of wales bid arrived punctually sad waited at the ea- trsicewiththedirectirfartheahah the brief overture was played the curtain wis rung op and the pcrfoemaace begta still so stgnx of the tfrirf at the set traviatt ranceeded the imilet yioletttt face cfcaaged by degrees to frownt her prrnrmaaci w tory spirited the closing aria came ia doe course and the j shah had not jet srrived it wu tea oclock when he entered with his swarthyiuite aad took bit rites m the royal box the prince at wales understood the situation aad saw it once that a gentle breue wu ia store for the directs he suggested that mile kilt- eoi eight be ranectby tn introdnotion to the chaa ia hu box ilr mtpleton grasped at the suggeston ux drowsing man datones at a bit of seaweed the prtnea addretied the vicechimberlaia who conferred with the traaalator who in his torn spoke to the vizier and after the snggestiua had been mide to four a r gve other important ornoert it finjdry reached the fenian monarch while was devouring a peach which he held firmly in fpalht of his handv anatiadf ol of tie juice wbichwu ruaaiagdown hit coatateeve thai the shahs willingness to grant an tuiiecce to hue christine siltsoa wit transmitted through the same series of officers to the priace cf wales when sc latplesoa went upon the stage to notify the prima donaa she had already despoiled her self of her traviata splendour and wat attired ia the rags of tbeggar for mignon with bare feet at first she would not hear of the introduction but tlunatily consent ed and went to the royal box with the director mr maplesca spoke to the prince and ipreparatiou were made to inform the s ia ths alafcl digniaect fsshionv that the linger awaited the monarchs pleasure when to the horror of all who saw it mile kqason wit observed- standing face to face with the shah ia his box shaking her forefinger in his fsee while the attendants regarded the intruder with ffuhing eyes some of them putting their hands on their eimetcrs she wu telling the monaroh in french that hs wis a very had shah eaat and that if he had come at the proper time he would hive seen her spleodidly dressed j whereas the wu now in rtrsand without uoes ot stflri thea she held up her foot and the ahah a very- nearsighted moa- arch held down his heid tad he toe of the prima donna touched the nose of the pcfeh- ilate there wu a moment of terrible sus- pente but the shah laughed heartily and all tha others reidily joined him his majesty tt once forgot all about the goldsmiths bslls tad the lord mayor and the dty dignitaries vha had been anxiously awaiting him for three hours and resolved to remain and see more of thatremarkable woman who asog lad acted charmingly fa jfignorj the performance etwhioh did not close until itettly 121 oclock l i i hotf prtrywy it ensttah of the aet folded hit arms upon his breast cter shut hit eyes and laid his bumiag head upon the sand the whitet were proclaimed the victors bach tnbaltera had a picket hand kerchief worth ed tad jotriile the pound of tobacco i fcaowot whether any of these seises ire enacted now fat hti acccuot it ktt recent that it throws light open the bitten peasant u i find himcwia kuatac m oadlx belles yoa are by contrast at occe impressed with the smallnest of the cidii ladies feet siys a corrsrpondent of the baltimore san yet they are by no meint u pretty or u expressive of grace and activity u are those of the baltinwo belle bit the csdix chamer can best us all hollow in smoking 1 how gracefully ahs handles and maket the cigarette and how seductively the racket it i the most radical tatismovar would be converted here ia lass than an hour the art and graces of fuming are here charmingly studied koa smoke fte- quentry i siy to a weenus oh yet always 1 she archly replies tni puns all the while ifiad that before tod alter doing snythjng they retort to the balmy cigsrelte tt matters not whether it be pilli or pray ers baptism or boluses the smoke pre- eedes or follows he ordeal as t rule when a culprit is about to be executed he goes mantully to hii doom with a cigarette if t child im the whoopingcough trutead oft doss of csstcroii they give the little dusky deaf forty whiffi of tobaccosmoke i saw the bride the grcont the best man and even tha motherinlaw all smoking fiercely like onto pittsburg just after the nuptial knot had been tied what a cloudy eoadtiicanthey would be in if at the coother- ialaws runoral la the court ofuw the judge frequently tumu sad frett ovar a knotty point and the entire jury if inch a body ifaouldp reside may bs gone from our gaze in i dead of the narcotic weed t once itw ia germany icecream and ctbbsge dished up simultineously but not until to day hive i seen a salad served with a rim ming of cifsrot tho beetroot wu cat into the dupe of cigars indeed almost all thingr except the grind lotterytickets take this shape here tad all ticksu and tobacco end ui smoke mwm- it yon marry grace exclaimed an irate father to his son i will cut you off with- out acent and yon wont have so maoh u a piece of port fa- boa in the pot well ir ft 5n replied the young man grace before meat and h immediately went in searoh of a minister tax woman who can sit still ted smiling ly entertain a mile visitor perceiving all the time that he hu tueooeded in wriggling all the pfas ootof her new tidy and it at that precious moment calmly sitting on it and will be probably for the next hoar if tare ot t reward la tha next werld it ene dots not ttmrrtmhttiu he rode a piebald mart of that thorough bred stock only less famous than the arab cetther brahni nor belooeh will rids a hone formerly they killed alleilft not wanted for the sted but cf late yeart a few have found their way into the market cu riously enough these an said to show little of thttfiae aualitr which diitiaguiehee the mare with thit wild people the mare taken in some sort the place we give ti wo man t entturo loved and mpecied al most worskipped bahim khan would hack hit mint to di 10q miles every other day for a month or te de si miles daily for a time indefinite from- what one ga thers these would seem no extrtordioary leatt for a good bdcochi mare the travel ling paoe it aa amble covering pcrhapi eight miles the hour bat the gillop is fait tad uatiriag oae might hare thought that a vice so troublesome u saving would have become extinct ia a breed of horses used for predatory war bat i have never eea an animal more annuytag la this way than euhims mare she would not go tea yards union mother hone went with her tracking and jibbing ijkai mad thing the chief never itirred in he tiddle but if i reoognite the seaad af curses in a unknown i toague he aoooopinled each fierce bow of hii reiattgs with i consignment of the iteeati soul a kblir yet tne ion between the two wis pleueut to behold whea we halted bahim said that if quite alone the travelled like a bird tod i doubt not that he spoke the truth tot the would nerer have answered hit purpote otherwise our ycung friend on hit mare wu a gracef al right whea we left qnettah ha wu dress ed in the poshteen the iheepskiu oast which is the winter costume of r sthan tad belooeh alike the wool it tarried inane and the leather stained yellow or browo is prettily embroidered with ootton or silk of bright colours sach girmentt were pro vided for car soldiers ii mu u could be get and lane army hare i tvnniform so martial and becoming u the snortsleeved pcehteen over a toarlet tunic btuinz wore a farbaa almost white and hit silken ring lets fell in miaes artfully cirelen to his wiist alter a vigjraat ttmggla with hi mare a push ot the turban and a hasty rup on either temple restored the ehevelure to its customary grace wids white ttotttewj csliiak over a beat of yellow leather 6im- pteted bis drees with the iooea pttrple ciet disposed in a new fashion every few min utes a broad embroidered baldrio crossed the chest and its free end fell to the koto of his swprl and gun bablm wu very proud they were both of damascus iteof tried in generations ot hard fighting the blade sharp u a rasor would cut throngh a riflebarrel without losing edge so its muter said at lout aad he wu anxioai e how the jet ill or long gun wu ot per sian manufacture beiutifnuy adorned with motherofpeirl the pcwdersuk and bulletcase of leather embossed hang with chirms tadeurioat dustrumenu st his wtist when we retched the hot plain of dtdur eahhn clothed hiauelt ia white until loose tad flowing gale knocked over trees thunired yeart old and rolled rocki weighing a thousand font dowa upon the level 1 i 1 aad about your itoci r whea hat uisxard itruck my ranch i had sco cattle 2000 sheep and about 2x hoiter all alive ud kidda it died away about daylight end after ia hoars work we got out of the cabin and thronth he enow far u he eye could teach all vas a dead level gulches ravines and dipt bad beea filled up with from fire to thirty tut ct snow every hone ihtep and steer had gone down in idi tracks e die sod bo coffined in white and we two frostbitten and frottn wete sttyrailea bom any white euao dont mee- a a blitxam yoad betur meet a thou an ibi tigers f eead uid learn for yorxrself htaay vilutblediicjverist and much uic- fulkorbdge u kept from the world be cause of tbe imateio cxpeae ijx raakihg them known to be people this is nut the cue ith bcaaitzg uaaus srzct ali though bat a few years introduced atp th country iti isle now reaches ia every toaa and village ia the totted suui and c trail iti wenderfal soccess ia curing tiastibip tioo severe caught pntumvnu asthma and ail other dueares ot the throat and lungs wu first made known by dttribuiing ever yesr for tiree yejrt over 0000u bottle o the afflicted re cf ciarj c by druggists ko such atest of- aunt wu ever ivea beforeio any other prepanticn caldycuaak moret go to year brugiit and get a botte for 75 cents and try it sample lotties do ceota w i 1 iti j u a i akd tux improreddiiiaoad andthe hanlan oosscc bas rot eat foler and ruv laerder long r ujoaojolieeitrtalhrverm thry are maca- iietarcdonj-bj- k h- smith k co- st- catharmes md eola by the hardware trade every where t ttxe o ollwr- h fl sfca cull ihe lance tooth urtilaiftg lmpcored cbtaptja ccitpae tc lhortailldodt kid patterns enloduiuw scrim- prored clfmiiji stcatifiriiiessaffforkb doltrrot jwcp d edoit pritidta ptto ihhrtoti vlccptwflnt iig votu awpl lord- 1etoer a if bmitfa edi d hooper jjpti fum- w b tunilh- j j birtrti 11m b mt of toroew tit feudc d koouni tbe kefetjuiu bjlbjc tla fc4tnl bank f grixai bluackoorf irctira crt deprt ua tateitk pii or cotapotui hxlsycuj creuitji iupp3 i oa ipplitutioii j- herbert mas05 mltazg 1 the massasoit cjradle carriage j iteyi ron ilt 9 founds the tetrisu semattlon ot eonning 4macr diringr a recent obammedan festival at kandahar a capitil of bonthetn afghinia- taa a number ot mounted chuli u they are named ran amuck thrcukhthe britiaheamp oca ty3er and several british soldiers were wounded and four tt the chilis were killed banning amuckis one of the terrors of the eut bat ir tar leu common than it formerly wax originally a malty ouitom ithu extended to other countries ia which the ilohammedin creed iipreraleat the word amuck is a corruption of amoakjatinese to kill sad pihe thing if limply a mlsceuaneout indis- crimintte killlog the hitites of those east- era lands become from longcontinued ex cessive rue of oyianv ferociously frantic and their freeay is often lnttntifird by rtsigkus taaaticum then absoliifelt nil they ruth into the strsets fnqoently node earring bitin g aad stabbiag with knifes which they always carry whomsoever tber encounter they are dreadful to see tad itfll more dmd- fal to meet they look like animated very animated corpses their feature being pinch- ed snd sharpened and their akin drawn uke parchment their eyes glittering with fierce insanity and their energy bent on slaughter at many u forty perseni have been killed by them before they could be overcome their appearance is the signal tor general ilsrm the first weapon he can reach and sallies forth to hunt down and exterminate the common fee ot eourie there is no restoa- 1 wlaily iag with them no wsyjofiatimidatiog them they muit be killed or the general tafety and they are kilsj u soon u possible leng speati used to be employed altogetber u weapons against there and hey are still employed being thrown at or thrust into them uohl they extir tiraarms are now the cnensive wcappat wtoea 1he are taehnt lathe narrow crowded streets of the iurt thit is not often the case kothing if so formidable u inimnckrunner snd it u tcaataitv the new powdtr for whiten- iag tit teeth etmrdating the mouth and pu- riyint the breath the brightest cottet moat perfect toilet gem ertut ask yoar druggist for tubeiry price ss cents fakkiss feed your kane cills cows fat cattlf calver sheep pigs and fowlt tarteft eortc and caiik eod eterj- where hfore ajeuts wiated hlvcufsctory 48 john st 8 huailton the buatry dream of feitu tat hlnty at water the oropslcal a dtusiung lae sfct si i to eajot health beware of every ail- aiaataadlx nfleriag from aiseaeea of tha ld- aaniteautictprla bnchnaad tjvatjisl if taun in time thti groat medietas wm brighti disease of the bdneyt dlahet ete- and 1st positive rpeciaela all diseases of the urinary rrrtem for isia by all dealers what all men should enow t jwrx a ceuoathe itroublesame earned by aa accuatutatloa of phloem a throat cspecieiij- ta the moramg exparidneed mortlj by persons affected with chronic catarrh eaa be relieved eantrttnstanuy by tasiag a tefr- speonfal of hatyirds fsctanl btlum whicn has the adrantacaof beisa- harmless to the stomach andst the tame time improving the ap- petile for rents nhderreer in fine seolohacd caadiangoodi at prices u low u the low est go or laud to coopers great americas j shiit factory 103 yoage tt toronto hatranrstandw oil is oae h the inrest reme dies ta lbs world for the care of ftrmmnaflnn j lumbago sptaal and bronchial com- xjeaxaeaa btraoha cramps bprsiaa oaus stiff jouts 8rsud haads bore mtpplea stiff keckv chlblaina letter frost sites chapped hands wounds cuts bore throat stmgj at iaieots shonoon ct breath or anyother diieaee thai are painful or sora we nave no heaitaoda ta recoraateading tt for any ef the above complalma and bausva tt to be one ot the quietest tad most perfect eom- blaatioa known to remove psia from almost any cease and can ba used either externally or axter nauy- for particulars me wrapper accompany- he besl leather belting lie p u manufaotured by e- dixon co- oatnfortabjo and convenient fecrefc cbihn is j eaajaiijly sfoliti m jotmmrod il- prlcei wiihl i iie re -u- fui dtrniar ptentfci b wilbt miiuscnrer toronta aai ta oglboesk tn torcnta- end tor fyto mc lai iit- eoants j x b sooe i reoatas antai rtlh s stab ta tha hod of ux etvria to farmers aor cms keep xovk roiuea ajt9 cuttik fat iohiiltrat bt cslso yorkshire ttli at less cost tnajl tukv cajt be tgepw in reobre dititr w1tboot it ithu been teaisd by the most iuo- eessful stoexralasn dsrifcs tbe x tea years and provad to be taenwcalr uoofe and staoeriorto an others prist tso 50a aad u0 per box a lohie box enntstni sco feeds j- i e buoh jccllxb a co tobosto b bow paf1k herd the mnada tket fmm stock a5s0ciat10k will bill btacclos ai tbe agricultjtiral show ground ik the jliv of bhahtford i- os i thrirsday 29th jan 1880 at oclock koqw isthoroottbid shortborx cows neirhl3 bctxa aid bell calybs 10 pun cotswold led cricgsteb swes eax3 od liub8 itlher imported tromtm belt eu utenglaad or the prodaee ct njt itock sad i a lot rf puri keikjsntk sows boars sad flos eitair imported or feed imported stoct terhs csso or tor rates a iso or otw if- provtdnoti it if raoulisrtll intereilatthe rai of itven per eeelrper annsm btaddrcli or thmlogues mr jobs clat lurarttr borpvk brtatlwtd po or bibtcixuhx aoctioseer qih the u lug etch or prticnui mo rpr i bottle- tor ula br a 0ml1 iflttep fvjprt aokst3 gtai graati tour eoanl tia world tiittit iuiijbook now effered axelatittt territory fcr teritu aourvtt ta oncf obcrholtzerttco beriio apbrntpxct yatotiiiatha mom of ieuiadm cr tha lictol rtabmtrcf thftnorroai 1 ftttaiivu diltinfiuuhod trom th ract ottiu boij it lr rrrfremlntuiijy 4 dimam ftnd mora tidily soma thntifih the northern and etutern prt of tbe rjulisd bttm ad tho dominion ot oiiitu tlinui in vny- twpdrt olthtt w vfu not stop to nj vby tnli u tne elite bat v i da empiuticallr mt tua vletorit compormd synip of hypophotpaltw nhl b found ut in- tbirubln mwucind for all prtlm unfctd irith htrrnracneao djfppcl coastiipttoii xwso- uttj nutrition qtjntjml pehility or teaicnm of tha vhola lyttom- on of the int effect u an incrflawtt ot tha sarvtxu or vital caatrgr f ohtrrvl by ft f6tuliig of uiianiij oomfort uta itraiguu ifar iip by all doilarc the tomb timit cf 4 recent de coa uioi ncticci of haating ippjintmont of rt ka 10 issj ikotlce belforgl i the fouotioi vfcftt mr hague tayt ftboot the bell orgarf v ta jhhrea kcut lor btv cwtntai orpuu at uontrtau i din 8i ebsqa- jafojmeni forth befl cabinet 0ial porchd irjm wu i exaoct bat ur thit ti intiraaient a of itu ftati qaaty wtlfcb idid doc tappom cpbe tjf bdnsrpfd- flood mctfadatiw tone ij pure rlcb vd deni vmi ut dfecti uut exn ba producd by oooibt fctfaa of tha tupt an ciiinairf i kcnrab4li tt co ube tm lacceat ia dartlapiiur th miaiffartan to tttch aa exuata u iiuiilfmt la lb inrnimrtt ji bt test ncv i j wuttnxtbcms aai rnaaomalia ule i waain ytur tralr j sljtwd s- qhagttr qattalliattuatt4aiijbakrforaw txeotdnd shtct x dal faddiploin at protia- hefalkxhiujoa lttl itji uihvr ulal tod dtpluaia u ccnta- titai jj vl ism beoelttd tntaroatl nal ucdal and bipbth at i bjiltifly atralia t 1w- actd oolr titd 1 ir partoor ormm at pro- i ttadal fitbibluooj is booatrad qiur kodu far parlour vxai u in- ialexmblitok tshiww w tlikm oio to their ferocity iwcheir ff h damcr or ty iaothar expeadttare of at uut ondljn furniture co hsrliis dataaninodta cloianp tlielarzfetaltetaxalzxosfli mxrladonat 149 y bngest toronto villaau ha baluia of tbup vtoek otf hand at greatly reduced prices dostttal eimhitlok toraato wbe2liifcgo- biallikkssv do animals hare fun ukedsomo un- observiag individoal 0 coarse they do when t cow witches her tail seross the face of the man who la milking her steps along juit two yards and tarns to see him pick up hii stool and follow she haf tha most amui- ed expression possible tad if ah can kiok over the milkjail ah growl positirtly hila rioax tad daring are the roost dretded peciilly when ann4 with the dagger oil oreetc their native weapon with which tbey hare their deadly aril tad which xntkes t terrible end very d to gcroui wound a eotopeta or aneriou who hti leen an amuck u very tpt to remember it last month the centenary ot the punish ment by order of frederick tbe great of the judges of tbe miller arnold on the llthol december 1779 wat celebrsted it berlin wexx a country lad first cornea to the city be uses tbe very profane expression qui darn it with reckless eat as the refinement of metropolitanurm begins to take hold of his speech he mildly says by durm and when he reaches the lavender trousers drab overcoat and eyeglass stage of culture he twirls hii little wisp of t can in his bnien ant murmurs aw i dtm ft taa ctook oonaifta of nrttciaat honaenold pnr- nltnreof ateryl4wdption pariotandbadrooin 6000000 katlyairpackiwe now more tbe oottcf tfneitnuy keeping up a first- beats seeretariee- eyuader library and office pajkiiestimttaditlmoootowoooo destateatekiotlng- v v afothar etbinetwera too aumerous to meatiosl j au aew aid with few exeeptioas rnaaufacttrred thi above are portndf of t 8 chcuoai ejo luy s sor haatateu the m geuuu u he rsmtaion rbo rtettertd tuihalr b- aiiaf wnrrsacoasvisociivostc hint kxrtoua inei a baldneia of alas res- this eaahstssuisi tohtlhcamniief ritneea gwiki attaatetfl tobosto brusii manufacturer htour bnuaie jsa ffitom it atwrto k battiflterb 8r attorneys row gorf iaalaidi jait file manufaoturer fgat jtkut tw gieaeei a bairtoenu furniture r oaaawilcahmf co ii yonyt itrwt asour or taeiorr tn london out mast be aeld and aha premisea siren reels the jiubuo ate therefore requested to tha van up in a jew boeein house pafoiejruej 4 cunts krtt rrt artf must be aeld aad aha premisea reels the public are there eau early and receive bargains parties indebted to the company aw requested ta call at onoe at lit yeafestrett and settle their accounts thoeo having claim against the com paay rtupleeie hand them la for adjustmeat tuxnitun delivery waggon and sleigh two horses and harness stores gaaaller and other saenxruree which wtb be told cheap also a sraauitednreproef sate signed iiowhjn fubstrctlb co smith htzqerald prophtitor si iii trrr wttvrrliliaarrwei ottulmlmaiuud wlntocwbrn j tit bag treat i iobwbiw-

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