Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1880, p. 1

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mzmami imimmtab t2s itttrtja ng etc b 00 f oroato- 1 il tea rr heen in roronta fit artcs jrtt grtf ttfawtuur nr trrsr rspwjjir kqrstsq at tut fat pfckst ttiuurig and pubiuk- it unme sett to the hiuodut church fill street acton oat i ml fuutaba asso a to- tie kjnto nent m jtf00o c0 c peir dcr t c tvtyr touts age m 3sr gan ceeinkd psyram t yc i i- c i r t tl ecttv ln of lire 0 tiscz tcirt jit if isn tbi fun ptru will w teat u tubt t b or poj paid tot tlqo pee oa- nun in advance if paid during ihayeer f 1 60f t nl uu till itttr txputtioa of the rear tilco ko piper dikdnuutd lui u swartjttpam etpkmttln cptm t th jab uhtr aittimro lutts c iiul advert icon sctota per lite it lie tint lour- toi ml eeuu vr line or edi mbe rrti rtqieh tmfesuacl card aire orlt hm iaiaat i tenure 12 t it jjqo r annual niytbia la it uoai s fri dale of insertion any pccld xotice the obfeot of which ic to puhiote lit pczuiiry benefit of any lain aiil orcaaijiiiy to be oooiiderfd an s re ucje t hie number c lact rick ellyui twice ikct i tnorelbr l eilcdf eolidnoir 1 l tdrcruteracntt witi l to eul lutrae- tro tasertet hll o bid nd cujed c cji i 0 in it fliiwtttianiij dretuercoti utt be q vntii rtlnceifc tbe publ then ui 1 na be rcion ble job rxrktiso sietywiitj for book tina ad fine job iuotirj spmieoeed lntkmec leiet itilm of typr vite pod cliirre codente h puoore kditor uid proprieec we lovtrv meuap8- qra driic of trmiiy colfcge jfember oi co ege of rfcvxiaxai tnd sarjeooi 05 ml rcsdccce it lha btid at fad eick st c vt mcoakvik m d m c p s i oidoie it vjctont college rtu dnce coner of mill tad frederick ttreeti f tosciutioa dxily xroait ta iq i m lad from 3 to g r n 1 i listek u clakk bakristek quefiec st jaublph b3akcs office in ur ltutsr buildjcrs wll st acton res oma ojac caatr fnniar w il heilstfteet licensed auctioneor volokk v no 31 waotk no 240 aoton ont jan i- 20 1880 canada loiubibtocomin savings bank hamilton six pr 0st inurmt ptld on dpodtt of l uul upttrd safrsf and best ssobnitt twt f dlrcn d e chuholx eii pisudeat wt rzxl e of joba widie ico baranzfoo viprwidnt 1 v eojucmb m d uuniwtl hcan momur e a hiinutoa thoe biljcttalc eki keimb cot loxx lisc birfcn eofft dctccix eq cnultrn r k csaaafjc eiq oeknlle wk pxincix if i genrtetova h s gums jl d c b ssow esq ciaser cotton ilil i dindix j jtewy im bttl eilm f wax w nu ierrewrr axi c ktf rcnu ja office op every ireekdi frcm 9 lbvtaspm d dextee muujsr an hisw 7 en federal bake of canada gjuelph branch a glkcjui bixcdca bcnxtii dokc drafts mi bills op exchakce bcvfii txi v i fo- ti- cotintiej of we uagton ind hilton order left it tie fxix fmi office acton or itmy residence fa bockroodv viu be pr m t r itlended ta j t rmi reuoniijle patests foe ixyekti0k3 kxee- drnocslt- and rroperly mcnnd in cm- ii th- unite t sutee ind europe fa tes- txruteed or so charge send for p atl tiutroctiana agency u openfaon wjcirt i eejf rt geist ottm canada iechuucai lngmcer saiator of fateati tnd dangh it4 i d hathe305 attoeket-at- liw v is 5nrcry tc office n door to wtlace t hotel mtltao d ounaos hotex icrrokw roeeut a t ctt profxt tor tne new hoti u c inp nr tclui jie witft hctp funu- tae co neercaitnr ur will find jood tc u neodttioa ccd commodioci 8 fioost spec ti itfcatioa pud ta tfae wmtt c te tr r uicjcblic br nip tied witfc the best lqn tsiodc3irx gdodsublaj lndtttective hostlcn depositors are tuortd mterat at the rate c five 5 per cent per annum in the sitings bank bebortoent and z s percent ecu nam ill be ilunridott depoat recetptr provided the money remama in the bank not leu than ox 5 month and thiee 3 moths fcoboe be gttln of lu withdnval thomas t greet ulnager the travellers lift fc mm ins go of hjlcttoed con vtrtec ererythug deautbte in the my cl life and anodaat iaaaranoe eutet lot 8cttritr rjnantstionod ample deposit made inth the djauuioa aoveinmeat for the tecunty of ciaadiin fufiey uoldetc pud nscaih capital i 601000 00 qian xtieu t7s st77 totdltbihtiet j6u7s7 dnrpm t foucy hotder tfi9il jt i ames matthews ajent acton oat asaloimas school tkuscaooi finite follouikj advunjagri lit itataiotlatioh ertry year cindualei ftom thla cbool ire pming thoeiimlniuociof the law fcociely cooaclt offhiwi gooni hcalrtcalilitig lalo the different unlrenlum with fe tr or no rej ictlons la 1817 1878 and 1879 noarlyall lh itudau eompeung made mot lalfifia tory eiamlmii ni and us ichool unor prepared by ita enlarged ilaff to giro the mat thorouga funding to omdidatea for cottlficatea ot all gndee 8x4 oolfwtjttot at sltloitflji the tdiwugm include not only lha com pie ta practical ourncoluni of lha oelaoratad fiutmin collego at pough- kpoi n y precisely ai uaghtit that college but gitei the further i tiouwc ol cirammir uutory compocl tion eloeoiion or llio ladgmgoi if requirekl at no additional eipenie tuition ukluxlmat wilarf ii etki adviaoedj wmarri jo secki ttotu lso jrmiry 10 we to jijo sju mat ud kooai eon be hid in bniidlnc or onu id ctl frveck s wmkoorimtroai trmlnlnr r 40oo for particular ipplr o j ajiitiesdn pn 111reaident or k h davi commcrclil muter cit sill foe botal txqelsse holll ac- ll tos lis cunpliell propiirtor mr c mnlefl uie if the roam home ceic gte sairn tike je tztt m an coiaai g o ha nuny eld ritd and pa ir ns tri he hi rscectly pcrchid ud re- j tte i te eoyil ecchicge m tbe netet ind mocteomfo liid is prepared to eccommodite al who nxiy fironx him in the most comfortibe manner cho ce wine lnarr cigrrj and cool rammer onjijwiyilliirtccfcj stable m charge of an ilentrre hoatler the patronage of the pnl lex ripectfnll icliated and no effort id betpiredtoprethevetybertattentian lis caicraxl aa5h foe seis i is prepared ta pty the highat caih prise- far ail cuaea of lamb and sheep i tkint delivered at my tannery lace vyleither comaatly qn eind j uar ames moore r07toajlc idrcrtuemeniainicrted j tallt acroi fete paras it brr rtt th belt loexl uper of hitton co bteth- uimigei and death minted free in the acrox pen feqs the bert loi piper fhiivti co co f yarls bdlhttdi ind cireaar of every j deoorptianeieeaed neatly it the acrox feet peisj- office the belt local piper of hilton co loujlcicicatloxs on local qner ton of j later it will g idly be received by the actov feet peas the beat local piper of hilton co exveiopes pnoud uithe nefeityle and at tie loweit pneer at the acroic fees itzss the bee local paper of hal- t nco if yoi have fonni or farmitockxor nle t lvertiie them inthe acrox ieiipezsj tie b it lo al piper of holt n co erchaxt8nd jarmeri alike thoald idvertiie and rapprt the acroic face irtxst the b at local pp r of hilton co stkayeo or en adrertuementa of thu- n fere inerfd vry cheap is the acton fxt fatso the beat iocj paper of jjiltoncar bumpspumps i pmnpa i ke adiks milttieinrer of inpenor w1 la ckurietnjbfr which will b pnt 13 j oit thtrt nofce fcp jit nx promptly auce cbirtel moderite afw aiir bled ti sect ie hnn nl saop en freder- ik itne oppmite dr liwiy reeideace t we adams cliiwax plo w maue at oroweg 011 wtxas inelplt 1i ihti i of ill e- mpttikiii for teneroi tax- rssr iron beam stetl uari a shears irane of i ecul hard iron cheap hu tiin kear fencer store if ttaj lit ust ixd cxitmg of u ki seek in yonr awn ton bakery confectionery itcsfc a t e kickxin road mu cite that they hive opened op their new bake shop ox tbi corner of mill and maut sis acton and wixt they will ilwiyi be applied with a i bread betides bun cakei paitry kckc tc i llitck itocx or chotce ocffiffe ctlonery will be found on hind which all new- ind freh 0atmttat ooahheal ku ok h ka t flo osaotcitp wheatc alwiyt in ttock thu will be fonndto be the place where the bit goodi will be kept at the lowctt pticex ctart cxia b e nfckldk groceries ifraawantaeocdendckcipcrtiels in toise brns jipi bi4eici- pcrdtr teasii syrups spicee 1 amd tobaoooa oi til kinds fresh 1kb mveet an ajinlversarj uttj tis otltkldihi da two wall ftra iingtng up too thattinvtopnitblrjiatu aa4 uuofl ihb drflilfea 6 our iqvb ar h on oarih ttut f64n iitvo nuaed cvfty hmlotonromsrayf two djirliflr iiuoanr ta th city juidlhrwjfcro nu4jqinff wiuitlcir mirth our wrtdljh dij- aalltetmifcnooiapouqods fooutool aarlh and prij that ua yuan tint nay be f argltth ibd blond oar gratoful rdeoi v th thovo of otu- tro taiaw la bofttcn and thafc that god who la o or jor wjojco t jwirt turn puaod avay wnott on our middlns tuj a little jtaldun crtii iruy rred thyrortfa itbn tiiefl flota h4t0 hftd from m tbalr llrth and ho uula sold clrta hilt wfrm kway mijux ac pm alny vaod a takfta ofoor bliip i clxum a iororc ldw lotp ou our icoddlii ixy oaeeled by storm dpon ihy nntr ur have i not proved th two itori in hqiren thee lower on tirui at id mx ioite rxxkccr i or a um lbiuium qcus ktc etc 0h1ttek ihc0vtdrczdj acisomn lrrxtji hardware of all unde paints and oils hinges and locks naos glass putty salt 0 t cash br the barbel all cheap for go to- hills mill street acton ar jwi otrj olgi shall ran miamfl do too curtt for ma t rander lh rtirj lout la la vorldf ou you icnor what i maal do not ii3a at m or hava ujca r irilh almoet aigtt impatieac vou lisve unshod at cm loag etiough ilatu yoc olga i trait jott to tho varda thought o so loo camo tttaptlr wiotjh wcfihly ludcod h w la hot ftoo tho familiar mfyirinff ook ho kaoim to vu4 1 look uothlnc mmt to lira popar to coftea or j change bat at lha irritated ration ct his totsa and faoo it djc oat and aha look at him rtth cnil- inc pen uo ball amused cj like tou to njuch iviak tht lam worry you utb said thit qh ha not moaa it do roar q hare beoarpuytac at llirtuaii au ocr urw aadbxmlitekesyotihatq faaofod uis ilsy nest tonight oo art aotn lorf wf th m you da not vant ut to be yonr vlltv ton would bo mikrablfi u i toll y and you tear it but fair cot i ua not calntf to say yot sar it and ttjr fvlitrtikttinilwrt all my ua rui be dexotod to you ty thought ot my hart if you will manr m olca marry you ah repeats harry you franfc then u that in her tons mfcftx lattaitaa reddni aacnly acd thror bdc his baad sho uufiha a lktl la rptt ot uarttlc t nefrt tohoacht of kh a thing in my ufa ehotxys vlth crutu coolnesa doyoumcaa to twlmc tho youns maada- iruadianortttytflqierunc tlat you did art j bi7ltiraaammnaici5andaroodtd ymix and yrt ago r kctexahaanrcertulthie nertr inj rich compact t had no thartt ccnh compact i nrcr heard- oh ye coutcmrtuouijy la tardy to hia ladifiniuxt gunoe i hars hoard hiau inouecdoc sea tonti and vua glic buttoyouthiaklhodjdthe3i thayaratha totxnrticcnws relatiroa mm to thhit they haxs j rljhtta thaw it bat otta parson oaeai to who haj rlit o rpetk ta mo qfauchitltmc my dmr bihar aaiha ha batm ieni and i do nottore for you frank ta that way lamrery fond of yoa thora navcr waa a time when i waa cot i tatai ahe layx sod holds out hoc hand tih the swvt alluring unilo that mitai mea hr alatoa thora newr u1 come a time whan c ahall not be butnotlifca that- tfcero is not b friend iiuto fa the world t wouli sot toaaf loaethaa you ihai hasds and forgtt and forjlvo all this let tu lay food oicbt and good bye and when yoa wtnni ay in throe or four wkfr you wcl hara loitottaa tha fancy of to- eight donotloofccrom franjc it dooa aotbe- ooma you ad come la hha dlpc her handt uc hu ana and hslf tr tt ki moody race draw him lato the bouse tha cs buus low la tha drawing room the piano randa open ho vtrikac tb key as ana ttacda amlhasotbrherihoujdar tadsinss h beattys gdide to elegant writing a tho sirest roao bloomi hzi a day good tfae altcttttrtncmurt end with goodbyul may jtndyouandroanatijybay good bra dd bra cood bra beattts gdtdg eleg1xt wk1tikg lt reriact eu laatrator la pkkkanhhip by the aid cf which roonr njacipi may become rood writers la a very ihort um iteosafsttocc booi of tiity pei cantalnlcc analysis and rr- otanatlon a tarfe nam bar of copy klin far pnictlctnj a beaaucdl oratmealxl sheet and a- handsome caae to con- aintala th whole pricep0stpaid1 addrm eobjiaoa jahncox ontario bus nets collect btlletllle ijieiita wanted harness harness gy penon ra wont of a good let of harneat either sihtile os double should call at creechs saddlery actoiff where they con getbetter nine for their money than any p ace in the county a gd assortment of tumtks ahtj valises on hand a i of which mil be told cheap tor cub tr heparans promptly attended to acton feb jg 1575 organs sewing machines- e creech vj lsl- and no a tpital raked tone a ijl m i five the banneai a trial withtot i xjenae i tnebeit opportanfty ever offered for thoie willingo work you loau try nothing ele until yon ate for y nrrfif hat ynszo do at the batiaea w off r no rcom to explain here yon cos itrau a i y onrxiae or cny your rpara tune to tbtlbiuineif and mite treat pay for erery hmrtfcit yoa woifc- wpnua make a innch airan send i for rpobd mnte tertni ml pirtlnrurr which we mail freef f 5 cntt int dootcomflainof hoidtlnue while yno hare tneh a ebaasa addieai h eallezzaoo fortliad main osaptee it 4jtt31l0sqttm the matnln that follow tbi diehfi of the eooeert c bleak ud law far jane a drill ky frown en male world lha wind u much uce karember l the month of rose ujdlh weather wtie predict tain but in thf inrealanhis itate of the weather h2c jenor ud hire a pony eazttlce and itortl a4 hertelf tor a drire kot for in limlea artreiha foemt to knawrerywell where the want to 03 bhelcrerf plainly droned la black i etnlght dark fignra tftrlag urtghv fa the little cttriifie t blaek ttrt hit with a btae toll twiitedround ltanherhead t shapudltbisrea over ber face u tho drive ihroocn the villaco f hardly to the rfcht or left take the wooclnd nmd ud poll nnit the bed firm entwoqe sleaford aero ibe lit aad rue for i long long time ritb dirklr thouclrtful uo ind broodioc eye t to drearr and daterted boom there her moct rcdftfoabl ekildhcod wi pent warkiaff in ihat kilcheri bar moct misenbla fiuihood wcr broaantkarted at nil nlaetloa hahuarliht to be and may be but broken heart il beoom ingtoomepioplaindi4vloaton uippirently one of them i 100 peh annum ik korix pr ob gion anouei09anrwataioufte- jlill ra be i her fit tad than it on and tn dry nan on and the looke torwatd to the t ini wrtn tonua it ll tab hot and that btgmsesa- r wassjntaai nrmwtabtfttttlltatn rmrj intfuttclaaita41tael bor defloatwsom ttofuti tbtl undi t ftnacni ufmata hie rrta a tetr diuhtntobartwopaltelimaa ttnu rnel- mmindoowteiatohttroiee antttaat at baaatw nowmatm ft bean her anitianqef away tba b nealtea fwats and main fiowirf it nmg to bar the tseatn llotfcl bvbo u4u la his sert soolt s rahar a teiuatioa of rouot that u tht train bcwu alor it bears him mluthrobbisboaomtframaa he haj done vbat dsstior ud ida hilar and tha mil tad houses of taatnor and iitlatoiia ax pocted of him and aha has said ao and uwre is ao appeal and when mr iitlngstosa diss aad worms oat him whatever thcr immediate cania mar be ha is oomiortsoda oonilnoed it will not bo lore 1 bo hi a fairly cheerful mood ha surreys bis fellowr paajtencera nnfoulahli bhdrtbrook paper and reads what the musical erltla of that abeet hu to say about last nigbf i conoort mist mid is landed and urmnton is disposed to laud also 6b sarts remarkably well and lookod terr impoalnix that grand aria from abtmta still rinntmhliearr and it occurs tohimoammarotowofidarwhyherfaoa should be so oddly f amtuar i hot a pretty face ha dodder but a good one a struiae one and onoe seen not easily forf otten and hen he turns to soother comma and sub ject and forgets all about it ho spends three or foturdayi in loiidon amons old friends and old haunts flbrprlaaipal object la oomiaf to town is to fell his mother of the remit of bia proposal and so male aa end of that bwdaou at once and ior but his mother has gone aaarlsiir jl he proposes to follow hor far be know it tc e subject oa which abe ufiitm tiua anxious bat it isncwi that will keep and he does not hurry bim- self ouiheeraamjofttbe tblrd day ha so5 byxp tho bills that miss jsaay wild is to gfre one ov her character oanoerta aad mates up his mind to co porhftps i shajl bo aba lo nuoe her this time he thlau and so pet rid of her altogether i bouata i vu dieajnine of hor half tha night last aihl i bo a little altar the commencement of the oonoort mr uttngston saunters ta and finds s lsrfq sad fashionable gsaheriii- uany of tha faces present are famfuar one iady la a priraja box j bows and atnilea and beckons aad la a few moments he is hhng hands with mrarauntly and bar daahters so cld to moat you once mora my dear boy that groat and gracious lady exclaims and iimwtifr so axtnmair kmburnod and wall a looking so extnmely btmoumod hoard you bad returned with the vontnoreand ware uaylng at that charminj tills and bow- u mrs eatnor and the lorely olca after their mrs- ten toor is much u usual and olga rather lovelier than usual says frank and whan are wo to cootclate yon mr itiriiifton r says the elder miss handy a dasb- ls and darins brunettej but not quite so young as shaf used to be jjx wu hear mora than you think wu staytrhomaa wa expected cslfa would hate captured a flake at least so many rma are t bruliaat matchec this year aad yet there tha is i uiu btt bade again andos wo understudxnattacbed dot yon can open the mysteries no doubt f i only know ott has refused half tha peer ace says iirlasbton wtth oalm numdaefty au forroor tory nsttttas hints ulas hmrtly you damn too much honour in inf errinff i hat anrujing to do with it mightaawqll lore some btyrht particular star and so oa as my beantifhl couatiioifin such daughters of the gods are not for bapecoxtiou arusts ac myself ah here is miss lid end is lfo gvcriu tinging- the famous josrl bout how well aha is too king and in what capital tqioo she fat tonight too hare seen bar before v mxaa breads hantly enquires oaco beions at a concert last monday mlit her toice hac tha ring of mountain bells and what pathos aad dramatic- force aha baa she would make a fine actress u itrec me hiss wild powtou one i like her bettsr now than i did eten then i obsheuiotalycrioamiai brenda pushinc we are tha greatest triond ta fr reoetrod by tha mry best people she is perfectly charm ing la private life and unlike moat artiste always so hng to smk bho cornea to us to- nicht after the ooucert j mamma has a reception llhiak her drawing room songs are crea more beauttfol than her stage ringing come and make her acquaintance says mrs thanks i wfa eltlngstooe responds ha la excaodmg taken by miss wild ha loros cassfe slmost mora than be doac art aad her roiee her look are so sympathetic that they draw him irresistibly besides ha wants to dtsoorer what is that fqiq look about her that so por- plaxea him now i who is miss whd r be asks as ta tho midst ol hearty applause ahe quits the ttage- ahi w iadr rsturcj the elder h3sa hscuy fmdsomeboay ta answer that if yoa can 1 o one knows aha arose first a little pale ttar and went cushiatttg sad enlarging until the u tho star of first magnitude ton see her now hsrk to tho clapprngshat will return in a momcci thoy always encore her songs flatter lag but rather a bore i should think hare she u what will she gitvu hot i wonder r an hour later he stands in the hantly draw lag roam and awaits his latrcductlon to the csntatrxeq 1 ha cannot toll why ho is so liridly interosted in her unless it la caused by that puzzling fsmilisrity but interestod and impatient ha is sad as he has neter been to meet any artist of tha kind before mr liviagrtaa miss wild y- timprr his hostess and be looks down into dark ierwauika eyes into a smiling face he a conscjoufroi bowing and murmuring bis plaaaure- another moment andsomeono elso has claimed her aad she turns is gana he looks after her with kitted brows and erer deepening pemlexitieat that tail figure that renue earnest face those great gemuke eyes they are in some mysterious way u well known to him as his own face in the glass ha tnesto approach her more than onoe as the srening wears on but ahe is always surrounded the charm ot her manner evidently carries all before its as well u the charm of her toioo presently whan he is about to girg up in da- ipsir he hears her singing and makes his way to the piano the words she kings be haa never heard before the air is tender and terr sweet my darling my darling 1 my darling i do yoa know howl want you tonight 1 the wind passes moaning and imatiff rings with axcitapplaa carried away il rank liri ritabia the sawes of tor she it bewftchintfttw ij rfrfuantuhsyfrtmi and heart r in j wtnwtnhsttiisb tha brains of all mssi t ithaflotsrhtbawb are in her room f wim the italian b trailing sflksand hwoaa s thekuabomuryhao goddess in lttojartoa i dasxied rrsst tbty tr alone tn one of the eortir i rooms- her psasw atw fe f brihtbtook ssihrm with ores that flash in has tfags in an exdtad t7thst wsrf ultn4 toiee the uttleson purlotisdvtb making an and of that and hanrtarting oil for th memf tt hh hawtssf turtntzt a summer sketching tear through canada and izijr n w m buj brtttah jaurnhtat it tlt ctuptkb ciiamo dt sroaix when mr prank rringston lameihlsbught- sssss siaslstiijsss sssentfievhat nannaw that was his intention tbaiastwsekof jane i here and eo is mr urlngston canada and briutb cctjimwa plaoea misty afar os unseen and undesired three weeks hare come sad gone warm dusty weeks and erery day of these twentyone days has teen him by the aide of miss jenny wild and for more hours a day iy ho cares to eouii r uus wild tctthl amglagcot er bat one or two otoniags a wiekv she is a fatouria with the musical public and her ooaeeru are al wars well attended oa the nights abo kings a slander md siced- ing handsome young man may be obsstted in one of the front seats drinking in with as traooed looks erery note of that sweetljelwlu toice uiu wq4 oh tho ttago ta trailing afikj and stage adjunct la a very imposing dgrer fol parson 1 stte has a faco that lights nrtweu dark pala an 4 clear crest star like eyas and the moei beanitiux tprif m teeth the young nntlamas in the ionta thinks in all the worm bhau hardly- handsome as times she i potitttalr clam but yet there are other when flushed and sparkling with excitement and tpphuua her dark eyes shining she is hruliantlyi attraetitf she posaesaes la an eminent uegreef that mag uetic unknown foroe auita apart from beauty and called fascination her amue anfchaots her eyes hold you bar yoicahaunta yen liertrloka sad craees of maaner captrrau beforn yon know it where the charm exactly lies no one can tell sad graces of manner captrra where tha charm exactly lies no one not her moat bewitched admirer but it is there subtle and irresistible the tones of bar tqfao the wards she says and lings the light of ber eyes and ber smile linger in the rnsmary of men after iotoiier women are forgotten j perhaps it is a little in bar abounding ritnltty her joyous life hor urrish largeness of heart that has room and to spare for all who come friends sdaiirers loers if you win she has many and foremost ftrwrny them frank lrrlng stoa for frank laringitortohadn ioto or what bo etlli tneh if no iivwexpvrmre he has lored many woman aad beah cared far more or less a good deal in turn hahosome ft- touciiu inconstant he is yet agallaat and gra- couryoung feuowf or whose aalts iiir flirts are tuitoaa mnch to bbunn as his own intrinsic lafl- three weeks ago a young lady refused him at present he is the ardent sdmfear ot siurthcr in any case ho would hare taken his reliction with philosophy and consoled himself bromptly poasilily with some pooddooking young squaw if be had gone to british columbia j he bad not cose to that chilly land and hiss jenny wild the aongtroas baa lmi fstour in mr lords sight she bewitobee hlmrbar force of character hpt great popularity the number of his ritals the evident preiarenoe she ahows him trim his head he ignores past aad future he urea in the pro- sent ta the sunlight of those dark lentrancihg afternoon by her side in the in her parlour he ikirfchse ted attitudes he ii painting hor portrait he is perfectly happy j for miss wild well linngrion cannot ralte make her out her tfa and smile welcome him always she takes hie wraquets aba sings him the songs he likes i her doors are open io him when closed to all the rest of the worlds and something in all this puzzles hiny if it vote anyone else it would bsf most eiwouragtag preference but this is joanna and joanna u different j he does not understand her he is by no leans rare ot what bar answer would be u he inolmed to speak tomosrew she likes him yea of that there can be no doubt but if he were to say joanna wtq you be my wife r he has rery strong doubt of what the answer would be but he reabrhas no intention of baking any such thing the proaent is delightful ft is oharmiag to be with bar that sumoes to day la pood why lift the tail that hides uwnor- rowf to be smitten uothing to ask the lady to marryoneia anotiier and so tonight is your last a tha summer r he says and you all go to yonr cottage at ambuatde tomorrow wall london u no longer hahitahleof eouzao but what an elyidum xthsta found if for the past month i iv too shall gpito ambleside jo and that sketching and hsnting four in british columbia f and that risla to your toxiouff mamma whi of them r ahe asks laughfng they sit alone is he oool enhadedpar lour joanna doing laoe work frank on on ottoman more or less at ber feet with the browning he has bean read fug ajfmd lngy on1 his knee i must see my mother he tantwers frowning impatiently hut it will be a flying visit as for british coiumbiarwell british columbia will always be there and other summers wtu come rarsbl t the chance of going to ambj r not occur again la in h maniood we hive recently pnbluhed a neve edition of dr cuivenrelts oeleiratecl ejsoy oo the eioicar xtd rrajusntt toes without medicine of xervoui de bility mental and fhyucil incapicity impedimenta to marriage etc remlting rom exo vneti m a lealeo entelope only ir oonfe or two pottage tamp the celebnted author in thil admirible eaayv clearly demomtriux frorji thirty years laoeeaafrd practice that alarming can teqaence may be radically cored without the dangeroua ue of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing ont a modof cure it onee timnle certain ind effectual bymeamofwhicnttetyiufferer no matter whit hi condrtiob my be pay corf himialf cheaply privately and radical- leoture ahould b in the handi of very youtk- and eveir man m the una aw odsesna vffgfti hrw rott pottomcteozwms robt craine apton tsprepared to call on rersoni retiainnr either seville machines or organs he eas agekdes feoif the belt manor tctttroraln toe coon try and will enaracteo itllsftetion lo porchltenc term very reuouable order lea it hit retldence oraddrecsed to htm to aetan p o will receive prompt attention b craiae scon fe bownes palatable castor oil isprnurtlnstorinperieal agreeable 10 chj dxrji4m05tiensjdepcncai tn us msnutacturc tcepropcrtimortiitoltlut produce psinsndrm putgsre dunsutedsiiditis rendered not oalyaisd sadpleasint in us u bti slialaicly ltutelesd aad psbulls u k preci3ienjy the uaat luz uve sod cathdrtic kaoy a lad u a remedy tbfcot t coosoputoa cndsll imcticuv daiasr mentt 1 1 s unequalled and k dvned ta uk uk place oi erode ou ind oil druuc fqu zed purji ttrcc for sale by all druggab st t ccctx s 1m tls dea l fsd to try k wu in that attic roam haw many ropremelj wretched eights of cold and pain aad isolation and heartbreak the child joanna itruggleq in that adjoining- chamber her mer-chese- taskt master bad met hit fate and passed to bis death is that parlour with it shattered panes haw puny a jolly real had been held in which ber part was only additional drudgery and yot ah hod liked them too there ware lights and musia and laughter and dancing and youth and at on of them she had first seen prank livingston eiy handsome face the soma face older man er she had looked upon again but niht out of yonder broken gate aha had watched him come one never toseorgotteu morninc with his fair uttie cousinln his arms i last night he had sat by teat fair young cousins sideandlistenedtohersingmg i always these two are associated in her mind and always with a tense of dull morbid pain la that gloomy kitchen she first saw aeonrey lamar the true noblobeorted friend who had done all in his power to lift ber out of her misery aad out of herself han wild joanna fullered and slaved was beaten and girded al j from here she fled out tntc the world with george blake and today she might have been george buko i wife if chance or providence had not thrown in ber way frank livingstone and so in a moment changed her wholeufe 1 she tarns from the eerie rpot at last and goce cm to blacks dam hare loo time and decaf- have laid their ruinous finger i the old mill ber shelter aad solace so often has fallen to utter decay the pond is almoet dry sflcntdesolatioa reigns she turna from it with a shudder end drtvce sway great drops of rain are beginning to patter but she cares almost as little for a wetting now as in the old days i she drives to abbott wood the old ratekocper lives ctm in the vinewreathed gothic lodge but he can give her no newt of his mjsfrine mistress j a lawyer tram the city doo everything thai fe to be done injheee latter days 01 mrs abbott or mr goonrey noonewems to know anyt tha rain falls heavily aa she drives through the icvely leafy avenues up to the grand silent sombre house the blinds era down the iutten closed it looksftslf it were mourning for those it ha lost she doe sot go la though she is invited to do s she feels she cannot look at those fair empty aytartmantav filled by the haunting faces of naif u doren tears ago her own is among them the restless tmhsppr aimless joanna of seventeen bhftlsnffltbersimlesanorrostiebssow she hie foundber niche and work in life and thay suit like same evil ghost on its flight- on the wet street your lamp s fam ahlnoi redly ton are dsiag alone didyou start as i spoke r did yon guess at thii deadly cnul pain in my heart t out hero where tne auil rain is falling just once jutt smomanvl wait ot even lave t ears oould have heard bat oh i was hungering eo dear t for one little word i ah me 1 for a word that could move you like a whisper of magical srtl i love you 1 1 love youl f love you i thora is no other word la mt heart- sna looks up 1 her eyvs meet his ha she been conscious ot ni presence there all along her hands strikes the wrong chords there is a ler and discord a flash rise over her face she laughs and suddenly breaks off oh go on t half a dozen voices cry that la lovely i isiiigttfrommeniary wild says it is a little poem i litupcn the other day in a tng aad it seemed to fit some music i had i will sing yon something better instead she sings k kathleen mavourneen and look ttojnare at frank iitiagstou he stands wondering and of bis wonder finding no end he turn over absently some shoctso music bearing ber name and as he doe so from one of them a tritten page jails it is the song she bac broken off instantly ha commute petty larceny and pot it in his pocket it will serve as an excuse to call upon her and restore her property thinks this artful dodger find out who she 1 i must or shall perish miserably of curiosity katbjeenmayurnetm la finished and she but ber listeners seem but way may ne t think it had better not occur now start on that visit to mrs livingston tomarrow and take tram from there to liverpool it will be best believe me you have had a surfeit of ambleside and the lakes i ahould think before now 1 neither anibleaido nor he lakes wiu be novelties certainly a i do not go for them you knowthal do you forbid me to follow jo- annar why should i f she says and her dark eyes rest on aim a moment i lfke you to be with m xo do not say anything oonmlimontary please i wa not angling for that rmeanwhat i say it brings back the old times and tho face i seem to hava lost outof my life that past is a dark memory enough and yet it holds mod things mr abbott gidnrry and daarlu- ua leo i can never regret it pain whan i think of them and does it held oo one also v be saki jeal ously ah you were no iriaridcfinine in those davs do not deny it have an excellent memory lor tha few w ho cared for me in that desolate time and yon were not among them why ahould you have beent i was only an ugiy and uncouth creature rude in manner atlookand speech i ws not oi your world theo i am not now no th gap is not bridged over yet doyoa th4k i do not know ut do you tninkldonotknow it never can bet tarn a linger i am papular t make money if that is all taahlanabl people like mrs huntly ask me to their parties because i sins and amuse their guestsj but i am name- leas homeless vagabond and a wanderer and to know who i am fi the one unsatlsnod desire tha on eeaselee longing of nty heart surely t must bare a name aurely in some reins the same blood must flow tnere were the blea- fords i do not know to this day whether they were related to me or not 14 a little more shaakin and less than kindj do you think i am erex without you t ever lose for an instant your face or tha spell that breathe ahray about you m your subtle ineds tracer why eren tonigfat put away dear from the light m yottr eye though i stand ifmlaslliiicersjidptaydaaf th touch of ypuhani i j ah tne i f or a erord that eoold tnor yo like a whisper of magical art i i lorry ou 1 1 lor you 1 1 low too there is no other wort la my heart win jrour eye that ar loving still lor m f will your heart ono so tender forgrref am darling stoop down frcsa above cdt afidteumetollte ikrreyoul xloveronl i ler yon t oa eria and riatng takei both bar band is ma fersrias p i joanna 1 lora yoci isjsfs ha t yon ftw earriad my darling stoop down from abora ma aad tail ma to utsf ha repeat do you hear jo anna 7 love yoa i x tall yoa 704 ban carded heart as you foyoyaajdleao bystjppnr ha stands atlant 3t tb batads ha clasp sr riot withdrawn tha nrtdark taodar eyas da not droop thy ar fbtad on hi faesv i silsoeeuoonsent rhagaylycrka ssdraarf ring off hk little flajer and slip tt on oss at hers ibind yon with this ha mrs for to bt to-mcmrwiwmdrinayouabsttar- e tries to clasp her but aha drawl ymqft back dvdonotsh exclaims ooi lua roioa ofoaln r thef are the ftrst word she ha l and there is a ton akin to terror m tbato she smiles a moment after and jwok down at thering i you are all my own be says i low you and i claim you wear thai nntfl totoutiww my darlmg yon sang and looked uk saanjelto- tha first i think but ihysjlosl axas asid ringing tsaosl rpeak tha paasiomt excitement rhiiin supper lah wsiting says th stolid i totoe of stout madame hrioson f you had batter coma j they go and lfrbagstost quaaehsa bis fmrsr and excitement in iced fhstepagnn somewhere to the small bout tbe qttla party breaks up and b goe boo through tha sozo- mar moonught iuu of triumph snst erultattost still hamming softly to himself tb hamntkfl word of th song 1 t but long after he 1 asleep long after she is for gotten rrtn in hi ossnaa joanna atts m hair room and watcbe theslendef yew jnlymcsm iititseu over too black taoecrt street fvfaf troubled pain and dirtre m carried by sfcinn abie repeaa to beraalfl j carriikljii heart by storm ah i irank lrrtto- rtontvlt your heart yoejr fancy jour exaftaai jtnacttttinn whatt bar- whatover ft ta try lovs mylote i lore yon 1 chaptzbvil tb prettiest room m e in one of th moat charn it i not extnragantly fi many ctsxtiola with which ft is dscoret evtnoo rather she reverse oi rloba on ths pars th owner of th bouta but they ar food iofthapirttiartrchu foslotuln snburba dtestss parto they 1 thekm4andmttwttaat zna tote are tnperlcc and wen ehotea the ona piano batlbientsbyonaec uw moat otaicloal of fltiwli rn open on tha mead the oar uln ind hinrlngi art of watt matiriaf andvriiw aeoloaatadtlmt wnkh 1 nrrmltttvama aa it lac ibont thajartmgdluit7iiiiiit tt it with enrarre while the nttfntat and cedtc everywhere apparent tad tna ateeaqo a oka uttltlnithmiia wtrlah tbomd ta kttbi way corner mark tbe mfltttnow ce woman it u ntarly undowa tod aba lata ran ant uehtmg np thii pltetaat room ta wtdon two bullet tn ttated in deep aad anient eetrltceaeat one 1 perched on the motto tttotai4 olatm btt knee wtth hc hand waft tfcurrmtfctartrr 14 u elderly ttebawho oo an rrt naif thejradot j taalatasrwnottnohjeitte btan tha pejrflrr mjtraeet va recent tonowjit ipaamaf in t bn cweet voice whote etery tccw haatbatpa tricitarnrgwhiebiptakilba cam of vend tare- tea leo the tayt tmcerely hope vbat geoff wfu no longer stand m hiiowsjitmmabr tardlt a hsdott now hetttn kxtowit bonoor him fn hi chivahnsi lotion with rttptotaesoor joun money ind 1 bavt tapporttd mxa trtronehootbatwbyhe tnonld trra op ltarjede lon fort taks of a soar cadastre patsat my compiwhenirina j 3at mimma llilei iwiatt fern ttiuttl car aha lt u developed into ifafrylfk girl nf lljlilltll withall her mothara wettnest tad tiiitttlitj udbeanryof farm really taiaaythktl wan my child i am eniia emami act tverto to her whqe the raouy wtulietbaltry eroundnawalki on and would make hhn ta beet trottt and meat tstotioaatt erwrrta tet mmmt but geoff it varr straafa yof flee hi lift tor ma and you i am avtaia bat aea what he hold to b bit duty xojon think hi lore her with a true tad petal oone lore soohta tbe nt told mt over tad ortr atjtin tba bean for him i if not geoff wtb amr rnarry her tourtntaer 1 not one of thctw bnrhtrtutt mare oreatnrat of lmpaltawboeaaiy thatr btana 1 ttoeyea hltiaa mto 1 their an on n t thmkbeitv wnoat foodof joiit d a well ibe 1 hardly that and fferent a mnoh wlter jentltr nobler berwed hnthii kxnna thantdarktoiioontcttewfl ssyimar softened ud f od bah trtod the b many of lover the ha badhnr ss of her tbstonoeloou who oak ud paid p aftlrnooni pirfeewr oton and kill sosonwnrrsac hand fmtlwm on rdene of lta a ttuuitot2l h look aoyuiiiig but dipizing roughse grwf twaad aiavtitfowoa gaiaw jjjr il makes a motion to rise insatiable only one more ono little litiic one dear miss wild a young lady says she pauses glances at livingstons absorbed face am lea and begins my ainlngleside and then in one aeoond like aibuh a shock th truth bunts upon him he has heard that song before 1 in tho drawing room of abbott wood be ha heard the same voice sing lt 1 he stands petrified spellbound breathless his eyes on her laoe bieafords joanna 1 ass yes yes the reddish unkempf hair shining dark becomingly drassed the sweef voice perfected womanly and sweat but did steafordu joanna how it comas about he doe not know but fire minutes later he la standing with her alone both her hands clasped in ills it ur he exclaim i cannot be mistakea it it joanuar i bleatordi joanna she answers and tears slowly fill ber eyea though her up are smiling x saw you know me pnzaled a you looked and thought the old sang would put an end to your evident misery yea mr livingston after all these year it u joanna and i am the first to find you ho says trium phantly t that is a gpod omen tell me where yon live i mat come to see you and talk orer the old days yon ahall not make a stranger of sold old a friend joanna so old a friend she draw away hr hands andlanghs wtre you and i ever mends f ah reaoonwandseeme it doe nie good to look at a brigh tbrook face and i am glad ye glad thai youriijttis first and tha is sleaforda joanna tjvingston thinks going home through tba dry streets leelinj dasad and in a daata fair isataly what does it matter 4o anna i i ou oat aota of friends who love you foe yourself yon hare made a name la tbe world honours why regret what yoa may be i better without fcnowingt v hex work ha dropped her hands clasp bar i knees as she leans forward in the old fashion be remembers her great eye look dreamy and wistful and far off i i wouldrgive bilf raj- lif p to know l wql never rest until i know tub sleafard i have lost eight of even lara haaleft and cone to london betore i had reeled sriglrtbrook for the boys it is doubtful they could tell me any- thmgeven if i found them the secret of my lifegues sloaford alone heldj and ha carried ft with him into the grave i would give all i pos sess to know you cannot understand this yon who have always had name and borne and rsla- tlcsisaod love this ceaseless haariditmger for somaofie to whom we belong ah welil itts fol- ly to sigh over the inevitable but up the same it loavei me today whatiwaknxyerfago and yon you bad mnch bettor be wis bed go to canada and shoot moo4 tha past week have been pleasant yes but they are over bay good bye tomorrow and do not com to ambleside j i shall never be wise if that isrwisdom be says coolly i am always happiest when with you let me be happy intajown way 1 shall make that filial visit of course that cannot be postponedbut i shall return and spend my ftini- mer at ambleside j she amile and says oo more i she resumes her work sadherds browning it ltvingston cannot understand bar nettbar oan the understand herself all herhlb he bia been in ber eyes something different frets ouuriacn in her jmorp youth be wg4ta ing of her fairy talea in bar drtiry girlhood ft slight a word from him oonid stab ber a no other had power to tab 1 ie does not understand why tbi should bf only know it is so thtoe is np reason why she ahould care far him there are a hundred good and sound ones why she should near tb fact rekfsina she does oan for him ah wtfl earo for himpceattlytoherufeiend fre nature but woe bafau calve him z think be is vary fcoc xorme society and rrsst wiihoct bar fortuua she would be quite worthy of him h wstj lsstrk to love her if nothing eosna betvaas to mar their wooing which batrafi forbid wall mamma i tope it win oomeall right lb the end scraahow ar ottter awya le ttbar lightly we hav tied enough of waadrfh tto i fro ta late and poor darlusg old buhanarit killed himself to get smooth auctsc u lire comfortably anongh till my prino cbaxni- ing coma alone and yoa wt rio of yourtoonij pet for ever taars prang into tb oidudyxt which leo- no sooner see than ahe jump up with mob haste that aha over th mnsie stoot and iunningovr to where mrs abbott 1 atttinj throws her arm around be neck and kta bar vehemently after the irftttr of thontittves young ladle o bar age aadulrpo ai u auttl of th recuesanea of old john abbott about ber after all i why yon dear di4fft old mamma aba says do you suppose for one moment i would ever leave you for a wretch of a mam parian the thought ifhe will notthat is if ha rcr don come be content a live with you aad geoff that is if you will hare hhn b will have u look after another prinoeasr mrs abbot u about to adir a f sw mavtiui word when there is a loud knock aft tba from door followed almost immediately by the so transe of a young lady dressed in a moat bej witching marning txtinna and who rtandslookj lag from on to the other with rather an amused sudleopon ber faeew j so the ntnfafmi i bar caught yon mating and making hup haveltj x need notaakwha is tbe matter leos april luo rpprwmw ban what new sin have yen committed p tall m at once i 1 she step into the fast fading sunlight a ah speaks and u stands oonf estted a charming fmgr ushgandsrperiilsrrj thar t no n lag that at all event her drees alone would convinod yoa without a look at bar face tuat ccnrmtiod strong a prspf of aory wxtt csaptbbjvi tw quzzx or i0s0 after frank ha left her joanna sirs for some time in deep reverie a she reflect over bar pmt we with its change it sannringa and it irtwrnphs thare arlaarjn jier mind ap mortfiiaa a niisgivihg it frank iots lu the old days ha wa a indiff erens to bar exist snoufihhad v j wb for him now msvttaf u lad nerer bats and ft to an vary ow to uins a lor which may b i it to fanjrtustr m st tw gipsy beauty the sye soft but brilliant tb tfp full and red and wreathed into a winning srntti the brow broad and maaafre but nc higntoter wliiah the black hah- urtws in gtaawy vwnsrf ii to her share scui famikerrct fan look to her face and ypnll forget them n leo pnngs up from hr mothers chair and i with a orry utigh criea i ma u sweetest of listen what briagi you j ntoau bvnble oot at thii hour t to u ouxttgued si iadelia pirn on her recent antral is pfesdeu was met at ilia railway lut oo by party of her admiicri their pokeaaaa gereral handed ber a baaufafnl bouquet and vai about to dtlier an addrest when the unpreua to of tbe prima dtinaapproact- d him and i ud your exoe lency plia po tpooe the agreeable tk of mdrcasing mtdam for in this draught ahe may easily catch a dreadful cold ii the head ud rrtary tnchaceid nt cast mejlt000maiks i thi native- rtsxdingjin theaaighlcurocfd of moororikf liberia nokil lately wtre afl tomod to vint tbebityjdretacd tery much in the hy e tf our first pfrente myor leon a cm liad mi2rant irw tb united stfttk uaoed a pnclamatwoi totheeff thattiba men fboa d wear bracahe and the vaat4 ft j gown to the toe or tbey oomldnt sitssd i market tne dvcrr now ouerrad belli a the rural regioni the praaitivu ooctome oi tfti tatiwen oi tmrrepubfla rtmsisg t r

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