Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 5, 1880, p. 3

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i x so loata- our every ih7 a c bicde dugt aievck co 5 ijfes be i the kt bar- lime v tlit frail 1 tie 3 lnf tit iroldalf irfntsrmfy ijrave- 1sjbrtdet hi to rtf rr pets- o a receipt cemir oatxxk rdvrr i suits b iettvtk- repairs i t5a ssnstnrwsgbir ps3ffjs i gfcxvbttcxl nut tails trains leave aetones taltowit looljtu west xightyiprei httjain tomato inatl a st i0m day express 1 42pm express 5lapm out inind 70ptu cotsc tast sight kxpresi loatu oalwttitcd shlini day exproit 1130 aru western mail skopra teajottmiied i 930 p m multuie table j nuts atxttvio i frnmfkatfcloam framtmrotinul in vt sdtp-rit- tram knaieaoull feti sua an tuctjajt and friday e speytde sum on tuesdays afid fridajt it idi closed j aotnrtteukis ra t tc sul- cis p m stall for toronto lumsurt i kitatiifcau nitlt tfcaqauioateea lays tad fituaj cytde bull to a m da tuesdays end frtjajt i klirehkertnut be matted is mln- vtetrtcecolart i ksr idvetiskuextis furniture john vtsfow co school books etc j e ucgsrvin hardware j as hal thews hasryerd veuow oil given awy s r wlls evjcw dominion arsons and piattosj bovs own tpet w warwick bocla anf shoes crame dt son tttcssnav vtorxtjc fxrt 5 lisfl torrxxkd corsrv ifc j 0- sulfcis e3isuailtoaoa4 i t1i mustsi itea ot ctora of stut dsseciptlsa both eoftl ui veel rtajiagla piles from 54 up whici hsupwritjitaseu clwj for resi ffbo ustrtmsat la eomslttt- oillaii httf ysa nain -start- mr hill tu aiso t rplcalil let oi tmj lotittnn tadartmmrgiauiliiurn hliwtlivill trttcia ffaip qlu sts l skovt fifiom oa tiiariiy ycur good sleighing uav lxege ctdkds xttead ttc rink vp two muse classes preparing for ctaceru j six lakv wotsfoid oa nv tdrertuemeat is actos spared foriie argiaui tic4i of uechxnics iautate stxtgiis are nnmnij viatln litte more soot ix required to mtk klciiiing pki gnqirgrtows is torfcing ixrd tu hix9 mechaniea lostitatfi crgioiud ia tfcjitttnrn tacsgis soale ulfc of s joint ktocfc cooipajij- lieiakfarsied for the parpot cf opehtcgx cemeieiy ir tiie villxy teosc wlotitw tlit end ui ptifdt ng tter ucituesi thracji the newfisprt ptctnliv ule tfcele d itt everthicg clj- peqf httringju fcinjtuij clss ix prggeniag ttry ftvorxliy 4 casccrtof s fcgltanliri will ule yuce m x fci week messrs jaua wartfold si co ri- feddicgx rand dcsrjnff- sale of funiitare all vb irxst 00- faznitare mx cost kj rkit their nrenwrni tthc xtoi5c drfcs ar uvirg iaiitocfcof energy aud pafcieocc iq iatwi pttioa of st valcnttufts dy au nlea- tine not prepaid rill be caafiscxted tee toa iad several pauic of uiltca ire hinh c mioatare vir in rcfereace- to the opiuag of new jttrwt to u credit tue nilciy gpjaadsl read tlik3fliuicau ta lhe fex pccss cd then co cd toe tue idrtr- tipe tuo arlio- do not idytrtise hxre- it j the girl wbogetf trrrid on the 29titof fetinurj- iad tiiail siea nmt irdac feel u prosd of tfcej job irhra she comeato ct ta celebrxu tifl cijttil tad ailrerwesidiiii wh2t oa see fc man on mootx- ifght ttijht trpeg to convince hi ahador that it u improper t fcllor tgtntleniin jot may be tare tiifc it i higbitime fcr him to jjin temperaace society jcffeinait wlioitas paid bis tares iresra a telfaatiased loot the kin who haaat ioualbarrk idcance j at that rate alloar tifepiven should rear satisfied looks at all ke tares of the village re paid in to the vdlie treaiorj- by the i5th of deeemler int j tffe prospects o an ice prop are eooaidersbly brightened by the weather irhich feuraarybrings earelyjdoes ibis month faili gire a large proporboo of cold days aconple of weckf lite thi past tvro or three days iii reorore sll fearjof ah in- saisiaent goantitr of ice forcnnor use deae manftot a eeai ax a wave or aanoir bant or a bbcsrd orj anythins cool and refreshinr yoa miy have to spare aadfinttiy oblige yoart verj j truly qudpb herald cait do it sonny it fakes all the- frigidity we have go to keep our own thermometers dwi winnipeg frecpruz we are often in receipt af letters aakinf uiw please insert in year paper such and such a thinr when the parses bare got their priatinr done at another office- no w re willing to alfrsyi give such information when they have their printing done at this office but jit looks a little cheeky to aak for aoch whin they go eljjirhfreior worfc which theyj caaliget josf aioodnd cheij atiiomej tbei bbdpy dream of feutl lhurir sty oiwstfr xbe rfroprieal of aroiramg toesickofheftjth fonr r of extrriivfaini- nrt il goffering irlm diseaeh of ilikrdnetio at vvetori baahu wl rvauru if taken in fine tn greattned icloe willprevent brit 4ieibrii wnet dbvbetef eta om u positivejpfcinoin ml dta- eases of tbe nrinarjrjyetem koraals by detri gphodl valkxttses valuidtuoa uuw sp war ia ibc faucy iton windnwl jtujrsiltstic mr kim of wes ley fc ivius publishers of the barrit ai- mcr has withdrawn from that tirin tite puuflt rev r ealitw vav tor of the hctholiit chnrch will dv deliver a kcroiou ulal taliblli evening ou the evils of tlte tobatco habit qhaxtsto iiieuhd av the hut mcttiug of uauou and weltiugtoa coauty cuottctli fmi w re granunl by each eodncil for the relief of the diitrcascd in ireland holltttv sttow the anuual orltibi- iou of the ontario fgullry auociition wsa tpeacdinguclpb outurtday itb aloat 1joo colricf aadcoatiuufa until friday ltctdlecatel elder a ander loaot tlanulton will dv preach in the disciple xlcvtittff ltooic acton oa kanday tlxc sth feb at 11 auu aud g pm ilore accoititodattos at the iaet eimtiugot the liuardof ttuilets ilrl 15 little ieli called the attention oftbe lucabera of tho board to the fact tbat further accomutodatioa would bo required at the pebltc hchool than ia at present af- totded a locxl piper no man caa in the preacut diy lay any claim to iatclliince wuo does not keep up with the timeaaud tafann himself upon ibte question of the day local aud geuersl such information upau local eveau can only behad by taking tlte local paper and the belt should always be selected however many other papers an one may take no intellicent man can afford to ba without the local paper bubo rartotr tuesday night 27th ult burglara entered the sine of uetsra cleod auderson etoo georgetown and toot possession of the cash in the till amounting ta 21l5 and ailka and silk handkerchiefs worth 300 as toon as the burglary became known immediate steps were taken lo find the thieves they were traced to torouto snd the- matter is now in die bauds of the toronto detectives fiat oa sutituy aioraingitr jts bruwn jr aud wife were aroused from dumber by the cracking of fire near their bed it seem that there is a fireplace iu the bedroom which had been boarded up and the stovepipe vaa entered into the chimney of the lireplacc during the night the loot hilciujtht tire and falling down set tire to the boards placed over the tire- place which soon bnrst into a flame the prompt application cf a few pails of water checked the destructive fiend akciext okdek of ovited woek ken a lodge of this order was instituted last friday evening ia uilton with thirteen charter members the following officers were installed for the present year i e5 harrison- past ulster workman 1 mcgibliya master yvoikuun j 11 bcuceit ilastcc foreman a smith overseer i j l llccolium kerurder s w taylor fiuaccier a b figovrxxfvcr t j stfrret guide a ik faltaer- inside vtatchman e huwson ojtfije ustchtnaa hacjsris yellow oil is on- of ibe uret remedies in the world for the cjre oriihtumiism xeuralgia iumba- sa sjitul nud himncbtil compliiuu deafness eirrache cramps pralds bruiies ialli stft joats swelleu hands sore k ppei stijl kect chil blains tetter frost bites chapped tsncfa wounds cuts soro liiroat stints of ituecis shottaess of l5reatb ir any d tut ar pintal or sar vte hive no heitttion in recjommening it for any of the above campuiau and believe it the quirkestacd most perfect combination fcitosa to remme pain fiom almost any cause and tin be qfed iher internally or externally for particulars tee wrapper accompanying ench buttle for sile by ail dealers ptice 2j cents athosr i flood on taesday evcuiuz it was noticed thst the dam of kiefclius mill pond had sprung aleak which was iccreasiig very rapidly it sppears that a mustrat had made a hole around one of the posts atthe gate of the flume causing the water to escape below the foundation of the flame these who discovered the leifc immediately took steps to check it and did so before any teriras damage had been done had tbe leak not been discovered at the time serious consequences would un doubtedly have followed as a numlier of shops and factories are situated below the mill- and the great weight and volume of water intbe dam would have swept many of them away the breaking of this dam a number of yearsago caused treat damage church social a very enjoyable tea social was held on thurtday evening at the brbokvill town hall by the young people of kassacaweya presbyterian church the eev hit ilcpherson the pastor occn- pied the chair notwithstanding the sever ity of the weather there- was a large turn out the bau being wmforfably filled after alfpresent had been amply supplied with tea and other good things ot which there was a bountiful supply the programme was proceeded with tbe choir of kner church guelph sug several anthems very accept ably andwere warmly applauded speeches were delivered by ee ifr jickenrie wesleyan methodist minister of kassasi- weya and iler w 8 ballof guelph on the whole the social was a success and was closed at about tea oclock with the bene diction by the eev mr ilckenrie peesestatcos at thikesroed on the evening of the kth icst one of the bible claries of the eev l cameron chameaford formerly of this village accom- panied by some other friends in all about sixty proceeded to the manse and presented him with an address and a valuable gold chain also mrs cameron with an address snd handsome silver ice pitcher the ad dress to mr cameroa referred so his untir ing efforts for the improvement of the class ia bis excellent methods of imparting in teraction to his kiianesi and vuriieat cre over them and his timely connsel and mm- iogi siyl closed ly wiahing that lie might be long spared to go in and out among tfiem tneaddressto ilricomeron bore testi- mpny in her- ane m a hchniat to her husband and to her uniform kindness and anxiety for their welfare mr cameron made a feeling reply lor hiiuseif and mrs cameron books bbippkry walkiku- a wiuy fnoud uf oun slipped down ou an icy ildswalk ou saturday and wblls sitting he muttered 1 have no desire to tee the town burned dawn but i sincerely wish the iltteti were ltid ia aihee t ou munday mr k p pyper ot j p vvilltamsuu e covdry gpoda sttabluhmeat omlpli made ua a friendly call mr s w galbraitlfonnery ot the fan puss has secured the appointment ot par liamentary reporter for the jviroato olooa mr lames melam blacksmith who has been spending the put week or so with frieuda iu huron co returntd home ou saturday last on tuesday last we hid a call front uey a b dcmill president of txtuills college oshawa mr uemill reports the college in a flourishing ccudition with a largir attend aude thsu it ever heretofore enjoyed mr w c king who left our village about 7 weeksigo to via t tu aged mather n fcluglaud returned home on thursdsy last he arrived iu his native laud iu time to see his mother who died a few days after his arrival mr king says the voyage was very rough brutal oatrtuce a esse has eorae uidr oir not lee where the liliumxn father cj a most tromlt az clillj 4uertisroiuaviiteutaltackofcronpwlitii tireslcued every moment la tmlusle a- uly acwslj- reosei la rpeinl 15c uoa a ikittle uf wumjls compound hvmriof wild cnettj nuliocsh ureu hvs oclslibor tlrt h tuow tt would tlv the lltte kcttc t r imv melste reltetand ellreta snedv care wiuonc wild- cherry nver rmu it rlrarsuttatakecntl lseoullvemcaclusfor fhldrta or adults in oeuerit lldlllly ctiroolc liroiictilllor meac unicsthe ionic nrokrtl tirtue fully liroijta tnta nlarkdd llseantluued ue will befouod ti increase tan appetite trnprore tn dieestton and ctve tone and vifr to lh hale system t- argor steed b met loll more lu nroikirttna thsu tbe small and ilos wun tinctr eeoumy wllf pureiiase elthtr th 20eorltlze kotaiiralldruesttsu 4t divilon qourt tbe following are the dates of the aittings of the division courts in the coauty of halfin for the year 1880 no i mrrtox on friday jan so feb 2 march 26 april 80 may 28 june is aug 27 sept u oct 29 and kov 26 ko 2 oixttlix ian jlt march s may 12 july 2 sept 8 kov s xo j gmmmwir isn w march s may 18 july 13 sept u nov 9 xo i acrox jan 20 march 10 may 19 sept 15 kov 10 ko s niaaiaawtrx jan 17 mar 8 may 17 kov ii ko g nsxsox atfiauxerrov jan i3- mar 2 may ii july 8 sept 7 nov 2 clees or dmsiox cocars ko i wm paatou milton ko2kbslmcr0akvine ko 3 john holgite georgetown ko a jas luithewa acton ko 5 8 r lister campbdlsvilie ko 6 e miller burling ton school books eant f e4weauu thr first meeting ot the board of trustees of acton school oiviaioa wae held in matth cve flail ou monday evening sad iott present messrsd heudersoa s moore il speight a lsaby and j speight as directed by law a chairman ia required to be elected at the first meeting of the boardtd preside oyer the board during the year moved by 0 henderson seconded by s moore that juo speight oocapy the chair during the current year carried moved by d henderson seconded by s moore that the fillowiug members consti tute tho standing committee for the cur rent year nsaxcx cotacmrx pccrirrr caus 1 1 tx d henderson s moore jno speight m speight a latby j xssby carried ur e little psi preteoted a report aud intimated that a number of improve meuts were required the committee on finance having exam ined the following accounts find them cor rect and recommend payment thereof the moire salary for jan 4583 miss mckellar 2500 miss grant 1875 peter mccann account for repairs 205 s moore freight on cement go j c llll sutioncry 102 thoa moore paper for covering books 187 mrs hughes caretaker 625 h p moore holding election taking ceutus printing etc 1200 aui tuv mo ttcasutcr apptyw rne reeve of the village of acton far a cheque tuiheieht to pxv the said several sums moved by d henderson seconded by lasby that the first report of the finance couimitte just read tie paased carried moved by d henderson seconded by s moore that it be an inatructin to the pro perty committee to examine into the matter referred to the board by the public school inspector and take inch action as they deem necessary and reportto this board at its next meeting carried moved by d henderson seconded by m speight that h p moore be and is hereby appointed treasurer of acton school board during the pleasure of the board and that he be paid the sum of ten dollars per annum carried moved by d henderson seconded by a lasbr that the treasurer be required to execute a board to this corporation for the safe keeping of books psper moneys etc coming into his hands as such treasurer and for the proper accounting of the same tuch surety to be for live hundred dollars car ried moved by m speight seconded by s vloare that the aecretarybe instructed to advertise for a sufficient quantity of good sound hard wood cut from standing green tiniber beech and maple carried moved by m speight seconded by s moore that this board adjourn to meet again in the school hnuse ou monday even ing 1st msrch at 730 pm carried the grate leaves in esqueaing oh the 3rd intt mr geo leavens aged 21 years sod 7 months funeral will leave the residence of mr jaob snyder at two oclock pm today and will proceed to the graveyard at churchhul mckacchtos in esquesing oa the tth intt mr job n mckaiighton aged h years funeral will leave the residence of mr ftm hampshire soninlaw to deceased at 2 oclock on friday 6th inst and will proceed to the boston presbyterian church cemetery hexdebsot ineaquesing on the 31st ult david henderson sou of jsa hen derson aged 21 years 2 months aud 10 days deceased wu a student of albert college belleville and anticipated entering the methodist episcopsl ministry to whicb end iris studies wcto directed came home from school unwell about two weeks age school books notlo8 worth ahntan tut utetf styles ia itifffelt hit at j fyloi i otstebs by the can or quirt at loalins bakery peot value in co to fa acton at j v manns uhderclotulkfl gd and cheap at j fyrei good value in so cent tea at b huleus new store all the newest thlngi in loll felt hutj fffef a roll stock of carjifll warpj at b hiulettt new store i oiatkm fresh oysuin received daily at kicklins bakoryi j picture framing done at leu than city trices at c w hills militarx hraij of urstclasn qual ity at b unleus tier stott kotutka to surpass those ten dollar suita at j fyfet gexts linen collara all sixes cheap at u haaleltf dew store cheapest slotto frames fa he country to be had at c w hills get yonrself some cabinet photos while they are cheap c w hill fort indira silk handkerchiefs and fcarft ga lo b ussletts new store fresh currants and raisins just received at christie henderson t co a hew lot of ladies corsets all liiet cheap tt b haleui new store ir yoa want a nohbyj durable and cnesp sail 1 fjfes is the place to go cheapest oysters in town freeh snd good at kicklint bakery try them a aoon line of black cuthmeres cheap for cash at b lfuletit new store live goose wanted c60 potiads live goose feathers christie henderson tco jcjt aebived a io of no i corn meal tt lawsoabros flour t feed store foe the uust style to promenade portraits with handsome easel and frame o hill j herrinos- lake huron herrings at james matthews cheap j c w hill pbotojrrapher has introduced a new lightning process ko more lon sittings potatoes if you wish a hag of fin tclaas potatoes cheap delivered call at lavson bros flour and feed store erbvbstiok uetter than cure buy a good overcoat and prevent catching coll you can get one for tsqo at j fyfet leave your orders for millinery tt once everybody will want a new hatorbnntforthe holidays christie henderson k co 1 akice asaortment pf ladw new lse t ichaa at b fiuletls ne store teas i try lames matthew so cent tea thi best jeti icc pieces of dundax cottons jut receired bigiit before the rtrenl ad vance of til dee naw it the time to secure a bargain in cotlors christie henderson k co j wake rook to nuke roim for extensive recent purchases werilt offer special teduction in lines of iw eeds dress goods of 20 per cent for net cash dont let he golden opportunity slip so blow christie henderson 4 co exteepaise mesarjnrcqaillah hamilton of the wellington marble works guelph are doine the ttt and cheapest work in canada being the first to introduce firctciia work t low prices- by importiuf direct the beat qualities of marble aad arauite 10tf gests we are making the cheap est and bestfittingordered clothing to be found in the dominion fve do the hig basinett we do the prices right we have the- big lock to choose from call and leave as your order mcleod ander son k co mammotu house a long time in suffer twentyeye years of endurance with catarrh il a long period of annoyance and misery mrs e j planners ol catarrh bemedy has rescued pj from intense suffering and almost the grave this medicine is for sale by all druggists tfteclearinir sale j at the usui moth house georgetown istuu going on allkiodtorgoodsreidaeed milliu ery htdttei furs buflslo robes dress goods winceys flanrel eeodymade clothing orercoa la tweeds etc great bsrgaint will be given oome and make money if saving it meleon auderson co i bales of dundas cottons bales of white cottons bales of dundas shirtings kales o onaflian docks m checks stripe and plain without doubt the biggest purchase ever made atone time by any dry goods house in haltdn secrred before he eteenl sd ranee oa moit fatsorble term and will be sold at decided bargains no blow christie henderson co acton victoria hypophosphiles extendi ill influence into every part of the human organism commencing from the founda tion corrrcling disessed action an1 restoring vital powers err atinga healthy formation and purification of tbe biool driving out disease and leaving nstuie lo perform its allotted part it is the finet nervine remedy known and the greatest brain and blood fooddn tbe world for sale by all dealers 1 per bottle 1 s oh bap at j hills sssfetslsiffi a urje suct o all undi of st0 ves jtul rtclkdmnviaduted ome 6esf quality eflrtmtmjiiuntlitiuk and atmest kaatuanu stove in ou market cook stoyes e olf liset at the ttrylovnd prices awlltelecieditocitf j alwats ox hxxd satbraotrasiitfl i ftoassszsoas j aas bpaoiaitras nad mil be exalted oa the ihartett nofica go ajtt oil 4 poi afoei sirperior fuoiify essap ooxs ass 822 far t0737ss pie iepenibpih41i79 i c hill gkes sells cheap l he hasjutpurhaed anew stock of all the stapie groceriei for oath and below he gives a list of trticlei which he ia selling at the popular prices named- all freth ijtooda j 12 poundi o sugar for one dollar 1 1 pounds of sugar for one dollar- 10 pounds of sugar or one dcllar 9 pounds of sugar for one dollar 1 2 pounds of currant for one dollar i2pounds of kalinaforone dolur 3 pounds of tea forone dollar 2 gallon o8yrup for one dollar 6 gallons ofcoal oil for one dollar oais st0m r- stalnsti j acton ott j a ruutile mew there lis not a moreralivii worlil llan to see a jbimis maldonitt rromlslnsyiuns than of inynp a nwiy mvle wlft nnd mother ftvlrg sign of the teed ofoontunuitlon but bow t tnoe rvlnrnlvb n wlrnow thremedv is within the ariiir nd th fh mrlnlcnlt tueenre roveotjbpuon whether in lit incipient or ialrsnsi s oil i eomblned uh bwjfmplfuftum indreda ills sere and if m too ar lone li will wee a pernnnent enr ve relief inallrasee aaen persltumly school while i you live lilbiwell i m j t east ok ibaker a0t0n i would respectfully thank mynumer bui cutiomen in acton and tbe lur rounding country and villages for the bountiful patronage they have bestowed on me since i started mr bakery business in the well known stand almost opposiu hilts grocery store and besides ouertrfg my thanks t would solicit a continuance ot their esteemed patronage i ll lhe future as in the past my bibjb a will be secqx to jfqxb while my supply of buns avd oakes are unequalled tattb1ab case a elsoialst orders for plcnirs teameellntrs or social gatherings promptly and cheaply executed oa short notice r j t eastqk flour feed stomm i law son bros would rtpeetrallt inform the people of aetau ami vtetdity tnatthey haveopen- edlu tbe premtses oppofclle dr ale- oarvtnt residence a i flour and feed store and will keep constantly on bead a lull stock of jb33jlwi att usds laeladlng family flour buckwheat floor jgraham floui iealb corn meal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse fchotts fine shorts chopped peas chopped yals mixed chops j oats aud peas j andail kinds of feed usually kept in a untclass store all goodz delivered lo any part of lite ciuuge- at toon on ordered jgta call it ttspcclfutt toliciled lawson bros aclon jan 15168011 j nassaqajweya l xj1 b jb b 8c shinclejriills pete1r skaters would lnifmte that he baa on hand it his mill in natmirawevsu formerlr kiown as carglllixnhis a urje stock ot lumber- lath and 8hinqie8 of all wndsiand uuauues oheaf no i sbinkles sliifl pr sejnarc sill bwff cfjj to order tbrmsoash vetebsayebs acton dee 2s li r d kbtors notice all parties indebted to tba late arm of fyfe 4 menab are reqeested to oall and settle the same immediately l jtitb a moxtu urantei u a day at nome nuule by ibe mdutrlotn capital pnt rtr qulrwl jwe will tutrtynu mn wmen bovt and alria make m0ney fasur it or forus thtn atanthidie the work ilghtand plent can to rfsht si thw who wsl wise who see ihls notice will tend ne tbelacldr- at wee and aefprlbmwlveiwlotnviid la freethow tithpktgei t rlajrtut op large siroitk moneys ivhrep tbuksvcoauiwtampe p books slates pencijg overcoats 1 pints vests cheap cheap j cheap i to clear outj stock ii soots shoes at old pei0es dress goods lustres winceyspiainiels blankets tweeds fl no advance in prices 3 bale of factory cotton just in secured before the recent adrnuce- at special price v and dont t0u forget it the famous 50c tea is still selling at 50c pices gaafsafstfied lower than in any aj oiaing city town or village f act03st s depot another lot of stewarts ceebrated stoves j tut received h afing ikeae steves fee cult lpi prepared 4 sell tbemitlurd raa rrieea dont ail te rail and inspect before pnrchnsiris elsewhere m every stove is warranted to rive satisfaction dont loret the spot next door to creechs saddlery ohavill cqmplets forlmcentl at- l b furnlf ure at cost o n o n gre clearing sale of v ix r ir 00mi now tommeooeand willicontinne fur the next two montlsssto ualoi rooaj for spring stock now in ptooees if manufacuni i j call at once asd seccrat b1bga1n8 ij j slfisoftue cbaik t hitiebin bloch tjpper wynjbim street siceajra t siohf wsrsfold 60 at j e mcgarvihs idrug stoai s jr- i 1- i w 5m timtt snmfsjsge icwsswfjsr j sbbmssjsrsc

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