Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1880, p. 1

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yi f ur juij lflr tew co j -tstiq- 1anent- loonipaiiy smm sown ftrltet p i srjsort- i tb nw boxjusasee 1 bt i- cxx jrcnto- i dry tiers li publutlwd nv i editor proprietor at tilt vnkk 1ttem movss kcxtlxxirlo ucivodui clioreh jifiw rw ewt0f ttuis the fare picas will be sent to subjeribtspaslagfpaid for hmo per an nuo in advance l if not m pd ko paper disccntuiticdill all arrears ate paid except al the option of tic publisher anvattukj lurcs jpasual advertise rncula tf cent jxir lino for the first inscr- tioc hd i ccnta pec liao fcir each sabsc- crucnliriscravui cash riufaiaoal cards 10 linei or less ftoo per annum i square 11 lines jotu per auffirm payable in g tncuths from date of uwerrjea any special koticc um object of which- ia to promote the pecuniary benefit of any- individual or company to be considered an advertise- meet the number of lines reckoned by hhc space occupied measured by a scale of fiolid xuuparoil cntuxct kjltc3 cnc column one rear fvit haircoiaoiu one ir sisj cactereclarflnou yean 3101- tac ejunm fix mouths ivw half ccutun tit raotiuie syoj cnrtcrcalamriflxruotithe 120 oieounm three motion 100 haueoumn itreiruu2iui uea vuarteccotumu three months taj adyertlscmtdcsslutotcpecinc directions will be lswrtm hit fruld anl ebsreru ccocd- inrlv tranutvcr advertisements mut be paid in mivanee chan5 for contract edvrrusemmis must l in ote uleco oy 9 m aa- mucdayis tn her- wit maj tiil be it ft oyer uu tbc lollowlne h k moose kjltor fc prorrletar besivss bzbectqst terms 100 in advane pie ncicqiiikra ifuji of btuy lift iu fluctuations and tit vaei coneertu 150 if not bo paid volume no 32 17r aoton ont thursday feb 5 1880 whole no 241 a wiky pmon cte3t- wh lowrt u b 51 c i s graduate of trinity college stem- ber of cof e of pliysiisns and sujons osceaxid residence at the head oi fred- trick stacaoa t itcgabtk- 3d d 3d c p s aa graduate of victoria college resi dence ctjmeir tsfmiu jui fivlork trrrtn gonsultaliqa daily from s to 10 a m acd s to 5 pm a lister ii bilrrister qiiebeo street gnelph bcixcn omceinnhcirtejdtai mil street xctil 820mcx oes nvnr famjltil w se heilsxkeet licensed auctioneer- par the coctnties of wellicgtcn cud haltoa ofuers kft ti the fcle vrlts oisoe actoo or tt my residence in eocfcicocd prill be pfcaiptly sjjuhjcd to patents forikyextioxs expe- irnorsrt iri proprlr serarod in crn- tds the cuited stite tni europe pi- fcent gcirsctoxl cr no charge send fcr printoi iasiiactioas agency ia operaiioa hexet grist i hwiiaiaai c2inrerteg solicikirs of fa- tents and drscgkifzrjmi yathanes anluff c3dl i fc u lttcariajt r ki in i tcrxito i jcaczlertfc fcji fttittaaaj t j uathiox attoiixey-at- ljx sciiicur in cliiiicer- ttc 0k mit door to ijliit s lioel ililton- doiukionhotei actox tlobt anex propriitor tle new httu is fitter up ia rirslcllis tyle trith mrx funii- tai coramercial travellers wili lind good accoziziodxiicli rd cornlnodious sample pcnxi speeaiiaciitica paid to the waits cf the travtilii public bar supplied vitli the be t of liquum end cigars isood stibl- g and ltitvo htsfiirs iukles cijlcitov maiast aeton- aceut for the bell orsan mamfictured by haiti v bell co iaclph orden tett at his retidcric ill receive prompt at- ttatioo- for particxilara r adv oa other side give bin a trial chas casieaox dec i0t92ttal rtm- h f llf f 1 a r 1 a rfv tkt tii m t r ft kuo 1 r 1 iztkh s 1 1 4 beajai i a fh vim lilt t h ftirpc- li x r j5 1 pj r 5 js tr p oril cichakge hotel acrox xtljiscauipbell froprictor ilr-camp- bell late cf uie vkzh house near ct k ssifiku tikes pleasure iu iuinoaernito his maay old friends andpitrons thai he has recently pictafed aci refitted tie eoyal exchange in tire neatest and most comforfe- hp htvie and ia prepared to accommodate all tho may favor him in the most com fortable manner chaise wines liqaars cgsrs and cool summer drinla always in stik staiie in charge of sajtftentive lostler thepataoageof the public is re spectfully solicited and no effor mil be spared ur give the very best attention ash foe setxs a lam prepared fa pay the highest cash price ior allclaases of lamb and sheep tiiias delivered at my tannery lace tjeather constantlv oa hand jahes m00ee p cifes pours rrarrsi wie aiittrjknnaiafacttrrer of snperior tfeo and csstiirn pumps which trill be put in on short notice sepairmg promptlr aone chargesmoderatealsoiiats filed fndset give him a call shoponfreder- fcfc street gss age vfthe cxtmax elow ma l crotes iron works gnelph ia ahead rfdicompaif6rsfotgeneraipmtbsesiron beam steel board and shears made of special hard imn cheap tu cash jt feace stores melai letter and casting of ul kinds j0hkcbowe cftbated or stolen advertisements of this natnro inserted very cheap in the aetanfarepazss the best local paper of 1 hilton co pjjcjlaifxs and fanners alike should jj advertise and sbpporte acton fax paais the besslocal paper of halton go ciedtj billheads and ctrcnjaa of every iscrintiot eiecnteineatly at the acton rei the u toed bw of baaonco v ilta week in your own town and x h h theusema trialwithont ex- u u pmeronkrtnnityever if a inswee- willing to boric ion- f sttmta you see for fsenaie every boor inatyj pnvjte excelsi0e b e ntckllw lake his lpnortunity of thinking tlieir tricndii and pitrons for their recy lib eral support la the pan and trust thattney will cualitido it wo hive altrays ou uiud a lull j tupply of bread calsjes suns sastfar oonpeorionert fruits canned fish0tmeai oommeal graham and buofc- jpheat flour c 8s- all of rhichwe are prepared io selt at bottom prioe8 for 0ash in connection tuii the tulccrr we nave luit openej an oyster parlor and will ssrra orsters id trery style we hare alo coaitantly on hand stock of oysters in both can and bulk cheap s b oyrtct sipjcrs rnypuba s tiortjst notice ail ffeiiiij ciii snio to or4r b e nickliu pqwr netehbci jones rmthinkins wife of neighbor tones tho man with the stalwart arm- he live in peace and plenty onaforty ow farm when men are all around us with hearts and hands asore yfho own two hundred acres and still aro wanting more ho has a pretty little lipuao ha has a loviag wife trithin aa qmet aa farma pretty little and tho door theic mouse his children plsy aril fathers heart to oharui looking just as neat ind tidy aa tho tidy httle farm ko weeds arc in the cornfield no thistlcain tho oats j t thohorees show good keeping bjr their no i c1 f uuder x thews georso saw her tender mouth the beechen shade quiver uj tretuhlo thei when she leirn all their gentle bianuer from a gentle milking maid t ocfact ihtq his rcmiuuc tender ktuo wife i thinfc llw oddition to oar btiunce it tlio hankers wouldbe very comolinn for the absekce but never miud little pit lets go down tqdinucr i hope wull get a letter from them sooti iind socn il was or afion snalcb- ed it from his pooket the very next night but her husbtnds fce looked grave iud btccu and tiiseyts lookid angry wbenalio looked glwiuly over the enveloped my deal you must rotrembor i cai very little what the letter contains keiucbibnr i did not write iv j that you are dearer w nt itntti ever before kiss me first while i watch you a liltfe pang of misdoubt troubled her when sh glanced over ba note j within the field on saturday ho leaves ho cradpd grain to bo gathered on the morrow for fear of coming rain he lives in joy ani gladness and happy ale his days j he keeps the sabbath holy his children learn lis jys j ho never hal a lawsuit to take him to the toxn for the very simple fences down the tsaveluers lxfs aad accident lus co of hartford tann write evcrjtmns etlrable in the waj- o rjfcitnd accident insurance sats lav scsuritr tuauotfiojisi ample tloolt mide wltli tlie tmlntoa goerimtnt or ine eecuilty of caumllaa lalicy huldtrs i paid up cah capital 9 fiooljntl 00 gross aseu t79sg777t total liabilitief 3511734 37 nrpus topolicy holdere- is69t337 jaues ilaltheivs agent actooctat i can alwiys find my acrcfarm nis acres are so few very deep tis his own hands his own hands tl reatott there aro no the bar nwm in the illaeefor him has cot acua- tlo iun3iine smiles tenement on his ace hay we no learn a ncighboroa his forty- that ho plows them that turn tho sod tis at reap he has a place for c verythmg and every thing in its pax upon his fields cor dent mighbor jones lesson wife from pru- had finished it she laid her head upon hia ahouljer aud cried it waa cruel to let you see it my woutidid birdie lt me burn it and dout forget darling what our bible bays that l man sliall leave father aud mother and cleave to his wife you are luyprecious wif51arion and to you 1 lurnfor itlljluiiniiuess uiy life will ever hold he dried her tears and then they j utlkid it over justhicausc i nm city bred ehc itiinfca- l amuyjaril haughty and dainty and xever uiind ilmion she will find out euuie day xtjfitlnr yes bless the dear old man he i lias added lly love to my daughter mation oh i know i should love him and your mother too if shu would let me v will invite them down when i comc br the way marion i will federal saftk op -canada- ouelph branch a gesecaliuskixg krstttss done drafts akilttllla of exchixge bhght ard fold depositors ire allowed interest at the rate of five 5 rer cent per annual in the iiavings eint ueprtment and sir 6 per cent perannum will b allowed ofc deposit keceipt provided tho money remains ia the back notless than six g months and three 3months notice be jirep oi is withdrawal thohas y grfcet manager and iiut s gh for whit we havent got she sfopat thofartu on my way home and veal tsghs and groans mj them down aud hrinj them the rich arenlt always happylnorfrce from h h hit s ala t bat llcst a those who live cedent though cieorge dear i ve been thinking small may be tbkr farms f about that trip wiut i tliiljk you had better go aud leave me at louie it wont be so very long ilaiion was eattng her eig while she poke across the little breakfast table sioktn like uiy little true ifaron and when i come backjlll bring you a ffht ujt uha dcarellr- mrs clemeataaselp of ill thingsthis is the worsttift t r ji ii your father and raotlef from the i ever in fuy life eiccted to hearauclt canada lqah pakkihc company satlxgk baxk coeync or taltesixirttyc hamilton sr er coat interest pajioa 33e- posits of lad tsys-aifis- safest akd best security board of directors d b- clltstrnejc e qprcijnt pjl kxeks esq of job u swadle co dar- liafetflnvtcireficifdt j w liostecegli ii- d hamllioo hcffli hceeat esq hatnlllnti rktoas biitcwiaitn ehkclsoci cl jik lasd birton rrobrldcsvxs kq fmlllott wkeechas h ogeorcetowa g hkgeiftex itd r c h ksow esq jtaiiacer cotn hills ovinias 5 sok lo wft oft rial extatt in turns 4 wit horrovt and oa easy uruu jtfrofli e opea ererr weefcday ffrcmi 9 -m- to5pm d dexxek mauacr harness harnes any person in want of i good sett of harness either single or double t shocldcallat r creechs saddlery abtbwj tnipre tber rati set better value for thtr money tban aairrlace lo the county acood asoiitkxtbr te17kkb and valiserl onhandallocwwii iu be somcbaafa for tish jeepairing proromly attended lo boar ceeech ivctonrcbjotj m bee times 5000 customers wanted this welk at the cesthat i b00t shoe stjhe qqqts oxd sbqes xsd pjtbbtteb in aelon than lo goawarrnm bciia l make your purchases xail at 01 h-timesi- news 1 why our gforgo iws gone aid got ntrrried dtphearr good jtrs c lenient i thed ler ateel- bowed siiectaclcsloff her bright eyes and jrojuied her letters in her lap as she turned round to her husband the stout clever old ftrtner who was con tentedly strobing an old white cat deiicon dye hear this tiiue when she afted the qnes- tioa there was t touch of sadness in her voice yes what if he is married i via 6ure its natural enough it kmd o runs in the family pears to me but jjrs cleaients would take no notice of the pea3tntry well if youjlike it i can tell yott doue he neednt chink hes cotniti here withhia fine city bred lady all rfhjuuuia aud l uffleht theres plentylof gii is hereabout that wanted him night in the middle of work too to talk of bringing a udy herein hojkillin time i do declare i tbiuk george is a fool i a graceful diinty little lady in a garnet poplin anil a rtlffled apron with a small jroudlypoised head covered with shott dusfcy curls having pair of darkblue eyes so wistful and lender a tiny rosebud of a mouth and a dimple in each piuk cheek that was mjrs marion clements was it any wojidcr that george had fallen in iovo with her she satin tlte bright little parlor close beside the jiaceeurtaiued window watching for tile loved husbauda re turn and then when she heard the click of the latch kay in the hall flew for the welconiejkhb looking up she asked j havent youths letter this time george i ive tic sure of it all day indetd ive quiw decided what dresses to take with me 1 he smiled ujid shook libs head a cloud pissed pveriia handsome face oh georgejl isut it too bad 1 and ida believe they wont irite because they are sorry you married m he put his larnis around her neck aidsnpnoaitlgkittbtolv the case do yon think itwould mka any differ ence to ma 1 z oh no ho only it would grieve me 80 if t knew i bad alienated your own pitents from you i and a otie sided alienation it would be tool iliey have never seen yon and when tbey know yon theycant help loving you i oh george the eiclaraation wag caosed by the kiss accompanying bis own flattery thats true as preaching by tha- liye my dear whav would you aay if the firm sent me o on a travelling turfor six w jseks f j a litue efy answered hini yoit wont ay here alone eh 1 but matlorijitiwottldbesoocleargain jtoos i v what faetj we care for money j vd rather have yon l j an5sscuievpn88fiiiie played oyeribe yaaiig oians up fie was more iuatter- farm it shall be tho hope that shall bear me company when you are gone a fortnight alter that iation clem ents ate her breakfast alone the traces ot a tear cr so ou her pale checks then she dashed them away with a meiry juyeus laugh this will never do and now that george has gbne for six weeks to pro pare for his return and i pray heaven that it shall b such a coming m shall delight his soul im sure i dont lnow what to say the land knows i need help but it kuirs to me that eitch a slender little midget as you couldnt earn your salt what did you say your name was v slaty smith and indeed if you will tryme for a week im rure you will keep wo tiirthe seasons over mrs clements looked out of tha win dow at the great clouds that were piling gloomily up and hen the wind gave afgreat wailing rhriek around the cor nels of the house you can rook cen you i or shake up feather beds good big ones forty pounders 1 i a geutle little laugh came from marys li indeed x can i may not ecok to suit yort but i can learn mrs ckmenu walked out to the huge open ere place in tlte kitchen where the deacon wiis shelling corn what dve siy deacon t keep her or not 1 1 kind o like her looks aud the dear knows it nd be a good lift while were killin if she couldnt do no ubreu set the table or make mush for the bread take her ofscoarse hanna you arejbarddriv i know letherstopa week or so anyhow so mi clements came slowly back and sat doivn again fy you cant get away tonight any how theres a sngwttoini been brein these three daysand its on us now sure enough sethem ere dukes fine and thick yon may as well take your thing upstairs to the west garret and then come down and help ma getsuii- per j then followed directions to the west garret and when she was gome mrv clements turned id tho deacon and said inevtr saw a gill before id trust tip buirs ulonr but such as her dont steal i can tell you that if nolhing else directly she cans down in a purple print trees and while apron her hair brushed off from her fce into a net a tairrow lirieu collar faetenrd with a kailoiv loop of nurtow ribbon it seemed as if she had lifetoo so handily slieflttted in and out of the pantrjrand itheh down the cellar then aftqr the ineal she gathered the dishes in a neat quiet way that was perftct bliss to mrs clements oars whb determined to earn her bread anvbowj and i like her turn too i and the dteoo had taken a mtf to marysiiihi onnty the days wore bnfhe etgldiling was over anctdoej long string of sauangeo hung in fan tastic riligkaiiaiigcd hy jlaiyn deft fingers sweet lurus and shouldeib weve piled away in truly housewifery manner aud now maty aud mrs clem- cute were sitting in the sunny dining- room darning patching and iuciuliug i dont know what im going lo do without vou mary i dread to sec you pick up your clothes ablushuf pleusiiieovxrspread marys facer i am ao glad yon have beeh suited with ray work indeed i have tritdi it aint the work altogether tho gooiiuesa knows youre the smartest gal ive sen this lusny a dty as i say it aint the work its you mary urn aud the deacon marys vdice remiiled lit the kind ness of the old ladys voice but he 6evcd rtpidly on iti eo nnconimon lonesome since the boy left the farm hho went on hut its worse siucu he got uiarid it see us like deaeiling us ailogether have you a con 1 ou never men tioujd him i xo gccrgo ha gone his way and we must go ouis yes he mumed one of those crarkheaded tiqat dingschool people who emt tell the difivieuce betweena rolliuirpin and i milk pan but despite her scorn mrs cjcuienle dashed off the tears with herl brown gst is hia wife prenyl ienrrpoie yen love her dearly i i dont know anything about her and never want to know hes left us for her anuria old folks will haveliim for her too mary just turn them cakes around eccuis as if theyre burn ing when mary had turned the cakea mrx clements was leaning on the arm of het chair maiy sapposin you slop with us another month yet anyhow the deacon will make it till right it isnt the money i care for mrs clements 1 only wish 1 might stay ulwayt you dout know how much i love you love its do you bless your hear if poor george had only picked you out what a comfort it would be to its all but it cant be helped now she stghvd wearily thf ngliuced out o the window looked a moment and then threw dowii her work bless my soul if there aint my son ha brofo up the mitch squire bray ofciswell was hunting for another wife butrbis son bjh a wild bude knocked hiuont of it in cpacioiis bteast jkicket of the sqiiirija grtatcoat reposed apockei pistolj well filleltiiatjio only proposed usiiigion his vray back from the widow browns j kow just before ho started bob slipped theputol out and put in its phtce a small alarm clock carefully wunn up huu setrur ii pip the suuire sut till the fire was out and was tll crj with hi overcoat holditg the wide wb baud at the door yvs your first husband my dear was cue odiny best friends and wei visit lis and my lost hannahs grave worlt we love 1 i ahtyes for where was there a sweeter woman than your hannah v slid the widow a good woman fhe jwas ood enough but heres a living one just as sweet said he squire and he whs drawing her to him when whizz grid tanjf bang lb clock went off oh oooh rcreanifcd the widow heishotiug wpjeces ittrbannahs piauny a playln iliside of him she said shed haunt i uie i she ullcrs told ujo so said the squire running for his hoibe with both hands iressd to his breast and the cldk siihislriking ting ting i he rodo as if old xik was after him and never knew the racket till he elt for his pistol and i hen pulled out the little clock hat bob haidxicghl al an auction thenj heianghed til the- tears ran but he promiscdtjtjbrever to speak to another wemau if hed only keep the juke from the neighbors the widow helieves to this day that old man bray is a walking j a now cants a story is related of a jolly sugar plaiiterwho in the days of 6teci6 and slavery found himselfjin ifew orleans with the pjoceeds of his crop in his pockets auxious to invest them in the puriuit of happiness itvin2djilyjirirneelhijncl4tths st charles he was wandering along the streets in search of a faro bank when his attention was attracted by nn italian who was turning the crank of george coming up the uni deacon his liand organ on the op of which deacon george is coniiugi j m oyed ard danced a nnmberof pupjeti with all her iialherlove rushing tooneof which had a place for conlrihu- het- heart she burned cut to raset him lions taking this for a novel game co oh the welcoming the raproaehes the chance tho planter wholly unsophlsti- caresses the deaerminatim to love him ctteid and more than half inebriated stilldefpiic poor innccenl little marion railved lo play the tigerand placed thenwhenihe table had been set in a five dollar piece on the plate the ihe next room by mary deft fingers j italian ground on the figure dexter- and she had rcturrtwl to her west garret mis clements opened her heait theres no use talkiu george ilrtt fine frficy lady o yours 11 never suit me give me a smart girl like mary smith and iil ask no more into supper now msry mury cts a scotch clergrman by the nime of w morrison was a man of iireprtaiibl liumor on one occasirra joaof officer scoffed at the idelt tliatit reqoir- ed to much time and sthdy to vrita ii sermon aa minialers flrelenilj ibd offer- ed to bet that be would jprniek ball aa hour c abypataaitttbe-oldteeu- nient without the slightestprapariuioo mr monisontook thet and gaie fur th text and the ast opened hii mouth aud he pake the narson woo the wager tho oflicer being rather duv r inclined to employ his eloquence upon thattext on another occasion mr morrison entreated on officer to pardon a poor soldier for some ofience bebadcotoiiitr- ted the oflicer agreed to dosjif be would in turn grant him the firetfavor bo should aek i- mr morrison agreed lo this in day or two jie oflicer demanded the ceremony of baptism should be per formed on a puppy i the clergyman agreed lo it and a party of many gentlemen amenijled to witness the novel baptism mr itorrjsoflderiredib8 pflieef ta hold up the puppy as waa cmttouiar in the bnpisui of children arid said aa jam minister rj the chiirfe- kh ani a minister r4 the ubnr ol scotland i must proceed mccordiug to the cerrjiionieu of ihe fcliiij-jli- j ccluiiulyi siiidhtsie mijor i cx pectall the ceremony well then major i riegin by the usual qijestionv ypu j yourselt tliefather ot ihisdijipy f i a ioar of laughterfroni tlie crowd the officer threw the earididutfe for fcap- tism away and thuathewiuy ministir turped the langh- against the infidel who intended to deride ihe sacred or- dinance the lawyers chent ously tilled the money into a basket and the italian 6olerunly2placed it in his iockel here goes to get even said the planter as he finked a ten which shared the same fate fifteen out come j herts a twenty the imperturbable italian pocketed she raised her voice to call tho girl 1 the twenty add stiu turned the- cranky i hex the disgusted planter a c par led with when a low voice near surprised oh you dressed up in honor if my boy well i must confess i never knew you had such a handsome dress and you look like a picture with your net off and them short bobbing curls george this is mary smith my i gorgecame through the door and glauced carelessly at the corner where the voting womnn stoxl thru wilb a cry sprang forward with outstretched hauls to rncej ihe lifje figure that sprang into them the deacon and mrs clements now stood in speechless anutenient then marion all blushes and teaiful smiles went over to the old pair and look ihem both by their bauds im georges wife i was ao afraid you would never love me so i came dterminairto win you if i could motherfalher may i ba your daugh ter and a happiest family when ibey hadexhatisted iheir powers of surprise amazement end in the beautiful marion never gave thanks over a sup per table tm talk up your town dont run it down if it baa good schools sayso if it iasliberalniinded wholesouled merchant and tradesmen eunport them liberally if its streets are clean and sidewnlks passable spiak well of- the oinats in control if its churches ave attractive and miuisteva able and wide awake cneotirxge them if the leophi are public spirited and enterprising aid thctii in syery noble work if you have a thoroughgoing newspaper one that is not afraid to talk out plaihlyrsupport it without grudging dont grumble if your ideal is noir realized in every undertaking dont toll strangers it is the want place in the world to bring up children in uiiless you know it to be bo dont diacourage any oreditable enter- plibe for ru man hvetiti to himself without injuring himself ihe remark well i uever was lucky but halo ed if ever 1 see a game- before where all the percentage was in favor of the dealer jf money bo hot thyservaht it will be thy masler the covetous man can not 0- properly be aaid to pobsessi wealth as that wealthinbe aaid lo i v r r poiess mm i innocent simplicity jone of the assisuntsat the post office jhapjiened to be standing at poe of the delivery windows the other day wheaa buxom damsel of about eighteen summers hailing from berrytown stepped up aud asked if stamps were sold there upon being told that they were she said she wanted to buy 1 worth i one dollrs worth repeated the smiiiug assistant cf hat deuomrni- tionl the damsel showed symptoms of embitrttsstnent andhesitated to reply she twilled her shawl fringe nervously ciist her eyes about to see if any one was near moved a little closer to ill window and finally asked in a timor qus voice r you lef to write it down v by no means answered theootict- eous assistant that ia not necessary but i presume you have some prefer enco aa to the denomination v ah well yes replied the ctranger her fape turning scirlot l hev some ij generally no to the piscopiil melhfiilist myfeffj but the fellow im buyin ha stamps for hes a universal orilfodax some time since a number of boson lawyers invested in and nailed up at their desks a sign hading tfiatihej were very bnsy just then but worildt ee the visitor later one day withered up old man entered ah pnice gnzed stupidly around and at last enquired l f oan 1 seo tho lawyer for a iuw miuotes i he bad a b ok onder iis arm and bat settled liis case hia eyes were directed to the sign ni after readingttheturnedafaysaying well it youre vcry busy 1 wont atop i was a case where there was aboiif 50000 at stake but he was orit in the hall by that limb and be didnt seem to bear the invitation to corns bock the uwyer vexed andannoyed tore down tho sign at once una hoped the eld nun mighc retnrri 8tir enough he entered the offiee again next day and not seeing tbesignke said very busy this morning oh no plenty of tiinei- waa the reply ii j sare i wont annoy yon 1 pfi you cant annoy me at all j shall luten to you witb the greatest of rteastrrer well then said the old man aa tie slowly undid his book id like to call your attention to the hife bfapouori it is said that ihe engravings alone cost 650000 we are selling the boot at j the lawyer grew wmutronnrlthe mouth and aked to betrxcnseil for v moment he put on bis hat and went down for a ride on the omnibus calcul ating to bi gone just two boors a newwajs the edittr oftho sjaaerjj planter says the other dy we met a gentleman alabamawhovave a piece of intormatioo to ascertaining the age- of a horao after ifc had foased the ninth ycar jrmcb waa quite new to us and will be we are euro to the oioit of onv readers it iij this after a hqwe u nine years a wrinklrf comes in tba eyelid at the upper cernertit the lower lid aud every year thereaftict hjs age over pine li for instance a v n- fprioklea he ia twelve lonav toa three if fonrvthirteenj add tho number o wrinkl j js you will always gt it ft aajrvw 8r man j and be ia ooafidebti tit- nat laa- a parting scene did yon evet hear two inrrieilwomeb- take leava of j each ctherat the gate v summer evening this is ihe way hey do a r goodbye l j goodbye li come down and w upright soon vek t tilt ton ooma uprtghlaoon7 iwilt gooabjrafi goodbya t idonhforgfrtto eoow aeon so i wont dontjoo forget to coma up- i i wont be sure and bring sally jana wilhydu next time- j i will iwotlcvhrrebrontrpt her up this time bat ibe wasnt r well she wanted to come awfqlbad 9lj did she nol that was tojbad b- sure and bring her neat fcimei- i will and you be sureahd drtng the baby v i will i forgot to tell you hes cnttina another tjitoth r yon dont say how many las ibe ot now 1 h five it makes hira awful cross ijrueaait does this hotweatber jvell good-bye- dont forget ttreoiae downspoa p no i won ipiat yoa forgot u coma up eoou goodbye t andthey separate v i i a supremely happy aaa cohntrymari- with ah rcdafly-rdentaird- happy bride came to the epend christmas and upon seeing tbtdfflaroeir mr and mrs i fortbefirsttimhiwritibj on theregiiurof thehygotboasijerabljf flurried and when- pointed to iheele walked nvat onbej wondering what liemah parjbrit wis foraachahhonse tb youngmau suddenly remembered thatba bad fonrotten ha carpet bai aid irak ttldf to the office lerjrtwailfl tl eltrahrv eon ductor whiakcajon theahr six flight of efep iithelady whim surrittobkj- meairtime th amacwdlityotwhiriw and ber way t w rrvel tin to witnaaa th ruahiiauraoo thehbleaa wis i trfsrtliriien itjswnbnr i eabriflecl p took w clerks iblaeventiswiitara irtalbj tlawrd i m-t- ii 1 jv iiiu situation 7t mikjt extankbrfi prose eoofta bonitjetjlle- a mm rd ppbb-fi- cbjhir

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