fs s a i x v i j kfejit- rasabamrfrfmga wwf piiiip wft u f i t i rti in n i i- r tki wleemtr it 1ch1v nouoic taa rant u u4aj watart 4 all liitibttu 4pert tlul at letvet um ataooirfot- btk tra asdtuldditrtatloeeiudito ktftuiuieoutmeuaib cm tlm mint rearm ot ti u ere the rleaaerc titer tta i at rat cf optvce unit mtlubovfi4tbtm odoar eleatof mat is tbo omrtftobrtaae ran ud rtraw tvd jtaftt tint uad- ott btvttt f o r t vrtkvuirlutlvetaml wf elrtjaoct otlirlmtuoll ocwllu- wfaaftdeott with tout bukat baitou t waliltott of nuny coloon ta ujideiwtut coat ud a gttxaulla ttock with l lain ugh ot brilliuu ot tha baflt water thu wu the acphtw o i cnole who bid lait nunied antic lot wu initios la road toaietj la wu kind of dwdy ru itrabllcf a good deal tad wu itnriaa la kin haguin lade bat wtt tvtr tllllm m i w iplriag three yetrt tfltmrda adveatarerti at deeperate m hr tt bootbgnc the teae otflt wu to htvo uibted apoa bit retire it i uouge atop while h wfmml rtator tbollor to t utlhlojictebloe boai b drtfscd lir tk clidtrmo t ltrlt t ixnd til tof llib lrcut whilo tbt cult wtnon iitndloa 054 rvswt tl writ ea wimb ini lt 03 fpot c of tktvbj tal b o 1 rruos eulbc prliuj t itue all tlrta iku ialtv t cra vcinubcbutiti4rt w i- r nc tr u cluiu 6uji it ca t j hvo t itttt te c w r tte fletartt iftec tuac t ifci et6niutmiiraijnftnl1t r ive 4tt is iwuw l fc i rut umt juc ut mta oo nk mm d idnit t to tvn mjai ilit 4m hoc ebmltr atnctw7itfcseuxcafcfnwr dieitc mbclwr load ttthoec tfl tfbrbcur lint kit at m r4 nt t r 1 c ui uxoc dcixominilucn wr tad aov jt si ucr rf t ta csfcsc to do oathioe he ec t c i iwm i m some mbmosablb shows itr chcni jlnratat stui tiri4 sut oatooatfoa ef jaoa viort-a- rtrlrahl tacidoat la the uur of kspajsoa ill- hot ti droic vacs bzrjsd cad eav tbr woddad toe flusttmt tad ta kiioglom itr qtatgv infutsx stlt ta rotort eaiith nipic oonmgodnt bwta bit ktsnoathtsbantbtt i hxnsoca lut ctlc by iootiociif maottiiig it i irtluduaia thttiboat ltif filkd ouckoc- ii htll to cii2 bit titoatiab to uj dipt licj- cubt aotioe ia bit uik in th sutr at bupuaaa hii kt ht ipoka is idl- btixa pjamrnijonil looo vbiob ni oletr- if udib is tu putt ot tb bcuo ud b u iraimoujrgxmtad ritit uofbcoc ud miik ax iflutntirs cf tbo pbilotoptj- ot- bis dumcuior b ountod ts ukcajm told bis by s imitini o nwnrfrtbit ia l g-siitj- atcrpcur ind reriililitr udatw thao od tire inaik if trwiftifrip beprosoasmt ts baoott nti p t btc- i miii t tw 1 asm uiibfcrl tboat t utilo boj- iba tare i itoxkwoi cueus n pftaoavod vth t ticket to ftanj iiadc ccsoert in kitjotott by tut udr bwl ilttt ti- ijifirrit tbo cbildt fttbor uked hia ii lie eit- pnm bt be thoast o ii tb boy taid coeh cooft- tawaxotud tft ba bad trvicd tbo ttdtot jrt tua oiuff- t topi ud woocu tad itk the iirt ho bd poictasod tdiau- txa to t tiduar vben t very fit bog rita tir u jt ttt oa ezkibtti3 tbo tsgry puac ni tboct to admiakter rrmmrr cbutitmost ba jeony uad iatarpotod oi friy ttr do not bcxtbisv tbo uii tad tats tarsias t lt twy ukod itk miei irtt w it t rorr ftt big taidiiitratjlykitoiiilgt w ill uii tto lecterer taty tsoct ta inter- v froct tuao to tiiab ia tbo ts tbsiio tad tbe caltarsd bet givsat t jood boaort tbow tsi vt tra racro deagbtod tbxa by til tia discartct aa ill tbo alogiot tbtt totc crec tbercttbar tfctttbo lecterer detcribod tnt tie ccnmfcoa oi qieen victori in 18ji eo ni tbta t traill boy is t rilled ooiurxr the prepottorcc girb fcnmi tt tfcjt tine u tbo krftoa reit tboeto tm dvtta of wilbtatv ouno ca tot jaly dty ia 1kj7 ho ttx not tj bid t eirg u kirs wait tltboagb tt t titto- riu lad uked bit vru to be expected c t eittg kits t lietd like ppotdplo wboa it wit taaoaaoed tbtt victoit ta uoeai tbo tbroao tbo briuik wont itirt ttiriag raid itb j y the tratb km tbtr vct rck tad trod of t caktiaa ofasd btd kicrt tad koto rahared tt tbo tbacgbt tbit tbey kvold not bo oarape jai to tacvr tbe is ctiia of taober of tbs profiitto tad wortaiot tot of gnrgoiil r xtit koold bwo bioa ekuart duke of ocsibtrlxadtbo vie tftorvtrdx iaz cf euover tod kbo weat to bit fciardbct iol- biceibytte cmvernl gwiruiotlci the people vao von rid of hit pi toe eolith trt a cued oa tbtt ocetcos obat- racraorttireraedilfbitis oa ocetid tbe cfanof tbo eaaaiy of m rtkind ctrryiag the dcke cider bit tea ud oa tbe otter tbe tttytto to etsotor to tiit tory dty tach roedtlt tre tcld for ooaaterftrt ausey ia eagkad tsd in aasd by ctrdthtrpert ia lies of good money of tbe oornrntjoa dry rtult tee nriaoipil tecoueottott of toe lecuircr ni ooanaai ta ine koraec tad to tbs ptle titatbiia girl tittiag istida t greit gilded trok witb us btd ribbon of te gtrtcr ctwaag ber ftiryoaaitboaldett e totldwo ber aokoa the border uni be- tveea tatilc tad tetrt tbe rota mi tbe 12 battling for rattteryia ber ebeek sisrtiil izrec he aid tc yoaag tad ttir u arer the trxty taepeopla of rigf kitk tiapiltr sjusbaity turned to rettia oa tboir ooiac bar pxctare tt tbe tppstrad is 1833 elitv betbt portrtitgrek old esdidutryf tad acaca tmtt deralopel doable caia oa tbecoiatof tbetrdty batvictoritt neter obxagai bseuus tbe ctrae to eaiitbiaea a yoaagtxtd teoder tad of to t ireet t pre- ktm u to be t nltoe titer rauy yetrt of tyita tad corrcptiea ghe ni to tbe r paopla ts rotac kife kbo caver rrorx old to bat teeaxia foe t retlly txitafolcamaiola of tbe cererooiriet of tbtt dty tbo leetarer teforrsd bit berert to tha botlasoae pooa etlied tha oiroottim tad praitoi is tbe icgoldtby legcadt hetpokt of t namber of those morrlioced there u htriog boot prewot amcnj other ccct vol stronjcncs the battiin aiabtmidcr kbo baiag aatble to obttra eaoogh to ei tt tbo roytl uhle torreputi- oatly raadetkty kitbtgirce pie frorao told obiocea tod a bottle of cbtraptgae oader one of the gofbic ettirrtyt of wottmiait ter abbey ia 1655 ia charea tast petert- borg tbe ioctarer nw t rery old rata oa hit kaeet before t pictare ia ts ttawephere rtndered iatolertbly ktrra by tboaaadt of lyatedtepert when be bid fiaitbedprty iajr far vtlet4 ctrried bita boldly to hit eirruge tbit wit tbo cooat voa btrogo- aoc so kts mtlriag t good ead of it ia the ttfaa conaectton the ieotarer ntmted l etary oarrtat it tbo tine to tbe effect tbtt when the dikes of saeter tod otra- berkad otued to tpprita tbe fraxoett vio- tor of ber teleotioa to tbe tbroce tbe drck bertelf ap grtadry tad ordered cap te tad the kaetaokiptper tkothiogt kbich the hid beea deaied daring ber no- rojobyberetosutnt bat tnttere ratraiat alter thadio to tbo yearly f etet ia ptrit to oelsbrtte the abiibraiat of t conttita- tiorul raobtroby- tt which f te tie bctarer tttvsted ia tbe ctptrrity of rtadeat ffl tbe freaci tobool he prowcesd to doceribe t rocptioa it the bcate of mn tdorloa tbaj gnaaitaghter of eicbtrd briatiayboeri j k w ilixa r bit mother ialb3stttbort of ebowbid bectaia he tttdjbigbeidudooaldreate tbo boy ttood on th barrdag deck tad the itlei of grocoe amoflg thote ptat wu t omh tntdvpiiae aotanoat for oevcr vtitug bit btadi who when rtabartntcd mthsy t itdy oa caeooewioa uii you tuskkte buidt dirty yoi eiwalt toe ray -utt- this rther brad ttory elioited i oorf of ofcj from tha udience tad tbe toetanr oolskhr peroeiviag tbtthe hid fooe too ixr ht2 tpoiogitodkitb ibouttr- jionttttiiokibirttietlfiot proceed ggibeeta bewtt jtrtbroitrly tfraek ba ibtrt ooottiort by tbetipaitnaee of ta oader jtoi yoiag rata of ft uhar toraawbtt kiuat ootpknoa did iaictooouti to tuad tntl for llgb trruia fitare emgewr wu at ill if riton tbtllee tansr witaoted ialmo tha tmogtrt tbow of bit no um satrtl of xtpolaos i wbieb h dkbd ia grtpbo tftnt it m be ttid t dugroat cxporiakot o try tbe imrcomoplt kith ud u the m- alt ia ims o loiulilioatl miwrciy 3lpd ud looit rbilrppe fioi a engund ixador tbo ooaveoiaat oime of staibi la the tae year oatbeooouioaof tbo obtr- urt domantrttioo tbs licttnr kbo aid tv- uined tbo tgt of tweaty vktt xtrwti t tsecitl oooiubtf tad one oc kit ooutgact kit looit ktpolooa beotpute wh bid oierrtly otctpod from ptioa tai oooapicd ihtiitrr lodjuigf ia kioj itrnt iymdoal m be em of tbt diy b h loctarerjj wu prooediag proadly to bit boot ooatauut of briag done bit duly wheat wtt met by t gtrut o qotrlut mack be on for liooar ka be tit torrj to y uk bit elnb twty root bint tad honfalif aaaaxatd bis to the loaotueil i tbe oeit topto taebed apoa wtt ue b mv- t of tbe dak f weluogtoo wuek wu gitta ta oitbortu detorirhwa a mobtter- ttnwrti r wtt bailt tad then t difleally pnteated httf hloa fretur dittatbed tbt mind of the lord oaunberbua tat wu ta pronni hociet tble ta drtr it fiatlly t ur sakb nt aaeiruied i bigtity imcublo dhtiller of rfa wbo owooa tevortl uuk bonet wbei be wu willing u hire oat for t oootfdorttiatt tbey wr try tkittitit bonet however tod tbe todor ukert rooc beiag aaihle to atodle beta tt rehetrtel it wit reeolred to ditgaite tj barn ber of ur sraithv topleyeet tir footer with kb h btadi n tatecnx roiu fir tbe oocuf oa a oew treaue then trote toe trtditiaatl tasenl bortst tlwtyt bid long aowiag uit tai ur smitat were tit bob- ttilod tbit wu otwooae by terini loag able drtperiex on til tbe ttiu the nit wu qaite taceettta tiii the leetsrir i dont believe tbtt root tbta three o ha tiilt euu off darinc tbe eeretaoaik q np- bto deteriptiaat of tbt faaexilt of crlfloo al- fcert the dake of rjataac tad tb king ef htaorer fouowed tad tbta theteettw tt the weddiitgt of the fa of vrtlt tl tbt duke ot coaatagbt were airrtfed it tan tate pert of tw lector wu prefaced witb tdcstcnp uaa of boottaa- won by the atmior oa thste ocouiont jje tid be tboogbt it tlwtyt tbe dot y of a rati la drttt u btadtasiely tr poeuble tt te roirritgti q toaxbbdy tlta- itoboeredlbe iride- grccox ishoald be biraietf- be rairried agila be would betiute whether a wrtr a peaiteatitl lat or t eott of trmnr well joiated eeipokeef the priesett alexia- drtu t v chtrmag ritrtaoat yaaaggirl whom tit ealith ttill cherub is their betrt of brut tod rxbie u tbe triple ot their eye u t utmket wife tod awtiert the leotare oaoclodad with tooocatc of the bar iilt of ktpeaa iu tni hit taa bad of yoaap prtaos kipolooa he ipcke ia the bigb- ettteratt dt biddiag hit tadieooe good ragbt ilr silt took oocuiort to tbiak them foe their reoeptien of hizt tod tbroagk thera tbe aaxericia people for tbe batrer jiuauoa mppotfaf xt toul to tbt ttikr ta atc fsto t miiitt drdptioa of tbitrui iibtll ooaaaa mytelf h tfrw siutl ttmitk ud umb p ta tt dt i of kbielfrutlr utuuiaed tbo hoit oinumitau whioa bid brought blot lata tbtt ttoljhontu potitiaa wbta tbt itt- dlotauat wu ntd obwgiag turn wlb the wilful marder of the stidoo wbote length uedotme i btrelotg ilace forgot bo piwiod not chutrj ta t alttr uilthtkta jwe to thll coarii bt ud ooateotod shlb todm rtlioteooe ud ocly f ur tttor tooo tatv ooioj wt owa tdroottt- be would bin puopbatwiy of auklti wbtl or- puatlioabo dotlred a oarobor of wit- aottot were ooateqaeally otlied to tab- ufllitteuie obirge thote were umiaod throagh u ialerpnur ud nude m aiuy gurtoft tbttttd d5 wotrtdwory tuu stalt bit ooe time bat or uio lut tbtt the body ot tbe dotaaet btdbeea dalypra daoed tni ideaunod tooordiag to leati re filrtnitati a inch cue it ajjbt btro btoa nppomd tbtt ba homicide wu t part lartauoo ud tt toother tbtt tom hid rulhlttty butchered mterli rilli lira oerltia tbtt no eaglua fury woald here fouodt trot bell oa tact trld toot tom j did not ibow biauelf moob of u expert tt i aroei ttuaokcn he ut or be moit ptrl tit t btlfpirtltxf blftotated ex- prsttfoq pa bit aahtodtstna ooqateetsae or ilittd it widmjed irtonithratot ii ht mttttuoot eztnerttiooi of tbt wltsettetv vtbea tbe ouelor tbe ptteruoa eld toot who btd uea tllowtd t ittt dartbg the prooeodiajt rote nudt bit beet auliurj ttittt tad tddretfd tbt wart ta tome tblag like the allowing imiy it pltue roar hanoert 1 tra tatinry igaoftnt of til fomi of it ud being ia lutdootted mtn auy msmtiatet n tiprottiorj wut- ingiapoliia bat i hope iibtll auktna ruteomau tirt whit trt perfeotly troe nor ooadost tojtei fa iarwiy wbioibtu sat beaiondretpectrntayoarboaoaii 1 hire utteaed to my tocaten with dot attention tad if 1 felt myvf to be tbe dootter bat tbey bare ptiated me i tboaidaot deeirt any oat word la my de feooe bat tirrally tabiit a my ft kbt- ertr yoar baaoart might detcrmiat tgtiart mo bat i da not think tbtt i tat nob t wretch nor tbtt ideterve death beesaat i bite bad lb auefortaoe to us t fallow creitare tltooags t bettieo ud bltofe it i bad not bees euerwitt tdritrd by frieedt who know the law batter tbia mywlf i tboald hire pietdtd gaitty tiortt ud throws oiyieu oa the meceyof year hosocrt tadtiactirlhlakbertlilt eltafor me to do now toit mock i matt tty far myteu if ta marder meui a kill wik pre- dodiudas ud eamity pmioailrcherfified tbea i tot wbooy iaaooeat of too trim of dttdar or i barf gttrtly killed ia telfi defeaee t rata of wfaota reryudttem t wit igaorut butil he beotraa my pemer- got it tppetrt i did kiu bita t beliert ud ojeioettbtt he died by my tot and i am deeply 40x17 or tbe eaxatioa walas ltd me to art at bita if roar htaaarx will bear with me fort little i will teilyoahow the ooouoa arrfred jtod i will da it h brief ly u i know bow voar bosaart art ao doebc perfectly inn that here are is tbt country roaad tboat jrsttnaosben of profowl which be biuret refraia from tiltiag or eati- rora 1 upertiitioae belief tbit they irt tacred birdr before i beeamt 1 aolcqer i knew weft bow to bandit t fowl- ths hiqesk latrtttdbs rieliadaul which he balaict cicce bit tam to tail cboatry ae weekt tgoj a eactb rob lite tne sereeaafit taia ia the yatr isii oar regimeat wtt order ed ebtka ooantry by tbe otatoameatc cf the tecitutt tad attire tioopt ttupbtlt between delhi ud surdt ia tight u tbe taawy fcpt of tbo hiratkyet too victory of lord gjagboter the s kbt atgjcitrtt udtse aaaention cf befaojubts tha poucaiocx of the eut ladit cmptar gave ocx farca ia tbit gaiitr of tbe worlare ipite from the toute dotiet of th eid trd oraxiieribly relieved the tereritiet of rci itary dirciua la tbo otatoaoveatt our arrival tt uawa wu tbe corameaoeroeat of tbe raott pteanat part f too ud 13 year taeoouatry rooad tboat beta fcftlly dirercaai withwoodea aaditlttiotitj fiafctt of mite tad rioe gtrdeat hedgcrowe tad ntrtl rilaget aoder tha ejii c lfaltila wu pofoaadly peirnbln ud wtlldupraad towtrd the btittih uoaaeceaty we rotmed aboat t treat deal improriaed end- left p caira aod pleuore pirtior ud iraajeoflxtelrutcoorhetrtt coataat i do not rtooleet a gayer iavs dariag the whole ctoras of temce ia lacii toa ay- ett tptrit of oar oompuy ni tara smllh toot wmt the tool of ervry ttaterptxte tbtt hadamatemeatforittobjiot eittaveat- ive geatat wtt neroc tt ftalt whea merri mrat ni tia order otthet dv it may etiily begueoed therefore tbit torn wtt a great utoarite with at tad iadeed with ill who knew him fur ta idditioa to tbe rouickiaf and iareatire epirit of faa which pweueliiaibe tui rtraubably obigiog iroctaaipered iad kldkeirled fallow esni witbilt crick that perhf w with a fokliagpiece the beat tbot ia i-reji- meat ft wu 1 aoe tafcoyuce there fore to tom la fict the oofy ting tbit ever drew i tigh from blraia oarexcartiont tbit he dire not teetara t thct it the aameroot peafowl which tbaacdedi lathe lis net but these were held taeredj by tie nititm whom we were foruddeata tnaoy or molett tom aettr carel to enlighten hii coraradec oa s aateeedeatt bat jeerttta expretaioat hiob he let drop led meta be- liere that bamatt btva been driven iotp tbe trmyby torae pctebiagtffiiria knglinrl bometimet wben t vary fine bird woald iec ban tlrnott near eaoagh to koock it dowa with b wtlkiagttict torn would exclaim by george i if i bad not twota never to lift a poioaerf gaa tgua i woald pty yoc oatforyoarimpedeaoe in rpite oi ill the black raaotlt ia the panjiab sometimet be ktaldtay tomajvbea kt met firtt tirae of t morcrej conioand tbsee uaay pes- fotrbt 1 tiiey make me drum of pipping tbe pbeaiaatt again dowa ia old york tbire then be woald liuve a tigh or two tad u i wu is older indua thaa bimielf be woald atk ma if i thought tbit tbe niggen woald rritt mighty row if he were to bagtpiehea or two tooie bio ruing at i alrayt aatared aim that the thing wa not to be thoaght of be woald hre ii other tigh ud ohuge tbs tubject haw erer tttcrtl wtektpttfed withoat uy refreoce to tbe oeafowi wetpppoeed be bid onite orexoome the ternptatioa when one morning cur cemptoy taa indeed the whole regiment were ttrack witb coa tteraaticn and tiactre regret by ho ialtlli geccs that tom smith wt aader trreet for the marder of t native we tboald ectroo- iyoreditthis theri wu uy fonaditioa for the charge j hot ineaane of fbo dty i bad u opporiaaity cf beiring rom poor torai own lipt tbtt be bad tbot t nigger all done cf them carted pet-bont- wo wore aot kept long ia tatpettett to particalirt fortomt trial by tbe cortmartial iru pro- eceded witb u rpeediiy u the formt of rafliurylaw woald allow ie wtt little tbtttomtoomndn coalddoforhfrauadcr toe nrcamitcacettbatyoamty be tare tbtt what littlewe wold da we did with- the at- raott promptitad tom wu not the man to be oreruxloat brtolethit trurittdraop tad i believe ntrtr foilr realfed tas grtrirycf bitporitlut wilb iatj except iea of a few biatt from the jadge-advcoste- genenl tom woald hear of no itietuoa for the defence ulich bo rewired 0 con- dart biraklf tod according to bit own tdyuof the matter wiea the dtyof rial arrived be bocrt beinj taageu oat t tare at aiuy c uatera notj prevented bj niluttry didu tod eoajd ob toiajnhrtowwawemt it uiwtmj iagnieoe tad amy a ciaaa atoot wa etme to ombaet the old love of rport bit retorted epos m wbea oat imoci tbtt piicet when the pnafawl abooad- bat i ni tail tbit tbe uttvtc coatidered tbe wvdtitcrtd and i laawulttjcrhoaoariknjekirullyrriabrig at rmitttoa to take oar walti tbroi bent tbedirtrict wttbiaz at totvoid giving toy cffeans to the lababiuatx i tbertfare kept gaird apoa mytelf dawa thi tbe morning wbea tail nafortaaatt botiaeat happened pat year boaeart thct fowl were 00a- ittauy la my misd aighl tod day ia my every dreamt taty woald tppetf ts me ud become cbiored into tbt pbetttstt and grooia wbicjc i bad often patted oa the tly is merry eaglind aatil at lattt coaltfre- tift it no laager i deterteised to bv a few of toe tormenting birdi balitriag tbit tfterwtrdc tbey wootd leave rot ttoae tad took mymeuarer aocordiaffy i wiabtjd to irtpbeoia nobody ud if pottifele to tuit- fymy ioagiac witoont catngiag tbe feel- iagt of the biuret i did sot mention my intention to a tingle oomnde i hired a fowling plec ud i obulaetl leave of tb- xsoe ia perftct cooformity witb military regaliticcf and i ttuted oa my expoditioa ku totetabt pert of tbe coaatry thinly lab bled tad rniks my bigitaa hoar at wlrihtbe hiadoot woald i beueved be all uleep ia their aibiat and rillagat the bcrdewere aaoeroox enoagb aod only too tiros to hi too big- waili i had provided ru not port it wu tbeer tlugbter tad toon xscomrjittted i art oat loaded a tfr- tarn to the eutaoeeatt ud ocaatioalr pea eg tbroagb iomt of tbe vfjlagv wuoh- ervedt tndthe oontaati oi tbt bardearat- pctadbyiomeoflht riutftrt tappoted i bad coeimited ia their eye a ejriil oat- rage on their reiigioe for ibairbowlingi ipivrd tk tccitokuoauotoa da yea know watt oautltalrt 1 jiedu lntefpvoplt think that u italwtjt etcher ud thtt be kti t grud oook qat a till tir tboat hlra ud it ooadaaally ulkiax aboat odaoition mi hi imuermttl tttbt all wroag i tell yoa oa tbt word of t ehroaoraeler i btvt bttrd t fcfan pedutlo tajk tod teea u rota- ilant imoog ht pimi of people u evr i either uvtr beard ufeog dotiiniei tbo fic u hit ny body or tveiy body it oar or leu of 1 pedtat for tha very ciwace o that obar- actor it a loadtooy mote or leu mukoi 0 tucb undae importuet to whit be u ta idildnil may be tnatfed in ud to bo con- lintttllyia ioiudoatoicuoa bulking hop i are loboolmutert la bit matter tbaoalytiaaonl not at all ioi kites to the liwyrt u i am every day oondemood to do ticro it not t narrower mart ibop talking rmi 01 the face of the tariff ibey tre ottrrntt with ouet tppetlt uim 4- e till tbt ity mind hit litteat eoclrtctt u tmooat of nintet which ia material bxlito ooafd oaly hare one i jne ud ooe mode of reuef and theee ollewt will uiil iai tara a p their right irgil noitrili ti tbopkeepn doctort oleryy ud ooaatar jaoptrt it if they were fpeeitlly feorut ktrrot onotiaed tod mo riuttd beaum tbey alio talk tbon ti it belt plcuet thcro bat sot itiatly in the wy which leemt bett to tbe leal laauntriei in or ignjrut i hetvea help tbe poor foolith mutafnaitnt monali 1 why there it not ameng til who have even t imtterfajr of edicitioa a narronr mora bideboondud t poo be whole more gener ally iguonni euu of peope tbta tbete tame ttwyert tike thtm oat of their cfsaalaad proieaiooal groove tad ia aint ouet oat of ua they are u igoerut a aiobleroaa ud not baifio laaoiiitive uhelooi btbiet bat uett yoar betrit why iboaldit be tbaagbt kraagt that people iboald talk tboat tuiiawbiu tbey lira raovtud bin their being 1 there u aotbing wnog a thai tbe thing that it wrong it thinking ut what we are buy aboat ad is tended is raait neoemirfly be irqcwrunt d that they woo art igsorut of whit t knar udeueiboat matt be igaonal and ra pid indeed and tbtt tendency it oaly too common everywhere tjillaiu tit bothered with tat weakaeu so ire elergyaua to are doctor- to tre greoert to are eabauo to tr ictreagen ud to ire ngpickori rtewtpiper men tbiak here it as each wetkaeu tboat tbes iiat there i bit tha my oat woold hart tfe t ia ur xlilmi c4 oeerfa browa to uy totaiag of jack tubtruoo wbe hii it itroog do yoa aee that mtn with the raol ooaateauoe tad be rabfcoad bote jail ooaxlaf oat of the lue at the tide ot the eeoeiur qeaerttt office p what a watery beam there it tboat bit tyot i lib taiatifically ht drtwt bit bud aerott bit moalb i hew omaifuketbly be rivet eridenee that be hu bean tilting hot a ncble ana be by tiy mtaai hot iatellec- tool not erca moderately iatelagtnt bat ha hat a theory which will aacseatfally tqaire the cirele lai to re all the myttical aambert of tbe apoeilyw tad ia teuoa ui oat he ityt ft dawn explaining bed dng mi amplifying u he goet oa hduoatisghif tipple and jart w uy oa ibow bit ignoruce or hit wui cf rympttby and be trill 100a diicorer with what coaiearptbe it regarded by tbit mad compaoad of our thinctwho buteea ta end sf til petfeotioa md an tattled bat with tiro alone are he md woald ott priat or tbt lort of oountry ud of god what tboot rndtpendtnee tuiwnkl sot reel r a word brtybnyiu ntoal hot nobody d pat oat it it qaite aatartl- tht tfwtgrattt ba i ii eoailly of no conteoaonoe the ttfiftm elit of wbtt ft ooald do it it liked bat it never fiikef tad wfuii eowland griat rom ttr to tir ud thiakt of he daj 1 whea be talked oartli fint ud mtit twelf ridjoojou ipfte however of all tbtfwof 14 goee ot oprar blake pterf tbe tphloi he- keane like ljobiartrt briiltgroea ityi ertrt word bat ufcl t pib ajtlilj fltufe orimpiiot uott irailet tbroagb bit ipeottclet the goreraorlt looking iftr aboaie dtvidbltin wilki oar itreett t all private ted everything it qalet roaad tm oatwaotii-ctocr- t a kioiw oltrgymu ippeared la 1 ktwtrk coarf tbt othtr dty ltd obargtd bit wife witb ttroofoot ttiult tad bitory sii wife calmly defiant rtmuked idoat go much oatbeu ligioti ooont layhow thil it ltd comptaica pictare to- tome ot tbe pretty uootified groapi in the novtlt of twpaouraoter atiiw qitttttra tb oaoadisnair hi tbl ntehlne li hr fltvltot cdl im uiolo ik bwt h j jcmpit rtulurf ltaiaiii mi pt lir 1 li it trtttta lot arctliriikl prlahn toronto bmsii manufacturer- barrihtera si attorney a rr lui tat m iutlit si mm file manufacturer j and contortionf u tbey uw m put frigbtfal boca tbey begin to urettea me wmof tuttcrliegeipreidlfke wodflre t knew not bywbttmethodof oommaaiatisa la a vary fek minatex after i firtt notiqed tbtt i kit obterred tome haadredc of mea tad womegwerg ur raa icaici- eeed my put ud tried to evade tbe papa- loot diitritt bat farioatlnea ui womea teemed to tttrt cp oat of the earth ua- killingty t dropped ary barden and took to my heela wbeamyparffaerteimeapud ti cf whit it cooileilafitr yeutwete detfening and perfectly demoai- vthila tbey were howling over their tltagbtered godx i got tome dutiace ahead of them bat oa tbey cute aglia like tie wind and their valla brought ia othert on etch tide cf me uiaenow became i real rt for life i my ponaert had ctagbt me tbey woald hire torn me ia tthoaiiad piecet ta frightea mi retard them i ared tevaral timet over their beadt heqaartert were iatigbt if i caaldoalyottia the ifortifict- toot i knew i woald be taf e bat breath wtt f ciliagjae taraiag roand i uw a hage black fellow thirty or forty yardt ahead of all the reet ee wu hnadiihing a great knileudwufutgtiaing on me life it dear ifirtd he mattered a dreadfal yell tprug terertl feet apwirdt ud fell flit oa hit fin retamed my hght and retched tbe ointonmeate tbe rett yoa kaow tait yoar baaoar it my cue tni bow i wdtidd ao more bat leave ray lift ia yoar kooourt htadt hriogmcladiniide fence tom ut ud awaited the rerolt u camly u if ne had no concern in it hit jndgec were tome limeia making ap their raindt pirt it tppeired thought tome pomehmect ought to oeinflietod oa tom tad ptrttbdngat hocagat togo tootfree the utter prevailed ud when tom wtt liberated we jbore bint to the caateed oa car hiadt a a right royal kingt cbiir ud made qaite a hero of him for tbit night ud for rainy mote it itoms yeirtiiaoei have lctt tight ot tom bat the itrt time he and i met fa- told me he thaold never while ha iwedf corbet the nee for lift at umbal bat u tor the trial be made light of it nying be never believed here wu tny danger of bcitiih cfscart coadeixin iog a britith toldier to dettb for tbooting oaindiaa nigger to uve bit own life wliexe hu eneniles was the eelebrtted jlartbal rttrvact would appear to hive been 1 rota who anderttood hit oountry and hit time on bit dutb bed bit ooafeuor uked bird if be freelyforgivil all bit ioomlet i hive no enemi pusdtba tiirtbal proadly zvery one mutt have made enemlet ia tbeooatte of bl life iaggettod the priut mildly oh ofcoorie kpliedthewtnail xhtvahad a great nambeccf enemlet in my lfe time bat i ue none now i hive hid them all uofi 1 iai 1 a- oatotnt otret nothing foreoafct or legibility tbe hoe family pay be ibient ihrte weekt in a witb it botte tbot ap vd the mtttr dooi aaftaavitntvtnttgflf eawokiatau at ittaat of bta it it every where and it it toa i ell yoa to is ia whit t rtriety of wtyr it ic dirpujred the whitkey ttrilgbt nua who pltyt be ancle to hu iruif taitn ud oriaki their liqaor with the grettett condet irrragiatble it not tbe oaly one to uke charge of tha chianel fleet udocarxefortbeitoae jait let uy bodyjotibimae if to uy compiay he likot tioag bting or any other ttreet in the city ud if be dcet not flnd before be bat bcealiiteriing ve miaotot that the whole drift of the tpeaktr t to thaw how he or the iatkrtiiaeiraamsuncet came oothrtt tad grudeet iii wonder tt ii he wu trgniag tad of ccorte tbafna the other party he wu baaraining ud yoa bet bid the bett of it he aaarretld bat ktptoool he bad a hud at eerdt ht took a torn ca tbe he wu it ojgoodt hall he wu pet forwtrd he yet bo hot be when doet m oae heir toother cctueaaiag thtt ha bid mde ta ait of biauelf or got at up or tbatap or didded eoorei or uy thar bat glorified kever i vctli birdly ever i 8oaiotimt t poormodett iatalbgeat tamd pexbapt mty butch bow rarely 5 and lugb at the fool witb the rooteri futher ia bat cap tad make merry at the elowa who thiakt of tha ton oaly u t grud initiation for ripening tie wheat 1 iharebeea trying to make oat the neve u p pitt they ihowthemielveeoa fling batittiwfndy diffieaft toa toow they are aot eke the nuat loot long ago tioh at whom batl tbs bettriog of a ptiaee they osgbttoba tiokttd till tbey are kaown doet uybody expect bat tbe lattet great men tre to be diecorered by mere tittiiet howuoaldl know hi ucmnter why iltooly tbe other day that i foaadoot iforrit himtelfi though ba reprreeata the oitbadrtl u well u the xaek ted mach eiae ikaow tommy gbn iad donild sacliir and chriitopber frtter iad a w ltaderudt few othert tad if that it ill tbe length evta i bare got whit mat be the idte oc ignorance among the anwith ed it well we i tbey have not dona mach for heir indemnity yet bat heei a good ttrna coming by ind bjt qatar tbingt uke place abmetimet da yoa know tboat the teddettto me it when t pwr drankea wretch of t woman it battlelort to tholt ia charge i taw oae the other day oa the corner of jervii ttreet ud wbea the wu lot oa to ta opea wiggoa ud kicked ud icretmodiaber draakea fary till waaua hood wuhopelettly degraded uddeoeaoy ditboaoaredf wu there oaeia tutgtping grinniag crowd that ained retereatft aiue ud either wept or blnibedattbe tboaght thatuy womucoald tiafcti lowt there mty hare been bat if to i did sot tee womea u well u men laaghed and only ost poor orange woman pat ia tha provito that wt uve all oar owa tint to look titer tad tut ws bad better be lookini if or hem ruber una crying oat tboat thote cf oar noghberan tras for yon ood hemett wo man of the market pltoe hay yoar thadow neverbelettl yoa were no doabtt little reddiib ia tbe toe u if yoa ooald ooouiofi- ally tilt up tbe little finger yonrjelf brit yoa iad tometbing like pity for yoar poor titter u tbe rtredinber faryfroat the liqaordatt ud legally adnuaiilered by uw and tbit tcrtot work it goiaj oa rverywbere ud whitkey telltrt think god and takeooarage and clergyman maander aberat he ud tmmortlitr of tbetlmet ud dtctnot ungba and girlhood gigglea 1 and the ttroag eitina toilet contemptaoatfy j iad sae itdiet gather op their tkirtt ucj go home to their elm ot wine j while trtole- ulenud retallt pay or- their powtiah- toribe to tbe hoate of indaitry andcbeer on the racket la thil diace of death itt all very fine rery chriitiu ud very roach a mtttar of ooorte i bot wut about tha x p tat i wiat uy twordoa the ubjtcfc itt ererythinr ud uythian ud nothing itt the tara ot 0x1ii thevitjoict iti the only aatdaltcr- tied bleating which hu arrived tha fill it will nia tha coantry ud it alone will mike it lire it will coerce the butexj it will eoofoaad oonelret the t7w uyt lr hi the jtuff urt it to doet tbt tiufnm land tq m an fhfrrimt ml thai- mh j rjtm urtit toe dtfltotut jot it t to loot up ones anoeetry tbe conceit kooea o the herildt of dif ferent coantriet it liaet brucbee at ijaiitert derived heir inrportuce in for mer timet rom the regaltlloat which ooa- trolled the admitioa of eudiditat into tbe rtrfoot orden of ohitalry at preteot they biro oeated to be regarded u of ranch roo med even hy profctted genelogitti who tre oomtnonly ooateoud eooagh a tboee diyt tbey eta trtee a pedigrjj withoat a teriout naw in a tinjle ooorte of deaoent either mile or frmale for uy ooandereme somber of geaentfooa rfebody who take the trooble to oooiult sir bernard eorke caa well help teeing that the peert of til be three klagdeeif tncieat u well u modern are at 1 rale ortaaitely perbape for themtelvee of far rom aniformly dittin- golihid uceetry ia nunydireetlon some of them tilt among their oar grudtaroot mere of tbtm amoog their eight rreatt ertndptrthta ud ilmott all of them tmong beir frtonj great grettgraadpertnta jadgedby thil ttodtrdprybttjy the dake at ratludii cataida tbe roytl timily the beet bora tnbject is the realm mi lait- much at risk tad titlee are oocoerpad it it it uf lite oeriiia tbit tba prnmoitort of tbt itvertl chleft ot the howirot of eng land of the doogluiet of sootlud ud of tha frttgertui of iretod lit dake of korfolk eamiiton and leiatter ire at eeopared witft bit we wiliaeturnowberf ba t decidedly a long wty off slant how ever tbe namber a everjbadyi aaaettort if doabled la moo geairttiaa whit ire on- lidered by kerttlt arid tmealogitu to be ia erijr ttrtinf matt la tpite tvea of a naltl- sloty of oroettoarriifea ooaw it tooeer or iter the qaeea it aatoortded ia tbe fifth degree rest reorge f ud tbirtr oae other tctort ud is the eighlh degree from jimet i ud two haadred tad sftyfire other ueettort all of themno dcabt ilat- tricot penaceree- bat whe w p tnm uegaeipatindstaaruto tbe tadortv we had that bar tftjetty it deeceaded ia the twelfth degree irom henry vii ud over oor thootud other taaettort from henry il tbe srt of tbe puatlgenet ijnrt ia the tkutyfowttb derree ui roni going oa far tevtatora miliioaioi otbar uoertort ud from wiuum the oocqairor tbe firtt of the kotmaa kingt in the tientytereath degree ud from t good bust more thaa a baedred led thirty tear miuioai of other tnrettctf and tftbooga in tbftrt but ill or nearly all the royal progtaitora might be tuily idee lined it it ocrioot that ia the icooad ui bird oiw the ditcorery of tvea 1 miaota frtctioa of tbem it wholly oat of the aaertioa purniture- oeat cuij oa in yawjt lirt ebssui houaet riliat tltai t vanad mirtm rua prep pictukk kocukxoj riumes cllkomot i koeifxd mlrrorr hz vmtan muu foe thola-j- fit if j atjtm t u toren i lorotf ttitcbad obraaio oro nr 91 f inljtoil wt it itiae iqe ntiacira ox kmittf y if sheep marks bvti4 l w tl u tooxa k x u kmtlt kt roam poli ll8t of valuable jfko- lnnlotlilln0onlro0lfor t w dwni-lra- app j to jokt btialt a v7a hurrah fob mahl tbs ffjwt excursion train form i- trrujtaitronr ff wednesdayrd mad r rw prit ifaxltoua laud orrict 64knqsfea8tti seeds f reliable si btttjosra farm vecetabl seede krr uea bqtati v twenty- nine teera l trt antursiamd o qoijflf i kt u b2stdfd8e- 1111 lli john laroberi luapfj toronto 0cvtltklljtjiuulcovlj kck- b 1104 ufcl dtint rr u- tlnglett patau llgtwi stskp fct-mtin- lu enufiic nar i- t ue alrtuvimt aftolt wt4- toilm c 0 tkhf 4c0 lororto out suai onr desohiptivs pjuoldi ueirt lafcrmtuino for u mnerfj if h ubiiied ud will tx tuoti fs wppjtm artificial umos darijtlautzs chmo titfc priiat kt frariacu lrumjou loc- rufemtl aidrvm jlj0ak4j0jf dnrtfln out- f bjn0e6 louljrt corncti d wraj ffix oo tin ilprij ftotit ctiroiso ifl e 1 t qjciwtmixvj nca 1 btf jod edye cu f tnd na h c jvfkjtitcferoioo iflc tf qrjcwtmixvj kitlqifal ca h it vm por billickeap to j cjo mrtwsiv mils third omctrioaiod a j la foorto cwjoendon meunciiiufl co qrr um iftji oouad i umixnd h jaui rtjsu cliru c0 h tnm u net t t- ronto watebwaterh mod tuuri p dj etc htvtt ictht uyll fx tlctflt sru- a flnrnhrst wrirm buut co torotao ok rjrirerjrwww1 bees and honey vocm aiarwtai teai at my tiaaitr of qtxy rtfuim far 141 atidnc il rlcuxitxfios beit nt pi cottson onl notkthi8 fllpae imeiil vmii la a vtm irrattr stw mi vgav taontabu eoclote c la radio 8ampt l ate iad nopi il e sutfjox ca f l 8qnd dnt to do thefrtiitert arid their oooiint tad thmrtanu in the rneutime juoiry at nearly done venaor ji fool andlhetoi toxroolyany uojr ollsoverty we ureuy qaantity ud tome people tre r ioolintd o tahjk we tboald look alter tbe etasring tt onrdoon befon we lend oi the sub to ireland ud harreh or tutfool tad-fire- breod fireell im tar i dont know bat if pirnellt theory h to ue good fa ireland udno reavilto bathe witeo word t ftt itj it it ecroally good for toroatoc tad i wmaerwuttltieluactterewreah ii tilibetr uwivsejtia till rtaok to thekbottetlilbetirrem pit boyle woald not let u ofnoe for notbine tba tnrtltn tad tad tupaosa 1 ltomthbtarxeropauraloa aaarnailagarrpioatiiaof tbe wondertof the telepboae 11 aa uriitant detoctire oi crime cornel to at frea beveril- hortet were recently ho loo la that aeigb- boohooii tad toipicoa fell apoa a cercfia ladttn u the thief 8 rtne one hiring in- tnriacod t tctephcrce op there the tame wit oafog exhibited whea it occurred to tbe ownerof thettoleahorref to gettbe ladiia to ooroe in and heir the great spirit talk the icdiu took ooe of the eapt and wu thtilled with utoscibmtat at being apparently to near the great keeper cf the hippy hantiag gioaadi aiw tome little time tpent ia wcaiermut tbt indian wu oleamjy cormninded by the great spirit to give op thoee ttow horeet i drop ping the cop uif hebadbeeaabot ue la aim iouaediately oanfuaod to hiving ttolea tbe boret ud trembiniy pnmited it bit ufa wu tpted he wool i reitoce the cab- allot at once ud be did to m 1 ilaaduidletillforrcrrirsalf if iny vilnafcle diiaveriet tad mach ute- al kaowledge it kept from the wottd- be- caamofthe immnm exguaa ia miking ihemknoialo be people thil it net the cite with boachtit grtkax stkct kl- thoagh bat a ftw yett iairodaced lata tbit coaairy itt ulti now raacbet ia every town ud tillage ia tbe uattedsutet aaduuidi fuwooderfal u caeca it cjnaf cun-amp- tion terere co 001 psemataat aatbau- and all other diteiftt oi the throat and laaxf ktc arttarida kaotra by dirtribatia- every year for three ytarv ortr 409000 bottle- to tha aaleed fitt if eiare by draggitta xotnoha teat of merit wu ever fcivea before to uy other varepirttxon coda yea eik more ga to yoar draggitt udget a battle for 75 eeatt and try it sample bottle 10 centx tcaixsit the tew powder for whiten ing the teth stimulating tbe month ud pa- rifyiag tbe- breath be brighten neaiett matt perfeot takt gem oxtaat atk yoaf dragfortberry price 35 oenta aiufxm feed yoar honee colfa cort ftt oiltle oaltet 8beep pit ud fowl fiorleyf kim and vttik rw told every where- uore agantt wanted- utnoiietcry john st 8 htaaaltoa our tood ramiioat miuxttl or the erovrta tad ooaxutiistatof ha oodt by utoptooa tnd u- btrng la uka manner victoria hrpopho- paltetactala the eara of dimue whea ml- lowed it it utorbad takta op by the veins tod clreoli0duiroat1i tb yftem irtch uu blood- retohiag th meet hlddea and remote parti i it evident theraforf thai taa whole criiexn matt feel ta t estctx of the rekaedv for tela by ti for geoti anderwetr ta fine scotch ud cuadiia goodt tt price u lov u tha low- ett go or tend to ojopert great aroericaa tbirt futory 109 vongo tt toronto a cora foe air to pertait tnfferingrroat bheumitttm year- altia cruap in tha mm pain la tbe bide beak or cheat corn- chtih fran bite sctldt soma or ralnt udaobet tram uy elate vrlil had oaicl reatf from the ots of et- rtcdt yatow oa far raia ud beut fnla caai- nat exitt where tt t tppued aotsri gen grantitoar roand the world fitteet telling book now offered exclntivs territory- tor terras addreu at cmce oborboltier k co lurlia wait it cattrrn 1 there ft perhtric no ivitfipitint t 0 tnmnftv catarrb or cold ta taa haad it oooart both ta vrtntar tnd rammer fitmrttnrni palir in the umbe tnd back lutftad- andt taaeo of tkht- fiettacrcai the created repeated tnnmniv vratery and tonamed eyet ud toorteaed ola- ohazse from tbe aote 1a tot taevrnohimaooai tariaca tppetrt to be trxeeted ud coated wilfa pueem la the ant rtaeu ate eayardt peo- toxtlbtlttm which wfn remove tatpaleem ud allay the irdtuton alao om etcrardt fllit or tome other mild pargttlre to remove the tlfht- no icroa the tortaei etc ran dtroctloar ic- oompantetch battle nrtot is eentt some fob tecoi tport ap is the pipe while tmokiag witb little crtokung exploefoni tbii it cuaed by the addition of foreign matter to utitttra oombration wbea toe ltmy xsate u aot tampered witb ud it sat been properly taken care of tbi 1 oombnttibu foxviga matter it wholly ro neottitry tomb bit oate it borm- 1 lewtr tomjeratora thu almort tny ltenolniviol hit kind it teen lat fngthe myrtle sivy it barttwith tteady oombortion tbronghoot to be onmgbljitpp yoo mutt bewetl to btfala thcottmi edteute jra tboatatiab afisr the ofrtcv pkess fo inuvlnit f tutor from tx j o 1 1 is pric from cjjld pre33lroniwwtitatl ca u ktitl iaj vme ta oprtioa u my cote 8eidoci2tautkl olfjatf- h- good child km kjflf r teit tcrjotx john a bruce 4 boed ortyareta atmatwltj childrens ttarffl cridlat stabtr krgrtt- w-ji-j- tbt oradlt rrota to teotrt oa tpwfil 1 e tuaaiitar fteorft4 b tnd ut aib0mal sumt watt toraattt all rvpiri prwapjy tlaaifli w oor blot imp ewin ntxsdft will be rrvea tolro tlm en i rinuwumoca la theroldwitt i4o eta wfta fall macmne cffcalxt ewa ru w griuttl v t ivr sl flirtf- hal1burton ftermlntjs of the victoria l eahrwat tine md tfllit loo for tale c 1 blokfied hvafr ooxiua uad and tbirriiioa co halflwrtoa or near w t c ffclaa traola lteraeiln diamonii i wiiiti axrtl- i ajltthg improyeddirniotittirl th-e- croeteaiti fh eat futar tad rfijjaefi er tbta aa other ta la ibe rerid tejt itotured onrt by ahjsuiihioost cttk ndbrjlclrytba hardwire ortrfc where- tki on otbar weil kiti roab utttnlaiipqved fomtpin q- ibort taklricft ind pattern- ibcbuiai dnpoved chimpion i f to farme tov 3aji sum t atojues ajvd ctttxxl azo hliliatwr utaro over iotve lem ot choice firmrax ludi ta the heaor wean arms ornlg bytbe itrtrautdc oair aejaet tewa nrfr rw a btndolpa bt chlfua nit or puas 8kb foo iuj1stsatiii utuicce fdrxshlre cattle temcotttnatl claw be kept irt poobc diti1 ttitbtrjt it t hu bees tettad 07 the mc- eaural ttoelwjan dariutaa but yearl tad provad to ba ilocajl i uiut tad taparia to all ctbau rrte be too and tia per ii iw t bar ao 8c0 leeaa 1mbbvhbmbaafbaiwaaw the wm rupture dtdrint to lq- urodooe hi gstmx tatontion lipr the hxvsitditsa reliau jid cor oi rorr- ttttluttwysr7 kj- eality tb ptcii- trtor oflcn for oxe uonth anlv his but 6in- ejunpxtuau u petoni ot umtsta macluthmld r- buyktr v ko itckgzi prtco ust and pamphlet fwe eso eoak j toronto ont hj ruojtrtted oitilogn or 10 fixrr prvcd ud vttl te masmd trt to iflllteodldg- pncbuert tiiq rod uidr bum ind po tddirm tw futaerr to wish ft reuablti chutp of sttd tmi tc fll ptotk nfnd iheir orfai cuy pricn ud mmplei ca irtsikiq a toreoto uiudi the folltnriae u irbit mr jsagi to j bcucr eiq- iuw te lmtf oa om ti katrtfeitl duji 8ixlahutadicrrm rmd tbtcbhirtoi7tanrtattii4aitr dabait tbuttej ldtttrrjcaat la a is to paj utj wtlkh t drd ftot tofjxmb cjjtlml ducaflceibtiu ttcwptirr rcht umr bell ft co ot lo be oadpxtaiei weaem la devtlopiac tm mttriif rttirv tr tent ii ii mmlloi la ihe laatnimeiit j tad t j w1ijttbm lau auidvammmrnwai 1 ireauilti joa tfuijii kipxd 0 oeamfilltrntftf ktfialbaujt xoatrmjaufloii7feta lot remltvl sdt xecul twdipkoii it prjc ev exubitwo f beenmlntrimttoutu ndtu ud lvtifk t- sjunrt aottnjitv if kmeittd ooij xedd far lvlqr oria m rv tiicuisxaimtian 1 htrftfirfonltlleda lor pevrloar orxj rw fatiwiiocl- toroato jquelph- gmsm silver plating spooks forks castors etc- repli atsd to ordbb w- miluohamp co- rbttibliabed 1859 29 ta 35- adolaida st east torontri a sjtln of betuty ta t joy forover or- t- felix qoubaud8 qrloatil oretn or mftgietl botutlaor bemovet tu ptmulca treat let uott- pttehee ud vcrv ueania a btutr it nu ttood the uitrf thirty rtart tnd u to buroleet we tatt t to be tore he prv- antlaa it pn- ptrtytnada ac eeptaa eoeatr mt af ataular itau tkaibv ttvxl be bajr t4btrii ladtel 0i w laffl i rworovnd oevhnfi tint ivjoara sabtlk reoovai mpalllikb aaratatantat trdt jre tebtlb l ulf1lhilnjotvtbekl mn k frap bond t for tali by h ararguattr5 roer oaodt itali mhavnrtrt itlet aamtl sonia laleartaimt utkaat-lvmlewtv- lodtjrs wiltoati issll the imimal clothes m- patestzd 18sl i tan htchnw bttn eoaal lit the ootrbt tha soltt tra of tihet wuli trabbj nloulod totbesbilu lfx toota ot crack- i 1 ii a mltiitoalar het oa lha tthj readilj be vdittjd loar ttyti otj t ia rait oinaaaretiart eu tej toxjrltnf to th a vu be eo- j tthea tt m pratare apoe lit soj wrinaer u reoovd levua um uw raav riii ot lime 1 5 tbe betnax lever tad fokem eiattm w elieau tbe rola v optoaj b 1 tart proporrioikd to trie tbexaaaai 8ji auaot to lat u- tub tt aji doawa levertaa l rltew ll rtoteyl- ll m trovhoi vriih ai apn w trtotiaeltroimtab j lihtlairle bwait balhrbtttda -t-taibo-tumjl- tan ot tnitno otbar elwjon i i uhitl ttbttooat to oealert biuiiatofl industrltil mllutjoiltrrat bsxwtas