r s is mi 7 s ft jdjjto s7s rprigbfc 3licitedr3 ss 5v v i if e torsiclasi w artera- hind stock toe s llillinerjv itf it good x also il at tbi l i i- sho charged uelph- n li 5 soda- the acton free press 2 it published editor proprietor m tar pouchitis tiuxturcr ptretismixg mqvsm ken oqq r la uetbatul cbarch mill street i acoz oit tw tic fwx ratm will be sent to subscribers pto paid for i loo per n- mim in idvnc 160 it not a paid ko pper ducontinaod thlul aireus in raid pt at the option ol uife publisher v aivjattrora ratts castul adtortisc- menta 8ccateper lino jaruie first inser tion fcad 2 rents per iihi for each subsc qtifil insertion cask professional crds 10 lines orles h00 per anmyn i itire 12 lines 300 per annum payble in 6 months from date of insertion anj6pocill notice the object of duch at to promote the pecuniary benefit of any mdindualor coaspanr to be omswlered an advertise ment the number of klines reckoned by the space occanied measured b y a scala of solid konparcil oaeiamaonxrar tcco kxircdunittoo rr ssw tiirjrcrforansuoo ynr scan vnc4umafuniqntu ilito hilf crania eix nronih sooq qntrtur cotutnn rit montui do iaecpiamaureeinbnthi fflco haircolamaneoionthr utt cuxtercotatna three months 700 adrcrtiscatentsvlthoatfiielnc dtrecuont will b iortduhforfean-jcharrfdecoat- inflr tracxltcct adverukmcnu nintt be riii in adranee chincw ftir contrtct adtertuemcntc most b la the office oy fl a ta an monar other- vi uylu bi ttq ott uu uiciuottac h p moore editor proprietor scsms88 bibsenmr termsioo in atet iti ntmpaier uapofbusy life iuuctvaliaif and fu vtul concern 150 if not 80 paid volume v- no 34 aoton ont thuespayfeb 19 1880 whole no 248 wh lowe1v st b 1l c- p s gimlmfe of trinity cobege mem ber of collcfje t pfaysiciins tad sorfrsocs osce and residence tt the hed cf fred erick st actoa t mcgikvuc it d- st c p s ix gredaite o victorii college -bed- deace comer of mill sad fre streets 5 to du1 a iistee ii cliisk babrttiter excelsior b e nic klin ufcc thii opponunity oftliinkiiig uieir friends tnd pttroni forlhflr cry lib- ertl lupport la tu pint and iratl titt ther will eaatinue it wtt hits oikjjs on hind i lull appl of bread cakes sus saiasajr oonfeorionery fruits- canned ffeh oatmaal cornmeaj araham and back- wheat floor c c til or nhieli wa e preptred to tall it bottom prioesfor cash ta cocaecuoa tui hie bjjcerr w atte lait opeuedafe i oyster far lor tnd trill teryeorstenmeverrttyle we harp also confuatly oahtad stock of ojrsten in both can and bulk chstp b e nicklin posfsr no mortaraaa ontha farm quabeoi stiest gttelph biiach oetice ik xtoie mmllitmt but street actttt t3ornct ojes cttet t tti etltstreet liioensed auctiqneer for the cooaties o wehiatoa tad htltoa orders left ellbe facr pacss ofsce ictca or iz iay resiicace ia roctaroo rill be- prorarjtiy etctrnsi so terras resscaafcle- patekts forisvektioks expe- arnpcst sad properly secured ia ca- edx thedaited stifes tii earqpc- pi teatgairoajeod or ao charge- sead for printed iastrucfioai ageacy ia iperstioa tea retrs 1 sexrrgeist ottavrt ctasju mi a hji in w rnlyi of pi- v r the travellers- ufs and accident las co of hartford conn write ererylmnc itratjle in thawxraf lite cad aecltteat taiantnce sitss tew sseziitr vassestlojied ample ttrposu rade irlth tbe tmmltilca aoverimeot lor lize tecurltr ofcaadisa fuller tlodercj ptid ep cth ctpiul gfloootloq gross aweu i 9s fitttt tottl lubiuiies 3511734 37 horplostp policy holders iesfimsat iiites ttattueivs agent i acton ont a ont xt try lots kill tha f sited cull tnd celebrate tbe day 1 far ilia but droadfal mortgage on the inn isffwept away j i bavoi got tho pitpcrt jwilli mo tboy are rigbt as rigbtcaabo let u logb anl siagtogctbcr fortbo dear old farm is free dont til canadians celebrate the first day of july uocmse- conslerauorlliqn jyii aatn unity- vby sboaldnt wo then eelebtito and this day uc4r forget 7 wboro is tbere any freedom like being oat ofdebt ira rir up insny a mori lag an hour before tba 6ua- aad bight bis overtakcrt rue before tho taak rrasdoae viticn weary with mj labor hurts thii thought that aenrcl my arm each day will rill bcpta pay the mortgage on the form and sisry yoa bavodoae your partinrovr- iag to tho shore by takia eggs sad bolter to tbe httle ft- isgo store kna id not ipead the laoacy la dressing up far 6how bat ht from morn till cteaiag ia your faded calico and besde oar sweet lioghter ood blest hur loving heart tho lad that gets her ibr a wife mart be by nature smart shes gone without a piano her lonely hours to charm i 1 j jjn a nff the mortgage oatherorm 111 build a little cottago soontomako your heart rejoice 111 buy a goil piano to go with our bessies roice yoa ehsll not make your butter with that upaaddavm ooaot rn for ill go this very da patent chnm lay by your faded calico aad go with me to towa and buythc finest blttne yoa tt wu exact 1 o villi your papt ydu know- and my parents objected beotuts of fail poverty i feel the greatest sympathy for you tnd freriuaatucuenwealand ts so very pleaaing i wisb it could soften ycur fsther vfhenha hss seen the lmler there will be no bope im tfrvid balibed lucilli- fred is ao romantic and pspt hates romance he ated to be vorfiromaniio iiira- self in those old times auid mrs rich tuood juoulttaii btrvrotcma i have them in my desk yet tin said lie should die if i refilled him so docs fred said ltioilla and thai ufa woald m warlhlesii without mo and about my beiok beautiful be thought soj- you know im suto ha ought to irnipatbize a littiesaid mis riciiratntf but she darod not lrdoiiaa that he would she coaxed ier dsriinr to stop cry- trig- and made her lie down tbttrvent into her own room to put the letters into her desk and as she placed them in one lieeon hole she saw in another a bundle lied oxmtly si these were and drew them out these letters were to a lucilla also one who had received them twenty years before and she in no a mitrcn old cnongh to havs a daughter who had her troubles unfolded them one by one wondering how it came o paaa that tho lovers ietura wore all so much 111 ii u m a those the music teacher had written to her daughter a strange idea came into itre richmonds raiud- she dared hot oppose her husband hy a look or word she had never attempted such thiug kut she was yecy fond of ber daughter i when she left the desk she looked and get yourself oaij bessie a new aadg ia frightened- and something ruse next morning it was favorable tf music teacher who had number and much m6reromanuetbaa rwuljrohiy been brnttmetittl nj t dillthekok attorker-at- j tiv solidkc ia clohcerv tc ofsce ciat door to voilicts hotel ifiltoa doidkiok hotel acxosrobt agaew proprietor- the ae hcttl is fittei cp ia firstclass sryl with aew fursi- tare- coaiaiercial travellers will find good acco jiraodfttfm aai coaaaodious siaiple eoorai- spctaiatfcntioapaid to the wants cf the traveling pabhc bar supplied ith the be of liquors oral cigars soodstabl- iag sal litcatve hcstlers hasuils caheuo main st acton accat for the bell orson roabufociarej by jlearc lbeli4cogiiepli orders left at his recdenc will receite prompt tt- teiitiua for particulars see adv on other tide give him a trial ckas cameron dec 10 issfta tdqtal exchaxge hotel acros mxrns i t t l r 1 1 ben isle cf the boson ubaso ztctr gtr statisa tirra pleasure ia annouaeiag to his aioay oli friends tad patrons that be has eaty purchisei and refitted the boytl j in the ceotest and most oomfort- o style and nreptrcd to accommodate all wiio mar firor him ia the most com- forfoue aaaacr choice wiaes liqnorx cigars oii 6x1 xracacr drinks always in staueinchorga of on aueaiite 2 jietatantgo of the pubho i ra- hy sohrftoi and no effort will be sporeo give tie very best attention federati bakk ofoaam g ue l tfh br ah 0h a gcsiulilfbtsiiimj ursixcspnm drafts and billsqi exctusge depositors ire allowed interst at tbf- me of five 5 percent per annua i che linings bank ueprtment and six 0 per cent per annum wid he mlpwel ofc deposit keceipts provided the mony remains irt the bink not less than fix gmonibs and three 3 months notice be given ot ls withdrawal i tholcifiygrhetj uantger shiaing gowa low prices or our produce need not give us now alarm spruce cp utile if ary theres ao mort gage on the farm while cur hearts are now so joyful let us ilsry uot forget to thank the god of heaven for our being out af dtbt j for be gave the rain and sunshine and put strength into my arm and lengthened out bur days jto see no mortgage on the farm ssiscr mij ar rxaeh foe k itmprerredtoplythehlghesfe cash pjor sll oflamblnd feep fakmv dehvepd at my tsaaar laoe leather cciisi on liit jahe8 mooee cisida lqah bftkkihc icqmpahy satxgspaxk ix or saytzs ukd vike kts tta isttjl tq 2st pompsspmipbleuhbfi i w e adaras mtcufacteer of tninmnr yell gviz jc oa skort aotice rejairij i jndsefc givehaa aeou gfcmoafose7 ick street oppostte dr lqwrys resideace tt1he clislasielow ifade at xfecin works guelph is ahead ci all eampetitoi for general purposes iron beam steel board aad shears made of ltmsalbtnlir cieap utcoth kirw fenfietvbtoves metal etttert and cistiae d zmaia t johk c xtbiibd or stolen advertisements of 5 tii nature inserted sot cheap ixthe ictonfjto psrssthe beat local japer of hahon ca tt rebchastrtand farmers alike should jyl advertisa and support the actoafurx pkbs the best local paper of bolton co six per cast interest said ca ss- poit ef miantasbiris safest jxd bqsr seccilltr board of dtrectors d b ctnsiroak eqprestdeiit wxkon eorjahh wattle co bor- uotlon- vleepreilt nl x w kosancacir stdifamtion kcoucsat esq uimllton tlfrtlcas biuixcilaen eq nelion ctu jnus loxn barton ttfiirr ucrcvait kq uamltton bkcntnout eq oatvlile wkpttraiis m u aeorsetovn hhokifttximd c b iwow esq imaoajer cotton mills dundko i hooey co loan on rial eitalt in jiiou to sui itorrartri end in easy tcrmi itwuffirsopen every weetaif from 8 arato5pm d dexteu mannger aufui8ts war harness hailnesg any person in want of a goojeltiof ijirnesi either i sijfglrj ob docbte fhocxdcillat r creechi saodlery aotjon wtiere iher tan jet better value irt their money than uj- jrlici in the county k aoon assakniext or trtjhks and valises 01 aad alt of which will be sold ebapfor eiih tspeepafring prorablly attended to every c1abds bdjbeadaandcsrcnlaraofeyetj ywu office the bat local paper of halton co rs j v-pense- ij xa for thow wining to trork ton w r nothiag el nata yoa too for 2wyo cando attbe baamess we y to expum here tfou can f lz5hob and make geat pay for uvthaiwnw- women make every hour j ter eciol private a mmk sfjah wemail free iem llfmsimpiun of hard times vrtoafeb eobt ceeech 5000 customers wanted tpls week ar ma ccrraaa b skqe store six ikterestimo letters are there any more of thoso let- ternr when lier father akcd thiaquestioni in an awful tone lucilla richmond could nomwy- xolind durep uot say yes but an intermediate course burst into tears and jsabbed behind her handkerchief j bring them to me lucilla said her father as if she tudjanawered him ai iuted she had aud the girl trembl ing and wetpiiij trpse to obey him then mrs richmond her dacghters very self grown oldr came behind her husbands chair and patted him on tho shoulder please dont bejhtrd with her my dear sho said caixmgly hes a nice youne man and it is our fruit after all as much as borvand yor wont break her heart im sure perhafis t approve of the whole affair maam said ntr richmond ino that is i only gasped the ittle woman and hairing lucilla coming she sank into a chair blaming benvdf dreadfully for not having beta present at all hen daughters mujsic letsons during tbe past year for all this disturbance arose from a music teacher who had given lessons to jliss lucilla richmond for 12 months and whouad taken the liberty of fall- tnj in love with her knowing well that she was the daughter of one of the richest men in yoiksuire it wan inexcusable in s pbbrmnsin teacher who should have jcuown his place ilr ricliraond declkrel and he clutched the littli perfumed billet which hid fallen iutd bis hands as he might s scorpion and waited for the others tithi look upon hit face which told of no soflenicg they cime at lust six little wtnta eayeloi tied to gtther with bluy ribbon and- were laid ai lis elbbtv -bf- hit desparing daugh- lock tbese npj until i feturn this ctvening he itid to his wife i will read them then meanwhile lucillt is not to jee this music teacher on any ptince wiiawverj aid theii lucilla wend hbwn upon herknees- i oh dearpapi she cned dearest raps pleass dont isyl must never see him again i couldnt bear ft indeed i could not hegj poor i know but bia a- gentleman and ii like bin w much pap 1 no mors of thfs 4b6urdity my vovuxtkzbznzi s home u dear said mr r been artfnrenough chmond he ihas to make you think btm perfection 1 iuppose tour par enli know what ibesl tor your happt nets a p te not a m for miss richmond p wih which reriurks mr richmond put on his hatand oyercoat and de- psrlcd tien lucilla nd- lier motlier took tha opportunity of falling into mb others arms t riohniond til dear 4tenh in her pocket rustled as sho moved bat the tatd nothing to any one on the sabject until the dinner hour irnved and with it came her husband angrier and more determined than ever the meal was passed in silence then hav ing adjourned to tbeparldr mr rich- mond seied himself in x great arm chair and demanded the jotters in a voices of thunder mrs richmond ptit her band inlo her pocket aud pulled it out again 1 hi ft l ii 1 1 1 1 a i mr richmond repealed eti sternly i those absurd letters if you please maatu j and then the little woman altered i that is i believe yes dear i beieve i have iheni and gve him a- white pile of envelojies enriched with blue ribbons wttti s hand tjiat trembl ed like an aspen leaf j as for lucilla the began to weep as though the end of alt things had come at last and felt sure that if liapi should prove cruel she itiould die sir letters six slumeful piece of deception lucilla said the indignant parent i am shacked that a child of mine should practice such duplicity hem i let me see number one i believe june and this is december half a year you have deceived us then lucilla let us see ah llfrom the tin momenff inrac arodrolalt ijqn- sense people doi t fall injlove in that absuid manner it ukegyeira of ttajitaintaneeand prespect tnd attach ment with your suiilesfdrhis goal be would win both fame and fortune poor as ho is t fiddlesticks lucilla a man who bascouiutou sense would always wait uutimie had a fair com- mnoement before he prdposed to any girl praise of your boaaty the loveliest creature he ever baw exag geration my dear you are not plain but such flattery is absurd iluil bear from you or die v dear dsar dear how absurd andmrj richmond dropped the erst letter and look op another the saise stuff he commented i hope yon uont believe a word ho says a plain earnest upright sort of a man would never go into such rhapsodies im siire ah now injjiber three he calls yon sin angel 1f is romantic iipoh my word and whit is all thist those who would forbid me to see you can find no faultwith we but hit poverty i am honest i am earnest in efforts i tui by birth a gentle man and 1 live you from my soiil dp pot let them sell you for gold lucilla great heavens what impertinence toycnr parents i dont renwnber freds saying anything pf that kind said poorlucilla f ha pever knew you would objiet mr richmond shook his head frowned and- read on in silence until the last sheet lay under his hand then withan ejaculation of- rage he started to his feet infamous heened 111 go to hiiu tbis instant ill hursewbipliiai ill ill murder kiiu as foryou by jove ill send you to a convent elppe elope with a niasio teacher im ashuuied to mil you my daurhter iwheres my hatlqive no my boots here john cull a tub i but heie lucilla caught one arm and mrs riohmoni the other oh papa you are crazy 1 said lilfiila frederick never proposed such a thing lfltmsies tji ittfter b5papr a faiopoaiiil word it is not do look papa it is dated twenty years buck and freder icks name is uot charles papa these are yonr letters to mtmm written long ago mothers name is lucills you knowl i mr richmond sat down in his arm chair in silence yeryredin the face how did this occur v ho said stern ly tnd liftje mrs richmond retreat ing into a corner with her handkerchief to her eyes sobbed i did it on purpose j and paused a owigk luiijcijcclflil a sudden iudg- oioul but hearing nothing su3trecr at lost to rise and creep up to her hus band timidly and say you know charles its so long ago and i thought you might not exactly reuieuioer how you fell in love with me at first sight how papa and mamma oljvvted and how at lust wo ran away t gether and it seemed to me hat if wo could bring it all back plainly ta yau as ic was hen we might let lucilla marry the man at loves who is good if he is not rich i did not nted it to ba brought back any plainer myself women have more time to remember you know and weve been yery happy have we not v aud certainly mr richmond could not deny thtt so lucilla feeling hat her interests might safely be left in her mothets keeping slipped out of the room and heard tha result of the little not gone half so far as an envelopement and in doe course of time he two were married wilh all the pomp and gran deoc befitting the nuptials of a wealthy merchants daughter with the perfect approbation of licillas father and to the great joy of lucijas minima who jutiy believed that her little ruse had brought aboul allhec daughters lianpt- ness significant movonaiit our friend jones george p genial and accommodaiing dentistsat in his office one day with several ladies present for whom lie had done dental wort engaged in social friendly chat when ia cimc a couutrymant- ital- wart solid lookinginun clad ia homfe sffiu who wanted i tooth pulled it wai an old eriiider aching dreadfully and hia teetn were awimliira lb get oat the doctor took him into the operating room i small place simply partitioned off from the main room by curtains ana examined the tooth it was really a tough ookiog case the tooth su upper mour was badly decayed and thejiv inflamed jones suggested that he had better tako gas crt whats that 1 george p explained sho htowiyetolkl anitu tend inaoffaoc i wont know nothn anyhow t yes sir it wilt render yon entirely tnseusible to pain insensible to every thing for a short period but it is not dangerous not in the least wo i go ahead ill take tho gas- the docor brought forward the inhaling tube and bade the man make tsajdy hold and thereupon the man dived his hand down into his deep pocket and drew out a fistfull ol silver coin and crumpled banknotes ivever mind that now my good sir said jone you can pay me len the tooth is pulled dont you worry doctor i aint agoin to payvou now ufver fear but you say as liaow that ere gas ii send me clean off entirely and i thought twould bo well to know jest hoaw much spoodulix i had in uij pockot afose i went youll excuse me but ive travelled v a giggle from the outer room told thatthe kceno was enjoyed there and grcoree p fincied then and there as it truly proved that it would be a long time ufore he would bear the list of that gas patient no tulng lost by christina charley one of those oilhardened tnie hearted cliaps readof in lomance made his appearance on the campus martins yesterday ond lis sympathies were at once arpnbed by the sight of three or four old men standing around with their bucksaws anjj waiting for work ill be hanged if it isnt tongh lie replied when they told him that they hadnt had any work fur a month how would yon liketsome oysters 1 thajramiiafcad jjieir jipsijyway iof repl- add be gathered hirra crowd of eight marched them to a restaurant and ordered oyster stews for eicli one it just does my soul good to see them eat he said to the o rfar of the place as the eight got to wore yes its a beautiful sight was- the reply if it uiakes me feel good in here con tinued the stranger laying his hand on his heart a good dod brings its own reward was the soft answer of the restaurateur as he calculated his prflfiis 1 1 cant rest here 1 must do further good said tho bighearted stranger and he rushed out add brought in three negroes a chimney sweep two boys aid an old wouian and ordered more oyiters the fifteen people went for oyster soup in a manner to ainsze and their guardian nudged the restaurateur lu lit nbi nd fi sae fia gentle lambs oh that j could feedthe poor of america you are a good man and heaven willrswaxd youreplied the proprietor as he fihed the dishes again the stranger said he wanted to bringi in just five more so as to saythaf he fed an evenscore and rushed out after them while the restaurateur sent tfter more oysters and crackers the stranger didnt return he was last seen climbing into a farmers sleigh on state street and guiding his team to the west the fifteen in the restaurant licked their plates clean and departed in joyful procession and be lost one had passud out before the man who had furnished the soup had got through waiting for the return ot the stranger there were oathaand slaug phrases and walchwards and expressions de livered in tbe purest baglisb but what mattered it to the fifteen soupdenours who drew up tnlineopposito aud 1 riolvs that them oysters j condhek the spot i just tho boat physician the celebtsfed dr sydenham hfid a a patient whim he long prescribed for at list sydenham acknowledged that his skill was exhausted that he could not pretend to advise him any further but aid he there ia dr robin son who lives at inverness who is much mora killed in complaints of this kiod than i am you had better con sult him i will provide you vith a letter of introduction and i hope yoa will letutn much better the patient was a mm of fortune and soon tooktharoad bultravilling was a yety different undertaking then to what it is now and a journey from london to inverness was not a trifling on jest aminnit doctor onerheirtvsdjbojwwmr at lbs plwse of destination bujt no idr rgbinsoa was to be found nor had any one of that came ever been in tha town this of course enraged the gentleman very much aud he look the road back to london raging and vowing vengeance on the doctor on his arrival he vented all bis rage on the latutr and abused hint for sending him on a jour ney of so many miles for nothing when his was a little abated the doctor said well now tfter all is your hctltlr any better 1 better said he yes sir it is better lam sir us well as eyer i was in my life but no thanks xo vou for that- well said the doctor you have still reason to thank dr robinson i wanted to send you on a journey with on object in viaw i knewitwonlddo you good i in going you had dr robinson in contemplation and in returning you were equally busk in thinking of scolding me l a signboard a rdraan who opened a small raillineiy store in the western part of detroit engaged a painter o paint her a sign when it camediouia the other day she saw that it read mrss j blank ic and she called out you have got on extra s in mrs and you must paint the sign over again tbe nainw saw the error but he didnt want the job of correclihg it and he replied madam havent yon had qwo husbands 1 yes sir you were a mrs when you lusttho first f i was aud do you think a vonrancango on marrying for ever and not lengthen out her title 1 mrs means a marriod woman or a widow mrss moans a woman who has beau married twice and is young enough to marry again and only yesterday a rich old coon was in our shop and said if he had any idea that you were hearfree hed come up oh well you can nail up the sign sho interrupted and it is there today an exchange discovert ihat then two yonng meu meet they address eads other at ldmadt and that vhen two old fallows iatlbjytajlio3 igui3ci making it secure j a few days ago a citinm having an office on mnnroe avenue made arrange ments with an od colored man to sweep out tho room twice per week for the woekly salary of 1 o cents tbe first weeks salary was paid and received and everything was all right- but hen the next payment cane due the old man hesitated hung around fota while and then said say boss sin 1 sweeptn out to please yerf oh yes doan find no fault with juet none at all you are doing well enough- lie glod to har dat- what i wanted to ax ye was whfdder haiwju s uphotoeral job or one for hull year if ifaa uphemeril jobiraeovtobe de kei m if ii a wcedyijob i gwipe down an make the first pay meat bra 7 looking glass fur de ole woran x want to beort oswnredtiomi he vvort hi wkrr an eugluh offloer exchanged into tnothac ifgiment bringiug uh jiihi the reputation o being marvellotitlj j- successful at a bet xh ji8 new colonel he wont get anysneeew out of me 111 wsrranl and he wrom to the fellows former cclonel nn old j friend we like him very mich ilad y on doold bdy jkkep liim wt found him to expansive a luxury wa the nply on rjay atmrtsuii colonel good hunioredly said ijieni that you profess always lo wirj atot well sirriiii pretty aticcessful tha way i dont hiiia you wouli sueoeed with me mayi try1 i the subaltern by all rovan welt then ill bet you sir thy that oldx wound in your bark bae brojsen to j afesh what n the wbrlddb yon meant old wound in my hackl dycat think 1 ever think i turned mj wj on he enemy theul and the gallant colonel grew warm i never had p wound inmy buck in my lifedjieci to a cornet lock the door ill proye it to your own eyes the other pre tested that the oplijnel supplejirrtl was mors than enough but no i this- latter was excited and stripped ive lost and brown handed oter tajslcmflp note a few days later caine a note fnjui the colonel tpf the i brown has agalniwanrtjctfnfl money ont of drir fellbws be ijev heanfy that before wd been isillr you ajnoiicb hed makeybutdke yourstrfpp off iui f he mess ronirii afjer shneivlbtnlr uow writes ttmfihe saccieded that colonel was mad a scone from real ufa a young man cbiijrcd the fedr fdom of a village tavern and calloft for a drink no said the landlord ypn have had the delirium tremens oucu aid i cauuot sell yon any more- he steppedasidb xo- make room ck- a couple of young men who had jut entered aud tho landlord waited oh them veiy politely tbtrbtlw had stood by rilentand sullen- and- when they hod finished he walked up loathe undlord and addressed him t six years ago a their age itlood wis a man with fair prospeflts 27ow at the age of twenty eight i tin l wreck body andriiind you led meti driijk in this room i formed tbe iiabfc hat has been myruin now splj e a few glasses more upd your work will be idone i shall lo out of tne way there is no hope for me but tbuycah ba saved do not sell it to tbem sell- to nie let me die and let the world be rid of uie but far heavenb sake soil no more to tern 1 the landlord listened pale and l trerubliag setting dqwn his decanter he exclaimed god help me this is the lost drcp lwill evef sell to anyouel and lie kept his word family matters keep salt in a dry place keep jeastin wootl or glass keetfjlmnlard t nt w keepjprfserves and jcllie inglssjj keep flour or meal in a cool air place keep vinegart in wood glass or stoneware sugar is an admirable ingtedient in curicj meat or fish cmsts and pieces of bread should bi- kept in an earthen jatj closely covered in a dry cool place lard for pastry fehoold be used as hard as it can bo cut with a kvife it should be cut through the flour noil rubbed t i in boiling meat for sorip nsecold water to extiact he jtrices tf meat is wanted far itself alone plunge into boiling water at once household troubles should be kept us far as possible from the slcsroehi squabbles of children or seraiitirtbter should find an echo there hard pomatum iamdo by mctng slowly together one pound of preiiarcsl suet and three pounds of white wax ufuming itwitji any favorite esseou tiul oil c bottles thai have contained oil may be cleaned by ibeuse of 8adukaml water put tho bottle about onbthud full of sawdust add watery shake th and rinse to purify offensive watr 3 bnsher of hardwood ashes suspended iriaback ina cislsrn of kio ioiitus capapijy jhjk ttccompluhcd this- bjeoith entire satisfaction w i honseieepett should know that a small piece of paper i enedwith spirits icflturpentine andf piiiiatp a chest of drfrsf r robe for t single d two or three times jt ytar is apiesejftsrtisiiigtinst moths n trije is as load a begnart wantil- nnd a treat deal more taucy bwh you haye bought one fine- thing yoi must buy ten more thatjroor appear ance may be all of a piece but it- is easier to seppress the first dosire than to satisfy all that follow it how frequently are tli heirslyiina integrity of a man disposed of by shrug i low fnany good and noble actions line been sunk into oblivion by i dist rustfnl loot of stampelwni the jimpr sijn of proceedingfroro jtirt motives by a mysterious mlseasbniyle whisper i- the following is quaker wpwbah mrmoa my dear iendtheretre three things which l very imqch wont ai the first is that be so foolish as to throw bumeaelnbf and briokbata up intofrjumreeto knock dbwri fruit if thejeijtaroie it woufd fall itself tho seoond tahat moiwbliuldjbo 6 foriish8p goilio wk and sill eaoh otlierilif le4ln they wojild dierthseve afidtthe ttiird and last thing fflwrwi mi ia rtat yton as to go afteprtlft yoiufgjuctw iijt trieywonldat t bowxy t