hsmli8tf i vtoct ji-j- 4 w w j uatcmt time tlclt trauulosve actota follows o war k to ii iiivl pj- n press jsitmud i li5aih 8 icvm 14ipln 5 is piu- 707 pm coiso east sijut rxprcu 4lqaiu tiauniiled piiliu nay impress ll0aia western njvl qpra loudon or ed j t30 pm hail time table mis ktxklvfco prom the ki sto flni tvooitonuuiuci m at 517pm from linatetibnll fcss il on tucsiavt and friday frwtt8pejkldc fcmuu tuesdays and fridays mails closed ooimttmtbtra nc kasllus p m u4ll roc toronto 1110 icn icoitcaliatlnialtlteoflaniotttues lays aud fridays 8trlil mall 10 a m oatjnlut ani fridays f- kecuteced letiera anut be mailed is min utes fce lore e ul or u m e- tkcsda xldiurtsc fna 19 1ss1 ronw xyo covsty itr j c htfl i5 coastinlt eahaii wu mcctjar stbe bt stoves trr ieserstioaloti eoaj saa vool nacimr j pries io 2 up whici i is psjiwito srti clstip in cisi tiosssrtmaatiseosijlrt osilul ioa if ton require etoto- lr- hut iu also ssieadid let ei lani laateras lai roiytiiae is thi iiao- tiawawoiajllrizfls cicip- oillaii rf lifh muddr roaa wqxder if termor couldnt send ct some frost and snow bcsixess i dull od account of the mo jdy state of the roads i the weather this week has lefn more suitable for april than february vaijttkcs ear has come and gone aad many valentines have gassed throagli the postorece ifs- r rt t i ml r the use rain have given ocxtoads the ap pearance of mortar beds in scree plape st bikths 3 micttigej aad 32 daths were registered dnrinc is79 at the jece of jcbji eaatertirodk xssaarey township clerk wv lgi has been actbonc xl bi 2ctssagawevx tawashin council to collect zil taiea doe that rnanicipalrtj aiid pay the aame oxer tothe totnihip tjeasttrer forthwiti tuk lit csi uougk 0 the dodci lo cheat fircicn the latest is that of a dead beat wim offert toiiiu twn or yl tccjipt by waicltitfioy cjj ixwlo thc- ou cctil oil at acoit ot ciili cauls v- don oluon ludjjc ioof tiwi town rcallixil 7 at a oci to aid the itlffcdui lrth l ycu doat luctm o utiendo yotlrbuhino fd pxter a ilendcr iucptnc mliie your mljlilou rrow rich it wont ckookw witjkivrxli jno lp iuy toadvftle a rcsiilclutf ki vrtreiii for trial at tu coilikclov 0 coucolfc 0 be auto 1 ibl- a vuiru and otucr srteka iv by ilr a c erk will bo thcn in ucd uibt illicit inruufcture of vhitcy i ur lue vtevi ij wo or three tuouthr lnree ok tuesday- moruitiitr a teatn 2rirejiiy itr s ziaunercao raafrightea- d by the cars and coismeaced mnrur at top speed aionc the alrtei tfaey were fov- tanatejj stopped belere any dri tec damz a sttieei of fiportamfti earae t actoa from guelph oa wianiis to thatit aoos6iafviiea idaraisiirkay alile part j they succeeded in brin jinr in abaatdacore of ralits ta mlssicxief aerrnon will ix- pleached in the mefhodiit church at crew- abna corncra jieifc saoday at 2iwpnt ly eer mr jfekenzic of kasaassveya theannoal meeting ill be held on tuesday ereniofr wbenadjressea will bj delivered by een mrnfnke and mclean gf thatcooffc hactakut pectocxl datsxit if com poicd of ihe most healing buteims and gumtu the balsams trliicli enter into iu darpoeilion were uff by natlrei when america was krec discovered and aire combined- mtn oiher veptable coaica so- btenderf togctber tblt it ia a specific for all nseclioai of the throat and longs thoarandfi botttes arc used saninhy and i is consideri one of the atandsrd pieparattons of the djy for cauphs colds etc for sale by ikteeestixg dates follovring are some interesting data for the present year st tafentinsa day satnrday frb it firstsondayinlent feb 15 st patriots dayednesday jiarch 17 palm snodav march 21 good friday lurch 2j easter snnduy itareh 28 rocation sandar may 2 aseecaoadaymay c whit sunday may lii trinity scndar t r qceens birthday monday 2tfhaiay dominion day thnrsoay jnly 1st fourth of july sanday advent sunday xor 2s christmas saturday dec 25 the dossellt iruadee thtfbid dnlpfc tragedy set the daily pprs of to- rontaaad dondon 6a their nettles aod the repoeterriccm to hare worked for all they are worth to beat each other the chief rival ccntored in london between the ad- taiisa- and fra proa while botit did wonders the adtxrtua- seems to have got of the house at whicn the frastdy oecnrred first ia interviewin father counell andrto crown all to publish first the boy cchnor- evideoje wherein be r the nune of theinorderers and lheait flow ed theseyip wuh portrails of the pnnapai parties concerned johk lvflue of salmonihfsthe checker player wr3 this to he halion aaw i notfeithat considefvble chaffinn u indnlged m through the saclph news- nbr mr mckenzie regardms the it championship ijjton rthinkrofferemrilcrrennea fair thing before be to show him and hi friend that i meanusiness i nowxffer topiarhimtor the chmpionship of wel linrtoa and halton a wfll agree to meet junt aeton which h way between sjmonrille sod cvk t ft ririormetwo wee u each one to payhisowiexpei if he woht agree to ai it hi qoitc er mt is the only ime tbeyaju gwp k mr mckeu- exnahowsiri cii fhe cbam mmswp othf i am willioff jo go to goelph payi a peesj rod play him bat knows that the in b er yit been jl jgepol books 1 uald ttic i iiiicr h3 always toiiio an cx ctllcut cuar-cic- lur mr j d ccamins whose dtjaitroui faiidrcia clic cpliujrlaircijia mtllou cimed conamcnliu commcufc miuly u left tint unvo ud is turpocd to w lit llc uuitcdsuicf the mill uuil iuddiag idle aid it is uotdekuilch tuuveu rtbu otnticii will be resmued ulc d1i xnttoue xainwiiff palac ihu tli- nbov duo tit tkhvr wim nyiljin mare fircibe t iiintoa ilitnv afiiie vo ctmci rftneltoraaynkit tiwticiiuucud ccnstnivuou wmily uutulis tw pain atul doo not jariko til hit root it the uscxs- oillttcm itlkwuh kcatcn ruiauiaa af ptirecoa ucr ait vrlili ujiaiiuamikuc ocltmcaad kcdt it tcuili nj lntfiiitutiv pptmtrt hio vciwl tjkum tinta rolici is ccrttdn tooiiuw- ami lucii k is irfwliy rctuuiiiotlic lut j tuc local paier if ydai jocal rvipcr luppcas to tread oa our toe a lituc in pcrfonniug it inisiaa doat get your luck up x1 zhuss the editor but stop ami ule guod breiui aud thinu lacu for s reisoa and aco if you caut ixinemlier ecrae of the cavort adfciudiisuhmhivuyuu ia uic past tha reject that it may uot bj lou before yon may want favors again serious accidextoq situixluy mortiia hr and mre john xfirabal f trafilsir fitarted to drive to hamilton whcc dririnp dju the zimmcrmsu hijr the vtagoa dewed arauadxi the turn ucar the oituaad cpact tunjirin ixith iin- runu ridentiy oat mrs jutrfihil receiy- ed no kenatti injuries but ir marshal uas kngeroaair hurt and his recovery i con- cideted doabtfal hu eiiae u supposed to be injured and oa monday night he was ioscxisible i is that wxtarther jieak tberc is aa appallicc outbreak of initials ia the pipers meetings of the y m u b the iuuvt lopel and jlhe jgil are aanouaced ithont fear at coawejaeaces dart iiila your must ugly ilacheiorr the ancieat order of cyly womeu the itntaease order of price iiotisters and the- jectaascs goae astray are noir cuuuated ind nust aesfc other di the weather since veunortcck the cautnet to sspply this cocntry trith veither ire tnait fzy thai we have jieeu treated to a quality at weather so iiad that if the people do not petition the ucraigioa govcraneit to cancel the contract they deserve to uilloar ia mud and tdush for the remainder of their daysc we believe ia progress lut as regaru the veather wc prefer it ux the good old iray- we can say that the supply nor pal hand is simply villainous missionary sennets the annual uiissianxrvrvitei in concetica with- the bnadi methodist chcrcbj vrili be held in roronto ill preach zt 10 jd xm s rm and on mociday evening the depcta- tton rol consist cf ecv ej k depart d d cf tucuatc editor of the gttzrdian and cere mclean of gcoqrtoto a collet ttou ni aid of the missionary fund will be- t iken cp- after each tervicc tuxsoriafe mr y j wilson of toronto faai purchased from mr j warden th barber ship and badness as earned on li the biiilfliiig opposite storeys glove works mr witana is i man who thor oughly nadtrftaud nts business havitif beea employed in some of the largest shops in baltxmore kew york djstoa and other american citits besides wbrfcinga number of years in toronto acd moulrcal ah persons wishing acytlli iu the tfaiorizl line will receive ltfactioa by exiling at this shop j4sswkbmxws3- id period in february will reach us on the 22tid 23rd fttfa and 5ab days tins it is probable will be extremely cold njung the valley of the st lawrence aud ottawa hirers xortheru united states aud to the westward february will certainly end cold the second heavy ejiow ctcrnt of the iimuth nhould by ray thcorycofne on us cboat the 5th end this bids fair to be heavy with drifts and fairly cold weather we have yet te tet our heaviest snow fails of th winter and sorre of these are certain to eitendthrough march up to the 15th tho weather should be moist j village council nietta iti matih- ejva itl mitdy ercjid usit tim audi oi t lup u will be iccivcd ijcidcs other impv iiut bu tun rig ujy u beinu talked up ionevhatia town aud we underntaud lhetc will be a public meeting tj discuh thfi question before long i tuts is tua holiday uirzla of th port hope tiinrs i thequcs ion is an iutcr- cstiui one to mauy others abuutthesc days dont uo us a or m eigutyoke dollars were paid at a religious tea fight at goargctown and still people complain of liiird limes and starvation in ireland jjranc hcvuv jouk lvlie of suliiynvitle uud mr mclvcniie of gnelph iro havinca good deal of chattu to which is the bentdrughu player get to work meu aid play a game ana itius fluatly daljc tin jtattci ma a a allwortuliaapmchtfied the wraut avnvir from h baker whute cjntiuiafd illness prevented 1 is attcudiuto the busieaa we wish the new prupticloc who is an cutcrprisiog aid able yauug mauvery tuccess cctxiaau mr fiorce hall of berlin foralerly of y last ng her friends intend to be division courts tho following aro the daks of tho alttinga l thd diviaiou courth iu tho county of ualtonw the year 1880 ku 1 mwx on friday jan 80 fob 27 march i0 aiil 3u may 28 juno 26 aug 27sepu 2li0ct 29 and nov m no 2 oaicvdj jan 14 march 8 may 12rjuiy2 kept 8 nov 3 no 8 gnoltoivk jon sotltorchd ijay 18 july 13 bept t kov u no 4 aciox jan 20 march 10 may 10 sept lo lu- iu no 5 avisiiaxwiti jan 17 mr 9 may 17 nov 13 stoves stoves oheap at j oh ills satsraossina ash sp25ialti2s j ana irii 6e utcvlcd on ac thortal notice a qvxl ttoci of iitpior jtfaiivy cheap i c5me aot sesf sr totjrselths j 0 hill tintmbrktliist acton was iu town oa fridj mrs d hendersoa is viri in gleacotf and saraia she absent about two weeks bible society a mating of the cammrucc of the acton brsick of the u c bible society will be held at the office of the secretary onsaturday jvecingthe2ist tnsl at 730 oclock for the purpose of appelating collectors and making announce ments for the annual meeting ajl snb- ecribers cf one dollar thd uprards are tnetn- lert of the committee a full attendine slkdaysceool coxvkstiok the annual convention of ualtoo county s s association was held in milton methodist church of canada oa tuesday and wednes day of this week a good representation of sabbath school wotken from various parts of the county was in attendance and interesting addresses were delivered by ministers and others engaged in s s work a fall report next week diocese or niatiahat thtv follow ing cams were paid by anglican hurchcs in this neighborhood at the episcopal synod osce hamilton in january towards the mission fund llarriston 531 guelph j73o alnii 77 cents guarantee ac- cmuutu actuu 40 i harriston c30 15 eruvfc fcrcns2l3 aima emaosa 20 algama tuud guelph fijgo erin j4s0 hhlsbarg sl60 fcffngu rockwood and erambaa la k fosmrc facr kervoamea i ho senre ot feebleness or tlie lack of ftib- ility of ttie nervous systocn aa distin guished from tho rest ot tbe bocy it pre eminent a disease and more widely cjread through thkur iiem and eastern part oftbe cnitcd suies and dominion of canaditliau in any other part of the world wo hill not tl3p o say why this is the caje but we do emphatically say the victoria compound syrup of hykipho6pbile be found an inrtluabie medicine for all partes icted with nervousness pyipopiii consumpti n delcctirb nutrition uneril debility or wcjtkhets ot the whole systoai ine of filie firsi effects an increase of ihe nervous or ital energf illrwed by a fceinpoi unusual coxrort aud ttrerigtb for talo by all dealers i ko i keisox bcmrsotox jan 18 a 1 slbckallalif sfqves tit jtur 2 slay 11 july 3 kept 7 kov 2 nctioedzinanujactn ouietieit quality cttass or dnruios cocuts xol wm of iron tlie fined finith and the mo4 puntonltiltouj ko2ulialmcr0lrvilllj handtmi son iit the uiarht o 3 john liokjatc qeorgetown j 10 i jaa afuf thews acton j ko j s r lister i canipbdlsvulo i ng c h mdler barling- faatt tavtt s55mwes of all axi at tlie very louxtt prices nolea3 worth ahontlon a uxll txlccted rtocl o the lateat styles in stiff felt hats rp p tvr rrr a t tn at j fyfes j w -e- iro ji iist value in 5cc tea ia acton always on haxd at j w manns uvdekclorutka good md clieip at j tyfes good value iu 50 cent tea at b ilaslclts new store alt the newest things inaoltfelt hauatj kifes otjteus tresli oyartr received daily at kiokltui bakery f pictore framing done at leas than city prices at c w hills nottttka to jurjjuss those tea dollar suits at j fyfes cheapest motto frames in the couutry to be had at c w hills get yourself touts cibicet photos while they arc- cheir c w hill fttuatt currants and raisins juat received at chrislt- henderson it co lf iou wknt a nobliy dtuuble and cnesp suit j fytes is the place lo go cneirest oystera in own fresh sni joid at xicklitts bakery try them a good line of black- cathmeies chup for cash at b hailetts new store livb goose waaied 60 pounds live goose feathers christie hcndersoa fcco just aeeiveda lot of no l cora meal at lawsoa bros floor 4- feed foa the latest style in promenade portraits with handsome easel and rrsma herrings lake huron herrings at james slatthe vet cheap c w itllx phntoprapher lias introduced a new lihtning process so more ion- sillinjs potatoes if you wish t tag of i firtclass poiatoes cheap delivered call at lawiou brta flour aud feed store paevexttux better than cure buy a riood overcoat and- prevent catching cold von can jet one for 500 at j ff fus bkislett bas a large quantity o cood aia tea for 50 cents having purchased it before the rise ia teas it ia eitra valce leave vour orders for millinery at once lveryliody wilt want a new hat or butt n t for the eolidoys christie sehdersoaa co i rtaro- i try james hatthewi x 50 oemt tea the best yet j ific pieces of dund cottons jrtt received bought before tbe recent art vanceoflst dte niw is the time to seenre- a bargain in cottons curislle flenjerson jc co vercdats vests ichbap 1 cheap 1 cheap i to glear gut stock boots shoes at old prices dress goods lustres winceys flannels blankets tweeds no advance in prices while you live live well j t eastoist baker actok 1 would respectfully thank my numer oos customers in acton and the sur countiful palronage iliylnie beatoww on me since t started my bakery business iu the well lridwo stand almost opposlu hills grocery store and besides oflenng my thanks i would solicit a continuance ot their esteemed patronage jn the future as urine past ay beread will be segqx tq tfowe while mr supply ot bcxs iad cakes ore unequalled eauaoaii oake a tpsoia orders for picnics tcamectihcs i or hocliil gatherings hrompur and cueapiyexccateaoii shiort notice j t eistok 3 bales of fnctorj- cotton just in secured before ihe recent advnuce at special price and dont tou forget it the famous 50c te a is still- selling at 50c pices coaranteed lower than in any adjoining city town or village make rooil to raako rom for erlerisive rejafc parchases wa will offer special reducthn in line of tweetla dre goads of 20 per cent for net cash dont let the rnlden opportunity plip no blow christie henderson k co i esteairrse messru mcqailtsu i ffamilton of the velltittou marble works gtteih are doin the best and choapest work iu canada beiug the tirstto introduce firstclass work at low prices by importing direct he best qualities of marble and graaite 10tf liy the rtiv joseph ursworth g g fnwc m ti t of wuicscdatre ky sa of il p ilowc eij gwrgctown to miis jeiiuic clark eldst diughttr cf thoa clark e geor- towu swikdltkg the fafiitees r- the latest method of swindling the fanners says an exchange is as follows a gentkmaulv fellow driree up with blanks for trtatistics on the fknn bushels of wheat7doipber of cattle raised acres under jcaltivafjon etr between the tables and the footoffbe page niuirt tlw fajtrur line jilt- nzjjjffltt the statement is a blank space whose eristence is accounted for a affording room fop miscellaneous mformation in a month more the farmer receives notice from a neighboring hank that his jnofe forslco is dae he knows nothing of the nit but investigation rfhows that the censnataker has filled in ths blank with a promise to pay which behux now in the bauds of an innocent holder must be jmd by the un- 1acky dupe beware of them auction sales geo giejk accnoxive mr adam cook has instructed g gfbb fja sell by pabhc aactinn on monday 23rd february his valuible farm cousisting of the w of lot 23 conl 7towoshinpf esoaeaing 100 acres more or less s5 acres cleared balance fiood cedajandoakfinhher terma 500 oa of uu for balance liberal urms will ba eiven- at the ame time and place lot of- farm stock and im plements will be sold terms 6 and auder cash orer that atnoont 8 mouths- credit on good secant good title guarantee j auction sale of farm gfock and fmple- meqfa on monday- lstifafchafc 1 oclock pi lot 24 con 6 qnesui ko reserve thoa arthori proprieton geonre gibbs aactioheep i school books- 1 cheapcstahd beit tlif daily ftitxeis is mailed to all its subscribers in a merica at less than a cent a day it is the j dusf cnt khwsparjir ts the wnald giving all the latest news by telegraph lediloiiais on thejnost important ques tions a carniirebetkive aorrepondence column a valu ble department devotea to the contemporary press home mid re ligiousreading a weekly ummary of the nw books and iaaenimes in fact each number is he worlds history foraday irice including postatf3k a year the weekly witxess dears the sme relation to the week as die daily does to the day tn this paper tlie iirr lightning houses lots ik the yiuags of aotsn tns followtsq pcorsetla aix foe sale mariid sod condensed rtthiire n news is sum- ilio sniallest cftaft uuu averrthiirc uilv haye adlace l faiiii t by its ciiiidlariilk cf 3 jfcl copies amongittbe lst clashes of the com- muitity this immense circulation jusii- lies its publishers in placing tue pi ice at 110 year and wherr tjue number of subscribers reache 3tckx1 which seems likely this year the pric will be reduc ed lolherourid dollar price 110 a year tffe alicosr ukakrirous opim k erpressed ot ihe witxeaj by those vho have tried it is that of dinam firant a subscriber from portage la prairie manitoba who writer tiie witness is such a necessity that to la without it is almost an impossibility the xoitbeiik ilessevcue is an eight- paged semi monthly il istraled tper which casts but 30c a yeitv to single sub scribers and much leas 0 clubs it is the pioneer of the vvrr6ss publications andgteseverywhere yte receive iiuvdkedioe eviijexces every year of the imficrliiul work it is doing tn tlie gondii- sciool nod by tin- cretlde owing to li- immtpstclrculiitlon of over 51- ouo copies nelinve lieen inabled to mak preatlmpoveihenlttilte ipo aranre pven at uprmient nice hints recently been im- rroved in ippf nraoce by i li adlitlon ul a ueat border ulifcrj will makvicrnuclibetttrllked tban ever before not only beinc a valuable lapr but a boantlfut one there is atw3 an ejuiontotnls pnperuevotsri to 60idtyscnnnls its club rates arp ns rotlcnvs 10 eopts to tlieooeadilresf 20 25 oiios to llii- one ndjre 6 5o oiles lo tlie cbe podress slf50 100 codes 10 lbeoneadilioss sadipldeopteh of these papers seutfred on adplicatiin i 4onv norcill 4 fiov pcbliriuens ifootreal t rwprsrlrvttl guann found in the dominion ve do the big businesa we do the price rjht we bare ths bif slock to choose from call and leave us vour order aiclcod ander son k co mammoth house a long time la sufi twentyfirs years of endurance with catarrh is a long period of annoyance and misery mrs b j flankers ol ifanchester s ii alter going through it all writes ihe tooslilutiodal catarrh ifemedy has rescued me front intense sufletiog and almost the grave this medicine is for sale by all druggists the clearing sale at tlie mani moth house georgetown ia sull goitg on all kinds of gods reduced millib ery auutles furs buflalo kobes drees gends wincvys flanreu kcady- made clothing overcoats tweeds etc ureat bartiiins ivill be given gome and inak money by saving it meleoh audemoa lixo nol yoa most not ferbara ihe stroiipst rnomaty to hnman ikiic it v it il- -idlilr- a vitilu fqr lil bntsiltttttlien toey liavjnr tafcennf seott a ujlraes ralalable castor oil- these iittmei by iti-lrtliuruia-vuil- c3l still use milf ihls hllhertu naalocs itruc k positive olltht inj one ihnmli a peurc nita uamallnff erfuit 10 parlulie a1 ailmlttne beieficial titieln of castor oil bntttercstratredtrom uklnj it liy tbe re- viilling vfcte this i lien ks 10 tettnee has oeeaovercjme price u5 cents bales of dunds cottons rilea of while cottons biles of dundas shirtings hales ol cannilinh ducks- iu checks stripe and plain without doubt the biggest purchase everimadeatine time by any dry goods house in halion secrred before the recent advaocfi-r- on most uvaotble teims and will be sold nt decided bargains no blow christie tteudersonifc co ctpn gke sells cneapi he has just purchased a new stock of all the taple groceries for cath and below be gives a list of articles wtneb he is selling at the popular prices namedr ail fresh goods 12 pounds ol sugar for one dollar- r 1 lpounds of sugar for one dollars- r 10 pounds of sujtarlor one dollar 9 pounds oj sugar for one dollar- li pounds of currants for one dollar 12 pounds of ualins for one dollar 3 pounds of tea for one dollar 2 gallons otsyrup fur oca dollar 6 gallons of coal oil for one dollar 0a8h stoetr mninst aoton for terms and pariicalarg apply to ii i houkfc kcal estate accut erce ptess batldlnjr actoa 2 one third of ahacr- with frame house in rcod enumia title lndtsjmuible jrn- mftlule rtficssfoii s un urslreet opposite dr- harrows ooeqilli oran ucraan wnlch is an excellent ronzueibt hoae with splendid cellar and rood eislerti and wett voouc occtiard of ilrcclaai fruit irccs kasy terms ofpay- ment i xassagaweya i on lot is eoiu 5 rriisiapureya 21 acre gicdliinj dwejtii g boos auitblacasmitu i luroodcondilon a better chance could not be had- ail liulldlagvnd fecoes in exeelleotlcondltlou of ioh ae es 13 ares uoderculttvalkiu tusuea maili bnso saeres limestcuequarrieawlre- niatuderirodcedrswumr tsvo food behr- tnsnrclards on hie frui ttonae lait-lne- and purl irnrnf bain and slablca lov luiid hsttlattii fannlsutl well rioccd tliere- 11 abw a brleayurd no the lai m in e- ott ork- inoider tiepmrcn isabnnt j ot a mile from corpomtlon llmllft of the mluee of vctonand bii 2 milts from flrhstauon terms 3nappucatlo to l hu office parties bavtnjrtioaaes and tola fnlie-vtl- lacr or iatms in ii le unjoining townilifps for lalewlll nod it tu tlielr lulri sto iiavf tbum tmirted in tills list fo charge unless tie property l aold- h- p moork kei1 ertaje agenl acfoo ont oa x 1 1 1 rq u cs a p ta 0 ws a n p 0 5 s 0 3 o rd fm nin great clearing sale of now commenced and will continue for the next two months to make room foe jbpring stock now inpiocess of manufacture furniture furniture fooling- that as no gqlecilon of furniture was kept in town and that it is always required i have purchased a stock ol the various lines required and am prepared to sell at the most reason able prices parlies wanting anything that line give liffi a call andibecop iiiikmi iiialjaldu-puirciaa-kurnilajfi- as cheap in acton as cjn ve procured in uelph ortleorgetpwn undertakingr call at once and secure bargains 1 sicxofthe canst i hiitelan blooa upper wynanamsiceet john w0r8f0ld co cuelph ctrirn oxt all rrqalrrmnuis in ws dijiartment onn- suutly un band and aflrst clasn uearsu furnisbed iwlien reaulied sote all parties indebted in mo by elthernnu ok 16 a bccoail will ileuse call and wttleptoncii a intend 10 cljsolny bobkaou ihe 81st eo jonxspeitnt cor willow a agnes sla aclon pnt school books li school books a montk raarantopd sis a aay ot iuma mnoa byiiib induftiioni- cantuil not re quired we will start yon men womeijboybaaiapatia 1 mafco mony faster nt wnrx lorna than at aoyihlajeke ttmwork la ii glit and pieaiilarlkneiiiuaayaaf4eua80 rlahtbttnose wtni wlae who s ihl notice willeead ns their aturea at ones and xee for hftmselvei cmwy cptfiw end ttrms frte now lathe iimei ioanlready ftkwoik orfllavineupirb8bumiornionby addreu trus a co augimlai l slates pencils for the wmxr two jsqfts stoves at cost at- r havilts stgff of tms lmf liil flour mfepi law son bros winld npiruvlw inform thevpeopte of l arumanii vlffiiiiivihanhcrhaveopen etl in lu ptemisea oprtlt mcv gatvloia- residence i flour and feed store atd will kep coustaoi lyu band a luil slock ol 0 floiu of alllixm iueluqir familyfloar j buckwheat jriunr 1 tirabam flow meais- jr corn- meal oafmeal 1 j craoked wheat bran j 0or9 chorti tinbiihorii p chopd psasf cioppedoata mtsed chops i 1 j vxy oats nd pais ri andidl kirjds 0fj40ausaij kepvin hiliua itors v v fgtall good delivered to pny part c ui 8r3sv 1 w h y ti sutttadfl jnl5 jjjit at j b mcgar- jsiilttt- t vin s drug stof e jv aim us esaakbssssiii