st i- t m i j i a 1 1 1 r j ff b i 1 2 if 3 fi- 3t v m 1 iorvff foiss coxyss i qronma alas doea fc1i to mail my ijm i v jos two tree kritl 10 ilcntj e ropim to haul our rails the tnlcodnleit rob fcueca c re makm ever m i i wis votta help us find cm 1 gtanuia al u docs ai hones panic u bou i fckw inbpcj nj broke her head pitakw1nhrltame i and fed hermiltanuv1a the statilca iu the parlor f veiidiit nnkc co mnn t r 1 iwirjoweliiiias uuw gran aia 1 u dues l pun to the coca 6cm londcoa charlie iloapb i sped be i lite a have mo i iranl to go ritht no oh trjacj gwuuaufnl attd rt whos like cawlica iom i i whpj oa uuuuia t b tar grrantna acvtr aocs i cants some i rctd and halter i a uctrr wrocstest ltrdi bat taddie irustul hate none caac she wouldnt aiiud- 1 ipl iltucy sugar oi it i i it s nfibt to pat un sasr t i cirauma al as docs 4 t foe the bad utua girl she wouldnt have oa fcer naughty- bib she woaldas get mto lcr us ult- crib sh voalda t do this aul she waaldat do that and she would pat her foot in her sanda hit she woalda t be petted or ceased or teased and she mull do csactl hatcver she pleased i she v oalda t bace nauchty nee to eat the xrouldat bo gentle and poodand street bhe vroaldut ce me ocastccle kiss pra what cojj ro do wnth v girl lie unit 0nm ef oold klure idea of ue haon here another oae c oar little cudceu mi kitty ot ajviy cvccint nce lax the teaiariable reather oc indiaa sam- mr the child aad her father blood apott the aaaa kioliof off to tic western ly where the b nxou wai aglow with tha gloaet of aa nsaaall mlerealittff lamet tile- tie j led the little mm chaaced to- efv a delicate crereat haogiaff jait abote tio ojca shimmer of departiagday 0 pspjcphat j tilt my utile oae u the mooo 0 ao pi papa it tan t be te moon kot e mji ia da time coald oo ever see it tiecit was a t n j t 0 ts kitty we often see it as we do new atter the sua has sank from siht bat before the darkness has ccaie 00 i see i she cried clapnag her d oipcd lnd is f be dwaj e eees when a inlliaut ulet has eojit to her of its ownuc- conl clipping acd discuif and her rreat brown eyu spirfcliog i see now papj iws e moon bat tej haust dot it itted ajl t2 ooworra by a boy a lid u boston rather amah for hi jtira wo ta in aa oee as cmrid boy foe jentfenicn wto do bnimess there one dijthe renjetnea were chaffiac hint a ittca aboat being so small and said to hi yoa wiujaerer aatocnt to much yoa ire too smau the little fellow looked at them welv said he as smill ts am i can do sjmetiuig which cone of yoa four eta can do ih what is thit v aii they i den t fcuow as i ocgbt to uuyoa he repiiej bat they were inrians to uow and areed him to tell theat to tellwhat he eoald do that noce or them i able to do cttx tp fro wsinaj said the little fellow there were some blashcs on foar manly faces and there seemed to b yery little annefcy for farther infarmafeon zthe pouit hovr cuewtiisgoitt is hade a great mant canadun gull andboyr as- well as chiidrei of larger growth have ioqaired the tcaly disgastinihibt of chew ing gam it may be perant for them to know how it is made an exchange lelu them toe greatest eom nunafaetenng eatab- nshment is at podank ifast and the fsme of the gam and thi- earn itself ia the moatus of many one of the employees of that establishment who hat become tbor oagfcly iiututed into the m itenet of the mi dare of the gam was ceccntlj dj- charged frum the establishmfat and has d vnlei the oiodeof making the 15am which tee yf ang canadians mast cate with sutli yelocity and apparent sat eisction the gtaiu taide of tcram prta of kuin arable gam racaath asmsll dintit of resin andsj- tturfat ad is notlard that be ing too expensive bat it is a eabstacce er- pressel from the bodies of hos cat dogs anjtuird4ad an aulsfoaud dead in the streets of cities i ice isn t it t hart unikueju hot easily ditn- usi no aim fails a this world 11 he du tight i swtet tuproy la nobilitji true bdg l i f 1 ha ta rpot vfhpaotpaaoi xjl avtrnittg lilro ni cr botinnolli in but 1 little atmau it imdprbeu mako it la a winged odo it fliea at well a creepa charily ialho aal9f liojiev without which limy oorinnit thomaelios gold ia tha foota cnitaia which hides all hia defects from the wotld trera ia noluog ulco reliftou lived out la open a heart closed against it onlythoae aroerownod nd aainled whl with gtibf havo betl acquainted good intentions ato theacedsof good actions though iher do notalwaya pre dnco thora the man who respects aad benors a 0- manbcoium lh is a woman ia a true beatted man if yoa wish that your own mens should be recogtniej reeoguixa tl menl of others yoi will ein a good reputatitn jail avoid ihoss actions which yourcac censure and blatne in otheri ta reprove emall fanlti i ith undue vehemence t as absurd as to ux to ra move afiy fcoqia fncuda focthoad wit a sledge hiiumer ono great reaaon why the work of reformation goes on so slunly is tettui we all of us begiu on our ne ghbours and never reach ourselves we must love our friend as true amateurs love paintings they hate their eyea perpetratois used on the fiue ru and see no o tiers by doing sflod willi raorey a man as it were stamps the image of god upon it and males it pus current for tiler mtrchandiso of heaven thera should u mcthiuks as little ment in loving a woman for her beauty as in laving a man for his prosnnriry both being couaihr anbject 10 change a life- of carnal cas a death cf rtup r and an eternity ot horror arc closely allied in the matter of con verting a eoul to joj all human fowec uc reduced to zero of him that hopes to be forgive it is indispensably required that he for jpve it is tbetefaie superfluous to urjo any other moave on this great duty ettrmty is suspended john bunt an was once asked a qieston about heaven which he could nut answer beciuro the matter wu not revealed m the suipuresand lie there upon advised the enomret to uvo holy life and go and see it is easy in the world to lire after the worlds opinion it is easy in soli ttrde to live afieryour own bat he great man is he who 10 tha crowd keepe with perfect nweetnefca tiie independence of solitude it is certain that nine titnea out of j tea we are nearer the truth of thinking well of persons than evil human na ture is a tree bearing good as well as evil bat oaryes aro wida open to the atter and half closed to the former a great man under the shadow of defeat is taught how precious are the uses of adversity aad as an oak woet roou are strengthened by its shadow so all defdsts ma good cause are but resting places on the road to victory a clr man one sanitay at the elosa at hia sermon gave notice to the coafrreeation that in toe coarse of a week he expected to go on a mluron to the heathen one of tua panahiocert eichumad yh my dear air yoa have never old as this before what shall we dot oh brother and the mnister i dont expect to go out of town ifevir low an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful beauty is gods handwriting a wayside sacrament welcome t into eyery- fair face every fur sky every fair flower end thank him fog if tho fountain cf all loyeli hess and dnnc it in simply and earnestly tis a- charmed draught a cup of blessing 1 jmwia v livery sale board 8tabl e8 m1ll8tri1t aoton is whara yon can get firstclass rigs at ha80rable rates dood commercial rigs an expriat delivery wagon will meet eaci express train nndffeliver goods to any part of the town all parties rdebtedlfoltmi ck- lablishment are requested 10 pay up wllhouifurtber delay and tare cottf ed matthettp i proprietor ja3 bhlattits j -for- groceries hardware 1 rt oktaeto i business college i bateriite oktarto the great sale at the right house is going those allwool canadian iweeds at 50c advertised last week at from 71 to 12c per yard less than their ores value hae a jrpul i they are such rood value the ladies kid gloves reduced from 112 to 50ure irofn off er font these large lots of ribbons marked down from 45 to 10c hac an iihtonishingsale the einbrode3 still led whioh wota marked down from 150 to 75o and from 1 to 2 call at nos 30 and 32 king street east hamilton close to hughson street hamilton feb 191870 thomas c watkihs hamilton b hasiett tt70uio oucrtothe citt- 1 tl h ot venn and cliikv it ill so uisjuiiapiutulu lils umv nouses a writ scleeleo sisek f dry goods groceries crockery glassware and itat he is prepared o fell at he molt reasonable ncc for cb snd would retpectfully toiai a tliare of their patrompo country prouui taken i hxeuaxar ecmcmlicr the xzyi stoue mill st east acton b ha3uett sefonncc rih is albebx c0lle8b gealimah sohoot szuabvlxla ontabio thuschiol aftrt ms vltcncing advantages 1st ttatbxcvlatxoh every year candijales from this school are passtnc ibe laminalioasof the li ssclely council offhysielans and fcur- peons miilrlcnlahiig mlo the different universities wilh few or o reoliona 2nd teaosim in is7t 1878 and 1879 nearly all the ttujeols compeling made met snfisfac icrj examinali n and il e school is now prepared by is enlarged uf 10 give the mo t thorough cnuding to candidates for cerlilicate ol all grades 3rd coumesciaiuuloius the advantages include not only the complete practical curricjlum of the celebrated eastman college at fougb- keepsie h y precisely as taught at that college but gives ibe further d vantages ol grammar history composi lion clocunon or the languages it required at no additional expense tdttion 15 wctks advnrcd imjo rtnnry hilary u vreki siolu jo trntty 10 weeks aw rheumatisis orriio busihe88 collece belxeville ik noted for tbe idt roacmese olltsworkf n4 the rcucul bcncclc of lu tcacblnr us tviuclpals ire aciadaal nf pctlctl xrricaccsirdanti oenf th hrst cartes on noafc kpac dud peumanthlp pnbluhed- iti students jnertotitlhrancntheoane afc cottltctcill to fll rood irtlut morcocda tbatuess tbcral cr lttrccu snd yocnt tnc a ire lavucdtoknclfarth cicc eltilr khicb wltli hpcl- tnqsicpcnmanihji mail edfrte addrch suatssos tt ohnsok oaurto buslus couecc new boot i shoe shop williasi3 tvquld eespect kutcv inumatc lo unpeople ol aclon nnd tlclnttv itial ne has opened a bootahtioeljtop in ule oulidtntappoillew khtorersaioe works oa hili btarrr acrot asyonatavanlofa substantial and coed nttlnc j kagyards yellow oil board and boom can imd inbulldlns rmuj0lsaklrtk 15 wsoko oommtjrcla tralnlna for 5000 cf oarf anl scoau laelcdcl for rarttculars arplr tq j rjacintw irp n lretnl nr mit tja if a k com rocrelal waaler c t hill -rop- groceries itj on kint a rood and cheap article in teungj2ts japta iltot si qua pcvot s ror tdfcrnnlcv external ns greatest cere m the world give tt ome trlaljrp jh 3 11 sugars syrupg spices and tobacoosf ol all kinds fresh kd swfit hardware cf all hnh paints axd oti uixgks and locks kails gla9s i putty salt by the barrel n all cheap for gash qo to- c t hills mxll street acton ti uott itonaccllit kjfttt rcmcilt iu the wlstx iu cere of tifnmil lint setirulkff lrmlafo tptml t jyjnch t i mi t tup i t ne tic vc p tr mi lalik hn ct oall p llft i rc t i i b rin tcvu r tivf bttco ltndic vni cats o e ti r rt h trc f ifwc uttnfihfflirc hi r a r ii ct thi re rsiiiuio rc ki tlif or rtllk vrt lr fhf t f ilir p i me tuitriitdo i vrtrt rcrfict r xm i en e 1 bjr t an is uni p ai o i cl tn ix the ixti rented fir rtiliure rln ever t-jk- ciire cpaaltr good tar lun and beart- fin saliv all dcakrt c per bat v mubara beotlcjafearwn prop4 tvltokto 00t u tho largest and most complete faotory ia tbe domiaioa 140x100 highest i6uors ever avardedto aay maker ia the worla 63tiffaf and dlvma at cmfenmal f sst medal and dtplamn ai sydney australia r tgotd mm at primal kchimion toronio qgrriyhcif atrarja iitjiuirial juhibihon toronto 1 f we are now manufacturing square and upright piaasro s best in the market- correspondenca solicited- send for hjuatratai catalogue mailed free address f pi domikiom organ cofrpatiyf eowmamvillb ontabio r scon k bownes gasto lovlns and hat fan k yon love lo e more st yon bate iiate les l fe is too tl ort to spend in hatiun aiy one wliy waraifiidafc a mortal who is going th same roal witb j as tvhy rot erpani tlie flonrer of we and iupjiintu br learning to ioe by teacs ng those kno are near and dear the beaolifnl lesaon yoar bands maybe hsnl bat jour heart need not be yonr form may be bent and ngly bat do yoa not know that the -most- beanli al sosreri often grow in the molt rusred and unsheltered plscea the palace for care the eottaee or lore kot that there ir no loraia the mansion bat somehow if vt ate aotjcaretal business will crou d cat all there u of beanty m the heart this 11 why iaod hath riven as sabbaths and a 1nirnttliatve may lcare batlaess m the office and- hare a heartcleaning a little six yearold boy astonished his mother by exclaiming x srish i was an ngel wondering what tboaetits were 4b5g bis yoaok mind the waited for a reason thetf t cosld see all the cireut at oddlticir hands hare they yet steal not ctockt igs hare they jet walk not tables teeth hare they yet chew notcombs l ra has e thcjj j ct liu not pitchers eyes hie they ye see not xeedles kearta hare they yet pitfnoticahtages eire hare the j et her notcorn stalks arms hare the yet toil not chairs tongoes hasetfcey yet speak not wagons let the toast be dear woman as the hnajrrj husband said t his wife who was in a burn to clear off the breakfast table one can overcome any bad habit if ha choose sas an old motul law wed ilka to se aayone orercorae the bad habit of tobacco chewing if he chews said one of societys smart ornaments to a jady friend this ja leap year and t sappose yaall be asking some one to marry yon oh no was the reply my nntnees wont permit me to support a has baad takes at his word what do yon do for a living asked a fanner of a barly begipir who applied at his door for cold victuals and old clothes i doot do noth ing mach bat travel aboat was the answer are yoa kood at traveilirnrt asked the farmer u yes replied the fiegitfr j then lets lie yog travel said the fanner a sunday school sapenutenden 6 who was in tl exhibit ot using the black board after the most approved methods one day foand the following on his black board the caligppby will haye to be imagined pens mr 8apenntxder fih ou stones evgy savuy at the boya with as awfcl exampai of a bad boy is iacii oftnem iv us abjsst tvltiotheoieifl 0 itslow 10j l c uui oot or shoe ihoacjnolfailloleavethetrgperailits stand somlrlae isjoeialt7i4roatl7 att4ito w williams aclor gept 51 lt1 u prnareii ra a f a ptrfccdr lyret c to c craumnteaics rc l as inacun ficrr iteprtxtlccfdiccl ur puilajr pfflfsreetairjled ldiluraijtanonti cili sod riasnt la ia s ji i ucy tmdax indpitiulc ithrccetiai rti irat um uvc ici anfulx 1oct r j i s rcsdy tzz ccv ltesai ccc- ktivi rh ir at ali tknre- meats ic fi uneqja d tii rcci ci lcue3 puce of crude ai t d jul c irp j-iijrjrri- j t jt dr u r cons i lot ue dcatfjwuyit atieatioa i attention 1 1 oenulnc harpers bazaar pat terns full suits only 95 cents straw ato felt hats ad bovvets dovs ovtn ur au tux latcst stiles orcams -and- i sewinc machines jo p o- bnwsihile 150 pernmuoo 15c per nutabr for saue by ail bodkseuers f toronto ont ttoct 4 t1trs e h pass rtlsues to ik- 1yju kokhujcnjlesofac cnand vicinity tqttcnehiiautj learnt tha fteicamodeof cutting and fitllutr andlsnow prepared to elveaven ofoter stiflfarctiou tha romerlr wqldinrand funeral doweiscmbsjaied dresies nnd jrcfcett cat ana aperfeat- fit ftixrantpod i a reasonablt r korfrtylfsh and cheap ball and bonsat taruo to 1 ur3 k h ftiss 51 hi 0 eoreessa are q nel ph f phrenological jonrnal cf tidelf kaowu la amenca tad eunipc hatmr betn kfore the reading world forlr yean and occupy a place ra liieiicre exduuvel iu on tu the uudy ol hinin katare in all m mates tadadiar phrenolory tie fclcbm of health aad no txpenje will be pared 10 make it lae bi pjst caticn cor reneral b 3ztie3iitslvb clearing sale cf oa saturday nest we will commence an extonsue sale at redaeed pricasef onr srethluss dij goods millinery mantles and clothing pnjajccount of allera- tiona i tbe business extraordinary bargana may be enacted and will be tien as this is a genuine sale to reduce our largetock 1 customer in the royal city and oonnty of wellington and surrounding comities will save tima ud money by couiing direct to er pb sinitilly sod morally putauihould read the jolksai tail they may better ksor how to roveni and una iheir caildra yoaoj people oiould rtad the lontmti that iher may me ine molt of thcmseltei to each tob- icriber is itbe j catarrh caiarrh of 2iea i finrding cared by 4d8tliatlnmilcatarrfi remedy pmtpngf inttiruntiilmoitujetiokliif oodactit fhtnatiiioatdcri back and kidneys and entire rreaklne- down or tiie kotnm cured by const national cainrrii fteweij avcjusliofttrearbitmidinr cared br institutional caurrh remedy catarrh with dratplun tn tbrnal eanslmrfqeunftof ptrannllnt dttrlnss pnln lnsldeund waflktieis of kidneys immeduuiirrelleveu histoteeraiiniy mad keir fa nwoftma oottle of con- lulinnal catarrh keracdy k ran eurbd of cauirn o q ywri itanllngbyuirofconsutulloahjcatarih kined snhadlhaltt impalred bis eyesight ihould b u ibe bands of all ho woald know tadflm almost deaf how to rsad chasactw robt cra1ne acton is prepared to eall oi persons renoirinf cttht sewluc machines or organs he ttas agescies from the best matmfaeturers to the eornlrt will sonnnce shllfetor o 1 i crm err eoi ab e orler loi i isoon wndoa tlti7t to mike men better pbj ileal j rltlence or fduttswd to him to acton r u iu re calve prompt attention it ckaiiv phrenological bust i i tab bdit u made of pinter of pari aad to lettered as la thov the exact location of eac of the phrenological orgaaa tbe head u nearly itfeiue and tcry oroamenul eterrlnc a plice on the centertable or mantel in parlor otficeoritndytndontflreeetityhuold foreoa this with tbe illmtraled key which accompaaiei each butt and the articlei pabiuhtvt in the joitknal on tracucu phrcnologyi enable the leader to become a iuccetf ful student of honua nature one of thcu bcadt beattts guide madi ilroubld wltn dronvlns n tbroau ktrotilnr bnztfns tn head and fetid tram cured by conntuutlonpl calnrrb rmedy catarrh with all iu pf ohar hid ptomi for tqti reitrs fast vorglna on cnnsnmp unn nnod hy lean than four bottles con- sllttuforjalcalartu remedy bones in urn noae eatn ont tntnory gnna mind impured cured oy conium- uontl ctitarrlt krmody j catarrli wlih al it lnthloroe attend- a nta cured by four bottlesoflhooditi- uitlonal calnrrb remedy i i kor tule by j mcuarrln dnnlsi axton i s rear batoie been reduced from joo uncle nsrabera at cenu when the premium are tent terma the toutxal n now pabluhed at 9300 j ir i 1 unmbm cents extn to most be receired twtth each lubknpiion to pay poitsaa on tbe joosxal snd tha espenie of booot and paciins m i w j fi t the bust which mil be lent by erprtu or 1 mslier ixz vul be sent br nml poitpaid or we will uhu am send the new book premium how to ipocjta nra fsbukcs airo arracnohs send for desenptive circular send amount in p 0 orders drafts on kewyorkor in resmend letters potstnip received asenu writing wanted stad to cenu for specimen number prtmmm luu etc ar tend address on poiut card lor a bad bomber ai iimpte which wol be lent free ddreaa a b tthm 00 pubmert j t3b bnultmp v jvr bearrrs guide to elegant writinu ts a i crfert sell instmilor in penmakbh1p by iho aid of whch jotinr ppopte mn become soo5 rlters in averr rhortilme il onnslsta of a soot of fifty sagoo eontalnlrg analjsls ald n oianntloris a larg nrmhpr of cnpv llpsrorimctlclnfn hcnnllfol ttnnroeitiai sheti ard n parttlsome ease to eon- a ttln th vbolp price postpaid 81 adfress boblnson et jobmton onlurlo busluessuolles beuevluo agents wanted m stewart cos and attend this grevt sale of dry goods silts mantles milhtibry flannels blankeu gloves hosiery underclothing and fanpy goods a special lot of cheap tuetds wichcon not now bo duplicated also a select lot of furs new fashionable and cheap will be offerid at tha reduced prices obliging and attentive salesmen who conaiojr it no trootle to show- goods during the great reduced sale positnbly tjt p6ds will be charged unless by special arrangement j wm stewart qo cuepli scotts emuuion pure cod liver wt www r m r hypophosphites of lime axlsoba thipreparstion canbmes the two best rcmedxi rrsr cuscerend or cosisjyapc cejd m ohrastiocoagha bcraikla rhmtnmtlsmsnd nuuhl et im tucwcl ga j d buttrdltvaiiubf ulassauofclfudnm unmcstrlmtaceslhawirrrjiii hesieeiaentnimsotcc4uto0atnarwmikalhpecly r amucji botla addtticn die xcoderful usoe aad bfeiltiairijiijiaotba ntcdihsttbortmedlalpowencjbmharolaitelt moeajed rtjikhm nnwenaby acnowl superiqrttnoaefdilaccenbcnedicudmedlcimta ithaoicoi but much mora readjty amtrmhtwl t be troera lhu sbu cckttjto th an4 btttei sa4punfrutuncauablirijta v- i s55s hdnt strinja ainitwuirwwebafhr j hnrestan ewktvu3ft cxspasa cesuieaadaiifcr seo kinaulas varaalakwaudnaxtaai thii kw au dnaxca w uo ct v x u