Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1880, p. 1

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ing present goiiig oidcretl m irdiiiary- c tlie jus i he- of colored r 5c to j slatting f pitt- lton ft m li published i st mtoocritov editor freprleur at iu f4 pkm ttotrss xcxt dooriomeipodtsicfaorcb qillstnxt m0i traits the faax purss wul ba wnw to subscribers postage paid for 100 per aa- nam in ftdvojicc si 50 ii not bo paid ko paper dicontinuedtijl h amara arc paid except at the option of tno publisher ajjnattisixa rates casual advertisc- mcats 8 oeuta pet line for the first inser tion and 2 centa por lino for each subse quent insertion ash professional cards 10 lineaorlcss t0g per annum 1 square 12 lines 1500 per annuiu payable in g niontha from date of insertion vqv special kotree the object of rkich is to promote the pecuniary benefit of anj individual or company r to be considered an advertise- taent the number of hnet reckoned by ihe space occupied measured by a scale of solid nonparcil ooxraxcr axrea one eolumnonxeor ftwco hireoinmnne year isoj qnartercolnmnooe year ruai tn cjansa da month 80d hjfdamttlr mouth jflffi uartccotamnrijrmontni 11 u jicininn iure tnorlhs 2gv hairfcoldtnnirwmonht tiai iurtercaiuoiii three months tw excelsior bakeet airertimforuboalrnfifle dtreciionp xlu be ttwrtmtfurtfaaitfhrtdbwcrtf- pti la sdvmneec cnucfr for eurttt rfre rttomrnis must be la tue oflw orja mon mlrdeyntbf r- le tney rtll be itftir till the fouuvluc hp itoobflt buliorft proprietor b enicklin take bis opportunity of thanking their frienii and pitront for their very lib eral support in the past and trust thai they will continue it we have always on baud a full supply of f fqetsr buns pswss 3lbtqbll wh lokrl if u4 if c p 8 graduate e trinity college sttra- bcrcf college of phvsjnsn surgeons osce and residence at te head of fred eric st- acton j xt mcgakvdc if d if cps j grsjiiteof victoria college resi dence comer of iliu ni frederick street consultation daily from 8 to 10 a m and 3 to 6 o- m a lister ilxlark barkisten riglith tited iy quebec street gaelph bclcn ofticcrtebaubeirckkxiiiins iui 6lrmt xrtaa w tlheststreet- licensed aactidueer par the cauntiesof weuingtoa and hilton orders left at the elee pais os ixtan or at mv residence in eockrooti all be promptly sdeadl to zermx reafioaihle broad cako3 oolnpeotionert fruits canned fishloatmeal cornmeal graham and buck wheat flour c- io- alt of which we are prepared to sell at bottom prices for cash la connection trim th b-tfcerj- wa nare imx t opcnejan v oyster parlor and willterreovstera n every style te hare aho coatantly oq hand stock of oystert in both can nd bull cheap it b 5rstar snj3t supjilcl at be nicklin rr never pays it nctcrpayt fret ana crowl ivhfyriuueiecun our fuc i the bjjilir lircd will icuk aliead aud ttiike the lravcr blow fur luck is flbrk and thoic clio ihirfc should detlimcct their doom but jicld the play aud clear the way that better nicu have roooi it never ruy to wreck the health la dcudgtuj after caia aud he u fcold vtha tlitaks thlt gold is cheapest uucht kith juiu au humble lot accisy cot have tempted eveu kinj for station hih that ucalttt will bay xot uft ctiutcatuieut irtac it never- pavs a bluat rcfraia well worthy of i sou for nte and youth must ieam the truth that tmtuiug pays thats wrong the ootl ami jjuro abine are sure tobria proluticd suecets while whit is rtht lu heiveas stht is always tute to bless sbecr ueibtftg a glad return a toev or nir ieisu famike the teavellehs life and agcident int co of hartford tonn writ erjlllnc rinble in the way of lalc nd accldrnl insaranee e45 lov sflcurlttttihsstlosei impe dnolt nndencttli tliei lralnlon loermeut lor uie scailty oi cirinhau follcr hovjcrv iluruins ia the ould country just fur and swett a tuoininy as vi r itiificticd tuiuiim eytg tlie eiiuttncr witij s3ttiktj tniuuluuxly ibruugh ihtf twy tncs ts if shxdukr uiiiit wcit uitrs of wiu as islie jiutvl wy to iiuuger till it ndtcht witiicisercn tlit- uiafci rooai for a vmiaiit in tlie exst great pamfuu ot life by it inossaut tlio honkoil seemed etiuiied wild lurs ca tor kid will uo tiiat you aligliled tlie band of tin rich ageut for tlio laka of tiiat ikardlcm sou of ikiveny tlio agcut orauoded belaud tia lat tice uutil do bucaiuo kata tint tbe young coujili were cotqug ti tbii door tlieu febitatilv bid diiucdt iakcluiup i of busbea tbat grew cliae by i dm cot lag and ultra bo stood bis livid face couuiresmid lips uud cjf jleauiiujj litu a busitlkkt wintoailuiii gave bcr luvcr tlio uduiiked cbccltui ioodkid tbea kileuuykft tiic vicin tty of tbe clarey ottng with a ujtibl mikpokeu ruv wiitan on tbu evil fhce bunt 1 bred wc are starving tbe cty arofc first low tiiiuuluus uk from a fica of toars tben detpcucd und swilled into a gioat mistitie going up uforotbu tbrone of tba eternal spirit it crossed tbe oean aud vi brated ovef tbe aetitieat iteart stringp of all those who heard for it told tbeiu tbat tle jewel of tbe atlantic was holding out tiuploiing hand aiid pray- in for life tiiat over lbs feautiful isuud stalked tbe grim skeleton of fjniiue coiivctidy it into a vakt wine ireas though tbe ciiicson ooiing luia wjs nut wine out bluod rotu those who are auiuug the noblest of the souk of i arib starving we who live in a iauh of pleiitywitb ita iunuetise ktorebauee its great gtauaiiee tilled to overflowing willi nllileu grsiu iisttxjiy kaow the tbat tbe hunger wof may nevvr step over our tbretbold that wa may never be obliged to refuse the dsiundg of her fery liuiba seemed chilled nilfi an- titinh sijj leached the liycso ut last and rapped feebly a seivant admitted htr nnujled tbo way imo tjin agtuthxiw inifrooii an eyil iror lisfijiuied tba fac of jforria teiusler a he said ah i bow do von do my dear will ym pbaae ba seated f aileen dropped iuioacliair without a wind her totluro wa too iuteuae for words at the first moment at lut lliruitgli lipa trtat quivered pilifiillyj ciuio words j mr leiliater i tbe fairitly uttered have called loiufunu you tliathat i jfave chdlngd tuy de cisioti i consent to bticoma your wife if vou will keep niytaiuily from utarv- uoiv utterly dreary and despairing was tbe p ithui of ber voice liustcr did not luiud herjbut smiling said i very welljlitm 1 i will bring a irieai over to youtj bause this afternoon to jierfonu the ceremony goodbye for a very little tiue uiy dear little wife but morris etbis nr juie uiy dear m around tba ot an etbyst and eunrld arrowy siretks of gold tlhirj i tie low- titekts forintektioksespe j- ditiousir 231 properly secured in can ada the united stites n etrrope- pa lent purinteed or no charge sead for pjintej instrnctioas agejiey in operation ten texra heker grist ottawa cmds- jleckmcxl engineering solicitor of pa- t and druzghcsman jd 5caihesox mr solictor in c hinccrric office j next- door to well aces hotel milton doiokiox hotel acton eobt agnew proprietor the neschctel is fitted op in firtclaas ktyle with new fnrni- tcre conimercial travellers rux find good aconmiodaiioii and commodiocs sample booms- opeciafatsention paid to the wuti of the travelling pahlic bar enpplied with tht best of liquors ana cigars soodstahl- l jsg and attentive hcstlers rtttaicles cuieeox kairt str acton- acentfticthe belt oreaa tnanafactcred hy ifttte- w bu ca orderi left at his resident will receive pracpt afr- teattoa lor particular seeadv on other bids give bio x trial chas cajie2ac dec i07s2m 4rl bohij exchaxe hotel actor bell late of the ec1lsaiiieargt1 sttun pft pleasure in nsxnnculgto his i many old friends and patrana thai he has recently porch ased and refitted the eoyal i exchange fn the neatest and most comfort- ahle styie and is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him in the most oom- foitible manner choice wines liquors cgira and cool summer drinks always ia stocc stable in charge of- an attentive hostler the rjafrohage of the public is re- epectfttliy sohcitetl and no effort will be spired to give the very best attention pid up cfch capiul cooofkt 00 grotfiasseu 4 7ss 67774 total lubilitiet 351 r734 37 sttrpa to policy solders 1sg9j337 jailes italnisiyts agent actou unt l nert oioniut was jmsliid 0ku federal 5akk jop oanada guelph brah0h a gckehjltaxersg crsisess dose drafts and bills of exchange onugtt and tad depositors re ttllowed interest at ihc rate 6f five 5 percent peranautn in he finings- bank ilepttment and t tr g per cent per annnm wii be allows ok drpoit keceiptr provided the money remains in tbe bank not less than sir g months und three 3 months notice be giteo ot ls withdrawal i thouasygrjet ifaaxger and fttuine forgot nqt he home of the chirya tlio mundtd farm at aileen gnt tltt and wrirted a gntj pallor her fuce had a wart litiched iaufc the lips uwuvk ao hill ltdut uud iitulinf boat me wid ntl asheu utita atd every ftattire bore th- ttbca of tureiue ktiffiing but uot a vurd ewjipfd htr fut fc kui of wtt- tuavui tht sgotty of her areiu as they tit sir heavy with niht j w ilicir children wasting co fckchtons they uheld th while filmv jmt iii and were lost in thu blue uverhttd tlieu tlit tun gut hered aljt liiiu bis tntiliug jinnents of ciini n ud purple und ugrfii his upward jjtirmy dttice light fur my 1 etrt lit ivndtr your frt love the blithe mjng flouted out thrmi h tlie iitttic wbicli caxadi loah bahkfhc cttmpaky ccxszs or jakes jlsu i3ncbt rfiseieok eeiks i tm prepared to pay thehignat eaah price far nil cisfies of zamb a sheop fitina delivered at my tannery lace leather constantly on handl j t jahes moobb jojtps ha fdmps pdifps rtf toerof rajerfor well and gatern pump which will u put u on ihortnotee wring promptly done famiture made uj hmjll- chaijea moderate ajso ut fi set- give him a call shop on frederic street opposifedr dowrys reaidence wgd nnihe cij3iax plow made at jl crowes iron works gneiph is ahead of all cpmpetitoxsfor general purposes iron beam gteel board and shears made of special hard irott cheap f h caah new- fences stoves metal xttezs asd castiii at all htwtk johkceowe 3teayed or stolen adterfiaementa of ij this natnre inserted very cheap in the acton fuz puss the best iooal paper of uiiton co r tliteechasts and farmers alike should jxldvertise and supportie acton fitxk fszas the best local paper of halton co c ard8 billheads and circulars of every description executed neatly at the acton firs psxsf office the- best local papefcof haltotco k f sv a wzek in your own town iid kk no capital riated toncangfve 1 1 1 1 the basnets a trial- without oi- j vpenae tb beat opportunity ever offered for those flung- to work you should try nothig ele until you see for yourself what you can do at the bosineu we offer ho room to explain here too can devote all your lima or only your spare- time to the business and make great pay for every hpur that you wortwomen make- u much as men flendte special private terms and partieulsrsiwhich we naalfree 5 outfit free doirtcomejain of hard times while yoa have such a enance address halletavco portland maine six ear ceitlatctest till enet- poalts cf 51 tri uptiria safest axd best security board of directors 0 b caisknlxqpretfueejt wx katies eiqc juijq waiuie co har- linfclonvlkprejtjtnt i 1 w kostbchglf si d hamlton hcciimcckatev3 i tuckjlfi ktkchakl fsqkeliaa coc ihslaxd bxnon i coitrdcsvaxicuhitmttooi ekchih6l1cki oaltvit- j wx fesecak st l geortelown hvkoltrrrljc kd i o b kvow eaq lltanaeer cotton stlllt duodaa jfoney o loan on bail etlau is cra to tvit borroweri and en easy terms tmkjact open eterr weefcday from 9 amtopm f j d djextek m any 1j 1878 laaairer ml harness 1 harness iny person in want- of a good sett of j harness either 1 single or docblef r creechs saddlery ao-tfobtj- where ihrr can ret better valualfor thetr money tliananrtlacetn the conntj a coon xagoanrextor i tarjkks and valises u hand all of whleli cut be told cheap cash t jeeepalring proraotly attended to eobt ceeecff 5000 customers wanted this week at tttk ciarrhar shoe store soot soots tfxd 8eqes ajtd get b cttze bxbo acth in actoo than to go away from home to majceoarpurcbaiei callst cbaine sons aud the frgi lew that had idu ftr liours t1 epin in tifooui and roiesjruiiid in and fanned uiib odorous bieitli tle faco of aileen clary a smile ripplid ocer tlie faco of tlie pretty irish muiteu as tlie caught aiilit of a tll young fctiow aluaty couting touhid the cuthiie and sun xeil rihe ctllfd in a vpici- like lirook music you are rather uu curly birj are you not for tlio sun is liaidly up yrt and going to lie door tbe gtyly vrelcoined bim all the time urondenug ahat mide mui so sotier ko uulike the usually cheery neit oxeale aileen i am going to americt raa keiia abrupt aiinoiinceuiwit wbati utcered the maid goiitig up into her coawuiuus fiee as the smile faded from lur own going to auitiica you ecrely do net mnpn to lenvft us and the radiant iijiht that had made her face so enchanting a few mo- jjenta befoie faded ititausbiuees j go- r xu uo kii you do not men so oir if you go s bat shall i do i all the long lung day to nit and qrv ueciure 1 j am so louely you ill not neil tell me you will nut go she pleaded as one ipunds for a life and her hard dry sobs strangled in her throat but her eyes were tefllcs aud her brealu came in quick painful gaips keil gathered the trembling little figure closely to bis heart aileen i have ben thtoktng eter since father died that poverty aud bor row would always be our jrtion if wo should- remain here where the cent would eat up what little l could raise if i should go to america i could soon earn enough to enubie me toj come hack after you and together wo would return to tbat country where a home awaits erery man that is willing to woit sudry jour tears aileen and bid nis god speed will you not ma vourneea 1 tie said in a law assuring tone sniiliii j lliroagii teari at his hopeful words aileen soon became almost re- conciled at the thought of biddinj him good bye rj but two years is sucha long time keil f tremble fur fear tbat you will not corae back said aileen in a voice that sounded as if it caine thtpugh waves of tefcrs j aileen yoa know tiiat i could not forgot you- j iknowif neil but epraething tells me in this parting hour that after you are gon that dukfacefd agent morris teinster will trouble me t refuted him yoa know and at the time be frightened melhe was so very angry could the gill haye perceived the effect of her worda on tbe lictener crouched behind the lattice she would have screamed from very fear a blaze of zealous white heat spread over the dark face of theapy his eyes darkened with a fierce and evil light- his lips compressed with litter hatred and lie ground bis teeth together as be j muttered to iitnself t you may well fear morris leinster my fine lady for the day- will como when you a peusat iartueia daughter e yoager children btgging vaitily uiuiely with litlb daw like bauds fjr fuo1 that they had uo strength to ofl or numbed evcu tue iiaoga of hunger tinit in those days of wrelttiedmu and woe came a new trial to the lirave- heaited gill sho never forgot the tin ill of teiror that caused hts heart to beat with great ftightiid bound us she udnld tbe dark face of tin- agent in the duoiway one coldtuondug lfe ciiiu- into the cold room laujliid tti- unijiliantly at the evidences uf wait auout him took a cool survey of tbc fuca qvtr which settlei a shadow o fear andsaid in a ktieering roue so my dear aileen you havent slipied out of tuy bauds as easy aa you thought for then ue taunted tlie family of their poverty goaded tier falhtralniosr- to frenzy by threatening to turn hia atarv lug family ntrt m the snow to die at last he said uutaliringly eeei your teuipt lit clary i merely culled to tell you of a way by whicb your fwiuilycbuid be lifted abovo want how r eagerlyimploringly asked clary j i will provide a way if jtiss aileen will consent to become uty wife and hiseyts revted gluatiugly on the sbuo deriu girl j he said it in i loud tone and at the conclusion of the sentence every mem ber of the family turned an eager fam ishing look upon aileen she could not bear their intolerable gaze and with a alight cry she threw up her hands and coveted her face hut she said firiutv no no jl cannct be so false not another word was sail until the agent laughing tcbrnfitlly iett the cot tage he knew that the faces and forms about aileen would le pure eliiqneut in bis behalf than any plea or i threat that he could make j aileen groaned her father ik your heart turning to stone i ffitve you nocompassion on tlose who are dy ingt ailien moaned her mother how could you say no when you 8ec the children starving before your eyeaj and a feeble cry aroiofroin the children that went to the very heart core j of the suffering true hearted aileen she atose crossed the floor unsteadily and opened the door a woman staggered iip bearing a babe in her arms bread j she gaiprd my child and i are dyirg dying for food the despairing look in aileena face told the woman tbat herprayer could hot bo answered the woman gave a cry ol anguish oh girl you cannot let my baby d ie see how pale and thin he ia a ileen btarted back in horror as a lit tlejdead face was placedxiose to hers and then for the firs tiijie she noticed that the firea of insanity biased in the wotnans hollow ayes the poor crea ture turned and staggered off leaving aiten to make a resolve tbat she im mediately carried out she left the cottage and started in the direction of the house in which the agent i lived she walked slowly for aside from hungerweakness a sicken ing agony epedthiough every pulse and to be ho put hit arm around the shrinking girl and drew her joward bint aileen siw the horrible lijjhtin hikeyes as he betit hia bead tovard her and with a screm shedashct his arra away and left the house leiuster jtood before thi- aud waiched ai eeu till hr iaggiug steps tou him that her loo- meatary strength had departed and then he turned awn v rubbing hia banda laud chuc to h j i it ie of as much use lo beat against the lura of fate is it is ta tliwart one of my plana ah my dainty aileen your discipline ha juat bguu aileen walked ou unheeding whether she weut she oofy longed o get away from even the aijht of the house iu which aha had spent fifteen wretcsed motueuta j on an until hir strength utterly fkiled it seeuudas if the uever couw ivacii her hoin i but at last eiic re ched it and told her family ahat she had done th ir fervent thauka fell on eaia that heliu nothing oli neil neil was ailena amoth- tred cry j what can i del i hate morris litnater i loathe evin tho very sight of hitu and low can i- endure to become bia wife t but a kndwledgei that an external breakdown would be agonizing lo the whoie family prerenlfd her rjui giving xieasien to the in ward anguish that was torluring her villi inqutsi otialpain qiiicttyt oh so quickly the hours i tpyd awayi she counted every moment as jt miser couutsj hia goldj but she new that morris leirister would kefep his word and she was not nnprepared when the agent una a strange priest en tered the callage fcer father greeted them and then turned toward aileen stichaitically she atose and placed au ice eold hand ou lie agents slowly the ceremony began why did a ileeir neglecj to answel the ques tion of tlio pries i she beiit toward the door iu a listening attitude then sputcliing away her hand she disap peared through thridoor hastily pullod ku nathing we iid tor aatonish- meiit sealed their i ps titty were not leaa ainazrd to see a bronzed and ikarded nin eutco the still bpen door dxitviiia in htaarhis-asenseleaauurdeu- neil 0neaje q ck wit eave aaolu tioa to thetcene chat met hia eyes he poiuted to the doorknd his eyes gleamed like blue stilettoes las lie said in a stern imperative touft go and liekr ia mind that if youicross tlie palhway of aileen clary again you tjke your life iaynur hands foiled he coweijing agent slunk away the iciest at a motion of neils renamed soon ileen hud so far recovered as lo be alje to place the no longer rqlufclanl hand in neils and say the words that bound her to him forever i if bleasinga could make a man happy au rely neil qneale muat have been the hajipiest man in ireland as lie distrib uted with generous hand- among tbe starving people of tbe fitlle village the bountiful supply tiiat his forethought had provided such iuou as that they loveto ncen ctlla frcm them dunt urguo win thui dont try to do li they hav no lime for argument whileaf work whsc you write to an editor fn publication cut it short boil it ddwir piich right into the unddle of yot subject and i sure to stop when yqi are througli j klitora alwiyi liken have something fresh and original ii the way of coiumuuicationsaud i- eipecially fondlof news but theediloi uiiist always lit judije of wliil ia worthv of publication of course every write- ihtiika bia own proilucti in tba wst jut as every inotl r thinks her btby the prettiest eiler boin but thoeditoi may be so stupid as to have a differcu- opinion ifsojit cant be helped don- tiy to argue llim ou of his notion ir he is too stupid to remedy hia dullness yoa may uuiik you are a great deal smarter thinithe editor and tliihi be true tut the editor may lie respond ibl audyuit are tot there is ui class of people who are so aiuioua t please a uiajoritf of people aa editoi are there th 10 class so covetous o ihe good opinions of others it is well to remember tlita fact t he wat t church isd he aatheben 1 me technical poikts ox oesohtxatioxai difees escks i to ma comes the brakeouui and seiting hicnielf on tbe arm of the teat says 1 went to churchjvesterdav tea i said with that iotereaud inflec tion that calia for more and what church- did yoa attend t j j which do yoa cues f he asked some uoioei mission church f i hsz aided i naw he taidl 4 dont like to ran on these braach roaja very mach i dont often go to charch and when i do 1 want to run oa the main line where your ran is regular and yoa go oa a scbedale time and dont have to wait oa coaaectioaa i- doot like to raa on a jbrsoch good enoagb bat i dont like it episcopate tgneased limited azpreaa ha said all palace cara1uid ii aatni for a seat fast time sad only stops at bis stations xice lioa bat too exhaaitiye for a -brskemaa- all trsia men ia aaiformaad coadactora pahch sad lantern silver plated and no train boys si lowed then tae paaseocera are sdowcdto talk back at the conductor aod it makes them too free and easy xo 1 couldnt stand the palace cars -kice- road thoqgh dont oftea hear of a receiver being appoiat- some mighty nice people i carrys pwhur u wmjj wiu uuii y jwi j et it suaui tstigt shows hnadrad aatv uoaghallthc time litel n4j wli in cjdd jctor shoats all abmirdv jresi oast icsr him to the wit atation krery tojsj- 4oip iliiutii like a hasdlioht stoporer hkiki given ou all tbntixi tleiats i ai ooxer cap drop off the train u eflen as baj ikes do the station to or three days and iup oa the nest revival train tbat aoges ibonderiiift aloag good ahiiliisisvv companionable cuhdaetars iuahkmul ta th coontry whsre tbe passengeri felwan at home ho psates j amy paaaeqgeipaja fall traffic rjei or hia lioltet wealqrtb boaaeairtnikes on all trains toxjpmtr safe road hot i didnt- ride over it iyeaiarh day j maybe you went to the ctragrtfstionai hurvh i said popular road said tbe brakemad aa id road too one uf the very oldestiatliia uuutry good roadbed and comfortable t vell mauscd road too directors hmt interfere with tho division soperilf- odeuta aod train oidtia reads miglity p palsrlat itsprtftry mdepebdentitoo i e didnt of the division soperii cadeat4ilovaeastdiacootina one ijf the melt station oa this jiue two or three ears ago butifa a diighy plessant joad o travel on ai ways luoh a pleasant claa if psasengera i j perhaps yroa triads the bsptutatj piesied oooe more t ah ha said the brskeman abas a ttisy isnt sle fiiver road beantlfat cifrves sveousaround any thing to keep slose to iheriver hat its all steel rails aiid ock ballast single track all the way aid act a aide track from the road house to the krmicun takes a heap uf water to run it ihroagli jdoubte tanks st every station mil there untin enjflno in theshppirtat- can pull a piand or run a miie in leak than two gauges bat it ruue through alivciy wuutry these river roails always do over on one side and hills on the otherand its a steady dimb up tbe grade all t wxf till the raa ends where the fonntainbead o the river begins yes sir ill j take the iver road every time for a lovely trip snra ei nneetious aad good time and bo prairia- dost blowiotcinat tbewindowa and ya terday when the eoodactor came round for theticketawitha little basket puocb1 didnt isk him to paaa me bat paid my farrlika little man twentyfive cents tor aa hoota rim and a little coacert by the riastenavia ihrownto 1 ryoaumyoufaky tht river roadwhen you want r bat just here the long whistle rem th engine annoahced a station and the brake man harried to the door shooting zioasvilla this train makes no stops between here and indianapohl p beibta the clary family that nigst neil told them why he had come buck before expired i arrived all ri found everyoue separated the two ght in america and talking about some years had wonderful mines that had lately been discovered and i joined a party that was going to the black hills j well to make a long story short luck followed me and 1 had a snug sum when i started for new york there i hearji thatlre- land was in sorrow and i sailed aa soon as possible for the ould epitntrie soon neil and the clary fimily emi grated for america but the fast words hey heard as they left the shores of ireland was the wail bat still crosses th ocean bread bread we are starving about editors every editor loves to havohli frienda and particularly his readers call on hiqj they belong to the same family as it were bat when you call lo see the editor doot btay ton longj editors are generally verjr busy in business hours if you hive a suggestion to make or news to oouimnnicxte slate it in the fewest words possible dcnt offer any excuses or indulgi in a pre face to what yon him to say blurt it right out ajl the editor dote on ed ou that liaej on it too tjiiiversiustr iguesssd broadgsage said the brskemaa does too mach complimeatary business every body trareli on a pass conjoctori doesnt feet a fare once in fifty miles stops at all idsg stations sad wont ran into any tbinji bat a aaioa depot io smokiag car on the traiu trsia orderi tn vsgue tbroash sad trsia mea dont get aloa well with the pssseagers nbj i doatco to the tjniver- sahst though 1 know scvne awfolly- good people who ran oa that rqli presbyterian 3 iekedn karrow gaaneli 1 said the brskeman pretty track straight u a role tunael right through a i moan tain rather than so rottnd it spiritlevel gradt passengers have to show their tickets before they get on the train might straight road hat the cars are a little narrow have to sit one in a seat and no room ia the aisle to dance then therevno stoplover tickets allowed got to go straight through to the ststion yoare ticketed for or you cant get on at all when the cars fall ao extra coaches cars built at the shop to hold jolt to many and nobody else allowed on butyoadont often hear of anscoideut ou that road it runs right up to the roles if ay be yoa joined the free tthiskers i i scrub load said tbe brakeman dirt roadbed aod no ballast no time card aad no train despatc jer all trains ran wild sad every enginier makes his own time jolt as he please u smoke if yoa want to i kind of koaayoaplease rosd too many side tracks and ivery switch wide open all the time- with tie switchman soaod asleep andtargetlaipp lead out get on as von please and get off when yoa want to dont have toihiw your tickets and the conductor isnt expected to do any thing hat amass the passengers no sir i was offered a pass bnt i dont like the line 1 dont bke to travel on a line that has no terminal do jiu know sir i asked a division saporinjtendent where that road nine to and he a ud hoped to die if ha knew i asked him if the general saper- iuteadent coald tell me aad he said he didnt believe tl ey had a general 8apei- iatendeot andif they had he didnt- know anymore about ho road than the passen eers i aiked h m who he reported to and he said nobody i saked a conductor who he got his orders from and be said he didnt take orders froin sny living man or dead ghost and wkk- i asked the engineer who be got his ordeal from he said hed like to sea aay body i re bim orders hed rah that train to soli himself or hed run it into tbe ditch mow yoa see sir im a rail road man and 1 dont care to ran on a road that has no tin i makes no oonnectiona rose nowhere ai dilas no saperinteadent it ntsy be all rig it but ive railroaded toe lbngtbsoderaatdit f did yoa fey j pi metkodistr i said now youlra ahonung he said with some enthusiass nice road eh f fast time and plenty rf passengers engineers a civer soil a french paper relates the follow- firsta gentleman handsomely dressed goes into a conlectionerfsmnre and says to be gentlemanly confection er i want a ira ud red afid fifty of the beat cream tarts yon can maka a hundred and fifty that ia a pretty birge order j do you want them righ t away t i within three hours at the very latest 1 1 can have tbem ready tt the time a hem i it is customary to ask ado- poait on such orders say ten fraijov second about two hours later a gentleman handsomely dressed goel into a tailors shop across from te pastry cooks and asks to be shown some overcoats he selects the nicest snd asks tbe uricd i one hundrtd and twenty five francs ajr very well i will take iti i have some mouey to collect at the confec- 1 tioneta across the wsy i presume j you baae no oijection to letting one of your young men como over with the andet it certainly not- a worthy my friend ai puff third to edufbetionert enter hand- somely drtssed a gentleman now wear- ing act oveicoat and a tailors yquxtg i mer with respectful friendliness due t a good customer ah poff i hare called rtund fyr that 150 you promised tohavothpnj for meat 530 i you shall have them in utea air j very well i have to go round the corner to see a man yeu will giisji tbia yonng gentleman 125 of the- 10 i will retarn lor tho rest myself in a few minntea i will sh fourth five minnteslater the mv fectioher gives tbs tailora young man 125 eream tarts and a bill for the balance thereon twentyone friucs ans twenty fiye centimes i one minute tbereafter a coneotioner and a tailors young nun are acouribf- the neighboi hood in oearch ofsn hand- souiely aresied gentleman with a new overcoat whom the great city with its ceaseless bustls and confiialpnhad swallbwedtup aa a vellow dog bwalom an oyster ijiscuit l from th mov of th ftttarw there was a load noise like si report of in overcharged canon toe bnrired boiler sent the splintered v steaming rukir high in the air mari anne the engineers ipvejy dangkte as carried with the debris aad ascend ed with fnghtfuvelocity in the diree- xion of the closjda she flow hte- ward the etuploiees held their breath and clceed theieyes the spectacle was learfulto witness butyosng john the assistant who hat sdmired marianne from alar was alive o emer gency 8ettibg a flying maohi ie upoo which he had jqal obtained i patent thai morning he strapped it a to hia broad manly vpok and spaeax ing the wings of the ruvohine vowed b i would rescue the girl ir die on he flew in tbe direction hii loved one hat talnn he reached berjnit as ber red head- had plunged throtrgh a- oloud itwail but the work of moment to c asp her t his bosom v saved i eai lehpori the crowd below who had ueei wpb ing the aoeoe ireto below thro ijg tbsvj scopes i r

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