r f ft m i i 4 b- s j rotwefqtxs cos a poem with a point only a pia j vl it oarolr lay on the tafted ftoor in the light o day j i and it items wswncly fair aud iwight jfcneeliur bagk lot noonday light only a boy jet ha saw that pin a ol hit fvx wutd a tieudiih rtin i lie ateojiwl for a while titha look ititcut thuvbc and the pin alike wen bent oalv a chair but npnn 1u seal a wellbeat pit found safe elrcat t r nr hid the keenest eye ducerued that heavenward itapoiul m turned only a man r bat he chanced to drop urn tw chair wheu 11 j banc i pop i he leaped lite a cotk from out a lottlc j and opened vide his valrc dc throttle only a yell ihoacjr an honed one itlacked the clement of tin aodbojaud uian andpm arulchiir in coufuatou mingled tliera 1 ttbar uc knew of ensiiili t heaid a funny slorj- of c tittle boston uiy the other dajwuicb i think lini fitvec bveuiti hint ills falhiw bkd aomsfd ituiwlf by lcscuiug llie tiright little fellow several wards and phrases in a number uf languages so that be hud quite a refutation aa lincuist an eujdintiiuau of souie note dined with the fuiilr oueiny and th child was much interested ia watching him and litetiin j ta his conrerwtioa after dinurr the guest took liinroujiis knee with the rfcttwrk l hear you tnows great uiuyuiigutgesteil mr box mauyytrt know v oil i know french audfiermkn and italian and spanish and that is all brit yon know engfrji v ko i dont know euglua ha answered with a very positive shake of the head yiit yon doecrlainly icrststed the english tnan i tall yyt da not replied the chitd altuost iiniatieolly veejv emphatically iff papa knows ku- giieh i apov hat look fcnor two words in eaidisu and what arc faeyt vine and ent flbspent ereojngf the hof who spends in hoar cf each evening ioangiu idly oa the street comers waates in the coarse of a year three honarwi and sixty sve hoars which if apdied to study would familiarize hiru with the rudiments of almost any of the familiar sclents if in addition to wasting an tour each evening he spends ten cents frraciiiar which is usually thecasp the amount thru worse rhan wasted wuuu pay for tea of the leading periodicals of the country bjyv think of theie thinjjs think of how much time and money you are tri wasting and for what the gratification affjrded by che lounge ors the corner or the cijjar is not tny temporary bat poaititcly hurtful you cannot indulge ifitheat without serious- ir fnjuring youraclret toa seqaire idle and waatefnl habits which will ding to yoa with each succeeding year ypa- 2ir in ftfer life hake theoi orx hut the ptotmchitks are that the hifcil thus farmed in early iife wilt remain with you to your dyin day be warned then iu time and resolre that aa the hour spent ic idleness it gone foreref you will impror each passing one aud tlierehy fit yourself fur use fulness and happiness bounctr oo by 8tam the fulloing rules are ported up inxstoreina certain town and aie certainly explicit eutiugli for all prac ticxi purjjiii the prnprietor is not in dont know when fe will fel a have no iuoney to lend but twr- rosf ail we can thei knon who repeats rny thmg fpsi piuifore will he bounced dont want any lead pencils buy thenrby tlretoal dont want any suspenders gotl s loft full uptairs are natin want of soap hare a con tract far it kd shoe hucting required we wear patent leather coffins provided far book agents and canvassers bull joe in the cofkr feed hm on pedjure office hours for tramps from ii- p a to 5 altnvj aubeggare are bonucei bouncer goes by steam thetcameor fifteen of all the paccles ever invented few hxee in ad ahnrt a time created such an immenie amaustof excitemeatasthcksmcof fifteen every plae where it his been introduced the mast profound interest has been caused and it is even said that some people have gone eriry over it the puzzle was invent- ed byadeaf uiat4 somewhere in the hutei only s few weeks ago sad since that time people all over the coantrv have been endgeiiinc their braics in the endeavor to iolve it correctly the puzzle ccasiiuof a small square box in which are placed fifteen jqnire blocks of wood nnmhered from i to 15 i these being placed irregularly iin the- box the slatian consists iu moving them about until they are ali in order the most dimcult position it fix one given be- low fromwnich it will be seen thitffie nambers 14 tai 15 have to be transposed in order to get the result i i i s t 7 4 9 i io- u n u it unolt noah ohoat uucla jfoah clayton with promlic ot bvlteririg hti butinesi oondition moved hia gooda mid chattels and fituily ta j spriugvalo me where la had aecuwd a great old houao on th outilcirtb if tho iijrage and not inn the hcus dad bn hired and ipoctita of hia futiilure deioiled lliereni ii it told to hiui lhatjt was huunted vos it wi seriaihfy i haunuid huuae and had uiu long idle aud unused on that aceoilnt at sut unola nosh ru i liilln tkiiush and would lure tacked dojn fium the bargain had ho not gone so far with ui household arrangemenu lie wut honest enough to coufidef thi jstattliug story to his wife whe chanced to be a strong uitnied confaioa sekso wonsn and whrn she said she was willing to fake the rut he went alicnd and uicved in wnd we may remafk tliat the old hohee bad betu put in order liefore the family look up lis ruitrurs beufatuthu ancient raof the first night passed off quietly and nleuaatlv i indso did the scconi but on tlw tliild night jmt afttr the hour of midnight- hern wa a ghostly ifirrni it canie from the dlcecticn of the great kitchen and there was tho sound of breakiue gjasi and the shuffling of feet uiwb the loose floorhoardt i the house spread broad and wide iqrantho ground and koah and his tifo sleptl in a good sired bedroom leading outflow the sittingroom while two children occupied a smaller room on the othir side the doors had been lefc open to the kitchen snd sg the night was still the sounds in the distant apartment could be plainly heard and both ur koah and mrs noah aat up and listened yvs there was somebody in the scullery piece 0 tin and crockery ware were heardto tinkle aud jingle thats the way thes new fangled ghosta always do said noah theyre gteat for knocking around crockery and tablfrwire whatll you do koaht by gracious imgoin to ae whats up ijjeier hoard of their hurting ariybodv did yoa i ko tlheant take my pistol inj inves tigate su dont make any noiso i he had provided himself with 1 navy rejoiver ior this very emergency led as it lay in the bureau drawer he easily and reidily rot at it s by the time paler fcmiliat had pall ed on his pants and got his pistol and the good dame btd tut on a flannel jacket over her nightgown the two children were up and of the arty hush dont make a bit of noise children ic it a ghost papa t tfclta what we want o snd out now mark if you follow me look uut and doat get in the way of the pistol do yoa bring the lamp marro and to the procenion waa formed koah ia the ran with his cooked pistol sdrly clutched lira koah next with th lamp in her left hand and a pojeer her iit the right xter tommy next armed with a bootjack while little stephen brought up the rear his chubby hands clutching one of his fathers boots in he hall between the kitchen and diningroom they were joined by the hired girl and aa appren tice twy who were speedily informed uf the fim lien hark ah tho plates were being rattled gin and anoii the tin pans clinked and clanged yea ghosta always knocked things around in that way the servant pill fcreamed add wonlj have fainted if koah had not made a motion towards her with hia pistol trut was mare horrifying than was the unseen ghost by aud by with sluw and caotioug tread- the head of the culatua reached fie kitchen xai haltad hefora the door of the fcullery ah more rattling of the plalea whos there f demanded koah the only answer was a moaning of the wind which senied to bo just rising or was it only the punning of the ghe but koah clayton waxnot a coward especially with such a backing ao he directed his wife how she should- hold ttia lnjht and then having seen that bis pistol was properly cocked and the percussion ui intact he placed his hand upon the old wooden latch and withdrew thff wedgo that served to fasten it mrs koah grasped the poker more firmly and raised it into ready position master tummy well under cover of his mother withboojicfc valiantly advanc ed stood rule by side with hia sntalltr brother and papas huot au1 sh i there go the plat again and now ha a leap npon the floor how curiously they tread hold the light mother a little higher ah thats it now and he lifted the great wooden latch and threw open the door the fresh breeze cauiein through a break ia the low window tho moonbeams struggled through the dingy paues and from her place near the centre ot tho ifloor where she had just landed from the buttery shelves pa which she had tramped t3 and fro over crockery and tiuware her entraoce to the scullery having beenmade by way of the broken window knocking qui loose fragments uf glass in her passage straight to them with a gladsome jubilant meov meow i- advanced the old cat seemingly rejoicing that she had at length found her friendajin the strange place and very likely feeling greatly honored by the grand parade of the household for her reception it will he observed that there is one tacantspsce the sixteen square which of coarse affords fsciiity for moving the pieces abont i u an easy rnatter for any one- to mskaboxindzetof blocks hiring done so the mindcan be exercised ia the work of transposing th 16 snd it a man once took a piece of white- cloth to a dyer to have ittyed black he was so well pleaed with the result that after a time he went buck to him with a piece of black oloth slid asked to have it dyed white but the dyer an swered a puce of cloth is like a mans reputation ii h dyed blick hut you cannot tuake n while again it laboratory f7ws3dstnewyorkcuy un or nsitt cm tlullxiuzxt d vppft ever dueattt jevwros rgtic isaeiitua- tltm dropty urari ihuatt bluouanas jfcrtdus dtbiiuff etc rtobestsemjdy 2x0w2t to haa i 0hmigettsiute60u61vaisj 7 9000000 bottles tlis syrup ptxstssa yarkd rroperila it the frttus lo s rmiirw nlilckeoqtft iliotiftrrh n4braf ikt fto irc elacoce a lflciair j frtfalloc mtiac wind aa4f4rfac of h aox h tlaaiirb if fhaanllfae ft ukfa fanvcdu preteatcda it oohi tfrr it 1tftlfi ike hancci icpnflr hefkodd itqaiha rcxtiaarrftem- icpraim dlpatt itsoarwim ttreitnhian4tntfgr ic avert atike 014 dtrf tuakm m icapcns i ho hirrtrf fie akia ami loiacvc lfaufar prwpfaiioii it btttcc the beniharr tairi crfcficu ti tin blood wuii wcaentm sarofuj utiu u1 tl otsaar of akin dfeaaaa ud taiemil hoaart tbort no iplhu etnotcd m ta buntixacm ws it can bs uiai br ti cot tuaia bebe cr bf s icl hid fcetila crctiy 4ef rrfmirvti ma q nlttlv soctlis k rd the voluvtarr testimonials of person who hire been cured by th eta of the bl003 purifier cures eryslpelat lit forest wellingwoco 0nt can dm sta was tererely afhicted with errtipeus fnr two years and snort trial ol your indian dtood syrup eflectually cured m llttfi jaket akdeksox liver complaint lft forest wellington coqntcsn dajia stk i have used your great indlua btnodsymp tor liver com plaint sntl have received great benefit therefrom i recommend lis ate to alt similarly sthicled nelsoscake disease of he hfomath ut- fores tv7elicgton co onlcan dxlk sta this is to certify that your valuable indian blood syrnp cured 31 of cramptiu the stomach w kcorrclw best hedletne t hare ever rsed lyurille karfolk co tint dxifcsirc i have uied a great many medicine but a teller medicine bau your indian blood syrupcannot ba ajade it is the heat blood iuriliererer used pereu vtaedkl consumption windhim center dili sra i cannot slid iangasge o ally express the praise which in grati tude i would utter ar th6 benefits hire received from your excellent indian blood syrap it has done wnat doctors could not do or failed to ia i was suffering with conitjmption for a long una heary cough para in chfft shoulder and hack and your iudlan blood fyrttp has worked a perfect miracle 1 would recommend ali to gire it a trial wit cunsihuhair tt ell selected lec r drjt goods cr0cerie crockery classware and that he is prepared to sell at he most reasonable pricsa for cash and would respectfully solicit a share 6tlhir patronage country produce taekk ix 1 lxailakge remember he xeft store kill st east acton b haslett acton ote islh iftsi dyspepdia aylmer elgin co ont eia i have uied your remedy for diipepiu and recommend it 10 all kks juhk fakthlso a valuable medlcice sk i have used your wood syrup and found it a wonderful and valuable medicine mbs betsey eedfohd aylmer ont splendid remedy for dyspepsia ski i have used yaur indian blood syrup and caused it to be used in several ensea of urspflpaia aw found it v be a splendid remedy w w white aylmer ont fouud as recommended ktl i hra used your indian blood syrup for dyrpepsiaand found it to be as recommended jottn woillet ie aylmer unt aa agents testimony aylmer ont si i hive used and sold the indiau blood syrup and find it he beat rem edy in use lordyspepsia and as a blood purifier lkwu rkchir rheumatism sib i have been troubled withkhea- matism for a great many years your indian blood syrupis the only one ofmahy remedies that did meanygood i recommend it to all i if as cittt caisabut kenyou glengarry co ont dyspepsia and tadikestion ktitiyour indian blood syrup has curerf me of dypepifa and indiges tion it hss also effectually cured my wife ol same disease llttlrtox joiixsok ccatham ont belt 38norilifit3 fcr otaua n6atbr0p lyman k8 test toroata i also agents for mother hobuu heaumc 8yrup an englishuiscoverj which is well knarns a valnahlsand effective blood purifier lhrouhoot tha trorhi three thousand three hundred and fifty dollars worth of new silks regbiv ed at the right hottse this week j i piles of new black and eolore 1 giuuimporled bin seasbn which are fully aa cheap a last aulumu nic black silks from 50c o 3 handsome fjru graiusilks from 7qc up an iinmeuse lot of dres goods imte arrited jo british and french fabrics just see the nice grar liihtres f r only12jc ilhe french de bege willpiave a grat run thisyear an enormous stock of ihese goodu just arrived nt the bight house the black cashmere black iuilrta blaokbaraihea blaok eoboarav blaok crspe ololha and an immenrt farietj of black fc imporwdi lor th kwiit horse thli eaion u oheap n ever upard of 20000 yardfr of new pniju are opened uf already tbe pattern are beautiful the quality good im tho prioea low ranging from 8o o 20c the sh rt faotory at tha blolip uouhe itlil oarned on extaniiraly a first class culkr liarug un roao ap fro- mbntreal oenllcannl and loyi ihlrli lies wwi ard scarfs and ladles anj ailsaai underwara of all hinds me roada in the er uaoast styles at lha rtrr oheapflsl rales and wrrantd to si ll and mar wall anedorrfloti hook jof all kinas of ladles gantlemeat gins and boys underwaro kepi on hand cansunlly at tuch low prices and o such good and durable quaiilias us ht cauad an enormous increase in this branch of watlsi trade uenilemao an get handsome gjoi lltllqg well made ahiru ffom 25 to 60o less than hay luya o pay for similar goxjs elsewhere some months yatkis6 makea upbfertt dojen of shirts call and order your uuderololblngauhe kioht house nop 80 and 32 king street east hamilton close to hughson street thomas c wakins hamilton icamlltonmireh 2s i6t9 6 ha8lett v0uld akk0ukcet0 thecitt i zkss of aclon anil nclnllv that tie ua jiatojxnwla lilf acw lltuileii livest sale board 8 t a o l e 3 mll street actom is where you can get firstclass rigs at reas0kabu rates cjood commercial eigs an express delivery wicoo m ill meet each expren train and delirer goods to any part of the town aeahmae school sslutsau ootasio i i rsis acaoof oferi at fouoviaf adranlagu irtitcnnaaiioir- erery ear candidates from thfsiahool are passing the elimination of the jaw tclety ouncil of yuyiieunt and sir- ceon idairfcufatiag ialo tbe different uniterillles with few or ao rejsctions load tsaohim in 1871 1678 and 1879 nearly all ha aliiileots competing made moti sadsfaej lory examinati na aud the ichool is now prepared fty ks enlsrged itifl to girath mot thorough rinding to candidates for certificates of all grades an qouussoiairincitas tlie adyanfagu include not only the complete practical curriculum of ha celebrated eutmm college at fougb- keepsie n y precisely as aaghl at that college but eieathe furtter d rantages bl irammar history composi tion elicntion or tbr languages if tequirei at no additional expeuie tuition miehattnuu vary 7vih wetki ueek 10vekc advanced j ii jo how fta ertmarr sj0 sjo- boabd intfhoaaiean tx ludlo emidjna or wiii ij j tl 1 ac i er etk 15 weajes commercial training for 5000 otid an eccmj laolaicl for particulars arplr lo j rjjagtjelldphrlraenl or m u ua vis u- commerelal lfaacr o t hiiril fob groceries iryon want a coed and cheap article in tmaglstms wi suek n ixa pstlot te j s i i euaaro sytups i spioea and tobswcoa of ail kinds frenk avd hwtzft hiardwaite paints jll parties indebted jo uiu e0 tabllabment nre requested to pay up without further delay and lire coifs el matttev proprietor of all kiiuli akd oils hikges akd locks aafls- glass putty 8alt bf the barrel au cheap for qo to- 0a3h miii street acton organs only ml ijfitalm paper i printed avt3 published ix the dominion kow iv its secokd volume unparalleled success new and improved foniu 16 pa only one dollar per vear for 5 tc hbera kumbcrs a month 832 pajes a year 332s columns for one dollar vrotcd tsxiecf 10 arioiluire honicultare s dairy poultry ihe apalry hoasthsli arf evtrphiag pertaining to farm bath oat ac dooct indta doon tu wcetly commerdix report tad prsoa trt zvilaalilc the crjordinary sacoen thfi paper hai met wiih it in iunds of the ycooaory of cimal dtirinr ihi jtiriiadanriraimaihellnflals oounul aof ciaad ortfce unfted suic aurceiuffoftblemd pncuol writen are en- giryd aad corrcsp ndencq cl a tilmble jnaiurr ipeanwcctjjrtroa its cunr mbscribcn in nova scotia ta the east and htitiiii columbia ja the west sample copies free printed aod published at he wcuaad sm print- sg hsutt established imj by v p face ediror aiircsa canadu farmer drawer 1 1 vclluil on nc machines attention i attention ii iennine harpers baxnar pnt- tenu fan suits only is cents bteaw isd filrhxts akd boxxrr tosi ovitb tk 1uthi larcst 8ttlu mrs e h pass wishes to in pormthelvllesof acionandtlolnllr tdat iue has lalely lenrni the kreicb modoof cntiing and fittinjr and fi now prepared to give even oraatsr satisfaction tau yontwrljr eiclasnnd funeral floweiaembalmed dreaiei antl jflcltcrs cut and a perfect fit suamote d fia reflponnble price forrlyllthanucbeapbata aud bouieu it mbehpaaa 81 ueorvaasqnare qoelpn robt craine acton is preparad to eall on pertoos requiring etther sewidfr haehines or organs he has agekcies from the best nmmitactoreri in tbeeountrr and will guarantee aatlrelon lo parthasen lernu terjjeaioiab unlrrs left at hia reideoee or hddreised to him to aeton p o will receive irompiatlentlon k- h ob auk inew scot 5 shoe shop wi wltliams would respect- pi llt lullmate to ibn people of acton and lemitr that he hss opened a boot a uboe 1 hop in the nullum opposite w h more jl j lot e works oa mm btaur il inyona n want of a substantial and 1 food flttlnj boot or shoe bonojiotiailioleavettielropleratlifurand apairia 1 1 8wolsity iaa piempuy attbddt i w wt aeton sept iu ht the largest and most complete factory in tne dominion 140zl 00 highest honors evei awarded to any maker in the world imdal arid diploma at ctafennial j i ustuidat aad dijaoma of stjdinj f uttralia frgod mtdal at provincial exhibition toronto grhitei uicurd a ijcdtulrfal exhibition torontn j is7g 1877 1878 1879 re are jiiow manufacturing square and upright pin best in the market correspondence solicited snd for iuobtrated catalogue maiied free- address dominion orcan company bowmamville oxtaeia f 3 h jiprin 9 f 80 gent3 felt hats we date opened ut our second nupply of tlents kelt hats tboylare the corect aijles and the cheapest froodt erer brought iolo the ciiy of guelph cuslotuers aare ouc to i from prices usually charged in otbir stores tweed suits from 14 ourranadian and icolcutweedkuiu from 14 as usual are op loffl timas id the new mixtures and courings- iu fiuish and style andlon- neis of price we take tlie lead i j i silk handkerchiefs- scarfs ties shirts braces socks a complete asbfifn t a cheap line of twium for bot wkii from 35c splendid ralue alioalotof 0ntearable tweeds cheap spring gocds daily arriving wm ste wa jrt co gebleh i i aa- ft t- tei i50 ran nkuo lc ipi nucchen fob saie bya boflkssllg torontojcnt pure cod klverxil bypopbosphite oflime ahd sodal tlatniatubeeadasatlntwaanbrfhakn mmarsapttaa oamaigd illltjri ana sg vsvatu diawau cudiairatolr eealtuvi4bak 1 t11 tr i it m t a bllccpoarntl ctlhehnp rinjirnjy aaiiuudp iitrmdt tktscaeituceadiiadaaieaktaauiktitendheaki lr a aat etj katat lijjli mig n cod lrkround a bu h puhnhnsilialilooel asavhw tha li of th woat aad naifc tfli in f fjirfwr j vtam of qod ww ob tn fcna uai k 4onbtmauiwotoiicaiid k