Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1880, p. 4

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rafvff fouks cobxka arlxqca to our bo5s- ttiulcwrsu tiic tunc boya tba itst award aiklavc uvi frhoujtectvvr utcusci aud sharp at escape itci a jntlkinc and pitiful knave joj j whatever you are be cratik liys 1 tie lttcr hun money ami tank boys j suu cleave u the rtlit iv oecn of iuh 15c iya above uilrd auil friuk ijoys whatever ytw ape lie kind litrs iwpmilc iuutanttcrs i u 1 mind bcysj iftc nm culc in iiiuu 1 vum wl cnikt 1 ecn- it the cinlcalau tmiv rvlillcd i pnt wi l vm arc le triekji i lie viiki iteii auil lliuiili uiys leave to etiierpllu- thauwiiuc the crvcuiue sml cramming- la fan and iu earnest bo true boj how co sec a seed groat j msuy little folks comlt how tyoars swuc feu alet fcitls live ukcli up the teed after planting it iu the gnuiud ami thereby prevcut it troul takiuj rvt- we myucewr tee thc swt shooting uut froatihe byaciutlu sud balls that c clw la ocr tviudoas aid ia thus iriy tie taiy tec otter cjs tpedat and tluvt aiutimurai to gratify his littii fi tvut cut mi uglv ttcuitiit to be ciilmii mated us for a inotty ivouun uot to bo litem ate women lioiiw powerful hi- the lone if their voices alone tikj touch attd iiiuvw llm heart kiui ti hive ihetu befoto uvea thinking of tookiug at them tho human taco nio situ tif sorrow horn and each uutst have- tits portion vulgar niinitr ivftisc or crouch beneath their toad the- bravo bear ibciis villi- out repining- lrngukge ia a solcruu tliinir it growa out of life out of its agones altl eotsctia its warla nnrt it tvparinesa kvery lancuagm is a lemila in which ilio soul f those who speik ituscu shtitied lie lives long bat lives well j rod time fnikjktit is uot lived hut lost iterates god is better than ilia irauii if lie take mm hitu a lortj lease and gives him it freehold of better virtue it ip much easier to ruin nun ol t principle than tnati of ikkm fur lie may be ruined ihixiiijli his scrupli knavery is supple and can brtid bin honesty- s liiui and upiight anu yields not vicious hiihita nro so ctvit a stain upon lutinmi uxtttro and so odious m tlu iiiwdvea that everv pison actuated hv liht rksrit would avoid them piles of new btuck an xilks from 50c to ji3 briluli and french fibt run his jear an iuor i tri j three thousand three hundked and fifty dollars worth of new silks reoeived at the right house this week dr clark4 d colored silks imported this season which are fully an cheap as lust auluniu nice black iniidoome pjrit graiu silks from 0c up an immense lot of dress goods huve arrived in icnc just see the nice gray lutresf r only l2jc the french de beges will haven gr at iniiiik stock df ihesc goodn just urrived at he right house the black cashmeies hlick lutlrea blook inirnioatut biwk liauel oordl blk baraihfm bltak sobourgi black orapi ololhi nnd an imtncoje rarietj of black jooda impotud for tbe kiaiit ilotsc ihii ton aa chetitu ever upwoidi ot 20000 yardi of new pnnti are openild up already the palterdt are beautiful the quality good and the price low rauilng from 8o fo 2001 tbe ahlri rolory l tilt hlqurflolimb irillll curried on exuniirely n finiclasf cutkr baring been broogbt up from ilonlrcal uentlomtni and boyi ihlrli lli bowl ard icaruand ladlei and nilmi underware of all klndi are made in the terr uewett alylea at lh rery cheapeat raloi and warranltd lo it well and wear well an eoormoua ilook of all kinaa o ladloi geollemeni gir and boyi undcrwaro kepi on hand ctnitanllv at auch low prlcea aid cliucn goodjand durablequalltiea a baacauied an enorcuoua increaieiin lhi branch of watkistj trade uenilemen can got haudiomo gjo i filling well nade ihiru itom 22 to wo leu than ihejr hare lo pay fonltnilargosdaeuowbore some monlha warkijf makea up oter p iiojcn ofahlru cull and order yi ur underclothing al hie rluhlhousb j v nos 30 and 32 zing street east hamilton close to hughson street lta thomas c watkesfsa hamilton johnsons indian bleed syrup laboratory 7w3dsunewyorkcity ua of man an tk a glti tucuhlcrlrouud which ihe tied s was simt tbey would ba al y a bit ol cotton uv allowing the uce to fajln or tlroo iliwilttt the centra of the gltss tbcu he put cater iu the irum to cover tbe biuer pirt ec the uce xuiliu thiii hollow he jkijipe1 two sweet peisi the little iwys were ioll t kkk it them oyirj biy and theywoilil leant what w goinr oa ender graud with siuiilar tceds xest taimin the lkys hurried crvra the j lireakfistrvmiu to leefc at t glxui k itb tbe tcaiinthewuth wiuuiw riivy fiu4tul while thew were fist aslixp thelittlebrowu skis had burst ud a tioy ubite lroul wii aeca oa the side el each a the little tjiroats ihu grew lo etnuh to reh through the hees iu the licv aud oxi the lop ot the ikms tu o little na leave leerc scu j la uiae the boys taw the little white ways eoiicoxled lioth ilom gtxl and ulan and hat no future punisbuicnfcntitiled upou tbtin homo teaehtns teach cbildion ttiat a true lady may li found calico quito as frequently is in velvet teach them that a common school dtlciuiu with common sense is hettei than a colbjje education without it teach them that one fool liuuesl trade wellluhktred ia worth a dvtrti ucatly airofessians ti ach tlmiti that honesty is be brat pjlicy tliii tis licter to 1 poor bun to lviich on the paifits of crtkiked vliukjif etc and point preceptu hi thrcajlitc roots reich alnust to the bottom f lie example of those who are auuvrin ottietliis whiie lispecu icajca ritw the tormeutsof the dooml ixre and care away to a stalk r sui touch them to reioct their elder iu this way tans itvl taay hd teea t i and tleuiselvts rrjwi ba jay sopaad think a jtaom- ft ach tbell that bs tber rxpect tn ik- how little tttm akiut tbatj uiadr- i ditv they can not loo kooc fcbtvut 1 e which tks icje the j a te peotvet the weak and belplesi eexaaupashcs tatt the wt zil ijade t m tlut to wear patched aad which keeps pashag tu the bloai j u 4 j bat l0 we cc i black eve is b hasut ttonn asxorscetothe cm nb of vrlon and velnltv tfiat lie u mjiil m in wa uew ucnili well selected mack c dry goods groceries crugkery glassware and that he is prepared lo su at the most reasonable prices for a h and would respectfully i oltclt a line if their patronage ciwtity itiilliucf lafkv 1 cememtier trie xei sture mill st easf ictoii b has scott ft bownes navr ife wo a a place aton ilee ili 1p w 1 sir tiid x y itflreriiu tjct i ly oirl fcr vlj i lave i tt tu ieldrtiit i tiu villi 44 1 have iiltd ji a jl manj pit-c- iid tiishj- a ujuiau lum w liu itruv la it is u tzl oh i diir taiil tiai itciute this is ivcry ielccniia xhn lirlbidoiint io do ia it i m uuly tr lug t- 4oit q jjt so ii 1 a iil the tccli thni ihii gul u no rtlfcctor of fx and that hei he ratc ti seventh eouiiustidimnl he tueaut it for their own god us well els for their tlmci them that hv itid nixing their deplored hjprtites in tle woipt foiam ufduiltttn thtvktc not lilting theiu- r tir r r f it i arives to ijrcume the husbands of pure jjy j l ett l titj tls texh them it is better to laa an hontit man wvln davs in tho wetk printed avt3 pubuski o ik the dqiiiktok kw ix its secoxd volllte unparalleled suckssl tear i i l 1 b a ciiristiau i oiif day aud j a villaiu six dys i i r f- t ach them that god helpi thoso who boy cheerfui y t r help themselves be world aad 1 1 a i t r do all tlu and via will luv- fe me i itmiht tliem up in the say they liad it f j nuotill go i j kuaibers a month 632 pije avcir i i 335 columns lor oae doll tr overheard the talk lome rb w mj word to roun ma boy 1 ia in ttritut 01 tocielkkly like you n he rjts idiator zxuljiha doctor iiitigbt kcwad improved fona 16 only ono dollar per for 5x ttdsiheaa it w k u utely tv it to ire ukjd focird hna ill an exchange tuys tliere aie iuoik voting iirt pochry lie apiiry hocaci c ia pguifliag to t fit us to iiail his vurl winm tliere aie tuoif younix ameuoui and 6axt uia toon fiiilfuhy uhta le foiiuil t men in the htjittntituam this couutij la weeuf- omsardil report a4 ilie hjy iul iiis ctrploy and lemuin tindeathtn ttieie ttre outide tht l dtvixtd 1 uf then be falcurttl i t a rose fitcdeot on the ere a hie dep-r- rre tattcdy uwxt pirisi rcctivclfrou bis nricle 3- code vlu tn to be one of uu teitlxxiks it cmkge if ua arc faitufiil aid tjje omgeutleirud rkillrciakeyim a is that wre are eduottin our youn men fur gcuthtuen irymjj to tuaki lit wy its pretch castor oil it pnpirttl co i fona poiccuf ijrwdjle a cw lfttfldnoitabtipcnocj iniarauiutictcrt ihe pfoptrtjc of lie oil uut pdu pfa nl fri liar are ttiauiuijn3ui riodcrtd hoc oaljniila npicuint fa iu ictfoa liat buiuiclr cmelet wdpaiiubie it kprccaiinailijlhe nnot ui- ure tad citlanic lnacit tad u t rtmedy for co- urtnak coorfipitwa and til latouiul ixyaacc rncntl t u bncauajki td 5cunl to tie th plic of crude oil fd ji drznic fuktra ptai- tfrot f- uje ijy lit dni4i u rj ccctt s urf- tic doattxitolrit oaa while you live live well j t east on bikbracfton has conitaiitly on baa a lull stock ut firstclass bread bust cajut sics uti ooal4tiorr and tolicits ituir abar of he pit- ronago of thrpiidic j t eistok xottte ah penoni itulchtcj lo l e auveh ntcoceallalitaettleturlraec lanta reineinherlut that t l lor otl and that oulj i jt eiirrot il 1 issaqiweji srlimglimllls petier 8ater8 woullintlmte that be la on land at lila mlilrhi xmwn foraierl kaowu as carslli- mllu a urce ttfc of lumber lftxh and ehingle8 ofll tlnuaadquahlle i xo t sulngtes8fao persqiiare bill stlfrcit tv order i teemscash ietklt savers aon tkc 3 the largest and most complete pacjtoxy ia tie doainioa 140x100 highest honors ever awarded to aay haker ia tie world jgttdd and difoma al csidcmiiul l fsfilcdal dud diyiimu al sydinj australia fttcicild hejal al provincial exhibition toronto st llijlictl atcard at industrial kitibiliait toronto 1876 is77 1s7s 1s7s i q t hlir roceries ifyoa tint ccoodind cheap it rtfclp to the ciiarilrait mxm iislt pf t with the principle exuhe fur this t ut tiadtctiiejrrociiaitof cmu duri j 1 i rurcarciitnntokdiaiheliiilt o jwotl rta b cajajt or the ucited suia i 1 c ahtccct ibt ti prxrcj ija k 7u 801 jljle su 01 cui- reii tii cnrrcpieace c a rils isle nziidrc ijvrrwrcjr fries i- oufljp cubhbfsv to nova be tjc 1 doctor and clerks out of timterial that iiure mtemled fur i hljckmitlii brick layers car knuts tiilurr mid other honest ieueceof wood nnd diaei of water tinre is too much truth in the above l j- cce piatf aumisparufiiajeuuth it is alraoat impossible to utfrytie called uukh uephewaad sited fiudxpuni aian nonwho fc vihtjfi liiui tor he ai plexcd ttiiii his gift ifc iem n tt ttude for fear he wfli forfeit cct i lire received uotbin eiid tht hu digaity by doing little drad- ntpbcw let me ltkit at yomv cmu was ery v need au bpcatico at this the response tlie uiot wts produced and i ufhce it boy sfith bruins and willing betlttta the leaves of tlc tim cliapter ammnds yet out of all tba excellent tantuote for 503 franc vu ditcoverci j material in this city only 6ue boy has ckicb hid bot lfleu diicovcretl by the faith- so far applied many hoys would ha- fill diwiplo oi j usttuiau thit was epetd- j come piutcrs if we would promise to ily restored to the pocket of the old fc-tiue- i give them a mans wages and put thera scaa i i toworfc in advanced crudes heforo they liaruef fiie a b es of the art come glwms of gold j boys lay aside your falsa dignity j roll up your sleeves and pitch in yju hoist short life would be if hope ditl will never win without wort horace scotia ia the bictad dritiiji grijaiia sample copte9 fhjee prised tad pubtishaal tbe weaatl teaa prist cj uocac csiiblihcj liij by kbc0lc0c4proprieic v p page editor andrea cakadiak fa drawttirvc a ike west sfer rriim oat 11 lis 111 tt j i- yi not give extent dj good sitbwliat thou hast or it ill do thee no good ke who keep a monkey should pay for the glasses he hi euki i never deceive for the heart once misted cau never trust wholly ajaiu nothing moro delesuble does ihe each proiuc than an uujjraieful man a propensity to hope and joy is renl riches one olexr and sorrow real fioyerty i eudawe5withau iosinuttttug charm wooiuu by her presence alone hi beu- tiful j iifjp- is j lovers stuff walk hence witli that and uiauage i against de bpairiuj thoughts great niinifs like heaven are pleas ed in doing good though ihe ungrateful subjects of their fivoiii arc baneu iu return- it ig only necessary to grow old u become more indulgent i i see do fault committed tharl bkvrtibt cuuiiuittcd uiyselt j it ia the bounty of niture ttat we l but of iitiilusoihy tltat we in well which i in in trutha greater benefit thanlife itself i true fdrtitdde iavseert in great ex jiluit tbas jasrice wnritntsiandlhat wiidom gtctft all else ia towering frenzy apif ilistraction tjtke the body ibej mind weariea mjrti from want of action than excess ofit ktigued bylrifleb sod relief ingratertbooghta- i homeliucs dial tltia aivantsge oyer is eaeat ft ueaatj it ia tbat itla dif- greeley was once a printers devil and ben franklin served five years hun dreds of our leading statesmen swept offices made firetand washed rollers- learn a trade boys no man can steal it fronr yon and it is therefore mora yalnable than an inheritance of gold or bonds lquitlaita mo jour nal i y ij a chapter of mishap the following in an american paper takes tbe stirua offanything in the local item line we have seen for many a day aa a gentleman was pisaing along fifth street he passed whero some boys were playing at mar bles one- of them in shooting hia luaiue cleveily pot it under the gentle mans foot the gentleman slipped and ktumbled araiust a lady also passing and precipitated her upon a large boy whows examining the gutter geologically for delris the hoy frightened out of bis propriety bolced off and lan between theiegs of another who in falling drew tbe string of a kite out of tlje iiumls of a lajy tilt kite of course fell and in falling frightened a 6pan nf horses attached to a jyaggoti near by the roies ran dowd an alley a man who wfik building a gre in a carpenters shop by which they pivaod started up to see what as ihe matter and in doing so dropped his lighted match ammg the shavings a fire was tljn consrquence the engines assembled and in the hniry consequent upon the alarm a man fell in tbe track of one of them and had bis ami broken which etideid this bitch of accidents for the day istha boy who shot the marble responsible for all the consequent psrdsr nyie ash mars syrups spices and tobaccos pi all kinds feesh 1xd sweet sale board hardware j of all kind points and oils hinges and locks nails glass puttv stables mill street acton is whera you can ct firstolass kigi at rea80kable kates dooi ccmmeroial eigs an egress delivery wagdn willmet each express train and delt r goods lo any part of the town au parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested io pay np without further delay and s to costs 8 ait by the barrel all cheap for cash qo to- t hills i street acton roans sewinc machines ed mttiere projrietor atteatioa i atte itioa 1 1 genuine itarperg bajaar pat- terns fnll suits only i 5 cents straw akd felt hats axb b sxrrs dokx oven is all titc dartst pnrlas m e8 e h pass sfsfesto ik torji the ladles or acto landvlclultr tuat she has lately learnt iba f catttntr and fltllnsr and la now prepared lo gt oroittr satisfaction thu wodjinir aud funeral flowe drescc and jackets cat an guaranteed at a reasonable prl for htjrlfah and cheap hats a id twuaeu uo to t jie8j5 hpaaa w bt ucoriwasgiare qoelpn eixhmodcof seven formerly mbalmnl a parted ot e robt craine acton it prepared to call on persona requiring either jbewlnc machines or organs he has agekc1es fmoli the ben mauuncturere in tbe country and kill guarantee iaturaeton lo purehatera iwrms very reaaouable order left at hi rf tldenoe or addreioed to h im to acton p o will reoelve prompt tlenton b cbainfl we are now maaufacturing square and upright j ljl5s os i best in the market correspondence solicited snd for lutirtrated cataloffue mailed free- address dominion organ company i bowmajuville ontaeio rh ii si 1880 jgbnxs p3lx hats we haee opened out our second supply of ents kelt hata they are the oireact t ylea and the cheapest coods ever brought into ihe city of ijueliih customers save otic lo i i from prices usually charged in other itorea tweed suits horn 1 ourcanadun ani bcoleh tweed oilafroin 8h as usnalj ar up to the tim in the new mixtures and io rings- in finish and slylo and low- nesa of price wb lake the lead j sukaaattk9rcmelsscbfstiessairt3 i t braces socks i a coifpleteassuethexr a cheap lbe of ttrgkcs for bora weatt from 35c aplendid talue i also a lot of onlearable tweeds cheap i i r spring goods daily arriving w m st e wart c o geelph to fapwamepws thos g0 wdy co i manttfactctrees of the reaper gokdys celebrated gang plow jals0- i chlhd jointer plows general pnrpose steel uonld board plows mowers bakes fannlntc mliu turnip seed urllls lawn mowers c c 1nuei kaoc1 7mstcunfrtr4- xfsrtff flheuma- atari wa bul0umti1i nervous dtwij ik husssissledt eiownts lao i 70000 icexts aite solj krxce 1sj5 9000000 sottes 27t fynrp possesses vcried pr -y-u- it ifhnamtr is pyttblinf in cp vit7 trblrh cootcris luesuirftf nod wof 4 m xlacom a dflclfner fci i eaae wlm aadfevriaz of ih f itmunrk if bemlrlam h t km prctfbf ed it aru ttpca lh tirrn itt aponilic kibpt it ufllate ihe bttwelj it pbrtflj- lac itd l r lc qijen tboerto sjkn it prowm dirjt-n- 1 narfaibr irrtaxrben 4 tntlcornrt jtesrrira cztlr old vo4 i4 mikrdrw it open tbe pcrntfrftie rkia ami isdncv nallkf penplratlon h watxzztm tfie hereuirjtjirtcrpocshiht blfwd ri caietxtttsctoinuljtwpe i0 omaer of tknx l ecd luaratl bscen tber tin to tririis empoted ra im mcmfairc tod u an ba ufcan by iiiofiati czznu bftfae or bj tbe li lad feeble core enieimj returti t a nin cp ub52 rorns txoc p2230s eluiii s07tles k rtd the voluntary testim6nials of persona who hire been cured bythi uta of the elooo purirer i cnres erysipelas ml koresl wellington coont oan deis sial wat aeterely afilicied with erysipelas for to years and snort trial ol yonr indian blood syrup eflectually cured me mbs janet asdekson ilrer complaint uiforesi wellington cobnf can dbab tx- i have used your peat- indian blood syrop for utci com- i plaint and hire received great benefit therefrom i recommend its use to all similarly auvicled a n kelson clkr disease of the stomarh ml forest wellington coonlcan dsak sia this is to eertity that yonr valuable indian blood syrup cored ae of cramp in ihe stomach w ccrbow best medicine 1 dave ever vsed lynville sorfolk co unt dtik sir 1 have used a ftreat many medicine tut a belter medicine than your indian blood syrnp cannot be aiade- it is the best blood purifier ever used peter wabdel v c6nsamption a wuidbiim center deak sr 1 cannot find language to lully express the praise which in grati tude i would utter lor the benefits i haiei leceived irom your excellent iudlan blood rjrop it baa done wriatdoctors could uot do or failed to do i was suffering with cnscmptipn for a long time heafy cough pain in cbmt shoulder and back and your jndiap blood syrnp has worked a perfect miracle 1 would recommend all to jive it a trial wm ouicsinijham dyspepsia- aylmer elgin coonfc sik i have used your remedy lor dyspepsia and recumme d itto all 1 mrs juhh fakih1s0 a talnable medicine strt i hive used your blood syrup and found it a wonderful and taluable medicine i mrs betsey bsdfobd aylmer ont 1 splendid bemedy for dyspepsia sir 1 have used your indian blood srup and caused it to be used in several cases of dyspepsia and s found it to be a splendid remedy j w w whitk g aylmer tat jsi fonud as becomntended jjj sik l ht4 used yonr indian blood syrnp lor dyspepaiaaid lound j s il to be as recomniended x joriisjwglllet jp v aylmer ohtf y an igents testlmopr j if ayltner ont p sie i have used and sold the input i if i m j i p a qite as a call before purchasing elseaore pbioes loweb than bteb n m w m i mi 1 it it important to farmers to kou that ice have punhated ilie estate of lai- oottittf son and can furnish parts for and also repair anu im plements vtanufacluxd by that firm thos oqwdy co f- l-v- a knowdiu ataiuaoio ana eueo uueipn ullt parifiei throujhont the woru blood syrnp and find it lbs best rem edy in use lor lyspepsia and aa a hood purifier lswu bursa rgjcnmatism e 1 tave been troubled with hheo- matism for a great many yean your indiau blood syrnp is tbe bnly on of many remedies that did meanygood i recommend it to all ues caib chubooi kenyon glengirry co onl i dyspepsia and indlbestlon siaybur indian blood syrap has cured me ojf dyspepaia ancl indlgex tion it ha also eijeoiually outed my wife olaame disease i- llttutos jojdbos g ccatham ont i ar3 sols sttnlagvnti for 0nai northrop l7m an ho ai treat st wert toronto also agents for mother nobles heauhc an english discovery hich4snll known at a taluabl and efltotiteblocd ii v

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