Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1880, p. 1

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8pfy aw p ur trej et to i- r lent pans d0- klol lor i- ifale jed sfci ite i p i oat item- i blood i kba- yoar on bdige led my lassost nte i lybltp tuweh blood i fciite press t r v i tmbliah i m ht moobe utr proprietor r vtrx fhe 1utas hovse iytt4ooro metuodist church xijlstrvct mixokl tztitii the fib putss will x seat to ittbscribctb postage paid for 100 pec an- hum in adnuice 1v3 if urfeopiid ko piper disccaiunuijitill ail arrears are paid cicepi l tkepptioaof ut publisher adixkttsum ritks casual advcrtisc- tncnts s cents- per line for the first inacr- iioo and 2 cents per line foe each subse- qaeat insertion oaah professional cards lftiuiorleioo pcrannoin tcquare li liftes 4s00 per annjrm payable in 6 in6nhelromdaieoluisirtii any special kotice tli abject of which is tj promote til pecaniarf benefit o any individual or mpany to- bo- considered an advertise ment the tuziiber of jon rectoaol by tho space occatued mesurod by a scale of sclid koupcrois mxr a acrit arcs column or- jcar ilktccolmaa vic qacter rolnmaum yar iua c- vltmm six moatuk malfeolaain vtj muutas tiartr co littutivit months o teaaiu tuiwncfifi kaf column mrc mffct v uartrcalutnu hrc jitanlbs i irpetfoiv wilt twiner iuntrbmaa cuwtcdxid- ttrtc tramurr aovrtlwniau mt be pslitta ctivkqcc v ghintcsfarcvmtnerttircrliseniftiit masj binlietilrtyi mau mrrtsrs mlicr- wl tnej till ae la ovtr wl the lollurinc h r itoork klttart proprietor this dadpp tortfn s3 ft 12 o lim roi term8tu00 in advance t avjwmr- x uapwbutylifqy xu fluctuation and itt vast concern 1 blum6 v no 44 a0t0n ont excelsior be nioklin elourfeed stobe i lawson bros tike tljisoppoknoitj ot thinking their roalj rfpoulfully inform hie peoplo or irirad d p for their verj- lib- iwuttjl gartnc residence a flour and feed store itstdetu ik new vcittk caairscttnj- lo r jlpsvsss ffibcror wh lowry k b ilc p s griiaseofthrutjrjuee llem- jjtrol coliec of raysrliiut in surgeons osce ai rilcscc at the head o fwd- rietst acton t ilcakviv 21 d xi c p s jll gnvduue at victona gouege rcsij deaos cner cf xiii ml frederick jstreets coaidlatiua diily frxjru s to 1ct jn tad i eb1 support tn the pst and trust uiitthey will continue it w hite ilwiy bnd a lull euppt of bread cakes buas pasfbt i opnfeotionert fruits canned rah oatmeal cornmeal graham and buofc- wheat flour c c i ll of kuicii we are prepared to leu it bottom p rtots for cash in connection with the lixfcery vo nave lent opened an oyster parlor sndvrill serve orsters n ererjr style we hive huo conftantljr 6n hand a scoct of ojdtew in loth can and bult cheap k 3 orrtcr sw3 ffapjlisi it sicrtsstsourt aid vtsiisascjms aiit t order bb nickliu ceeror jonx dayii pro- vixcui lacd surveyor civil engineer aridmarhtcnran of gnelrili is preparcxli to ittehd ir all saxvevs in acton anii viciaj ity orisn left at j e xtcgarrints drngi stortf actos trilibc proniptlyalteiiledta fcarhs bulhetisand cularsiof ever- j defptias excnted cetly at tlie acton fun pii5 osce the best local paper oi i halloa co h i n life aaii accident inc co r hartford coim write evcrytblrr jnbl in the way of lit eddeut insurance j d seathes- attoenetat lifi scticitor in chancery i- 05ce mxt door to ahsees hotel mjuin sates lsv j ample dppoeit made with tne tvmloloa j fioernment lor uis security of caaa4iali t policy huklers paid up caili capital k0000ck gross assets- t79s 67774 totl liabilities 3 511734 37 surpus to policf holderexjj8551337 j jaues kattlleivs agent i acton ont atd will kepronktanilyoabaad a tuluioelcot locr of all lixds including famnyflnur buckwheat flour arahtm floar meals corn if eat clal ileal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts tfneshorla choiped peat clioppeol uats lined chops jits unci peat j and all kinds of feed usually kept ia a nrsklass store fall gjodz delurird fit any part of the cillatjc as gioti tu orileml gfm call it rctjitcl fully tcuchcd law30m bros aetonan biaoi dominion beay some ive bro wmwwmmmmmm rniiiii r ijmiinii ni m mmm jthur3ijay aprilj 29 1880 150 if not so paid whole no 253 poets souse cleaning tima- a scene jt desolation gru the eye the cariets ap the curtaia down 6reaoat kurnitui ill upset and piled about while b ck andforth w th heads in towels boa d with alirti looped op a foot abore the ktoi ai aad am a all haredfly creatures can it be my love y svife and senauu neat i ice tiariiig ibout ia thesu ol trafeoas duds and stir ing up this awfiil imcll of suds uileii toeireyes there gleams of danger ous ightt great h sveas tis they 1 oh what a dreid- from them keeps where i had cul ight the doj t once scalded aloe y thc cit 11a saughtfor safety on the roof and ia the diaiug rojjai thosght to find toithsome dianer they have cot a send it afric blood vrfio fnys to sriig a wlute uh hrash aad spatter evervthing but i su not forgot a feas ix spread- out in t e wood shed oa a hartel head- ooe ilia of bread a putc of wanncdup ter in a mue a dish of grccnt oh liaucuet rich and bast of all you see iht fellow hoaeto diue with me boot k shoe eejsneysol i a xister il ciire babulsteb a j quebec street guelph bcivch otttc ik hittdcwi bttlttrtti i hiu rccr irtoa j j j srqtt tux eanuxtot tjfishefcx- sj5eorgetorc j t ot- trill visit ictm every j day ari trill axtsni to sil calls pkrtlinis tbbaa profession orders 1eir tl ilcgarviek -r- i vv a tt p rjl tt c1xa0jl sttixgs eik cokkee of jakes asd vtxc ts id in prate brt store crrll rcc- terms malerste ire prompt ttttutioa t j fi5heri xvtit he3istreet licensed auctioneer- for the conriks of wellington and saltan orders lirfi si ihefmx ptts 0e actoa or a my resideijce in eoctircoi will be promptly attended to j j j tem reasonable patents foeik espii- vrnozlz nri properlv secured incia- stsiithsuaited ur and enrfope pt- test gnsrmteei or no charge send for sprinted inttracaians sgtixzy in operatica ten tears hekey ghisx otuwi canada hechanicsl engineering s of pv dojitkios- hotel acto robt agnew proprietor the new hotel k fitted cp in rtchs style with new furni ture commercial travellers wilic4 good accoiunoditioii ahi wpimodiona simple booms special kttention paid to he wants zftths travelling pabhc bar rapgiied witii ihe best at liquors and cigars s3odstabl ing- and attentire hostlers j b 6rai exchjlsge botel acrokj tfifi campbell proprietor itr camp bell lite of the hossin hccse near gtkj station tafces pleasure irfannonnaag to his maiijoldfrieiids and patrons that he has recentij- parchased and refitced taeeflyalj urffhangg in the nsatest aiirljnost jconrforfejt ble style and is prepared to acconimodate ie fco ciaj favor mm in the mostcam- foitable manner chofce wines lienors cigars anol cool summe drinks always in stoefcj stable in charge of an attentive hoatlgr the patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited and no eortjwiu be cared to give the verr best attention xlfih foe sedcs i ain prepared to pay the highest cash pricej for hids calfsims deacons lamb andsfaesep s ki n s delivered at my tannery laoeleatherconstantlr on hand j jaxzs xoqkekctox tokps fuieps pumps v we adams mannfactorer of gnperior weil and cistern poinds which wibseptit in on short notice kepairing promptly done fnrnitare made- and impaired chargefi moderate also saws filed and aet j give him a call shop on frederick street opposite drlowrvs residence weadihs m osef to co as 1500 to loan on firttclrss fsmnecuritr lit a reasonable rate of interest apply to 1 hp sfooee j atfaxe paras qfhu atfon akchibilu biddell ceorcetwr for sewiaff sfschine and general repairr try ie georgetown kovelty wotii v aeck riddell f kf main stgeotgtoirn rjllutles camekov main st actqm- lentfor thebeli organ raaonfactbted bylfissra w belli co gaelph order left it his resideac will receivef rotapt at uatioa for particelars eee dv oq other ide give hioi a trial chafrcambaonv l six pk csit latsrest fi4 on tsa- pssits cf 51 es wvtxs safest asd best security- board of dtreotqrs d b cinsirolk e q preiuent sl keexs ej of job u tladle a co box- untloo vlr prolumt j vi ktesteueglt xi n haniuon hcqi strkbav riq itkmllktn thcmas hlsciiakf fq nelson cl joiilxsdbanon ttobt ucsvak k hymhton rkchihout kj jacvlde ujt fef-cka- m li gorcetotcn ttkgetffik itd- c b kiow q luanacer cotton uuif uaatlas- uokcif to ivati oa rrct eatt i ten to tuii borroipeti and on eny utuu ff-jt5- e open every wcefcay fnim 9 mj to 5 pm 1 beitee hanatcer aucll ikt3 7ni ikiko boarders ts a scandal the neighlrs it jus delia should belolilfg- kalx street actok woultttaurnite to tze people oc acton and urrti njlujreuitry iul thyare now recdviijc oielr rlns steele of boots anii sliqes wulch till fac toan i lo eontst ot an araortraeat suparisrlcitorlu qiltr tl strlc cf 2aulutais to any ttock ufrcioloie received in acion everything sold oheay for gash custom work repairing j in oar custom and kepiirmg depart- fr no disease under this sun but old age raent we are prepared to execute all shed bejeu lnowa tosaylhat hr awn ordere entrusted to us in a most satia j factory manner nothing but the best material used in ttte shop a call solicited eenney son tan vtrrri fh ifwk said td to tate boarders after all hued lieeq chrougli and heavea fcnas baardcra dtdac mp a btxi tl wurk out uc satvaiio l and so much tnauey ia tlifi faintly oo eating it fty sinall and urge wasnt ier uucle eten over at dover well to io atid ucit a chick of bis own to care for except the boy be had adopted who wns no credit to hunt it wat odd no tbxt n mna witli poor relation should uke a stranr wdtix hia own flesh and blood fat needfjbut buuietia t it did keccu aa if filks had more fit ling for others than for thfctr cwn kiu and kin tben tbfre were confttns in the citj forehanded and fstkhiuiit ble who nerer were worth a j low ol i das to delia and there was btr grei tunclo johttvj widow a larking on tlte coutineairtatubiiigat bjtden- baden md trying tha waters of every mineral spring iu the tu kingdoms 2 clement wan forced to cqufana hn unlia had began x the aieanc to hold out though alhei boarders cauio to demand her ullention lo nijiliiply h-v- caioa ile fret id jkr of jconhicting ticienaieatt under her roof wkk a now eapei truce to dt when misa qets- ftitijs cotnplaiued of th uiorrquicoe8 with an air a if xlisa rogcniou was nfxmiilde for their reutiun of the fliesas if thuy were new adiiintancos of wuut ol utjjiitite hfi tlouijb delu had agreal to tupply it along with berrtwanduev milk of the weather akifthehudpledkedlieiaelftberosliouw lie uo tuddeu chaucest to annoy iier boardetx of the shabby home and the antiquated furniture top old for com fort and not old enough for fashion then delia doubled if tskiiig boarder waa her mission what inxkea you keep ur my der i usked mrs clement after a day when everything aud every body had seemed to go wtung why didnt you ever luarry voa bad a lever i dsresay t tea a ions long time ago tell me about him itlj there iaut much to i1 he akfced me to matry him lie was going to australia i couldnt leave mother and father jok know ttiey were liotli feeble and be couldnt stayhere that waaall j and you you kow all tueu besides lare to me like shadows and you have never heard of him since yea he wrote hut where was theuvi it couti never come to any thing it was better for biiu to forget me and marry i wa a millsion about bia neck i didnt imswer bit last letter j and supposing he should return some day would rou marry him v i dare say laughed dejli gently as it the idea were familiar let the neighbors lunch ever so wisely ive thought of it sometimes sitting alone when the world was barren aud com raanpliice one must have recreation of some kind you know everybody requires a little rouiauc a little- poetrv to flavor everyday thinkingand doing im afraid youll think ma a silly old niaidjmr6 clement no the heart neiter grows old the akin ahrisea the c lor departs the eves fade the features grow pinched but the soul is hiir ot eternal youth is as beautiful at fourscore as at sweet ait- teen and twenty time makes amend for the tiraeea of the body by develop ing the nidric you didnt tell me yourlovers name perhaps yonm rather not i his name was stephen ltogdon sometimes capt seymour tuna againft hini in melbjurneand brings me word doing 1 folks wire too rich already and prob ably she would endow rome hospital with her ptoperty euinly wealthy relatives were of no value to mis delia to lie sure site had never seen ber great aunt since sua wat a child when hef uncle john lad brought ber harness harness any person in want of x good sett of harness either sisglfc or do0ble jhoclocalcaf r creechs saddlery aotow where thex can cet better valoe for tbelr money tflananrrtacetn the coanty a goon aesoktxextor tetjttks nd valises on band all of which eft be sold cheap for eua jjssfbepairing jrorubtly attended lo i aubtcbeecff veton feb jt tj stoves stoves 0keap at hills 5000 customers wakted this week at rilc cxktexi boot shoe store j toucxkbdrhettek 8qqfs xd seqes ixd get betttk bjlsllalxs in aclbo tban to go a ray from faotae to j mateyoarpnrcnasea call at 9raists sons vtm nehison j obbwsons cobljkes la vrepared o do all klooa of whiteasarrc cololung i ou tne shortest notlceanrf at reaaonable j rates 1 tsrtjgviyout oansssat the be fbss ofbca aclcn jp8316tsitns cfcane4 bea- wtttaexsov a large slock of all exalt csto ves jtul ttrcind jnanttactured of the best quality of iron tlit fineit finish and thr ntut tvzndtaint surte in tlit martrt cook ltoyes cf all tizes at the rcry lowest prir a vxll aclccted tud of t tistw r e always ox eakd eaversotjaisa iaa waoumffls and vnll be executed oit ie shortest notice oo al oil a good slock of superior quality cluap oolisaot aeatjrtotjesslvs september istbrlsts i c hill at atvt gook i j woala intimate tathe people of acion that tie baaparcbowklvbe bawheriw8dctlrty earriqn brmr- rewry aiwahjatie bu alaja band a firstclow t tcci of i beef pore 1 mrlton auraoi i cish aailic andiroresbyatrfet nttenson urboflneas to secure a fair snare of the ipetronaga f the p blfe keat delivered t tay time to smy siartof the to j terhkcash j acalilsolicjredjl 1 adam cook r with ber kreuoh niaidand dresses her jewels k d fallals which won the heart of her lit le namesake i since thtn uncle juhtis udow bad became a sort of gilded ctvstiou elways young and j always l autiful for though delia had received little gifts from time to time across th raeas for the last fifteen years she bad r either heard nor seen anything of the lieing who had inlird her youthful imagination and wus auite unctrtair if such a person as airs john rogcrsor was in the land of the living dead or tltve she seemed to have made no matec al difference in delias hum drum lif i after having nursed ber father tl rough a long illness delia found tin t he had left a heavy mort gage an l te homestead and ber mother and herst if on the highroad to the poor- house at less they should bestir them selves is her mother was already bedriddei the slimnsr naturally ell upon dtlis and ahe advertised for maimer xiarders rxood boakd ik the co0ktey vx by the riverside at seven dohara a week large chambers jbrdsd piarzas sue views lyrnes and new niilfc oue mile from the ration address delta r0csees0k cniftabroagh maine chesp enougu commented an eld erly jadjfwho baipenetl upfuit delta eogereoo an old maid i buppoae obliged to look for herself ive a good mmdtojtry the- broad piaats aud new niilfc h i dont like itjtherell be no harm do ie and i o delias first boarder arrived an mt erly lady with false front of hair brc wn wrinkled akin faded eyes a black ilpsoa gown opds hair trunk delia m ide her as walcdide as it sie had- bee i a duchess lighted a wood fire in lira cleuiapli roomv as the night was dan p and broujbt oat her daintiest cop and saueer witjijtie- fadeless old roses weathiog them kind r fleeted mri combed oot her whispj confide the fals 1 kbox woliflnhl kindneis fc eaten dollitra a week fihestpew wjlf trade sheji learn h mter fiunan satare doesnt change porertw wonderfully clement us she ol grey hair apd with latitudes shell find it deetnt pay to cbnsidflt tfie eotnfortofa alricken olderwilurtt but in tho i never never ask atid stephen neyer aaks for me that i can hear deaas summer boardersjwre not a success to be sure if they took no money out of her pocket they put none in it she was obliged to eke out her support with copying for lwer dun- more and embroidering forlmrs judge dorr one bv one her boarders drop- pxl away uui luu auuium luum al but old sits clement i believe ill stay she said im netting too old to move often perhaps yoa take winter boarders at rcdaced rates eh l do yoa think my terms high f by no means but when ones purse is low yes ikuow do stay at your own price i cant spare you sho had grown such a fondness for the old lady that to refuse her at her own trnis would baveseemed like turning her own mother out of doors besides one month more would not signify but she ound it hard lo make both ends meet and often went hungry to bed that her mother and mrs clement might enjoy enough without their ap pearing to be just a pattern at christmas however came a ray of sunshine for delia in the shape of a hundred dollar bill from an unknown friend it cant be meant for me she cried j ii directed to i lia rogerscn said her mother and theres nobody else of that name now i your aunt delias dead l were not snre shes dead etjected delia horrors dont you know hther your own auals dead or alive v aked lira clement in a shocked tone it isnt oar fault- sheia rich and lives abroad i wag named for her i used to look in the glass and try to believe id inherited her jbeauty with the name though she was only oar great ancles wife j she ought lo be doing something for yoa how can she il shes dead 1 i dont blame her any way her money is her own to nse according to ner pleasure itucle john made it himself and gave it to bet bat if she should come back to yon having run through with it youd diuda your last orust with ier ill be bound i i suppose i should said delia stayed on and on just now she bad been some weeka in arrears with her educe hoard no money had been ortlicoming fur soum tiui waa growing inure feeble daily uecdej the luxuries of an invalid and the attention of a uuni3 both of which delii bellow ed ukin her without tukingtuought fui the morrow i mast bear from tny msnofbus ness to uiortow delia im kneedeep in debt to you she begun one bight dont mentionit r cried delia im rather never see a cent of it thauhaveil 1 ou take it to heart youre welcome- to stay and share pot luck with us youre such company for mother and me tliauk you my dear ive grown as fuad of you as if yu were my own ksh and bluol tuetv tarn dowu the light jdeastf draw the curtain dear aud put another stick an the ire please j it grows chilly doesnt it i you uiijhi kiss me just once if you wouldut mind its a huudred years orsosiuce auyone kiwd me and the next niocniug when dlia carried up sirs clements beeikfas her boarder lay cold and still upon tbv pillow the grst thick over dlia wrote directly to tlie lawyer of whom she hid heard jrs clemen fcpeak as ftnyiug charge of lier sfftirs begging bid to notify that ladys lelatives if she had any in truly uravills wrote the ute mis clement aprtmn tl have no near relativee some distant eijusiiis who h iving au abundance ct this worlds goods yet served hersliabljily when she tested their generosity as she hits tried youitare all that remain of herfimiiy in the meantime i enclose you a copy of her last ill and testament to perusf at your luure what iuienst dfls he think i take- in mta clements will thought delia but read nevertheless being of suund mind this 15th day jof june 18 i dlia rogerson ciement do hereby leave one hundred dollars to each of my cousins attd i bequeath the reeidue of my property vie thirty thousand dollars inyestad ia the ingot miiinf company tiftr thous and in fortune flatinel mills and my jewelf to the beloved uieie ol my grst husband john roerson delia roaeasoir of crofuboraxgk jfatrti for i was a stranger olid yetook me in hungry and ye fed me sick and ye ministered uuto me goodness alive cried the neighbors when the factt reached thtir ears what a profitable thing it is to take boarders everybody in town will be trying it of course steve liogdou will come home and marry her if she were forty old maids yoa may stick a pia ia there delia did not open bef house to boardjrs the nert siasoo she found euough to do in lookiag after her money and spending it in teplying to letters from indigent people who seem ed to increase alarmiugly in receiving old friends who suddenly found time to remember her existence and sure enough among the rest appeared steve lujiuu aud all the vuuo said i told yoa so its cot my ftulfc that yoa and i ate single yet delia he said and we are too old to think of a change now steve nonsense 1 its never too isle to mend im- not rich delia but ive enougbxfor two and some to spare i wouldnt be contened not to drive in my carriage and have servants under me uow laughed delia indeed t then perhaps you haye a better match in view cipt seymour asked me by the way if i had ccme tl interfere with sqaire jones tntereat yes squire jones proposed to me last week now see hire del have i come all the way from melbourne on a a fools erraiid i there i was growing used to my misery and loneliness when the mail brings me in a letter in a strange hanuwhich tells me that im dear lave delia rogersuo layes slid dteams of me still is poor and alqne and ueeds me me and the letter is signed by hec aont itra- clement who ought to know i paoked my house hold goods and came im glad you did in order that i may congratulate sqaire jones t but i havent accepted him in fact ive refused him lecause because you will marry yonr old love like the lass in the song delia i in croftsboruugh people ire uot yet tired of telling how a woman made money by taking boarders that hirti olrl when she cauiu lu work for lie imily on 0 mgrejs street thtlidy ol ie itiiih flit itiwfi rd til liur that nta biuk plar7 iatraek mes- fctiiimkitlfru null buyefa tnnin i mid ii thai cl ihs of pjpl iiiikt 1 met n he frunt ddnr aud coldly repulse em if li had to break jjveiy broomatick iu delroit and she did she threw the door- iprn wide hljffed light up ni em and vhen she got ihrougli talking tha cheekiest ngut was oiily too glaoto leave it got so after ubilfl that pedlars marked thic imuse und the luor hell never rung dwp for com- iany due other dty ns the lady oljbo loute was enjoying a usji and hilali m wiiing off the aooona the bell nfng sie hastened to the door expecting to ee a lady but her eyes encuunu rod u sliui min- dressed iu buck and wearing t white iieckte uc was thfe riew uinistcf and le was going aronidf ti et acq tainted with the members ol lis flock but sjrah wasnt siafcted to kuow tins i ai urn la lira ah git exclaimed sjiab poiuting to he gie beg pai don but id like to sec nee meander she shouted looking irouud for u weajon wo dont any daursiftershere 4 you are mistaken he replied filing blandly i called t dont want anything to keepmothx away fly she exclaimed getting red in the f ce is ihe lady in i lie inquired tryitig to look overs irahc biid yer the ladys iu and im in and youre out she snippejj and now- i dont want to stand here talking to a aytrp ugat any lougert come lift your boots 1 i am not an agent he said trying to smile i am the nuw yea i know vou you are the new man with a puent flatiron but wa iout want any and youd better go before i call th dog r f will you give the lidy my card and mv that called t no i wont were barei to death with earda mid hudiiilu aud circulars come i aint atind here all day didnt you know that 1 jyis a minister f he aiked as he backed off no uor i dont know it nww you look like the mall nbu sold the wonrn next door a dollar chromo foreighteest shikihgc but here is my card 1 dont tire for cjrds i tell you if you hive that gau opju ill heave a flower pot at yoa 1 will ckii agiin he said as be cent throui ibe gate 1c wout do ytu any gxid she shouted after him we doat want no prepaied food foe iiifanta n piano music no stuffed birds i know the policeman on tins lieat and- if you come round here pnin hell siioi fil out whether yoa are a7 confidence 3naa or a varaiit i and she took unuiual fire to lock the door fnrso a hat dfd yoa ever notice the broad comfortable shadylooking leghorn hats in ihe milliners windows t just buy a woman one and tho first thing he will do will be to double up her dainty fist and punch a three cor nered dent on the right side then she will pnncb the frout rim down and the back rim ap and then stav6 io three or four more bg dents si odd corners j land wlien it resembles in shape a old tlie winter wore away as winters fin pah that has been a target fora will and the miracles of spring began jin fields and wayside iand delias boarders returned with the june roses und dropped away again with the fall vis m- kvrffflf wisdonj mri in leavost atid still mtj dement tone throwing match sbe will remark upoa the elegance and grace of the affair but just let a man jam in ene side of his hat and he- will be at once proclaimed an idiot tho wanderers prayer 0u a cold dreary eyeuing in autumn a small boy poorly clad yet clean and lidy with a sack on bis back knocked at the door of an old qwker in tho town of s 1 was mr lanmaa at home f- the boy wished to tee bim and was speedily ushered into tbe boffs presence friend lanman was one of the wealthiest mn the county and presi dent of the l yalley rail road the boy had come to see if he could obtain a situation on the road he said he was an orplad his mother had been dead only two months and he the lad was too small lor the filling of anyplace within tho quakers gift and he was fotced to deny bim still he liked the looks of the boy and said to him thee stop in my house totiigbt and on the inotrow i will give thee the names of two or three good men in philadelphia to whom thee may apply with assurance to a kind reception at jeaat i am sorry that i have na employment for thee later in the evening the old quake went the rounds of his spacious man sion lantern in handj as he was wont to see if all was aafe before retiring foe the night as he passed the door of the little chamber where the poor wan derer had been placed to sleep lie heard a voice he stopped and disttrgnished the toues of an narncst simple prayec he bent his ear nearer and heird these words from the lips of the boy 0 good father in heaven help me to help myself watch ver me as 1 watch over my ova conduct bless the good man in whose iiouae i am sheltered aud spare himlohg hurt he may continue his bounty to other stnermg and needy ones amtp and the quaker responded another atnenaa bo moved on and a he wesrt on his way he meditated the boy bad a true idea of ibe duties of life and possessed a warm graieful heart t yeiily think thojad will he a treas ure to his employer was his concluding reflection when the morning eime the qiaker had changed his mind concerning lis answer to the boys application who taught thee to uraj 1 asked friend lanman i my mother sir was the seft reply and the rich bronn eyes grow moist andtoee will not forget thy mothers counsels v i cannot for 1 know that my- success in life ia dependent upon them my boy thnu mayeet stay here in my house and very boon i will take thee to my office os now and get thy breakfast friend ltrrraam lived to see the hoy he had adopted rise step by step until ho finally assumed the rasubnaiue office which the failing guardian could bold no longer i j j

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