s s in ea tkt ml itlt tltl 1 talnilatvt acton ai follows 00 iso wist si vt ktprm tapjale ifcatl erprcat eifas g t ratted ki ut etpwit t raici a express wdiutamait lai da mixed xusa ust rhtrsoav morxtky artttt i3 v i m 9lqra u2m 115 p at ftotfemj wam 92tn 1130 mi t0pm 9 s0 pnt jst ojoaet it too syadi jitwlisrr iai fiae oflodi etoro i nee atoct of iatma a new atocfc of iwucfoa aid wu a- tta- atocfc of ofnbs at alt kinds a n stock of berlin wilt and matt a nesr itoek ofstkcr anil colored cari- board a he- itock of etlon and note paper voiding and biftoday ont ts bwt and lariat asj ortatent itt taan call to and see sign of u bie watch gw ayndt jureltety and fancy goods stow acton i g lie t teir rotry xa corvrr kkw jfeatbrs ik school traikiko the muk rorm prfm mvi tiutinctv twure iim twin itvlcodacct itvln the dun ville paljid school every friday the ra tuu furnhhfchnct pararajlik iloi criptive o iocai cvtit owcrvch or hcarvl of by lhtv iclrcc during th week which are writtcu ruewnapir ttylc tito icvchcr klcctt the mtitrjpmfvrilc item and bwidt them la the villas rutwpr far itnertton ifcbiuska i meetikq a meeting of thoie interested iu soath kastcra kc- bruki c hold ia mittheuv iuu on friuy- eaeainfl lut thdba ftxs a very good utrfadiutkl the meeting vat addws- w by uwtv w warejj n vluc and jimcs mil beta niter which ojiwtioui ot ail kind wcw axked the above rcntlcmeu rvferecco u tho couotrv uof vklch vcre mccingty aatitfaclortly iatorl liuc buah ire budding wettcwasaraa are nor hiring tiiiiptfnif boaaacu tthe aaeossci value of property in uivilliiiius76s read tin paper throagh ihea ccal it to distill t facad keves bodt of w4lth la the ti e pwice of the ususor the grass w growing rapidly jini the tre art petting forth their leaves the pcpuulion of okyiile isuos a id the auexted property amoatitt tof j33- m tac irail cf the carpet is heard in ti re imd aijii the caioke of the rubbiii hexo aicerulethoa hifih dokt be axntid to havs l amll a ivertisenient by the tide of a larcer coa- jptinr one the bioaccaat eat it up wttes bouse cuaing be cure and laie tnitrstiosx food at lexxt thrc timea a cay and it srill co far touardt eaablinijjea 3 keep etreath and temper fjjtettell settxpk rttv mv ile c of gegrgetoxn preached hi ftre- cil sennait to the gearge to ttt conreration at the riptut chcrch an sunday evening kg rise with the urfc and till lrfaxrn womans rttats k cra alha bn rrtueti upon this vor ilellcil ttttijcel and hill th- rel- cret ihrcruy of oploiou as id whtt tin tikvfli r nortec t rictit to cay do and intnlc therp iuot mi fjlchtcht doubt hone vr about th ft that when a my euers n rue ftore r atic fnralotuonrwilinir comptti syrup of wild cherry aueoxm fuct u pt out rnd it tno puof drua- cuik dui- to uurtattafce toeonvinre aeui- lootertlttthef- waaikimettunc oiliffr tunu tuatthy rur for tortib coila croupwhociplnc couch wtlsonilvvluichcit i ih quutnt otd tnrit reliable bare- t eutetnc no oriura nd en be trn uh the tm aafety and ffect m aa tacaat of ihr moatlic at in aa ndultproa 1 sod byaildrctfliti- permaals j rev it hoandvtfe are their frieads in london and st thomu uiic eet 5ir donald kennedy who his bcerrit sarnia during the jjmt exr returned home ycterdxy ue haida call tram bfr frank roar voiil and iaatrumeatal muiic teacher of haraptoniioat oa tuesday j lir thns kennedy ycho- it encacd i the goelph lumber conidanyt astore in parry harmr ia pjin hte relativec and fcjpuj in acton a thart yitit he arrived vtitcfday and will leave oa saturday sifft- jllfraxer vbo has been in acton dctitis the paxt three or four rnuuths left foriher hone in oicego k v oa vvcuoes- day evcoiiii lut she will dtobibly brine her fimuyto actoa aad mate her home here in a ruoaut qc so n ill i llcemn c4mmtmks thn lfceoie commiaaioaert far ihti conn t mot cm moudiiyi lothimt a milton and after due eonaideration reported aa fob lotvi on the applications for license amlltoy john wallace 8 cwk t h campbell dayid oowar grantcl oaxville johti uouffherty doocan oliphautwm walili j 8 young rtaqt- cd ri ktiiiiou deferred w rcarcc hop hccaie trafatuatt j t tritler richirrt e adarna m mcclanaghau tt j licker vtnr o moort rrautcd thoa tatttrtoa d ferrcd ksqricika david liadiiy ruiscll win bcamiih wm c heed t hill l ilaan cranled geo rimidott deferred johii alexander rcfased geokqetavs thoc clarke r be mctt b thooitucn ii u specn tinted k utkt g gilibi dcfctktt actus margaret bcnacttj cmpbsll iu acnevr erantcd kixsiiaawtyx it stiugle wm easier- broot rraated r diclcey rcfuiod vu kidney deferred ktlsos m doyle it mcdvle l zim merman jofm btinton mckiuop broi gratittst bunukfitos 1 mcxamara pm 7ini- mcrinan m deginao j wray granted v k iartlnv refuicl the dry goods isi8 the dohic man mrha put it o5 loit a j ney on his cjiiui i f ti he vhoadvertaed in unjej mje 15000 rehrilnisgmr kidney is re i sliding his hotel ktaich ras brrieda fer i otithi ago and till soon hive the frtm iftidyfyr erection th nesr haudicg is i qzlfhit larcer than the old oaecham- s i rla lefs v e- 1 i hxa- ctai je jo 5c kaddett death duriog we piitet tra children of the village died very auddenly the first wss the dacjhter ot mrthoats cameron afied about eleven years who died oa wedncaday evening ixii she had been afflicted tfith diphtheria bat was a great deal better ou wednesda and seot to 14 aloat s odoct ia the evetanr but died a few minutes after oher memlrs of the fxmily are now afflict ed with the disease the tecetid was a ton of mr robl agcew about ten eir of ne who did on thurs day morning tno little fellow was lubject to epileptic tits and hid two during the oiht t bat teemed better in the rooming when he i w it ft iu bed ailep bout 9 oclocfc h j mother rettnwi to the room ia about half j in hour to see how he was but she found him dead it ii tappoed tfjat be had uken j acoher tit and turning oyer on hi fac as 7 t itnotheret the children were members affiiikg stjlicps the rwtmisterlof lle aaa das ia the public school iaforaavi thai maaycf the peoptewuo post etteri lure no idea whateyer of hot and here the stamp should be asred and ts e t some actually put it pa the hick of tire urelope properly the stamp ahoald be iaced oathc epper riht hand corner of the roqt of the envelope kpte this akoid gntleniara by the nnme of jdasizwho hisbea cunering from a carfcer a his hand for sonie time had his baadand 3art a his arm amputated on saturday dr fregfiio of georgetown acsistedby lr sicgarvin of acttrn fierformed the apration and 3r 5fason is now doing as well as caa fe erpected under the clrcan- 3t7eattt kald eqaatto telejraphy it is not to many yoars ago when telegraphy was looked upma asitchitnera and pnacttarstotte as vision 17 me xil know nor its wanders store recently plitrniacikts sciaiel tie idea iiit iittarii coull be i-p-td- plcltnt to tuc tft bm ltesta sc4u kafrae wltu tiielr falubte vxtroilti eoirclt e pournirlleti ftrt leal la -me-iidne- lirael cqis1 totutai profe sor ilr xtlejaocthe naeoucits- lor iii ufarrcblldhboctidays uldaiftubte acd areeaii le to uieuiie price iseenic easxr closikg we notice tfcat the bsainess men in a number of th neighboring towns have tgreed ad intend closing their stores and osces at serea oclock oa every evening of the week except saturday to oomaieoce oa and after the first 6f sa of which resolve they are daly advertitmg their cascociert would it not be well to adopt the same ayeteai here t hocseehepees fchpuld givs particu iirattentioa t cellars when they begin the renovation of tijeir houses theybfaoald not enly hive the benefit of s thorough tentilatton but they rhould be whitewash ed sod all decaying vegetable matter re- isored- scrcpnfaas care in these psrticulara wiif ipiure helth like enough save the eves of some of your children t college esratiunczst tbe an nentettatnnient of the georgefiown col lege washeld in thettown hall jaf that place lastridjty evening and was tdidd- il succesa the progrmnwmasiatedof roctl and instnimental mnal dialogues reidingr reatatwiu etc andtlie actors il showed proficiency in their rpjspective parfa our limited space will not suct the tniertiou of tfceprogixmme tthe georgetown mechanics insti tcte is in active operation it u held in the towtlhsil the ubrary is small yet but will be cousiderabif mcreised by an other monthv the people of geotefown the young men especially should take an interest in this institution and we feel cer tain that it ther take a lively interest in it and do what ther can to make it a euccest they will be amply rewsxdexl vy seeiocs accidexta aertoas ac cident occurred in eramos on satarday whereby ifr petec grasley received wen injury s will confine him tcimt horise for sometime he and mr allan were chop ping in the woods together and when the utter had finished his half he used his axe to shore the tree the axe glanced off and struck mr graslyon 00 of the thigh a few inches below the abdme inflicting a gash which extended to the bone dr cctf ot eockwood wascjaled to attend the sufferer go to j e meg- nottea worth ahenflon irtsn bucter and eggs it mont ical house t a cejp lot of bacon aad hunts tit a w jreso s caii ilore ftkear and ukcukit htllitiery at moutreul hottw xewscooic of li luniila juit received at a vv greent csh store best cas kttd cttgnrs itt acton it ciiptaaua montitnl houso- if you want a nobliy durable and cneap suit j fytas tha ukco to go to dr morrows for diets blood partfer and indian blood rup chuks iu endings vnricty it john turners in jrkcorda lilock acton frese butter and lmulwuyi on lunl a a v greens cask store ctive jobtt turner call before poinf to gueljiu or gjretokn for fur nituto christies oatmeal milt and pniirie biscuits at b 1 e ntctltus baty largest and ust stoct of dry goodx boou tutd siiock at mooticttl ifuus hats from 75 cents to 20c at j fjles fhoice tweedr nad oheap suits mtde to order christie henderson co acton a good felt hat fur 75 cents at j fyfes xew prints cheap for cash at b hislctts new ftoie cbristies lemon end village bis cuits and ginger nuts an b it e kictltns bakery goon value in 50 cetit tea at b lislettfc new ekirc 7dinixq room parlor and bmi room furniture at john turners in mrs secords block acton a sew lot of iliosw leaittifal ladies and pent silt handkerchiefb at christie henderson i cos ghoicest blaet tea only 75c if you trant treallj- choice te fit for it at christie henderson cos gkaxd displarof new and fashion- christie henderson acton carpets pi carpets carpets brussels tapestry ixlwool unlbbt felt carpet thut a j i n house acton christie henderson i the property known as beanimorc s tannery i tie kewtsttnert- at the- last meeting of theiuse council it was resalvod that the corporation grant phap jacohi exemption from taxation en i 1 millinery this week h theglwgcw co potatoes lawfod brrtf have jut received anoipr flock ol first cs pntatoee and will ll them cheap for cash f mlllikerr and millinery goods nw choice and cheip ko funcy prices ior hillinerv christie henderson tt co foa ft pooti aefortment of firpt- for the teriu of five years ir jcobi has j taken possession of tho puce sud com- nuncl opritons the leather he inanu- ffictcres is what is known as cordovan leather consisting of boot fronts shoe vanaps fine straight- grains pebbles satin finish and gluce kid cordovan and will be made of horsehide the most of which will ber iidportid though canadian horse hide r21 alfobe used tho businees is under life mtxiscement of sr charles knees who has settled here wth his family eight men are now employed but this number whl bo- increaasd a thj bashiea advances this is the only establishment tho manu- facturo of pordovaa leather in canada and there is oily ono inthe united sttec ilr jacobi formcriy imported his stock of cordovan leather but recently a duty of 10 percent was- levied and he has aince maoufsctired his own stock in toronto and now it will be mads here t q o t tmrtltcriarri joa sunday afternoon as was announced in a previous issue a sermon was preached to the qddfelluwa or this village fcy the rev bri pirrittcy of georgetown in the ctmgre rational church in hanorof the 6it anniversary of oddfellowihip in canada the attendance of the brethren of the three links was xctj good and besides these large congregiuoq assembled to hear the itruion bo that there was a larger number present than has been at ace time since the openiqirbf the chnrch i the front teats were reserved for the members of the lodge tbe reverend gentleman chose as his text luke x 25 and who u my neighbor frotn which he preached an etcelleat sermon patting facth th many benefits to be derir- ed from the societywhose work it is to re lieve the distressed to aid the sisk to bar thedeiaii and to educate the orphan a kplftndid choir was present and performed their part in an able manner on ilondiy- evening the members and thef rtendi to the number of about g5 as sembled ia their tieat and tastily famished lodge room to partake of the annnal supper- and spend a social evening the mpper was catered by bro aekicfciin of the etcelstor bakeryjand wasone of the best and most iuvitinerpreadaever placed before any public gathering in the riliagefor which thebrodeservesgreatcredit grace was sung andaraple justice done to thegnod things pro- videdaftersiipperbro 2cg- called to the chair and the following pro gramme was carried out instrumental dnetfcj messrs hill bros vocal duett iism mckafrid5ickiin reading mr b pjmoorertnstrumetiul daett jlessrs ffill raros mr john speight then made a chart speech uudihc the society and statiug thst he would like to be one of the members of theiliodge but lie had got aoold thatsach a thiagwasoutof the question the npit on the programme was a dnett by messrs roof if matthews mr j e mcginin then ktou t make a speech and after re- ferrink to aspeech he had made on a similar occasioa he was j compelled to sit dawn being loo uj forjatteradce coosiderable disapyeared where he sat at supperij t boo itheu closed the programme with an ioatruroental selection and thecompaay ad- fnurned at a seasonable hoar all expressing themselves as having spent a very pleasant evening- jj j v ft pood claw furniture go to john turners ruroiture ttore iu ilrs seoorda black acton npf tveeds a nobby tweed suit for 1200 at the glasgow house chrittit- henderson l co let us have your orders eaily try dr morrows german 1ui sam for colds couba atthma bron chitis croup whooping cough ajad tonsumpuon tliportakt to all cokcerxed ciu on christ ie henderson co for really new nnt ttnd stylish ilillinery at bottom price farmers remember tfcat plow castlnss of alt kinds are kept oitj alattiiefreeiress ofhce c ff ktxg all iine of giooeriek lold at bottom prices at a wgreens csh store those beautiful prints at thohl prices uuckfdenms shirtings gray and white cottony all at the olduricea christie henderson co yottckwiut fml ti be suited in nidehoards rureaus bedsteads whil- nots crihs aufl cradles at joht tur oers in af rs secords block 4cton t home plikts house plaxts rast received at aler secords a large stock of beautiful house plants and hangrt- baskets came early and leave your orders as they are beinc rapidly disposed of and cannot be replaced a- good account to sum ft up six long years n beanrldden elctnefsrndeutericc rer er ttui tujuu all m whicb wasmonped hyhrpt botttesof hop bftter ufceu by my wiie who lm don- her own boufcorfc forayearslpc wktiautthelossof aday and i want every body to fcnow it for their berefiu jq2k weekjj butler ky itodee cleaitikg who eyerwafits carpets and house kuraisfaings should oalut mcleod an rsoa cos george co wo they have the largest ami cheapest stock- e rer shown in tha county by any retail house beautiful carpets for 37c worth 60c f for 50c worth 75c alarble wosks wellington mar ble works qaebec st gaelph messrs mcquilhta hamiitan proprietors are di rect importers of all kinds of marble and granite hafing a large stock on hand parchsed previoas to the late rise in pries of marhle they will continue to sell all fcindfof monuments head stones mantles in slate ormarbfa at their usual low prices sitisfsctiid guaranteed new shirtnga cheap for cask at b hasletts new store thenaranitkbhon8flgeorgetowii is the spot to get your spring drygoods millinery mantles parasols drees fioods for 5e e yd upwards cottons prints ordered and readyjnftde clothing mag nificent dtplay of mi the anovp goods were purchased before tha ate bg rifc n prices and will be sold at unheardoff prices jtfcleod anderson t co we are getting up this noted line of tweed suits in better than ever we guarantee them equal to any 18 or 20 suit made in the city i sb llbn has the stock he liqndoes the trade gome to the lion gtjelph j si ties requieisfi sew carpets are isvited tocoile axd ex minkuur luaittitiicetilftocfc wu liyw ovcri5jijaltcot cflolce gdxu vcre bought led fall and are roixtfqucullt 15 to 25c per yard citcjjier oiaji hey could bt ouvght -jin- la day 1450 i- 1450 d williaksox co newprints new dress goods hew millinery new felt hats new tweeds c the biggeat stookand beat valtie in white and ictoay oottcas duoks denims boots and shoesoases arriving daily beat yalaa in teas sugars raisins currants biscuits soaps c we want all the eggs you caii bring 1 new- advertisemeat next week tstlesiadissea grand opening a- txaparalleloi display of- haadsomelgoods bfruh wools berlin wools ver card board ja rross the best -ik- town a selksdid eeleotiosor- pgr5es spectaclles fixe combs dressing combs back combs hair brushes razorsall xevf goods ha best and cheapest place in town to bur theaa eoods sicx of the big wltcit j crso etsts tcffellkt finer flack tsra a0t0n olffi truths hop boters a iledicfne nt njprink coxtaikj hapc bachu ffadrike nauttellaa axd thk pllerr akbttrstmedicxl idalmesof altottflia hittekk ttte x ccre alt dt5afe- of the stomach borlf blo a liver kiinev- niid uraikry or- ginf xwrvotintks sleajlnei female cucapiflants jud drunkenness 8000 ix cold bi ntdjracm hkr will not cure wil or r ous a fm ygc foi elp or for any tiling lax pure or it jurl- found in 14 era k your jriiffgt for ltor blttcs and bonfer antl try the bitters before bleep take no btnr flop cokgk cure and jaia relief is the chtaptst sutttd and but hob krrtri mpa co rciieterkrfld4toronto sale byall urakglstjt i cuelrhi cloth hall ntebootisiioeshop tt r wtlluits vould respect- boo h acrbk 1 njlctyiiittaiatxrfo ttttftlf ot aco n ad vlcftttv ujatne has opened 6 inoesfcopln thetiiitlulnfeopposue w oress gloro hill btkeit f iny ona in wantof ft titbstabtlal and iood ntitpr boot or shoe abo a ncft friftoieavetht rpnterat blhttarfd i opiriiie s spsculi ail pioajtl ftttiaaodto i w- williams aelinbtl tiil amnsdriigrstorefbr garden field a ad flower seeds french cambric shirt cholc patterns in ik all colors akd sizes auelph bert to acronnca iiln nrand geccnl exhibit or kesfcpitgjgotxi and extendi- a cordial tnuution to cvurr iidy ia acton and eurroundmg townaactt country to riitt the tashionilie west end clotbing store a itcit denirtmcnt a urje and msnsat atock will be jzhlbhad l obucham fetkmahc wa end drew haiokaid jttaen eira4iiaiai ffwipicf what is this eerybo-j- wondart now it is there ft alay ach a tuih to v hiirs photograph oallerj for photggrhaphs tbit is all explained when you sao the quality of the work ijt the rtricen why rwy 300 pir dot forcibinet fortmita when yon or get thetr jdat a good tor 350 per dii why pay300 per doit for carte de vidcs when yoa can get tbetu for 150 all an iltrtw lo call and let specimens and priatfor ihcnwclca c w hill photo p sti11 kind of framing done a large as sortment if velvet and baucy goods very cheap o w hill furjs furniture r o a 6 m m we hire now a fullstock olall kinda of plain fine aai rtistio furniture fnderglothing i i ts cottok meeiso lisle tkeead casdkere k silk shaw lurton uesoaast tailors i i he has best and kew and rathionahefcr the spring trade upholstered goods a apectajly w wert awarded alt til- dnl pats on u holstererf jooda at onr cnlrat eiu01llmtailm iranld call special attention omt breach at tuts teasoti ot the rt ttndsinkctandrrilndll7 altordera willbe iirompuy and akltlolly niestaj taractlon guaranteed 8igc9ftacaib hiltelon blootc upper wyndhamsueet sbelft j john worsfold fc co oueuph furniture a good assortment of first class furni ture of every descriu tion constantly on hand pric as low as gaelph r george town a cux souenrb j3hn seioht joh1t undertai0n0 every description of coffitui csketi and all funeral re- qiiiattesjdlways kept in steck a band- sotne ekab8z icr nished at a loir rate txikklusqxasli sfeiighit willow srrbbt acton cheapest assortment in town