Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1880, p. 2

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sasaesgi- wm 1- -ji- vp f t l s ssrw rrur jioroirkk fresh put llshod every vhursaay morning 1 far annum in ikvanoe r jr vucrsisv umsiim mivg 18w 1088 tka fishing question tu auolfctr eolufnu will ho noticed a le lot from picis od l ho above nb jcct in which lie nroiaiiads tevtrs1 era from our our rwderj questions desiring aitawi wives or frtu any of many of dur readers are doubtless wr that this quetuoti ins king own discussed aud ttimaicuki upon and as yctiias not been satisfactorily answer ed lt is therefore with cunaidsothle- hesitancy- that we approach the subject ard we do not foci disposed to say very mtcctrwhaut it hnwtret we wilt be allowed to exprvst our privite opitiiuu in- the matter ud if it tin incorrect vc are willing to- bo cortycted aud will leave our columns opti for that pur loe thcgrst question is his any pencil kitutid itc- dr mjcrow any t ijut to the mcnupolv of any ntiininjr atctaiuor pond to the exclusion of others wuliiut to fish iu the sump am the second u would any porkou found on llio waters of a sirwra or pond like the one in question le considered a trespasser and conso queatly liable 16 prosecution our impression on this questiou it that dr mot row can exclude any parties fijiin in tle pond if they are standing on his land or premisesnd foe so doing they are liable to prosecution and again we are of opinion hat if parties by loat raft cr otherwise gt on the pond without irespissini on the drt land they can eat with all propriety as far as dr hurra lis coucerihd haw- i ex we ire informed that th ques tion wilt ac an eatly day l dipcted of by arbitration and when ihis takes lilies we will give aur readers the benefit of the judges cfoclavon aoct in fttver ijjf tho tittsuir of thu buaid carried muvwl bf di henderson seconded bv a lvisby hat lb report ofiho finanoejciniuiitlee just read bo adopted 0 tried j m tpii by p ilundenon ifocoudod bv 8 moore lliat ft bo in itimrnotion to the twicuem of h acton public school tctraiufec lo tho senior dejil it childcen now in second department who otn bo cfissed wild tlin lavvrat cht of the lenfor dept and to transfv r front the junior dept i the 2nd dept all diihlrea tmuliujj in the 8nd book ciried i morrd by a ltsbyiwconded by d ttcndersou tlihs ti irohrtycocmiitj e be requeslid tu have alt neceisary m pairauiade to saliual property including new roofuu leacliers ruaideuce car- rkd xtoted by i henderaon eind d jy ymooiv thdt the ikiaidadjuurn ti met again on mnday eewdng ttli june at 8 oclock pm carried- oorreslonqence tue filuarthlfl wlutuc icn hi wl aitiib ur the ffikrurtuirll mmu r f ikiitirlutcfrdcc not iiout limutl in unj cay responsible fir luc ntnuin il irs ret otitic at difrcctctia-tit- aro rciutici toli t ir to ttrttlf l t ttil j p tut n ati 1 aftuirnilxt null au lclr mut upkc ctntxi lati thfnremf and imrvn nt th writer mil ntjceiwriy fiir tublcuou uot ik ttevctcuo otcood ftuu tuuw axd gitustw tuuoit nliipxi a cirlocwi ut fit caulc dc- linetl or tho drltiih crurked oq moudiy tail araoti i tbe lat we notc t itvcr put chuod from mo mr p k j mcuoiuvlj of kuffliiry voiffbtnii 1635 far wltfch ifcfy received 8260 iwoitecri from mr uoo ktcfaruid kwmgaweja wcigintig ttt50 and bringing j luwt femtamfr 3 bcay luqacting- srelgblng b5il autouutluf u 12cm bcildoi a lut of rood caluc froai erin farnioni tlii li prolalily the best lot of cattle over thipped from lliii ticiuuy and e kte glad to tiiid tfiat tin uratcn here are taking w intercit lujthc caiina of a ood clau of ttoolc aud wo are ccrtaiu litey will looaconi t the conclai- ua that thvy will m amply rewarded by to tlotue john hooo a son quiupm diimtet awittni or suk drew goods oarpeti omfcrnerse jaapjimiaert tiwev vostrich pether jl4nena for the spring trade all departments saturday april 10th 1880 esoeptioaal lines aid piices to wildi we invite special aftteatiba duess goods a fuhlnj qutton dear stri have un itiformecl that our village cotistalde at the ii stigaliott of dr xioi row ordwd eertati parties who vttv rnad in efchtip off ihn pond tnoxrn as xtmrowv bring fond of the ptmiuw of fifhink and at the sknie time def iraux of imiuj peaeexlde and law aliidinf i will frt1 much obliged tnyourstlf or any ol your readers ho aill cirroctly answer the following questions i has anyjperton pitiuted like dr storrow a lijjlit w th monopoly of any rimnini stream or pond to tl e excluidah of others wuhtrg to fiilt iu iht samet 2 vvauld ant pernors onod on the waters o any stream or kind tike the one iii question b eondeni a trenps ser and consequently liable to prowcu tion ii br gieinj aay correct inionnation with itrferenoe to the abore you will eoufer favor and proiiatdy prerciit my strife ocill feeling thiough inis- uudcrstaultng i i aui yourrlralr i ptcis hales the village tidy x- 1 i f i rn oeecry or utatali thing hut oar duty lo to remark that dirty takes i i ii y j n perwpsitis nottno tad it laxy not l a to say to aurcitilit tlie ittllic ootupeu us actaais not ss clcii t to a is it mtgliv be in fac to rpeak pliintt in bcraie iiucirs it ufvery j ufckimosomcou tle yaids vliiclif of coars sliu he name- ita kltticngh dugntjngir irominrat and dickens 0m curfofitt shop is htrdly a circunietance coi tlcra it us h tire then come style tlioat ur kud do oar manictftal house cleaning t cmc never in to fall into sticlt bud or careless laliu iq future a wurd to tlie wise w etifliciat orcuks as0 pukos tivamcraan riltc statumaa of ut week jiamnliw a lujth dewriptwti if thraumtuath tub- tuhtueal of the uotuinion orfan nd iiano oooipauy of that town from which cli tho fulloiuc the buildinpt are located a the comer of rempecauee and wcuiiip- ton streeu only about 200 yard froni the very centre of the town v here arc situated uic public buildiiirt tlie unpth tif the latldiac from uottk to sculh it 1vj feet nd tlte ironutc oa wellington street t 100 feet the uaifoau depth ichift aq feet tuu factory it ciuipicd with tic ltt and mist modern kttidx ot tnacliiupry the do- itiiaion ufgati tu the only tttfin oulideof tbe untied stau that received au inter- national xtcdal iad diplout of honor at the centennial inhibition ia 1876 al- though about forty ilylc of orexut irctc rcpret tntcd by diffckut ntanufacturerf from different couutrie thii tmtnpiuy uarrantt every initntmcnt au nuficlured by them for a period if five yean uude air usage and everyutftntment ihippcvi front the 1 actor i cnaranlcel to be liwtcii in every respect we htvc fr tale pfen did n organ tnauufcturcd by this tinn which wc ofter cheap wauiaus fuulits a cre at ltt ihu written upon till very dclctc utjcciuiu till hi- reltict mvciltv o oolmtiu it w khel lit uuo hrea i rtct rizut ti kij ihiitc tt tnlcfc thcte i iitlhc ftleluoi ioutit tiytvfwr aiisiat tit fc hit ytet a lay ntr a tc norr kil slk u rn t utile f wllwms cmtttui ftynipcu wlut t tierrhieu c i taift u at once itnj t tttm art of ctr clm tdrtj tn uennke i eitilue it cu mmff tkt lhr nt metu o her uia ttit tlfi a c nfciiltic pit korcrticnjs co icruuitvctirtnptnccvcl wtxias vthl cu trv l th qntekt aid nimtt rx-llnw- cure ft enitttr n ot am ind ran be clven ih tin- knmelty and mfi tn lufuulof itircc unjattjt at uu sjjd hj- ail drtrclft wo iffcfftur entire itokof thin seaouc iniporttiouaof vitu goodf t very kceu prioei looj dress goods lcc an imoicusc purchaso of exsel q2it lu3tas3 a very tightly material and a splendid woariut doth s thorn remedy tar hard times nastagawoya tarns slop rpendineiomechonrineerouics rich fool and tlyle bur good healthy food cheaper ed belter clothing get more real and tuhrunlhtt- things of life eery way and epeillylup the tool isb habit of running after rxptmiro ant quack doctor or trtinjr so much f the from flifr otca corrripvxdait yasfaey council met on monday last uimutca uett wck prospect dirisiuuirdvngrood work rile huttihugjcedicine thudoes you onlf lierejiuuiemlieriiaroweelthincnaams make- tie proprietor rich but put jour trud in the greatest oral rev d st stekituie aho has len simple pure remedies ii np hitters inat ill during the past few weeks couttuua curei alwiyal a inding omt and you co uitlid will see tntierttmes ait good health j s fry it ooce head of it in auuhcr two yoang men who recently teftijcaiuniu iicfc streilsand j ivtssurtweyafutsiutlieuternlvrbntk ka write that uny have had very 1lv vuiikvcim thee i i h i 1 profoctfng tha brakesmen the gld tnilifc eiilwy lunllage metf acting aj tin rz fmiiurnltiia a recnx cirrer jftrlr aud tlj aiflu- etiat liya hauiaiidlnruj -iriiucfue- uvt of tlrfirakeflnett ic beir employ r ale taking steins to dace niling on the uy of the cars in order that the opinion cf the ujin timy le obtained in tiw matter sir siicir has suliuntted the phtns te the nintortliir itpproval it is kiiqused to ptjc oa the c tav raiiiixs cbtut twu fjet liili inrtfen which the bcakesui will wlk by chis means he wdl slijipinjj w bciog s as ig ofttn now the actov ikklts while wheal i i is to i r iir r i- m p r- tin trcxilwcll mr ws mctaciali of knatftiuull sprini v heat gltrgw lata ofknir col lege torouto ptraclied lllcluff anexodhjiit oeri lonin ebeneitr church on sunday 2sih nit the windaiotm of ihe 2ch nit did oats peas barley eggs per z con4derale dajnago to the bams and j p p c batter rulli nut liaudujcs of the farnient in ip bae riciriitr a numbvr of buihlinb u-en- appue rer lai unroofed as lectnre war drlirpreil in llu- ebenezer chiiiclt niveiiieslay even- ing21kt ult by mr juhr kitidite mu thhill j ct t ravtlil thiy fr itudloce kaiicawctv hx lost iitl old tli ialim fcuiff uffr jo uiyc it h died at htr ireitlciict after a ahoct illu- e oa 20iu ult ilia fiie udx and rtulintu haie the sympathy of tliw ugiilkirltol he leaves a widow aud large ftuiily i ned suetrtakias hide per cwt wood per hd itsy pir tn straw iwr lead 1 is to i jo 1 is to i i t 17 to i 21 0 55 to 0 3fi o co to o a 0 m to 0 go 0 10 t i ii i itf lo 0 is o is lo o so 0 w to 0 0 so to n 30 to u 75 4 fd lo 7 00 3 w to 00 7 00 to s 00 j oo to i oo 121c dross goods 1210 in lustra malangaa and baikal qtofha assorted ia tho following shades qrenkt bronze brown prune steelqray navy cs mixtur68 this line at once recommends itself to every lady looking for a durable dress at a low price j 15o press goods 15o aiiledld range of materials at thi price rcprxkcntinfi the rnoat cttdclite styles t be procored at tha low prico o fifucn cent l j 20o dross goods 20c usctptiosal value for inch desirable j good- beaatlral bhikl xwlre attwaal rreack lmblt hflaosev ia all tha faaljianahle and popular shades for the season john hogg 4 son annoanoe with pleasure that the present iddicaoons roint to tlie laagcst trade they bare ever anticipated for this department 0uh importations of r hats c poitttets x are certainly of the fifittt quality and i the most jzattuur dtaigw that it has ever been our pleasure to submit to the refined taste of the ladies who favor as with thir patronage the young ladies who hsve charge of khis very important department are pntting forth avcry effort to make oar display a credit to them selves and the establishment they represent ladies visit our millinery show rooms parasols o sunshades the udici who have seen these goods have been very lavish in their expressions of admiration for the elegakt styles unieqjje pesigns 25c dress goods 25o itilutrct sfatnt clau saul line uetyui poutfulutirt tiro- thirtine it onr particaur favorite and deiejjvea itil the praico that it guts for elcciucc of pattern superiorily of finish and dc nihility we iiroclaimonrfavori to bc withont rival ia the trado of gnclph s dross goods ks mairialsthefineatstyleathe keweat prices the lowest la the trade here e ay lady shoald visit oar drea dcp ltttcnt and wc the correct itylcs for tiic cnsoinfi scaacn of oar amortraent lare aalea lave already been nude in this depart- i meiit hat we have fctill enoofih jeft to sapply every ladr who wanu them and we will da it if right gooiis and 1 t low riuces arc an inducement i parasols from 25 cents to 3 special f- ladies jg white wrt8 we have contlnddd an immett purcluu if tery handsomely embroidered 8kirts which we hsve marked at about sair 9btca ib ordr to make a speyciehpeeof the entire loll i gentlemen i ottr m v1 fiti m 4 1 1 i of the most reliahlc makes and in a variety of qualities and shades not kept by anv other house in the trade here black dress silks colored drkss silks weddlkci silks black m a xtle silks hr0uaded silks summek silks w keep the most reliable goods to be found departmeuti has got the lead and we mean kep it- tve ibow tweed isuitingsj of the noboem patterns j fine diagonal suitings french worfeted pants irish serges e- prices away down below any thing in the city the foregoing u only a few of the many ottaactire features in our stoei it wotlld be aknost impossible to enumerate the sipecialiies vhish cforsrd- every department but a single visit to the 1 wqxmsful xjf stobs will snffico to conxince everv lady or gentleman that ttcy can make their pnrch5tcs pleasantly and proiitaily ut the sign of the colden man come tiien to the popular store m tifts wi 4wto toa m i run uo rik oi- ipt off the tiainh cnrt during the revaleneeof a violent ktorm 01 i it ia now stated that the wirgaliflu uf parlkmcutwill take place co thu re day j the optajio government have ad vertised for tenders lor the erection of tiew sirliaqient aud dplrtoientiir bttildingjiin torontoj v board of etjucatlon tlie board of trustees of acton jfecbooidirtuonnietit tlie school hout on jfinuay eveuinj 3rd innr mecn jf era all present mrjahu speight in tlia chairl minutes of laat meetinj read apd ootifirmed moved by d henderson eeconded by h sjieighf list ijt beaxlositir in struction ui the teachers tit theaciou fublic school to sendhaoieall children f- jdnder tliiii ager of five yearn who may n present theniselves furadiuitt4nie tu rflifl school joirried j r the finaiiiee coniiufea brought iu their foiirtli report ilnd recouuncuded tayuieiit of ttietpunvin f thoa moore salary for jibril missmckeuar ff jiissfirjut hrshnghes p itccann acct jor rewfcs llilbeight igilcoafeu total thecqiiiinloei rtcoinlindrdthat thf pjiairniiii issue jiiaoiq f as shall imrrtplirml ijt3 vm 1875 i s25 3jf tee iltitt bcjrxmt rowrll at the rejidence of tlie brides fiahcr117 church st ttiron- ft lit all- lie thiuifiaaciuttm ix i benefit rq cicorxetowiixoitus jeoiiraa fo well ttiroclo the sex vc cxkei05 rn acloa tia the 3rd iust dar whi soa of mr thoa cimcroa aged 3 years and 6 mouths oanerot hews t ie- qikkc pol-c- lorce i- nir ie fr iliulir s a reduction of c-ii-li- rates l iln- rr w freijch cmtiny is announced qve 750o irtin wniktis ai on strike m ti n rib f eigland i war betweri russia -aid- china i- naw mid to lie almost unavoidable a strike is rejiorted autoi t lin-inia- livis at the coaticooko gitiou itiila jrr 15000 immigrants armed n jfewyoik during the mouih of aprd a- farmer sayk that the late rains ne worth iioueands to causdiau wheat fieldt two ameriean cruiseri are being elj out for the cuadhm fiohing gryunds a preacher at chicago advocates the introduction ef udy ushers in church to make the youug men attend gfovernor corned ofnaw york has vetoed the ffdl lo lax th capital of foreign banks doing business in the siau- there is great indignation iu ham burg over the deyices ofbuuiick lo dltiar its trading rights and privileges as a free city clifton cmncillimfiived 300 to tin mechanics institute on the nnderaiand- inif that tha annual lee be reduced to 25t instead of 2 did you even whoever heatd a boll sigli whoever saw a horse fli wlicet er drauk a ehijia ale j wlioever heard a fencw rail whoever heard a nyilli liil whoever ate a door jauibl insane uian oougn in wcod- atock gaol couiuiicfid huioide nn sttur jtfotice to tttespasseits sic ift hcrf liy ivfii that any prwn or lr tiit ftmd trfpvsin tn my petist- liy eilirr liidiine or iickiliti yl le prose cuted iceurdiiic to lzv 37tf dr r mourow notice i have sold my slore butiness to john uclan and thanking mr many cu lomers for their patronage during the iil 21 years would ask them to eiieud ihe same lo iny tuecor jas matthews notice the uxneuigscd luvtva tcacuuro jroal jnmes matthews rj the ftock and cooda in the tost office slorej s seuing the same a reduced rales fu oisil and trutlk by fair dealing and atj teniioti ia merit a share of the patronj sge of the people of acton aud vicinity john molacan jspriag tweeds spring tweeds piiaciical huuprsseic 1 yrtpircd to execute tujthiu iu his line in tbe icii hiult uixuucr aud in the latest style uouthly customers t special t3vzi a call is acjicitcd j pwounek m alt fu utsv lvt oa suodiy april lsth between the ifctladibt churcjif actoii and tha sum- merv illes raiileuce ith caq eques ii a mink tipptt tjetiadertnll grwefy i uiv tue ittccr by leaviut it at the fceea pti oliice thos sujiherville b cffalo robe lost lort iietweeh 6th hne kassajrawcya and farridis mill uockwood a good buffalo kolie any person returning the same will be suitably reaard d j0uk uckikvov jic kassgaweya acton po 5 3t a lex f suitii aocvrrontuekninr erarmtihowitb alk rtrla general purixje piowk climax thrcshlnt ktculnoa inneola clilui and vnjrauiriirini- totitlt hurr- we cenlnifal ulcr horse rake climax fanning mills me celoruled wiior uterf nil ac all warranted tod- rood orlc every uioi- or no sale xermsreasonahle axexf suits cm i teubaeilsa exciksiox auothbr party of laadeaporera under my care will leave dilterent poiuta of on tario for lincoln nebraska ou tueeday hay the 25lh the object of these people is to visit the beautiful aad fertile district iu southeiatern kehraska where somany choice canadian families are settling- hud if peisedirill laiv and rettle so persons lesimigito jiin this party ahould write to day niomjiighy cuttiujj ilia throat wilu jjsncs mathowa actoii oat or to me at a knife tie had bwu nt to ai a fr full iiifohuatiou coucerhitig cheap lo my tnnanmiais fiiiuily j loraont go to j el mcg- arvins drug store i for garden field i m mimmmi atsss5ffi jtew cestomees j ally parties reqmrihc hread left at their rcsidt-ucet- ill plcae leave their order at tlie hake hliip b k e sicku5t for the rvjr two atqjrrss stoves -ji-t-o-ofl-t- at havills slg oj tbs ldxp pibltc school teachers examinations tlie jalv esaraination of caodidatea for llic jcar ssil ill l held as follows for fimt clftss at the xormal clniol timuilo nu thursday 8h july at 9 slm for second tiass at the tu1i llallifdiltoo aud the oskville hiih rchikil ennliniday 5th july at 2 p m for third claskat lk town hill i miltijn on tuesday 13th july at ftjlm forms w thenolica to lie fnten hy candi- dales can bohtained im spplication toany coanlyinspeclor lllln iudiipensahle that calilidates should notify the undersigned not later than the lit hf jjuie of their intention tu present themselves for craraination j- b little i psl co halton actin26th april lo80 at the post office store actom qtjsens birthda7 btttter lard choice j cheese sm0kejd meats cahned goods dairy 8altln bags -akd- j general family groceries monbay 24th m ib30 j jfcf t wilns the girt anniveraary of the birthday of our beloved sovereign will be celebrated in a becoming manner ia acton l-gaxea-lixo- svoars j vful take place 4nrlng the day and nearly 150 in prjzsa will be glvan j for acton brass band in the evening jgcd sat thgpnebj r dndflbwersesds hardwire paiats oils and wiadow glass noils all sisas from sets upwards suitiugs goatiiig 6c trouserings in t tha li est pstlerns and colore pore materliland made np in the latest styles at low prices also a large and select stock of r t couiprisidg full hues ol dress shirts an imiirtipgot all kinds avery novelty in ties csllars braces gotten uaderclotbirig braces silk linen and ambric- handtorcluefs christies celebrated london hats at the east s end clothing store ri scotts emulsion pure cod liver oil t- with hypophosphites or lime and soda tha mpntaa eostbiacs the two bat rcstedin tmx dacorttcd far camramptlua colds sad cktmie c9giis serofmlasf rkiamaaktuaa mod pi cf the blood o billtr indjllw dauwaitlmg dlaeawi otchudnv it not eoiy cwmx tbc wdl knpwq and hjr yatsirtorcodureroninaformtluth pcrfeetly taaeka aod acceptable to tittidcbtddiata itomach but in addfeoa tbe vooderfii tonic and tifeiriag propertia of tse hj led that the reaisdiaj powen of both are uijtjy incraaed rtjika itipeiiyisttowofriafacombfaedioodatn i ebcorpor m it knot only betttr but much more rtadity awaiuated by the ivstcra thaa pbio cod urtr ooaodabctter itgentin od piirtfyittg thq blood altayiag the irr of lle throat tad hmo l the bnpaircd f a ftritrtrfth ahdvwortothe whole body 1 tirtwl plth toakn pf mtw twej or ipoik e mm andisttcr 8oui erauulom fcx uk vy id dnjto io per boolt new furniture store v ttoslr uhnljb wishes lo intimate to the citizens ot acton and surrounding country that be has u ii epeoed out a complete furmtubier of every description and is prepared to sell at ibe very lowest prices lor cash parties requiring any article not in stock cn be supplied on shortest v possible notice i am also prepared tor erect on short notice mba mnte arid beadstones ftoj of ihe best quality and in any design rcquirednt low prices in addition to the above 1 am prepared lo do all kinds pt oontricu made sntjjovwcirk exeoufed at reaonbie prices is a qali solicited i i johnturner 1 rl corner hh1 4ain sts aoton m agjgfftt4 mmm he has the best asbftriieiit in town try themhi

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