r l m i t i tie to atd r s litest is i in bfg last- ie 7 le has cub- pe isuss ttlxk uxe tiblt trwulsari actou as follow l toisiu wssr hiatal krprosi tacoato mail uf utpress lrjrsa oattmind sight etpreat que mind lw etprtss weura mail london mixed qotso ctst liojajn 910am uipui 515 p nf t0pnu rl6am 9latn 1131 a tu k0pm 930 jut vbt xdvetisexibst xibcaafc excursion p w wire qfeena birthday clcbrniian mufc fur lcsuliihoa sumnierulle ideal j mctnn buffalo robe ll j xiokinaon atolic soda li g alattheaa kew goods v stewatt co pure ice cream l g matthews m holwale thai c walkiak oranges teutons l g matheirs must have bread b k fc nicklin j t bjl bui estate agvncr candies nuta l o matthews gcelph cloth hall shaw j murtoa teachers examination r little lejds mcleod iudinau co tuxtsnai jioaxtsc usa- 6 lsi1 jult 0943u4 1vk hyaai jttttutty i ai ract soi stew a new stock of purses a mr stock of spectacles and cases auev slock of combs ot all liud a ncv stockoc berlin voola and afoltoes a new slock of silver ajid colored cardboard a new slock of eateiapea and koto paper wedding od birthday presents the beat and largest assortment itt torn call iuaud sign oftb big watch ceo hyads vcvellcry aud fancy goodastare actou uustik dying uokt tuglct your flu wit garden coitc loaclon on queens birth day scmial tie- lirick building will be erected in actou this teison puiltf amuo ukgtd in gar deumgoponllioasiu right earnest locikoulfoc tcutitive an t fiftj ceut counterfeit pieces thcv are in cir culation 8uud y last was the first sunday have jiad iu icvwl weeks that it did uet rain orauov the tuorini baou hx oiicnwl with full farce aiid the average married mso vka his to pull up stakes u unhappy patiitcl bugs will soon b foriuiug deletioni ta wait oil seedsmen to ascertain cuo have purchased iced potatoes or this years crop an jjratrsion over cite cjtu ti manitoba add the north west will take place ou edncsday day 12th passing through actoa at 107 ain jveitltbofa not en caliing terms lire eajoyiag thflmselvcs nuw ia camoicatiuf a the extreme homclineaa of each others car- pesas theyjswiog upoa the line hcrctfter scrvicb will bo held in st allans church everj- other sunday both exurui roir ixo corsrr hotf aeokqb beowk the gttu of vtednetdav aaya onsioa- dj ynigut ilr brown a more restless and oi tneaday mnrning the doctors reported hm weaker than at the same hoar the day pieciooa daing the day uia condttioa variedc but in the af temoou he was afile re- peatcdly to recogniic all the members of his family present and at 7 pm the ductnrx gfzjil hiat cuin oa satsactaci y and beiatifiii wcatuer coptic geullespcing qcottisg i oumiceacin it till sooa be falluyrett ciiaet lv hill of unde sitardxy we had slight aor eta rm here ax stardi t may let uoh iavly ie ettrrytbin iroumi pria j ku tndaed come t tenioa r r cimrirb best cfclttbrittioa etc r giren wt tke place utif jolt in actoa jtt 2vjl lis isdojt for thefcedays never go cat wuixwtyykr amlirfclli uc tuae other sud eveaiug couiiucaciuc aert stindxy until farther uotice elden a anderson of kumilton villtu v preicit ta the uucipic mcctinc tcouse acujo ucxtfucday 9th iustit h tclock 4m tad g oclock p ai messrs b t e ntcklin will opca theic ice qtcim parlor totroctow ice cold icecrciir tvnd eummcr drinks lway oq hiad penr and good give ihcia call audpuv cuiues the frugftl uoust- wife with her reticule cif cnefiiliy prcsrvol fimdf and ler talk about early vegetables sfjiiag clwaing tikioij duwrk ttorcs aud the like i street ball platijcg vfe hear oomptaiuta agaiaat kz haul of loys playing ball oa the etrcets ucjcraoy circuuiitau ces the public etrcets src uot proper place fur lijl piayiiy barriiual cereiokics iv mr hiiltittia ptrf jnaexi tlic ccrcujoay of lutp- tiwa ou several ciadiditca uq bauuxy lut at xtckiuts pond kev v j lnjutt pcr- formtl tto cereuiony of baptisai ou au in fact during ti eveuiuy tervice ia st alojja church j gojd weight ymtcrdty mr jis fjruaru of this village weighed a three year- uld atccr whicli turuud tj eclca at lio tlie aaiutsi was bld to mr john hurcby lor j ceut a piuuj live weigut iad will be chipped with other to the ear ah uarkutia a fee daya st xilcans caicecu a uiisyzuusry will be preached iu st albaua oasundtv qiruiqy cert atloj the iiacrecieut uf the ijrtr sapptr iill be nduiiiruteredaucr thcmari- iu acrnce lie v y j utgcttf incumbent c uie uiarcla condiict the eet vices qfeess blethdat actou will peoplecotijt like to acknowledge have a qaeeaa birthday ca 2cth may a nbtlmt worih attention frksu butter and ejgs at mont real hocse cheap lot of bacon aud hmui at a v oreeu a oash iters finest and clivapcit milliner at j montreal houne for aretio sojn try l 0 maltb eiv ucw fountain tnew stock uf frcah wmuiib just received at a aqrceos cash store best1mis and ruk in actou at olayniauvi monltiml kouso- ir you ivuut u habliy durable and eaeap sail j fytos is tho place to go go todiu morrow for dickv blood puiificr aud indian blood syrup cllalts in eiidlisx vuiiityjie jolirr tumers in ilrs seoorda tllock acloiu fresh biiufrndlnlirkyi ou banj at a v hreens cash store 6 plsadli ccbcttmott ci orockerr cf all kiiis at ttc pott cfico tto give jobtt turner oill iwforo gain j to uuclpu or georgetown for fur- uiture ji co oa nulb dales maple sugvr c at l ti ilatthcwk lec cream and fruit parlor chkiities oatmeal milk erairie biscuits at b j- e kickhus bakery largest ard lcet stock of dry goodx boo ui and shocaitt muutixal uuuse hats from 75 conts to j25c at j fylet j umnpea and hlvmona always in stock at ll g llsuhcr ice cream and fruit iirlar flloice toreeda and cbeup suits mido to order christie henderson si co acton a coon fell ifat fur75 cents at j kyfes kew piiits cheap for casli at ii llaikttsoew stoic christies lemon and village bis cuits and girigcr xuts an b ik- e xicklius bakery 7 goop vulue in 50 cent tea at b llaslctts new store dlnikci room parlor and bed room funiilute at jobn turners in ilrs seoords block acton a new tut of tbose leautiful ladies and tents silk handkerchief at christie henderson cos cnoicestbhck t only 73c it you want a really choice tes ask for it at christie ueudetson cos gkaxd display of new aud foibion- abteilillinety this week at tlieniaigcw house acton christie henderson i co potitoes liwfa bror bare just em ojp the 4ry goods christie 6 m a t o n carpets 0ar arties tlkqumixo v carpets ark invited to come and ex another stock of lirct clusi and will sell them cheap for chair they arefxnr ercept to boot agents sod tsstksorr qcm natabcf of ptiaple in tt tillage are efljaced in be ilding repairing or tjalargng tfceir hooses tueee ar sixty itudents in at- tendxamattlie agricahciil ciuegegneiph bat the fall number for the seasiaa have bat jet arrixed i the london jdctriitrr- eayaym jhn coiifaa yeaiastdar recefrcd twrettyfife car loads af spring water ice by thegraud trrxok eatlway it came crutn actan the best brus bund in thecouuty rested oar citizens ta aw music aa uaa- iy ereuio kit it it hardly necessary to state that that band was acton rris band these axmjbcjnmc s gooxlllrfrin the tei aa ever vii canght but thia i migkty poor catttabihaa for the man who baa to ait a whole naif daj- without getting a bite r eejcqtal lerr dues wenpigfd in mating tiiehonac of mr w h suirey situated on the premises on which his new residence is beioz erected to his property ioa bower arenne- rwe are informed that eeyeml of the yonojrmen of this nuge were oat boat ing oa xicjtiina pond last sowlar sarely these jounk men have enoagh respect for iemseires to ainadoa this hahftof sabbath desecratioa kncrynlv one of oar villg georgetcrtrn vtill dv fjrexch iu tiit tnoruing and assist in the love feaxt and ad- mi cinilrauon aitiie sacreaientoi the lords pepper at the close of the lauruicj service thegt r firethc fire which destroted the engine house at the g t il ttitioa pa wednesday night last rendered the enjnrie and machinery nutit for use uksi coltf- fttj hul ilaljljix elito ttcctx tctt bsy and have tneceeded in patting ia a new engine and other requisite maciiiuery wliich iralrexdj- ia running order as yet the engine hoase has not lcen reuuilt all attention having been given the cugiae k that the itanks cuufd be supplied as frrou possible there bein no otheri to supply the locomotives letcabramptouand bredaa ko moee vesobisicc an tfilcted people jwill jrejfjice spring bonnet owners will fail their voices ia load praises to mr veauar jwho has just announced that in future he will not publish his predictions iu newspaper farm u he state the production of the m the united states has not been wtiifactory farthpnnore he informs that his- weather correspoudence has assumed grocers has been aliseat from his shop ail men proportions that he cannot apare either the time or money accssary for its further continuance he will have the thauks of a gntefal pablic by remaining sijeofc id fatuto lxwyt asd gaedeks sfany of the lawns and gardens aboat town are beginning to look lieaatif ul tbrjrroands ofmrcs ei3 ton week axul rumor raft that when he retarrs he wili bring t broad new wife with him if this te hia inuntioa we wish- him aafe return and congratulate him on baring concluded to join the ranks of doable blessedness the greatest earned ever discovered qnlntm la eonsldred the ereatest remeilj- llaon oat vo tmueve lfaa tueouai if not iu peer in to0 prodnet of toe cxi ksh bnlnx aas tma discovered to equal cod urer oil tt a balder and c ctatnt oclbe byiy n cousnmptoa and ail -wasting- dlt orders buc its astfulnenl impdredby lis consrmis properties iu femtet emaistom f pare crf urer ihiiisoujkuou isenilr ly oternosne an combined irlib the hjpephat- fuleofusste it it the moat valu able remedy eterdueoyeiecl eitkajrce erajtxkatrojr an ex- aauaatioa ofpaptlfl for admisfoa to the oaktille hii school will be held d j on tuesday and wednesday the 29th and 30th days of jane next beinsniaz at 9 a in of each day candidates should notify- the heid master x vveliwood eaq oak- rilla po not later than the 22nd may of their intention to present themselves for examination benpeifet mr l i jcailbew iwjnsi reopened the fruit and ice cream parlor which was carried on last year by hesetov clark k hatthews in the sbop op posite i e mccarrinv drug afore mc katthes has at great expenae pit in a aod fooutain and otherwise improved the shop aod be opens with a well selected afoek of confectionery fruit 4e we wiab suntraxen i go to j bmcg- splendid programme of times shirts etc is beiutf pnpired aud nearly 5150 will le tiven id prizes a ricudid concert will be iiren id the evcaiiu by tlie ladies iq aid received potaloer cash mllmxfrv and millinery goods new choice and nhesp ko fncy prices ior ilillinerr christie tlendettun k co fnk a cooj rfcartrnent nf irst- clai kuriiiture go to jodn turners furniture store in ilrs records block actan co to tic rcstosso stsis ftr tis difisss t7ma lii eci lcii ciala colcrs ttl ill pilitcrs rsisist sux tttxrtis a xouiy cwd suit for flitxjat the ilifjinir houe cliristie ttendersoii co let us have jour orders eaily ttiy- dr morrows german rut- then goodt icerc lowju i imi ets oarpetis pa mljveour weshowovermlpotmtnsol choice brussels tapestry allwool toiotf featt carpet new prints i new dress goods new millinery newfslt riats new tweeds c the biggest stoolc and beat value in vaite and gray ootas dnoks denims boots and shoescafes arriving- daily best value in teas sugars raisins currants biscuits soaps c -i- it full ami art emeucnllif is lozoc pir yard ii ihtj atm ot uiujld fur to day 1450 we ara getting up tuis noted line of tweed suits in better stytethan ever we guarantee them equl to any 18 or 20 suit f made in the city the liqnas the stock the hon does the trade come to the lion guelph j dj wifcliamsoir bo of afcinn llrass blind further partiulira ssmfor- colds coughs asthma kron- lett week j cliitif- croup whoopiog cuugb and qcaktcrlt service tliequirterlv i fklortast to all coxcerxed serrucaincimoecuoa with tne methodist clu oa chdai henderson co for gnnrehjof canada m thkvilbjs kill take rm new sn1 slvli jlillinery place oa sunday nett hev 11 mclean of at bottom prices smith in front of his residence at the iwest eni of the village are greatly admired- it fall mr smith had a practical gardener at work about mouth ia beautifying ibis premises lawns terraces walks iod nower beds were artistically arranged and ornamental treei were pbinfed in suitable places throughout thj grounds tha creek running j through the plice reuders beauty tothe scene and we understand that it will be crossed in several places by rustic bridges mr smiths grounds are the most tastefully utd oat bf any ia town fersoauils mr win firstbrook of toronto is in t0wuj mr mick secord of ffunilton made his acton friends a short visit this week mr cjias speisht who has been visiting his friend n brantfordreturaed home yes terday rer v amrentyre formerly pastor ot zion congregational church here visited hiiilctonfnendsycslerday our friend tom kennedy accompaaicd ly his isfer miss c kennedy left fnr parry haib- on saturday morning last- tney arrived at fheirdestiaatiou safely mr alva stafford abq has been confined to ibe bpase with a severe attack of inllsm- alion nf the longs during the past sit weeks km able to walk down street yesterday l q mttthftts his tbe btrgest lkist assorted and litest uavnretl stk f caiubesever crhihited iu acton at his lec cream and fruit parlor farmers remember uaf plow castings or all tiuds are kept ou baud at lie free iress olhcc it w kixg all linei of groceries lold at we want all the eggs you can bring i new advertisement next week glulsti seatesijai e t montreal holte tor tnoss bxrntifuf prints t the old prices uucizf denrms shirtrrigs gray ipd white cottdnsf al at the aid prices christie hidersqti co you cannot tsil tj de buitedi in sideboitrdsrureitus bedstevi wbit- nou cribs aui cnviles t john tur ners in ilrs secords block cton hoctie plasts house plants rast received at alec beards x lare stock nf beautiful hoase planu nd haigig liaskets come early aud leave yoaronitrs as they are beicc rapidly disposed of and cannot be repsced- a good account ojum it uprlr long i ears ot hedridden f icfcripiik nd kuiti rfcc stu tig 300 r yrpr tlai 11u all i wsllcuwasioiljecf hy ifirob bottles of hfipbtuernufceii byniy wiiewho tiwktjonliercwii lkiuork fori your ihrcr wkuout tlm lafk trtaday ttuj i want every- txjcy to know it for tletr brfit jckjc weeks butler kv itouse cleasiug who ever waats carpets and house furnishings should call at mcleod an erbonttcoffgeorv wirn they harethe iargestan cheapest clock ever hhovn in the county by any retail house ueautilul cirpeta for 37c irorthfioc r for lqc wcrth 75c pure ice crettnt hy the diali or quart at lg matthews ice cream aad cruit parlor alleble orkswellinton mar ble warts quebec st gaelph messrf mcquillan fc hamilton proprietors are di rect importer nf all kiuda of marble and granite having a iarce stock on hand parchaed previdas to the late rise in pries of marble they will continue to nell ail fciodiof monumeiiu head stones mantles in slate or marble at their osual low prices satisfaction guaranteed 4atf new shirtings cheap for b haslett s new store the sramraoth koisrgeorgetowa ia the spot to get voar bpriag drjooda millinery mantles parasol dress goods for 5c a yd upwards cottons pnnts ordered and readymade clothing mag nificenfc diplay of ml the aoove gotjds were purchased before the latftbg rise in prices and will be sold atunheardofi prices mcleod anderson tfccjj equal to teleflrapby tt is not o many year ago when telegraphy wns looked upin asachimern and professor morse as ysslonmy we al know no its wonders morti recently dtkrmocuu sooaled the idea that castoro ennlri bs tniade plnnsnl to the tfte oat messrs 8oh4 downe whli tiielr pa is is hi c caslof oil have soivwi t e protilnu which is ftieoln meiclm tlroosi rqial totbtoc profe sor mre hu not the nnrutcoai cas- ur itlsptialnble fladarenb hv tnntc price 25 cent f tweeds groceries boots shoes mess and hoys hop truths ijters a meciieftenhm 11 c dops dacbn usadrofc riandcllan axdttle aet- asd4isst -ueukme- cicalitrccsoa allotuejt blttkils the v iljit e ajl nifeare 6f ihsj htrunaehl bowclr lucod uver kid tie v an cfitiar or pais irvnune6r elecyiptfis itmaie oomplalntd ad ijrahfcerintjff 91000 i y gold will he ralarorarjwe tliejj will nnl cure oroelporfranytlilnglinwreorli jurl aus fouud lutcem j alr ionr lruett for itap flitters and frre booltr nnd try thi bltlers berore you si ep take na otnerj tki top cdaghcurt aiurain rtlvfit iht chiapctt surttl did bat hon bnrasl co rocbeiitir nv for 8ala byall druggists toronto out s new boot 5 shoe shop ttt williams tyqpldbesfect vv pnltyluuvflotj peoiie o aetoh and vlclnltv lhat he lias opened boot shne fbop in ttie ouiiuin vv hkioreyaqlofe works oh mitt ktkest acto anyoneln wantcifn subsiantnl nd- oodflluosj boot or mob sh6ua liotfuiltoleavetbelr irersiblsstnnd b8ptriaftp9clftlts saipromirtlt yr williams acton rept w pfc- iilliefy drugs j medicines grand opening raparallolsd disjlay of handsomelgoodfl guelph ber to anrounce bis grand general exhibit of new spingj gooda ood eatenas a cordial imitation to etery lady in acton and surrounding towns and i country to risit the fashionable west end clothing store in erery department a large and magnisceni stock willbe exhibited a o bucham fuiaioaalfe wat end drtu uamli ami jfiuhtay hdablithmtnt ovelpk what is this i eeryboy wonderanow it is there u always such a rush to hills ehotbgrapli- gillexy for photogrhapha this is all explained when you gee the qnality of the worst the prinpil why nursfloo jwr doxfor cabinet portraiis when ynn cars get them jast as good for 8350 per dot why pay 93 uu pe doetdr carle de vittci when yoa can got them for 150 as art nritcd le call and fee specimen and prion for fltciiuclct 0 w hill photb b s all kinds bf framing done a large as sortment f velvet and fancy goods very cheap c w sill furniture r furniture arvins drugstore ifor garden field andflowe 7 va targe lot of ihe above linn nf feode on itand and will betpld cheap 0 hap mians i corner store aoton seeds he has besli and r o we have now a full stock ot all kifids of plain fine and artirtio furniture sew and rathionsble fcr ihe spring trade upholstered goods especially we ere awarded nil the orsl pnses on iirholsleml ood l onr cenuol k aod would ooll special attention 10 this branch at this season of the yrnew eovtn ofoii kinds in uk and arrlln dally allorders will be troiniiuy aud sklinjlly mtenled 8i- lslaetlon guaranteed iigv af to ch1ib hislelnnbicok upper wyndnam street aitkirbitxt john w0r8f0ld 0o ouelpfi- furniture j a good assortment of first class furni ture oevery deiprip- tion oonstantlr on hand prion oa low u guejph gr george town a coil miirinti ondertakino description qf gjffina caketi jsjnd all funeral rtv iqiiisitee always kepj in atsict a bnd- sbmer hia8sk tv at alow rate t tekaitumiaiuc cheapest asoffemeht iri ri