if i li- 7 k f- 1 11 1 uii r ssaggssga fofwff watf cqfass not pit to bekisaed what ails papas mout said i iml little girlr heruightheiorevaaluag bcr uethlwui as pearl i lore him and kiss hiin and it pa hia knee- buttheltisaea dont staell toad wteo kisae aac j i bat mamma her eyes opeuej wids aha spoke j do you like nasty vfjaea of isasio am smoke they might do or boys bijt tor ladiea and prl i i i dont utinlc them sicc a ihc toasts her btaclvl- curia dont nobodys par hart moufa ni an dtan with kisses like years maninia thats what i mean i want to kiu papa i love him so well bat kisses dou t taste good that have met a unejll its nasty to smoke aad eat baceo aad fit and the timet tint good aad aint srl not a bit v and hec bhuaouiuka fsot ton look f dlscust j as the rare odt her verdict ao earnest and it- j vcs yas little darlmc i your wisdom baa sja r- j that kisses for danxhtrt aad wives shcafd haelcart for kisses lote tomcthinc of nectar aad ulits from month that arc stained ad ontit fr a kis biky horaas among the- ugjestiona uid b u published- by- kouifl anil cruelty to antaala society art these iftbo lorw when hi balks cau have hii attention diverted then ia usually no troublo in starting him tbli mar be done iu torious waysot which ilia following are a for that have been employed take the hams out of shafts and turn him around several times quite rapidly this will make him entirety ditty and leainini- to forget that bo does pot wish to draw ibo load a stout twine twisted around the fotolc hat liecu used as t remedy with good result a tlriug tied around tha cat- liaatlia same effect vet have seen horaca of the balkiest sort alartod in a moment by pulling a lump of earth into their mouths even a piece of sugar or a handful of fresh grass will so divert tha attention of a balket that he will oftoa start off without trouble some mill treattuani like these that set the knimal to thinkingof aomelbinif foreign to his work u vastly bettor than any amount of whipping and is much eaaicr uf application american agrkullur mjmwm one hundred and sixteen hands employed between making up and disposing of the enormous stock which is about twice as large as that of any other house ia fi4 much more varied so that customers can save both time and money uy making their purchases at these immense store for vv atkins buya for cuah and sella for sash hli sales are aovery muah larger than any olbor tore la town he buys about twice the quantity or goods that any other hamilton houio can aispoe of and oonaeduonlly buyi oboaper than iboaa and can only purchase small lots and buying for cash ha goal anr and arary where that gocda can ba bad tha cheapest he mupluya a littla army in manufuoturing the following gooda which ara nil cut out and madt up under the suerrision of aonie of the bet artists to be haa m canada ladiev and misses mantles dolmans ulsters sihua ilresaas oottumes wrappers also skirts night dresses drawfrs and chemisea in pbdn fane and embroidered of any material tinu bonnets ana all klnda of millinery gooda ladies bows and ilea uenlt and youths bowitle soarfi shirts and drawers in great variety just imported n very hsndsou e assortment of he newest slyles uf london tin crs and scerfs which lor real beauty in shades daslgns and qualitl s cannot be surpassed while i hoy are being sold at the same profit ns general dry gools which makes them much liner hun usual prices lis makas or shirt fronts nnd dickies sell well ho makes shirts froi 74c lor nloe white iliiils up nl80 lor ibe very beat which have a uliulously large sale 27 j dot o beautiful frerob cambric rejiatluiind while shirts aije being mode ntjils actary now which vlll complete a ttoak big enough for a wholesale bouse he also does laboratdby 77w3dsunewyorkcity a good busfceoj la making gents dressing gowns ffamllton april 2j 1879 tha luuul liuubb 30 and 32 king street oast hemlltn olose to hughson street thomas c watkiists hamilton b haslett irqt aek- tbe utile travellers trtwt one diy u lcatcrcd a railway carriage to go cp to lcadon i aiw a little boy pc ftcc eiht or uiiw yean of age tiituic cc cocucr thoagh alont he did not ti a airaid he hail a bright ialeuijcafc eys aad tt lvifc aa hit mac opea coijatea aa my boy i ii to him qz are f 03u traveller aad nest hare ttartai 4a yosr joarncv cirij- tia nwcoijig j vet tir he replied hu face betaxug with a befcitchicjr smile yet sir the tint tria beciate i aax fica to nr fue hipi jss tritclic hr t i isiat i hirs 5e from wickley he aosircr- ed i and do voa not fl rcrr dall being all ciooe j ko sir aatirotcg ta my father jest then we daihed iaia the tcnnej and ray littie corapanioc not expecting tho sad din rlineafromiight to darkness started com the window at which ae had i beea ataoling t ah t said iteeyott are afraid- af poing tlmisgh these tconf u- xo he jnickly rejoined i ant cat afraid i tassels or anything because t am gcieg u rny ftlher chenroarettoyocr joarncysend whit will von dot i aininoifcfbr father bat londipb it a rery batr citr and therwili l niany people on the atattin piitforcl ites sir bat father will know tie aaioatt erer to man7 people and ishi ji know him bet how i year father hlmv ahoalov get lost in that strange bij pltee oh father knows ths ray tir and ie will be tare to take me all right to mr new hoiae blesied little erangelitt i caid in mr iheart yoare wwer tha yoa knoa aad jan teach me a dxtine ieasja whydioiid i not he happy and trustlal as i travel on lifes oamey it too tin going to my father in all inf work may i look for him and amidit all lifes besj- concerns hive the tame rcst ia his wisdom and care belierinc ti tat ha knows the wy i thonld go snd till taldj leadline home a ohaap offar previous- to entering the iulut a clergyman had received from ono of his elders who was deaf a notice to the ef- fct that lhataficnioon lie would have the new sandajschoo book ready to tell to ail who desired hem afterjtii- serraoa tlio cfrgrman began the noico of the baptismal te rrice thus all those having children and esiruig to have theat baptised will bring them this afternoon at this point tli- deaf elcjer beaiing tho menliai of childrea suiial it was something in refercno to his book and raising said and all of thosn having none and desiring them will be supplied by mo for the sum of twenty sire coats rachl i karar hid tiim a woman put herself in the hands of a boston dertistto have her teeth reorganized he found them in a very bud plight and asked her why she had allowed them to become so decayed without coming us hjui or some othr dentist sho reilijthat she had not had time but he insisted it would not have taken long and rou coald have soma ia almnat any tunei she saw that he was bent ua in ex il anation and she fired thii at him like a cannon bill vell 1 gueast if you had had a biliy even- yetr fur the lat ten yean you would think it wns about enough to tend to fie acfcnowleugol tint he should slioold the girls propose of course they should leapyeir or no leap year a girl should proposa to bar young man on sunday evening that he go home before two oclock ilooday morning and not come to see her more than cix nights a week that he spend mure money for clothes than for btukrds and less for clothes than be earns that he awear off imbibing cloves between acts and stop partioe his hair in the middle she should pioposepro she thatis well this being leap year there is one other thing sle might propose but it has entirely slipped ourmemory it may occur to her however before it does to us ttouin axxciuvcfro the citf j xksftot acton nutf viclithv that he ttaajllataiiiututh nltnuw iuolllta well aelrcted ktork or drycqods groceries crockery- glassware an hat he is prepared to tell at the most reasonable price for c h tfnd would respectfully solicit a abate of their patronage cooktey produce takeksix lxciuxue remember be xeh store mill st east aotoa b haslett jetoapw 35th 1 scott fe bownes palatable castor oil ii pcrauxd ta i fenn pcrlccdy tsrceille o cld- fn ana tnott tautitc perweu- 1 a ia tunulacturc thcptopenieibf uwpatjiu preducs paiaadpri- ryarirtcliiniritted ijitiuu zendatd not only- rani jjmtfjeitint ia tu ictioa but abtoluiclr utcla tad pakuble fi prcctseaendy the naal uu- tirt ind aifunj tneva iad u m remedy tor cos- litteut coottjpjikki md ill lafeuulil dcruft menu ft fi imecujjlcd ind a drxtned to take ih piicc of crude ul uti ail imiic p2u nod parxx- cto for cis- by all doiii4t rj ccnttt 1u- tic doul till to txrtl while vio live live well j t bak e asto k r acton has conitartly on has a full stock of firstclass bread buu oilua eisiuitj oaaisstloajry and toliciu k fir ahari of e pat rons gu of ite public jjt kast0k koticelaii pertons indelijedlo the ulxive li iilereeallanluieluilraeeiaiiu remtinlierldc iluat i tell lor ah aii iliai oalv jt kastox only mljfipiiiral paper prkted akd published ik the xjomixton kow ix its secoxd volume unparalleled success 7 kewand improved form t6 pages j only ona dollar per year i nassaaaweti l xt mb e e shikclemills peter sayers fdum lruitiilc cual h ta on hld it lilt lumber- uath and shinole3 cfstutlndtsuijquxnuca xo- 1 suinklcs la30 ijer square bill stuff cct to order the largest and most complete factory in tie dominioa hoxl ooi highest honors ever awarded to any pallor in tho world acton otc 2 trmscash afeteu kayetls tlteraeabond sage an old man of very active physioe nomy answering to the name of john wilmot va brought to th police court his cothes looked as if they might have been boaghtaecond hand in hia yonthful prime foe they had safiered more trom the nibs o the warld than he had f what business t kane int tcareller a tagaboud perbatjaf youre not far wron travel and vagabonds are just about the sice thing tha difference ia that that the ikfcter travels- without money and the former without brains where have you traveuect all over the continent for what parposa i oiisertation what have you observed f a little to commend much to pen hire and a great deal to laugh at humph what to commend t a handsome woman who will atay at iome ao clocjuent preacher that wie preach abort aermota a good writer that will not write too much and a fool that haa sense enough j to h sld hia tongue what do jjou oensure 1 aman thjit marries a girl fori her fine clothing ft youth who studies j and the people who elect a tricksterto office what do youiaugh att i kagh a a man who expects his position to command tbatrcapect which hia personal qiialifjcatiohs and qaalities do not merit he was discharged r m f once upon a time a certain mad got mad at theeditor and stopped his paper the next week hesold his corn at four cents below the market prices then bis property ni sold for faxes because he didnt read the sheriffs sales j if e was arrested and fined 88 for going hunting on sunday j and he paid 300 for a lot ot forged note hat had lieen advertised two weeks and the piblic cautioned not to negotiato them he then paid a hig irishmao with a foot lice a forge hammsr to kick him al the way to ibe napaperoffica when he paid four years subscription in advmce and made the editcr sign an agreement to knock him down and rob him f he ever ordered hia paperaiopped again such if life witliont newspaper olaama of oold he who talks but litk may be su tpected of knowing mote than he says he who makes an idol of lis interest will make a martyr of hia integrity whatever multiplies the ties that bind man to man makes him better and happier the man who allows a danbr i e ma between him and hia honesty hu taken the srat step towards evil if you let trouble ait ripon your soul like a ben upoaher neat you may ex- pect the hatching of v lrgb brood the mind is depraved by the society of the low it rises equality with equds ind to distinction with tha distinguish ed lemon juice used as a gargle is said by a finch physician to be a specific against diptheria and similar throat disease ararice knows no god but gold no happiness but gain no fear but loss nf wealth end no friendship that has not a profit in it the more honesty a man has the lees he affects the air of a saint the affection of sanctity is a blotch en the face of piety we are to relievo the distressed put tha wanderer into hia way and nisride oar bread with the hungry whichts bat the doing of good to ourselves timidity creates cowards and never wing success it is a strong and abid ing faith in ones ability to perform that overcomes difficulties that othere thought could not be surmounted there isnsatufactiocin the thought off- faavinrjdoiie rhat we icndw o be right and there is a discomfort amount tng often to hitter andremorseful gony in the thought of having done what conscience tells na to be wrong the innocence of childhood consist nvif iu tectitude of inclination but in incapacity for the commission of evil the vivacity of children hi always charming because it is always sincere a grave child is a rose without frag rance the twotnoat precious thtngs on thia side of the grave are our reputation atid oar life btiif it is to be lamented that tho most i oobtenipuble whibjier may- depriye ua dj he one and the weatcesc weapon of che other awise man therefore will be more anxious to deserve a fair name than to possess it and this will teach him so to live as not to be afraid to die fob kckber8 kumbers a sfouui e31 pacs a vear 332s columns for one dollar vvoteti enccf ta afrialrafc ha s j dtir ptnrf lie apiit hotaetizi aj e pexiuinz t a faro beta obi o door aad io taxi ila weealr cosoerail reports isd pncea arc fcrralaaua f toe eatnorvnirr tncixu thlt parier hat net with lta dxricj the ptg year tuajt can viijd ia the n owraal- aai of cieadt or uie united suuct aureeciffof ableaed pnclul wrtten are ea- fised asd cocrctpcicnce cf a raluiiie natere ippeartirccthrfrka ifr car lubkribcrt la ken scscia in e ease and hhui ccrrnrri ia lie ueti sajipii3 copie3 1bjee printed aad pubiahel a the wrzirrf steaai prias- oc home ecii tfwl 13 br x b colcock proprieur t p page editor addrat caxadiax farjter dneeh tvtniad0ns c t hzihl -folt- groceries if roa want a cond and eueaptrtlcte in tccij syoca jijm slut ir iii- wwder iteasji enrara srups spices and tobaccos qlall jtiiuu fbehsi avd sweet i3 li7ert sale board 8 tables mill street aqton is where you can get firstclass higs at reachable rates good commercial eigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and delivtr goods to any part of the town alt parties indebted to this es tablishment are requested to pay up without farther delay and aare costs edmattnevs proprietor m- attention i attention i oennlne ilarnerg bazaar pat terns full suits only 3 cents 8tbaw ahd felt hats asd boxyrrs doss ovra ric all the ca3t sttixs t e hpass wishes to ik fobsltbe laulesofaclonandvfelhllv tbat sao baa lately learnt the rrench medeof jcutflnb and fittfng and is now prepared to give even crmtsr sfttlafaotlon than fonnsrl wedding nnd funeral floweis embtjnird dresses and jackets catena a perfect fit guaranteed hi a reasonable price t for rlylf sh and cheap bale and bonnets 9jj tj- jfrse hpsss 15 8tuoontes8qare loelph hard sy are of all jcixids paints and oils hinges and locks nails glass k putty salt br 0 t the barrel all cheap for cash oo to- fillls i mill street acton organs sewinc machines robt acton ii prepajredtb can on pertwni requiring eltlier j scwlnff machines or organs he has- agencies kkom the best rontiaraclnrers irutweonntry nnd will ganrnnife kuiufhctton to vurchamr term vry rooitoblo onier left at bi rcaldanco orndurpii8td toblm to acton po will receive prompt attention b chaine udnl and diylama al ctnicnuial p 1876 fgrilcdiil and diploma at sidnty amfralia 1877 63t7ow medal al prurinaal iiliilian toronto l 1878- qtucjlud akirj al lnduslriu1 ecmtion turvnla 1879 cures ltbasxftlxz1 dtspeptfa lver distant ftvrr tgtu wumna- him dropsy atari ourate btuountrcrtoiuimiluyeu thsbastsshedy zn0w ts han oooo xtors nivs solo sixce wo 9000000 bottles j this byrvp possesses varied ttrpcrlte it rtliaautm the pjtrauae v- flltw ttfaictrrru ilwturrh bmi tcla xo4 fst mjrlflcamu a4desmrm tytfh eaissm wind odflawrla fthfswl idttm lomarb if fl bbwdletoe tnkrm imoerfw nttly afssr eatlm lite ftstifofniua offjod la prereeled lraru vpoa issu ffrrr ituru opa ibe kmnrr il acvlalr ihe bftweu it portia tbc nid 1 qoleti ifro rnronflrtcstak ii promote zmessilrtt ic noarfaibr htritgibem ima1inlfmttt- it aurjut ottlbe ou bload ad micm fw it traces fb pflirsrftbo kta dimioti daiuir pertpiniud- it ecnjczei iht hexritttrj titct cr paikr in qt blood wtich cseniei strtrfnulitsripelaa mttd all ofiiindjeomtiidiqia we are now manufacturing square and upright best in- the market correspondence solicited j send for iuuptrawd catalogue mailed pre addreslj domirilom organ company e0wmau7ille ontario cuauer of liin diemitivltoinlbocsbi tbcn tn no iplriu emplored m its mimrfacrafi end u cube uten bttbsmoct 6 iate bib or by qt svroi od foetfla cart miy uif njinddm unties ta dirtdinu jsics tf usss eomss noc p2k2 0ssuaus0toles si rad tha vouurtrary testimonials cf persons who hara been cured by tin umofthablooopuriner cares erysipelns mtkorest wellington coont can dais siat iwas severely afflieled with ertsipelas jpr two years and a snort trial ot your indiad blood sirup eftectusiflfieured me mrs janet andekson liver complaint mt forest welbngtbn coonrcad daia u i have used jronrtffat indian blood syrnjriffr user com- plaint and hare receive great benefit therefrom i recommend us use to all similarly afflicted nelson cahtt grand mw goods wit stewart co beg to announce a irand openlnit ofetery department special drives in itew parasols from 25cts and hilk umbrellas at customary low prices we have secured some very cneip a fash lines or dres goods we show a choica se fe u nu n wtn ax niumatarb well assorted just received one gross more of these i oneapi table napkins at 75 cents per dbz i linens hate so adjanced that we cannot repeat them j pjr felt hatis are acknowledged the cheapest and newest slyles every gentleman in vited to call and examine our clothing department is in full blast kobby new itweeds and cheap i iwm stewart go to paemepws thqs gowdt go a manufaotctrees of tj3e szlstgxse reaper ii and oowdys ideletirated gang plow i ralso- chilled jointer plows general pnrpose steel mould board plows mowers rakes tanninsr mills tninlp jseed drills f lawn mowers sc c oiw us a qall tjafore purchasing elewhere i prices lower than fcvkr it ii important to farmers to knoic that uahave purdaa4 thi utaitoflen qoutit son and can urmsft parts for and alto repair anu im- tlement4 manufactured ty that firmjr thosiqowdy st co disease of the stomarh ml turret wellington countcan dsae sir this is tooerttrj tlmtyinr valuahla indlnn blood sj mpcured maofcrauips inihc stomach i vv s curbow- bes medicine 1 have ever csed lynville norfolk co onf dcitsia 1 have used a great many melicinei but it better medicine than your indian ttlood syrnp cannotbe made it islhe boat blood iurifierever used i petek wabel cousuniptjon windham center dear starr 1 cannot find language to lully eapress the praise khicb in jgmtt- lude 1 would utter tor the benefits x- haje reccired from your excellent indian blood syrup it has done what doctors could nottlo or failed todo 1 was suffering with consumption for a long time hearr cough pain in chest shoulder and back and jour indian blood sjrnp has worked a perfect trirucle 1 would fecommena allto give it a trial j ym cussmuaull dyspepsia aylmer elgin co onti sia i have til ed your remedy lor dyspepsia arid recommet d it to alt jies juhn fakthlno 1 k valuable medicine sat i hare used your blood sjrnp and fouud it a wonderful and taluble medicine mri bjetsby eeditrd aylmer tnt splendid remedy for dyspepsia siri have used your indian bipod- synip and caused it to be used in several cases of ilyapapaia and found it to be a splendid remedy tv w whitk aylmer ont fonnd as recommended v hsa 1 have used vour indian blood syrnp lor dyspepsiaand found it to be as recommended joan woiuetjp aylmer ont an agents testimony aylineij otjt sia i haveosedand sold the indian blood syrnp and find it the beat rem edy in use lor dyspepsia and as a blood purifier j itofibh shenmatlsni 6ia i have been troobled with kheu- matism for a grt many years your indian blood syrnp is the only one of many jtmedles thai did me any good 1 reoomrpend it to all j alasciti chisaoui kenyon glengahy co ont dyspepsia and indlkesueiii su i yonr indian blood sjtnn has oured me of dyspepsia aadlocugea- tion it has also eeotually ouied my reifeot same disease lhtlijouirao coatham ont t ji 8oiooeierlaiulcttoajf4j noetheop a ltman no 31 trout st voirt totojao mother noblfsheauwl an english i8joyery which u well aalfssssa- jii assjjy ii fn ahrij a1 il i ii i 1 m vl ouhonfejss er khrouglrout lh wom vve r