Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1880, p. 1

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c55rwki5w5 jsjs3srpp ybmiwb itiifjipfessr jcvert tdursdxl ilorxlkg hi p mooeh editor proprietor at tat psk irtn sovst kent dooria melliodiit church mi srccj 1 irfori of traits the fsr puss will be sent to f ibscrilxra postage paid for jll per an- t unrtn advance j iso if not to jud ko i apcr discontinued till all arrears arc paid sccpt at uic oriiun of the publisher vprctnstxj 1utc casual advertise- i tculs f cents per line for the first tnscr- iffl ai 2 cents per lino for each subse quent insertion casil professional cards 0 lines or less jlcv1 per annum inquire 2 lines sjotl pef annum payable iu g oaths from date of inscrtiou any secial oliee tie object of which is to pronioic ic pecuniary indent of any individual or raqianv to be considered an advirtisc- tcot the number of lines rcckouod by he space occuocdincamrud bv a scale of jolil xeapiwii chstrict cites te ealnmnoti year aftec httireotrau one cr sitk 0uaror column one rear tu err chimin ut moothc sro tlalrevtimuiltmunlhr 00i otiarutcoiatuntlkcionttis 1200 u iealatuuureematlh c 330 talccojutnn lkrcmonilis i2j latter column three moulds tol tvcrusmem wlilim cieclne czlreettors tit b inserted llllf irtildatilclisrctdaecord- thclr transit adrtrtjktuinik mntc be piuulaadvatxc charges for cunltrt auvcrtlscmrnts must 14 in ve office oy 9 r in an murulavr ollier- tim tuey mrlll be tin over uu the lolloirinc tet tt p mooee kjuor a proprietory this p8ppb eirlefictoaflcitgeop i rua rrrcn cmin co cintw 14- cflrtlsiagbarwuk bprvoefilvwhcrf acwrdirr matrix eartxtisi tutu ik kew vottk- scsiyxss ijjssctosr trr h lovry 51 is it cp s jt t graduate of trinity college mem- lcr of coieo of physicians and surgeons osce and residence at the head of fred c rick st- actoa -h- kcgarvix- x b ji c p s i gfsds- f victoria college rod- j corner of mill and frederick streets consultation daily from 8 to u m and bbebeab terms00 n adyaneo t hie ncirtimim a uaj of outy lift itt voliuie v ino 40 fluctuation and hi vatt ccwwc 160 if not to paid aot ont thursday may 18 188q whole no 265 wo must have bread s sir xnliais pssr ui as ivr o b e nicklin baktrs coxfecrioners cjbxek uaix i- illllstttlxr actok beg u intimate that tliey are prepared to sniply the village surrounding oooiitry with very best of bread bixs cikesv pastby axd oonpeotipnery bread delivered wliue thinking those isrho have farored us with their jtitroasge ia tho pist e scilicet a contiutuiice of tho time uid will wrelajuie uuwcuiiloiucrs flour feed store i tiac ji jtryiy0r iqiis davis ppo- fpriytui land surveyor civil engineer rki ehuchtsman of guelpli is prepared jt aitlto all surveys in acton and vicin- i tv orders left at j e ifegarvins druff pore acton wih be promptly attended to t t t- utds billneids sua circulars of every usrriptinneiccutcd neitiy attheacfcd ticz piess oficc the best local papertif hsiuvj co j jd satnzsox attorkey-at- nr solicitor m chancery ic office ciilt djor to wsiuces hotel jiqtoh ice cream parlor we have now oncnoj oar let ociir piploii ttal will always be papjxu to supply pare i co crvam fruit driuks fniit to icy crvjoii tupplicil y tho quirt if diaiivd a cdj solicited bcfc e nickux lawson bros tqqwwpctfuuy infurm tha poopla oc acumxiivlcmiutualiticynaivaop4n- cdtutti iwuiupc oppouour mc- garihs resldetice flour and feed store and tlikepronktanlroabanda i full slock or flour of allhxdsinctadin family flour cuokwheat hour uraham floor si e kh 8 cora ileal oat ileal- cracked wheit bran coarse fchorts fine shortf chopped peas chojiei uata slued chops oats and peas and all kinds of feed uinally kept in a hratclasa store the teaykluees ufs aad aocidsstt ins co of hartrartl conn wrtle evtrvltilhc vlnble la tde way of lufutid aceitteul inurdce it lister ii clark barrister quebec street gaelph bexvca oetice i billttir balldlk mill street xrtan 20reia orcx eteei feidjtrti sites irst sccatt7 uasuaticad anzpje tloostt mlc iritltttie lmlnlon ua lor uic secuifty of canadian tollcy iloideis paid up cah capiul s gf0 km 00 grass asseu 479s 07 74 toial lubilitiej- 3511734 37 horplus to policy holders isgm337 jajies jlaltuevys agent acton ont qgall gwl ihlirrrcdio any jvirt of tin villutje u tmm ordered a cult it rcjvtfdlg mlieittd law80m bros acton jan li isol tj fishek v gcoegetowx a ont will visit acnever wedne- dy and rill attend to all calls pertaining xo his pruf essioa ordersleftat licgarvins lirn store irill rtceie prompt attention ternismodtrite i tj fisher w l heilstreet censed auctoiieer for the countks of wellington and hallon cidtrieji at the fctepcess osce acton or u my residence in rociwood vcill be pcumptiy to patents for eyextiqxs espe- iiiijrsit and properly secured in can- tdx the ciiited stiles niid europe pa ttnt gtiiranteedj or no chc send for printed hitrccuane agency in operaticn ten vears j hexrtobist gttawa canada jrvuicil engineering solicitors bf pa- tesssj end draugh frri olrr rmirnojrc jestv proprietor the netwhotel is fitted op ia firsthiss style with new fnrni- ct commercisl xrsveuers will find good accotntnodatiog ahd cammodioas sample egorns- special atientioepiid to the wants tsl travelling public 3jar supplied with the fcest of liquors and qgars sood stabl ing and attentive hostlers- royal mcchaxge hotjil arioi jascampbedlpryprietor jlrcamp- bei late of the rossin house near gtli station taee pleasure in announcing to his raanythd friends and patrons that he has recently purchased refitted the royal eichane in the neatest and most oomfort- ahle style and is prepared to accommodate all who may fator him m the most com- fbrtable manner choice wjnes liquors gigars nj cool summer drinks always in ssocx stable ia charge of an attentive hostler the patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited and no effort wlllbe scired to give the very best attention rxash for sktxs i am prepared to pay the iiighest ash price for hides calfsiins deacons lamb ahd sheep skins delivered at jny tannery lacleathcr constantly- on hand jakes 3tcwee acrox tj ujps poifps puhps tv e adams manufacturer of superior vtell and cistern pumps which will be put in on ehort notice eepairitis protnptly done furniture made and repaired charges moderate also saws- filed and 6ft give him a call shop on frederick street opposite dr lowrys residence weadaits- m over to coax 11500 to losttou firafrclrts farm secarity at a reasonable rite of interest apply to hp uo0ee at feze pcisa omce acton 4kcihbaiv1 uutpeg for sewin itachine and general repairs f the georgetown xovelty worfci aecif- elddell tf kiia st georgetown rtttakles cajtteeost main st acton aeentfor thebeu orcan manufacturei bysfsara w bell cv gaelph orders left it lis cesidencf will receive prompt at- tentioj for particular see adv onother aide give him a trial j ceas caiteak ieea07jsmat canada laaii bahkikc compaky savixcs jiaail coaxna of sjutta xkd vucc sts hakilto 1st six er cert citcrcst pali oatsc- pssitfi cf 51 ui cprzls safest axd best security board of directors dj b chisholic eqpcetident wit kebss esq of joti d vdle co bar- i llngion vtrprefidrnl jjv kceitbcrgh u- hamilton hcgk krnttayesq hatnlunn tifixas klkcirae eq selwn ci juus laxibrton- nort orkvan eit uitmlltan rlkctlnnolk ekj oatvliie tt3itkecuax si l k sgkirris itd c ksuw e iliicacr cotton ktllc ifuilu i i moiuy to loan oa eul eal ia turns co cult birrotcerg audon eaty feriat jctfis e open erery wtefcday iroia 9 mto 5 pm u dextek hamurer auj 11 lsts cm dominion boot i shoe store etffteysotf jiais street actox would tnumxte to ue peap of acton and turrxixndln outtry uitu lhy are uow recelviuc their riprlec suct of boots and shoes whlcli wiu be foant to eoniut ol an mortment sajariarla zctarial quality ii strlc e stamfistuxa to any ktuct twretarote received laacoa everythirig sold gjiaeay for cash gustoaiworls repairing la our custom and kpdnng oepart- ment we are prepurvh to execute all orders entrusted to wt hr most satis factory mariner nothing buc the best malwial rued in ttie shop a call solicited seanej soa acton jtarch 4th 1880 mortijake not the farm- tho farmar family frugal wife mka oao ioduttriouc hand from year to year they toil and iavc little to keep on hand xo patl up jride cin tbda coaace new failiumf yield nochariti their rule k uy itltt vour mean aud mortgaga not thncactn economy with care jnd tact tlieir cuiefett daily ruled iq ipendiaf livia ir ia drcu down to tho finnuirliwl j th hoyi dont patson afre nar in their bcoadclothi itruj alxmt x6rdauglirt ia tbtir ttllci parade they feel cement without no dollar vithoat cans it apat by either wan or wife ko not one cmtiv latory bat needful tliiact of iife awhile fred and si yjaad dick ahd kate each bcrid a williug arm to add unto their wealth aad keep the mortgarfl off the farm and not a few have hardtntp tharcd when adrcrae fortane frowned they toiled and cared uway they reat wealth haj their labor irawl aak their eipericucc they will tell wonis we diould noi fort wed toaaer ridu in the od x cart than sink the farm in debt yet fanner trxia your iom to wort if not to hold the plow to earn an boa cat livelihood though sweat rolls from their hrow teach them to give whatcr they make twill never do them harm bat keep tho sheriff from the doorthe murtkxge off the firm harness haltness aej- person in want bf x good sett cf hameas either single ou double t shtind citl it r creech saddlery whf re they can jet better value for their money than anrrlacetn the counly a coop ass02tkest or trunks nd valises dn haudj all of which will be sold cheap for cash j6jeep airing prorabtlr attended to i hobt ceeecs yctonfebm7 st0vs4stcv cheap 5000 customers wahted this week ax tkx cestex1v boot shoe store you cls icr bettze sqqts axa ssqes a3cd crr betteebakcalxs tn acton than to go away frnm home to raojca your parcnaes call at weivewdsmme and cqocmg ceewsons oornbrs f prepared to do all kinds of wultewasvitxg colobikc on the shortest notice and atseasonatua rates leave youroeiiebi at the tsxe peess office acton r 8 clotliliiff cleaned ben- or8ted wjfjteises at j c hills a large stoekfifall scarf of sto ves jutt received manufactured of vie ltd quality oflrortthejintil fiuujt and it mott htruuoni stove in lie vtarlrt cook stoyes of all ihet at hit eery haac pricet avxlltdiclciuockof tinwabe always on hand s ave rso ttflheta ass spe0ia1tie3 and vau it catdcd m tlteihariat notice co a l oil a goad itoct of tuptrior quality dieap 00 us aot s3s tas touassltss j c hill september wthlsts new butcher shop vsoala intlmats lo tile peoptftotaeton that ue baa purcbaed tue buioherhusiueasulely carrltdou by mr ft story and lhal be ha always oh hand a llrstiau stoea of beef poek jlxjitoir saqsage fish ia fee and dopesby strict attention lo business to secure a fair share of the palronaes of the ptiic meatdeuveredatanrumotoansr partofthetown icatabolicxreo adah cook as eauit etde ife did kot exjot i aiwajs coveted a coanttv life said ilr pierce pounccfordto ilia friend ir genn who had come o ec him in his netr coauty home andras now about to depart for kcw iotlc some thing to sweet and rustic about it you know rcsca and now made hay aud straw lierriea and all that sort of thing siiuply deliglitful sir s mily delijht ful i thalf rail th place gvdar grove when i dat my letters to my fiitnda vnure entry on tlic r life pounceford cheerily glenn with bold bauds n his iovkei every man lias a hide en mania on some subject they say and yours is the country see those tulip beds cried pounce- ford too eager to pay much attention to bis 0 uiradvs mora moderate phrases and the gooselietry busliea and jus observe yonder aural shaded walk i dare aay it leads down to lie riverside what a placa that will be to suioku ni cigar in eh i and to develops fever and ague and all those other delightful tjofesibilt- ties well good evening puunceford n1 i gicl y j 0 ypnr pw pur- ilgectof rami ttckeied iir cbaset excuse my abruptness but i dont want to lose the train ir pierce pouncefurd stood looking after tho retreating footsteps of bis frteud for a minute or two he wkk a short compactlybuilt littlefellow wilh ruddy ctietks closely sliaycnface and a bald sjjot on the top of his head wbila lis keen blue eyes had still tho brightness f fervor and youth notwithstanding the five and forty years during which they had con teibplated the tins and enormities of life in cjolhatn but hannilylhere was to be no more of that sort of thing ha had sold one his stock goodwill leisa and fixture und wo now resolved to end his days in tha blissful companionship of na ture for lr pounceford albeit ho was an inveterate old bachelor bad yet a liberal infusion of the romantic element in his disposition j know shall enjoy it in spite of all gienna croaking asiv mr pouncd- a fourleafed i distant note a nightingale ford stopping to gather clover aud wondering if he heard in the air wan oraaowl r jenkins sad he fo the infirm old man be had installed as gardener was that a bird that noise i mean i lawk a masaey sir jsaii jenkins rheuuiatically looking up its the bam door acreakin on its hinge- oh said mr pounccwrd somewhat discomfited bat im quite sure thats a botolinkj jenkins inni it 1 bless your heart sirjsaid jenkins with an asthmatic imitatn of a laugh thems the frogs apipin iip them is ah indeed well well i shall learn all these things alter a while the first wooing infbv new hoaae was a little dull to be sre but one eouleint eipect the whiriot city dissi pations at a plaoe like cedar grove and mr pounceford rose before dawn to wko a walk by the rif ec shore how i do enjoy this sort of tiling said mr ponnceord la bimsef a after k brisk walk of nearly a quarter of a mile he foaad himlf on the very verge of his estate to aecluded spot where lie rirer shone bu e through the bushes and a miniature thicket of wild roses scattered pink petals over the grass like a crimson snowstotui as the thought passed through his mind there was a rustling ia the bushes two men stepped into tho little glade aud the first mr pouucefordknew he k was seiied aud dragged to tho road side where a slotit wsgou was in wait ing murder i shrieked mr pounceford at the tonof his voice murdti i thieves i fire felony help help help shout away said the tailor of the two men as he complacently took the reins it wont do no good you wont net away not a second time what on fcirth do you mean de manded mr pouncelord i oh yoare asly un said his cap tor dont let go his arm hiram whatever you do i is this a reo oountry f hotly da- inauded ponuceford i ot course it is assented the chair- oteer then how dare you assault tne thus ill have tha law on you for daring to molest a peaseahlsi uiuu on bis own grounds stop the vehicle thiainslaut ajid let me get out j be easy now be easy soothed hi companion theres no earthly usr iu getting excited keep a tight hold on hiiu hiram ita near on to the full of the moein 1 the full of the oioon t slowly re peated mi pouncoford poat have i to do wilh the moon full or other wise r oh nothing nothint of course answered the man only folkis o your lriks is apt to be rtther murei difhcult to niauagi about that time geeup djiiv of my sfrik 1 why what do you take me for v a very ecceutrick old gentleman answered the man thrusting his tongue in his cheek do you know who i am li exactly youre mr darid whip ple j i am no such personage indignant ly disclaimed pounceford as well as he cquld for the jolting of the wagba i am pistce pounceford i and ill make you rue this business j oh ves ironiclly responded the man and you were his royal if ighncaa and to morrow youll be cbiiawpher columbns or pontius pilate himself for all i know now just you stop talkin it ouly makes you worse and e liaveuc time to talk j are you mad v sternly aaksd mr pounceford i no i aint but you be ir j mr pouncefords blood ran cold and the hideous thought glanced linta hia mind could this be some freak of that inveterate practical joker glenn i come come my men he said trying to speak jocosely i dare say this is all a very good jokc but its gone just far enough heres a five dollar bill slop the vehicle and lets part iu afriendly way no you dont answered the charioteer grinning coarsely youve got away onoe butyou wont again- gat away from where v gaspd mr puuun cut j apu tu ux mo and more bewildered fiotn the asylum to be sure i never waa inaa asylum in all my life cried pounceford tell that to the marines was the gruff reply come now be quiet or iucup the strait waiecoatjon you tou wouldt like that i know pale and horrid founwfijrd sul sided into silence i was it poasible that a freebord american could be deprived of his liberty without the possibility of appeal could a man be proved crazy no matter how resolutely he might plead aifcst it i waa it a mistake or worse a deep laid plan of malice and mischief i at all events he could cry out for helpand he did so most lustily as a team approached bun coming in an other direction j the uipou facedold farmer who droye it checked up his horses j hollo he cried answering pounce- fcrds ahont whats the matter v help cried mr pounceford help i am kiduapyed i am being dragged to a madhouse j dont ye trouble about him said the man called hiram to the farmer its only a poor cteeter escaped onto the asylum day before yesterday and weve just succeeded in capturing him hes a little dbstropalous naturally ye see but bless your heart hell rober down fast enough when he sees folks dont lake no notice of him well said he farmer i feel for he poor creator but i dont knows ive any call to interfere i its the duty of every man to inter fere in a just cause shrieked mr pounceford but the farmer drove by without stopping to hear the end of his remonstrance the damp sweat broke out on his forehead a deadly terror came over his mind was he actually tobe immured in a j lunatic asylum through some fearful mistake i r he recalled hidooos stories that he had heard of men who by companion ship with crazed creatures j however muxe they themselves might originally have been did at luttlose their senses and become like the raving maniac who surrounded them he wondered if the frightful laics of croelty prictie ed towards the iinane were true bje utslstjbs an h5nejt muolni iuonsw 4i- isjumkaamtamittt of tb fa of tha mb tut mm payar in uut txrctt ttjitif his step was weary hlioyetmdibu that somthlnf ariea waa takin the vim a had ibakaawra omf the pit tf tie for three long yean he had not paid for the papar which be and bl laittily had ked biaiself if he had really lookejl f laat upon the lvan beauties ol 1 by a ihetlj hi cedar grove if- a this inouient anoljier wsggoi overlook them a wagon driven by bard featured man with two o sitiiugbehiod hallo t cried hiram with a broad grin of recognition is both dnyers drew rein r weve jjol him shouted the driver of mr tttiiuoef irda coveyance no you haiut neither snarled the other man weve got him hard aud fast and a precious time jveve had cacuiu hiui he- ran tike a bare blessed if he didnt i never got so near lilowed iu my life aiore thats all gammon cried hiram contemptuously this ores the chap youre a liar politely answered the other dye spose i dout know dave whipple when i eehim aud ihe lias had keepiu o him these eighteen months f hirams countenance fell then were got ourselves in a protty- fir ho said lolling go mr pouncefords mi i lieg your pardon sir im hure lull sposed o coura you waa dave whipple f never sen lim uiyself bat the description wis like rounvaad and you kno- broke in he driver mistakes will hapiien md ihopeyou wont take uot offnce and twin a rale geodemau fiu wott see us poor felhws loose our reward because you didnt happen lo he mr puuuceford sprang indignantly out of the vehicle which had been to hint what the falsi tumbril was to the doomed prisoner of the french berolu tion wont 1 though he gasped dj you supposed am idiot enough to pav you yes absolutely to pay you for jepriying me of my liberty -foriusult- iug me for frighteniug me nearly oat of rar senses i and away be went for home never even stopping to glance at the unfor tunate lunatic wbose identity had been mabsurdlycinfused with hia own it a as a long walk over a dusty road and the hotjuneann waanetly inolerable long ere mr pounceford reached the cedar grove he was thoroughly disgusted with the couutry such an abominable outrageous outlandish thing couldnt possibly have happened in new yore said mr pounceford o himself ill go back to town and be did much to the amazement of mr glenn who could not compre hend this sudden change for his fnend didjnot choose to tell the story which would have placed him ia a somewhat ridiculous light he ha gone back to hia old quarters and cedar grove is to let r tough on the fish a devout clergyman sought every nipnrtnnity li impreiw rpn i inn mind of his son the lact that- god takes care of hia creatures that the falling spar row attracts his attention and that his loving kindness is over all his works happening one day to see a crane wading in quest of food the good mm pointed out tojhis son the perfect adaptation of the crane to gethis living in that tninner see said he how his legs are formed fot wading what a long slender bill he his observe how nicely he folds his feet when put ting them in and drawing them outjof the water he does not cause the slightest ripple he is thus enabled to approach the fish without giving theni aay notice of his arrival my son said he it is impossible to look at that bird without recognizing the gooduess of god in thus providing the means of subsistence yes replied the boy i think i see the goodness of god at least so far as the crane is con cerued but after all father dont you ihiuk the arrangement a little tough on the fish f not that kind of a oradlt j that wis a sharp retort msde by a lady teacher in one of the cohoes schools to one of theschool commissioners a short timeago the commissioner had been elected in the interest of reform and his perpetual hobby was the reduc tion of teachers salaries the lady re monstrating against further reduction said to enforce her argument that they could not live on less as they were idle so long daring vacation in the summer time you should do as my brother- in law does said the commissioner he teaohee school in the country and daring vacation earns hia living by cradling we would gladly oradte too waathearcb reply but it ia neo- essary first to get hmbannv there was no farther tali of oaduetion on that occasion so th devil of conscience bad bothered his head and at his poor coaadaace had gnawed j with wikiug dreams ttai aa night were worn rill ha walked sboit a portable cone he could stand it longer and to tether day 1 he stajgjjsred ia with his 8 fall of pay that nick he slept sweetly kit paosc was paid v and tbe drrnsee that haunted bis iife waa laid the cogethit taaeove- hit once hanard ptis since b paid or his cwner was lomelhinr like this liter raytas phils prayer there are i great many peopln in their religion that remind me ol uncle phil a pious old darkey of the old times ia texas well phil wks a fervent christian with a great gift of prayer he attend ed all the saturday night prayer meet ings on the neighboring plantation and could praymouder and longer than any of the brethren but phil had one weakness be dearly loved mtmiy and different from tbe negro generally 1 loved to hoard it near bv na livea man whi nst troublel by anyscrtipia would pay phil a dollar towork ire hia fields oa sunday oiiesunday niulit phil catut home afterfart 1 accosted him wito where hare you ieenfhflt oh jest knkiug about uiaasi you have been working for millec well you se niassa the old ellowi is in weeds and he jt howed me a silver dollar and i jest coaljut tubi it aiat vou ufiaid bedevil will get yon iir breaking ihe siibnth f pliil scratched hia head a minute ind 6aidi 1 guess the lordll wiase me mas- sa v no he says reriiember the sab bath day and keep it holy phil went off looking pretty sober and it was not long before 1 heard his voice in fervent prayer at tie back of a bam so i thought i would slip dowa aear enough tohear oh lordrieard him taf i have this day ripped and teared cussed and sweared at them confounded oxen of millers and jest bioke the sabbath dayqh putm fnr xnevor you knows isa nothing but a tntterawe heathen anyhow if youll jest forgive me this time i ii never do it again as long as i live eepfen he gives ine fir dollars and a haf a day at this point 1 waa obliged to beat a hasty retreat but i am thinking that poor 17nclephil isnt the offty two dol lar and a half christian in this world clyde stab ia detroit free prett tho winking oaastd among the passengers who baarder- ed tbe eaatbound train at hnjly the other day were a bride and groom of the regular bollyrock older although the car was full of passengers tho pair began to squeeze hands and hag ju soon is they were seated this of coarse at tracted attentionand pretty soon every- body wee nodding and winking a several persons aoiar forgot tbemaelrea as to langh outright by and by the broad shouldered and red handed groom became aware of the fact that he waa being ridiculed and he unlinked him self to the height of six feet looked up and down the aide and said i there seems to be considerable nod ding and winking around here because im bagging the girl who was married to me at v oclock this morning if the rules of this railroadforbid a tsaa from huggiiig his wife after hei pait full faro then im going to quit but if the rules dnnt and this winking and blinking isnt bitten short off when we pass the next milepost im going to begin on the front seats and create a rising market for false teeth and crutches i if there were any winks and blinks in that car the groom didnt catch em at it a smart boy if you should tell all yon know tbe recital might not require any gret length of time bnt if you should attempt to teuali yundioft knowone lifetime would not saffioa i r tfi r s- we hayo the smart boy in centre ville to explain all i must first tell you of hia father like many gentle men bare he akei hia cod liver ou and whiskey each aiorning of course ruch an opportunity ot impressing temper anew principles poh the yonthtul mind could not be lost so each dose west down with a shiver terrtslo frown and exclamation boo i could stand the ood liver oil but this whiskey an othevbhiver ia dreadful our boy listened and stored it h op in hjs youthful mind the other dsy bel was cleaning out tbe top shelf of a clofet for bis metier mi whats thiar v- mother loots eautioosly and amellr oh raneid ead lirer oil aon another boitlo is handed down another and adother eoateots t trying from baspotmful tohalf a oop all spoilt wodlwerou at lut the yootftter raised his eyebrows aad gratejjr re marked iii h ma ita facay that pa lets ajllihii good cod liver ou spoil but aeyer a drop of the whiskey t alameda ret porter t a

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