Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1880, p. 4

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tiuta m tlm tabll trainsleavk aetna as tolls ooimi 4sstv ktgairtproha 15 m tatoaio mall ftloani da- express 1 42p in sawn ilspw dau mired goo east sight exprse gut mixed ds express western mill london ourst 7s07pm 4 lojum ftsism us0am 440ptn 9 so pai trarsioii mosjite mar so 1s nit opooa it ttoa hyadj jivtuatr 4ad7to oosdi stew i a new stak of punts a oct tsck of spectacles stal cases a new stack of combs o h kinds a tkvr stock ol berlin v ooli ul mottoes a new stock o sihcr and colored cardboard a atw stock at kavclopcs sad kote paper wedding and ritthdn ureswts the best sail largest assortment a town call ia ud sign elite vision geo rsnds jeweller aadfaucj goods store actosv toh y aa7 copatk spring trade ijtfec tic i utoe brobj otr tetter by and bye hekciato spring stocka now complete the 34th of may will be a gal day ia cto l vatcii cjff and gusfings have made tte arpeaiuiee- tenced wit i a vengeance rejtbxbet the concert in lii dnll ied qa itswlsv night wquld open th peoptea b wne and advertlse ievo eves sriae j 3 i ntvrtence kqvt plant yout the streeta aro tut icti creaui bum is at lanj uovt tuiaa tha siafa toutota tcy durtf tub ntoo oa moa day x x clothing more a ootctioj paatrv or vestry i kxccbsiox tickuli over the p t r oa mouda or half era actok killsooqaivg street lamps for tt boncht of tit ptiblic a u0e crowd of peoett will no doubt yisit aetoa on the s4th the council 41 bound t put down the fire cracker nuance tuttof witt itt the tug of mtroa uoodsv six men vuicoatutitts side make proper prouuoa for lie ateruig of jour stock dtiruuc tbo wirui weither bead tha pregni am of tlw eatei tsument to be held in the drill shed actoo oa qaeea s birthday evcauac comectios ia ia item la iu tookfc issae s tj posmph emj error occurred miking the queens birthday read 25tu ullt the fish are cp ted to bite every time oa give them a baitat the fish pood m coonectioa vtilh the concert oa uoaday ereuing ir von desire to practice ronntft limping etc you must not do it oa the thei ht raasm lu comi then jpleuty of room oa tic bacfc ctzu mtlr- 1 bste of enckefc end u- cosse dabs eu wix eta died oot tue ur a filled witk uw eet perfume u it- llooau trees urf pimu tbz 1 erndk hut jcidi a grape- tine kitrm si iroand tic crort secma to be jetlickq i a rsectt of shids trees iare been puilteil ia unrz uas jnb lat ct tfecre woui- tae street comaiiesioners tive caciiaeacttltirepaijtar and impcaniii of the etrefi aad sderxitx the tillnge counql here decided tiit hercloct pliafc is s xflxre xken used for edeiiiki cd will kercar ue oni pjie we tould reminctdrirethof rebi cl tfcxl s trfg bvii provide far the distil 6 erswu lio nm horses through lletrwt lac up the sliee residences if tt tier ex seas do 3 or nieet ycr goosebeny tcd ccrriii lasses the terms are dready at worfc irltile hefcbore ptoperlf ipgged till aestro tlem pkolif c a few ees stncsaete betotipic b ilr kolr xixanspevde pve laith tff fcr fonri bth eve and atirefte arc adrised ta dean oppocte the r reapectire at the cosstible till do so hmbs ire t axnjf tell foe he stirrt commissjqbts first it s report in tfcrenee- t worfc t be doae ia the streed oad admits this keuoa read the cxcutes of but coancil meeting 3tfr a a farmer formerly an aetna fcot h his beat ageat it barling fern ctitmc oa the h fc v rahwij- for arr x jr baa been reawred t chelten- hxm vrrcb jlr darid gartfner tie of stj thonii hu enrameaced the battrr ltmness in the shop recently oeea p ed by j teatoa hr gardner tji hhzs had iocs experience m the bosiacsa al jrili tait ect a good article of bread r dlstglttjjtgeti tci aailtol aurftng oftke goflph dutnctsf the jf etlr- odatrtnrtioouikdl held at gait ct the istl ad 19tk usfs eer e hohbi ilr johnsoeikht and mr t a iloore vere the representatives of actos eireait as exchange wishea to knof hy so many of ouryoanjr men resuia single well isj beeaase hoase cleaning comes tke a year aad lasts six months at a tnne there is bo- iing lafhis parajnoh against aaathenii-lav- it ras purpoaelv avoided ceeditabxe qn eatarday but a genilemia toai ronatn pntchased from mr alex secard grocer of this village two ros of fresh batter to- he sent ta fcndam puiladelphia the hatter was made by mi darid black and lira eenj wallace f assail rey a aod ire think the above cenrrence refiecta credit oa these ladies as batter mi km the trees are or patting om their spring soiiav the aoteix ace in fall bloom the birds ace engaged in those domestic ar- raagemeats which follow the engagements entered into on the mth of february sing ing and chattering in a- most pleasing and eictaluig and all datare 11 rejoicing with an exceeding great joy a ad dot u the time when mankind require an outing equal to telezrapljy ft is not so many years ago when telegraphy was looked upan uachimera airf bmicstor hone as visionary we ail iknow dor its vonuerc more recearly pturfiiaasta scooted the idea hat castor oil xoatrf be made pleasant to the taste bat hews ctl 4imrit wlia their rgjauble caster oufcoreoirerf tie problem wolch is a feat in roejlrjre tlmost cqi al to tha t ot profeor ore ulsnotahe nanaeoaa cas tor of or oqrenttanoods days h lips iiu bio and apeeaile u the taste fricesscenta p o samsog bask mr jame matthews postmaster here has been com- monicating with th postmaster general with a new t making acton post office a p0 savings bini has fast received the fouowing fetter j deaesib in re- pij- to yoar letter of the lth last i bejt to say that steps are now being tiken to conatitoteactonpt office zjq stm bank from the first of joly i am yoar obedient servant j otofwarr supfc this is a step in the right direction and we at of opinion that many of pur cttlatm will welcome the mswe as l wib be a safe andeoovesieai place in which to jenosft thsar aavinga go to j b mcg we at9 of owqioq that nine- tenth of tht ratepayers vflt ophold the coaacii kl enforcmg th bylavf respecting cars ntaoiagat uijc- taec caw of thd copy of th flvi daf xvtotfqiztttxim tmucoaumnuinr ueou of lafeceat ta joaj uid amaa others a propumio of the cacett cojirutcr is raiw tbat isorae people irt too pear ttxprotida paatare for thttr court those to are too poor to pasture them skuald cell them tfaitdr outdoor cabbarea 25c per 100 cachhoicers and tomatoes a beat ran- ettea rhubarb aeitaragns and eouqaets all nor rehdr at jfrs s a secord c taccoancu tisb tbaae planting shade tree on the public sirtcu to under stand that they maat be planted with am fortuity sx directed it the tre plaatafi bj ixw j xiilttv is going to try to cu brute tier majestys birthiuf- or adnce u save yoar tnone and come to acton a here f aa cutinutesi a cetebnlioa worthy ct tha a pecoiscs of the pouiinwa tele graph company here has4ea removed from the aieceof messr chnitie henderton tt co to- that of ilr j ej ilcoama and ilias elhe watsoa has been appointed as opersfcur look oat for tlie bdaxaij xoie loottccpics to be issued fraat this office oa qaeens btrthdayand dutnbote1 free graur ft gxllcjctaih aloof good rcntllv matter and also tell you trha are the lire axerchacti of the town i lecturer j e watsoo pretty tell lnotn 12 this coauty ix accused by the ildbroot mzsnq e hiring neglected pa pay his pnntmjj bills and other uttle accocnta watsua one proposed ta do some business tito this oct and all trouble tss avoided by a request for ad vxnee payment he dtdat get the vrork done gzefpk cratl a little account of 8 or 10 a tuts his pivmenfr at this office xotxce to advebxisees inatrnc tions hire been issued from the foot office department in relation t tbe enclosure of hmdbihc in nettpajierb aa snpplementa if they are enclosed in newspapers hereafter the rate of postage- oa papers will be three cents i pound ertra hcreafttr mereuinu tishisg to send tuppleroeata through the newrpapen wil hara to pay thrx additionil postage and no newspaper can nolate this role wijiout defrandinff the goyexxment reruaalc sir richard kichlin and wife of ftubscn are visiting their ctaa fneads jlisa jessie barber of georjiffowii rutt ed her acton friends on saturday sits w calton of attica 5t r was in acton last saturday noting her fneads mr emmanuel garrett of brocknlle formerly of this village gave v a call yesterday j jtrs b bowman of blair father in law to ev r hobbs paid his- atton fnends a riait this weel netle worth atttntlen fnesu dutut o4 eg at nout- iijal llulio i fisesthknu ehriit milknirjr it jtontoal house fou aretio sola try l o mutlo owl uc fouutalu rck cream and sutdmerdrlnka tt the exccaor bakery 11 joutds light sugar for 100 at the moiijfttsl louse best tau and wgarj ia acton it chapman monttxliloui- ir you want a nobiy durable and eneap suit j fjlei u the plac to g foe a fine class bajby carriage go ta john timer la tin 8ords bfeek go to dh jlorrowa for dicks blood purifier and itdian blood eyrup chairs m endlja varfely at john turners in mrs taoortts clack aolon spiondu miortatt of qhcktr of ill klli it tht oit cffles btort oltejoltn tuiner a call before going to tfuelph or qeorgtiown for fur nllur feesb bpnk freah erory jay al tajt good in thtm at the kictllior- bakery cocoa nuts dulcs maple sugar tc at l q matthews ice cream and fruit parlor christies oatmeal stilt and frama biscuita at b j- e xicbline balrery largest and beet etoek of dry goods bofcla aud shoes at muiitreul house hats from 75 c8u lo j25c at j fylos yrangea and lemons atwaya in stock at l g matthews ice cream and fruit parlor qho ice tweeds and cheap suits nude to order chniue henderson t co acton a coott felt hat lor 75 cents at j fytav xes prints cheap for cash t ji haalctt2 sevr store christies lemon and tillage bis cuits and ginger xuta an b i hi kicklins bakery good value in 50 cent tea at b easletts uevr store icecreaml ic oeain hf the iiart bnclcu supplied true at the kscclsior balcry s t ix kiekun diia room pirlor and j3ed room furniture at john turners in mrs secords block acton a kew lot of those heautiful ladies and gentt faill handkerchiefs at chraue henderson i jos choicest black tea only 75c if you want a really choice tut ask for it atchrlatie henderson s cos gkaxd dlijilay of new and fashion nbfc millinery this week si ihe glasgow house acton lhrulie henderson co potatoes lawson bros hare just reoived another stock of first class potatoes and will seu taenx cheap for cash uillivert end millinery goods new choice ana cheap no finer prices or ilillmerv clrutie henderson t co fat a good assortment of first- ufi furmluer go t joli xurae- rorailure taxe m mrs becord a block acton covjica so cent tea wiling cor 50 cent 75 cent tea cor go cent 60 cent tts for 70 ceata black 75 dent tea for g5 ceata at moutrexl house acton oo tc tie pert ofica sto fox ti ouauijn wita ltti zk1 lod braialac colors ud au tixazi reinisltss new tveeds altobhy tweed huit for iitc at the glasgow hoasa chrwiit teaderson co let oa hare your orders eaily tisr dr morrows german ftsl ram for oalds coogha asthma bran chitu croup whoopisg cough and consump ma i tlfportaxt to all coscersed call or chnsue uendersoa t co- for really new neat and stylish millinery at bottom prices fiisi8simwmsalaiiisssei king of th1iry g60ds christie henderson a c t o in carpets oarpets oarpets pumes requirikg kew carpets aeh inhted to come axd ex vliiveoarmwnlnefolimci w shov over 191 peueinao obulre brussels tapestry allwpol union felt carpet i a thte qaodt trrrrjftojaf tad fau mi an anueqyuuilf is- ptr yard clkixr hunt ihcj wfw is uiugu jut lo dciy if- 1451 l45lr jaccidest on thursday jexening lastmrc s smith ras trotting his horse- overthfrrace course md when at a very ust rat of speed oie of the holdbacks broke and tbe horse began to kick mr smith seeing his danger ampxd oat and let the- herse go the horse ran into the fence wrecking the baggy and spraining ita leg in the fall mr smith severely sprain ed his right aim as wsfl as recemngtitlier minor injuries both man and horse are mefiding keaetfy for bard times stop spendidgsomrch on sseerotlies rich food and etyla bay good healthy food cheaper and better elothingrjget more real and isubftantisi things orlife every way aw especially stop the foou ish habit of ranmngafter expensive iad qnaak doctors or using so much of ihe tile hambsg medicuxthst dcesyoa only harm and makes the proprietors rich but pot yoartrust in the greatest of all simple pure remedies hop bitters that caret always at a tnffing eoit aid you will see better times and good hearth try it once bead 6f it m another columij j the harvest season for nuwapapers of large circulation has jet tt our readers who hare been waiting for the good tunes w31 doubtless find the increased adrertoing m ttmfwpsxsr pleasant reading ball esftwol be found that advertisers mean bnsineas they are oosoateat to stand by the way side and spead all their time wmch should be devoted to sellag end buyfog in merely snaking known io passers by wliat thsy have to sell hut instead of using their own longs tht make oaf of the lflexuaast- iblo longs of th press arvinsdihigstore we are getting up this noted line of tweed suits in better style than ever wt guarantee them equal to any 18- or 20 suit made in the city the lion lias the stock the lion does the trade come to the lion hjelph j d williamson co new prints new dress goods new millinery new felt hats new tweeds c the hejestjstoak and best value ia white ai gray cottons duckgdenimagboots and shosscasssaairmg daily best valae to teas sugars eaisins currants biscuits soaps c i i we want all the eggs you can bring new advertisement next week grand opening uapaxaholsi display of haadsamelqoods o buoham guelph guftph ol0th hall french cambrfe shirts n oho lea patterns ix ali counts- axd sixes l g matthews hag the largest beat assarted aod finest savored stock of candles ever exhibited us actoo at his lee cream and fruit parlor farmers remember tbat plow casfinss of all kinds are kept an hand at the free press o bee b w kig those besntiful pnnls at the old pnees daeit ms hhfrtings gray and white cottons all at the old prices christie henderson co yotr cannot fail to be suited in sideboards rureaus kedsteadr wnit- nots cribs aad cradles at john tur ners in mrs secords block seton ixkeise rush for millinery and mantles styles unique prices low and ngtrtimmenredisplar onrcirpeta sre- likeivue kept in this showroom in large variety cheap mcleod anderson i co hooae plamtt holse plasts xast received at aler secords a large stock of beautiful house plants and hanging basleta come early and leave yoar orders as they sr uenig rapidly iizated of and cannot be replaced rocking and tn horses and wag gons of all kinds at jshu turners acton pare ice- cream by the dish or fuart at l g- matthews ice cream and i i 4 life rmt parlor 1tewgjoo ccelons black cashmeres- gents white shirts gents underclothing white lace curtains v a lot of silsec and buttons gilt marble works wellington mar ble works quebec st quelph messrs mcquillan t haniltou proprietors are di reotimportctsof all kinds of marble and granite having a large stock on hand purchaed previous to the late rise in pries of marble they will continue to sell all kinds of meouiaents head stones mantles in slate or marble attwrusaed low prices satisfaction guaranteed 41 tf new shirtings cheap for cash at b hasletfs new store the mammoth house u a busy as nailers in the ordored clothing department we bail to get sfz aew hand the reason why firstclass catting the garments mads correct ihe prices low the stock immense and varied now is your time to leave your order oor dry goods stock ir ooiripleu in every depaidment mcleod anderson a co for garden field undee0l0thii r cottos merivo lisle thread casujiere blls shaw murtdn merchant tailors troths y hop bitters a sfcdicloe not a urlok dostilkg dops baeha mandrake pandellen ajro tutic pokefr ad best mailol qcixitias or axc otkbh birrsn tue y ccbe all dfseares or the hlomaeb jjowrtf blood uver kiinov aud udilarf qs- saiis xurvou ass sleoi ineas kemale complalou and uronkonnes- s sfooo meotrv will be paid for eas- ttiey wul not eore or help or for nirtblngliapuflrtiut oui found in ilein ait your drucxlst for hop bitters and frt bookr and iry the bulers before yoa sleep take no other tht hop cough cure aad pain bditfu hie cheapest strut ma bttt hon bmaiis hro co rochester s r and toronto- onl for sale by all urottlsts spring millinery mrs tfetfair would- intimate to the ladies of acton and vicinity that she has now on bead a good stock of mnxwhiy and is propsmo to make to order in any of the lavost ttyiis as- cheap as any ctheh in ofr c dress it mantle making ia all the latest styles and on short notice agent for buttericxt patrw hair woek donb to obdb mbs mcnaib main street actdn and flower seeds montreal house firy goods tweeds milinery groceries boots and shoes mens axd boys eilaftis drtjg medicines i tsta large lot 0 ihe above itstt 0 goods o hanll aad vm be ttld iheap chapmans corner store acton begs to- announce hi grand general exhibit of new apnnggoods aod extends a cordial invitation to every lady m acton and sarrounding towna aod ceuntry lo visit the saahionable west end clothing btore in every department a large and magniaceos alock will be exhibited bucham faihlonable wuteaddnu mantle and milliner esiahfulmsxt ffseipt what is this it is therv is always such a ruab to eeryboty wonders how i slirs pjiotogralpi galleiy fde fhotogrhaphs tha is all explained when you see the quality of the work at tow pnot 1 why pay 600 per dor for cabinet portraits when yoa can get them nst aa good for 8350 per in i why pay j0fr per dot far carte 4s fities skesi yon can got them forl w i ixt art intttcd fcr adz and tee specimen and prices for fltenaelatr c w httt photo f s all kinds of framiitg done a large as sortment f velvet and fancy goods very cheap o w hill furniture furnjture r hi w- wkv we hive now a fall stock ah imda of rain fin and artistio furniture sew ajsd fcthkmabh fer the spring trade opholstesedt feoa specialty wj were awasdedall the oral prises on uptiolstered joous at oar genirai eimmu ll wfaa would ealleslatlniloioihlstwjy atrorwwbrpiptdlftuly eeldl wouldeallspeetala kinds lo stock and airfvlns dally lalacuon fuaranteed t siexertbtcblik haste ton blook upper wyodhamsirem s1sjt john worifolp it 00 oueuph z u furniture a good assortment of firstclass furni ture of every deeenp- ton- eonttafitry on hand pnoes aa tow as quelph er george town a call bouctted john 6peioht jpeti ipijii undrtakillf xvery daeoripub ef coffins euketk and all fatten qoimte amsyekepk in stock a fcanov- owe bum fur- ubdied a low rate tsautsluaoysmis iwillo w stsaaov acroar he has best and cheapest sassortment in towql 1 1 v

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