r- 1 s zzzsmssmaeam teea f hw6 foiks cqbxbb aaamajasaaai bertiea philosophy nuu boy bertie drtwior oa b mi locking ftt th ehtckcot pottcttd rt a the ru ctulft phtloopw rpkloijti bwr t don l e hot w hjert do chickens come rem kltmrus picmc to tell veekoairlbcj taaijifraaitgk knaradcr rcll i ciuwe the jd hen hitched ctp i fcaow fw bat thcu i 4v ui t i oa tell me u j iiw the est the hca t spot a you m nj toy ut the otio h and dig foil voalda t cu j oa ii iter stoulda t yoa feci bid e cry ungle thing oa uy t knew ytirt ftga flvrertf rttfn camerow fcwjjwlai a phr o fear yoaog taca were trtv cling a korthcra xcr england mttiqt upon diking the tuost of incited nciuoas from baunets mi ttady the rode or wilted j mfwwtttinim diautd uroiog tilde f roaithe tmut uioroljfiuxir wherever there ina promise ot pleasure they hxd heixd flf l uewrli lucorrttd nerfilt la the depths of the forest tad looked tbcat for a sii irio irould jed uieta there guest fonrvt qcixcs u ro lacg with ytr uii m old ixruux of wrhatn they made scene uxqdmcs to to tinra oa t twas lim tint w the fill fust of tnvbody oa go right the road qaaer of t mile or to tnijthca turn otf into t lmc ad fctep oa until yoa cucm to house there c icjicre miss grxves lire t zud if j 03 cia find le zwy to idee hell tell uj more boat oatdoor tt cg tfcut snykoas ixooad tere trtne thtt jotzngttert lrmt to go trtaip eg rocad tint fuhion mcttered thetpilerii the jmpaai vautfel on in the way he bd indtcoiii ithe puiucji4 aoce ui yet ererjtiiidg ixispole lie renement t d ttt ic iu u occfijultili vwfit day d tae uciii wm dawt ciuatka wcr the ruois growa oof a plot t fcroaad devtitel to ijoytrt bore wucest la its irrtocmeat ud leendicg of rjor to true irustt tc je ire lootjnp far c gxpi to the rfcr fi wd the v inix viio 0d lnocki t the door rttriavini hxt 13 the prweae of one whom tt brat gliccs he recoguind u fxd f hv soa his gcidcd c fe pirtiet wxt fcec repy t will call htea a tingle ba iris icjjrrpj witii slaxt n ixrcji toe bay aoe ji new tlioroshbrtd vts the comment mxjc bj ace auid aeter wii this term used mor filtiat ffirrtst genres secruxs were enied d uie pixtv letflg tlretdy prorided with food for the dxy ct oat t onie the de wxliucj la idruice with 1 qcick ejiatae up which wis the eery of hit compiawot he did not intrude apoa them k2 wit tmply icttaj u their pi ide ind tjx le oaly hea ddreisej or wkea cecciury to pre borne direclia he ied theat to the deirtd pami where he withdrew to ihyrt di- uaccf yet tuciinj where he caald tee the glaciflc of the witer hejjofced up lad irotind to cite the posiiion o the can icd wd la iboat tea mfnaiesjriiubow wdi tia tle fxi they wijted crpecttat gndmlly tie rch grew to perfectioa before ttietr gue al thai is xdaxur dicippexred ajlvt t be bch cpstun kothxdgto fee compared to this re- proverb a good maxim la never out of teuton a bitlecjoat it iba polaou ot rtcna kip busncm ia tbe wh of life oonloal a ib jtruo philoaonheri stwa oonsunl oocuptioa pcotenu tomf- udan ucbt is tuo lsorat kind of povtrlj dajjcad not oa fortune but conduct expacwuce i be mother of icieaee erenr act u beat taught ujr example farohlca ate commonly uafottunale false friends are wotw ban open eoeoitee goodness always enncbea um pot- sosaor good maanoct trc aura ta produce respect he srho acis jreatly u traly ereal emu wj ogres though heads dif fcr industry is never milruitful idkocss u lha ctulcbre at a lining mi joy surfeiled tarrt to sorrow jtoculur slanders olteu prove aenous tnjurits jsluidaesa is last upon aa ungrateful man keep not oor coret huh u not laucowu little broovi mstce great nsera ltttlis things attract ircat minds iiode4ty has more chirms than beauty xcifurtune is the touchstoneof fnend ship no hopes should influence- uc ta do evih xo tears tbouji xieter at from doing good obedience is better thin sacrifice freaenoe of mind is aeceasuy al m times quench all immoderate desires k tnhutioa belongs togod soniettiiics vard mauad mare abas ssrords to say little and pet form much is aoble use time as though you knew its talne vanity renders beauty contemptible wic catches of wit as fire of fire youth 11 the season for improreraent zealously eudearor to maintain good jtincplef maotfaotdrigf st wsmuam 4t tib mit get se kmnfraa cr clark johnsons liiian bleed sjrui one hundred and sixteen hands emplojed between making up and disposing of the enormous stock 77 w 2naw rkcifv f bich is about twice as large as thatof any other house ii hamilton and much more varied so that ualhnman j 1 which customers can save both time and money oy making their purchases at these immense store for waredsstuijaforcttiuand aellifor oaah uli sales are so ery njuoli larger man ay other store in town tie buys about twice the quantity of goods that any otlfer hamilton hauio aid ojspon of and oonaejuently lu eheaptr thaa iboai tjho can only purchase small lots and buying for eah lie goes aur and eren twre that goods can be jmlhfc olieapht he employs a llutle army in manufacturing ihe following goods which are all cut out and madt up onder the uierridon ot lomt orilujllafjtutaloua haaiiitcanada ludie andtjxlams mantles dplnun ulalersfithus ireases eoalumes wrappers alio iklrta nlgbt dresses drawera and chemises in pi 40 fancf nd embroidered otny maeriil uats bonnetsj and all ktnds of millinery goods ladles boars m ties uents and youibc bows tie scarfs shirts hodorawers in grt at tirietf juiuttporled a fry bandaonti assortment of he newetfij lei of london tin lews and surfs which lor real beauty in shades dealgns andjjnalitl canoot be surpassed wlillt ibey arebalngsolsal tbe same proht bi gwrl dry goois which mnkesthem muob iuwerthn usual prices j lla niakeiorslilrtfronisnnddioktes sell well eejnaves shirts from ke tor nice luteshiks up to fceo for fie tery best which hare a labulously targe sale 27jdo- o beautiful frepoh csmbne retattaand wblt shikaar biog made at hla isclary now which vill complete a stock big enough for a wholesale boue jit also does a good business in making geuta dressing owns 1be tuojil uuub 30 and 32 kkig threat east iinmllton ciom to liuglion dreec hamilton april 23 1879 thomas c watkins hamilton 6 haslett would axv0uncetothe citt- 71vs f acton mill clnllv thai is uattijhacilu uuuiw iiullm4 wtlt selected ck c dry goods groceries crockery ciasswarl i nt that he is prepared to sell it the most reasonable rice tor o sh and would respectfully foluit shsie of thir t picfoosje cooktry product taken fa bxcuasue sffoawiber the stay 8toce mil st eaat acton b haslett ictus pec cthlkt i scon k bownes palatable castor oil u petoutd in l tora preaiy trwiic tn dij- drruflamotticauuyepcnctix ia fu miauljcdirc om pcoperuei of ihft oft lint pcotfac pla ud jri- piur 4m eliaujuxed uid ilic tendavl acsl oaly m latipjatttat ta ex ittfoabuc tbulutclr uacletf cad pakuble it et preeffltnadf the taatjan- re tod cathiftic koosni md u l remedy tor cos- tiraox ctxaaufuuon tad til inceiuoil denude- menu t k uoccullecl and t daxjntd to ulc ttc nliceof crude 1 and iu efntte phuuid peft- utol for je tyill dcvjjuuit fjceattiu- tic doa cu p tr tc new boot shoe shop vtt5 w llc a ms ould respecr- i a hjltv lutlinu o th ri acton ad ieldt hik no hs oicicit bool akhekhaplt tbe bailulnfcoiipoll w k kiurrigloe vartoa ullm hxuin acrov aorooala wantaf a clbtuntlll ind tool aitlnc boot or shoe iuaad not farltoletvcthclromerit i inland siria s jocuuty ui proper attacdcl to w williama aetanbpt if in phed forrettl voa efind it hxrd clicib- mg bstfaaii need au one to tiiar joa the sray hi fft for v be snd fceep goaed orer foarhirersicfci they irerenat long gone retarttiflg ttllf famished i tliey protested and clad to nd that tables tad putet had- been impro- rued cor the occasion csn i uif any asautancef sited the guide c van a assist m finillv dispesjig oc our protwinttff vts the hiriv respnose i f thank too i hare ray om ianeh and again the boy went airay by iumrelf ltr when fall jwtice hid been kione to fiejr repist and a cast u laodr hail fur ptshed eseh with a itimnuung drmrht orrest grares was calkd vos molt dnnk uith cs if yon will not eat wiix m nair sat the avaer ot the dzflr anf the most reclless of the party so ttrj thanfc joa vu the boy panrfeoas response j bt i ihajl insist upon it yon can do aa yoc please and i shall do as i please the v mla sprang to his feet and with aboool stood beside the bar too ntdeb absorbed in his awn purpose to heed the quivering lips and fl e ea of an ofher itowjoa are ooond to try my brandv iat ways rale j oa cannot rule me these words iere scarcely ottered when the bait was seised and hurled info the stream here the clinking of lus betray edits utter de- atraeticm tnea a clear defiant tone ranr cat did it in selfdefense yoa had no right to tempt me ily father was once a rich tnd honorable man bat he died a miserable iraakaeii and my mother came here to lire to keep me away from liquor till i was old enaneh to take care of myself j hare promised her a hundred times i wotildat taste it and id die before id break my promise j brsycly said torgire me and let ns shake hands sty mother would be a happy vomin if i were as hrare a man as yon i vonliattempfe yon to da wrong i shall never forget ron forrest grares nor the lesson yon hara taught me t the most rackteaa was the most generous nd aeemfrhis error apologized frankly how many boyi need to be kept from atrongdnnt and alas how many men ltd women 1 ft ho dares attempt them 1 let it not be yon and l if wasnt tn toothaeht i ta the ladies waiting room at tfie central depot the other day were a newly married coujde from grass late they had ben nsttin- m the city two or three days and were then ready to co home they sat side by aide of coarse his arm around her waist and she ieanin- on his shoulder a long vaisted stranger from the e irt hanng sore eyes and a big heart wilked in saw tlern thus seated and m about a minute he asked of the husband has that iranian there got the tooth ache v the husband looked up in surprise but made no answer after two or three minuw the long vaisted man gam remartid f that woman has got the toothache ye got s bottle of pepermmt in my atchel hens the bride rolled her big eyeg irvtrnd and the husband looked aameibst em birressai thalmsn from down east unlocked his satchel fumbled amocg shiru and collare and brought up faur ounces of peppermint essence he uncorked it touched the contents of the bottle against his big red tongue and handing it to the husband feelingly laid just have lier sop soma on a rag and rub her gooms with it wei 8 used it in our family tpr the brides eyes threw out sparks as 6he lifted h head from lta iosi tion and striking at the bottle sue snarld ont tathache yon fule if yan dont know the difference tween lore ud ttithacbe ycud better pick grass with the geese lly gracious gasped the man and he burned out riljh hia sitchel m one hand and tbe bottle in the other when tho affectionate father of five ffrown daughters calk at the hardware store for an extra stoat pair ot gate hmges ft means that the spring earn- paigrf ha opened i why a latfar oaesnt oo becauco you forget to address it because j on forg t to stamp it because you forget to write the own on the envelope because you cat out an envelope- stamp and pasted it on yoar letter because yau used a foreign stamp becautejoa wrote the address on the top of tbe eat elope and it was surely obliterated by he poatofficedat ing receiving and canceling stamps and because oa put your letter in a blank envelope and sealed it and forwarded it to the dead letter office where tboasands of valuable letters are destroyod because the people are either carvless or ignorant of the postal laws and to the above we would add a few reasons why an aaswer dont come became yon do not sign jour name because yon sign it so indistinctly it cannot be read 1 because yon do not give name of potto see became you do not give thi name of county because yon write with a pencil which ii rubbed off ana illegible beciuse vou use ink so paie and dim it cannot be read because you write so poorly no one can read it became yon do not inclose stamp o prepay postage on the answer nassagaweya ltjmbee shinclejtlllls peter 8ayer8 woctllntlmnle that he ha on hand at his mill- in jmic irmerli icnaan asiaql lrall uric itocfc of lumber uath and hncls of all fclntlt nd qualities oheap no slilnclcs 830 per square bill stuff cut to order termbcash i leteu savers aetata dec g 7 i n r h tt tr i for only weekly agjiauitural paper punted asd published ik the dominion sow ik its sec013 olovte unparalleled success i kewtnd imprtmd fonn- 16 pats r o11i7 one dollar per tear for 5 xuhheos i t kumbere iroath 832 pages 1 year j calomni for one dollar vroted una ja arvxtark hocucolnire si dxitt evxdut ute apiay hozxtzji j c peruiajif a fxxm booi i oat of doon tm la doon tit tteetif comaauil supxix ud prices ut tradable tbe exjiaydinift tacdm hie wer his met milk u lsl tis4s o lie fcoatut ct quudx dunag he put ytift ttiadnmnriled ia tie r 0 joartnj- gn sfiti i llxcciiiofibicai pcitcii vtitcrr irr a- tckz stjojlt jajulj bilcs it cnl- jittt ad c adenee c t rzlsiile 01 ire ippanirctlrjrfroa its atar fusacnbcrt iakon scoot a tbe use tad llniatx cojumba ia he wat oajtple copies fttre j priiiirfijvlpublaheduiheweqiisfjamlm ng hogg cciwithed liu bf k tt colcock preprieoic rppawcediuy addict cakatjux parker drmcr h vtdliad oat groceries if yocj irint jood tod elieap urtjctf la ct- ts wss sale board stables i mill street acton is where yoa can get firstclass bigs at reasonable rates j good commercial brigs an exrress delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town ah parties indebted ta iif g es- tahlishment are requested 10 pay up without further delay and sate coals ed mattaaewe proprietor te a s ii eitfrars syrups 1 spices r and tobaccos of all kinds j feesh asd sweet hardware of all lands paints and oils hinges and locks nails ghss i puttr 8 alt by the barrel i all cheap fur cash qo to- o t hills f iqll street actoa organs j a 3t 3d- i sewing machines attention i attention 1 1 ennlne if teros full pennine harpers bazaar pat- suits only 25 cents stsjiw axd felt hats asd botkits doki ovib ix alltm lirsst stylis mesee pass wishes to ik- korhthe laiflesof aclonandvlclnltr that she baa lately learnt the krei eh modoor cuttinif and fit tin and is now prepsred to give even ffrutr stiifwtloa qua forasrly wedainrand rvnra flowcn embalmed dresaea anu jnckeu cat and a perfect nt gnaranurd al a reasonable price for btyllsh and cheap bais and boo lets it raoto mese uposs bl aoonwsaqnare jnelph m robt craine acton la prepared to call on persons retn ring ejlbor j sewine machines or org ins he has agencies fkom best mflouiaoinreritln theeotm the ry and will gnarartre iollfmton o pnrchaseni terms very ensoi bb4 unlrrs left at his residence or uddrmc ii lo him to actorv p 0 vlll ncotva prom pt attention b cbilne vjwnhfi i ajixjji sssbe n i txasxvast1 cures pueati ftrtrjt 4 bheummf orotmu 1 ttie largest and most complete faototy in tbe dominion 1iozl 00 bighest honors ever any maker in the world awarded to stliraul anil dqjna ai ctulnmcil ts utdal and dijjnma at syd ley australia ftgold uidd at provincial exhibition tjconlo isrhtghst aursrd at ndadri d exhibition taroala 1870 1877 1878 1879 we pre now manufacturing square and upright i3sr os best in the market correspondence solicited send for illustrated catalorus mailed free address dominion organ piano company bowilanvllle ontario rlgat htm heart bluourus jtcrcout dkbtufxtc thabehdwoomtslki ooooioeitsnitesoidsntctiii 4 9000000 bottles 4 his syrup possesses yarttyerta f it tlnltea um pytrattoe u 1m pmtttm wlilek evsrrrsa she asarr aadlabavrftw tut li pmeom a sdemt l prtrba r wlad anl heirlbsr f i i 1sw i ssssarh it ike nvdlclsv i like muti auly afirr cailaf lie ft etfitjt prereaied ii aru ajxolke titer 2 ltuu apalkeklaaera z ii begalte ike bwl t i it partoes- fka rkvad ilqiielsibe rrruhrstts l 11 prwf olgml- i ii rtnrlsbr hirrrciben twtlganbi tr rnrrlr nltrhrftld bleed rart mklna iwig tr tjpm itir r rf rkr ilfm nrtd lrf dealtby pcrsplrauaa iloeutsnzo tbelttnellirtbrfcrporihtki 1 uood rci cnrniessczofalaljtkpelis tadav of asm itsesceaasdtsacaahiubosa than an no rnhlts employed 1 1 1 s t and it can t takas by tho ami donate babe cc lj he tirai ad fnehl tn fmj iamf rwjmtrtj tx s ttmtitm t0 dtrtctu i i f2icb opiieos e0ttle3 tuk fsics os skau bottles j k raadlh voluntary testimonials 1 of persons who hare been curedibythi 4 us of the blooo purifier 4 grand new goods j wm stewaet co 1 bflg to nrmounc v ciraod upenlnof iery department seial drives in itew parasols iroxn 25cte t and bilk umhreusi at customary low pneea we have secured some very cheap and ishlonarje lines of dres goods tteshowachoioesa lection of fane new millinery staple goods as us usni1 are well assorted just received one gross more of these cheap tails napkins at 75 cents per dcz linens hsre so adfanced tint we cannot repeat thenj 1 our felt hats are acknowledged he cheapest andnewest slyles every gentlemsn in vited to call and examine our cl3thng department is m fall blast nobby new fweeds and cheap wm stewart co 1 to fa1eeeis thos gowdt co u mantjfactofters xif tbe reaper and r gowdys celebrated gang plow also chilled jointer plows general purpose steel mould board plows mowers bakes fanning hills tnrnlp seed orillfc rgws lawn mowers fcc sfetvt cfive ns a cau tjefore puronasing eleewhere psices lo t fetkb i ii tt important to farmers fo hum that hate pnrthaxd iht estate of levi gottxtt y son and can fumisk paru for anrf a repair an m plemmit manuacltered by that firm thos qowdy co careir erysipelas lit koreat wellington oo ont can j due sib i 4ras severely afflicted with rrsipeua for two year and 4 snort trial of your indian bloesl syrup efiectually cured me mrs janet asdehsos z elver conplaint h t forest wellington co ont can v dsib la i hate used jour great indian blood syrnp for livei com- f i plaint end hire received jreat unebt ji therefrom v recommend its use to all siuiilarty afflicted nelos cak disease of the stomach jft forest wellington co ontcao dig sa this is to certify thalycur aluahle indian blood syrnp cured ma of cramps in ihe bitnach w a curbow 4 best stdicino j hare ever t c lfuville orfoik l yn desk sis i cave used a great many 3 medicine but a better medicine haa our indian blood hyrop cannot u made ll ia the best blood t untiereter used phter wasdlui 1 a cousnuiption wiqdbsm center deii s i cannot find language t fully eapress the pnise which in giali- lude 1 would utter lor the bcarfital hare leceired irom jour excellent indian blood syrup it has doi what doctors could not do or failejfodn i waa suffering wiih ccoacmption tors long time heavy cough fain in cbrrt hoaldrr and tak jaiid your indill blood sjrnp has worked a periret miracle i would recommena all to girt v it a trial v u i w u cunnlnuhaal- i dyanepal i i jjt ajlmer elgin co0ae fix i have uied your remedy lor t dj spepsla and rea mine d it to all krs juhs fab1h1s8 a valuable hedlelre fia 1 have used you blood sjnp and found it a wonder dil and raluabla medicine mbs betsey bebfobbi aylmer ont splendid remedy for dyspepsia eie 1 have used your india j blood 8ymp and caufed it to w f nsed in several cases of tjyspepia am found it to be splendid remedy v w w whitlv ajrlmer ont found as recommended cir 1 hve used your indiu- blood syrup lor dyspepsia and found it to be as recommended jolln w qllikt ji i aylmer pnt an agents testimony r r aylmer oat j so i hare used and sod the jndi4l j blood syrun and find ii the best rem- edy tn use lor dyspepsia ndas a blood i purifier lisnsbivsk v eheumatlsm sra 1 have been troubled with matism for great manv jean tfor indian blood syrupia the only tj of many remedies that did me any good i reoommind it to all 1 urb cath cbisbou kenyonfjlengarry cu ont dyspepsia and indieestiont sia your indian blood syrajt has cured me of dyspepsia and indigeef lion it has also esectually ooied nij wife of same disease jjrruttos joanf coatham ont soli owisral ataati for ouud northrop lyman no 21 troat st veit toronto also igents for i mother mobles healing 8f rdfc an eefllsh discovery which iaiwau knowrlaaa valuable and effective ji n r a anownhaaajaatledaeaeeuvitto ouelpoy ont fordier throoiaout 0 worfd t j i